
Moetai Brotherson, de retour du Japon, fait le bilan

Le Président du Pays Moetai Brotherson était l'invité du journal du mardi 22 juillet. De retour du Japon, il s'exprime sur la grève qui paralyse l'aéroport de Tahiti Faa'a (ADT), sur le problème des transporteurs de Moorea, mais aussi sur le coup de gue

Moetai Brotherson, de retour du Japon, fait le bilan

Le Président du Pays Moetai Brotherson était l'invité du journal du mardi 22 juillet. De retour du Japon, il s'exprime sur la grève qui paralyse l'aéroport de Tahiti Faa'a (ADT), sur le problème des transporteurs de Moorea, mais aussi sur le coup de gueule des prestataires touristiques de Teahupoo ainsi que sur son déplacement au Japon et en Azerbaïdjan.

La ministre des Outre-mer bientôt en Polynésie française et en Nouvelle-Calédonie

La ministre des Outre-mer, Marie Guevenoux, se rendra en Polynésie française, dans le cadre de l'épreuve de surf des JO de Paris 2024 et en Nouvelle-Calédonie, pour répondre à la crise que connaît l'archipel depuis le 13 mai, soit une dizaine de semain

La ministre des Outre-mer bientôt en Polynésie française et en Nouvelle-Calédonie

La ministre des Outre-mer, Marie Guevenoux, se rendra en Polynésie française, dans le cadre de l'épreuve de surf des JO de Paris 2024 et en Nouvelle-Calédonie, pour répondre à la crise que connaît l'archipel depuis le 13 mai, soit une dizaine de semaines.

Study - Identifying data gaps in the textile industry and assessing current initiatives to address them - 23-07-2024

This study identifies data gaps throughout the textile industry supply and value chains, from fibre to the end of product life stage and assesses current initiatives addressing them. It also exposes the following challenges: missing data, data accessibility,
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - Identifying data gaps in the textile industry and assessing current initiatives to address them - 23-07-2024

This study identifies data gaps throughout the textile industry supply and value chains, from fibre to the end of product life stage and assesses current initiatives addressing them. It also exposes the following challenges: missing data, data accessibility, data management, reliability and relevance, mandatory or non-mandatory data collection, data sharing, and data cost issues. Drawing on a literature review, 17 stakeholder interviews and 2 expert workshops, the study gathers essential insights from the field, and evaluates current and forthcoming initiatives for addressing data gaps. It goes on to discuss policy options geared towards using data to help achieve a sustainable transition and circular economy in the textile sector. Views on how to use data to tackle the fast fashion phenomenon are presented at the end of the study. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Proposal to simplify VAT rules for e-commerce (imports) - 23-07-2024

The rise of e-commerce has required changes to the system of value-added tax (VAT) to ensure that the rules allow for smooth and fraud-proof transactions between customers and sellers. The major overhaul of the VAT rules for e-commerce in 2021 introduced a se
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Proposal to simplify VAT rules for e-commerce (imports) - 23-07-2024

The rise of e-commerce has required changes to the system of value-added tax (VAT) to ensure that the rules allow for smooth and fraud-proof transactions between customers and sellers. The major overhaul of the VAT rules for e-commerce in 2021 introduced a series of important simplifications for businesses, such as the creation of an import one-stop shop (IOSS). The IOSS allows businesses to declare and remit VAT on all their business-to-consumer (B2C) distance sales of imported goods across the EU (i.e. goods bought online and dispatched/transported from a third country to a customer in the EU) through one single VAT return, rather than in each country where they make a sale. However, at the moment, the IOSS operates with a threshold, whereby the distance-selling of imported goods with a value above €150 cannot be declared in the IOSS. Having assessed that the €150 threshold constitutes a burden to businesses, the Commission proposed on 17 May 2023 to further expand the IOSS by removing the threshold entirely. This change would open the use of the IOSS to a wider range of businesses, which would benefit from lower compliance costs. The proposal is subject to a special legislative procedure, requiring unanimous support in the Council, following consultation of the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee. Negotiations in the Council are on-going. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Achieving food security: Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2) - The EU's role in ending hunger and improving nutrition - 23-07-2024

On 8-17 July 2024, the UN high-level political forum on sustainable development assessed progress towards SDG 2: 'End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture'. It is unlikely this goal will be met by 2030. Inst
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Achieving food security: Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG 2) - The EU's role in ending hunger and improving nutrition - 23-07-2024

On 8-17 July 2024, the UN high-level political forum on sustainable development assessed progress towards SDG 2: 'End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture'. It is unlikely this goal will be met by 2030. Instead, food insecurity, malnutrition and food prices have worsened globally. The primary causes of food insecurity are threefold: conflict, economic instability, and extreme weather conditions, which frequently intersect and exacerbate one another. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine has hindered the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and worsened the worldwide food crisis. This has shown that several food systems are unsustainable, relying too heavily on vulnerable global chains. This unsustainability is also highlighted by the fact that a third of the food produced globally is wasted or lost. In the EU itself, food inflation owing to the impact of extreme weather events, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine has led to more than eight EU citizens in 100 being unable to afford a proper meal on a regular basis, while 50 in 100 are overweight. Better nutrition and agricultural sustainability are at the core of the EU's new common agricultural policy and the 'farm to fork' and biodiversity strategies. These are now being put to the test by the impact of COVID-19 and Russia's war on Ukraine. In poorer countries, the EU and its Member States act on food insecurity through humanitarian aid and development cooperation. The EU bases its external action towards SDG 2 on comprehensive strategies in conflict areas, substantial research capacities and the promotion of international cooperation. However, its impact is difficult to assess, while other EU policies, particularly on trade, have a spillover effect on other food systems around the world. This briefing updates a previous edition by Anna Caprile and Eric Pichon, published in January 2022. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Colère des transporteurs de Moorea : «Cela fait 6 mois que l’on essaie de rencontrer le gouvernement»

À Moorea, les transporteurs demandent un contrôleur technique pour leurs véhicules. Une doléance déjà parvenue au ministère de tutelle, restée sans réponse. «Cela fait 6 mois que l’on essaie de rencontrer le gouvernement», déclare le p

Colère des transporteurs de Moorea : «Cela fait 6 mois que l’on essaie de rencontrer le gouvernement»

À Moorea, les transporteurs demandent un contrôleur technique pour leurs véhicules. Une doléance déjà parvenue au ministère de tutelle, restée sans réponse. «Cela fait 6 mois que l’on essaie de rencontrer le gouvernement», déclare le président du syndicat des transporteurs et activités à Moorea. La direction des Transports terrestres, elle, dit étudier la demande.

Jeux Olympiques 2024 : Teahupoo déserté, les prestataires cherchent clients

Ce sont 600 visiteurs par jour attendus dans la FAN zone du Pk0 mais en attendant, comme à Paris, les clients se font rares dans les snacks et les restaurants. Depuis la mise en place des restrictions de circulation le 20 juillet, Teahupoo est beaucoup moin

Jeux Olympiques 2024 : Teahupoo déserté, les prestataires cherchent clients

Ce sont 600 visiteurs par jour attendus dans la FAN zone du Pk0 mais en attendant, comme à Paris, les clients se font rares dans les snacks et les restaurants. Depuis la mise en place des restrictions de circulation le 20 juillet, Teahupoo est beaucoup moins fréquenté comme nous avons pu le constater sur place.

Grève d'ADT : «On a des obligations professionnelles dans 48h, on a besoin de savoir quand on peut rentrer»

Impossible de se rendre par avion à Bora Bora, Raiatea et Rangiroa... La grève d’ADT est effective depuis ce lundi 22 juillet. Aucun pompier ne peut assurer la sécurité sur la piste d’atterrissage de ces trois îles dont l'aéroport est géré par ADT

Grève d'ADT : «On a des obligations professionnelles dans 48h, on a besoin de savoir quand on peut rentrer»

Impossible de se rendre par avion à Bora Bora, Raiatea et Rangiroa... La grève d’ADT est effective depuis ce lundi 22 juillet. Aucun pompier ne peut assurer la sécurité sur la piste d’atterrissage de ces trois îles dont l'aéroport est géré par ADT.  Certains passagers sont pour le moment bloqués à Tahiti et dans ses îles.

UNESCO Marquises : «Cela fait 30 ans que nous travaillons sur le projet UNESCO. C'est un rêve»

Les sites historiques du Henua Enata vont-ils figurer au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité ? Les six maires marquisiens sont en route vers New Delhi. L’inde accueille la 46ème session du comité du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO qui s’est ouvert l

UNESCO Marquises : «Cela fait 30 ans que nous travaillons sur le projet UNESCO. C'est un rêve»

Les sites historiques du Henua Enata vont-ils figurer au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité ? Les six maires marquisiens sont en route vers New Delhi. L’inde accueille la 46ème session du comité du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO qui s’est ouvert le 21 juillet et va se poursuivre jusqu’à la fin du mois. Vendredi 26 juillet, le comité examinera la candidature des Marquises. Confiants, les Hakaiki espèrent réaliser le rêve des anciens maires de leur archipel.

Grève ADT : perturbations des vols Air Tahiti

Sans négociation dimanche 21 juillet entre l’intersyndicale (CSTP/FO, de la CSIP, de O oe to oe rima et de Otahi) et la direction d’Aéroport de Tahiti, la grève est effective depuis ce lundi à minuit. Certains vols seront modifiés voire annulés. Le

Grève ADT : perturbations des vols Air Tahiti

Sans négociation dimanche 21 juillet entre l’intersyndicale (CSTP/FO, de la CSIP, de O oe to oe rima et de Otahi) et la direction d’Aéroport de Tahiti, la grève est effective depuis ce lundi à minuit. Certains vols seront modifiés voire annulés. Le point des vols d'Air Tahiti.

Découverte d'« oxygène noir » fabriqué dans les abysses de l’océan Pacifique

Dans les abysses de l'océan Pacifique et l'obscurité la plus totale, des scientifiques ont découvert avec stupeur de l'oxygène provenant non pas d'organismes vivants mais de sortes de galets contenant des métaux... De quoi questionner la théorie sur le

Découverte d'« oxygène noir » fabriqué dans les abysses de l’océan Pacifique

Dans les abysses de l'océan Pacifique et l'obscurité la plus totale, des scientifiques ont découvert avec stupeur de l'oxygène provenant non pas d'organismes vivants mais de sortes de galets contenant des métaux... De quoi questionner la théorie sur les origines de la vie sur Terre.

Législatives 2024 : six recours contre des élus ultramarins déposés devant le Conseil constitutionnel

Le Conseil constitutionnel a enregistré six recours concernant des députés ultramarins élus lors des élections législatives 2024. Anchya Bamana, Joseph Rivière, Emmanuel Tjibaou, Frédéric Maillot, Max Mathiasin et Mereana Reid Arbelot sont tous visé

Législatives 2024 : six recours contre des élus ultramarins déposés devant le Conseil constitutionnel

Le Conseil constitutionnel a enregistré six recours concernant des députés ultramarins élus lors des élections législatives 2024. Anchya Bamana, Joseph Rivière, Emmanuel Tjibaou, Frédéric Maillot, Max Mathiasin et Mereana Reid Arbelot sont tous visés pour contentieux électoraux. Les recours ont été déposés soit par des associations, soit par des personnes morales.

Study - Research for PECH Committee - Handbook of fishing gears used by the EU fleet - 22-07-2024

This handbook provides an illustrated overview of the main fishing gears currently used in the EU. For each gear, the handbook outlines the essentials of its design, operation method and target species, and shows the main Member State fishing fleets that use
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Study - Research for PECH Committee - Handbook of fishing gears used by the EU fleet - 22-07-2024

This handbook provides an illustrated overview of the main fishing gears currently used in the EU. For each gear, the handbook outlines the essentials of its design, operation method and target species, and shows the main Member State fishing fleets that use it. In addition, it indicates the name of the gears in Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Reinforced quality framework for traineeships - 22-07-2024

The aim of the two proposals, discussed in this briefing, was to improve the use, quality of, and access to traineeships across the EU. In line with the 'evaluation first' principle, the impact assessment (IA) accompanying the two proposals was prepared afte
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Briefing - Reinforced quality framework for traineeships - 22-07-2024

The aim of the two proposals, discussed in this briefing, was to improve the use, quality of, and access to traineeships across the EU. In line with the 'evaluation first' principle, the impact assessment (IA) accompanying the two proposals was prepared after the evaluation. Its intervention logic captures the problem, the specific objectives and the internal drivers well. However, more attention could have been devoted to the external drivers. The IA describes the areas and the policy options alongside the accompanying measures. The range of policy options and measures is broad but not all of them seem feasible. In addition, the relationship between the elements presented in the problem tree is difficult to follow. The IA assesses the impacts of the initiative from an economic, social and fundamental rights' point of view, and also mentions territorial impacts. Overall, it provides a broad quantitative and qualitative assessment of impacts and identifies those Member States that are most likely to be affected, yet does not go into much depth in quantifying the effects of specific measures. As the two proposals are highly relevant for SMEs, a comprehensive SME test and a competitiveness check were carried out. The IA and its annexes address data limitations and uncertainties in a transparent manner. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - HOT: A head office tax system for small companies - 22-07-2024

When businesses start operating across borders, they are faced with a new and unfamiliar corporate tax system in each EU Member State. As a result, businesses with cross-border activities have to spend time and resources on understanding and complying with co
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - HOT: A head office tax system for small companies - 22-07-2024

When businesses start operating across borders, they are faced with a new and unfamiliar corporate tax system in each EU Member State. As a result, businesses with cross-border activities have to spend time and resources on understanding and complying with complex local corporate tax rules. This represents a significant administrative burden, in particular for small companies. On 12 September 2023, to lower tax compliance costs, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a Council directive to establish a head office tax system (HOT) for small businesses. Under HOT, micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises operating exclusively through permanent establishments would be able to continue to apply their national corporate tax rules – i.e. the rules they are already most familiar with – when they expand across borders. They would also be able to file a single tax return in the Member State of their head office, rather than separate tax returns in the different Member States. This would cut compliance costs and remove a significant barrier to the cross-border expansion of small companies in the single market. The proposal is subject to a special legislative procedure, requiring unanimous support in Council, following consultation of the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee. The European Parliament adopted its (non-binding) resolution in April 2024. Negotiations in Council are still on-going. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - 'Unshell': Rules to prevent the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes - 22-07-2024

While shell companies – company entities that have no or minimal economic activity – can serve useful commercial and business functions, they are sometimes abused by companies or individuals for aggressive tax planning or tax evasion purposes. To ensure s
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Briefing - 'Unshell': Rules to prevent the misuse of shell entities for tax purposes - 22-07-2024

While shell companies – company entities that have no or minimal economic activity – can serve useful commercial and business functions, they are sometimes abused by companies or individuals for aggressive tax planning or tax evasion purposes. To ensure sustainable public finances under the exceptional circumstances imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, in December 2021 the European Commission presented a directive on preventing shell companies from misusing their structure for tax purposes ('Unshell'). The proposal introduces a 'filtering' system for EU company entities, which will have to pass a series of gateways, relating to income, staff and premises, to ensure there is sufficient 'substance' to the entity. Those entities that are deemed to be lacking in substance are presumed to be 'shell companies' and, if they are unable to rebut this presumption through additional evidence regarding the commercial, non-tax rationale of the entity, they will lose any tax advantages granted through bilateral tax treaties or EU directives, thereby discouraging their use. The directive requires unanimity in the Council for its adoption, following consultation of the European Parliament. Parliament adopted its (non-binding) report in January 2023. Negotiations in the Council continue. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Dialogue de sourds à l'aéroport de Tahiti-Faa'a, turbulences attendues dans les airs

Les négociations entre syndicats et direction avaient été reportées au 21 juillet, suite au préavis de grève déposé le 16 juillet, et à la réunion infructueuse avec la directrice des ressources humaines vendredi. Mais sans mail de confirmation de re

Dialogue de sourds à l'aéroport de Tahiti-Faa'a, turbulences attendues dans les airs

Les négociations entre syndicats et direction avaient été reportées au 21 juillet, suite au préavis de grève déposé le 16 juillet, et à la réunion infructueuse avec la directrice des ressources humaines vendredi. Mais sans mail de confirmation de rendez-vous de la part de la direction, les représentants syndicaux considèrent que le dialogue social est rompu. Pourtant, le directeur était bien présent à l'aéroport dimanche matin. Les vols pourraient être perturbés dès ce soir, minuit.

JO 2024 : Petites conditions pour le premier jour d'entraînement officiel de l'équipe de France à Teahupoo

Les surfeurs sélectionnés aux JO ont commencé leur entraînement à la passe de Hava'e, à cinq jours du début des épreuves. L'équipe de France était de la partie dans des conditions médiocres : une petite houle et des vagues d'à peine 1 mètre 20.

JO 2024 : Petites conditions pour le premier jour d'entraînement officiel de l'équipe de France à Teahupoo

Les surfeurs sélectionnés aux JO ont commencé leur entraînement à la passe de Hava'e, à cinq jours du début des épreuves. L'équipe de France était de la partie dans des conditions médiocres : une petite houle et des vagues d'à peine 1 mètre 20.

JO 2024. «Je suis bloqué avec de la nourriture que je dois livrer» : Les filtrages à Teahupoo en ont surpris certains

Le filtrage a commencé à Teahupoo. Seules les personnes accréditées ou munies d'un laissez-passer peuvent circuler entre la mairie annexe et le PK 0. Gendarmes, militaires et policiers contrôlent toutes les voitures et les passants depuis samedi 20 juill

JO 2024. «Je suis bloqué avec de la nourriture que je dois livrer» : Les filtrages à Teahupoo en ont surpris certains

Le filtrage a commencé à Teahupoo. Seules les personnes accréditées ou munies d'un laissez-passer peuvent circuler entre la mairie annexe et le PK 0. Gendarmes, militaires et policiers contrôlent toutes les voitures et les passants depuis samedi 20 juillet.

Crise en Nouvelle-Calédonie : le Pays brûle toujours avec les lieux de culte comme nouvelles cibles

Les émeutes sont loin d'être terminées en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Depuis le 13 mai dernier, le Pays s'effondre à mesure que les jours passent. Santé, BTP et audiovisuel en crise, urgence alimentaire et économique en perspective... Les car-jackings sont fr

Crise en Nouvelle-Calédonie : le Pays brûle toujours avec les lieux de culte comme nouvelles cibles

Les émeutes sont loin d'être terminées en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Depuis le 13 mai dernier, le Pays s'effondre à mesure que les jours passent. Santé, BTP et audiovisuel en crise, urgence alimentaire et économique en perspective... Les car-jackings sont fréquents et les incendies quotidiens. Après les magasins, les pharmacies ou encore les cabinets médicaux, les lieux de culte sont devenues les nouvelles cibles.

L'Aranui débarque à Vairao aux couleurs des JO

L'Aranui est arrivé vendredi 19 juillet à Vairao. Le paquebot, qui hébergera 19 délégations d'athlètes des Jeux Olympiques, est entré dans la passe à 8h30. Il restera dans le lagon de la commune pendant 21 jours. Le déversement des eaux usées se fer

L'Aranui débarque à Vairao aux couleurs des JO

L'Aranui est arrivé vendredi 19 juillet à Vairao. Le paquebot, qui hébergera 19 délégations d'athlètes des Jeux Olympiques, est entré dans la passe à 8h30. Il restera dans le lagon de la commune pendant 21 jours. Le déversement des eaux usées se fera «bien au large».

Panne informatique mondiale : quel impact en Polynésie ?

Une panne information a déstabilisé le monde entier, vendredi 19 juillet, alors qu'il faisait encore nuit en Polynésie. Compagnies aériennes, banques, chaînes de télévision et autres entreprises ont été touchées suite à une mise à jour défectueus

Panne informatique mondiale : quel impact en Polynésie ?

Une panne information a déstabilisé le monde entier, vendredi 19 juillet, alors qu'il faisait encore nuit en Polynésie. Compagnies aériennes, banques, chaînes de télévision et autres entreprises ont été touchées suite à une mise à jour défectueuse. En Polynésie, la diffusion de certaines chaînes de Canal+ ont été mises à mal.

Des recherches en cours à Faaa pour retrouver un éventuel corps

Dans la nuit du jeudi 18 juillet, un couple de pêcheurs aurait aperçu un corps flottant dans l'eau, puis alerté immédiatement les secours. Les recherches n'ont encore rien donné.

Des recherches en cours à Faaa pour retrouver un éventuel corps

Dans la nuit du jeudi 18 juillet, un couple de pêcheurs aurait aperçu un corps flottant dans l'eau, puis alerté immédiatement les secours. Les recherches n'ont encore rien donné.

At a Glance - Members of the European Parliament, 2024-2029 - 19-07-2024

In June 2024, European citizens voted for their representatives in the European Parliament for the next five years, to defend their interests in the EU. This year's election saw turnout of 51.1%, slightly higher than the previous election in 2019 (50.7%). Th
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At a Glance - Members of the European Parliament, 2024-2029 - 19-07-2024

In June 2024, European citizens voted for their representatives in the European Parliament for the next five years, to defend their interests in the EU. This year's election saw turnout of 51.1%, slightly higher than the previous election in 2019 (50.7%). The number of political groups has increased from seven to eight at the start of the new term. Half of the elected Members (MEPs) elected are new to the European Parliament. Women now make up 38.5% of all MEPs; this share is 2.1 percentage points lower than in the previous term (40.6%), the first significant drop since direct elections started in 1979. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Plenary round-up – July 2024 - 19-07-2024

The first plenary session of the tenth parliamentary term took place in Strasbourg from 16 to 19 July 2024. The Members of the new Parliament (sitting from 2024 to 2029) elected certain of their peers to the most important offices in Parliament – the Presid
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Plenary round-up – July 2024 - 19-07-2024

The first plenary session of the tenth parliamentary term took place in Strasbourg from 16 to 19 July 2024. The Members of the new Parliament (sitting from 2024 to 2029) elected certain of their peers to the most important offices in Parliament – the President, Vice-Presidents and Quaestors. During this session, Members also decided on the numerical strength of the standing committees, sub-committees and delegations. They held a debate on the need for the EU's continued support for Ukraine, and then adopted a resolution reiterating support for Ukraine and condemning, in particular, Russia's recent attacks on the country. However, the most discussed business was the debate with the candidate for President of the European Commission, and Members' subsequent vote to confirm Ursula von der Leyen as President-elect for a new five-year mandate. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Harmonising transfer pricing rules within the EU - 19-07-2024

The pricing of goods and services traded within a multinational group is known as 'transfer pricing'. The prices charged on such transactions affect the allocation of income among the different entities of the multinational group (and consequently, the taxabl
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Harmonising transfer pricing rules within the EU - 19-07-2024

The pricing of goods and services traded within a multinational group is known as 'transfer pricing'. The prices charged on such transactions affect the allocation of income among the different entities of the multinational group (and consequently, the taxable profits in each country). To ensure that transactions between group entities are priced in a way that reflects their fair market value – i.e. as if the transactions were made between independent entities – countries have put in place strict transfer pricing rules. While these rules are established at the national level, EU Member States generally align with the (non-binding) OECD Guidelines. However, the number of transfer pricing tax disputes has risen over the years, with both tax authorities and companies dedicating significant time and resources to resolving such cases. On 12 September 2023, the European Commission tabled a proposal for harmonising transfer pricing rules within the EU. The main goal is to establish a common approach at the EU level towards transfer pricing and define key transfer pricing principles to be incorporated into EU law. The European Parliament adopted its (non-binding) resolution in April 2024. Negotiations in Council are on-going. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Recovery and Resilience Facility implementation: Digital public services - 18-07-2024

This briefing tracks progress made in implementing digital measures under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The RRF is at the core of Next Generation EU, the unprecedented recovery instrument helping EU Member States address the socioeconomic conseq
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Briefing - Recovery and Resilience Facility implementation: Digital public services - 18-07-2024

This briefing tracks progress made in implementing digital measures under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). The RRF is at the core of Next Generation EU, the unprecedented recovery instrument helping EU Member States address the socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital transformation is one of the RRF's six pillars and a shared priority for the EU. The RRF dedicates 26 % of its overall funding to digital objectives in various digital policy areas, of which digital public services is the largest. Digitalising public administration is a major challenge across the EU and a 2030 target of the EU's digital decade. The current EU objective is to ensure that by 2030 all key public services are fully accessible online for everyone, including persons with disabilities. Key public services should also comply with high security and privacy standards. The national recovery and resilience plans, which Member States prepared to be able to benefit from RRF financing, include various measures supporting the digitalisation of public services and e-government, both reforms and investments. These account for more than a third of RRF-funded digital expenditure (37 % of the digital transformation pillar, or around €53 billion) and are the most supported digital policy area. The reforms seek mainly to establish the legal basis needed to enable digitalisation. The investments are aimed at modernising public administration processes in order to make them more user-friendly, interoperable and accessible, and to boost their uptake by citizens and businesses. Implementation of these measures, as of the RRF in general, is under way and gaining speed. Referring to preliminary positive assessments of payment requests, this briefing looks into some examples of milestones and targets that have been reported and assessed as fulfilled. Though not exhaustive, the examples offer an indication of what has already been carried out across Member States in the first half of the RRF's lifetime. The European Parliament plays an important role in ensuring the transparency and democratic scrutiny of the RRF implementation process, addressing key issues regularly in its resolutions. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Study - La libertà di impresa, una prospettiva di diritto comparato - Italia - 17-07-2024

Questo studio fa parte di un progetto più ampio, il cui scopo è quello di analizzare, nella prospettiva del diritto comparato, la libertà d'impresa in diversi ordinamenti giuridici. Dopo una breve introduzione storica, nonché la spiegazione della normativ
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - La libertà di impresa, una prospettiva di diritto comparato - Italia - 17-07-2024

Questo studio fa parte di un progetto più ampio, il cui scopo è quello di analizzare, nella prospettiva del diritto comparato, la libertà d'impresa in diversi ordinamenti giuridici. Dopo una breve introduzione storica, nonché la spiegazione della normativa e della giurisprudenza applicabili, vengono esaminati il contenuto, i limiti e la possibile evoluzione di tale libertà. Il presente studio è dedicato alla libertà di impresa nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano. Una prima parte dello studio sarà dedicata all’affermazione del diritto alla libertà di impresa e all’approfondimento della portata semantica di tale locuzione rispetto a quella di libertà di iniziativa economica sancita dalla Costituzione. Verranno in particolare messi in luce i limiti imposti all’esercizio della libertà di impresa dall’esigenza di contemperare altri interessi, prevalentemente di rilevanza pubblicistica, ritenuti meritevoli di maggior tutela, definendo i margini di intervento pubblico che possono comprimerne l’esercizio. Seguirà l’individuazione e l’esegesi delle fonti normative che contemplano, attraverso un’articolazione puntuale, le modalità di esercizio del diritto alla libertà di impresa, nonché una selezione delle principali pronunce della Corte costituzionale, della Corte di Cassazione, dal Consiglio di Stato, nonché dei giudici di merito, che ne hanno definito e delimitato la portata in sede di interpretazione giurisprudenziale. Un’ultima parte dell’indagine sarà poi rivolta all’individuazione delle sfide che l’esercizio del diritto della libertà di impresa pone all’ordinamento giuridico, con particolare attenzione alle tematiche connesse alle diverse possibili concezioni del diritto alla libertà di impresa e ai margini di intervento pubblico in economia rispetto a un approccio ispirato a un più caratterizzato liberismo economico. In conclusione verranno formulate alcune considerazioni di sintesi e delineate eventuali prospettive de jure condendo. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Strategic Agenda 2024-2029: Continuity or paradigm shift? - 17-07-2024

The EU's leaders took two crucial decisions at their summit on 27 June to set the framework for the new institutional cycle: one on high-level appointments, the other on the Union's political priorities for the next 5 years, the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. Si
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Strategic Agenda 2024-2029: Continuity or paradigm shift? - 17-07-2024

The EU's leaders took two crucial decisions at their summit on 27 June to set the framework for the new institutional cycle: one on high-level appointments, the other on the Union's political priorities for the next 5 years, the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. Since the adoption of the previous edition of the EU's long-term priorities in 2019, the EU has had to face major crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy crisis, and the change in the security environment following Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. Are these global challenges reflected in the EU's new long-term political priorities or has the list of political orientations remained unchanged? Is the new Strategic Agenda more of a continuation or does it constitute a real shift? To answer these questions, this briefing examines the new Strategic Agenda, outlining its content, developments in its substance during the adoption process, and similarities and differences with the political priorities set in the previous institutional cycles. The findings of the analysis (see the table in the Annex) show that the Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 constitutes an important shift in the EU's political priorities compared with the previous Strategic Agenda, but that elements of continuity remain quite apparent nevertheless. The most obvious changes are the significance of security and defence, the importance granted to enlargement, the addition of new elements on EU competitiveness, and the salience of democracy (within the Union and in relations with third countries), which is a headline priority for the first time. Another noteworthy development is that less attention is paid to climate and environmental issues, even if some points were introduced during the drafting process. At the same time, there is a substantial degree of continuity with the Strategic Agenda 2019-2024. Less than 20 % of the policy aspects are completely new, even though the length of the Strategic Agenda document has increased by 25 %. This observation tends to indicate that the previous EU priorities remain relevant and that a reshaping of the Agenda (rather than starting from scratch) was considered sufficient. Interestingly, many of the elements added seem to be a reiteration of policy issues addressed by the European Council in its conclusions over the last 5 years. Thus, the document appears to be a collection of previously agreed positions rather than a new set of guidelines. While the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine and the change in the geopolitical context have fed into the new Strategic Agenda, other major issues of recent years such as health and energy are less explicitly referred to than could have been expected considering the severity of the crises with which the EU has been confronted. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Medical Devices and In Vitro Medical Devices Regulations: Transitional provisions - 17-07-2024

In January 2024, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation amending Regulations (EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746, to give manufacturers more time to apply the EU legislation on, respectively, medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medica
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Medical Devices and In Vitro Medical Devices Regulations: Transitional provisions - 17-07-2024

In January 2024, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation amending Regulations (EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746, to give manufacturers more time to apply the EU legislation on, respectively, medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs), without compromising safety requirements. On 25 April 2024, to avoid shortages, the European Parliament adopted its position at first reading under the urgent procedure, by an overwhelming majority. The Council adopted its position on 30 May 2024. The final act was signed on 13 June 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the EU on 9 July 2024, day of its entry into force. IVDs are non-invasive tests used on biological samples (such as blood, urine or tissues) to determine the status of a person's health. A considerable number of IVDs currently on the market do not yet comply with the new rules adopted in 2017, nor have they been replaced by new devices. The situation is especially critical for high-risk IVDs, used, for example, to test for infections in blood and organ donations. The regulation aims to address risks of IVD shortages in the EU and speed up the launch of some elements of the European database on medical devices (Eudamed). Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Pilot projects and preparatory actions in the EU's annual budgetary procedure - 17-07-2024

Pilot projects and preparatory actions (PPs and PAs) are tools in the EU budget designed to test new policy initiatives or prepare the ground for the adoption of future programmes. PPs and PAs give Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) the possibility to
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Pilot projects and preparatory actions in the EU's annual budgetary procedure - 17-07-2024

Pilot projects and preparatory actions (PPs and PAs) are tools in the EU budget designed to test new policy initiatives or prepare the ground for the adoption of future programmes. PPs and PAs give Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) the possibility to initiate innovative policies and fund them before a legal act has been adopted. The financing of both new PPs and PAs and those continued from previous years must be included in the EU budget under the annual budgetary procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Younous Omarjee, élu réunionnais, à la vice-présidence du Parlement européen

Le député européen Younous Omarjee a été élu vice-président du Parlement européen ce mardi. C’est une première pour un député issu des Outre-mer. Il exercera ses fonctions aux cotés de la présidente Roberta Metsola et des 14 vices-présidents a

Younous Omarjee, élu réunionnais, à la vice-présidence du Parlement européen

Le député européen Younous Omarjee a été élu vice-président du Parlement européen ce mardi. C’est une première pour un député issu des Outre-mer. Il exercera ses fonctions aux cotés de la présidente Roberta Metsola et des 14 vices-présidents au Parlement européen.

La Polynésie en croissance économique pour la troisième année consécutive

L’économie ne va pas si mal… Inflation en baisse, chômage qui recule, emploi en hausse, consommation et crédits qui repartent, entreprises confiantes… Le bilan économique de l’année 2023 publié par l’Institut d’émission d’Outre-mer (IEOM

La Polynésie en croissance économique pour la troisième année consécutive

L’économie ne va pas si mal… Inflation en baisse, chômage qui recule, emploi en hausse, consommation et crédits qui repartent, entreprises confiantes… Le bilan économique de l’année 2023 publié par l’Institut d’émission d’Outre-mer (IEOM) est bon. Un bilan confirmé ce matin par l’institut de la statistique de Polynésie française.

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