
Palestinian student, 19, who said she was 'full of pride' at Hamas attacks against Israel on October 7 claims the Home Office has revoked her student visa 'on national security grounds'

Dana Abuqamar, 19, a law student at the University of Manchester who said she was 'full of joy' after Hamas launched its attack on Israel, claims the Home Office revoked her visa on 'baseless' grounds.

EU Fact Sheets - Multiannual financial framework - 13-06-2024

There have been six multiannual financial frameworks (MFFs) to date, including 2021-2027. The Treaty of Lisbon transformed the MFF from an interinstitutional agreement into a regulation. Established for a period of at least five years, an MFF is there to en
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Multiannual financial framework - 13-06-2024

There have been six multiannual financial frameworks (MFFs) to date, including 2021-2027. The Treaty of Lisbon transformed the MFF from an interinstitutional agreement into a regulation. Established for a period of at least five years, an MFF is there to ensure that the EU’s expenditure develops in an orderly manner and within the limits of its own resources. It sets out provisions with which the annual budget of the EU must comply. The MFF Regulation sets expenditure ceilings for broad categories of spending called headings. After its initial proposals of 2 May 2018 and in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, on 27 May 2020 the Commission proposed a recovery plan (NextGenerationEU) that included revised proposals for the MFF 2021-2027 and own resources, and the setting up of a recovery instrument worth EUR 750 billion (in 2018 prices). The package was adopted on 16 December 2020 following interinstitutional negotiations. In the light of new developments, the MFF was revised in December 2022 and then again more substantially in February 2024. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Medicines and Medical Devices - 13-06-2024

Medicines and medical devices are subject to the rules of the single market and have a direct impact on people’s health. A robust legal framework is in place to protect public health and guarantee the safety of these products. Access to affordable medicines
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Medicines and Medical Devices - 13-06-2024

Medicines and medical devices are subject to the rules of the single market and have a direct impact on people’s health. A robust legal framework is in place to protect public health and guarantee the safety of these products. Access to affordable medicines, the fight against antimicrobial resistance, the ethical conduct of clinical trials, the use of artificial intelligence in medical devices and incentives for research and development are just some of the key issues the EU deals with in this field. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - General tax policy - 13-06-2024

Taxation is a prerogative of the Member States, the EU having only limited competences. As EU tax policy is geared towards the smooth running of the single market, the harmonisation of indirect taxation was addressed before that of direct taxation. Efforts t
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - General tax policy - 13-06-2024

Taxation is a prerogative of the Member States, the EU having only limited competences. As EU tax policy is geared towards the smooth running of the single market, the harmonisation of indirect taxation was addressed before that of direct taxation. Efforts to combat the problem of tax evasion and tax avoidance then followed. EU tax legislation must be adopted unanimously by the Member States. The European Parliament has the right to be consulted on tax matters; for budgetary-related issues it is even co-legislator. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Study - Closing the EU’s inflation governance gap - 14-06-2024

This report investigates how the EU should deal with shockflation - inflation unleashed by shocks to systemically significant prices such as energy and food. We argue that the ECB’s monetary policy is not an adequate instrument to deal with this kind of inf
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - Closing the EU’s inflation governance gap - 14-06-2024

This report investigates how the EU should deal with shockflation - inflation unleashed by shocks to systemically significant prices such as energy and food. We argue that the ECB’s monetary policy is not an adequate instrument to deal with this kind of inflation. Therefore, the EU currently lacks adequate governance structures. The EU should develop a new inflation governance framework that targets shocks to systemically significant prices directly, before they are propagated through the economy. This document was provided/prepared by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the ECON Committee. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - EU legislation and policies to address racial and ethnic discrimination - 14-06-2024

People from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds face discrimination and its consequences on a daily basis. However, the exact scale of the problem is hard to gauge, owing to a lack of data and general under reporting of racist incidents. Although the Europ
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - EU legislation and policies to address racial and ethnic discrimination - 14-06-2024

People from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds face discrimination and its consequences on a daily basis. However, the exact scale of the problem is hard to gauge, owing to a lack of data and general under reporting of racist incidents. Although the European Union (EU) has been introducing legislation to combat racial and xenophobic discrimination since 2000, the problem persists. The global Black Lives Matter protests highlighted the need for new measures, while the COVID 19 pandemic saw a major increase in reports of racist and xenophobic incidents, and the crisis it triggered had a disproportionately large negative effect on racial and ethnic minority groups, in the form of higher death and infection rates. Studies point to the cost of racial discrimination not only for the individuals concerned, but also for society as a whole. For instance, a 2018 EPRS report argued that the loss in earnings caused by racial and ethnic discrimination for both individuals and societies amounts to billions of euros annually. EU citizens also acknowledge this problem: a 2019 survey found that over half of Europeans believe racial or ethnic discrimination to be widespread in their country. To address racial discrimination and the inequalities it engenders, the European Commission has put forward a number of equality strategies and actions. The European Parliament, meanwhile, has long demanded an end to racial discrimination. In recent resolutions, Parliament has called for an end to structural racism, discrimination, racial profiling and police brutality; for protection of the right to protest peacefully; for an enhanced role for culture, education, media and sport in the fight against racism; and for authorities to take an intersectional approach. On 20 and 21 March 2024, Members of the European Parliament from the Anti Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) co hosted the third EU Anti Racism and Diversity Week. This updates a briefing from March 2023. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

[MAJ] Internet : le réseau fibre optique perturbé à Tahiti, les cartes bancaires ne passent plus

Jeudi 13 juin, en plein relais de la flamme olympique, internet a été partiellement coupé sur l'île de Tahiti. Dans un communiqué, Onati indique que ses équipes sont «mobilisées pour identifier et résoudre ce problème dans les plus brefs délai

[MAJ] Internet : le réseau fibre optique perturbé à Tahiti, les cartes bancaires ne passent plus

Jeudi 13 juin, en plein relais de la flamme olympique, internet a été partiellement coupé sur l'île de Tahiti. Dans un communiqué, Onati indique que ses équipes sont «mobilisées pour identifier et résoudre ce problème dans les plus brefs délais.» Conséquence ou pas de ces perturbations : les paiements par carte bancaire ne fonctionnent plus.

DIRECT VIDEO. La flamme olympique à Punaauia : suivez cet événement exceptionnel en images

Pour la première fois de son histoire, le relais de la flamme olympique passera en Polynésie française. Polynésie la 1ère vous invite ce jeudi 13 juin à assister à ce moment historique dès 6h15, en direct à la radio, à la télévision, sur le web e

DIRECT VIDEO. La flamme olympique à Punaauia : suivez cet événement exceptionnel en images

Pour la première fois de son histoire, le relais de la flamme olympique passera en Polynésie française. Polynésie la 1ère vous invite ce jeudi 13 juin à assister à ce moment historique dès 6h15, en direct à la radio, à la télévision, sur le web et sur ses réseaux sociaux. Nous serons au plus près des relayeurs de la flamme qui traverseront les 11 communes de Tahiti. Tout au long de la journée, suivez notre minute par minute, en temps réel dans cet article.

Fait divers: un joggeur agressé ce matin par un homme qui a sauté à l'eau pour échapper à la police

L'homme, d'après des sources proche de l'enquête, est un SDF qui «n'aurait pas toute sa tête» et qui s'est rebellé contre la patrouille de police nationale rapidement arrivée sur les lieux.

Fait divers: un joggeur agressé ce matin par un homme qui a sauté à l'eau pour échapper à la police

L'homme, d'après des sources proche de l'enquête, est un SDF qui «n'aurait pas toute sa tête» et qui s'est rebellé contre la patrouille de police nationale rapidement arrivée sur les lieux.

DIRECT VIDEO. Flamme olympique à Teahupoo: suivez cet événement exceptionnel en images

Pour la première fois de son histoire, le relais de la flamme olympique passera en Polynésie française. Polynésie la 1ère vous invite ce jeudi 13 juin à assister à ce moment historique dès 6h15, en direct à la radio, à la télévision, sur le web e

DIRECT VIDEO. Flamme olympique à Teahupoo: suivez cet événement exceptionnel en images

Pour la première fois de son histoire, le relais de la flamme olympique passera en Polynésie française. Polynésie la 1ère vous invite ce jeudi 13 juin à assister à ce moment historique dès 6h15, en direct à la radio, à la télévision, sur le web et sur ses réseaux sociaux. Nous serons au plus près des relayeurs de la flamme qui traverseront les 11 communes de Tahiti. Tout au long de la journée, suivez notre minute par minute, en temps réel dans cet article.

Study - Horizon Europe: Protecting academic freedom - 13-06-2024

Academic freedom is a fundamental principle of any university and research system or institution, and is essential for a healthy democracy. The concept can be traced back to the birth of the Humboldtian research university model in Germany in the early 1800s
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Study - Horizon Europe: Protecting academic freedom - 13-06-2024

Academic freedom is a fundamental principle of any university and research system or institution, and is essential for a healthy democracy. The concept can be traced back to the birth of the Humboldtian research university model in Germany in the early 1800s. Despite international declarations and constitutional and legal protections, in recent years there has been renewed interest in academic freedom around the world owing to major challenges and threats from governments, industry and civil society. This study complements existing efforts to monitor academic freedom, by screening and assessing possible policy options to strengthen and improve implementation of Recital 72 in Horizon Europe, identifying opportunities and bottlenecks and proposing applicable solutions. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Revision of the visa suspension mechanism - 13-06-2024

In October 2023, the Commission submitted a proposal to revise Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 in order to strengthen the visa suspension mechanism. This mechanism allows the EU to temporarily suspend visa exemptions in the event of increased irregular migration o
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Revision of the visa suspension mechanism - 13-06-2024

In October 2023, the Commission submitted a proposal to revise Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 in order to strengthen the visa suspension mechanism. This mechanism allows the EU to temporarily suspend visa exemptions in the event of increased irregular migration or security risks from a visa free country. The proposal addresses three main challenges to the EU visa regime: the misalignment of visa policies of certain visa-free countries with the EU visa policy; the growing number of asylum seekers from visa-free countries; and the risks to the EU's internal security posed by investor citizenship schemes operated by certain visa-free countries. To enhance the visa suspension mechanism, the proposal expands the grounds for suspension of visa exemptions, makes procedures more flexible, and increases the Commission's monitoring and reporting obligations. The proposal is subject to the ordinary legislative procedure, where the European Parliament and the Council act as co-legislators. The Council adopted its negotiating mandate on the proposal in March 2024. In Parliament, a draft report was presented in February 2024. As discussions continued throughout the spring, the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE), responsible for the file decided to postpone the vote on the report until after the June 2024 European elections. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Cyberbullying among young people: Laws and policies in selected Member States - 13-06-2024

Cyberbullying is a growing phenomenon and a significant issue for young people across Europe and indeed the world. Unlike 'real-world' bullying which ends when the victim's situation changes, such as when school ends, cyberbullying can continue for its victim
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Cyberbullying among young people: Laws and policies in selected Member States - 13-06-2024

Cyberbullying is a growing phenomenon and a significant issue for young people across Europe and indeed the world. Unlike 'real-world' bullying which ends when the victim's situation changes, such as when school ends, cyberbullying can continue for its victims at any time. Cyberbullying can reach victims through social media, text messages, false information or images spread through various methods, and can be relentless. The ubiquity of electronic devices means children and young people are more digitally connected than ever before. The scope for children to become victims of online aggression and indeed to engage in bullying behaviour is wide. In addition, an even more worrying aspect is the exposure of children and young people to harmful material or their coercion into providing sexual images of themselves. The increase in young people's connectivity corresponds with the rise in volume of online child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and the growth in the number of cases of minors approached online in what is known as 'sextortion'. Victims often feel powerless, worthless and isolated and seldom report the abuse to parents or teachers. In some cases, it can lead the victim to substance abuse, self-harm and even suicide. Legislators are trying to keep pace with the ever-changing environment. While policies at European Union (EU) and international level are aimed at preventing cyberbullying, there have been calls for stronger EU action to prevent this form of online abuse. There are EU initiatives that address elements of the issue, but there is currently no EU-wide anti-online bullying law. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

C'est ce jeudi que Tahiti déclare sa flamme aux Jeux Olympiques. A J-24 heures,reportage en coulisses

Le relai des Océans passe par la Polynésie Française, ce 13 juin. Et les images vont faire le tour du monde. Cela fait quasiment un an qu’une grosse équipe travaille sur l’organisation. Il y a le comité Tuaro Nui, spécialement créé pour Paris 2024

C'est ce jeudi que Tahiti déclare sa flamme aux Jeux Olympiques. A J-24 heures,reportage en coulisses

Le relai des Océans passe par la Polynésie Française, ce 13 juin. Et les images vont faire le tour du monde. Cela fait quasiment un an qu’une grosse équipe travaille sur l’organisation. Il y a le comité Tuaro Nui, spécialement créé pour Paris 2024, mais aussi une société d’événementiel, à qui un cahier des charges a été confié.

Pompiers, médecins, infirmiers, attachés d'administration...ouverture de concours de recrutement dans la fonction publique

Le conseil des ministres de ce mercredi a adopté l'ouverture de concours dans la fonction publique pour 2024 et 2025. Sans préciser le nombre de postes à pourvoir, plusieurs métiers vont bientôt être ouverts : attachés d'administration, pompiers d'aér

Pompiers, médecins, infirmiers, attachés d'administration...ouverture de concours de recrutement dans la fonction publique

Le conseil des ministres de ce mercredi a adopté l'ouverture de concours dans la fonction publique pour 2024 et 2025. Sans préciser le nombre de postes à pourvoir, plusieurs métiers vont bientôt être ouverts : attachés d'administration, pompiers d'aérodromes, médecins, infirmiers etc.

PORTRAIT. Surfeur pro, moniteur, papa de champions : les mille casquettes de Steven Pierson

Steven Pierson a été surfeur professionnel pendant de longues années. Aujourd'hui, il est moniteur de surf. Plusieurs fois champion de Tahiti, coach de la sélection tahitienne de surf, il est l'invité du podcast Horizon Teahupoo.

PORTRAIT. Surfeur pro, moniteur, papa de champions : les mille casquettes de Steven Pierson

Steven Pierson a été surfeur professionnel pendant de longues années. Aujourd'hui, il est moniteur de surf. Plusieurs fois champion de Tahiti, coach de la sélection tahitienne de surf, il est l'invité du podcast Horizon Teahupoo.

Le RSMA, gardien de la flamme pour le relais olympique

Dès 6 heures du matin, l'île de Tahiti vibrera au rythme du passage de la torche portée par 124 relayeurs. Un convoi sous haute surveillance. Le régiment du service militaire adapté a été sollicité pour renforcer le dispositif de sécurité. Ce matin

Le RSMA, gardien de la flamme pour le relais olympique

Dès 6 heures du matin, l'île de Tahiti vibrera au rythme du passage de la torche portée par 124 relayeurs. Un convoi sous haute surveillance. Le régiment du service militaire adapté a été sollicité pour renforcer le dispositif de sécurité. Ce matin, nous avons pu assister à la répétition générale organisée au camp militaire d'Arue, en présence du Haut-Commissaire de la République.

DIRECT. Flamme olympique en Polynésie : suivez le relais sur Polynésie la 1ère

Pour la première fois de son histoire, le relais de la flamme olympique passera en Polynésie française. Polynésie la 1ère vous invite ce jeudi 13 juin à assister à ce moment historique dès 6h15, en direct à la radio, à la télévision, sur le web e

DIRECT. Flamme olympique en Polynésie : suivez le relais sur Polynésie la 1ère

Pour la première fois de son histoire, le relais de la flamme olympique passera en Polynésie française. Polynésie la 1ère vous invite ce jeudi 13 juin à assister à ce moment historique dès 6h15, en direct à la radio, à la télévision, sur le web et sur ses réseaux sociaux. Nous serons au plus près des relayeurs de la flamme qui traverseront les 11 communes de Tahiti. Tout au long de la journée, suivez notre minute par minute, en temps réel dans cet article.

Teuraiterai Tupaia forfait en finale du lancer du javelot des championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme

Malgré une superbe entrée en matière en finale du javelot aux championnats d'Europe de d'athlétisme à Rome, le Français Teuraiterai Tupaia a dû déclarer forfait. Un premier essai lancé à 82,98 mètres qui le plaçait alors au deuxième rang de cett

Teuraiterai Tupaia forfait en finale du lancer du javelot des championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme

Malgré une superbe entrée en matière en finale du javelot aux championnats d'Europe de d'athlétisme à Rome, le Français Teuraiterai Tupaia a dû déclarer forfait. Un premier essai lancé à 82,98 mètres qui le plaçait alors au deuxième rang de cette finale.

Elections législatives 2024 : trois recours déposés ou en voie de l'être

Ce mercredi, La France Insoumise annonce déposer un recours contre le gel des listes électorales au 9 juin, «privant des millions de personnes de leur droit de vote». Par ailleurs, deux autres recours ont déjà été déposés contre le calendr

Elections législatives 2024 : trois recours déposés ou en voie de l'être

Ce mercredi, La France Insoumise annonce déposer un recours contre le gel des listes électorales au 9 juin, «privant des millions de personnes de leur droit de vote». Par ailleurs, deux autres recours ont déjà été déposés contre le calendrier jugé trop court de ces élections. Explications.

Elections législatives 2024 : qui peut encore s'inscrire sur les listes électorales ?

Avec l'annonce du gel des listes électorales au 10 juin, c'est le flou total du côté des mairies qui reçoivent de très nombreuses demandes d'inscriptions sur les listes électorales. Le ministère de l'Intérieur avait annoncé mardi qu'il n'y aurait auc

Elections législatives 2024 : qui peut encore s'inscrire sur les listes électorales ?

Avec l'annonce du gel des listes électorales au 10 juin, c'est le flou total du côté des mairies qui reçoivent de très nombreuses demandes d'inscriptions sur les listes électorales. Le ministère de l'Intérieur avait annoncé mardi qu'il n'y aurait aucune exception. Finalement, ce mardi, les inscriptions sont encore possibles jusqu'au 19 juin dans quelques cas de figure.

Législatives 2024: alliance chez les autonomistes, Nicole Sanquer pour un «accord» de circonstance

Au lendemain des rencontres organisées entre A Here Ia Porinetia et les autres composantes de la plate forme autonomiste -le Tapura, le parti de Gaston Flosse ainsi que la formation de Teva Rohfritsch-, la présidente du parti vert et blanc réaffirme que l

Législatives 2024: alliance chez les autonomistes, Nicole Sanquer pour un «accord» de circonstance

Au lendemain des rencontres organisées entre A Here Ia Porinetia et les autres composantes de la plate forme autonomiste -le Tapura, le parti de Gaston Flosse ainsi que la formation de Teva Rohfritsch-, la présidente du parti vert et blanc réaffirme que la famille des autonomistes est enfin réunie. Questions/Réponses.

VEVO : Teahupo'o, terre Olympique

Votre émission Vevo est spécialement dédiée aux JO 2024. C'est le rendez-vous pour faire le point sur l’avancée de l’organisation des épreuves de surf qui se dérouleront à partir du 26 juillet à Teahupo'o. Mercredi 12 juin à 19h25, Maruki Dury e

VEVO : Teahupo'o, terre Olympique

Votre émission Vevo est spécialement dédiée aux JO 2024. C'est le rendez-vous pour faire le point sur l’avancée de l’organisation des épreuves de surf qui se dérouleront à partir du 26 juillet à Teahupo'o. Mercredi 12 juin à 19h25, Maruki Dury et ses invités feront le point.

Législatives 2024 : A Here Ia Porinetia dit oui à «l'union» autonomiste, Gaston Flosse sur la réserve

Après trois heures de discussions, le A Here Ia Porinetia s'est positionné : le parti ne fera pas cavalier seul mais présentera une candidate, Nicole Sanquer, dans la circonscription 2, pour les élections législatives anticipées. AHIP garde ses couleur

Législatives 2024 : A Here Ia Porinetia dit oui à «l'union» autonomiste, Gaston Flosse sur la réserve

Après trois heures de discussions, le A Here Ia Porinetia s'est positionné : le parti ne fera pas cavalier seul mais présentera une candidate, Nicole Sanquer, dans la circonscription 2, pour les élections législatives anticipées. AHIP garde ses couleurs et laisse le Tapura et le Amuitahiraa choisir les candidats des circonscriptions 1 et 3. Mais pour Gaston Flosse, il n'était plus question d'inclure le AHIP...

EU Fact Sheets - Aquaculture production in the European Union - 11-06-2024

Aquaculture production in the European Union remains relatively stagnant compared with the rising rates of farmed seafood production at world level. Over the past 20 years, the Commission has attempted to gear up EU production potential through the publicati
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Aquaculture production in the European Union - 11-06-2024

Aquaculture production in the European Union remains relatively stagnant compared with the rising rates of farmed seafood production at world level. Over the past 20 years, the Commission has attempted to gear up EU production potential through the publication of various strategy and guideline papers, and the Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC) was established in 2016 in that vein. This body is made up of representatives of the industry and other relevant stakeholder organisations and gives advice to the EU institutions and the Member States. On 12 May 2021, the Commission published its new strategic guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture. On 15 November 2022, the Commission published a communication (COM(2022)0592) entitled ‘Towards a Strong and Sustainable EU Algae Sector’. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - The European Parliament: electoral procedures - 11-06-2024

The procedures for electing the European Parliament are governed both by European legislation laying down rules common to all Member States and by specific national provisions, which vary from one state to another. The common provisions lay down the principl
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - The European Parliament: electoral procedures - 11-06-2024

The procedures for electing the European Parliament are governed both by European legislation laying down rules common to all Member States and by specific national provisions, which vary from one state to another. The common provisions lay down the principle of proportional representation, rules on thresholds and certain incompatibilities with the Member of the European Parliament mandate. Many other important matters, such as the exact electoral system used and the number of constituencies, are governed by national laws. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Trade regimes applicable to developing countries - 11-06-2024

The EU’s development policy stresses the importance of trade, and focuses on the countries most in need. The Generalised Scheme of Preferences gives some goods from developing countries preferential access to the EU market. Economic Partnership Agreements e
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Trade regimes applicable to developing countries - 11-06-2024

The EU’s development policy stresses the importance of trade, and focuses on the countries most in need. The Generalised Scheme of Preferences gives some goods from developing countries preferential access to the EU market. Economic Partnership Agreements ensure preferential commercial treatment for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, while the Everything But Arms scheme applies to least developed countries. These schemes are in line with World Trade Organization rules. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Food safety - 11-06-2024

EU food safety policy aims to protect human health and consumer interests, and foster the smooth operation of the single market. Recent developments have broadened food safety objectives to include the mitigation of crisis-induced food insecurity. The EU ensu
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Food safety - 11-06-2024

EU food safety policy aims to protect human health and consumer interests, and foster the smooth operation of the single market. Recent developments have broadened food safety objectives to include the mitigation of crisis-induced food insecurity. The EU ensures that standards are adhered to in the areas of feed and food-product hygiene, animal health, plant health, food-borne zoonotic diseases and prevention of food contamination. The EU also regulates labelling for food and feed products. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Transatlantic relations: the US and Canada - 11-06-2024

The EU, the US and Canada share the values of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and economic and political freedom, and have common foreign policy and security concerns. Close cooperation and strategic relations with the US and Canada remain a priorit
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Transatlantic relations: the US and Canada - 11-06-2024

The EU, the US and Canada share the values of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and economic and political freedom, and have common foreign policy and security concerns. Close cooperation and strategic relations with the US and Canada remain a priority for the EU. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

[Elections législatives 2024] Inscription sur les listes et procurations : mode d'emploi

La Polynésie votera les 29 juin et 6 juillet pour les élections législatives anticipées, suite à la dissolution de l'Assemblée Nationale. À l’issue de ces élections, 3 députés polynésiens seront élus en France. Etes-vous inscrits sur les listes

[Elections législatives 2024] Inscription sur les listes et procurations : mode d'emploi

La Polynésie votera les 29 juin et 6 juillet pour les élections législatives anticipées, suite à la dissolution de l'Assemblée Nationale. À l’issue de ces élections, 3 députés polynésiens seront élus en France. Etes-vous inscrits sur les listes électorales ? Si vous êtes absent à cette période, comment voter par procuration ? Explications.

Briefing - Minimum breaks and rest periods in occasional road passenger transport - 11-06-2024

Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on minimum breaks and rest periods for road freight and passenger transport drivers does not take into account the nature of occasional bus and coach services or the specific needs of their drivers. To address this situation, the E
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Minimum breaks and rest periods in occasional road passenger transport - 11-06-2024

Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on minimum breaks and rest periods for road freight and passenger transport drivers does not take into account the nature of occasional bus and coach services or the specific needs of their drivers. To address this situation, the European Commission has proposed amendments to this legislation in order to introduce more flexible rules regarding the splitting up of breaks and the scheduling of daily and weekly rest periods. In the European Parliament, the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) was responsible for the file. The TRAN report was adopted in committee on 16 November 2023 and voted in plenary on 12 December 2023. Interinstitutional negotiations resulted in a provisional agreement, which was approved in the TRAN committee on 14 February 2024 and voted during Parliament's March plenary session. The final act was signed on 24 April and the regulation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 2 May 2024. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - European Media Freedom Act - 11-06-2024

An independent media is a pillar of democracy and an important part of the economy, helping to shape public opinion and hold those in power to account. In recent years, however, there have been increasingly worrying trends across the EU, as documented in the
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - European Media Freedom Act - 11-06-2024

An independent media is a pillar of democracy and an important part of the economy, helping to shape public opinion and hold those in power to account. In recent years, however, there have been increasingly worrying trends across the EU, as documented in the annual rule of law reports by the European Commission, and by other tools such as the Media Pluralism Monitor. The European Media Freedom Act introduces a new set of rules to promote media pluralism and independence across the EU. The aim is to prevent political interference in editorial decisions and ensure transparency of media ownership. The act seeks to protect journalists from having to disclose their sources and from the use of spyware against them. It also sets requirements for audience measurement systems and transparent allocation of state advertising. Media content should be better protected against online content removal, and a new European board for media services will be established. The Council and Parliament reached a political agreement on 15 December 2023. The Council (at Coreper level) endorsed the agreed text on 19 January 2024. Parliament adopted the text during its plenary session of 13 March 2024. The regulation will apply from 8 August 2025, with some exceptions for certain articles. Fifth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages in the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - The European Council's role at the start of the new EU institutional cycle - 11-06-2024

The European Union's institutional cycle begins anew every five years with the elections to the European Parliament. This is a crucial moment, as it updates both the hardware (the institutional leadership) and the software (the political priorities) of the EU
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - The European Council's role at the start of the new EU institutional cycle - 11-06-2024

The European Union's institutional cycle begins anew every five years with the elections to the European Parliament. This is a crucial moment, as it updates both the hardware (the institutional leadership) and the software (the political priorities) of the EU. The European Council, composed of the Heads of State or Government of the EU Member States, plays a significant role in both processes. Not only is it directly or indirectly involved in the choice of who fills most of the top EU positions, it also establishes the EU's long-term political priorities through setting its Strategic Agenda. This briefing outlines the EU's institutional cycle and highlights the European Council's role in this cycle in institutional terms. It also describes the processes involved in the allocation of EU top institutional jobs and the adoption of the EU's long-term priorities. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Plant reproductive material - 11-06-2024

On 24 April 2024, the European Parliament adopted its first reading position on the proposal for a regulation on the production and marketing of plant reproductive material (PRM). Put forward by the European Commission on 5 July 2023, the proposal would repla
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Plant reproductive material - 11-06-2024

On 24 April 2024, the European Parliament adopted its first reading position on the proposal for a regulation on the production and marketing of plant reproductive material (PRM). Put forward by the European Commission on 5 July 2023, the proposal would replace the 10 PRM directives that currently lay down the rules for seeds, tubers, cuttings, seedlings and young plants. The proposal would introduce sustainability requirements for registering new varieties of agricultural plants, vegetables and fruits intended for professional users, while PRM intended for amateur gardeners and conservation organisations – such as seed banks – would be exempt from many of the requirements. There would be less stringent conditions for registering conservation varieties that are adapted to specific local conditions, and the requirements for organic PRM would be adjusted and tested under organic conditions. Exchange of seed in kind between farmers would be allowed in small quantities. Parliament proposes several changes, including exempting gene banks from the rules and allowing farmers to sell their seeds. The work in the Council is ongoing. Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Updating the European digital identity framework - 10-06-2024

In 2021, the European Commission put forward a proposal to update the European digital identity framework. This would allow citizens across the EU to identify and authenticate themselves online (through their European digital identity wallet), share digital d
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Updating the European digital identity framework - 10-06-2024

In 2021, the European Commission put forward a proposal to update the European digital identity framework. This would allow citizens across the EU to identify and authenticate themselves online (through their European digital identity wallet), share digital documents, and prove a specific identity attribute such as age. In parallel, the Commission adopted a recommendation to design a toolbox supporting the framework, to avoid fragmentation and barriers owing to diverging standards. After the European Parliament and the Council of the EU approved their negotiating positions on the proposal in March 2023 and December 2022 respectively, they reached a provisional agreement on the creation of a pan-European digital identity framework in November 2023. On 29 February 2024, Parliament endorsed the agreed text in plenary. After it was adopted by the Council, the act was signed by the co-legislators and published in the Official Journal of the EU on 30 April 2024. It entered into force on 20 May 2021. Fifth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Amendments to AIFMD and UCITSD: Managing risks and protecting investors - 10-06-2024

Two European Union (EU) directives regulate the EU collective investment funds industry: the Directive relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) and the Alternative Investment Funds Manager Directive (AIFMD). The UC
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Amendments to AIFMD and UCITSD: Managing risks and protecting investors - 10-06-2024

Two European Union (EU) directives regulate the EU collective investment funds industry: the Directive relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) and the Alternative Investment Funds Manager Directive (AIFMD). The UCITS Directive, which covers mutual funds, lays down uniform rules, allowing them to be offered cross-border, while the AIFMD, which covers hedge funds and private equity, lays down the rules for authorising, supervising and overseeing the managers of such funds. While reviewing the application of the scope of the AIFMD (as mandated), the European Commission considered that a number of issues highlighted in the AIFMD review were equally relevant for the activities of UCITS. As a result, it proposed to amend both directives, to better align their requirements. The Council agreed on its general approach in June 2022. Within the European Parliament, the file was assigned to the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON). It adopted its report in February 2023, and Parliament confirmed the committee's decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations in plenary the same month. The co-legislators reached a provisional agreement in July 2023. The final directive was published in the Official Journal on 26 March 2024 and entered into force 20 days later. Fourth edition of a briefing originally drafted by Angelos Delivorias. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

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