
Turkmenistan to continue cooperating with Russia on wide range of areas — president

The strategic and comprehensive nature of relations between the two countries based on principles of sincere friendship, confidence and equality that are successfully developing in all directions now, was noted at the meeting

Briefing - Economic Outlook Quarterly: A crucial phase for Next Generation EU - 27-09-2024

EU Member States now have less than 2 years to complete their Next Generation EU (NGEU) investment and reform plans, with implementation advancing at varying rates across the EU. Some countries need to strengthen their administrative capacity to manage the in
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Briefing - Economic Outlook Quarterly: A crucial phase for Next Generation EU - 27-09-2024

EU Member States now have less than 2 years to complete their Next Generation EU (NGEU) investment and reform plans, with implementation advancing at varying rates across the EU. Some countries need to strengthen their administrative capacity to manage the investments. While NGEU offers significant support for the green and digital transitions, the recent Draghi Report on EU competitiveness stresses the need to invest more in strategic Sectors such as energy. As EU businesses face higher energy costs compared with competitors in the US or China, a major focus is likely to be on lowering energy prices. EU inflation, driven sharply upwards in part by rising energy prices, dropped to 2.4 % in August, and the EU economy began to recover in the first half of 2024, growing by 0.75 % compared with the first half of 2023. The latest economic indicators suggest weaker growth momentum in the months ahead. The previous edition of this quarterly infographic was published in June 2024. To access the whole series, go to Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

L'ice a tué son fils : le témoignage bouleversant d'un père de famille

Le fils de Heimoana Lintz s'est donné la mort le 8 août dernier alors qu'il n'avait que 28 ans. Son addiction à l'ice l'a plongé tout droit en enfer. Aujourd'hui, ce père endeuillé milite pour la mise en place d'une structure d’accueil dédié aux tox

L'ice a tué son fils : le témoignage bouleversant d'un père de famille

Le fils de Heimoana Lintz s'est donné la mort le 8 août dernier alors qu'il n'avait que 28 ans. Son addiction à l'ice l'a plongé tout droit en enfer. Aujourd'hui, ce père endeuillé milite pour la mise en place d'une structure d’accueil dédié aux toxicomanes. Témoignage dans cet article.

Incendie à Papeete : la ville sous la fumée

Un incendie s'est déclaré dans la ville de Papeete, du côté de Tipaerui, vers Technival. La fumée se fait ressentir un peu partout dans le centre. Les secours sont sur place ainsi que nos journalistes qui étaient en direct.

Incendie à Papeete : la ville sous la fumée

Un incendie s'est déclaré dans la ville de Papeete, du côté de Tipaerui, vers Technival. La fumée se fait ressentir un peu partout dans le centre. Les secours sont sur place ainsi que nos journalistes qui étaient en direct.

À Mahina, les enquêteurs passent les falaises au peigne fin pour tenter de comprendre les circonstances de la mort de Manoa

Le quartier est encore sous le choc. Le lundi 16 septembre, un corps sans vie était découvert en contrebas de la pointe Tapahi. La mort de Manoa qualifiée par l'autopsie de «ni accidentelle, ni suicidaire», deux mineurs sont mis en examen pou

À Mahina, les enquêteurs passent les falaises au peigne fin pour tenter de comprendre les circonstances de la mort de Manoa

Le quartier est encore sous le choc. Le lundi 16 septembre, un corps sans vie était découvert en contrebas de la pointe Tapahi. La mort de Manoa qualifiée par l'autopsie de «ni accidentelle, ni suicidaire», deux mineurs sont mis en examen pour meurtre aggravé.

Briefing - EU economic developments and projections - 26-09-2024

This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all E
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Briefing - EU economic developments and projections - 26-09-2024

This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all EU Member States and Annex 2 the latest inflation data and developments. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Summit of the Future: Focusing on inter-generational responsibility in UN action - 26-09-2024

The United Nations Summit of the Future took place in New York from 22 to 23 September 2024 in the absence of the leaders of the five UN Security Council permanent members. The focus was on revitalising multilateralism and adapting UN policies to 'the needs a
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Briefing - Summit of the Future: Focusing on inter-generational responsibility in UN action - 26-09-2024

The United Nations Summit of the Future took place in New York from 22 to 23 September 2024 in the absence of the leaders of the five UN Security Council permanent members. The focus was on revitalising multilateralism and adapting UN policies to 'the needs and interests' of current and future generations. In a sign of continuity and commitment to agreed targets, the UN members reaffirmed their commitment to the implementation of Agenda 2030 and its 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs). The summit adopted a 'Pact for the Future', a 'Global Digital Compact' and a 'Declaration on Future Generations', despite Russia's last-minute attempts to derail the process. These three 'soft law' milestone agreements place inter-generational responsibility (a key commitment in the 1945 UN Charter) and long-term thinking at the core of the UN's future action and policies. Intense inter-governmental negotiations led by three pairs of co-facilitators (Germany and Namibia for the pact, Sweden and Zambia for the compact and the Netherlands and Jamaica for the declaration) with input from stakeholders including the EU, preceded the summit. This allowed buy-in from both developing and developed countries, ultimately building the widest possible consensus on the pact. The pact now includes 56 actions intended to strengthen the inter-generational bond, anticipate risk and futureproof policies at the UN, regional and national level. Futureproofing policies, an EU priority, made it into the pact. In time, this could lead to increased synergies between the EU and the UN, as it begins to implement the pact. In the run-up to the summit, UN members made progress on institutional reform and bolder language was included on Security Council reform. Institutional reform remains a key long-term challenge, impacting the UN's ability to deliver on its core mission: world-wide development, poverty eradication and peace and stability. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Participatory budgeting: A pathway to inclusive and transparent governance - 26-09-2024

Across the world and especially in developed countries, there has been a decline in trust in democratic institutions, an increase in political discontent and citizen dissatisfaction, and a resulting decrease in voter turnout. Economic crises, climate disrupti
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Briefing - Participatory budgeting: A pathway to inclusive and transparent governance - 26-09-2024

Across the world and especially in developed countries, there has been a decline in trust in democratic institutions, an increase in political discontent and citizen dissatisfaction, and a resulting decrease in voter turnout. Economic crises, climate disruptions and the COVID-19 pandemic have only exacerbated these sentiments. In the late 1980s, participatory budgeting – an approach that allows citizens to directly engage in budgetary decisions – emerged as one of the most promising solutions to this global democratic malaise. By involving citizens in the allocation of public funds, this approach enhances public trust and accountability in governance. It is best described as a co-production process that not only allows citizens and professionals to cooperate and deliberate but also counters populist narratives and educates younger generations on resource prioritisation. Broad public involvement and deliberation are the rule, with the aim being to make budgetary processes inclusive, transparent and democratic. What makes participatory budgeting different from other participatory methods is its focus on financial processes, openness to the public, cyclical nature, reliance on public deliberation and accountability. It is applied in thousands of towns, cities and regions across the world and enjoys the support of governments, civil society and international organisations. It addresses both socio-economic and democratic goals and seeks to enhance public infrastructure and services while promoting political equality and transparency. This democratic innovation allows citizens to shape the space in which they live. Additionally, it reconfigures public governance by redefining the roles and relationships of citizens, civil servants and politicians. It is particularly effective in local governance, but also has a growing application in communities, in schools, community groups and even prisons, for instance. Some of the challenges facing public budgeting include limited participation of marginalised groups, the risk of co-optation by political interests and difficulties in implementation. However, its potential to revitalise democratic engagement and foster inclusive governance makes participatory budgeting a crucial tool in addressing some of the issues that are currently eroding the global democratic order. This briefing updates a 2016 briefing by Gianluca Sgueo. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Tunisia's 2024 presidential elections - 26-09-2024

In a decree issued on 1 July, Tunisian President Kais Saied called a presidential election for 6 October 2024. In doing so Saied is setting himself up for probable re-election, as all but one of the opposition candidates are in prison or have been declared in
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At a Glance - Tunisia's 2024 presidential elections - 26-09-2024

In a decree issued on 1 July, Tunisian President Kais Saied called a presidential election for 6 October 2024. In doing so Saied is setting himself up for probable re-election, as all but one of the opposition candidates are in prison or have been declared ineligible by the Tunisian electoral commission. A third candidate who had been approved by the electoral commission was handed a 20-month prison sentence on 19 September. Now seeking re-election for a second 5-year term, Saied was first elected to office in 2019 as an anti establishment candidate promising to root out corruption and address poverty. He took full control of the country in 2021, dismissing the elected parliament and deciding to rule by decree, a move the opposition and international community slammed as a coup. A new constitution, approved by referendum in 2022, established a presidential system and paralysed parliament. The EU is now facing a dilemma as to how to support internal democratic processes and advance implementation of the EU-Tunisia Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which prioritises measures against irregular migration. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

En 5 raisons, pourquoi le tir du missile chinois en direction de la Polynésie fait pssscchit... ?

Aucune condamnation internationale n'est intervenue, 24H après la chute d'un missile balistique sans tête nucléaire à quelques centaines du territoire polynésien. «Un tir de routine» pour la Russie évoqué en 5 petites lignes par le Haut-Com

En 5 raisons, pourquoi le tir du missile chinois en direction de la Polynésie fait pssscchit... ?

Aucune condamnation internationale n'est intervenue, 24H après la chute d'un missile balistique sans tête nucléaire à quelques centaines du territoire polynésien. «Un tir de routine» pour la Russie évoqué en 5 petites lignes par le Haut-Commissaire Eric Spitz qui intervenait pendant... la soirée de gala de la Fête Nationale de la République populaire de Chine. Circulez, y a rien à voir ?

Briefing - Security of energy supply - 26-09-2024

Energy supply security is often defined as the availability of an adequate supply of energy at a reasonable cost. Even a partial supply disruption can have severe consequences, which the European Union has experienced on several occasions. Over the years, ene
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Briefing - Security of energy supply - 26-09-2024

Energy supply security is often defined as the availability of an adequate supply of energy at a reasonable cost. Even a partial supply disruption can have severe consequences, which the European Union has experienced on several occasions. Over the years, energy market developments have affected the EU's economic situation time and again, from the 1970s oil crisis to the 2009 gas crisis and 2022 energy price crisis following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. With the exception of coal, the EU's energy resources are limited, leaving it particularly vulnerable to disruption, particularly for oil and gas supplies. The EU has a relatively high dependency on energy imports (62.5 % in 2022) and this rate has been increasing since 1990. The EU has built a legislative framework to ensure the security of its energy supplies. The electricity sector is subject to a regulation on risk-preparedness that mandates Member States to implement tools for preventing and managing potential electricity crises – and to work together once such crises occur. The Oil Stocks Directive requires Member States to hold a minimum reserve and inform the European Commission about the stock they hold. The EU Regulation concerning measures to safeguard the security of gas supply ('Security of Gas Supply Regulation') introduces a solidarity mechanism between Member States and a supply standard ensuring continuous gas supply to protected customers. Despite this comprehensive framework, significant challenges remain on the road towards a fully-fledged EU energy security strategy. The planned revision of the EU regulation, expected for 2025, could provide the impetus to adapt the existing security framework to new challenges resulting from the decarbonisation of the energy market and new import patterns. The security framework could be broadened to reflect a new way of perceiving energy supply security, based not only on energy sources, but also on the ability to produce energy domestically (including through renewable energy). The issue of energy security will likely remain a long-term challenge for the EU. Scope remains for stronger coordination between Member States and legislative intervention to complete the framework. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Transport de fret aérien : Motu Link sur de bons rails

La troisième compagnie aérienne locale devrait parcourir le ciel polynésien à partir de la fin de l’année. Contrairement à ses concurrents, Air Tahiti et Air Moana, Motu Link fera exclusivement du transport de fret. Un segment de marché qui devrait l

Transport de fret aérien : Motu Link sur de bons rails

La troisième compagnie aérienne locale devrait parcourir le ciel polynésien à partir de la fin de l’année. Contrairement à ses concurrents, Air Tahiti et Air Moana, Motu Link fera exclusivement du transport de fret. Un segment de marché qui devrait lui permettre d’éviter les turbulences, espère sa direction.

Study - Regulation 1049/2001 on the right of access to documents, including the digital context - 25-09-2024

Upon request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs commissioned the present study on Regulation 1049/2001 on access to documents with a twofold objective. First, to update the analysis co
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Study - Regulation 1049/2001 on the right of access to documents, including the digital context - 25-09-2024

Upon request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs commissioned the present study on Regulation 1049/2001 on access to documents with a twofold objective. First, to update the analysis conducted in a 2016 study for the PETI Committee with the latest developments in the case law of the CJEU and the activities led by the European Ombudsman since then – in particular focussing on access to legislative documents, documents relating to administrative proceedings, Court proceedings, infringement proceedings, protection of privacy, international relations, and special regimes. Second, to assess the possible future alignment of the Access Regulation with the evolving digital context, including a potential revision of the definition of document, access to user-friendly public registers and internet sites, access to agendas of officials and scheduled meetings with interest representatives, and access to videos of CJEU oral hearings. The research also incorporates illustrative and complementary cases and own initiatives by the European Ombudsman as indications of evolving challenges to institutional secrecy in the EU context. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

I Tai : première représentation pour le grand public ce soir à 18h

La pièce de théâtre a nécessité plusieurs mois de préparation. Elle a été écrite entièrement en tahitien par Henri Hiro et remise au goût du jour par Moana Teheiura, qui y a ajouté sa petite touche personnelle.

I Tai : première représentation pour le grand public ce soir à 18h

La pièce de théâtre a nécessité plusieurs mois de préparation. Elle a été écrite entièrement en tahitien par Henri Hiro et remise au goût du jour par Moana Teheiura, qui y a ajouté sa petite touche personnelle.

Briefing - Energy transition - 24-09-2024

Energy transition is central to the European Union's ambition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets - 55 % by 2030 and net-zero by 2050 - have accelerated the move away from fossil fuels towards cleaner energ
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Briefing - Energy transition - 24-09-2024

Energy transition is central to the European Union's ambition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The EU greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets - 55 % by 2030 and net-zero by 2050 - have accelerated the move away from fossil fuels towards cleaner energy sources and increased energy efficiency. The REPowerEU plan and other EU measures launched in response to the energy crisis meanwhile brought to the fore the importance of ensuring energy security and energy affordability. Existing EU legislation in support of energy transition includes the recently revised Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. These laws set targets for renewables in consumption, energy efficiency and building renovations. The recently adopted hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package, along with the electricity market reform, also promote the use of cleaner energy and integration of renewables into the EU energy system. The new political priorities of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen include a future clean industrial deal boosting investment in clean energy infrastructure and technologies. The aim is to further decarbonise the economy and bring down energy prices. In a similar vein, the recent report on EU competitiveness (Draghi Report) highlights the need to reconcile industrial competitiveness with climate neutrality through increased support for clean technologies. These include for instance renewables (such as solar and wind), batteries, heat pumps, electrolysers (used for hydrogen production) and CO2 capture technologies. While the EU has been steadily increasing the rollout of renewables and working towards decarbonisation, several challenges remain. The energy infrastructure must be adapted to accommodate low-carbon energy sources through the expansion of grids and energy storage. Dependence on raw materials needed for clean energy technologies needs to be addressed. The new EU ambitions in terms of boosting industrial competitiveness will also require massive investment. All this has to happen while ensuring secure energy supply and energy affordability. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - BRICS+: Economic indicators and trade with EU - 24-09-2024

Our infographic shows the overview of the BRICS+ countries’ economic and trade relations with the EU. All 9 BRICS+ states have experienced a relatively consistent increase in their GDP per capita (PPP) since 2007. Female labour force participation rates var
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Briefing - BRICS+: Economic indicators and trade with EU - 24-09-2024

Our infographic shows the overview of the BRICS+ countries’ economic and trade relations with the EU. All 9 BRICS+ states have experienced a relatively consistent increase in their GDP per capita (PPP) since 2007. Female labour force participation rates vary significantly from country to country. At the extremes are Iran with 14.4, and Ethiopia, with 74.8%. EU trade in goods (imports and exports) with the BRICS+ countries has risen steadily comparatively to 2007 volumes. The BRICS+ group is now the EU's main trading partner for goods. Mechanical appliances and electrical equipment, vehicles and aircraft, and pharmaceutical products comprise about 54% of all goods exported by the EU to the BRICS+ countries. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

«Mettre en place la distribution de Viagra» : les maires inquiets par la baisse de la natalité, selon Cyril Tetuanui

En Polynésie française, la natalité a diminué de moitié entre 1992 et 2022, selon le dernier recensement de l'Institut de la statistique de la Polynésie française (ISPF, février 2024). Plusieurs écoles de Tahiti sont dû fermer des classes à cause d

«Mettre en place la distribution de Viagra» : les maires inquiets par la baisse de la natalité, selon Cyril Tetuanui

En Polynésie française, la natalité a diminué de moitié entre 1992 et 2022, selon le dernier recensement de l'Institut de la statistique de la Polynésie française (ISPF, février 2024). Plusieurs écoles de Tahiti sont dû fermer des classes à cause de cette chute de natalité. Pour tenter d'y remédier, des pistes de réflexion sont évoquées par les maires, et notamment le président du syndicat pour la promotion des communes, comme l'augmentation des allocations familiales ou encore la distribution de Viagra.

Une seconde vie pour vos cheveux

Une société locale de collecte des déchets se lance dans la revalorisation de cheveux à jeter. Le but est de les transformer pour qu'ils servent notamment à absorber les hydrocarbures en cas de pollution marine.

Une seconde vie pour vos cheveux

Une société locale de collecte des déchets se lance dans la revalorisation de cheveux à jeter. Le but est de les transformer pour qu'ils servent notamment à absorber les hydrocarbures en cas de pollution marine.

Le démontage de la tour des juges a commencé aujourd'hui

La tour des juges érigée sur le récif de Teahupo'o pour les Jeux olympiques va être retirée d'ici deux à trois semaines. Une opération dont le coût sera de plus de 16 millions de Fcfp et qui se fera sans «érafler» le corail, rassure le Pa

Le démontage de la tour des juges a commencé aujourd'hui

La tour des juges érigée sur le récif de Teahupo'o pour les Jeux olympiques va être retirée d'ici deux à trois semaines. Une opération dont le coût sera de plus de 16 millions de Fcfp et qui se fera sans «érafler» le corail, rassure le Pays.

Musée des îles : Plus d'un millier de visiteurs aux journées du patrimoine

« Patrimoine des itinéraires, des réseaux et des connexions » ! C'est l'un des deux thèmes des 41èmes journées européennes du patrimoine, le deuxième c'était le « patrimoine maritime » ! Un thème parfait pour le musée de Tahiti et des îles ! L

Musée des îles : Plus d'un millier de visiteurs aux journées du patrimoine

« Patrimoine des itinéraires, des réseaux et des connexions » ! C'est l'un des deux thèmes des 41èmes journées européennes du patrimoine, le deuxième c'était le « patrimoine maritime » ! Un thème parfait pour le musée de Tahiti et des îles ! Le fare ia manaha a ouvert ses portes au public et proposé des ateliers créatifs, des ateliers sur la navigation, le tressage, la navigation... Il y avait aussi au programme des projections et des animations musicales.

In-Depth Analysis - Analysis of the Proposal for a Directive on Transparency of Third-Country Interest Representation - 23-09-2024

This analysis discusses specific issues regarding the proposal for a Directive on the transparency of third-country lobbying. It highlights complex questions in relation to civil society organisations and the need for uniform implementation and effective judi
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In-Depth Analysis - Analysis of the Proposal for a Directive on Transparency of Third-Country Interest Representation - 23-09-2024

This analysis discusses specific issues regarding the proposal for a Directive on the transparency of third-country lobbying. It highlights complex questions in relation to civil society organisations and the need for uniform implementation and effective judicial protection. If designed and implemented well, the Directive could establish a transparent framework for foreign governments to engage in lobbying within the EU. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO). Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Partial payments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility: An overview - 23-09-2024

Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), which began in 2021, will go on until the end of 2026. In 2024, the fourth year, this implementation is well under way, although with some differences having emerged across EU Member States. In Aug
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Briefing - Partial payments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility: An overview - 23-09-2024

Implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), which began in 2021, will go on until the end of 2026. In 2024, the fourth year, this implementation is well under way, although with some differences having emerged across EU Member States. In August 2024, disbursements had reached €170.8 billion in grants and €94.6 billion in loans, or 41 % of the total RRF funding available. With the exception of pre-financing, the condition for disbursing RRF funds to Member States is the successful achievement of pre-defined milestones and targets, or qualitative and quantitative steps. They are laid out in the annexes to the Council implementing decisions endorsing the individual national recovery and resilience plans, and linked to each payment request. The RRF Regulation envisages the possibility of suspending all or part of the financial contribution available to Member States if milestones and targets have not been satisfactorily achieved. At an early stage of RRF implementation, both the European Court of Auditors and the European Parliament urged the European Commission to develop a methodology that would allow the impact of not meeting a milestone or target to be quantified. In February 2023, the Commission delivered on that request and published a methodology for partial suspension of payments. As a result, the Commission has been able to proceed with partial payments to Member States corresponding to what they have achieved, despite the non-fulfilment (or partial fulfilment) of one or more milestones or targets linked to a given request. This has helped keep RRF implementation on track. The suspension payment methodology has already been applied in several instances. The first country to be subject to it was Lithuania, followed by Romania, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Belgium. In 2023, a total of €841 million was withheld (0.13 % of all RRF funds). While Member States have generally welcomed the methodology, it is still perceived as lacking in clarity and raises questions, not least as to the discretion it affords the Commission in defining the amounts to be suspended. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

In-Depth Analysis - Banking Market Integration in Europe and Insolvency Law - 23-09-2024

Despite considerable progress towards a Banking Union in the euro area, banks in the EU continue to be subject to widely varying insolvency law as applied to their lending customers. This paper provides evidence that bank interest margins tend to be higher i
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In-Depth Analysis - Banking Market Integration in Europe and Insolvency Law - 23-09-2024

Despite considerable progress towards a Banking Union in the euro area, banks in the EU continue to be subject to widely varying insolvency law as applied to their lending customers. This paper provides evidence that bank interest margins tend to be higher in countries with weaker loan enforcement. Higher bank interest margins are a sign of less efficient bank intermediation, and hence the evidence of this paper suggests that bank intermediation is less efficient in countries with weaker loan enforcement. This policy-induced national variability in bank efficiency is incompatible with banking union. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Directive on combating corruption - 23-09-2024

In May 2023, the European Commission presented an anti-corruption package, which includes a proposal for a directive on combating corruption. Based on Articles 83 and 82 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the proposal defines criminal off
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Briefing - Directive on combating corruption - 23-09-2024

In May 2023, the European Commission presented an anti-corruption package, which includes a proposal for a directive on combating corruption. Based on Articles 83 and 82 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the proposal defines criminal offences and sanctions relating to corruption, one of the 'areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension' for which the European Parliament and the Council may establish minimum rules by means of directives. The proposal seeks to update the fragmented EU legislative framework, including by incorporating international standards binding on the EU. It addresses corruption in both the public and private sectors. In Parliament, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs adopted its report in January 2024. The committee decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations was confirmed by plenary in February 2024. The Council confirmed its position in June. The new Parliament now needs to confirm its position before trilogue negotiations can take place. First edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Des va'a naviguent sur la Seine !

La dixième édition de la TraverSeine s'est tenue samedi 21 et dimanche 22 septembre 2024. Une occasion unique de traverser Paris par la Seine en pirogue, canoë, kayak, paddle ou encore dragon-boat !

Des va'a naviguent sur la Seine !

La dixième édition de la TraverSeine s'est tenue samedi 21 et dimanche 22 septembre 2024. Une occasion unique de traverser Paris par la Seine en pirogue, canoë, kayak, paddle ou encore dragon-boat !

Cambriolages : un fléau qui pourrit la vie

Les vols sont en légère recrudescence sur Tahiti, en particulier sur les communes de Faa’a et Pa'ea. Il s’agirait de «vols par périple», c'est ainsi que les gendarmes les qualifient. C’est-à-dire qu'un seul auteur commet plusieurs larci

Cambriolages : un fléau qui pourrit la vie

Les vols sont en légère recrudescence sur Tahiti, en particulier sur les communes de Faa’a et Pa'ea. Il s’agirait de «vols par périple», c'est ainsi que les gendarmes les qualifient. C’est-à-dire qu'un seul auteur commet plusieurs larcins dans la même zone. Les victimes se sentent impuissantes.

Îles Cook : des experts réunis autour de l'exploitation et exploration des fonds marins

La question n’est pas nouvelle mais elle est de plus en plus présente. Les îles Cook organisaient du 15 au 21 septembre une conférence autour des minéraux sous-marins. Où en est la recherche ? Que font les industriels ? Quelles sont les technologies ?

Îles Cook : des experts réunis autour de l'exploitation et exploration des fonds marins

La question n’est pas nouvelle mais elle est de plus en plus présente. Les îles Cook organisaient du 15 au 21 septembre une conférence autour des minéraux sous-marins. Où en est la recherche ? Que font les industriels ? Quelles sont les technologies ? Experts, scientifiques, universitaires ont tenu des conférences pour faire un point sur de l'exploitation et l'exploration des fonds marins. Un enjeu aujourd'hui crucial pour la zone du Pacifique.

Alzheimer : le difficile quotidien avec la maladie

La journée internationale des personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer, sera organisée ce samedi 21 septembre à la mairie Mataiea, de 8h30 à 16h. En Polynésie, pas loin de 3000 personnes sont concernées par cette maladie dégénérative. Sur les

Alzheimer : le difficile quotidien avec la maladie

La journée internationale des personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer, sera organisée ce samedi 21 septembre à la mairie Mataiea, de 8h30 à 16h. En Polynésie, pas loin de 3000 personnes sont concernées par cette maladie dégénérative. Sur les hauteurs d'Erima à Arue, Charlemagne 71 ans, s’occupe d’Elisabeth, sa femme âgée de 78 ans. Diagnostiquée en 2018 de la maladie d’Alzheimer, elle perd son autonomie en 2021.

Accident de la route à Papara : une personne décédée

Une personne a perdu la vie dans un accident de la route, impliquant trois véhicules, ce vendredi 20 septembre en début d'après-midi, à Papara.

Accident de la route à Papara : une personne décédée

Une personne a perdu la vie dans un accident de la route, impliquant trois véhicules, ce vendredi 20 septembre en début d'après-midi, à Papara.

At a Glance - Plenary round-up – September 2024 - 20-09-2024

The European Parliament's September 2024 plenary session took place as floods devastated many areas in central European Member States, leading Members to debate and adopt a resolution on the EU's preparedness to act to tackle disasters exacerbated by climate
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Plenary round-up – September 2024 - 20-09-2024

The European Parliament's September 2024 plenary session took place as floods devastated many areas in central European Member States, leading Members to debate and adopt a resolution on the EU's preparedness to act to tackle disasters exacerbated by climate change. The flooding also led to the postponement of the planned statement on the priorities of the Hungarian Council Presidency. During the session, Members debated a number of European Commission statements: on financial and military support to Ukraine; addressing migration and effective return; strengthening the role of the Digital Services Act in regulating social media platforms and protecting democracy online; as well as persistent antisemitism, hate speech and hate crime in Europe; and the EU response to the Mpox outbreak. Members further debated the outcome of the strategic dialogue on the future of EU agriculture, the state of the energy union, and the danger of criminalisation of environmental defenders. Members held debates on European Commission statements on external relations issues, including: on the war in the Gaza Strip and the situation in the Middle East, the situation in Venezuela, and the outcome of the G20 ministerial meeting in Brazil. Two debates followed Council and Commission statements: on the Hungarian 'National Card' scheme and its consequences for the Schengen area, and the Court of Justice of the EU ruling on the Apple State aid case. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Nouvelle-Calédonie : chronologie et décryptage des troubles qui perdurent depuis quatre mois

Treize victimes, dont deux gendarmes, voici le bilan de la grave crise qui secoue plus que jamais la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Quatre mois après le début des émeutes déclenchées par le projet de réforme électorale, Outre-mer la 1ere avec l’AFP vous propos

Nouvelle-Calédonie : chronologie et décryptage des troubles qui perdurent depuis quatre mois

Treize victimes, dont deux gendarmes, voici le bilan de la grave crise qui secoue plus que jamais la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Quatre mois après le début des émeutes déclenchées par le projet de réforme électorale, Outre-mer la 1ere avec l’AFP vous propose un retour en arrière sur les dates clés de cette crise.

François-Noël Buffet, pressenti au poste de ministre délégué aux Outre-mer

Emmanuel Macron s'est entretenu jeudi 19 septembre Michel Barnier. Le premier ministre nommé le 5 septembre dernier s'est rendu à l'Elysée pour proposer son gouvernement au chef de l'Etat. Parmi les 38 noms proposés, le sénateur François-Noël Buffet au

François-Noël Buffet, pressenti au poste de ministre délégué aux Outre-mer

Emmanuel Macron s'est entretenu jeudi 19 septembre Michel Barnier. Le premier ministre nommé le 5 septembre dernier s'est rendu à l'Elysée pour proposer son gouvernement au chef de l'Etat. Parmi les 38 noms proposés, le sénateur François-Noël Buffet aux Outre-mer. La liste n'est pas encore officielle. Le nouveau gouvernement sera présenté «avant dimanche».

Briefing - Erasmus and green cities: Towards a European youth climate action corps? - 18-09-2024

According to a 2022 Eurobarometer survey, while two out of three young Europeans wish to contribute to the green transition through their jobs, 45 % of young Europeans lack green skills. In the United States (US), a new traineeship programme, the American Cli
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Erasmus and green cities: Towards a European youth climate action corps? - 18-09-2024

According to a 2022 Eurobarometer survey, while two out of three young Europeans wish to contribute to the green transition through their jobs, 45 % of young Europeans lack green skills. In the United States (US), a new traineeship programme, the American Climate Corps (ACC), has been operational since June 2024. It allows young people to enter paid traineeships that provide them with important skills for green professions. Young people in the US have welcomed the initiative, which offers a chance to move from 'climate angst' to climate action. Here in Europe, an 'ecological civil service' was launched in France in the spring of 2024, in response to strong demand from young people. In April 2024, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) proposed that a pilot project be launched in the European Union (EU), following the example of the ACC programmes, offering young people traineeships to empower them with the skills needed for the green transition. In the EU, several possibilities exist for supporting youth traineeships. Meanwhile, European cities have created networks to support them in achieving their green ambitions. This briefing explores possible synergies between the existing EU youth and green cities programmes, and whether there is scope for a traineeship scheme at European level to help develop green skills for young people. This briefing has been drafted at the request of the European Committee of the Regions, in the framework of the agreement between the European Parliament and the Committee. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Study - The Judicial Scrutiny of the SSM and the SRB-A missed chance or a success story? - 19-09-2024

This study examines key rulings on the supervision and resolution of credit institutions in the EU and their impact on the Banking Union framework. It explores how case law has refined the European Central Bank’s practices, shareholders' and boards' rights
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - The Judicial Scrutiny of the SSM and the SRB-A missed chance or a success story? - 19-09-2024

This study examines key rulings on the supervision and resolution of credit institutions in the EU and their impact on the Banking Union framework. It explores how case law has refined the European Central Bank’s practices, shareholders' and boards' rights, and the interaction between ECB and Single Resolution Board powers during ‘failing or likely to fail’ assessments. While highlighting how litigation has clarified processes, rights, and the criteria for resolution, the study’s findings underscore the need for heightened scrutiny of agencies to prevent political interference and ensure effective oversight. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Study - 10 years of Banking Union’s case-law: How did European courts shape supervision and resolution practice in the Banking Union? - 19-09-2024

The Banking Union makes ten years. It is a story of success. Courts have been crucial for this success. This study explains why, and what should be done to preserve (and improve) their role. This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrut
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - 10 years of Banking Union’s case-law: How did European courts shape supervision and resolution practice in the Banking Union? - 19-09-2024

The Banking Union makes ten years. It is a story of success. Courts have been crucial for this success. This study explains why, and what should be done to preserve (and improve) their role. This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the ECON Committee. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Study - Proposal for a directive on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence: Complementary impact assessment - 19-09-2024

In September 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for a directive on adapting non contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AILD), with an accompanying impact assessment. The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs (
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - Proposal for a directive on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence: Complementary impact assessment - 19-09-2024

In September 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for a directive on adapting non contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AILD), with an accompanying impact assessment. The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) requested the present complementary impact assessment of the proposal, which focuses on specific research questions. The study critique identifies key shortcomings in the European Commission's impact assessment, not least an incomplete exploration of regulatory policy options and an abridged cost-benefit analysis, in particular of the strict liability regime. The complementary impact assessment study proposes that the AILD should extend its scope to include general-purpose and other 'high-impact AI systems', as well as software. It also discusses a mixed liability framework that balances fault-based and strict liability. Notably, the study recommends transitioning from an AI-focused directive to a software liability regulation, to prevent market fragmentation and enhance clarity across the EU. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

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