
Succombez à la tentation au salon des Australes !

Pour offrir ou tout simplement pour admirer de belles créations artisanales, il suffit de se rendre au salon des Australes dans le hall de l'assemblée de Polynésie. Il y en a pour tous les goûts, à tous les coûts.

At a Glance - Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 - Part I: Synopsis on coastal EU Member States - 03-12-2024

This synopsis is the first out of a series of four studies, commissioned for a PECH Committee Workshop on “The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of the EMFAF programming for 2021-27”. The study focuses on EMFAF Article 17 (First acquisit
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 - Part I: Synopsis on coastal EU Member States - 03-12-2024

This synopsis is the first out of a series of four studies, commissioned for a PECH Committee Workshop on “The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of the EMFAF programming for 2021-27”. The study focuses on EMFAF Article 17 (First acquisition of a fishing vessel), Article 18 (Replacement or modernisation of a main or ancillary engine) and Article 19 (Increase of gross tonnage to improve safety, working conditions or energy efficiency”). The synopsis deals with the situation for all 22 coastal EU Member States, while at the same time considering results of three additional case studies on Spain, France and the Netherlands. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 − Part II: Case study on France - 03-12-2024

The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) provides for public co-funding to support the modernisation of the fishing fleet during the current funding period (2021-2027). Funding opportunities are subject to specific conditions framed by th
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 − Part II: Case study on France - 03-12-2024

The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) provides for public co-funding to support the modernisation of the fishing fleet during the current funding period (2021-2027). Funding opportunities are subject to specific conditions framed by the EMFAF Regulation as regards the first acquisition of a fishing vessel (Article 17), replacement or modernisation of a main or ancillary engine (Article 18) and increase of gross tonnage to improve safety, working conditions or energy efficiency (Article 19). Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 − Part II: Case study on the Netherlands - 03-12-2024

This study reviews the implementation of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) in the Netherlands, as regards the first acquisition of a fishing vessel, the replacement or modernisation of a main or ancillary engine and the increase o
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU fishing fleet − First assessment of Member States’ EMFAF programmes for 2021-27 − Part II: Case study on the Netherlands - 03-12-2024

This study reviews the implementation of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) in the Netherlands, as regards the first acquisition of a fishing vessel, the replacement or modernisation of a main or ancillary engine and the increase of gross tonnage to improve safety, working conditions or energy efficiency (Articles 17-19 of the EMFAF Regulation). The study also assesses the future needs of the Dutch fishing fleet and makes proposals for the adjustment of EMFAF for the next budget period. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Laureates of the 2024 Sakharov Prize: María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia, fighting for democracy in Venezuela - 03-12-2024

Respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights is a core value of the European Union (EU), and one that is promoted through its policies. The European Parliament's Sakharov Prize honours the work of people who stand up for these freedoms and rights. This y
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Laureates of the 2024 Sakharov Prize: María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia, fighting for democracy in Venezuela - 03-12-2024

Respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights is a core value of the European Union (EU), and one that is promoted through its policies. The European Parliament's Sakharov Prize honours the work of people who stand up for these freedoms and rights. This year's Sakharov Prize is to be awarded to María Corina Machado, leader of Venezuela's democratic forces, and President-elect Edmundo González Urrutia. They represent all Venezuelans both inside and outside the country who are fighting to restore freedom and democracy. The Sakharov Prize award ceremony will take place during the European Parliament's December plenary session. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Outumaoro : une esplanade au-dessus de la route pour éviter d'autres accidents ?

Après sa participation au congrès des maires en métropole, le retour du maire de Punaauia dans sa commune n'a pas dû être facile suite aux décès de deux de ses administrées sur la voie rapide à hauteur de Outumaoro. Pour cette zone accidentogène, i

Outumaoro : une esplanade au-dessus de la route pour éviter d'autres accidents ?

Après sa participation au congrès des maires en métropole, le retour du maire de Punaauia dans sa commune n'a pas dû être facile suite aux décès de deux de ses administrées sur la voie rapide à hauteur de Outumaoro. Pour cette zone accidentogène, il a un projet d'esplanade suspendue.

Briefing - East African Community (EAC): Economic indicators and trade with EU - 02-12-2024

Our infographic provides an overview of the EAC countries’ economic and trade relations with the EU. All eight EAC states have experienced a relatively consistent increase in their GDP per capita (PPP) since 2007. All eight countries are in the lower half o
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - East African Community (EAC): Economic indicators and trade with EU - 02-12-2024

Our infographic provides an overview of the EAC countries’ economic and trade relations with the EU. All eight EAC states have experienced a relatively consistent increase in their GDP per capita (PPP) since 2007. All eight countries are in the lower half of the Human Development Index ranking. EU trade in goods (imports and exports) with the EAC has risen steadily comparatively to 2007 volumes. The EU's leading trading partner for goods with the EAC is the Netherlands, while the primary partner in services is France. For the EAC region, the EU is the fourth trading partner. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

2,3 tonnes de cocaïne saisies sur un bateau en Australie

Saisie record de stupéfiants par la police australienne : 2,3 tonnes de cocaïne au large du Queensland. Plusieurs personnes ont été arrêtées. Le gang local de motards Comanchero est mis en cause en lien avec un syndicat du crime organisé international.

2,3 tonnes de cocaïne saisies sur un bateau en Australie

Saisie record de stupéfiants par la police australienne : 2,3 tonnes de cocaïne au large du Queensland. Plusieurs personnes ont été arrêtées. Le gang local de motards Comanchero est mis en cause en lien avec un syndicat du crime organisé international.

Briefing - Article 17 TFEU: Dialogue with churches, and religious and philosophical organisations - 02-12-2024

The EU institutions engage in regular structured dialogue with representatives of churches, and religious, non-confessional and philosophical organisations, on the basis of Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). This dialogu
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Article 17 TFEU: Dialogue with churches, and religious and philosophical organisations - 02-12-2024

The EU institutions engage in regular structured dialogue with representatives of churches, and religious, non-confessional and philosophical organisations, on the basis of Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). This dialogue, which takes the form of high-level meetings or working-level discussions, focuses on policy issues on the European agenda. It traces its origins to earlier initiatives, such as that launched in 1994 by Jacques Delors – 'A soul for Europe' – which looked for ways to build an ethical, moral and spiritual dimension into European integration and policy-shaping. The draft Constitutional Treaty of 2004 included provisions on regular, open and transparent dialogue between EU institutions, and representatives of churches and religious communities, and of non-confessional or philosophical communities. Although the Constitutional Treaty was rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands, its successor, the Lisbon Treaty, adopted in 2007 and in force since December 2009, preserved the same provisions in its Article 17 TFEU. The European Parliament has long stressed the importance of constant dialogue among, and with, religious and non-confessional and philosophical communities. Following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, it sought to give substance to the provisions of Article 17 TFEU, primarily by organising dialogue on subjects of interest for the EU and its citizens. The European Commission and the Council are also bound by Article 17 TFEU provisions. This is a further updated version of a briefing first published in 2018. The previous edition was issued in June 2023. It is published in support of the work of the Vice-President responsible for the Parliament's side of the Article 17 dialogue. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Difficile de faire face à la vie chère qu'on est fonctionnaire territorial de catégorie D

En période d’inflation, la vie est plus dure pour les salaires les plus modestes. Même parmi les fonctionnaires, il y en a, en catégorie D, qui ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts. Pourtant proches du pouvoir, ils sont, par exemple, agents de sécurit

Difficile de faire face à la vie chère qu'on est fonctionnaire territorial de catégorie D

En période d’inflation, la vie est plus dure pour les salaires les plus modestes. Même parmi les fonctionnaires, il y en a, en catégorie D, qui ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts. Pourtant proches du pouvoir, ils sont, par exemple, agents de sécurité à la Présidence.

Au Heiva ou mondialement, Maheana Atapo enchaîne les titres de meilleure danseuse de ori tahiti

Déjà élue meilleure danseuse au Heiva 2023, Maheana Atapo est la nouvelle championne du monde de 'ori tahiti. Pour cela, elle a offert une performance impressionnante. Le secret de sa victoire réside aussi dans le soutien infaillible de sa famille.

Au Heiva ou mondialement, Maheana Atapo enchaîne les titres de meilleure danseuse de ori tahiti

Déjà élue meilleure danseuse au Heiva 2023, Maheana Atapo est la nouvelle championne du monde de 'ori tahiti. Pour cela, elle a offert une performance impressionnante. Le secret de sa victoire réside aussi dans le soutien infaillible de sa famille.

Président taïwanais à Hawaii : la Chine «condamne fermement» et proteste auprès des Etats-Unis

La Chine a indiqué dimanche «condamner fermement» l'autorisation accordée par les Etats-Unis au passage à Hawaï du président taïwanais Lai Ching-te, où il a notamment été accueilli par le gouverneur de cet archipel américain.

Président taïwanais à Hawaii : la Chine «condamne fermement» et proteste auprès des Etats-Unis

La Chine a indiqué dimanche «condamner fermement» l'autorisation accordée par les Etats-Unis au passage à Hawaï du président taïwanais Lai Ching-te, où il a notamment été accueilli par le gouverneur de cet archipel américain.

Le retour des tu'aro ma'ohi à Moorea

Moorea vibre à nouveau pour les tu'aro ma'ohi ! 20 ans que l'île n'avait pas organisé ce type d'épreuves. Plus de 400 personnes ont assisté aux compétitions. Au programme, bien sûr course de porteurs de fruits, lancer de javelot ou lever de pierre. L'

Le retour des tu'aro ma'ohi à Moorea

Moorea vibre à nouveau pour les tu'aro ma'ohi ! 20 ans que l'île n'avait pas organisé ce type d'épreuves. Plus de 400 personnes ont assisté aux compétitions. Au programme, bien sûr course de porteurs de fruits, lancer de javelot ou lever de pierre. L'événement a lieu tout le week-end sur le site de Tiahura à Haapiti

1er décembre, journée mondiale contre le Sida : «le VIH n’est pas une maladie mais plutôt une infection»

Dimanche 1er décembre 2024 marque la Journée mondiale de lutte contre le Sida. A cette occasion, Teva (prénom d'emprunt), qui est séropositif, nous a confié comment il vit avec l'infection et comment le traitement qu'il suit a changé sa vie et celle de

1er décembre, journée mondiale contre le Sida : «le VIH n’est pas une maladie mais plutôt une infection»

Dimanche 1er décembre 2024 marque la Journée mondiale de lutte contre le Sida. A cette occasion, Teva (prénom d'emprunt), qui est séropositif, nous a confié comment il vit avec l'infection et comment le traitement qu'il suit a changé sa vie et celle de son compagnon.

Le retour des tuaro maohi à Moorea

Moorea vibre à nouveau pour les tu'aro ma'ohi ! 20 ans que l'île n'avait pas organisé ce type d'épreuves. Plus de 400 personnes ont assisté aux compétitions. Au programme, bien sûr course de porteurs de fruits, lancer de javelot ou lever de pierre. L

Le retour des tuaro maohi à Moorea

Moorea vibre à nouveau pour les tu'aro ma'ohi ! 20 ans que l'île n'avait pas organisé ce type d'épreuves. Plus de 400 personnes ont assisté aux compétitions. Au programme, bien sûr course de porteurs de fruits, lancer de javelot ou lever de pierre. L'événement a lieu tout le week-end sur le site de Tiahura à Haapiti

La presse nationale et internationale pourrait transiter par la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Nous l'annoncions début novembre. Le 1er janvier 2025, la distribution de la presse nationale et internationale cessera dans les kiosques à journaux de Polynésie française : Hachette Pacifique, l'unique distributeur local, arrête leur importation. Malgr

La presse nationale et internationale pourrait transiter par la Nouvelle-Calédonie

Nous l'annoncions début novembre. Le 1er janvier 2025, la distribution de la presse nationale et internationale cessera dans les kiosques à journaux de Polynésie française : Hachette Pacifique, l'unique distributeur local, arrête leur importation. Malgré tout, il pourrait y avoir des solutions alternatives.

ATN Urban Run + élagage = circulation perturbée ce samedi après-midi à Papeete

Ca bouge au centre-ville et c'est très bien. Black Friday oblige, les gens affluent dans les magasins, et week-end oblige diverses opérations sportive ou sécuritaire sont prévues ce samedi après-midi. Conséquence : la circulation dans les rues de la cap

ATN Urban Run + élagage = circulation perturbée ce samedi après-midi à Papeete

Ca bouge au centre-ville et c'est très bien. Black Friday oblige, les gens affluent dans les magasins, et week-end oblige diverses opérations sportive ou sécuritaire sont prévues ce samedi après-midi. Conséquence : la circulation dans les rues de la capitale va être perturbée.

REPLAY. Coupe de France : défaite de l'AS Dragon battue 6 à 1 par le SU Dives Cabourg

L’AS Dragon s'est déplacée en Normandie pour y défier le SU Dives Cabourg. Revivez le match de ce 8ᵉ tour de la coupe de France.

REPLAY. Coupe de France : défaite de l'AS Dragon battue 6 à 1 par le SU Dives Cabourg

L’AS Dragon s'est déplacée en Normandie pour y défier le SU Dives Cabourg. Revivez le match de ce 8ᵉ tour de la coupe de France.

La difficulté des femmes enceintes venues des îles d'accoucher à Tahiti

L’association Partage Santé Pacifique (APSP), par le biais de son président Philippe Biarez, interpelle les institutions du Pays sur les conditions difficiles d’accouchement que subissent les femmes des îles éloignées qui viennent accoucher à Tahiti

La difficulté des femmes enceintes venues des îles d'accoucher à Tahiti

L’association Partage Santé Pacifique (APSP), par le biais de son président Philippe Biarez, interpelle les institutions du Pays sur les conditions difficiles d’accouchement que subissent les femmes des îles éloignées qui viennent accoucher à Tahiti. Une réunion était organisée hier au parc Paofai pour évoquer les problèmes rencontrés par ces Polynésiennes souvent confrontées à l’isolement...

La FRAAP menace d'une grève dans la fonction publique territoriale

18, c’est le nombre de points de revendication figurant dans le préavis de grève déposé par la FRAAP. Le syndicat majoritaire dans la fonction publique territoriale menace le Pays d’un mouvement social à partir de vendredi prochain. Parmi les princip

La FRAAP menace d'une grève dans la fonction publique territoriale

18, c’est le nombre de points de revendication figurant dans le préavis de grève déposé par la FRAAP. Le syndicat majoritaire dans la fonction publique territoriale menace le Pays d’un mouvement social à partir de vendredi prochain. Parmi les principales doléances, il y a l’augmentation du point d’indice salarial et la mise en œuvre de dispositifs pour lutter contre la vie chère.

Téléthon 2024, faites vos dons au 44 36 37 ou en ligne

Même si beaucoup de personnes ont l'esprit à faire le Black Friday, elles ne doivent pas oublier que c'est ce week-end qu'a lieu le traditionnel Téléthon, et que faire un don, c'est aider la science à avancer en faveur des Polynésiens atteints de maladi

Téléthon 2024, faites vos dons au 44 36 37 ou en ligne

Même si beaucoup de personnes ont l'esprit à faire le Black Friday, elles ne doivent pas oublier que c'est ce week-end qu'a lieu le traditionnel Téléthon, et que faire un don, c'est aider la science à avancer en faveur des Polynésiens atteints de maladies rares.

Black Friday, de belles remises et c'est le succès assuré

Le Black Friday est désormais un rendez-vous populaire à Tahiti. Des remises importantes attirent les clients, parfois jusqu'à 50 %. Ce soir une nocturne est même prévue jusqu'à 23 heures au centre-ville. Ce rituel commercial tout droit venu des Etats-U

Black Friday, de belles remises et c'est le succès assuré

Le Black Friday est désormais un rendez-vous populaire à Tahiti. Des remises importantes attirent les clients, parfois jusqu'à 50 %. Ce soir une nocturne est même prévue jusqu'à 23 heures au centre-ville. Ce rituel commercial tout droit venu des Etats-Unis a provoqué des files d'attente devant plusieurs magasins ce matin .

Des narco-submersibles transportant en quantité de la drogue interceptés dans le Pacifique

Des semi-submersibles bourrés de cocaïne traversent tout le Pacifique entre la Colombie et l'Australie, a annoncé mercredi la marine colombienne, faisant état de 225 tonnes de cette drogue récemment saisies au cours d'une opération internationale.

Des narco-submersibles transportant en quantité de la drogue interceptés dans le Pacifique

Des semi-submersibles bourrés de cocaïne traversent tout le Pacifique entre la Colombie et l'Australie, a annoncé mercredi la marine colombienne, faisant état de 225 tonnes de cette drogue récemment saisies au cours d'une opération internationale.

Briefing - Public hearing with Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board - 29-11-2024

This briefing has been prepared for the public hearing with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), Dominique Laboureix on 4 December 2024. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
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Briefing - Public hearing with Dominique Laboureix, Chair of the Single Resolution Board - 29-11-2024

This briefing has been prepared for the public hearing with the Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB), Dominique Laboureix on 4 December 2024. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Taxation measures to support people with disabilities in the EU - 29-11-2024

Around 100 million people in the EU– or 1 in 4 adults – have some form of disability. Addressing both fiscal support and public service accessibility for people with disabilities is crucial for a more inclusive and equitable tax system across the EU. On
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Taxation measures to support people with disabilities in the EU - 29-11-2024

Around 100 million people in the EU– or 1 in 4 adults – have some form of disability. Addressing both fiscal support and public service accessibility for people with disabilities is crucial for a more inclusive and equitable tax system across the EU. On 3 December 2024, the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC) will host a public hearing on this topic as part of the European Parliament's Disability Rights Week. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Discrimination and gender-based violence in sport - 29-11-2024

In the run-up to this year's European Gender Equality Week (9 to 13 December), the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education – also responsible for sport policy – is hosting an exchange of views on 3 December with the Council of the EU and
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Discrimination and gender-based violence in sport - 29-11-2024

In the run-up to this year's European Gender Equality Week (9 to 13 December), the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education – also responsible for sport policy – is hosting an exchange of views on 3 December with the Council of the EU and the European Commission on preventing and addressing discrimination and gender-based violence in sport. The event will be followed by the screening of one of the films nominated for this year's Lux Audience Award – Julie Keeps Quiet – a film that touches on these very issues. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - EU gender equality policy: Beneficial for both women and men - 28-11-2024

Since its creation in the 1950s, the European Economic Community, and today's European Union, has had the power to promote equality between women and men, in employment and other areas of life. EU action has driven significant progress, even if disparities pe
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - EU gender equality policy: Beneficial for both women and men - 28-11-2024

Since its creation in the 1950s, the European Economic Community, and today's European Union, has had the power to promote equality between women and men, in employment and other areas of life. EU action has driven significant progress, even if disparities persist in many areas. To secure this progress, the EU has enabled Member States to implement positive action measures in favour of women and has adopted ground-breaking legislative and non-legislative measures, such as its recent legislation on gender-based violence. Although consensus on EU gender equality policy is long established, a minority array of civil society and political actors are increasingly voicing their opposition to some aspects of gender equality policy. Recent surveys in EU countries show that some citizens have also started questioning a policy that, in their view, has fulfilled its mission. However, perennial gender inequalities in many areas of life suggest that this is a hasty assumption. Fears that gender equality is a zero-sum game that disempowers men highlight a need to dispel misunderstandings about EU gender equality policy. The policy focuses on women as the primary subjects of sex-based discrimination but is formulated in gender-neutral language. Any discrimination is strictly forbidden, although the policy enables Member States to conduct positive action on behalf of women. The Court of Justice of the EU upholds rigorous enforcement of positive action, which has to remain exceptional, limited and non-discriminatory against men. Changing realities meanwhile suggest that men too can benefit from the data collection and the tools developed by the EU, for instance with regard to health and education. Here, some EU countries display the biggest gender gaps in life expectancy in the world, as well as a notable gap in tertiary educational attainment in favour of women. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Understanding EU policies for people with disabilities - 28-11-2024

The EU and its Member States have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and use its definition of disability as a common reference at EU level. There is no other harmonised definition of disability in the EU. The recent introduc
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Understanding EU policies for people with disabilities - 28-11-2024

The EU and its Member States have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and use its definition of disability as a common reference at EU level. There is no other harmonised definition of disability in the EU. The recent introduction of the Global Activity Limitation Instrument indicator (GALI) in most of Eurostat's social and economic surveys offers the opportunity to have a clearer assessment of disability in the EU than before. It confirms that in 2023 the prevalence of disability was higher among female, older and less educated respondents. The EU combats all forms of discrimination alongside and in support of its Member States. To improve the situation of people with disabilities, it has introduced a series of initiatives, programmes and strategies over a number of decades. The European Parliament has been highly active in the bid to end all forms of discrimination against people with disabilities, since the early 1980s. In 1997, Article 13 of the Treaty establishing the European Community on the human right not to suffer discrimination on grounds, in particular, of disability, paved the way for a genuine disability policy. The first step in this regard was the adoption of a 2001-2006 action programme to combat discrimination. Later, the 2010-2020 European disability strategy sought to enable people with disabilities to exercise their rights and participate fully in society and the economy. The 2021-2030 strategy, incorporating lessons learned from its predecessor, seeks to ensure that all persons with disabilities in the EU, regardless of their sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation: enjoy their human rights; have equal access to participation in society and the economy; can decide where, how and with whom they live; can move freely in the EU regardless of their support needs; and no longer experience discrimination. This is an update of a briefing published in November 2023. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Study - The state of play of independent living and deinstitutionalisation for persons with disabilities in the EU - 28-11-2024

The right to independent living and community inclusion for the EU's 101 million citizens with disabilities is enshrined in Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and is further supported by the EU Disa
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Study - The state of play of independent living and deinstitutionalisation for persons with disabilities in the EU - 28-11-2024

The right to independent living and community inclusion for the EU's 101 million citizens with disabilities is enshrined in Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and is further supported by the EU Disability Strategy 2021–2030. This analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the current landscape, ongoing challenges, key stakeholder recommendations, and future political perspectives regarding independent living and deinstitutionalisation. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL). Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - The EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 - Achievements and perspectives - 26-11-2024

At the request of the PETI Committee, the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs prepared this briefing to present the EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, which is the European Commission's policy fram
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - The EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 - Achievements and perspectives - 26-11-2024

At the request of the PETI Committee, the Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs prepared this briefing to present the EU Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, which is the European Commission's policy framework for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The strategy includes an ambitious set of actions and flagship initiatives until 2024 in various domains, linked to the UNCRPD. Five of the seven flagship initiatives have already been implemented, and the two remaining ones are expected to be published by early 2025. Most of the other policy actions included in the Strategy are also completed by 2024. Despite significant efforts to implement the UNCRPD across the EU, persistent gaps remain between persons with and without disabilities, for example, when it comes to poverty, access to jobs, inclusive education, housing, or healthcare services. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Victime d'un accident de la route, la difficile reconstruction de Pia Faatomo

En proportion, on pourrait affirmer qu'il y a 3 fois plus d'accidents de la route en Polynésie que dans l'Hexagone. Depuis le début de l'année, il y a eu 29 morts sur nos routes. Et quand elles n'ont pas perdu la vie, les victimes sont marquées pour toujo

Victime d'un accident de la route, la difficile reconstruction de Pia Faatomo

En proportion, on pourrait affirmer qu'il y a 3 fois plus d'accidents de la route en Polynésie que dans l'Hexagone. Depuis le début de l'année, il y a eu 29 morts sur nos routes. Et quand elles n'ont pas perdu la vie, les victimes sont marquées pour toujours. Comme Pia Faatomo percutée par une voiture il y a plus de 30 ans. Elle suit désormais un traitement à vie

Le 26ème stage international de pratique de la danse tahitienne est ouvert !

Après la réalisation d'un magnifique spectacle sur l'ouverture de la période de l'abondance - le Ta'o 'Auhune - ce dimanche 24 novembre dans les jardins du musée de Tahiti et des îles, le conservatoire artistique Te Fare 'Upa Rau a ouvert ce lundi matin

Le 26ème stage international de pratique de la danse tahitienne est ouvert !

Après la réalisation d'un magnifique spectacle sur l'ouverture de la période de l'abondance - le Ta'o 'Auhune - ce dimanche 24 novembre dans les jardins du musée de Tahiti et des îles, le conservatoire artistique Te Fare 'Upa Rau a ouvert ce lundi matin le 26ème stage international de pratique de la danse tahitienne.

Les oncologues arrivent lentement mais sûrement au CHPF

C’est un problème récurrent : le manque d’oncologues à l’hôpital de Taaone. Depuis deux mois, les patients atteints de cancer n’avaient plus du tout de spécialiste pour assurer leur suivi. Deux oncologues sont désormais en poste depuis ce mois d

Les oncologues arrivent lentement mais sûrement au CHPF

C’est un problème récurrent : le manque d’oncologues à l’hôpital de Taaone. Depuis deux mois, les patients atteints de cancer n’avaient plus du tout de spécialiste pour assurer leur suivi. Deux oncologues sont désormais en poste depuis ce mois de novembre et d’autres sont attendus.

Contre les violences faites aux femmes : dépôt de plainte depuis l'hôpital et kit de détection de soumission chimique

Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination des violences à l’égard des femmes, le Premier ministre a annoncé plusieurs mesures, notamment le dépôt de plainte directement depuis un hôpital et un kit pour détecter la soumission c

Contre les violences faites aux femmes : dépôt de plainte depuis l'hôpital et kit de détection de soumission chimique

Dans le cadre de la Journée internationale pour l’élimination des violences à l’égard des femmes, le Premier ministre a annoncé plusieurs mesures, notamment le dépôt de plainte directement depuis un hôpital et un kit pour détecter la soumission chimique des potentielles victimes.

Briefing - International Agreements in Progress - EU-Switzerland relations: A new approach - 25-11-2024

The EU and Switzerland are important trading partners and close-minded partners in foreign affairs. They also have very strong ties through a range of bilateral agreements and Switzerland has been associated with several EU policies relating to the internal m
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - International Agreements in Progress - EU-Switzerland relations: A new approach - 25-11-2024

The EU and Switzerland are important trading partners and close-minded partners in foreign affairs. They also have very strong ties through a range of bilateral agreements and Switzerland has been associated with several EU policies relating to the internal market, the Schengen agreement, the Dublin system for dealing with asylum claims and the EU's research and mobility programmes. Between 2014 and 2021, the EU and Switzerland negotiated an institutional framework agreement, which would have further developed Switzerland's participation in the EU internal market. However, Switzerland terminated the talks. The failure of the talks led the EU to block an update to the mutual recognition agreement on conformity assessment of technical standards and exclude Switzerland from Horizon Europe, the EU's flagship research programme. In February 2022, the Swiss Federal Council presented an alternative way forward consisting of a broad package of measures relating to the bilateral relationship between the EU and Switzerland, including a new approach regarding the institutional elements. Following exploratory talks, the two parties agreed on a common understanding as a new basis for their negotiations, which are ongoing. First edition. The 'International Agreements in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the process, from initial discussions through to ratification. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Political institutions in Indonesia after the October 2024 elections: Democracy, decentralisation, diversity - 25-11-2024

Since the downfall of the authoritarian General Suharto in 1998, a series of reforms have transformed Indonesia into the world's fourth largest democracy (and largest Muslim democracy). The country has a presidential system in which a directly elected preside
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Political institutions in Indonesia after the October 2024 elections: Democracy, decentralisation, diversity - 25-11-2024

Since the downfall of the authoritarian General Suharto in 1998, a series of reforms have transformed Indonesia into the world's fourth largest democracy (and largest Muslim democracy). The country has a presidential system in which a directly elected president serves as head of both state and government. A two-term limit on the presidency helps to ensure a peaceful alternation of power. Also directly elected, Indonesia's House of Representatives (the lower house of the two chambers of parliament) has asserted itself as a strong and independent institution. Following the October 2024 presidential and legislative elections, there are eight parliamentary parties, none of which holds a majority, obliging the government to seek support from a broad coalition. Despite the success of Indonesia's political reforms, the country's commitment to democratic values cannot be taken for granted. Although Indonesia has traditionally been a tolerant, multicultural society, a tide of Islamic populism threatens to disrupt the delicate balance between the country's Muslim majority and minorities such as Christians and Buddhists. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has had some success in tackling endemic corruption in the country's courts, local governments and parliament; however, it is currently facing a serious challenge. While trust in democratic institutions declines, the military – whose commitment to democratic values has often been questionable – is becoming increasingly influential. This briefing updates an earlier briefing by Martin Russell. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

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