Briefing - Poland's climate action strategy - 19-12-2024
Poland does not have a national climate law or a strategy to become climate-neutral. However, it is bound by the European Climate Law and other EU legislation that obliges Member States to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in some sectors. Poland accountBriefing - Poland's climate action strategy - 19-12-2024
Poland does not have a national climate law or a strategy to become climate-neutral. However, it is bound by the European Climate Law and other EU legislation that obliges Member States to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in some sectors. Poland accounts for 10.7 % of the EU's net GHG emissions, and achieved a net emissions reduction of 9.3 % in the years 2005 to 2023 – significantly lower than the EU average of 30.5 % over the same period (Figure 1). Emissions under the EU emissions trading system (ETS), covering mainly energy-intensive sectors, aviation and maritime transport, decreased by 30 %. Carbon removals in the LULUCF (land use, land-use change and forestry) sectors went down by 28.2 %. In the effort-sharing sectors (domestic transport without aviation, buildings, agriculture, small industry and waste) increased by 9 %. In August 2023, Poland updated its recovery and resilience plan and introduced a REPowerEU chapter. It submitted its draft updated national energy and climate plan (NECP) on 1 March 2024 (only the scenario with existing measures). The European Commission assessed the partially updated plan on 26 April 2024, and deemed the existing measures insufficient to meet the 2030 targets. In a 2023 Eurobarometer survey, 28 % of Poles, compared with a 46 % EU average, identified climate change as one of the four most serious problems facing the world. Almost half expect national government (46 %) and/or the EU (43 %) to tackle climate change, while 17 % find it to be a personal responsibility. This briefing is one in a series covering all EU Member States. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP Read more