HEARTBROKEN: Why i regret dating a policewoman, painful experience!
Growing up, I knew I would never ever date or marry a Policewoman! Never. Like who in there correct mind falls in love with a police-woman? Huh? Imagine your wife coming home in the evening after a long and tiring day.. While other wives are cleaning off theiHEARTBROKEN: Why i regret dating a policewoman, painful experience!
Growing up, I knew I would never ever date or marry a Policewoman! Never. Like who in there correct mind falls in love with a police-woman? Huh? Imagine your wife coming home in the evening after a long and tiring day.. While other wives are cleaning off their lipsticks and easing up their purses, your […] The post HEARTBROKEN: Why i regret dating a policewoman, painful experience! appeared first on Kenya Today. Read more