'Build on complementary strengths': Prime ministers ink Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone agreement
SINGAPORE — Singapore and Malaysia have inked an agreement to create a new special economic zone for business and investment. Prime Minister Lawrence Wong and Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim on Jan 7 witnessed the exchange of the agreement for the Johor-Singap'Build on complementary strengths': Prime ministers ink Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone agreement
SINGAPORE — Singapore and Malaysia have inked an agreement to create a new special economic zone for business and investment. Prime Minister Lawrence Wong and Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim on Jan 7 witnessed the exchange of the agreement for the Johor-Singapore Special Economic Zone (JS-SEZ) at the 11th Malaysia-Singapore Leaders' Retreat in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Speaking at a joint press conference at the end of the two-day retreat, PM Wong said the JS-SEZ will create good jobs and more opportunities for the people of both countries. «When negotiating the agreement, both sides have actively engaged stakeholders to ensure that the JS-SEZ has the conditions to help our businesses grow together for the longer term,» said PM Wong. «So we are confident about the JS-SEZ, and we look forward to taking it forward.» There are many strengths that can be harnessed from both sides to make the zone a more competitive and attractive venue for businesses to operate from, said PM Wong. On Singapore's end, the authorities have engaged many businesses who are keen to do more out of Johor, he added. Read more