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Президент Казахстанской федерации футбола Адилет Барменкулов на пресс-конференции в Астане прокомментировал совмещение постов Магомеда Ад

Соболенко вышла в полуфинал турнира WTA в Риме

Белорусская теннисистка Арина Соболенко одержала победу над представительницей Латвии Еленой Остапенко в четвертьфинале турнира WTA 1000 в Ри
Спорт -

Соболенко вышла в полуфинал турнира WTA в Риме

Белорусская теннисистка Арина Соболенко одержала победу над представительницей Латвии Еленой Остапенко в четвертьфинале турнира WTA 1000 в Риме. Подробнее…

Titanic shipyard faces closure after 160 years as Jeremy Hunt 'is set to block £200m aid package for Harland & Wolff'

Government insiders have reportedly voiced 'serious fears' that the firm based on the docks in north Belfast could collapse as a result of the funding cut, which would end centuries of shipbuilding in the city.
News | Mail Online

Titanic shipyard faces closure after 160 years as Jeremy Hunt 'is set to block £200m aid package for Harland & Wolff'

Government insiders have reportedly voiced 'serious fears' that the firm based on the docks in north Belfast could collapse as a result of the funding cut, which would end centuries of shipbuilding in the city.

Slovakian PM fights for life after '71-year-old assassin' shoots him in the stomach and arm before being bundled to the ground while trying to flee

Robert Fico was shot in Handlova, north-east of Bratislava, following a Slovak government meeting, news agency TASR reported on Wednesday.
News | Mail Online

Slovakian PM fights for life after '71-year-old assassin' shoots him in the stomach and arm before being bundled to the ground while trying to flee

Robert Fico was shot in Handlova, north-east of Bratislava, following a Slovak government meeting, news agency TASR reported on Wednesday.

Tensions in seaside hotspot blighted by massive cliff falls explode into violence as 'two children are shot' after ignoring warnings to stop playing on crumbling sand dunes

Police were called to the area after receiving reports of shots fired and arrested a local woman for offences including suspicion of grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon.
News | Mail Online

Tensions in seaside hotspot blighted by massive cliff falls explode into violence as 'two children are shot' after ignoring warnings to stop playing on crumbling sand dunes

Police were called to the area after receiving reports of shots fired and arrested a local woman for offences including suspicion of grievous bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon.

Royal Mail's owner says it would be 'minded' to agree takeover by Daniel Kretinsky: Czech billionaire and major shareholder of West Ham puts forward higher proposed bid worth around £3.5billion

The mogul - known as the Czech Sphinx - had until 5pm today to walk away or make a bid for International Distributions Services (IDS).
News | Mail Online

Royal Mail's owner says it would be 'minded' to agree takeover by Daniel Kretinsky: Czech billionaire and major shareholder of West Ham puts forward higher proposed bid worth around £3.5billion

The mogul - known as the Czech Sphinx - had until 5pm today to walk away or make a bid for International Distributions Services (IDS).

[횡설수설/이진영]이번엔 저출생수석 신설… 연금수석, 반도체수석은 안 만드나

대통령비서실 조직을 보면 정부의 핵심 어젠다를 알 수 있다. 노무현 정부는 국민과 쌍방향 소통을 하겠다며 국민참여수석실을, 이명박 정부는 금융위기 극복을 위해 비상경제상황실을 신설했다
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

[횡설수설/이진영]이번엔 저출생수석 신설… 연금수석, 반도체수석은 안 만드나

대통령비서실 조직을 보면 정부의 핵심 어젠다를 알 수 있다. 노무현 정부는 국민과 쌍방향 소통을 하겠다며 국민참여수석실을, 이명박 정부는 금융위기 극복을 위해 비상경제상황실을 신설했다. 박근혜 정부는 미래전략수석실에서 창조경제를 주도했고, 문재인 정부는 일자리수석실을 신설해 1호 공약인 일자리 정책을 챙겼다. 집권 3년 차에 접어든 윤석열 정부가 저출생 극복이 시급하다며 저출생수석실을 새로 두기로 했다. ▷윤 대통령은 최근 취임 2주년 기자회견에서 저출산고령사회위원회를 부총리급 부처로 승격시켜 저출생대응기획부를 신설한다고 발표한 데 이어 13일 수석비서관회의에서 대통령실에도 이를 전담할 컨트롤타워 신설을 지시했다. 부처 신설은 정부조직법 개정에 시간이 걸리는 만큼 이르면 다음 주에 저출생수석부터 임명해 관련 정책을 챙기겠다는 것이다. 차관급인 초대 저출생수석은 체감도 높은 정책을 내놓을 수 있도록 40대 다둥이 워킹맘 중에서 찾고 있다고 한다. ▷한국은 ‘저출산 함정’에 빠져 있는 ‘국가 비상사태

[사설]변죽 울리는 한동훈의 ‘목격담 정치’

총선 참패 책임을 지고 사퇴한 국민의힘 한동훈 전 비상대책위원장의 비공식 활동에 대한 목격담이 이어지고 있다. 한 전 위원장 팬클럽 게시판엔 그를 봤다는 소식과 함께 최근 모습이 담긴 사진
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

[사설]변죽 울리는 한동훈의 ‘목격담 정치’

총선 참패 책임을 지고 사퇴한 국민의힘 한동훈 전 비상대책위원장의 비공식 활동에 대한 목격담이 이어지고 있다. 한 전 위원장 팬클럽 게시판엔 그를 봤다는 소식과 함께 최근 모습이 담긴 사진이 계속해서 올라오고 있다. 원희룡 전 국토교통부 장관을 만난 소식이나, 도서관에서 책을 읽는 모습 등도 온라인 커뮤니티에 처음 게시돼 확산됐다. 서울의 한 도서관에서 봤다며 팬클럽 회원들이 11일 게시판에 올린 다수의 인증사진들을 보면 고양이 티셔츠를 입은 한 전 위원장은 분홍색 골전도 이어폰을 끼고 한국 SF소설을 읽는 모습이었다. 앞서 자택 인근에서 통화하며 걷는 뒷모습이나, 식당에서 칼국수를 먹는 사진도 공개됐다. 최근 이런 종류의 목격담이 부쩍 잦아진 것을 두고 다양한 해석이 나오고 있다. 공공 장소인 도서관 열람실에서 책을 읽는 모습 등은 자신의 존재를 드러내기 위해 스스로 연출한 것 아니냐는 것이다. 원 전 장관과의 만찬 소식이 팬클럽을 통해 알려진 것도 마찬가지다. 공개 활동이나 공식 입장 표명은

[사설]노골화하는 이재명의 ‘일극 정치’

더불어민주당이 22대 국회 상임위원장 배분에서 ‘3선 의원 이상 나이순’이던 기존 관례를 깨고 3선만 되면 나이 상관없이 ‘전문성과 실력’을 우선으로 결정하기로 했다고 한다. 당론 법안의
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

[사설]노골화하는 이재명의 ‘일극 정치’

더불어민주당이 22대 국회 상임위원장 배분에서 ‘3선 의원 이상 나이순’이던 기존 관례를 깨고 3선만 되면 나이 상관없이 ‘전문성과 실력’을 우선으로 결정하기로 했다고 한다. 당론 법안의 신속 통과 같은 성과를 낼 인물들로 배치하겠다는 것인데, 그러다 보니 주요 상임위원장 후보로 강성 친명(친이재명)계 인사들이 줄줄이 거론된다. 당내에선 “결국 상임위원장도 ‘강성’을 기준으로 따지겠다는 것이냐”는 우려가 나온다. 7∼8월 시도당 대의원대회를 앞두고 지역 조직을 총괄하는 시도당위원장에도 주로 친명계 간 경쟁이 치열하다고 한다. 4·10총선 이후 민주당을 보면 사실상 이재명 대표와 친명계 일색의 ‘이재명 일극(一極) 체제’를 완성해 가는 분위기다. 친명을 넘어 ‘찐명’으로 불리는 인물이 원내대표 선거 단독 후보로 나와 사실상 추대된 데 이어 오늘 국회의장 경선을 앞두고선 친명계가 나서 다른 친명 후보 2인을 주저앉히고 초강성 후보를 밀고 있다. 그러니 원내대표와 국회의장, 상임위원장, 시도당위원장까지 오

Капитан сборной Казахстана победил во втором бою на турнире в Астане

Капитан национальной сборной Казахстана по боксу Асланбек Шымбергенов одержал вторую победу на международном турнире "Elorda Cup" в Астане
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Капитан сборной Казахстана победил во втором бою на турнире в Астане

Капитан национальной сборной Казахстана по боксу Асланбек Шымбергенов одержал вторую победу на международном турнире "Elorda Cup" в Астане, передает корреспондент NUR.KZ.

В Винницкой области задержан рецидивист, работавший на «вагнеровцев»

По указанию вражеской группировки фигурант собирал информацию о местах базирования сил обороны на территории Винницкой и Черкасской област
Последние новости на сайте

В Винницкой области задержан рецидивист, работавший на «вагнеровцев»

По указанию вражеской группировки фигурант собирал информацию о местах базирования сил обороны на территории Винницкой и Черкасской областей.

Бойфренд Рианны показал их редкие фото с двумя сыновьями

На семейных кадрах Рианна и ASAP Rocky нежно обнимают своих двух сыновей, старшего Ризза и младшего Риота.
Последние новости на сайте

Бойфренд Рианны показал их редкие фото с двумя сыновьями

На семейных кадрах Рианна и ASAP Rocky нежно обнимают своих двух сыновей, старшего Ризза и младшего Риота.

Пограничники уничтожили вражеский «Зоопарк» в Донецкой области

Российский комплекс артиллерийской разведки и контрбатарейной борьбы Зоопарк-1 был уничтожен в Донецкой области.
Последние новости на сайте

Пограничники уничтожили вражеский «Зоопарк» в Донецкой области

Российский комплекс артиллерийской разведки и контрбатарейной борьбы Зоопарк-1 был уничтожен в Донецкой области.

Решение о переговорах принимает Украина – Блинкен

Если бы Владимир Путин проявил хоть какой-то интерес к серьезному участию в переговорах, то украинцы бы ответили на это, считает глава Госдеп
Последние новости на сайте

Решение о переговорах принимает Украина – Блинкен

Если бы Владимир Путин проявил хоть какой-то интерес к серьезному участию в переговорах, то украинцы бы ответили на это, считает глава Госдепа США.

Тайсон Фьюри подтвердил, что имеет проблемы с психикой

Британский чемпион мира в тяжелейшем весе рассказал, чем обусловлено его неадекватное поведение.
Последние новости на сайте

Тайсон Фьюри подтвердил, что имеет проблемы с психикой

Британский чемпион мира в тяжелейшем весе рассказал, чем обусловлено его неадекватное поведение.

Vilniaus miesto taryba nusprendė Salomėjos Nėries gimnaziją pervadinti Vyčio vardu

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės taryba nutarė Salomėjos Nėries gimnaziją pervadinti Vyčio vardu.
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Vilniaus miesto taryba nusprendė Salomėjos Nėries gimnaziją pervadinti Vyčio vardu

Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės taryba nutarė Salomėjos Nėries gimnaziją pervadinti Vyčio vardu.

VSD pranešėjo komisijos išvadų tvirtinimą Seimo vadovybė nutarė nukelti po rinkimų

Valstybės saugumo departamento (VSD) pranešėjo informaciją tyrusios laikinosios Seimo komisijos išvadų tvirtinimą nutarta atidėti po prezidento rinkimų.
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

VSD pranešėjo komisijos išvadų tvirtinimą Seimo vadovybė nutarė nukelti po rinkimų

Valstybės saugumo departamento (VSD) pranešėjo informaciją tyrusios laikinosios Seimo komisijos išvadų tvirtinimą nutarta atidėti po prezidento rinkimų.

Vilnius vėl kvies gyventojus teikti idėjas gyvenamajai aplinkai gerinti

Po metų pertraukos vilniečiai vėl galės teikti idėjas sostinės viešųjų erdvių įveiklinimui, pagerinimui, naujų erdvių sukūrimui prie savo namų, skelbia Vilniaus savivaldybė.
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Vilnius vėl kvies gyventojus teikti idėjas gyvenamajai aplinkai gerinti

Po metų pertraukos vilniečiai vėl galės teikti idėjas sostinės viešųjų erdvių įveiklinimui, pagerinimui, naujų erdvių sukūrimui prie savo namų, skelbia Vilniaus savivaldybė.

Lawrence Wong sworn in as fourth Prime Minister of Singapore

DPM Lawrence Wong has been sworn in as the fourth prime minister of Singapore on Wednesday (May 15) evening. This makes the first change of leadership in the Republic in 20 years. Wong took the oath of allegiance and oath of due execution from Chief Justic

Lawrence Wong sworn in as fourth Prime Minister of Singapore

DPM Lawrence Wong has been sworn in as the fourth prime minister of Singapore on Wednesday (May 15) evening. This makes the first change of leadership in the Republic in 20 years. Wong took the oath of allegiance and oath of due execution from Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon at the Istana. At the swearing-in ceremony, President Tharman Shanmugaratnam said that Wong is taking over as Prime Minister in a «period of growing global fractiousness and big power contestation, and a weakening international order». «Wong and his team… are well-placed to secure our national interests amid these unpredictable geopolitical currents and to help advance Asean unity,» he said. He also highlighted how those who have worked alongside Wong, in government and in the community, would know that he brings «convictions, life experiences and skills». Recalling Wong's contributions in policymaking, the Labour Movement and as co-chair of the Covid-19 taskforce, Tharman also described Wong as being «calm and decisive» in the face of pressure.

'Help me provide Singaporeans with the government they deserve': PM Wong calls for younger people to serve

In a speech during his swearing-in ceremony on Wednesday (May 15) evening, Singapore's fourth Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that one of his key priorities is to identify younger Singaporeans in their 30s and 40s to serve. «Help me provide Singapore

'Help me provide Singaporeans with the government they deserve': PM Wong calls for younger people to serve

In a speech during his swearing-in ceremony on Wednesday (May 15) evening, Singapore's fourth Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that one of his key priorities is to identify younger Singaporeans in their 30s and 40s to serve. «Help me provide Singaporeans with the government they deserve,» he added. As the first prime minister to be born after 1965, the year of Singapore's independence, PM Wong acknowledged that his experiences would result in a different leadership approach compared to previous generations. «Almost all my colleagues in the 4G team were also born after 1965. My generation's story is the story of independent Singapore,» he said. He added that he and the 4G team understands the importance of good leadership, political stability and long-term planning as they are the beneficiaries of such policies. Citing the Covid-19 pandemic as «the crisis of our generation», PM Wong said that the way Singapore dealt with the crisis deepened the country's social capital, making Singaporeans «better and stronger». «Covid was a baptism of fire for me and my team,» he said.

Banadir Court of Appeal upholds death sentence for man convicted of burning pregnant wife

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Court of Appeal of the Banadir region sentenced Sayid Ali Moalim Daud to death on Sunday after concluding several hearings of the case and the defence against him.
Hiiraan Online

Banadir Court of Appeal upholds death sentence for man convicted of burning pregnant wife

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Court of Appeal of the Banadir region sentenced Sayid Ali Moalim Daud to death on Sunday after concluding several hearings of the case and the defence against him.

Seychelles' cruise ship season ends successfully, says top tourism official 

The cruise ship season is coming to an end and Seychelles has welcomed 38 vessels with around 68,000 visitors during that time, said a top tourism official on Tuesday.   The principal secretary for Tourism, Sherin Francis, gave the figures and explained tha
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' cruise ship season ends successfully, says top tourism official 

The cruise ship season is coming to an end and Seychelles has welcomed 38 vessels with around 68,000 visitors during that time, said a top tourism official on Tuesday.   The principal secretary for Tourism, Sherin Francis, gave the figures and explained that despite receiving fewer ships than the 2022-2023 season, which was a total of 52. Seychelles received vessels with much larger passenger capacity this season. She described the season as a successful one coupled with the smooth running of all logistical operations.   «For that, I need to congratulate all partners in the industry, as without them we would not have been able to do it well,» said Francis. She added that all operators respected all regulations and facilities in place during the season and no incidents were reported like in previous years. «However, one of the challenges we do have is for us as a country to maximise tourists' spending when they arrive in Seychelles. Although I must say that there has been some improvement, we still can do more,» said Francis. She shared that the tourism department is doing a comprehensive study on the spending patterns of the visitors on cruise vessels. Francis described the season as a successful one coupled with the smooth running of all logistical operations. (Seychelles News Agency) Photo License: CC-BY.  «We are being assisted by UNECA (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa) where by July or August this year, we will have a report that we could share with our partners and the media, which will give us a better idea of the benefits we receive from cruise ship passengers,» said the principal secretary. Francis added that the data collected at the moment is not enough to get the information needed. The chief executive of the Seychelles Ports Authority (SPA), Sony Payet, explained that with so many passengers entering the country at once, it is important that all partners work together to ensure smooth operations. «Since we are now having more visitors from cruise ships, I think that a committee must be put in place, featuring all invested parties, so that the services can improve,» added Payet. He also spoke of the need for a more vibrant Victoria, the capital, explaining that tourists need to have more things to do and to spend on, especially if they come into port on a Sunday, when everything is closed. «Many of these tourists have already been to other islands in the region and when they come to Seychelles they will not want to buy items similar to what they have already purchased in these other countries, which is why we must look at bringing our own unique products, to give them something different,» said Payet. The cruise ship season will close with the last ship expected in Port Victoria on Sunday, May 19. The next season will re-open in October 2024 and 44 ships have already been booked, a figure likely to increase in the coming months. 

Seychelles' government endorses candidature of former VP Vincent Meriton for chairperson of AUC

The Seychelles' government has endorsed the candidature of former Vice President Vincent Meriton for the position of chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC).  According to the Foreign Affairs Department in a communique on Wednesday, the election
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' government endorses candidature of former VP Vincent Meriton for chairperson of AUC

The Seychelles' government has endorsed the candidature of former Vice President Vincent Meriton for the position of chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC).  According to the Foreign Affairs Department in a communique on Wednesday, the election is scheduled for February 2025. The Department said that during his career as a politician, Meriton held numerous portfolios in the government, as Minister for Foreign Affairs, Health and Social Affairs, Information Technology, the Blue Economy and Entrepreneurship Development. Meriton was the Vice President during Danny Faure’s presidency from 2016 to 2020. It added that Meriton has also championed Seychelles’ position on the Blue Economy on the international stage. “Meriton’s core objective as chairperson of the AUC is to significantly improve the implementation rate of the Commission’s executive decisions by addressing barriers to implementation and promoting accountability and compliance,” said the Department. The chairperson of the Commission is elected by the Assembly for a four-year term, renewable once. If elected, Meriton will succeed Moussa Faki Mahamat from Chad, who has held the position since 2017.

امریکی وزیر خارجہ کا دورۂ یوکرین؛ نائٹ کلب میں گانا گاتے ہوئے نظر آئے

کیف: امریکی وزیر خارجہ انٹونی بلنکن یوکرین کی ایک ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر وائرل ہورہی ہے جس میں انھیں ایک نئے روپ میں دیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔ عالمی خبر رس
Khabrain Group Pakistan

امریکی وزیر خارجہ کا دورۂ یوکرین؛ نائٹ کلب میں گانا گاتے ہوئے نظر آئے

کیف: امریکی وزیر خارجہ انٹونی بلنکن یوکرین کی ایک ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر وائرل ہورہی ہے جس میں انھیں ایک نئے روپ میں دیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔ عالمی خبر رساں ادارے کے مطابق امریکی وزیر خارجہ انٹونی بلنکن کو اپنے دورۂ یوکرین کے دوران نائٹ کلب میں گٹار بجاتے اور گانا گاتے دیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔ … Continue reading امریکی وزیر خارجہ کا دورۂ یوکرین؛ نائٹ کلب میں گانا گاتے ہوئے نظر آئے →

搭火車轉小黃到學甲「試卡」 詐團車手栽在休假警手中

社會新聞 - 自由時報

搭火車轉小黃到學甲「試卡」 詐團車手栽在休假警手中


財神到!5/15今彩539頭獎開出1注 800萬獎落台北

劉晉仁/核稿編輯 今晚(5月15日)開獎的今彩539,頭獎開出1注,由 台北市北投區中央南路1段137號的「數十億彩券行」開出。 第113000117期今彩539中獎號...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

財神到!5/15今彩539頭獎開出1注 800萬獎落台北

劉晉仁/核稿編輯 今晚(5月15日)開獎的今彩539,頭獎開出1注,由 台北市北投區中央南路1段137號的「數十億彩券行」開出。 第113000117期今彩539中獎號...…

Beni : 29 nouveaux cas de conjonctivite virale signalés dans la zone de santé de Oicha

Au moins 29 nouveaux cas de conjonctivite virale, communément appelée « Apollo », ont été signalés, au cours de la dernière semaine,  dans la zone de santé de Oicha, située au Nord du territoire de Beni, dans la province du Nord-Kivu. Selon Archyp
Radio Okapi

Beni : 29 nouveaux cas de conjonctivite virale signalés dans la zone de santé de Oicha

Au moins 29 nouveaux cas de conjonctivite virale, communément appelée « Apollo », ont été signalés, au cours de la dernière semaine,  dans la zone de santé de Oicha, située au Nord du territoire de Beni, dans la province du Nord-Kivu. Selon Archype Kule Kyusa, l'infirmier titulaire en charge des activités préventives et de la surveillance épidémiologique de cette zone de santé, ce chiffre porte à 56 le nombre total de cas notifiés depuis le mois de février dernier.

Épidémie de conjonctivite virale : plus de 250 cas recensés à la prison de Kakwangura à Butembo

  Le Réseau pour les droits de l'homme (REDHO) a lancé, mardi 14 mai, une alerte au sujet de la rapide propagation de la conjonctivite virale à la prison de Kakwangura à Butembo. En seulement une semaine, au moins 250 cas ont été recensés, indique ce
Radio Okapi

Épidémie de conjonctivite virale : plus de 250 cas recensés à la prison de Kakwangura à Butembo

  Le Réseau pour les droits de l'homme (REDHO) a lancé, mardi 14 mai, une alerte au sujet de la rapide propagation de la conjonctivite virale à la prison de Kakwangura à Butembo. En seulement une semaine, au moins 250 cas ont été recensés, indique cette organisation de la société civile. Le REDHO appelle les autorités politico-administratives et sanitaires locales à agir afin d'endiguer la propagation de cette maladie à travers toute la ville de Butembo.

Goma : la société civile s’oppose aux exonérations fiscales accordées à Bahati Lukwebo

La société civile de Goma s'oppose fermement à un arrêté accordant des exonérations fiscales à Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, député, ex président du Sénat et opérateur économique. Dans une lettre adressée au gouverneur de la province, Peter Cirimwami
Radio Okapi

Goma : la société civile s’oppose aux exonérations fiscales accordées à Bahati Lukwebo

La société civile de Goma s'oppose fermement à un arrêté accordant des exonérations fiscales à Modeste Bahati Lukwebo, député, ex président du Sénat et opérateur économique. Dans une lettre adressée au gouverneur de la province, Peter Cirimwami, datée du lundi 13 mai, la société civile exprime son indignation face à l'octroi d'avantages fiscaux à des personnalités politiquement et économiquement puissantes du pays.  

Reprise des cours à Kabambare après un mois de grève des enseignants

Les cours ont repris, mardi 14 mai, dans le territoire de Kabambare dans la province du Maniema, après un mois de grève des enseignants. Les enseignants ont décidé de suspendre leur mouvement après des négociations menées par les organisations de la so
Radio Okapi

Reprise des cours à Kabambare après un mois de grève des enseignants

Les cours ont repris, mardi 14 mai, dans le territoire de Kabambare dans la province du Maniema, après un mois de grève des enseignants. Les enseignants ont décidé de suspendre leur mouvement après des négociations menées par les organisations de la société civile et l'Association nationale des parents du Congo (ANAPECO).

Сын Леброна Джеймса оказался ниже заявленного ранее роста

Бронни Джеймс, сын форварда «Лейкерс» Леброна Джеймса, принимает участие в драфт-комбайне НБА.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Сын Леброна Джеймса оказался ниже заявленного ранее роста

Бронни Джеймс, сын форварда «Лейкерс» Леброна Джеймса, принимает участие в драфт-комбайне НБА.

Стало известно, сколько денег принесут Парижу Олимпийские игры

Проведение Олимпиады принесет Парижу от 6,7 до 11,1 миллиарда евро.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Стало известно, сколько денег принесут Парижу Олимпийские игры

Проведение Олимпиады принесет Парижу от 6,7 до 11,1 миллиарда евро.

Biden proposes June and September faceoffs with Trump, who accepts dates

The president said he will not participate in the traditional televised showdowns organized by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates.
Post Politics

Biden proposes June and September faceoffs with Trump, who accepts dates

The president said he will not participate in the traditional televised showdowns organized by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates.