Briefing - Revision of the EU legislation on design protection - 22-01-2025
The EU design legislative reform package includes two texts amending Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 (the Community Design Regulation) and, in parallel, recasting Directive 98/71/EC (the Design Directive) to align the design protection system in the EU witBriefing - Revision of the EU legislation on design protection - 22-01-2025
The EU design legislative reform package includes two texts amending Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 (the Community Design Regulation) and, in parallel, recasting Directive 98/71/EC (the Design Directive) to align the design protection system in the EU with the digital age and make it more accessible and efficient for applicants. In terms of digitalisation, the update of the requirements for representing designs will allow applicants to file new digital design types (e.g. by using 3D printing technologies). In terms of efficiency, the reform package aims to make application procedures cheaper and simpler and registration procedures faster, while also ensuring greater predictability and legal certainty for stakeholders looking for design protection in the EU. Within the European Parliament, the files were assigned to the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), with Gilles Lebreton (ID, France) as rapporteur. The EU design legislative reform package was published in the EU's Official Journal on 18 November 2024; the two texts entered into force 20 days after their publication in the Official Journal. The Community Design Regulation will apply from 1 May 2025 (with a few articles applying from 1 July 2026), whereas Member States will have to transpose the Design Directive into their national legal systems by 9 December 2027. Fourth edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP