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West Indies claim nervous win over PNG in World Cup opener

Papua New Guinea is left to wonder what could have been after «missing a trick» against a nervy West Indian team during their Twenty20 World Cup match.
Papua New Guinea

West Indies claim nervous win over PNG in World Cup opener

Papua New Guinea is left to wonder what could have been after «missing a trick» against a nervy West Indian team during their Twenty20 World Cup match.

Rigorous inspections of Makkah slaughterhouses carried out ahead of Hajj

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture is conducting rigorous inspections of slaughterhouses in Makkah to ensure that they meet health regulations during the busy Hajj period. Ministry officials said that comprehensive oper
Saudi Arabia

Rigorous inspections of Makkah slaughterhouses carried out ahead of Hajj

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture is conducting rigorous inspections of slaughterhouses in Makkah to ensure that they meet health regulations during the busy Hajj period. Ministry officials said that comprehensive operational plans are in place, including detailed workforce deployment, slaughter scheduling, and work shift organization. Dedicated teams will also monitor waste disposal and the proper use of equipment and machinery, Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday.

Al-Jubeir receives outgoing Dutch ambassador, meets with newly appointed Chinese envoy

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel Al-Jubeir on Sunday received the Netherlands’ ambassador to the Kingdom in Riyadh as she ended her term as envoy.  Al-Jubeir praised Janet Alberda’s efforts in strengthening relation
Saudi Arabia

Al-Jubeir receives outgoing Dutch ambassador, meets with newly appointed Chinese envoy

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel Al-Jubeir on Sunday received the Netherlands’ ambassador to the Kingdom in Riyadh as she ended her term as envoy.  Al-Jubeir praised Janet Alberda’s efforts in strengthening relations between the two countries and he wished her continued success in her future endeavors, Saudi Press Agency reported. Also on Sunday, Al-Jubeir received Chang Hua, the newly appointed Chinese ambassador to Saudi Arabia and wished the envoy success in his new duties.

Frankly Speaking: How close are we to a ‘historic’ US-Saudi deal?

DUBAI: Michael Ratney, the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, has said that a “historic” security deal currently under negotiation between the two countries has the potential to fundamentally change the landscape of the Middle East for the better. Appearin
Saudi Arabia

Frankly Speaking: How close are we to a ‘historic’ US-Saudi deal?

DUBAI: Michael Ratney, the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, has said that a “historic” security deal currently under negotiation between the two countries has the potential to fundamentally change the landscape of the Middle East for the better. Appearing on the Arab News current-affairs show “Frankly Speaking,” Ratney was optimistic the deal would both clarify and cement the decades-old relationship — based at present on verbal agreements — between Saudi Arabia and the US.

Riyadh road named in honor of late Saudi poet Prince Badr bin Abdul Mohsen

RIYADH: King Salman ordered a road in Riyadh to be named after the late poet Prince Badr bin Abdul Mohsen, Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday.  The honor was bestowed at the recommendation of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and is an appreciation of th
Saudi Arabia

Riyadh road named in honor of late Saudi poet Prince Badr bin Abdul Mohsen

RIYADH: King Salman ordered a road in Riyadh to be named after the late poet Prince Badr bin Abdul Mohsen, Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday.  The honor was bestowed at the recommendation of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and is an appreciation of the poet’s skill and influence on Saudi and Arabic literature. The road is located west of Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, with King Salman Road bordering it to the north and Al-Thumamah Road bordering it to the south. The national icon died in May at the age of 75 in Paris after an illness.

51st Saudi relief plane for Gazans arrives in Egypt

RIYADH: The 51st Saudi relief plane carrying medical and shelter supplies for Gazans arrived in Egypt’s El-Arish International Airport on Sunday. The aid will later be transported to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, Saudi Press Agency reported. 
Saudi Arabia

51st Saudi relief plane for Gazans arrives in Egypt

RIYADH: The 51st Saudi relief plane carrying medical and shelter supplies for Gazans arrived in Egypt’s El-Arish International Airport on Sunday. The aid will later be transported to the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, Saudi Press Agency reported.  The plane was operated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center in coordination with the Ministry of Defense. The assistance is part of Saudi Arabia’s historic role in supporting the Palestinian people in times of crisis.

Young Jamaica says claims that Gordon House was unguarded during arson attack false

Young Jamaica, the youth arm of the governing Jamaica Labour Party, says the Opposition should guard against actions that mislead the public arising from this morning's suspected arson at Gordon House. The organisation took Opposition...

Young Jamaica says claims that Gordon House was unguarded during arson attack false

Young Jamaica, the youth arm of the governing Jamaica Labour Party, says the Opposition should guard against actions that mislead the public arising from this morning's suspected arson at Gordon House. The organisation took Opposition...

Three alleged gangsters charged for murder of Old Harbour Bay security guard

Three alleged gangsters have been charged for the 2023 shooting death of a security guard at his home in Old Harbour Bay, St Catherine. They are 21-year-old Jahmore Campbell, otherwise called 'Plata Pus', a fisherman of Old Harbour; 20-year...

Three alleged gangsters charged for murder of Old Harbour Bay security guard

Three alleged gangsters have been charged for the 2023 shooting death of a security guard at his home in Old Harbour Bay, St Catherine. They are 21-year-old Jahmore Campbell, otherwise called 'Plata Pus', a fisherman of Old Harbour; 20-year...

Westmoreland businessman charged with fraud over poker box deal

The police in Westmoreland have charged a 32-year-old businessman for allegedly failing to install a poker box valued at $500,000 at a man's bar. He is Andre Chandon, otherwise called 'Buju,' who is charged with fraudulent conversion...

Westmoreland businessman charged with fraud over poker box deal

The police in Westmoreland have charged a 32-year-old businessman for allegedly failing to install a poker box valued at $500,000 at a man's bar. He is Andre Chandon, otherwise called 'Buju,' who is charged with fraudulent conversion...

Security review ordered of some gov’t buildings following Gordon House attempted arson

The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is reporting that a high-level investigation has been launched into the attempted arson at Gordon House. A senior detective from the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) is leading the probe....

Security review ordered of some gov’t buildings following Gordon House attempted arson

The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is reporting that a high-level investigation has been launched into the attempted arson at Gordon House. A senior detective from the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB) is leading the probe....

Huahine : Vahine Fierro accueillie comme une reine sur son île

Elle est la reine de Teahupoo, mais aussi de son île Huahine. Orero, toere, couronnes de fleurs... Ce dimanche 2 juin, Vahine Fierro et sa famille ont été accueillis comme il se doit par la population de l'île. Un moment de bonheur et d'émotions.

Huahine : Vahine Fierro accueillie comme une reine sur son île

Elle est la reine de Teahupoo, mais aussi de son île Huahine. Orero, toere, couronnes de fleurs... Ce dimanche 2 juin, Vahine Fierro et sa famille ont été accueillis comme il se doit par la population de l'île. Un moment de bonheur et d'émotions.

Trump falsely claims he never called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up

“Lock her up” is perhaps one of the most popular chants among Trump supporters, and he agreed with it or explicitly called for her jailing on several occasions.
Post Politics

Trump falsely claims he never called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up

“Lock her up” is perhaps one of the most popular chants among Trump supporters, and he agreed with it or explicitly called for her jailing on several occasions.

China is ‘Putin’s tool’ – Zelensky

China is trying to derail Ukraine’s Swiss-hosted “peace summit” and provide military assistance to Russia, Vladimir Zelensky claims Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

China is ‘Putin’s tool’ – Zelensky

China is trying to derail Ukraine’s Swiss-hosted “peace summit” and provide military assistance to Russia, Vladimir Zelensky claims Read Full Article at

43-year-old man charged over robbery in Half-Way Tree

The St Andrew Central police arrested and charged a man in relation to a robbery along North Odeon Avenue in Half-Way Tree, St Andrew on Saturday. Charged with robbery with violence is 43-year-old Rayan Rennie, a construction worker of Ambrook Lane...

43-year-old man charged over robbery in Half-Way Tree

The St Andrew Central police arrested and charged a man in relation to a robbery along North Odeon Avenue in Half-Way Tree, St Andrew on Saturday. Charged with robbery with violence is 43-year-old Rayan Rennie, a construction worker of Ambrook Lane...

Opposition wants comprehensive probe into Gordon House fire

The Opposition is calling for a swift and comprehensive investigation into a reported case of arson at Gordon House early this morning. It says it is important for the authorities to ascertain the identity and motive behind the act. “...

Opposition wants comprehensive probe into Gordon House fire

The Opposition is calling for a swift and comprehensive investigation into a reported case of arson at Gordon House early this morning. It says it is important for the authorities to ascertain the identity and motive behind the act. “...

Gov't taking steps to prevent substandard lithium-ion batteries entering Jamaica

The Government is taking proactive measures to address the potential influx of substandard lithium-ion batteries into Jamaica as countries move to tighten regulations on their importation. Chief Technical Director in the Ministry of Science, Energy...

Gov't taking steps to prevent substandard lithium-ion batteries entering Jamaica

The Government is taking proactive measures to address the potential influx of substandard lithium-ion batteries into Jamaica as countries move to tighten regulations on their importation. Chief Technical Director in the Ministry of Science, Energy...

‘Iraq’ charged for gun attack on men at Lucea bar

Sleuths attached to the Hanover Criminal Investigation Branch have charged a man for a gun attack on two men who were having drinks at a bar in Lucea. He is 28-year-old Vernon Francis, otherwise called 'Iraq', a farmer of Haughton Garden in...

‘Iraq’ charged for gun attack on men at Lucea bar

Sleuths attached to the Hanover Criminal Investigation Branch have charged a man for a gun attack on two men who were having drinks at a bar in Lucea. He is 28-year-old Vernon Francis, otherwise called 'Iraq', a farmer of Haughton Garden in...

Well wishes for Tufton who is recovering after being hit from bicycle

The People's National Party (PNP) says its wishing a speedy recovery for Minister of Health, Dr Christopher Tufton, who is hospitalised after being hit from his bicycle while cycling in the Corporate Area early this morning. Junior Shadow...

Well wishes for Tufton who is recovering after being hit from bicycle

The People's National Party (PNP) says its wishing a speedy recovery for Minister of Health, Dr Christopher Tufton, who is hospitalised after being hit from his bicycle while cycling in the Corporate Area early this morning. Junior Shadow...

‘'Ossimane'' sur tous les fronts

Engagée à soutenir l'action du Comité pour la Transition et la Restauration des Institutions (CTRI) avec à sa tête le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, la plateforme Ossimane, la pensée en langue fang, s'active sur le terrain, pour une occupation

‘'Ossimane'' sur tous les fronts

Engagée à soutenir l'action du Comité pour la Transition et la Restauration des Institutions (CTRI) avec à sa tête le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, la plateforme Ossimane, la pensée en langue fang, s'active sur le terrain, pour une occupation rationnelle. Cette plateforme qui depuis sa première sortie officielle en grande pompe au mois de mars dernier à la place des fêtes d'Oyem, fait son bonhomme de chemin à travers les activités qu'elle mène sur tous les fronts ; notamment sur (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

MOUILA/ Sport et Culture en lumière

Le vendredi 31 mai 2024, le Gymnase Omar Bongo de Mouila a été pris d'assaut par plusieurs athlètes venus nombreux pour la circonstance sous le regard de Paulette Mengue M'Owono, Gouverneur de la Ngounié. D'entrée de jeu, le Directeur Provincial de la J

MOUILA/ Sport et Culture en lumière

Le vendredi 31 mai 2024, le Gymnase Omar Bongo de Mouila a été pris d'assaut par plusieurs athlètes venus nombreux pour la circonstance sous le regard de Paulette Mengue M'Owono, Gouverneur de la Ngounié. D'entrée de jeu, le Directeur Provincial de la Jeunesse et des Sports de la Ngounié, Vicent De Paul Bouckat, n'a pas manqué d'exprimer sa gratitude aux différents athlètes venus des quatre coins de la province et de la Nyanga voisine, pour leur participation et adhésion à ce projet (...) - SPORT / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Réformer Ensemble pour un Gabon Uni et Prospère : Appel à la Solidarité Nationale

Dans un contexte politique et social délicat, le Gabon traverse une période de transition déterminante. Pierre Claver Maganga Moussavou et Albert Ondo Ossa, figures emblématiques de notre paysage politique, sont appelés à jouer un rôle important dans c

Réformer Ensemble pour un Gabon Uni et Prospère : Appel à la Solidarité Nationale

Dans un contexte politique et social délicat, le Gabon traverse une période de transition déterminante. Pierre Claver Maganga Moussavou et Albert Ondo Ossa, figures emblématiques de notre paysage politique, sont appelés à jouer un rôle important dans cette phase de refondation nationale. Messieurs Maganga Moussavou et Ondo Ossa, vos parcours sont marqués par une résilience admirable et un dévouement sans faille envers notre pays. Maganga Moussavou, plus jeune candidat à la (...) - LIBRE PROPOS / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

EU leaders unwilling to recognize failure of policy on Ukraine to evade responsibility

No one is not threatening either the European Union or NATO and «If there is no military threat to us, then why do we think that this is our war,» Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said

EU leaders unwilling to recognize failure of policy on Ukraine to evade responsibility

No one is not threatening either the European Union or NATO and «If there is no military threat to us, then why do we think that this is our war,» Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said

BJP goes to Election Commission, claims bid to undermine poll

A delegation from the BJP, headed by finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, met with the Election Commission on Sunday. They requested the EC to ensure a smooth counting process on Tuesday and to take action against those making «systematic attempts»
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

BJP goes to Election Commission, claims bid to undermine poll

A delegation from the BJP, headed by finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, met with the Election Commission on Sunday. They requested the EC to ensure a smooth counting process on Tuesday and to take action against those making «systematic attempts» to undermine the electoral process. The BJP also highlighted that opposition parties have been targeting the media.

Must count postal votes first, says INDIA bloc

On Sunday, a delegation of INDIA bloc functionaries visited the Election Commission. They were there to discuss measures ensuring fair play ahead of the Lok Sabha vote counting set for Tuesday. The delegation requested that postal ballots, which can significa
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Must count postal votes first, says INDIA bloc

On Sunday, a delegation of INDIA bloc functionaries visited the Election Commission. They were there to discuss measures ensuring fair play ahead of the Lok Sabha vote counting set for Tuesday. The delegation requested that postal ballots, which can significantly influence poll results, be counted first. They also proposed that the results of these postal ballots be declared before the completion of EVM vote counting.

Odisha reports 45 more heatstroke deaths in 24 hours, pushes up India toll to 211

The nationwide toll of suspected heatstroke deaths surpassed 200, with 211 reported cases, 141 of which were in Odisha. Odisha reported 45 new deaths in the last 24 hours, with 26 confirmed as heatstroke, 8 attributed to other causes, and 107 under investigat
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Odisha reports 45 more heatstroke deaths in 24 hours, pushes up India toll to 211

The nationwide toll of suspected heatstroke deaths surpassed 200, with 211 reported cases, 141 of which were in Odisha. Odisha reported 45 new deaths in the last 24 hours, with 26 confirmed as heatstroke, 8 attributed to other causes, and 107 under investigation. The worst-hit areas in Odisha include Sundargarh with 35 suspected deaths, Balangir with 20, and Sambalpur with 18.

India’s come a long way since 2012 outage, world’s largest; even 250GW isn’t a problem

On May 30, India’s power demand reached an unprecedented 250 gigawatts (GW), surpassing the projected 235 GW, yet the national transmission network remained stable without unscheduled outages. Preparations are underway for a peak demand of 258 GW in the com
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

India’s come a long way since 2012 outage, world’s largest; even 250GW isn’t a problem

On May 30, India’s power demand reached an unprecedented 250 gigawatts (GW), surpassing the projected 235 GW, yet the national transmission network remained stable without unscheduled outages. Preparations are underway for a peak demand of 258 GW in the coming months. This contrasts sharply with the massive outage in July 2012, when grid overload plunged 620 million people into darkness.

Trump and ‘our democracy’: What happens when a political system becomes a meme?

Appeals to democracy are now heard incessantly in the West, which is a sign of a deeper malaise Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Trump and ‘our democracy’: What happens when a political system becomes a meme?

Appeals to democracy are now heard incessantly in the West, which is a sign of a deeper malaise Read Full Article at

Fyodor Lukyanov: Russia needs to explain its ‘red lines’ to the West

The US-led bloc will probably keep escalating unless Moscow firmly outlines how it plans to respond Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Fyodor Lukyanov: Russia needs to explain its ‘red lines’ to the West

The US-led bloc will probably keep escalating unless Moscow firmly outlines how it plans to respond Read Full Article at

Eight civilians wounded in Ukraine’s shelling attacks on DPR during past day

According to DPR’s head Denis Pushilin, twenty-one residential houses were damaged in Makeyevka, Gorlovka, and Panteleimonovka, as well as an administrative building in Gorlovka and the Silur plant’s production infrastructure in Khartsyzsk

Eight civilians wounded in Ukraine’s shelling attacks on DPR during past day

According to DPR’s head Denis Pushilin, twenty-one residential houses were damaged in Makeyevka, Gorlovka, and Panteleimonovka, as well as an administrative building in Gorlovka and the Silur plant’s production infrastructure in Khartsyzsk