SMS Janil addresses telehealth concerns, reveals 8 providers under investigation
SINGAPORE – Eight telemedicine providers have been or are currently being investigated for lapses in clinical care or inappropriate advertisements of services, said Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary in Parliament on Jan 7. Enforcement aSMS Janil addresses telehealth concerns, reveals 8 providers under investigation
SINGAPORE – Eight telemedicine providers have been or are currently being investigated for lapses in clinical care or inappropriate advertisements of services, said Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary in Parliament on Jan 7. Enforcement action has been taken against three of the providers, including MaNaDr Clinic, Dr Janil added. MaNaDr Clinic was found to have more than 100,000 teleconsultations that lasted one minute or less in a sampled month, among other lapses. The Ministry of Health (MOH) revoked the clinic’s licence on Dec 20, barring it from providing outpatient medical services. Responding to parliamentary questions on whether there are similar trends of unethical telehealth providers following the MaNaDr case, Dr Janil said that the eight telemedicine providers have been or are being investigated for non-compliances in two categories. The first is in clinical care, such as doctors issuing prescriptions and medical certificates without proper clinical assessment or not conducting video consultations for first-time patients.