Briefing - Cross-border protection of vulnerable adults - 14-03-2025
The IA supports the above proposals with a qualitative assessment of legal, social and economic impacts, complemented by quantified estimates of costs and savings of procedural and administrative costs. Impacts on fundamental rights and digitalisation are also assessed, including concerns raised by stakeholders with respect to data protection. The IA follows a clear intervention logic and is based on solid internal and external sources and various stakeholder consultations. It clearly makes an effort to explain the methods and assumptions underlying the analysis, but could have been more coherent, clear and specific, notably when it comes to the transparency and accessibility of the cost estimates and aggregations. The range of options assessed in the IA appears limited, given the preferred option is a combination of two out of the three options considered in addition to the baseline scenario. Impacts on small and medium-sized enterprises and competitiveness are anticipated to be minor and were therefore not further assessed. The simplification and digitalisation of protection measures for vulnerable adults in cross-border situations are at the core of the IA, which expects considerable procedural cost savings for stakeholders, while adjustment costs would be borne by the competent administrations under the preferred option. The legislative proposals appear to follow the IA's preferred option.
Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP