Former AIC chief spotted with East Coast GRC MPs; first public servant new face seen on the ground
SINGAPORE – Recently-resigned public servant Dinesh Vasu Dash accompanied East Coast GRC MPs for a mosque visit in Chai Chee on the morning of March 31.
Mr Dinesh, whose last day as the chief of Agency for Integrated Care was on March 27, is the first former public servant spotted on the ground with PAP MPs since the recent string of resignations from the Government.
The 50-year-old was seen walking into Al-Ansar Mosque in Chai Chee, accompanying Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat and Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Edwin Tong.
This comes amid speculation that he has joined the ruling party and will be fielded in the upcoming elections.
Madam Hazlina Abdul Halim, 40, the former chief executive of Make-A-Wish Singapore, was also with the group.
The senior vice-president of strategy and communications at advisory firm Teneo had previously been spotted shadowing MacPherson MP Tin Pei Ling and was formally introduced to residents and reporters at a Marine Parade GRC walkabout on March 22.