At a Glance - WTO agreement on electronic commerce - 09-09-2024
On 26 July 2024, after 5 years of negotiations, 82 members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) reached an agreement on the first-ever global rules on electronic commerce. The plurilateral talks were led by the co conveners Australia, Japan and Singapore, unAt a Glance - WTO agreement on electronic commerce - 09-09-2024
On 26 July 2024, after 5 years of negotiations, 82 members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) reached an agreement on the first-ever global rules on electronic commerce. The plurilateral talks were led by the co conveners Australia, Japan and Singapore, under a WTO joint statement initiative (JSI) that had attracted 91 participants, accounting for more than 90 % of global trade. While the deal is a sign that plurilateral talks have the potential to inject fresh momentum into the WTO's negotiating function, nine members participating in the talks were unable to support it. This is the likely reason for the text being referred to as 'stabilised' rather than 'final'. Moreover the agreement's integration into the WTO legal architecture and entry into force is expected to meet challenges similar to those other JSIs have faced before. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP Read more