
Une voiture percute le terre-plein sur la RDP : 4 blessés légers

Plus de peur que de mal. Un spectaculaire accident de la route a eu lieu tôt ce matin sur la RDP à Punaauia. Une voiture a violemment percuté le terre-plein central en béton.

Au large de Mahina, les pompiers sauvent des rameurs et le bateau suiveur en difficulté

Samedi matin, une pirogue V6 s'est retrouvée en difficulté côté océan au large de Mahina. Le bateau suiveur s'est lui aussi retrouvé dans la même situation. Ce sont les pompiers de Mahina qui sont allés les secourir.

Au large de Mahina, les pompiers sauvent des rameurs et le bateau suiveur en difficulté

Samedi matin, une pirogue V6 s'est retrouvée en difficulté côté océan au large de Mahina. Le bateau suiveur s'est lui aussi retrouvé dans la même situation. Ce sont les pompiers de Mahina qui sont allés les secourir.

Le Tavini va se rendre à Genève pour «pousser la France à ouvrir le dialogue» explique Antony Geros

Lors de sa participation à la quatrième commission de l'ONU à New York, le représentant de l’Etat est resté inflexible quant à la position de la France sur la demande d’accession à l’autodétermination des indépendantistes. Ces derniers ont don

Le Tavini va se rendre à Genève pour «pousser la France à ouvrir le dialogue» explique Antony Geros

Lors de sa participation à la quatrième commission de l'ONU à New York, le représentant de l’Etat est resté inflexible quant à la position de la France sur la demande d’accession à l’autodétermination des indépendantistes. Ces derniers ont donc décidé de se rendre au conseil des droits de l’homme à Genève le 22 octobre pour «pousser la France à ouvrir le dialogue».

Briefing - India's connectivity initiatives: A multi-faceted strategy - 18-10-2024

Over the past decade, corridors have occupied an increasingly important place in international connectivity initiatives. They take several forms, ranging from 'simpler' transport corridors to more complex economic corridors. For them to be successful, severa
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - India's connectivity initiatives: A multi-faceted strategy - 18-10-2024

Over the past decade, corridors have occupied an increasingly important place in international connectivity initiatives. They take several forms, ranging from 'simpler' transport corridors to more complex economic corridors. For them to be successful, several conditions need to be in place, both relative to the participating countries and to the wider regions they connect. Once operational, they can bring various benefits to participating countries, both economic and societal. India has had a two-pronged policy in recent years. On the one hand, it is investing increasingly in national infrastructure projects, such as the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor. On the other, it is part of several major international infrastructure projects. Three such projects that stand out are the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, the International North-South Transport Corridor and the more recent India-Middle East-Europe Corridor. According to experts, India's approach towards international connectivity appears to be driven more by geostrategic sensitivities than purely economic considerations. Broadly, Delhi chooses to participate in projects that help to increase its regional and global footprint. It also takes into consideration the fact that Asia is a region with several nuclear powers, rising nationalism and the absence of a security structure. Its choices are further conditioned by Chinese initiatives in the region, US policy towards China, and developments following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The EU and India have long-standing diplomatic ties. In recent years, owing to both rising trade volumes and geopolitical considerations, they have increased their cooperation further. Aspects of this cooperation are the revival of negotiations on a free trade agreement, the launch of a Trade and Technology Council and the India-Middle East-Europe Corridor (IMEC). Once completed, these three initiatives could bring significant synergies to the parties involved. IMEC is facing several challenges, however, both logistical and geopolitical, that could delay its implementation. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Deepening the single market in the light of the Letta and Draghi reports - 18-10-2024

Often considered the 'cornerstone' of European integration, the single market now serves 449 million consumers and 31 million active companies, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It has delivered substantial economic benefits, rangin
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Deepening the single market in the light of the Letta and Draghi reports - 18-10-2024

Often considered the 'cornerstone' of European integration, the single market now serves 449 million consumers and 31 million active companies, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It has delivered substantial economic benefits, ranging between 8 % and 9 % of European Union gross domestic product (GDP). Trade between Member States has risen steadily over the years, and today accounts for an estimated 56 million European jobs. The EU is among the largest trading blocs in the world, representing 15 % of world GDP, compared with the United States at 16 % and China at 19 %. The single market's attractiveness for foreign businesses also serves as an important geopolitical tool, enhancing the EU's influence amid geopolitical shifts. Recent shocks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, have revealed not only the single market's vulnerability in crises, but also the extent to which the EU's competitiveness relies on a well-functioning single market, ensuring unhindered access to the goods, services, and strategic inputs EU supply chains need. Although the single market has generally been a success, recent analyses, including those put forward by Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi in 2024, clearly demonstrate that it remains highly fragmented, limiting EU companies' ability to scale up and compete internationally, and preventing EU citizens from reaping the full benefits. For instance, 60 % of the barriers companies face today are of the same type as were already reported 20 years ago. The two reports converge on many points, not least on the need to take rapid action to deepen the single market. Advancing the single market requires action in multiple policy fields, its digital dimension gaining increasing importance in recent years. Ultimately, a well-functioning single market, fit for the green and digital transitions, new technological developments and changing geopolitical realities can be seen as central to the EU's industrial policy. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Il découvre un manuscrit royal inédit

Raanui Daunassans Pomare, descendant de la dernière reine de Tahiti, découvre par hasard un manuscrit original. Il s’agit du recueil de souvenirs familiaux, racontés dans les années 1930 par la souveraine à sa fille, la princesse Takau. L'ouvrage vien

Il découvre un manuscrit royal inédit

Raanui Daunassans Pomare, descendant de la dernière reine de Tahiti, découvre par hasard un manuscrit original. Il s’agit du recueil de souvenirs familiaux, racontés dans les années 1930 par la souveraine à sa fille, la princesse Takau. L'ouvrage vient d'être édité par Au Vent des Îles et est disponible depuis aujourd'hui au salon Lire en Polynésie.

TÉMOIGNAGE. «J'espère voir mes enfants grandir» : atteinte d'une polykystose au rein, Corinne attend une greffe d'organe

Jeudi 17 octobre est la journée mondiale du don d'organes et de la greffe. En Polynésie, faute de moyens, seule la greffe de rein est possible et ce, depuis octobre 2013. À ce jour, 164 greffes ont été réalisées et 110 personnes sont toujours en attent

TÉMOIGNAGE. «J'espère voir mes enfants grandir» : atteinte d'une polykystose au rein, Corinne attend une greffe d'organe

Jeudi 17 octobre est la journée mondiale du don d'organes et de la greffe. En Polynésie, faute de moyens, seule la greffe de rein est possible et ce, depuis octobre 2013. À ce jour, 164 greffes ont été réalisées et 110 personnes sont toujours en attente. Corinne Terorohauepa est nouvellement inscrite sur la liste et nous parle de sa polykystose rénale avec laquelle elle vit depuis 24 ans.

Session budgétaire : adoption de la loi sur le télétravail et beaucoup de questions orales

La 3ème séance de la session budgétaire s’est ouverte ce jeudi à Tarahoi par une minute de silence en hommage à la mère de la déléguée interministérielle au handicap, décédée cette semaine, mais aussi en mémoire de toutes les femmes décédée

Session budgétaire : adoption de la loi sur le télétravail et beaucoup de questions orales

La 3ème séance de la session budgétaire s’est ouverte ce jeudi à Tarahoi par une minute de silence en hommage à la mère de la déléguée interministérielle au handicap, décédée cette semaine, mais aussi en mémoire de toutes les femmes décédées du cancer du sein. A l'ordre du jour, plusieurs questions orales, dont une sur les maladies radio-induites, posée par l'élue Tavini Hinamoeura Morgant.

At a Glance - Parliament's reading of the 2025 EU budget - 17-10-2024

During the October II plenary session, Parliament is expected to amend the Council's position on the draft EU budget for 2025. The Committee on Budgets (BUDG) voted to reverse all of the reductions the Council has made to the Commission's draft and proposes c
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At a Glance - Parliament's reading of the 2025 EU budget - 17-10-2024

During the October II plenary session, Parliament is expected to amend the Council's position on the draft EU budget for 2025. The Committee on Budgets (BUDG) voted to reverse all of the reductions the Council has made to the Commission's draft and proposes considerable increases in the 2025 budget for Parliament's priorities: investments tailored to improving people's lives, and boosting the Union's competitiveness and sustainability. It would set 2025 commitments at almost €201 billion and payments at €153.5 billion, and proposes to finance the NGEU borrowing costs without cutting into expenditure on flagship programmes. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Parliamentary confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: An analysis of the portfolios of the new von der Leyen Commission - 17-10-2024

This compendium brings together a set of briefings prepared by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) to guide Members of the European Parliament through the parliamentary hearings of Commissioners-designate in early November 2024. These public co
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Parliamentary confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: An analysis of the portfolios of the new von der Leyen Commission - 17-10-2024

This compendium brings together a set of briefings prepared by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) to guide Members of the European Parliament through the parliamentary hearings of Commissioners-designate in early November 2024. These public confirmation hearings form the backdrop to Parliament's confirmation vote on the College of Commissioners put forward by Ursula von der Leyen, following her re-election as Commission President by the European Parliament in July 2024. In addition to an overview of the process, setting its historical and political context, this volume contains a briefing on each of the Commissioners-designate and their portfolios. Each of these briefings highlights some of the key issues and recent developments in the portfolio, as well as looking back on Parliament's activity in the area in the last parliamentary term. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Question time – Animal health: Preventing and preparing for future health crises in agriculture - 17-10-2024

Animal diseases can result in heavy livestock losses and economic costs, and potentially threaten human health. Through the 'One Health' approach and the EU4Health programme, the European Commission wants to link animal, human and soil health, biodiversity, c
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At a Glance - Question time – Animal health: Preventing and preparing for future health crises in agriculture - 17-10-2024

Animal diseases can result in heavy livestock losses and economic costs, and potentially threaten human health. Through the 'One Health' approach and the EU4Health programme, the European Commission wants to link animal, human and soil health, biodiversity, climate, sustainable use of pesticides, and disease surveillance and prevention, to ensure prompt action in future health emergencies. The topic is scheduled for question time with the Commission during the October II plenary session. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Hyperactivité et difficulté de concentration peuvent être les signes d'un trouble de l'attention (TDAH)

Mercredi 16 octobre, une rencontre était organisée à l'hôpital du Taaone autour du Trouble Déficit de l’Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité (TDAH). S'il n'y a pas encore d'études spécifiques sur le fenua, ce trouble touche 5 à 8% des enfants dans

Hyperactivité et difficulté de concentration peuvent être les signes d'un trouble de l'attention (TDAH)

Mercredi 16 octobre, une rencontre était organisée à l'hôpital du Taaone autour du Trouble Déficit de l’Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité (TDAH). S'il n'y a pas encore d'études spécifiques sur le fenua, ce trouble touche 5 à 8% des enfants dans le monde.

Fin de la grève à la Direction des transports terrestres

La grève a été levée à la direction des transports terrestres. Après neuf jours de mouvement social, les salariés ont obtenu gain de cause. Les services de la Direction des Transports Terrestres (DTT) seront ouverts et fonctionneront normalement dès j

Fin de la grève à la Direction des transports terrestres

La grève a été levée à la direction des transports terrestres. Après neuf jours de mouvement social, les salariés ont obtenu gain de cause. Les services de la Direction des Transports Terrestres (DTT) seront ouverts et fonctionneront normalement dès jeudi 17 octobre aux heures habituelles.

Nouvelle-Calédonie : report des élections provinciales, prolongement du soutien financier de l'État

Le Sénat a approuvé, ce mercredi 16 octobre, en commission le report des élections provinciales de Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'une des promesses du gouvernement vis-à-vis de l'archipel plongé dans une crise profonde depuis le printemps. Le ministre des Outre-

Nouvelle-Calédonie : report des élections provinciales, prolongement du soutien financier de l'État

Le Sénat a approuvé, ce mercredi 16 octobre, en commission le report des élections provinciales de Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'une des promesses du gouvernement vis-à-vis de l'archipel plongé dans une crise profonde depuis le printemps. Le ministre des Outre-mer, actuellement sur le Caillou, a également annoncé le soutien financier de l'État lors de la présentation du plan de sauvegarde au Centre culturel Tjibaou.

At a Glance - Guidelines for the Member States' employment policies - 16-10-2024

Under the EU Treaties, Member States have to consider their economic and employment policies as a common concern, and coordinate their action within the Council. The Council adopts employment guidelines that must be reflected in the Member States' employment
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At a Glance - Guidelines for the Member States' employment policies - 16-10-2024

Under the EU Treaties, Member States have to consider their economic and employment policies as a common concern, and coordinate their action within the Council. The Council adopts employment guidelines that must be reflected in the Member States' employment policies and reform programmes. Before adopting these guidelines, Parliament is consulted on the draft, but the Council is not bound by Parliament's opinion. During the October II plenary session, Parliament is due to adopt an opinion on this year's employment guidelines, based on the report from the Employment and Social Affairs Committee. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - What if we ran out of copper? - 16-10-2024

Copper is a relatively common element with a variety of suppliers, and that should typically mean a stable market. However, the copper market has recently been showing unusual instability. New EU legislation, though not always directly related, seems to be ha
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - What if we ran out of copper? - 16-10-2024

Copper is a relatively common element with a variety of suppliers, and that should typically mean a stable market. However, the copper market has recently been showing unusual instability. New EU legislation, though not always directly related, seems to be having a significant impact on copper prices. This is the case for the Chips Act and the Critical Raw Materials Act – designed to make EU industry more resilient by improving strategic autonomy – but also for laws concerning energy, artificial intelligence and digitalisation. New factors, including looming shortages in strategic raw materials – such as copper – may strongly influence political action. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Single Sky: Modernising airspace management - 16-10-2024

Following lengthy negotiations, the Council and Parliament reached a provisional agreement on 6 March 2024 on rules for more efficient air traffic management and to improve sustainability in the aviation sector. The Council adopted the agreed text on 26 Septe
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At a Glance - Single Sky: Modernising airspace management - 16-10-2024

Following lengthy negotiations, the Council and Parliament reached a provisional agreement on 6 March 2024 on rules for more efficient air traffic management and to improve sustainability in the aviation sector. The Council adopted the agreed text on 26 September 2024 and it now needs to be adopted by Parliament. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Importance of cities and regions in the EU for green, social and prosperous local development - 16-10-2024

Regions and cities play an important role in the implementation of EU laws, as many EU policies are executed at local or regional level. Regions and cities are usually the first point of contact between citizens and political authorities. Engaging with them c
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Importance of cities and regions in the EU for green, social and prosperous local development - 16-10-2024

Regions and cities play an important role in the implementation of EU laws, as many EU policies are executed at local or regional level. Regions and cities are usually the first point of contact between citizens and political authorities. Engaging with them can have a positive impact on the implementation of EU policies, and may also help to bring the EU closer to its citizens, thus enhancing its democratic legitimacy. During the October II plenary session, the European Commission is due to give a statement on the topic. A debate in the European Parliament comes at a time when the future of cohesion policy – the main policy supporting regions and cities – is at stake. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine - 16-10-2024

The EU will provide a new macro-financial assistance (MFA) loan of up to €35 billion to Ukraine as part of a G7 initiative to support Ukraine with a loan of up to US$50 billion (€45 billion). The new Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism will provide revenue
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At a Glance - Establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine - 16-10-2024

The EU will provide a new macro-financial assistance (MFA) loan of up to €35 billion to Ukraine as part of a G7 initiative to support Ukraine with a loan of up to US$50 billion (€45 billion). The new Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism will provide revenues originating from immobilised Russian sovereign assets, so that Ukraine can service and repay loans from the EU and other G7 lenders. Parliament is expected to adopt the proposal during its October II plenary sitting. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Bilan du Tavini à l'ONU : «On estime qu'aujourd'hui la puissance administrante joue un peu la montre»

Si le parti indépendantiste a pu montrer sa présence et sa détermination au sein des instances onusiennes, il dénonce la position de la France qui fait preuve d'un «déni diplomatique de la puissance administrante», selon ses mots. Le Tavini c

Bilan du Tavini à l'ONU : «On estime qu'aujourd'hui la puissance administrante joue un peu la montre»

Si le parti indépendantiste a pu montrer sa présence et sa détermination au sein des instances onusiennes, il dénonce la position de la France qui fait preuve d'un «déni diplomatique de la puissance administrante», selon ses mots. Le Tavini compte d'ailleurs se rendre à Genève devant le comité des droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies.

PORTRAIT - Albert Guilloux-Chevalier, un passionné de photographies

Albert Guilloux-Chevalier est un passionné de photographies anciennes. Une passion qu'il partage largement via sa page Facebook. Des clichés de ses archives personnelles, mais aussi trouvés grâce à des recherches sur le Net et qu'il a à cœur de partage

PORTRAIT - Albert Guilloux-Chevalier, un passionné de photographies

Albert Guilloux-Chevalier est un passionné de photographies anciennes. Une passion qu'il partage largement via sa page Facebook. Des clichés de ses archives personnelles, mais aussi trouvés grâce à des recherches sur le Net et qu'il a à cœur de partager avec tous.

Déchets et assainissement: les sénateurs favorables à un nouveau report des compétences communales

Une « urgence sanitaire et environnementale »: c'est le constat du rapport d'information sur la gestion des déchets dans les Outremer, réalisé par la commission des lois du Sénat. Pour la Polynésie, le rapport préconise, entre autre, la restitution a

Déchets et assainissement: les sénateurs favorables à un nouveau report des compétences communales

Une « urgence sanitaire et environnementale »: c'est le constat du rapport d'information sur la gestion des déchets dans les Outremer, réalisé par la commission des lois du Sénat. Pour la Polynésie, le rapport préconise, entre autre, la restitution au Pays des compétences du traitement des déchets et de l'assainissement des eaux usées.

Saisie record de 3200 doses de LSD dans un colis par les douanes de l'aéroport

En plein contrôle de routine, les agents des douanes de l'aéroport de Tahiti Faa'a ont intercepté 3200 doses de cet hallucinogène habituellement consommé dans le milieu de la fête. De source proche de l'enquête, la drogue était cachée au milieu de ca

Saisie record de 3200 doses de LSD dans un colis par les douanes de l'aéroport

En plein contrôle de routine, les agents des douanes de l'aéroport de Tahiti Faa'a ont intercepté 3200 doses de cet hallucinogène habituellement consommé dans le milieu de la fête. De source proche de l'enquête, la drogue était cachée au milieu de cartes à jouer.

8 octobre: un jour tragique pour les baleines en Polynésie ?

8 octobre 1996 : un baleineau, blessé par des harpons, mourrait à Mahina. 8 octobre 2024 : un baleineau, blessé par un bateau, mourrait à Punaauia. Une triste coïncidence qui relève dans les deux cas du même coupable : l'homme.

8 octobre: un jour tragique pour les baleines en Polynésie ?

8 octobre 1996 : un baleineau, blessé par des harpons, mourrait à Mahina. 8 octobre 2024 : un baleineau, blessé par un bateau, mourrait à Punaauia. Une triste coïncidence qui relève dans les deux cas du même coupable : l'homme.

DIRECT. Ministre des Outre-mer en Nouvelle-Calédonie : François-Noël Buffet est arrivé place Bir Hakeim, à Nouméa

François-Noël Buffet a réservé son premier déplacement en Outre-mer à la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Cinq mois après le début des violences, les urgences sont nombreuses et les attentes encore plus. Après les traditionnels honneurs militaires et la coutume

DIRECT. Ministre des Outre-mer en Nouvelle-Calédonie : François-Noël Buffet est arrivé place Bir Hakeim, à Nouméa

François-Noël Buffet a réservé son premier déplacement en Outre-mer à la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Cinq mois après le début des violences, les urgences sont nombreuses et les attentes encore plus. Après les traditionnels honneurs militaires et la coutume d’accueil au Sénat coutumier, la journée du mercredi 16 octobre est consacrée aux rendez-vous avec avec les présidents d'institutions et les maires. Suivez ce premier jour de visite avec NC La 1ère.

Les obsèques d'Edna Tepava en métropole, ses cendres vont bientôt rejoindre le fenua

Edna Tepava, reine de beauté polynésienne est décédée dans l'hexagone où elle s'était installée depuis quelques années. Ses obsèques ont eu lieu à Rochefort ce mardi 15 octobre

Les obsèques d'Edna Tepava en métropole, ses cendres vont bientôt rejoindre le fenua

Edna Tepava, reine de beauté polynésienne est décédée dans l'hexagone où elle s'était installée depuis quelques années. Ses obsèques ont eu lieu à Rochefort ce mardi 15 octobre

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Hadja Lahbib – Preparedness and Crisis Management; Equality - 15-10-2024

Hadja Lahbib a member of the Mouvement reformateur (MR) party, which sits with the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament, has been serving as Belgian minister for foreign affairs, European affairs and foreign trade, and federal cultural institutions s
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Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Hadja Lahbib – Preparedness and Crisis Management; Equality - 15-10-2024

Hadja Lahbib a member of the Mouvement reformateur (MR) party, which sits with the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament, has been serving as Belgian minister for foreign affairs, European affairs and foreign trade, and federal cultural institutions since 2022. She was elected as a member of the Parliament of the Brussels Capital Region in 2024 but is currently on leave to fulfil her ministerial duties. Before joining the Belgian government, she co-led the Brussels bid for the title of European Capital of Culture 2030. Born in Belgium in 1970 to a family of Algerian Kabyle origin, Lahbib obtained a master's degree in journalism and communication from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She then worked as a journalist and presenter for Belgium's French-speaking public broadcasting company and other broadcasters, where she gained international experience in covering conflict zones, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. She produced several documentaries to highlight injustices, especially those against women in Afghanistan, Kenya and Belgium. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Maria Luís Albuquerque – Financial Services and the Savings and Investments Union - 15-10-2024

Since 2022, Maria Luís Albuquerque has been independent non-executive director and a member of the Audit, Risk, and Nomination committees at Morgan Stanley and a member of the Operating Team at Horizon Equity Partners. She has been a member of the ISCTE Univ
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Maria Luís Albuquerque – Financial Services and the Savings and Investments Union - 15-10-2024

Since 2022, Maria Luís Albuquerque has been independent non-executive director and a member of the Audit, Risk, and Nomination committees at Morgan Stanley and a member of the Operating Team at Horizon Equity Partners. She has been a member of the ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon's Executive Education Advisory Board since 2019. Prior to her current roles, she was an independent non-executive director (chair of the Sustainability Committee) at the asset management firm Arrow Global Group (2016-2021), and a member of the High-level forum on the capital markets union, an expert group within the European Commission (2019-2020). In her political career, she has served as an elected member of the Municipal Assembly of Almada (2017-2021), a member of the Portuguese Parliament (2015-2019), minister of state and finance (2013-2015), and deputy minister for the treasury (2011-2013). Before that, she was director of the Department of Financial Management at the Portuguese Rail Infrastructure Company, and head of the Issuing and Markets Department at the Portuguese Debt and Treasury Management Agency. Born in 1967, Maria-Luís Albuquerque holds a master's degree in financial and monetary economics from the Lisbon School of Financial and Monetary Economics (ISEG), and a degree in economics from the University of Lusíada. This is one of a set of briefings designed to give an overview of issues of interest relating to the portfolios of the Commissioners designate. All these briefings can be found at: Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Magnus Brunner – Internal Affairs and Migration - 15-10-2024

Magnus Brunner has been Austria's federal minister for finance since December 2021. Prior to this role, he served as a state secretary in the Federal Ministry of Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology from 2020 to 2021. F
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Magnus Brunner – Internal Affairs and Migration - 15-10-2024

Magnus Brunner has been Austria's federal minister for finance since December 2021. Prior to this role, he served as a state secretary in the Federal Ministry of Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology from 2020 to 2021. From 2018 to 2020, Brunner was vice-president of the Federal Council of Austria, after having served as a member of this institution from 2009 to 2020. Additionally, he served on the Municipal Council of the Höchst Municipality from 2000 to 2004. From 2009 to 2020 Brunner was a member of the Federal Council of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), affiliated to the European People's Party (EPP) group in the European Parliament. Brunner's earlier professional experience includes serving as the political director of the Austrian Economic Association (2002-2005), as well as holding the position of head of corporate development, communication and strategic development at the Austrian energy company Illwerke VKw Group (2006). He was also on the Board of the Austrian energy company OeMAG (2007-2020). Born in 1972, Brunner is a graduate of King's College London (LLM), the University of Innsbruck and the University of Vienna (where he obtained a PhD in law). This is one of a set of briefings designed to give an overview of issues of interest relating to the portfolios of the Commissioners designate. All these briefings can be found at: Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Andrius Kubilius – Defence and Space - 15-10-2024

Andrius Kubilius has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2019, where he sits in the European People's Party (EPP) group. He has served among other things as a member of the AFET and ITRE committees and of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI). H
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Andrius Kubilius – Defence and Space - 15-10-2024

Andrius Kubilius has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2019, where he sits in the European People's Party (EPP) group. He has served among other things as a member of the AFET and ITRE committees and of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI). He has also served as chair of the delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly and thus also as a member of the Conference of Delegation Chairs, as well as a member of the delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee. Prior to his time in the European Parliament, he served two terms as Lithuania's prime minister (from 1999 to 2000 and from 2008 to 2012). From 2003 to 2015, Kubilius chaired the Homeland Union (Lithuanian Christian Democrats) party. From 1992 to 2019, he served as a member of the Republic of Lithuania's national parliament, the Seimas. When not in government, he had various periods when he held the position of leader of the opposition or first deputy speaker, and also had a spell as chair of the Committee on European Affairs. Andrius Kubilius was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 1956. He received a degree in physics from Vilnius State University and completed postgraduate studies there too. This is one of a set of briefings designed to give an overview of issues of interest relating to the portfolios of the Commissioners designate. All these briefings can be found at: Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Costas Kadis – Fisheries and Oceans - 15-10-2024

Costas (Costantinos) Kadis is a scientist with a solid academic profile who has held ministerial portfolios in health, education and agriculture in various Cypriot governments. Kadis is professor of biodiversity conservation at Frederick University, where he
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Confirmation hearings of the Commissioners-designate: Costas Kadis – Fisheries and Oceans - 15-10-2024

Costas (Costantinos) Kadis is a scientist with a solid academic profile who has held ministerial portfolios in health, education and agriculture in various Cypriot governments. Kadis is professor of biodiversity conservation at Frederick University, where he also heads the Nature Conservation Unit and has been appointed as deputy president of the University Council. Between 2014 and 2023, Kadis served in two successive Cypriot governments without belonging to a political party. He was minister for education and culture (2014-2018), and minister for agriculture, rural development and environment (2018-2023). In the latter position, he was also responsible for fisheries and marine research. Born in Nicosia in 1967, Kadis graduated and obtained a PhD in biology from the University of Athens. After several research-related positions in Greece and Cyprus, he joined Frederick University in Cyprus in 2005, where he was appointed associate professor, founded the Nature Conservation Unit, and was Dean of the School of Education. He held these positions until 2014, apart from the period from July 2007 to February 2008 when he served as minister of health (as a member of the centre-right Democratic Party (DIKO). Kadis also chaired the Greek Cypriot Environment Committee from 2008 to 2014 as part of the government's (unsuccessful) efforts to reunify Cyprus. This work did lead to important environmental cooperation agreements with the Turkish Cypriot community. This is one of a set of briefings designed to give an overview of issues of interest relating to the portfolios of the Commissioners designate. All these briefings can be found at: Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Semaine de l'allaitement : les ostéopathes pour accompagner les bébés

Dans le cadre de la semaine de l'allaitement, du 14 au 20 octobre, zoom sur l'accompagnement des jeunes mamans à l'hôpital du Taaone. Depuis février, 7 ostéopathes interviennent en maternité, grâce à une subvention du Pays. Les mamans se disent satisfa

Semaine de l'allaitement : les ostéopathes pour accompagner les bébés

Dans le cadre de la semaine de l'allaitement, du 14 au 20 octobre, zoom sur l'accompagnement des jeunes mamans à l'hôpital du Taaone. Depuis février, 7 ostéopathes interviennent en maternité, grâce à une subvention du Pays. Les mamans se disent satisfaites, mais cet accompagnement prendra fin en novembre.

At a Glance - World Food Day 2024: Still struggling with hunger - 14-10-2024

World Food Day is celebrated every year on 16 October to promote awareness and action in support of those who suffer from hunger. What is more, over 2.8 billion people – around one third of the world's population – were unable to afford a healthy diet i
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - World Food Day 2024: Still struggling with hunger - 14-10-2024

World Food Day is celebrated every year on 16 October to promote awareness and action in support of those who suffer from hunger. What is more, over 2.8 billion people – around one third of the world's population – were unable to afford a healthy diet in 2022. The average cost of such a diet continues to increase globally reaching 3.96 purchasing power parity dollars per person per day in 2022. Read our infographic to dig deeper into the topic. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Tax compliance costs in the EU: Striking the right balance - 14-10-2024

For her second mandate, European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen has prioritised strengthening EU competitiveness and simplifying existing EU legislation. One focus here is the regulatory burden in taxation within the EU and its potential evol
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Tax compliance costs in the EU: Striking the right balance - 14-10-2024

For her second mandate, European Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen has prioritised strengthening EU competitiveness and simplifying existing EU legislation. One focus here is the regulatory burden in taxation within the EU and its potential evolution. On 17 October 2024, the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC) is due to hold a public hearing on simplicity and transparency in tax policy. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Paea : un feu sur un tas de déchets verts donne du fil à retordre aux pompiers

Dimanche 13 octobre, les pompiers sont intervenus pour éteindre un incendie sur des déchets verts. À 10 heures, le feu est toujours alimenté sous le tas, nécessitant l'intervention d'une seconde drague de la commune.

Paea : un feu sur un tas de déchets verts donne du fil à retordre aux pompiers

Dimanche 13 octobre, les pompiers sont intervenus pour éteindre un incendie sur des déchets verts. À 10 heures, le feu est toujours alimenté sous le tas, nécessitant l'intervention d'une seconde drague de la commune.

Moloka'i Hoe 2024 : Shell va'a signe sa treizième victoire sur cette course légendaire

La Moloka'i Hoe a fait son retour le dimanche 13 octobre 2024 après quatre ans d'absence. C'est Shell va'a qui remporte la compétition, loin devant les autres équipes hawaïennes, pour la treizième fois de l'histoire. L'équipe tahitienne est venue à bou

Moloka'i Hoe 2024 : Shell va'a signe sa treizième victoire sur cette course légendaire

La Moloka'i Hoe a fait son retour le dimanche 13 octobre 2024 après quatre ans d'absence. C'est Shell va'a qui remporte la compétition, loin devant les autres équipes hawaïennes, pour la treizième fois de l'histoire. L'équipe tahitienne est venue à bout des 65 kilomètres en 4 heures et 35 minutes et 07 secondes, avec plus de treize minutes d'avance sur ses adversaires.

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