'Very worrying': Dog owner raises concerns over rat burrows treated with poison in Serangoon
SINGAPORE — Stay alert if you are walking your dogs near Block 262 Serangoon Central, as the rat burrows in the area have been treated with rodenticides. Facebook group Dogs Singapore user Matthew Koh, in a post, urged those walking their dogs to watch ou'Very worrying': Dog owner raises concerns over rat burrows treated with poison in Serangoon
SINGAPORE — Stay alert if you are walking your dogs near Block 262 Serangoon Central, as the rat burrows in the area have been treated with rodenticides. Facebook group Dogs Singapore user Matthew Koh, in a post, urged those walking their dogs to watch out for these burrows instead of staring at their phones. His post is accompanied by a photo of a treated rat burrow, with white powder sprinkled around its entrance. It is marked with a sign bearing the logo and address of pest control company AZantz Services. The sign indicates that the burrow was treated on Jan 23, and that wax bait and powder had been used. Another Dogs Singapore Facebook user, Wei Jie, also urged dog owners to be careful after he spotted at least two treated burrows. «My dog nearly sniffed it and I had to quickly pull her away, very worrying.» Other users of the group shared their concerns about the small warning sign possibly being washed or blown away, saying that such treatments may also pose a danger to birds, cats and children. Read more