Govt decides to not have separate COE category for private-hire cars
SINGAPORE — After more than a year of careful study and several debates in Parliament on the matter, the Government has ultimately decided not to carve out a separate Certificate of Entitlement (COE) category for private-hire cars owned by businesses. &lGovt decides to not have separate COE category for private-hire cars
SINGAPORE — After more than a year of careful study and several debates in Parliament on the matter, the Government has ultimately decided not to carve out a separate Certificate of Entitlement (COE) category for private-hire cars owned by businesses. «We have studied this carefully and decided not to proceed with such a move,» said Senior Minister of State for Transport Amy Khor during the debate on her ministry's budget on March 5. Instead, the authorities will continue to increase the COE quota for cars and commercial vehicles every quarter until the supply peaks from 2026, Dr Khor said. This will be done by bringing forward COEs that are guaranteed to expire in future peak supply years to fill the present supply troughs. An injection of 20,000 additional COEs over the next few years, enabled by evolving travel patterns and the roll-out of the next-generation Electronic Road Pricing system, will also boost supply, she added. Dr Khor was responding to Lim Biow Chuan (Mountbatten), who asked whether the authorities would create a separate private-hire car COE category and introduce other measures to manage premiums. Read more