By MaxcelFokwen Separate incidents of theft and an attempt to kidnap a boy were recorded across Kumba last week owing to strange gangs marauding as elements of the Ambazonia Defence Forces, ADF. Only timely security interventions neutralised most of the operaThieves Burgle Kumba Credit Union, Homes, Attempt Kidnap
By MaxcelFokwen Separate incidents of theft and an attempt to kidnap a boy were recorded across Kumba last week owing to strange gangs marauding as elements of the Ambazonia Defence Forces, ADF. Only timely security interventions neutralised most of the operations while a man hunt remains on course for those on the run. Credit Union Raid On Wednesday, May 30, within the hours of 8:00 and 9:00am, a gang of six raided the head office of a popular credit Union in FiangoKumba. The attackers are reported to have sneaked into the credit union, took those on duty at gun point. After finishing their ‘transaction’ from within, the thieves then surfaced on the tar marc, took a biker at gun point and zoomed off. Few minutes after, the population was alerted. As scores of commercial riders pursued the gang, the rider negotiated a bend along Ntoko Street at Hill Top Fiango. They are said to have passed through the Head quarters of the Apostolic Church in Cameroon, TAC, crossed a bridge and landed on the main road again around BICECJunction Kumba. At a bridge around TAC, the thieves fired bullets into the air. This scared away those who were pursing them. While on the main axis, the bike which the thieves boarded was knocked off track. It had a collision with a tipper and the thieves fell to the tar marc before taking on their heels again. In the process, a pistol is reported to have fallen from one of the gang members. They then ran through Fomenky Street; through Alaska Street and headed for the unknown before police intelligence fished them out. Thieves In Search Of Goat On Alaska Street, the thieves ran through several compounds. A woman who encountered the thieves but opened up on condition of anonymity said most of the thieves had wounds on their knees and elbows. Our source said when she saw the first person and inquired, the thief claimed, they were searching for a missing goat. “When I saw the second person and asked what he was doing in our compound, he opened his dress … there was a pistol hanging on his waist. Then he said madam ‘wheti be your problem… we di fight na for wuna good..naweti..?’…Then the third ran through and that’s how they continued running,” our source confirmed. Police Raid Following the incident, police in Kumba conducted a raid. At least four of the thieves were arrested same day while investigations are ongoing. FCFA 1.5 Million Missing At least 1.5 million is said to have beencollected from the credit Union by attackers following the broad day light operation. ‘Fake’ Amba Visit Homes Earlier on Tuesday, May 29, a group of boys claiming to be Ambazonia soldiers raided homes in Pulletin(Meta) Quarters Kumba. The hoodlums are said to have tied red pieces of cloth on their head and arms to appear as separatists. Victims narrated that the supposed separatists carried away household items, phones and other utensils. A group of women who reportedly questioned the gang stating that their manner of operation was contrary to ‘AmbaBoys’ were forced to shut up. The gang told the inhabitants of the Dallas neigbourhood within Meta Quarters that they were fighting for the population.Security moves have been taken in this light. Snuff Poisons Dog In the course of the robbery, the unidentified men who masked their faces used snuff to weaken a dog in one of the compounds visited. The snuff is reported to have jagged the dog of its ability to alert its owners of the presence of the ‘visitors’. Police Thwart Kidnap Attempt Police officers on Thursday May 30, thwarted an attempted act of kidnap on the son of a fish griller along the BueaRoad neighbourhood. The gang took the teenager hostage to an unknown destination. They later returned with the victim forcing him to bring out money from their home. While the boy went inside the house and sat confused, a man who spotted the gang alerted the mother of the victim. The woman alerted the police. The elements of the police stormed the compound on a bike.Two of the members of the operation were arrested. At the moment, they are helping security forces to enhance investigations. Last week’s happenings in Kumba are said to be the handiwork of thieves masquerading as separatists to worsen the pain of the local population. At the moment, police and other security patrols have been stepped up across the Kumbametropolitan. Read more