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Author: Tariq Al-Thaqafi and Hussam Almayman MakkahID: 1537891191799783800Tue, 2018-09-25 19:00 MAKKAH: Pilgrims from all nationalities took part in the celebrations to mark the 88th Saudi National Day, paying thanks to the Saudi government for th

Gulbinų kvartalo milijonieriams prastos žinios iš pareigūnų: pradėtas tyrimas

Gegužės 1-ąją į Gulbinų kvartalą atvykę Delfi žurnalistai negalėjo patekti į vieną iš užtverto miško segmentų, nes vieni varteliai neatsidarė, o ant kitų kabėjo spyna. Apie tai paskambinus 112 buvo pranešta aplinkos apsaugos inspektoriams

Gulbinų kvartalo milijonieriams prastos žinios iš pareigūnų: pradėtas tyrimas

Gegužės 1-ąją į Gulbinų kvartalą atvykę Delfi žurnalistai negalėjo patekti į vieną iš užtverto miško segmentų, nes vieni varteliai neatsidarė, o ant kitų kabėjo spyna. Apie tai paskambinus 112 buvo pranešta aplinkos apsaugos inspektoriams. Šie informavo pradėję tyrimą.

청약자 절반이 ‘국민 평형’

분양시장이 실수요 중심으로 재편되고 국민평형으로 불리는 전용 84㎡ 타입이 인기를 누리고 있다. 이른바 ‘국민평형’으로 일컬어지는 전용면적 84㎡ 타입은 서비스면적을 활용한 특화설계로
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

청약자 절반이 ‘국민 평형’

분양시장이 실수요 중심으로 재편되고 국민평형으로 불리는 전용 84㎡ 타입이 인기를 누리고 있다. 이른바 ‘국민평형’으로 일컬어지는 전용면적 84㎡ 타입은 서비스면적을 활용한 특화설계로 주거 공간을 더 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 데다 대형 평형 대비 가격 경쟁력을 갖춰 풍부한 수요층을 거느리고 있다는 특징이 있다. 이러한 선호도를 토대로 거래량이 많아 환금성도 우수하다는 점에서 수요자들의 선호도가 높다. 이에 청약시장에서도 국민 평형으로의 수요 쏠림이 두드러졌다. 한국부동산원 청약홈 자료에 따르면 올 1분기 전국 아파트 1순위에 사용된 청약통장은 총 19만515개로 이 중 전용 84㎡에 전체의 49.9%에 달하는 9만5012건이 집중됐다. 이는 지난 1년 간 84㎡ 타입에 접수된 비율인 43.2% 대비 약 6.7%포인트 상승한 수치다. 동일 단지 내에서도 국민평형의 경쟁률이 더 높게 나타났다. 올 3월 서울 강동구에서 분양한 ‘더샵 둔촌포레’ 전용 84㎡ 타입은 일반공급 28가구 모집에 3824명이

대한상의-한국노총 수장 만났다…“복합위기 시대, 노사 힘 합쳐야” 공감대

“인구소멸, 기후 위기, 산업전환이라는 복합위기의 시대에 노동자와 기업이 힘을 합쳐야 하는 건 필수 조건입니다”김동명 한국노동조합총연맹 (한국노총) 위원장이 10일 최태원 대한상공회의
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

대한상의-한국노총 수장 만났다…“복합위기 시대, 노사 힘 합쳐야” 공감대

“인구소멸, 기후 위기, 산업전환이라는 복합위기의 시대에 노동자와 기업이 힘을 합쳐야 하는 건 필수 조건입니다”김동명 한국노동조합총연맹 (한국노총) 위원장이 10일 최태원 대한상공회의소 회장과 서울 영등포구 한국노총 회관에서 진행된 만찬에서 이 같이 말했다. 노조도 한국 사회의 경제·사회 주체로서 사회 문제를 해결하는데 함께 하겠다는 것이다. 김 위원장은 “거대한 변화 앞에서 기업이 느끼는 불확실성과 노동자들이 느끼는 불안감은 결코 다르지 않다고 생각한다”며 “지속가능한 한국 사회의 토대를 만드는 건 미래 사회를 위한 우리의 책임

尹, 상인·직장인 만나 “물가 잡으려 총력… 조금만 기다려 달라”

윤석열 대통령은 10일 “정부에서 물가를 잡기 위해 총력을 쏟고 있다. 조금만 기다려 달라”고 말했다. 이날 취임 2주년을 맞은 윤 대통령은 서울 중구에서 직장인들이 자주 찾는 식당가를 찾아
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

尹, 상인·직장인 만나 “물가 잡으려 총력… 조금만 기다려 달라”

윤석열 대통령은 10일 “정부에서 물가를 잡기 위해 총력을 쏟고 있다. 조금만 기다려 달라”고 말했다. 이날 취임 2주년을 맞은 윤 대통령은 서울 중구에서 직장인들이 자주 찾는 식당가를 찾아 외식 물가를 점검하고 인근 청계천을 산책하며 시민들과 소통하는 시간을 가졌다. 또 서울 서대문구의 대표적 전통시장을 방문해 장바구니 물가 상황도 점검했다. 윤 대통령은 한 식당에서 김치찌개로 참모들과 점심 식사를 하며 외식 물가에 대해 의견을 나눴다. 윤 대통령은 식당 주인에게 2년 전과 비교하면 김치찌개 가격이 얼마나 올랐는지 물었고, 8000원에서 1만,000원으로 올랐다고 하자 “인건비와 식자재 가격이 올라서인 것 같다”고 말했다. 식사를 마치고 나와 시민들과 격의없이 소통했다. 윤 대통령은 “외식 물가도 점검하고 시민 여러분을 만나기 위해 나왔다”며 “그동안 경호 등의 이유로 시민 여러분이 불편할까봐 잘 나오지 않았다”고 했다. 한 시민이 “자주 나오세요”라고 하자 “여러분이 불편하지

Tanzania: Govt Acts Swiftly to Quell Impact of Cyclone Hidaya

[Daily News] Dodoma -- PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has informed the National Assembly that the tropical cyclone Hidaya that hit the coastal areas of the country last weekend, has claimed the lives of five people, leaving seven others injured and 7, 027 hou
AllAfrica News: Latest

Tanzania: Govt Acts Swiftly to Quell Impact of Cyclone Hidaya

[Daily News] Dodoma -- PRIME Minister Kassim Majaliwa has informed the National Assembly that the tropical cyclone Hidaya that hit the coastal areas of the country last weekend, has claimed the lives of five people, leaving seven others injured and 7, 027 households with 18,862 people affected.

Sudan: Both Sudan Army and RSF Claim Control of Mount Kordofan

[Dabanga] El Obeid -- Both the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) announced control of the Mount Kordofan area near El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan, after violent battles on Tuesday. The SAF reportedly attacked RSF sites in th
AllAfrica News: Latest

Sudan: Both Sudan Army and RSF Claim Control of Mount Kordofan

[Dabanga] El Obeid -- Both the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) announced control of the Mount Kordofan area near El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan, after violent battles on Tuesday. The SAF reportedly attacked RSF sites in the area to secure a better field position in preparation for the battle for El Fasher, capital of North Darfur.

Kenya: Kenya Floods - As the Costs Add Up Pressure Mounts On a Country in Economic Crisis

[The Conversation Africa] There were early warnings that Kenya's long rain season - between March and May - was going to bring above-normal rainfall. The extreme intensity of the rain has resulted in devastating floods in many parts of the country. Forty of t
AllAfrica News: Latest

Kenya: Kenya Floods - As the Costs Add Up Pressure Mounts On a Country in Economic Crisis

[The Conversation Africa] There were early warnings that Kenya's long rain season - between March and May - was going to bring above-normal rainfall. The extreme intensity of the rain has resulted in devastating floods in many parts of the country. Forty of the country's 47 counties have been affected. More than 230 people have died and about 40,000 households, so far, have been displaced.

Afflux de déplacés à Goma : le chef du quartier Lac vert plaide pour une assistance humanitaire urgente

Le chef du quartier Lac Vert, situé à l’Ouest de la ville de Goma (Nord-Kivu), Dedesi Mitima, a plaidé jeudi 9 mai, pour une prise en charge humanitaire urgente de plus de 2000 ménages de déplacés qui, depuis quatre jours, affluent dans différents si
Radio Okapi

Afflux de déplacés à Goma : le chef du quartier Lac vert plaide pour une assistance humanitaire urgente

Le chef du quartier Lac Vert, situé à l’Ouest de la ville de Goma (Nord-Kivu), Dedesi Mitima, a plaidé jeudi 9 mai, pour une prise en charge humanitaire urgente de plus de 2000 ménages de déplacés qui, depuis quatre jours, affluent dans différents sites d’hébergements, situés dans son entité. Selon cette autorité locale, ces personnes vulnérables proviennent de différentes agglomérations des territoires de Masisi (Nord-Kivu) et de Kalehe (Sud-Kivu).

Nord-Kivu: des familles de déplacés jugent insuffisant les 36 000 FC leur alloués mensuellement

Dans les divers camps disséminés dans et autour de la ville de Goma (Nord-Kivu), des familles de déplacés ont jugé, mardi 7 mai, insuffisants les 36 000 FC (13 USD) leur alloués mensuellement pour subvenir à leurs besoins alimentaires de base. Elles on
Radio Okapi

Nord-Kivu: des familles de déplacés jugent insuffisant les 36 000 FC leur alloués mensuellement

Dans les divers camps disséminés dans et autour de la ville de Goma (Nord-Kivu), des familles de déplacés ont jugé, mardi 7 mai, insuffisants les 36 000 FC (13 USD) leur alloués mensuellement pour subvenir à leurs besoins alimentaires de base. Elles ont fait cette réclamation en marge de la visite du Directeur exécutif adjoint, en charge des actions humanitaires de l'UNICEF, dans les sites de Lushagala et Bulengo, dans la partie Ouest de la ville de Goma.

Beni : la Monusco préoccupée par la situation sécuritaire dans le Nord-Kivu

Lors de sa première visite dans la région de Beni, le mardi 7 mai, la Représentante spéciale adjointe du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, chargée de la protection et des opérations, Vivian Van De Perre, et numéro 2 de la MONUSCO, a exprimé sa
Radio Okapi

Beni : la Monusco préoccupée par la situation sécuritaire dans le Nord-Kivu

Lors de sa première visite dans la région de Beni, le mardi 7 mai, la Représentante spéciale adjointe du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, chargée de la protection et des opérations, Vivian Van De Perre, et numéro 2 de la MONUSCO, a exprimé sa préoccupation au sujet de la situation sécuritaire dans le Nord-Kivu, où l'armée congolaise affronte les rebelles du M23.  

Tshikapa : les agents de la société TRANSCO en grève

Des agents de la société Transport du Congo (TRANSCO) à Tshikapa (Kasaï), ont suspendu, depuis mercredi 8 mai, leur prestation pour non-paiement de leurs avantages sociaux. Dans leur mémorandum adressé à leur direction générale, ces travaillent récl
Radio Okapi

Tshikapa : les agents de la société TRANSCO en grève

Des agents de la société Transport du Congo (TRANSCO) à Tshikapa (Kasaï), ont suspendu, depuis mercredi 8 mai, leur prestation pour non-paiement de leurs avantages sociaux. Dans leur mémorandum adressé à leur direction générale, ces travaillent réclament entre autres, le paiement des frais liés à la rentrée scolaire, la prise en charge médicale et d’autres avantages sociaux. A Radio Okapi, l’un d’eux a accusé leur chef d’agence de mauvaise gestion :

How sketch artists at Trump’s hush money trial capture what cameras can’t

In an image-saturated world, Trump’s New York trial is a rare event — one where photography is prohibited and artists define how the world views the proceedings.
Post Politics

How sketch artists at Trump’s hush money trial capture what cameras can’t

In an image-saturated world, Trump’s New York trial is a rare event — one where photography is prohibited and artists define how the world views the proceedings.

Trump team throws out GOP plan and builds a ‘leaner’ 2024 operation

The new plan calls for fewer offices, less staff and a focus on new partnerships with outside groups — raising concerns among some Republicans.
Post Politics

Trump team throws out GOP plan and builds a ‘leaner’ 2024 operation

The new plan calls for fewer offices, less staff and a focus on new partnerships with outside groups — raising concerns among some Republicans.

Hoping tensions ease, House Republicans still brace for more drama

While the immediate threat to oust Johnson is over, many House Republicans don’t believe Marjorie Taylor Greene and other agitators are ready to cooperate.
Post Politics

Hoping tensions ease, House Republicans still brace for more drama

While the immediate threat to oust Johnson is over, many House Republicans don’t believe Marjorie Taylor Greene and other agitators are ready to cooperate.

Marché Central de Bujumbura : renaître de ses cendres, l’espoir est permis

11 ans après son incendie et après plusieurs promesses de réhabilitation non tenue, une note d’information sur les conceptions préliminaires en vue de la reconstruction de l’ex-marché central de Bujumbura a été présentée par le ministre d

Marché Central de Bujumbura : renaître de ses cendres, l’espoir est permis

11 ans après son incendie et après plusieurs promesses de réhabilitation non tenue, une note d’information sur les conceptions préliminaires en vue de la reconstruction de l’ex-marché central de Bujumbura a été présentée par le ministre des Infrastructures, de l’Équipement (...)

Արցախի ՄԻՊ-ը դիմել է ուսանողներին. Դիպլոմներս վերականգնվեցին, իսկ երազանքս ․․․


Ալմաթիում սկսվել է Հայաստանի և Ադրբեջանի արտգործնախարարների բանակցությունները


Пожарные тушат горящие машины в Белгороде. Путин смотрит парад Победы с военными из Бучи. Украинские артиллеристы обороняются под Авдеевкой. Восемьсот шестой день войны. Фотографии

Каждый день с начала полномасштабного российского вторжения в Украину редакторы «Медузы» выбирают главные военные снимки, сделанные накан
В мире -

Пожарные тушат горящие машины в Белгороде. Путин смотрит парад Победы с военными из Бучи. Украинские артиллеристы обороняются под Авдеевкой. Восемьсот шестой день войны. Фотографии

Каждый день с начала полномасштабного российского вторжения в Украину редакторы «Медузы» выбирают главные военные снимки, сделанные накануне. Эти фотографии содержат сцены жестокости, насилия и смерти, однако большинство из них не помещены под специальную плашку, которой обычно редакция скрывает подобные изображения. В серии этих материалов мы стараемся задокументировать войну такой, какая она есть.

An Deeler vu Latäinamerika: Stroumausfäll a Waasserrationéierunge wéinst Dréchent

Op verschiddene Plazen a Mexiko wier beim Stroum «d'Demande méi héich wéi déi produzéiert Kapazitéit», esou de mexikanesche President Andrés Obrador.
RTL Headlines

An Deeler vu Latäinamerika: Stroumausfäll a Waasserrationéierunge wéinst Dréchent

Op verschiddene Plazen a Mexiko wier beim Stroum «d'Demande méi héich wéi déi produzéiert Kapazitéit», esou de mexikanesche President Andrés Obrador.

Гол Роналду принес Аль-Насру победу в чемпионате

Команда звездного португальца одолела аутсайдера чемпионата Саудовской Аравии в 31 туре.
Спорт -

Гол Роналду принес Аль-Насру победу в чемпионате

Команда звездного португальца одолела аутсайдера чемпионата Саудовской Аравии в 31 туре.

Легенды УПЛ сыграют в клубе Шевченко в лиге Пике

Известные в прошлом футболисты украинского чемпионата присоединились к проекту президента УАФ и стримера Лебиги.
Спорт -

Легенды УПЛ сыграют в клубе Шевченко в лиге Пике

Известные в прошлом футболисты украинского чемпионата присоединились к проекту президента УАФ и стримера Лебиги.

Байер превзошел «вечный» рекорд Бенфики по матчам без поражений

Леверкузенский клуб продолжил свою фантастическую серию, накануне сыграв вничью в Лиге Европы.
Спорт -

Байер превзошел «вечный» рекорд Бенфики по матчам без поражений

Леверкузенский клуб продолжил свою фантастическую серию, накануне сыграв вничью в Лиге Европы.

Auxiliary cop arrested at Victoria Street for carrying gun, loaded with 5 bullets, off-duty

A 27-year-old auxiliary police officer was arrested on Thursday (May 9) for failing to return his service revolver, ammunition and baton after his shift.  The police said in a press release that they were alerted by Certis at about 9.50pm that the office

Auxiliary cop arrested at Victoria Street for carrying gun, loaded with 5 bullets, off-duty

A 27-year-old auxiliary police officer was arrested on Thursday (May 9) for failing to return his service revolver, ammunition and baton after his shift.  The police said in a press release that they were alerted by Certis at about 9.50pm that the officer did not return his firearms after his duty at Changi Airport.  CCTV footage showed that he changed out of his uniform and left his workplace with a fully-loaded Taurus revolver that contained five bullets.  He was also carrying a speed revolver loaded with another five bullets, and a baton in a pouch.  Over 100 deployed to find him More than 100 police officers from various units were deployed to search for the man, who was eventually found loitering at a mall in Victoria Street past midnight.  The police said he did not put up a struggle and did not try to reach for the gun when he was arrested.  All equipment issued to him were successfully recovered.  He will be charged in court on May 11 for the unlawful carrying of a firearm.  If found guilty, he could be imprisoned for five to 14 years, and may be liable for at least six strokes of the cane. 

Op Parking zu Diddeleng: Zwou Persoune sinn unenee geroden, eng Persoun gouf blesséiert

Am spéiden Donneschdeg de Mëtteg koum et an der Rue Reiteschkopp zu enger Ausernanersetzung vun zwou Persounen.
RTL Headlines

Op Parking zu Diddeleng: Zwou Persoune sinn unenee geroden, eng Persoun gouf blesséiert

Am spéiden Donneschdeg de Mëtteg koum et an der Rue Reiteschkopp zu enger Ausernanersetzung vun zwou Persounen.

Falsch LuxTrust-Mataarbechter: Zwou Persounen am Kader vu Bedruchsmasch festgeholl

Am Kader vun enger Enquête iwwert eng Bedruchsmasch mat falsche LuxTrust-Mataarbechter, konnt d'Police e Mëttwochowend zwee presuméiert Täter stellen.
RTL Headlines

Falsch LuxTrust-Mataarbechter: Zwou Persounen am Kader vu Bedruchsmasch festgeholl

Am Kader vun enger Enquête iwwert eng Bedruchsmasch mat falsche LuxTrust-Mataarbechter, konnt d'Police e Mëttwochowend zwee presuméiert Täter stellen.

An der eegener Wunneng: Afroamerikaneschen US-Zaldot vu Polizisten erschoss

Den 23 Joer ale Roger Fortson wier Affer vun enger Verwiesslung vun de Wunnenge ginn, esou den Affekot fir Biergerrecht Ben Crump en Donneschdeg.
RTL Headlines

An der eegener Wunneng: Afroamerikaneschen US-Zaldot vu Polizisten erschoss

Den 23 Joer ale Roger Fortson wier Affer vun enger Verwiesslung vun de Wunnenge ginn, esou den Affekot fir Biergerrecht Ben Crump en Donneschdeg.

В «Балтийской международной академии» выявлены нарушения: вузу выдали чрезвычайную аккредитацию


С понедельника из-за ремонтных работ вступят в силу изменения в движении поездов
