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The National U-17 soccer team, Serengeti Boys will feature in a special tournament to be held in Antalya, Turkey. The tournament has been organized by both the African Football governing body (Caf) and the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA).

MUŠKARAC POGINUO NA RADNOM MESTU Tragedija u Hrvatskoj: U kamenolomu pao kamen i usmrtio čoveka

Stravična nesreća dogodila se danas u Hrvatskoj kada je poginuo muškarac na koga je pao kamen prilikom radova u kamenolomu.
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MUŠKARAC POGINUO NA RADNOM MESTU Tragedija u Hrvatskoj: U kamenolomu pao kamen i usmrtio čoveka

Stravična nesreća dogodila se danas u Hrvatskoj kada je poginuo muškarac na koga je pao kamen prilikom radova u kamenolomu.

OVAKO ŽIVE NEBINARNE OSOBE U SRBIJI «Gađaju me kamenjem»: Valerijan ispričao kakvo sve maltretiranje doživljava skoro svakodnevno (VIDEO)

Evrovizija je gotova, ali, kao po običaju, prašina koju je ove godina podigla neće se još dugo spustiti. Pored jasnih poruka pojedinih predstavnika da ubijanje civila u Gazi treba da prestane, diskvalifikacije takmičara koji je stav povodom rata izneo ja
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OVAKO ŽIVE NEBINARNE OSOBE U SRBIJI «Gađaju me kamenjem»: Valerijan ispričao kakvo sve maltretiranje doživljava skoro svakodnevno (VIDEO)

Evrovizija je gotova, ali, kao po običaju, prašina koju je ove godina podigla neće se još dugo spustiti. Pored jasnih poruka pojedinih predstavnika da ubijanje civila u Gazi treba da prestane, diskvalifikacije takmičara koji je stav povodom rata izneo javno, u fokusu je bila i tema rodnog identiteta. Predstavnici Švajcarske i Irske izjašnjavaju se kao nebinarne osobe, odnosno ljudi koji se ne identifikuju ni kao muškarci ni kao žene nego se nalaze u spektru između.

KINESKA «TVRĐAVA» NA AMERIČKOM PRAGU Peking gradi svoje carstvo, u Vašingtonu ALARM: «Ovo je smeo potez»

Dok su za Amerikance Karibi sinonim za bele peščane plaže, tirkizno more, medeni mesec, rum i grilovanu piletinu, druga sila izgleda da u njima vidi veću vrednost.
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KINESKA «TVRĐAVA» NA AMERIČKOM PRAGU Peking gradi svoje carstvo, u Vašingtonu ALARM: «Ovo je smeo potez»

Dok su za Amerikance Karibi sinonim za bele peščane plaže, tirkizno more, medeni mesec, rum i grilovanu piletinu, druga sila izgleda da u njima vidi veću vrednost.

NOVI SNIMAK NAPADA NA ZATVORSKI KONVOJ U FRANCUSKOJ Kombiju preprečili put, pa pucali u policajce izbliza, oglasio se i Makron (VIDEO)

Naoružani napadači napali su zatvorski konvoj u Francuskoj i oslobodili poznatog narko-bosa Mohameda Amra, zvanog Muva.
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NOVI SNIMAK NAPADA NA ZATVORSKI KONVOJ U FRANCUSKOJ Kombiju preprečili put, pa pucali u policajce izbliza, oglasio se i Makron (VIDEO)

Naoružani napadači napali su zatvorski konvoj u Francuskoj i oslobodili poznatog narko-bosa Mohameda Amra, zvanog Muva.

Detalji BRUTALNE PLJAČKE u Banjaluci: Razbojnici u 3 torbe odneli 2 MILIONA MARAKA

Nepoznati razbojnici ukrali su danas oko dva miliona konvertibilnih maraka u filmskoj pljački u banjalučkom naselju Lauš.
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Detalji BRUTALNE PLJAČKE u Banjaluci: Razbojnici u 3 torbe odneli 2 MILIONA MARAKA

Nepoznati razbojnici ukrali su danas oko dva miliona konvertibilnih maraka u filmskoj pljački u banjalučkom naselju Lauš.

“광장서 흘린 상쾌한 땀… AI가 마음 건강도 챙겨줘요”

“심장 나이가 68세라고 하네요.” 14일 오후 서울 중구 서울시청 앞 서울광장. 인공지능(AI) 기반 심전도 측정기를 체험한 정봉섭 씨(79)는 “실제 나이보다 훨씬 적게 나왔다”며 밝은 표정을 지었
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

“광장서 흘린 상쾌한 땀… AI가 마음 건강도 챙겨줘요”

“심장 나이가 68세라고 하네요.” 14일 오후 서울 중구 서울시청 앞 서울광장. 인공지능(AI) 기반 심전도 측정기를 체험한 정봉섭 씨(79)는 “실제 나이보다 훨씬 적게 나왔다”며 밝은 표정을 지었다. 뒤에서 지켜보던 지인들은 “운동을 열심히 하더니 그럴 줄 알았다”며 박수를 쳤다. ‘2024 서울헬스쇼-도심 속 건강축제’가 14일 서울시청 앞 서울광장에서 막을 올렸다. 동아일보와 채널A가 주최하고 서울시와 보건복지부 등이 후원해 사흘 동안 열리는 이번 행사에는 AI 등 첨단 기술을 접목한 ‘헬스테크’ 기업이 다수 참가해 시민들의 시선을 사로잡았다. AI 스타트업 뷰노는 휴대용 장비로 심전도 검사를 하면 심장 나이를 측정해 주는 ‘하티브’를 선보였고, LG유플러스는 일기를 쓰면 AI가 답장을 보내 마음 건강을 어루만져 주는 ‘답다’ 서비스를 소개했다. 삼성전자는 운동할 때 심박수와 소모 칼로리 등을 실시간으로 측정해 주는 갤럭시 워치6 시연 행사를 했다. 이날 행사장엔 △스마트

검찰총장 “인사 늦춰달라”… 법무장관 묵살

이원석 검찰총장이 13일 단행된 대규모 검찰 인사 발표 이틀 전 박성재 법무부 장관을 만나 “인사 시기를 늦춰 달라”는 뜻을 밝혔지만 묵살당한 것으로 알려졌다. 14일 동아일보 취재를 종합하
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

검찰총장 “인사 늦춰달라”… 법무장관 묵살

이원석 검찰총장이 13일 단행된 대규모 검찰 인사 발표 이틀 전 박성재 법무부 장관을 만나 “인사 시기를 늦춰 달라”는 뜻을 밝혔지만 묵살당한 것으로 알려졌다. 14일 동아일보 취재를 종합하면 이 총장은 법무부 인사 발표 이틀 전인 11일 박 장관을 만나 검찰 인사를 협의하는 자리에서 “주요 수사가 급박하게 돌아가는 만큼 인사 시기를 미뤄 달라”는 의견을 낸 것으로 전해졌다. 본인이 2일 윤석열 대통령의 부인 김건희 여사의 디올백 수수 의혹과 관련해 전담수사팀 구성과 ‘신속·엄정 수사’를 지시한 지 9일밖에 안 된 만큼, 서울중앙지검 지휘부 등에 대한 인사 시점을 늦춰 달라는 취지였던 것으로 풀이된다. 그러나 법무부는 이 총장의 의견을 묵살한 채 12일 일부 검사장 및 고검장들에게 전화를 돌려 사실상 사직하라는 뜻을 통보한 뒤 13일 검찰 고위직 인사를 전격적으로 발표했다. 이 총장은 14일 서울 서초구 대검찰청 출근길에 기자들과 만나 검찰 인사에 대한 불만을 우회적으로 드러냈다.

[단독]公기관장 빈자리 90개… “낙선-낙천자들 줄섰다”

대통령실이 4·10총선 등을 염두에 두고 올스톱했던 공공기관장 인사를 위해 동시다발적인 검증을 진행 중인 것으로 알려졌다. 공공기관 전체 327곳 중 이미 기관장 임기가 끝났거나 상반기(1∼6월)
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

[단독]公기관장 빈자리 90개… “낙선-낙천자들 줄섰다”

대통령실이 4·10총선 등을 염두에 두고 올스톱했던 공공기관장 인사를 위해 동시다발적인 검증을 진행 중인 것으로 알려졌다. 공공기관 전체 327곳 중 이미 기관장 임기가 끝났거나 상반기(1∼6월) 중으로 임기가 만료되는 곳이 90곳에 이르는 것으로 확인됐다. 여권에서는 “총선 뒤 공공기관장 인사의 장(場)이 크게 열렸다”며 “총선 낙선·낙천자를 보은성 낙하산 인사로 임명할 가능성이 크다”는 관측이 나온다. 여권 고위 관계자는 14일 “대통령실에서 공공기관장 인사를 위한 동시다발적 검증이 이뤄지고 있는 것으로 안다”며 “낙선·낙천자 등을 염두에 두고 총선 전 일정 부분 중단됐던 공공기관 인사 관련 작업이 이제 본격적으로 재개된 것”이라고 전했다. 총선 이후 공공기관장 인사 작업이 진행되는 건 대통령실의 정치적 계산이 깔렸다는 분석도 있다. 총선에서 참패한 여권이 공공기관장 인사를 지렛대로 낙선·낙천자들의 동요나 공개적인 반발을 줄이는 유인으로 활용하는 측면도 있다는 평가다. 동아일보가

François-Xavier Bellamy : quel programme pour les européennes et quels résultats ?

En retrait dans les résultats des sondages pour les élections européennes 2024, le Républicain François-Xavier Bellamy capitalise sur deux thèmes pour faire vivre sa campagne : la souveraineté de l'Europe et l'immigration.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

François-Xavier Bellamy : quel programme pour les européennes et quels résultats ?

En retrait dans les résultats des sondages pour les élections européennes 2024, le Républicain François-Xavier Bellamy capitalise sur deux thèmes pour faire vivre sa campagne : la souveraineté de l'Europe et l'immigration.

Mohamed Amra : le criminel évadé, multirécidiviste, risquait la prison à perpétuité

Surnommé «La Mouche», le détenu transféré dans le convoi attaqué ce mardi et qui s'est évadé avec ses complices est multirécidiviste. Il a notamment été condamné pour «vol avec effraction» et mis en examen pour meurtre.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Mohamed Amra : le criminel évadé, multirécidiviste, risquait la prison à perpétuité

Surnommé «La Mouche», le détenu transféré dans le convoi attaqué ce mardi et qui s'est évadé avec ses complices est multirécidiviste. Il a notamment été condamné pour «vol avec effraction» et mis en examen pour meurtre.

Résultat Euromillions (FDJ) : le tirage de ce mardi 14 mai 2024, 49 millions d'euros en jeu

EUROMILLIONS. Pour ce nouveau tirage Euromillions, la Française des jeux propose 49 millions d'euros à celui ou celle qui parviendra à trouver les résultats du jour.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Résultat Euromillions (FDJ) : le tirage de ce mardi 14 mai 2024, 49 millions d'euros en jeu

EUROMILLIONS. Pour ce nouveau tirage Euromillions, la Française des jeux propose 49 millions d'euros à celui ou celle qui parviendra à trouver les résultats du jour.

DIRECT. Fourgons attaqués à Incarville (Eure) : la traque se poursuit, qui sont les assaillants ?

Dans l'Eure, plusieurs hommes s'en sont pris au convoi pénitentiaire chargé de transférer un détenu, proche du péage d'Incarville. Deux morts sont à déplorer, trois agents pénitentiaires sont également gravement blessés.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

DIRECT. Fourgons attaqués à Incarville (Eure) : la traque se poursuit, qui sont les assaillants ?

Dans l'Eure, plusieurs hommes s'en sont pris au convoi pénitentiaire chargé de transférer un détenu, proche du péage d'Incarville. Deux morts sont à déplorer, trois agents pénitentiaires sont également gravement blessés.

La colère de la police pénitentiaire après le drame du péage d'Incarville

L'émotion était vive ce mardi dans les rangs de la police pénitentiaire après la mort de deux agents dans l'attaque de leur fourgon dans l'Eure. Un appel à la grève a été lancé.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

La colère de la police pénitentiaire après le drame du péage d'Incarville

L'émotion était vive ce mardi dans les rangs de la police pénitentiaire après la mort de deux agents dans l'attaque de leur fourgon dans l'Eure. Un appel à la grève a été lancé.

«Eyes on the road»: D'Police kontrolléiert am Moment verstäerkt Oflenkungen um Steier

Vum 13. - 19. Mee wäert dës Campagne lafen a soll virun allem sensibiliséieren an d'Accidenter op de Stroosse reduzéieren.
RTL Headlines

«Eyes on the road»: D'Police kontrolléiert am Moment verstäerkt Oflenkungen um Steier

Vum 13. - 19. Mee wäert dës Campagne lafen a soll virun allem sensibiliséieren an d'Accidenter op de Stroosse reduzéieren.

Um Joresdag vun éischte Masseverhaftungen: Holocaust-Denkmal zu Paräis mat Graffiti beschmiert

D'«Mur des Justes» soll un déi éischt Masseverhaftunge vu Judden zu Paräis erënneren. Um Joresdag en Dënschdeg gouf d'Monument mat Graffiti beschmiert.
RTL Headlines

Um Joresdag vun éischte Masseverhaftungen: Holocaust-Denkmal zu Paräis mat Graffiti beschmiert

D'«Mur des Justes» soll un déi éischt Masseverhaftunge vu Judden zu Paräis erënneren. Um Joresdag en Dënschdeg gouf d'Monument mat Graffiti beschmiert.

Giro d'Italia: 10. Etapp: Valentin Paret-Peintre wënnt en solitaire

Nom Roudag um Méindeg goung et en Dënschdeg op der 10. Etapp vum Giro d'Italia iwwer 142 Kilometer vu Pompei op Bocca della Selva.
RTL Headlines

Giro d'Italia: 10. Etapp: Valentin Paret-Peintre wënnt en solitaire

Nom Roudag um Méindeg goung et en Dënschdeg op der 10. Etapp vum Giro d'Italia iwwer 142 Kilometer vu Pompei op Bocca della Selva.

Luxembourg Tennis Masters: Ënnert anerem ass d'Ana Ivanovic dëst Joer mat dobäi

Vum 17. bis den 20. Oktober gëtt an der Coque déi 3. Editioun vun de Luxembourg Tennis Masters gespillt.
RTL Headlines

Luxembourg Tennis Masters: Ënnert anerem ass d'Ana Ivanovic dëst Joer mat dobäi

Vum 17. bis den 20. Oktober gëtt an der Coque déi 3. Editioun vun de Luxembourg Tennis Masters gespillt.

BBC star Gary Lineker says critics of his political views and online posts have a 'lack of empathy' and says he will carry on because he would be 'ashamed' to stay quiet

Gary Lineker has suggested his critics lack empathy - and that he would be 'ashamed' of himself if he didn't speak out on social media.
News | Mail Online

BBC star Gary Lineker says critics of his political views and online posts have a 'lack of empathy' and says he will carry on because he would be 'ashamed' to stay quiet

Gary Lineker has suggested his critics lack empathy - and that he would be 'ashamed' of himself if he didn't speak out on social media.

Pro-Palestine Harvard protesters announce they're ending campus encampment after demands were ignored - and have now demanded the college reinstate them

The group leading the protests, Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine, said on Tuesday they had voted to end the encampment on Harvard Yard.
News | Mail Online

Pro-Palestine Harvard protesters announce they're ending campus encampment after demands were ignored - and have now demanded the college reinstate them

The group leading the protests, Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine, said on Tuesday they had voted to end the encampment on Harvard Yard.

Ant McPartlin is a dad! Star is flooded with congratulatory messages from celeb pals Jamie Redknapp, Davina McCall and Alesha Dixon after welcoming son Wilder Patrick with wife Anne-Marie, 46

Ant McPartlin has received a wealth of congratulatory messages from his celebrity friends after revealing he has welcomed his first child, a son named Wilder Patrick McPartlin.
News | Mail Online

Ant McPartlin is a dad! Star is flooded with congratulatory messages from celeb pals Jamie Redknapp, Davina McCall and Alesha Dixon after welcoming son Wilder Patrick with wife Anne-Marie, 46

Ant McPartlin has received a wealth of congratulatory messages from his celebrity friends after revealing he has welcomed his first child, a son named Wilder Patrick McPartlin.

How your breakfast, lunch and dinner could look under Rishi Sunak's plans to help British farmers by reducing UK's reliance on imported fruit and vegetables

The Prime Minister is using a food summit in Downing Street to tell farmers they are 'vital to the security and fabric of our country'.
News | Mail Online

How your breakfast, lunch and dinner could look under Rishi Sunak's plans to help British farmers by reducing UK's reliance on imported fruit and vegetables

The Prime Minister is using a food summit in Downing Street to tell farmers they are 'vital to the security and fabric of our country'.

Florida bus crash leaves at least eight dead and 45 injured after vehicle carrying 53 migrant workers to watermelon farm overturns

A horror crash in Florida involving a bus has killed at least eight people, left eight more in critical condition and hospitalized at least 37. 
News | Mail Online

Florida bus crash leaves at least eight dead and 45 injured after vehicle carrying 53 migrant workers to watermelon farm overturns

A horror crash in Florida involving a bus has killed at least eight people, left eight more in critical condition and hospitalized at least 37. 

Saudi cabinet welcomes UN resolution supporting Palestine’s full membership

RIYADH: The Saudi cabinet welcomed on Tuesday the United Nations assembly's resolution supporting Palestine's full membership, the Saudi State Agency reported. The council of ministers emphasizing the need to halt Israeli military escalations and violation
Saudi Arabia

Saudi cabinet welcomes UN resolution supporting Palestine’s full membership

RIYADH: The Saudi cabinet welcomed on Tuesday the United Nations assembly's resolution supporting Palestine's full membership, the Saudi State Agency reported. The council of ministers emphasizing the need to halt Israeli military escalations and violations against civilians and humanitarian workers. Minister of Information, Salman bin Youssef Al-Dosari, reiterated the Kingdom's commitment to global security, active participation in international relief efforts, and advocacy for issues affecting Arab and Islamic nations.

Saudi FM meets with Kuwaiti counterpart

RIYADH: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met with his Kuwaiti counterpart Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya on Tuesday, Saudi Press Agency reported. The meeting took place on the sidelines of a preparatory meeting for Arab League foreign ministers in Man
Saudi Arabia

Saudi FM meets with Kuwaiti counterpart

RIYADH: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan met with his Kuwaiti counterpart Abdullah Ali Al-Yahya on Tuesday, Saudi Press Agency reported. The meeting took place on the sidelines of a preparatory meeting for Arab League foreign ministers in Manama, Bahrain.  The ministers discussed ways of strengthening bilateral relations and regional and international developments of common interest.

Riyadh forum to combat financial crime and corruption

RIYADH: The inaugural Arab Forum of Anti-Corruption Agencies and Financial Intelligence Units begins Wednesday in Riyadh, hosted by the Presidency of State Security. It brings together key stakeholders from the Middle East and North Africa to combat financi
Saudi Arabia

Riyadh forum to combat financial crime and corruption

RIYADH: The inaugural Arab Forum of Anti-Corruption Agencies and Financial Intelligence Units begins Wednesday in Riyadh, hosted by the Presidency of State Security. It brings together key stakeholders from the Middle East and North Africa to combat financial crime, money laundering, and terrorist financing through enhanced cooperation and capabilities.

49th Saudi relief plane for Gazans arrives in Egypt

RIYADH: The 49th Saudi relief plane carrying food baskets for Gazans arrived at Egypt’s El Arish International Airport on Tuesday. The plane was operated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center in coordination with the Ministry of Defense, S
Saudi Arabia

49th Saudi relief plane for Gazans arrives in Egypt

RIYADH: The 49th Saudi relief plane carrying food baskets for Gazans arrived at Egypt’s El Arish International Airport on Tuesday. The plane was operated by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center in coordination with the Ministry of Defense, Saudi Press Agency reported. The food baskets will be transported to Palestinian people inside the Gaza Strip and is part of the Kingdom’s support for them.

UK Deputy PM Dowden sets £30bn Saudi-UK 2030 bilateral trade goal

RIYADH: During an interview with Arab News on the sidelines of the GREAT Futures Conference, UK Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden underlined London’s goal of reaching £30 billion ($37.7 billion) of bilateral trade by 2030. “The idea of this (GREAT
Saudi Arabia

UK Deputy PM Dowden sets £30bn Saudi-UK 2030 bilateral trade goal

RIYADH: During an interview with Arab News on the sidelines of the GREAT Futures Conference, UK Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden underlined London’s goal of reaching £30 billion ($37.7 billion) of bilateral trade by 2030. “The idea of this (GREAT Futures Conference) is to be a sort of shop window to show the opportunities for our two countries and then out of that, I think there’s huge opportunities for further trade and investment,” he said.

В РФ арестовали активы украинского производителя водки Хортиця

Российские правоохранители возбудили уголовное дело против основателя Global Spirits Евгения Черняка в России по «финансированию терроризма&raq
Последние новости на сайте

В РФ арестовали активы украинского производителя водки Хортиця

Российские правоохранители возбудили уголовное дело против основателя Global Spirits Евгения Черняка в России по «финансированию терроризма».

Блинкен раскрыл содержание договора безопасности с Украиной

США будут поддерживать украинскую безопасность и оборону по целому спектру военных возможностей, от ПВО до дронов и до разминирования.
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Блинкен раскрыл содержание договора безопасности с Украиной

США будут поддерживать украинскую безопасность и оборону по целому спектру военных возможностей, от ПВО до дронов и до разминирования.

Fratoianni in carcere da Ilaria Salis per le Europee: “La sua candidatura è un atto concreto, vuole uscire dall’incubo per occuparsi dei diritti dei detenuti”

Un’ora di colloquio, il leader di Sinistra italiana: “Si è emozionata quando le ho detto dell’onda di solidarietà e dell’affetto che si sono creati attorno al suo nome” > Cronaca

Fratoianni in carcere da Ilaria Salis per le Europee: “La sua candidatura è un atto concreto, vuole uscire dall’incubo per occuparsi dei diritti dei detenuti”

Un’ora di colloquio, il leader di Sinistra italiana: “Si è emozionata quando le ho detto dell’onda di solidarietà e dell’affetto che si sono creati attorno al suo nome”

I dieci anni dell’Anac. Il presidente Busia: “Sulla diga di Genova rischio aumento costi”

Alla Camera la relazione annuale dell’Autorità anticorruzione. Chi corrompe porta via “opportunità, prospettive, benessere” > Cronaca

I dieci anni dell’Anac. Il presidente Busia: “Sulla diga di Genova rischio aumento costi”

Alla Camera la relazione annuale dell’Autorità anticorruzione. Chi corrompe porta via “opportunità, prospettive, benessere”

Ascoli Piceno, incendio in un appartamento. Morta una 74enne e il suo cane: non sono riusciti a scappare

A Verona 15 anziani salvati dalle fiamme divampate in una casa di riposo > Cronaca

Ascoli Piceno, incendio in un appartamento. Morta una 74enne e il suo cane: non sono riusciti a scappare

A Verona 15 anziani salvati dalle fiamme divampate in una casa di riposo

Barca a vela affondata da un’orca a Gibilterra. Gli esperti divisi: “Voleva vendicarsi dell’uomo” o “No, stava solo giocando”

Le due persone a bordo salvate da una petroliera. Questi scontri, prima rari, sono diventati frequenti attorno allo Stretto dal 2020. Sette le imbarcazioni affondate > Cronaca

Barca a vela affondata da un’orca a Gibilterra. Gli esperti divisi: “Voleva vendicarsi dell’uomo” o “No, stava solo giocando”

Le due persone a bordo salvate da una petroliera. Questi scontri, prima rari, sono diventati frequenti attorno allo Stretto dal 2020. Sette le imbarcazioni affondate