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[스포츠조선 조윤선 기자] 배우 이종석이 '에스콰이어' 매거진 한국판 2019년 2월호 커버스토리 모델로 등장했다. 이번 화보는 스위스의 명품 시계 브랜드 오메가 씨마스터 다이버 300M의 뮤즈로 함

'Now that I have your attention ...': Rahul Gandhi's innovative strategy to make people hear him

Congress leader and candidate from Wayanad Rahul Gandhi captured public attention on Friday by addressing urgent problems of unemployment and poverty in a unique video featuring his pet dog on social media platform X. Gandhi criticizes Prime Minister Narendr
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'Now that I have your attention ...': Rahul Gandhi's innovative strategy to make people hear him

Congress leader and candidate from Wayanad Rahul Gandhi captured public attention on Friday by addressing urgent problems of unemployment and poverty in a unique video featuring his pet dog on social media platform X. Gandhi criticizes Prime Minister Narendra Modi for high unemployment rates and pushing millions below the poverty line.

Что умеет новый чат-бот Chat with RTX от Nvidia, чем отличается от ChatGPT и как им пользоваться

Самые крутые видеокарты GeForce оказались в дефиците во многих странах мира из-за массового спроса со стороны Китая. Там они используются в осно
Наука - Хабрахабр

Что умеет новый чат-бот Chat with RTX от Nvidia, чем отличается от ChatGPT и как им пользоваться

Самые крутые видеокарты GeForce оказались в дефиците во многих странах мира из-за массового спроса со стороны Китая. Там они используются в основе супер-компьютеров, применяемых для развития нейросетей. Nvidia не могла не догадываться, в каком ключе используются ее видеокарты, обладающие колоссальным вычислительным потенциалом. И, вместо того, чтобы бороться с этой инициативой, решила возглавить ее и запустила свой собственный чат-бот Chat with RTX. Читать далее

Базовые принципы и практики разработки чистого кода

Культовый разработчик Кент Бек сформулировал принципы написания ПО, которые в вольном изложении звучат приблизительно так:1. Заставь код раб
Наука - Хабрахабр

Базовые принципы и практики разработки чистого кода

Культовый разработчик Кент Бек сформулировал принципы написания ПО, которые в вольном изложении звучат приблизительно так:1. Заставь код работать.2. Сделай его понятным.3. Оптимизируй для лучшей производительности.Этим основам не один десяток лет, однако джуны (да и старшие порой, будем честны:) спотыкаются уже на втором шаге. В результате получается рабочий, но нечитаемый код, который не просто трудно понять — его нельзя дополнить или исправить, не поломав программу.Причина проста: на проектной работе важно как можно быстрее выйти на рынок и получить деньги. Джуны спешат разобраться с задачей, не тратя времени на рефакторинг и комментарии. Обычно до оптимизации дело так и не доходит: важные участки кода скорее «заморозят» и запретят вносить в них изменения, чем перепишут. Беда, если именно в них будет крыться экономическое преимущество системы.Сгустили мы тучи, однако. Но всё же, как писать понятный код с первого раза? Рассказываем в материале! Читать далее

Acord în cadrul NATO asupra trimiterii de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană în Ucraina

Statele membre NATO au ajuns la un acord cu privire la trimiterea de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană suplimentare în Ucraina, printre care baterii de rachete Patriot, a anunţat vineri secretarul general al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, Jens Stoltenberg, transm

Acord în cadrul NATO asupra trimiterii de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană în Ucraina

Statele membre NATO au ajuns la un acord cu privire la trimiterea de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană suplimentare în Ucraina, printre care baterii de rachete Patriot, a anunţat vineri secretarul general al Alianţei Nord-Atlantice, Jens Stoltenberg, transmit AFP şi Reuters.

Obiectul pe care nimeni nu s-ar aștepta ca Andreea Esca să îl aibă în casă. Aris Eram: „Multe chestii foarte folositoare” VIDEO

Când vine vorba de vedetele din România, locuințele lor sunt adesea subiect de curiozitate pentru fani. De data aceasta, Aris Eram, fiul celebrei prezentatoare TV Andreea Esca, a făcut publice câteva detalii cel puțin interesante din casa părinților s

Obiectul pe care nimeni nu s-ar aștepta ca Andreea Esca să îl aibă în casă. Aris Eram: „Multe chestii foarte folositoare” VIDEO

Când vine vorba de vedetele din România, locuințele lor sunt adesea subiect de curiozitate pentru fani. De data aceasta, Aris Eram, fiul celebrei prezentatoare TV Andreea Esca, a făcut publice câteva detalii cel puțin interesante din casa părinților săi din Snagov.

„Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit”, exclusiv pe SkyShowtime. Când va avea loc premiera VIDEO

Comedia romantică „Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit” intră pe streaming, pe platforma SkyShowtime. Filmul este produs de Papa Pictures și regizat de Germain Kanda și îi are în distribuție pe Carmen Tănase, Ada Galeș, Răzvan Bănică, Marian Râlea,

„Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit”, exclusiv pe SkyShowtime. Când va avea loc premiera VIDEO

Comedia romantică „Dragoste pe muchie de cuțit” intră pe streaming, pe platforma SkyShowtime. Filmul este produs de Papa Pictures și regizat de Germain Kanda și îi are în distribuție pe Carmen Tănase, Ada Galeș, Răzvan Bănică, Marian Râlea, Sandu Pop, Alin Panc, Gabriela Popescu și Ruxandra Șerban.

Bărbat arestat după racolarea unei copile în scop sexual. Polițiștii i-au găsit in calculator materiale pornografice cu minori

Un bărbat a fost arestat preventiv, vineri, pentru 30 de zile, fiind acuzat de pornografie infantilă şi racolarea minorilor în scopuri sexuale, în calculatorul şi telefonul său fiind depistate materiale pornografice care înfăţişează copii în ipos

Bărbat arestat după racolarea unei copile în scop sexual. Polițiștii i-au găsit in calculator materiale pornografice cu minori

Un bărbat a fost arestat preventiv, vineri, pentru 30 de zile, fiind acuzat de pornografie infantilă şi racolarea minorilor în scopuri sexuale, în calculatorul şi telefonul său fiind depistate materiale pornografice care înfăţişează copii în ipostaze sexuale explicite.

Lavrov acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme Transnistria într-un focar de tensiune

Kremlinul, prin intermediul ministrului de Externe, Serghei Lavrov, acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme regiunea separatisă Transnistria ,,într-un focar de tensiune”. Reprezentanții Guvernului moldovean neagă acuzațiile, reiterând că doresc re

Lavrov acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme Transnistria într-un focar de tensiune

Kremlinul, prin intermediul ministrului de Externe, Serghei Lavrov, acuză Chișinăul că vrea să transforme regiunea separatisă Transnistria ,,într-un focar de tensiune”. Reprezentanții Guvernului moldovean neagă acuzațiile, reiterând că doresc rezvolarea pașnică a conflictului transnistrean.

Blinken reveals US stance on potential Israeli invasion of Rafah

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said Washington is against a full-scale Israeli military operation in Gaza Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Blinken reveals US stance on potential Israeli invasion of Rafah

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said Washington is against a full-scale Israeli military operation in Gaza Read Full Article at

Send murderers directly to front lines – Ukraine’s justice minister

Send murderers directly to front lines, Ukraine’s justice minister is urging, reasoning that their experience makes them better killers Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Send murderers directly to front lines – Ukraine’s justice minister

Send murderers directly to front lines, Ukraine’s justice minister is urging, reasoning that their experience makes them better killers Read Full Article at

Russian exports to Africa exceed sales to Americas – media

Africa’s share of imports from Russia surged in 2023 as North and South America saw a marked year-on-year decline Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Russian exports to Africa exceed sales to Americas – media

Africa’s share of imports from Russia surged in 2023 as North and South America saw a marked year-on-year decline Read Full Article at

Suspect arrested after Iranian consulate bomb threat

A man is in custody after threatening to blow himself up inside Iran’s diplomatic mission in Paris with a fake suicide vest Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Suspect arrested after Iranian consulate bomb threat

A man is in custody after threatening to blow himself up inside Iran’s diplomatic mission in Paris with a fake suicide vest Read Full Article at

EU sanctions Israeli ‘extremists’

European Union has blacklisted four Israeli settlers and two organizations over alleged abuses of Palestinian human rights in the West Bank Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

EU sanctions Israeli ‘extremists’

European Union has blacklisted four Israeli settlers and two organizations over alleged abuses of Palestinian human rights in the West Bank Read Full Article at

В Армении заявили о начавшейся демаркации границы с Азербайджаном

Между Арменией и Азербайджаном началась демаркация границы. Об этом заявили в аппарате премьер-министра страны Никола Пашиняна, передает г
В мире - Рамблер

В Армении заявили о начавшейся демаркации границы с Азербайджаном

Между Арменией и Азербайджаном началась демаркация границы. Об этом заявили в аппарате премьер-министра страны Никола Пашиняна, передает госагентство «Арменпресс».

Was positive but is now «angry, frustrated and annoyed»

Birna Rún Arnarsdóttir, a resident of Grindavík, was one of many residents of Grindavík who turned out at Austurvöllur yesterday to protest the work methods of the real estate company Þórkatla, which is handling the government buyouts of properties in - News in English

Was positive but is now «angry, frustrated and annoyed»

Birna Rún Arnarsdóttir, a resident of Grindavík, was one of many residents of Grindavík who turned out at Austurvöllur yesterday to protest the work methods of the real estate company Þórkatla, which is handling the government buyouts of properties in Grindavík.

Planning for a safe route for visitors at the eruption site

The Icelandic Tourist Board leads a workgroup that has the task of preparing facilities for those who want to view the volcanic eruption in Sundhnúkagígar crater row, where one crater is erupting. - News in English

Planning for a safe route for visitors at the eruption site

The Icelandic Tourist Board leads a workgroup that has the task of preparing facilities for those who want to view the volcanic eruption in Sundhnúkagígar crater row, where one crater is erupting.

مظاهرات حاشدة باليمن تحت شعار 'معركتنا مستمرة حتى تنتصر غزة'

خرجت مظاهرات حاشدة في اليمن، اليوم الجمعة، تضامناً مع الشعب الفلسطيني، ونصرةً لقضيته العادلة، ولإسناد مقاومته، وتنديداً باستمرار مجازر الإب
قناة العالم الأخبارية

مظاهرات حاشدة باليمن تحت شعار 'معركتنا مستمرة حتى تنتصر غزة'

خرجت مظاهرات حاشدة في اليمن، اليوم الجمعة، تضامناً مع الشعب الفلسطيني، ونصرةً لقضيته العادلة، ولإسناد مقاومته، وتنديداً باستمرار مجازر الإبادة الإسرا...

15-y-o Irwin High student fatally stabbed in attack, school in mourning

Students and teachers at Irwin High School in St James are in mourning over the stabbing death of a 15-year-old boy during an attack by a group of students on Thursday afternoon. The deceased has been identified as Raniel Plummer.  When our...

15-y-o Irwin High student fatally stabbed in attack, school in mourning

Students and teachers at Irwin High School in St James are in mourning over the stabbing death of a 15-year-old boy during an attack by a group of students on Thursday afternoon. The deceased has been identified as Raniel Plummer.  When our...

JLP chides Ian Hayles over water tank distribution claims, demands apology

The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) wants People's National Party (PNP) Westmoreland Western aspirant Ian Hayles to withdraw and apologise for marking claims about the distribution of water tanks in the constituency. Hayles, in a video posted on...

JLP chides Ian Hayles over water tank distribution claims, demands apology

The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) wants People's National Party (PNP) Westmoreland Western aspirant Ian Hayles to withdraw and apologise for marking claims about the distribution of water tanks in the constituency. Hayles, in a video posted on...

22 police stations now using digital records management system

Approximately 22 police stations across the island are now utilising the Station Records Management System (SRMS), allowing citizens to make real-time reports to the police. The system helps in the reduction of time to make applications for certain...

22 police stations now using digital records management system

Approximately 22 police stations across the island are now utilising the Station Records Management System (SRMS), allowing citizens to make real-time reports to the police. The system helps in the reduction of time to make applications for certain...

She must leave office, says lawyer in constitutional case against DPP Paula Llewellyn

King's Counsel Michael Hylton says Paula Llewellyn will have to step down «as of today» as Jamaica's director of public prosecutions (DPP), barring an appeal, following a court ruling that her extension in the post last year was...

She must leave office, says lawyer in constitutional case against DPP Paula Llewellyn

King's Counsel Michael Hylton says Paula Llewellyn will have to step down «as of today» as Jamaica's director of public prosecutions (DPP), barring an appeal, following a court ruling that her extension in the post last year was...

Slovāki nepieņem Fico valdības nostāju un vāc līdzekļus munīcijas iegādei Ukrainai

Par spīti Slovākijas premjerministra Roberta Fico atteikumam piedalīties Ukrainas munīcijas iegādes iniciatīvai, vairākas Slovākijas organizācijas sākušas līdzekļu vākšanas kampaņu «Munīcija Ukrainai». Šādā veidā daļa Slovāk
В мире - LSM.LV

Slovāki nepieņem Fico valdības nostāju un vāc līdzekļus munīcijas iegādei Ukrainai

Par spīti Slovākijas premjerministra Roberta Fico atteikumam piedalīties Ukrainas munīcijas iegādes iniciatīvai, vairākas Slovākijas organizācijas sākušas līdzekļu vākšanas kampaņu «Munīcija Ukrainai». Šādā veidā daļa Slovākijas iedzīvotāju vēlas parādīt savu atbalstu kaimiņvalsts Čehijas ierosinātajā globālajā iniciatīvā par munīcijas iegādi Ukrainai.

ASV Pārstāvju palāta atbalsta Ukrainas palīdzības likumprojekta nodošanu izskatīšanai

Pārstāvju palāta piektdien nolēma nodot izskatīšanai likumprojektu par ilgi aizkavētās palīdzības piešķiršanu Ukrainai. Par to balsoja 316 Pārstāvju palātas locekļi, bet pret - 94 kongresmeņi.
В мире - LSM.LV

ASV Pārstāvju palāta atbalsta Ukrainas palīdzības likumprojekta nodošanu izskatīšanai

Pārstāvju palāta piektdien nolēma nodot izskatīšanai likumprojektu par ilgi aizkavētās palīdzības piešķiršanu Ukrainai. Par to balsoja 316 Pārstāvju palātas locekļi, bet pret - 94 kongresmeņi.

Mediju eksperti: Nogurums no kara Ukrainā ir ļoti būtisks Krievijas propagandas ierocis

Ko darīt laikos, kad sabiedrība nogurst no ziņām par Ukrainu un kļūst arvien grūtāk noturēt cilvēku uzmanību? Šo jautājumu sev un kolēģiem uzdod daudzi pasaules žurnālisti, kuri regulāri ziņo par Krievijas sākto karu Ukrainā. Džošua Jaf
В мире - LSM.LV

Mediju eksperti: Nogurums no kara Ukrainā ir ļoti būtisks Krievijas propagandas ierocis

Ko darīt laikos, kad sabiedrība nogurst no ziņām par Ukrainu un kļūst arvien grūtāk noturēt cilvēku uzmanību? Šo jautājumu sev un kolēģiem uzdod daudzi pasaules žurnālisti, kuri regulāri ziņo par Krievijas sākto karu Ukrainā. Džošua Jafa no ASV par Ukrainu regulāri raksta izdevumam «The New Yorker» un atzīst – viņa vienīgā recepte pret nogurumu ir turpināt darbu par spīti visam.

تعز.. قوات الجيش تحبط محاولة تسلل حوثية في جبهة عصيفرة شمالي المدينة

تمكنت قوات الجيش الوطني والمقاومة الشعبية في محافظة تعز من احباط محاولة تسلل نفذتها مليشيا الإرهاب الحوثية شمالي المدينة. وأكد المركز الإعلا
موقع الصحوة نت الاخباري

تعز.. قوات الجيش تحبط محاولة تسلل حوثية في جبهة عصيفرة شمالي المدينة

تمكنت قوات الجيش الوطني والمقاومة الشعبية في محافظة تعز من احباط محاولة تسلل نفذتها مليشيا الإرهاب الحوثية شمالي المدينة. وأكد المركز الإعلامي للقوات المسلحة أن أبطال الجيش تمكنوا من احباط التسلل لعناصر مليشيا الحوثي في جبهة عصيفرة شمالي المدينة. وتواصل مليشيا الحوثي تصعيدها في عدد من جبهات القت

الاحتلال يواصل جرائمه بحق سكان غزة وحصيلة الشهداء تتجاوز 34 ألفاً

قالت وزارة الصحة في قطاع غزة" إن قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي ارتكبت 4 مجازر خلال الـ24 ساعة الماضية راح ضحيتها 42 شهيدا و63 جريحا". وأشارت الوزا
موقع الصحوة نت الاخباري

الاحتلال يواصل جرائمه بحق سكان غزة وحصيلة الشهداء تتجاوز 34 ألفاً

قالت وزارة الصحة في قطاع غزة" إن قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي ارتكبت 4 مجازر خلال الـ24 ساعة الماضية راح ضحيتها 42 شهيدا و63 جريحا". وأشارت الوزارة إلى أنه لا يزال عدد من الضحايا تحت الركام وفي الطرقات، حيث لا تستطيع طواقم الإسعاف والدفاع المدني الوصول إليهم. وارتفعت حصيلة العدوان الإسرائي

Naalakkersuisoqatigiinneq kaffisoqatigiinnermi aalajangiivigineqarsinnaasarpoq

Ukiup ataatsip ingerlanerani qinersissaagut, piffissamili qaninnermi qinersinissamik suaaruteqarnissaq ilimanaateqanngikkallartoq KNR-ip politikkikkut naliliisartua oqarpoq. Politikkikkulli pisut allanngoriataarsinnaapput.
KNR Nutaarsiassat / KNR Nyheder

Naalakkersuisoqatigiinneq kaffisoqatigiinnermi aalajangiivigineqarsinnaasarpoq

Ukiup ataatsip ingerlanerani qinersissaagut, piffissamili qaninnermi qinersinissamik suaaruteqarnissaq ilimanaateqanngikkallartoq KNR-ip politikkikkut naliliisartua oqarpoq. Politikkikkulli pisut allanngoriataarsinnaapput.

Cinque euro per entrare a Venezia, la città si spacca sulla tassa in vigore dal 25 aprile: “Misura medievale, la Ue salvi la libera circolazione”

Per altre 28 date si entra in città solo con la prenotazione e il pagamento per chi non soggiorna in laguna. Niente tornelli, gli addetti ai controlli saranno 200 tra steward e agenti municipali > Cronaca

Cinque euro per entrare a Venezia, la città si spacca sulla tassa in vigore dal 25 aprile: “Misura medievale, la Ue salvi la libera circolazione”

Per altre 28 date si entra in città solo con la prenotazione e il pagamento per chi non soggiorna in laguna. Niente tornelli, gli addetti ai controlli saranno 200 tra steward e agenti municipali

Morto il magistrato Italo Ormanni, seguì i casi di Emanuela Orlandi, Marta Russo e Simonetta Cesaroni

Aveva 87 anni. Nel corso della sua carriera alla procura di Roma ha seguito le indagini più delicate degli ultimi decenni > Cronaca

Morto il magistrato Italo Ormanni, seguì i casi di Emanuela Orlandi, Marta Russo e Simonetta Cesaroni

Aveva 87 anni. Nel corso della sua carriera alla procura di Roma ha seguito le indagini più delicate degli ultimi decenni