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Kreu demokrat Lulzim Basha deklaroi sot se nuk do të ketë një dialog të dytë me Edi Ramën. Duke ju përgjigjur pyetjes së gazetarëve, lidhur me deklaratën e kryeministrit Rama mbrëmë në emisionin “Porta a Porta” me gazetarin Bruno Ves

Юрий Кочинев ⟩ Во время Первой мировой войны император сумел предотвратить финансовый коллапс, удастся ли Путину сделать то же самое?

Первую мировую войну (1914-1918) в России называли Второй Отечественной войной, Великой войной или Германской войной. С российской стороны фронт
В мире - Postimees

Юрий Кочинев ⟩ Во время Первой мировой войны император сумел предотвратить финансовый коллапс, удастся ли Путину сделать то же самое?

Первую мировую войну (1914-1918) в России называли Второй Отечественной войной, Великой войной или Германской войной. С российской стороны фронт тянулся от Балтийского до Черного моря. Лозунг «Все для фронта, все для победы!» появился в Российской империи в 1914 году, пишет военный историк Юрий Кочинев.

Фото ⟩ Работала на пропаганду РФ: обвиняющаяся в госизмене жительница Эстонии предстала перед судом

В пятницу в Харьюском уездном суде начался суд над обвиняемой в нарушении международных санкций и государственной измене Светланой Бурцево
В мире - Postimees

Фото ⟩ Работала на пропаганду РФ: обвиняющаяся в госизмене жительница Эстонии предстала перед судом

В пятницу в Харьюском уездном суде начался суд над обвиняемой в нарушении международных санкций и государственной измене Светланой Бурцевой, которая, согласно обвинению, в основном работала на благо российской пропагандистской машины.

Tältä Puoli seitsemän -juontajat näyttivät teini-ikäisinä – fanit ihastelevat

Mikko Kekäläinen, Ella Kanninen, Anniina Valtonen sekä Olli-Pekka Kursi poseeraavat veikeissä nuoruuskuvissa.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Tältä Puoli seitsemän -juontajat näyttivät teini-ikäisinä – fanit ihastelevat

Mikko Kekäläinen, Ella Kanninen, Anniina Valtonen sekä Olli-Pekka Kursi poseeraavat veikeissä nuoruuskuvissa.

Мъск, Путин и предполагаемите им контакти

Явно за най-богатия мъж на планетата собствената му бизнес империя просто не му е достатъчна

Мъск, Путин и предполагаемите им контакти

Явно за най-богатия мъж на планетата собствената му бизнес империя просто не му е достатъчна

Обезвредиха 50-килограмов боеприпас, открит в Пловдив (СНИМКА)

Той е бил открит на 31 октомври при изкопни дейности на строителен обект в ж.к. „Тракия”

Обезвредиха 50-килограмов боеприпас, открит в Пловдив (СНИМКА)

Той е бил открит на 31 октомври при изкопни дейности на строителен обект в ж.к. „Тракия”

Стрелба във Франция, петима са тежко ранени

15-годишно момче е между живота и смъртта, каза вътрешният министър Бруно Ретийо

Стрелба във Франция, петима са тежко ранени

15-годишно момче е между живота и смъртта, каза вътрешният министър Бруно Ретийо

Националният флаг бе издигнат пред президентството за Деня на народните будители

Президентът Румен Радев прие строя на Националната гвардейска част

Националният флаг бе издигнат пред президентството за Деня на народните будители

Президентът Румен Радев прие строя на Националната гвардейска част

Ивелин Михайлов: «Величие» не признава изборите, иска касирането им и нов вот

Изборите се купуват с държавни пари, заяви той

British women allegedly caught with cocaine offered bail

WESTERN BUREAU: Two British women charged for trying to smuggle cocaine out of the island were offered bail in the St James Parish Court on Wednesday. Teraiya Stapleton and Genevieve Sanoussi, both 21-year-old university students, reportedly had...

British women allegedly caught with cocaine offered bail

WESTERN BUREAU: Two British women charged for trying to smuggle cocaine out of the island were offered bail in the St James Parish Court on Wednesday. Teraiya Stapleton and Genevieve Sanoussi, both 21-year-old university students, reportedly had...

Single-lane traffic for Junction road

Single-lance access was restored to the Junction main road in St Mary on Thursday as work crews from the National Works Agency (NWA) sought to clear the thoroughfare after two massive landslides on Wednesday. Sections of the Broadgate and Mason...

Single-lane traffic for Junction road

Single-lance access was restored to the Junction main road in St Mary on Thursday as work crews from the National Works Agency (NWA) sought to clear the thoroughfare after two massive landslides on Wednesday. Sections of the Broadgate and Mason...

National Parent Month being launched today

THE MINISTRY of Education, Skills, Youth and Information, in collaboration with the National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC), will launch National Parent Month 2024 today, under the theme, ‘Surf Beyond the Surface’. The theme focuses on...

National Parent Month being launched today

THE MINISTRY of Education, Skills, Youth and Information, in collaboration with the National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC), will launch National Parent Month 2024 today, under the theme, ‘Surf Beyond the Surface’. The theme focuses on...

Students in volatile areas to benefit from ARROW programme

The Aural, Read, Respond, Oral, Write (ARROW) Literacy Software Training, provided under the UK/Jamaica Violence Prevention Partnership Programme (VPPP), is the first activity under the programme now in active implementation. The opening ceremony...

Students in volatile areas to benefit from ARROW programme

The Aural, Read, Respond, Oral, Write (ARROW) Literacy Software Training, provided under the UK/Jamaica Violence Prevention Partnership Programme (VPPP), is the first activity under the programme now in active implementation. The opening ceremony...

ITA director general outlines consequences of alcohol, drug use by motorists

MANY ROAD users have been maimed physically and ruined financially as a result of alcohol and drug use, says Director General of the Island Traffic Authority (ITA), Colonel Daniel Pryce. Delivering the keynote address at a forum on the effects of...

ITA director general outlines consequences of alcohol, drug use by motorists

MANY ROAD users have been maimed physically and ruined financially as a result of alcohol and drug use, says Director General of the Island Traffic Authority (ITA), Colonel Daniel Pryce. Delivering the keynote address at a forum on the effects of...

Шейк в костюме Лары Крофт спутали с Джоли, Хайди проиграла Ким: новые образы звезд на Хэллоуин

В Голливуде продолжается фэшн-парад в честь самого «страшного» праздника года. Смотрим, кто удивил нас сегодня.

Шейк в костюме Лары Крофт спутали с Джоли, Хайди проиграла Ким: новые образы звезд на Хэллоуин

В Голливуде продолжается фэшн-парад в честь самого «страшного» праздника года. Смотрим, кто удивил нас сегодня.

Лобода отказалась от принципов и теперь поет для русских — за 15 миллионов

Светлана стала чаще принимать заказы на корпоративы для россиян. Правда, ее райдер стал еще более дорогим.

Лобода отказалась от принципов и теперь поет для русских — за 15 миллионов

Светлана стала чаще принимать заказы на корпоративы для россиян. Правда, ее райдер стал еще более дорогим.

AI PC로 진화한 에이수스 젠북, 직접 체험해보니

최근 PC 시장을 이끄는 키워드는 단연 ‘인공지능(이하 AI)’이다. AI를 통해 업무를 자동화하고, 콘텐츠를 생성하는 등, 다양한 분야에서 AI가 적극 활용되고 있기 때문이다. 노트북 시장의 강자 중
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 IT/의학 뉴스

AI PC로 진화한 에이수스 젠북, 직접 체험해보니

최근 PC 시장을 이끄는 키워드는 단연 ‘인공지능(이하 AI)’이다. AI를 통해 업무를 자동화하고, 콘텐츠를 생성하는 등, 다양한 분야에서 AI가 적극 활용되고 있기 때문이다. 노트북 시장의 강자 중 하나인 에이수스(ASUS)가 지난 24일~26일 사이에 서울 여의도 IFC몰에서 개최한 ‘ASUS AI PC 체험존 팝업’ 행사는 이러한 트렌드를 잘 보여줬다.이날 에이수스는 AI PC를 지향하는 ‘젠북 S(Zenbook S)’ 시리즈를 비롯, 10여대의 신형 노트북을 선보이며 사람들의 많은 주목을 받았다. 대표 제품인 ‘젠북 S 14 OLED(UX5406)’의 경우, AI 처리에 특화된 NPU(신경망 프로세서)를 포함한 인텔 코어 울트라 7 V200 시리즈를 탑재했다. 이를 통해 다양한 AI 관련 콘텐츠를 원활히 처리할 수 있다.특히 윈도우11 최신 업데이트를 통해 제공되는 생성형 AI 플랫폼인 ‘코파일럿+ PC(Copilot+ PC)’ 규격의 경우, 일정 수준(40TOPS) 이상의

شاهد.. عطاء أبناء خوزستان في حملة «إيران المتعاطفة»

انطلقت في محافظة خوزستان جنوب غربي ايران حملة تبرعات دعما لصمود الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة واهالي لبنان. حملة شارك فيها مختلف شرائح اهالي المحاف
قناة العالم الأخبارية

شاهد.. عطاء أبناء خوزستان في حملة «إيران المتعاطفة»

انطلقت في محافظة خوزستان جنوب غربي ايران حملة تبرعات دعما لصمود الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة واهالي لبنان. حملة شارك فيها مختلف شرائح اهالي المحافظة وأظهر...

Suur­lähettiläs Vilénin kulu­korvaukset syyteharkintaan

Suurlähettiläs Vilén nosti kulukorvauksia, vaikka vaimo ja lapsi eivät olleet Ottawassa. Hän on maksanut rahat takaisin ulkoministeriölle.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Suur­lähettiläs Vilénin kulu­korvaukset syyteharkintaan

Suurlähettiläs Vilén nosti kulukorvauksia, vaikka vaimo ja lapsi eivät olleet Ottawassa. Hän on maksanut rahat takaisin ulkoministeriölle.

Venäläiskuvernööri: Lennokki putosi öljyvarikolle – videolle tallentui tulinen leimahdus

IS seuraa tässä artikkelissa tilannetta Ukrainan sodassa sekä siihen liittyviä tapahtumia Venäjällä.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Venäläiskuvernööri: Lennokki putosi öljyvarikolle – videolle tallentui tulinen leimahdus

IS seuraa tässä artikkelissa tilannetta Ukrainan sodassa sekä siihen liittyviä tapahtumia Venäjällä.

Juomavesi yhä keitettävä Haminassa – tämä tilanteesta tiedetään nyt

Tällä hetkellä ei ole viitteitä siitä, että tilanne olisi muuttunut huonompaan suuntaan, Haminan Veden toimitusjohtaja kertoo.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Juomavesi yhä keitettävä Haminassa – tämä tilanteesta tiedetään nyt

Tällä hetkellä ei ole viitteitä siitä, että tilanne olisi muuttunut huonompaan suuntaan, Haminan Veden toimitusjohtaja kertoo.

Almanacco di oggi, 1° ottobre: Clara Campoamor e il voto alle donne in Spagna

Nel 1931 la repubblica approvò il suffragio femminile. Nel 1936 Francisco Franco fu acclamato Generalísimo delle armate nazionaliste e Capo di Stato > Cronaca

Almanacco di oggi, 1° ottobre: Clara Campoamor e il voto alle donne in Spagna

Nel 1931 la repubblica approvò il suffragio femminile. Nel 1936 Francisco Franco fu acclamato Generalísimo delle armate nazionaliste e Capo di Stato

L’hacker etico: “I cyber criminali rubano la privacy anche attraverso i badge aziendali”

Athos Cauchioli è Ceo di una azienda che si occupa di tutelare le aziende dagli attacchi informatici: “Una società ha perso miliardi, è stata rubata la formula per un nuovo antibiotico”. Ecco tutti i modi in cui si finisce nella rete > Cronaca

L’hacker etico: “I cyber criminali rubano la privacy anche attraverso i badge aziendali”

Athos Cauchioli è Ceo di una azienda che si occupa di tutelare le aziende dagli attacchi informatici: “Una società ha perso miliardi, è stata rubata la formula per un nuovo antibiotico”. Ecco tutti i modi in cui si finisce nella rete

This made my day: Yishun coffee shop patrons and doctor save man who collapsed

When a man collapsed in a coffee shop in Yishun, a few patrons and a doctor wasted no time in helping him, likely saving his life. Roslan Rahman, who operates a satay stall at the coffee shop in question, detailed the incident in a Facebook post on Wednesda

This made my day: Yishun coffee shop patrons and doctor save man who collapsed

When a man collapsed in a coffee shop in Yishun, a few patrons and a doctor wasted no time in helping him, likely saving his life. Roslan Rahman, who operates a satay stall at the coffee shop in question, detailed the incident in a Facebook post on Wednesday (Oct 30). His assistant and close friend, Rahmat, had gone to the coffee shop on his day off after cycling and suddenly collapsed as he was having a seizure, said Roslan. Rahmat also stopped breathing soon after, he added. Upon witnessing this, a woman who was sitting near the collapsed man sprung into action, instructing bystanders to lay him on the floor. Another coffee shop patron ran to the nearby Heartland Clinic at Yishun Street 31 to fetch a doctor, while a third bystander called an ambulance. CPR administered by doctor A Dr Lee, who arrived at the scene almost immediately, began performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on Rahmat, said Roslan. The female patron then got an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and assisted Dr Lee in using it. Their efforts paid off, as the man started breathing again, although remaining unconscious.

African monkey escapes from Mandai zoo, gets caught 6 months later

SINGAPORE – Who let the monkey out? The Mandai Wildlife Group is trying to find that out as it reviews its safety protocols after a monkey native to Africa escaped from the Singapore Zoo six months earlier. The black-and-white colobus named Mykel was safel

African monkey escapes from Mandai zoo, gets caught 6 months later

SINGAPORE – Who let the monkey out? The Mandai Wildlife Group is trying to find that out as it reviews its safety protocols after a monkey native to Africa escaped from the Singapore Zoo six months earlier. The black-and-white colobus named Mykel was safely captured from an area of the Rail Corridor in Choa Chu Kang and returned to the zoo on Nov 1, said a spokesperson for the group. The 14-year-old male monkey was first seen near Woodlands Road on Oct 31 by a member of the public, who called the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (Acres) rescue hotline, said an Acres spokesperson. The monkey, known for its distinctive U-shaped mantle of long white fur that descends from its shoulders and around its back, made its way to trees near a playground at Villa Verde Park, which is about 3km from the zoo. Mykel will undergo a health check when brought back to the zoo, Mandai Wildlife Group said, adding that the animal appears healthy and in good physical condition. The group said that Mykel, which used to reside at the Primate Kingdom at the Singapore Zoo, had separated from his troop six months ago.