Birdlife Malta is organising an event called A Night with the Scopoli’s on Friday, June 21 from 7.30 to 10pm at Dwejra in which a small group of participants will have the opportunity to learn more about seabirds nesting in the Maltese archipelago, their haLearning more about seabirds
Birdlife Malta is organising an event called A Night with the Scopoli’s on Friday, June 21 from 7.30 to 10pm at Dwejra in which a small group of participants will have the opportunity to learn more about seabirds nesting in the Maltese archipelago, their habitats, the threats they face and what we can do to help them. Gozo’s west coast, on either side of Dwejra, is home to three seabird species. Over 1,000 pairsof Scopoli’s Shearwater (Ċiefa), around 150 pairs of Yelkouan Shearwater (Garnija) and a small colony of Mediterranean Storm-petrel (Kanġu ta’ Filfla) nest in the cliffs and large sea caves in this part of the island. The event will start a 100m walk from the road up to Dwejra Tower on uneven and unsurfaced paths. Participants will climb to the tower’s roof via its 17th century staircase which has steep and uneven stone steps. After sunset, participants will then walk along the cliffs (one kilometre each way along a rough path) to listen to the Scopoli’s Shearwaters’ calling frenzy. Participants unable to join the latter walk will be able to stay on the tower roof after sunset, and may still be able to hear Scopoli’s Shearwaters from there. Dwejra is one of the Maltese... Read more