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NHS 'denies' thousands of heart patients keyhole operation that could transform their lives and reduce their risk of death

Affecting about one in 50 people, a potentially deadly condition called mitral regurgitation (MR) is caused by a leaky heart valve - and can leave sufferers exhausted even from day-to-day activities.
News | Mail Online

NHS 'denies' thousands of heart patients keyhole operation that could transform their lives and reduce their risk of death

Affecting about one in 50 people, a potentially deadly condition called mitral regurgitation (MR) is caused by a leaky heart valve - and can leave sufferers exhausted even from day-to-day activities.

DAN HODGES: Get a grip, Rishi - or this could easily become the Tories' last ever election

The Tory MP I was speaking to enjoys a double-digit majority. But when I informed him that Rishi Sunak was about to call the General Election, his reaction was terse. 'Oh, God!' he exclaimed.
News | Mail Online

DAN HODGES: Get a grip, Rishi - or this could easily become the Tories' last ever election

The Tory MP I was speaking to enjoys a double-digit majority. But when I informed him that Rishi Sunak was about to call the General Election, his reaction was terse. 'Oh, God!' he exclaimed.

Not a Man United fan then, George? Prince, 10, yawns and looks glum as he joins dad William at Wembley for the FA Cup final

The ten-year-old looked glum and even yawned at one point as he sat next to his father, the Prince of Wales, to watch the showpiece event at Wembley.
News | Mail Online

Not a Man United fan then, George? Prince, 10, yawns and looks glum as he joins dad William at Wembley for the FA Cup final

The ten-year-old looked glum and even yawned at one point as he sat next to his father, the Prince of Wales, to watch the showpiece event at Wembley.

Слышали, что у обезьян и дельфинов есть сознание? Теперь ученые думают, что рыбы и насекомые тоже его имеют! Это может привести к серьезным последствиям для науки, законотворчества… и любителей пасты с креветками

Есть ли у животных сознание? Если да, то у каких и насколько оно похоже на человеческое? И кстати, что это вообще такое? На протяжении после
В мире -

Слышали, что у обезьян и дельфинов есть сознание? Теперь ученые думают, что рыбы и насекомые тоже его имеют! Это может привести к серьезным последствиям для науки, законотворчества… и любителей пасты с креветками

Есть ли у животных сознание? Если да, то у каких и насколько оно похоже на человеческое? И кстати, что это вообще такое? На протяжении последних десятилетий этими вопросами задавались ученые во всем мире, проводя огромное количество экспериментов. Проанализировав итоги последних исследований, группа ученых представила Нью-Йоркскую декларацию о сознании животных. Она гласит: у науки есть реальные основания подозревать, что признаки сознания присущи многим видам, включая ракообразных и насекомых. Текст заявления опубликован 19 апреля, и за месяц его подписали уже более 280 ученых, среди которых сотрудники Оксфорда, Кембриджа, Йеля, Сорбонны и других престижных университетов. Впрочем, нашлись у документа и свои критики. «Медуза» рассказывает, что важно знать о декларации.

Главный герой «Идеальных дней» Вима Вендерса моет уборные в Токио. И они там очень красивые! В Японии они и правда такие? Нет, фильм стал частью проекта The Tokyo Toilet. Вот в чем его смысл

Фильм Вима Вендерса «Идеальные дни», который недавно вышел на стримингах, в том числе и в России, рассказывает историю мойщика общественны
В мире -

Главный герой «Идеальных дней» Вима Вендерса моет уборные в Токио. И они там очень красивые! В Японии они и правда такие? Нет, фильм стал частью проекта The Tokyo Toilet. Вот в чем его смысл

Фильм Вима Вендерса «Идеальные дни», который недавно вышел на стримингах, в том числе и в России, рассказывает историю мойщика общественных туалетов из Токио; сыгравший его Кодзи Якусё получил за эту работу «Золотую пальмовую ветвь». Туалеты, которые обслуживает главный герой, — уникальные произведения архитектуры, которые удивляют зрителей одним своим видом. И это не просто художественная находка автора: фильм Вендерса — часть проекта The Tokyo Toilet, над которым, помимо режиссера, работали самые известные архитекторы Японии и креативный директор модного дома Kenzo. Архитектурный журналист Ася Зольникова рассказывает, почему для популяризации общественных уборных решили задействовать столько сил. 

Глава Минфина США предупредила об ужесточении санкций в отношении банков, не прекративших работать в России

Власти США рассматривают возможность ужесточения вторичных санкций в отношении иностранных банков, которые продолжают работать в России,
В мире -

Глава Минфина США предупредила об ужесточении санкций в отношении банков, не прекративших работать в России

Власти США рассматривают возможность ужесточения вторичных санкций в отношении иностранных банков, которые продолжают работать в России, заявила Reuters глава американского Минфина Джанет Йеллен.

Российская армия, ведущая новое наступление в приграничье, атаковала строительный гипермаркет в Харькове. Погибли не менее 12 человек, пострадали 43 человека. Восемьсот двадцать второй день войны. Фотографии

Каждый день с начала российского вторжения редакторы «Медузы» выбирают главные военные снимки, сделанные накануне. Эти снимки содержат сце
В мире -

Российская армия, ведущая новое наступление в приграничье, атаковала строительный гипермаркет в Харькове. Погибли не менее 12 человек, пострадали 43 человека. Восемьсот двадцать второй день войны. Фотографии

Каждый день с начала российского вторжения редакторы «Медузы» выбирают главные военные снимки, сделанные накануне. Эти снимки содержат сцены жестокости, насилия и смерти, однако большинство из них не помещены под специальную плашку, которой обычно редакция скрывает подобные изображения. В серии этих фотоисторий мы стараемся задокументировать войну такой, какая она есть.

Число погибших в результате российского удара по гипермаркету в Харькове выросло до 12 человек

По данным на утро 26 мая известно о 12 погибших в результате ракетного удара, нанесенного российскими войсками по строительному гипермарке
В мире -

Число погибших в результате российского удара по гипермаркету в Харькове выросло до 12 человек

По данным на утро 26 мая известно о 12 погибших в результате ракетного удара, нанесенного российскими войсками по строительному гипермаркету «Эпицентр» в Харькове, сообщил глава региона Олег Синегубов.

Poliisi otti miehen kiinni Valkeakosken 15-vuotiaan tytön surmasta epäiltynä

Poliisi on jatkanut pikkukaupungin henkirikosmysteerin selvittämistä. 15-vuotias ysiluokkalainen tyttö löytyi surmattuna metsiköstä lauantaina.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Poliisi otti miehen kiinni Valkeakosken 15-vuotiaan tytön surmasta epäiltynä

Poliisi on jatkanut pikkukaupungin henkirikosmysteerin selvittämistä. 15-vuotias ysiluokkalainen tyttö löytyi surmattuna metsiköstä lauantaina.

التحكم المروري: حركة المرور طبيعية على كل مداخل بيروت وعلى كل الطرقات والتقاطعات داخل العاصمة


كلمة للسيد نصر الله بعد إختتام عزاء والدته

تتقبل قيادتا حزب الله وحركة أمل التعازي بوفاة المغفور لها السيدة أم حسن نصر الله، والدة الامين العام لحزب الله سماحة السيد حسن نصر الله، يومي Live News

كلمة للسيد نصر الله بعد إختتام عزاء والدته

تتقبل قيادتا حزب الله وحركة أمل التعازي بوفاة المغفور لها السيدة أم حسن نصر الله، والدة الامين العام لحزب الله سماحة السيد حسن نصر الله، يومي الاثنين 27 أيار من الساعة الرابعة حتى السابعة. ولمناسبة مرور ثلاثة ايام على وفاتها، تستمر التعازي يوم الثلاثاء 28 أيار ابتداء من الساعة الرابعة عصرًا، حيث تختتم مراسم العزاء بكلمة لسماحة الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله عند الساعة السادسة والنصف من اليوم نفسه. وذلك في مجمع سيد الشهداء (ع) في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت.

بالفيديو - جنبلاط ينفعل: «اختفي من وجي»!

تدوال رواد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مقطع فيديو يظهر رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي السابق وليد جنبلاط وهو يتوجه لأحد مناصريه بالقول: «اختفي م Live News

بالفيديو - جنبلاط ينفعل: «اختفي من وجي»!

تدوال رواد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مقطع فيديو يظهر رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي السابق وليد جنبلاط وهو يتوجه لأحد مناصريه بالقول: «اختفي من وجي». وجاء ذلك اثناء نزول جنبلاط من سيارته في إطار مشاركته بنشاط حزبي.

Датчики контролируют скорость на десяти участках дорог Минска

Госавтоинспекция призывает автомобилистов быть внимательными, соблюдать скоростной режим движения и учитывать погодные условия.
Беларусь - WWW.BELTA.BY

Датчики контролируют скорость на десяти участках дорог Минска

Госавтоинспекция призывает автомобилистов быть внимательными, соблюдать скоростной режим движения и учитывать погодные условия.

Cum arată noul pod peste Bega, construit în locul unuia din anii '40. Dotările spectaculoase pe care le are FOTO

Un vechi pod peste canalul Bega, cunoscut și sub numele de Pasarela Gelu, construit în 1949, a fost dărâmat în vara anului 2023. În locul lui a fost construit, cu aproximativ 2,5 milioane de euro, un pod cu adevărat spectaculos.

Cum arată noul pod peste Bega, construit în locul unuia din anii '40. Dotările spectaculoase pe care le are FOTO

Un vechi pod peste canalul Bega, cunoscut și sub numele de Pasarela Gelu, construit în 1949, a fost dărâmat în vara anului 2023. În locul lui a fost construit, cu aproximativ 2,5 milioane de euro, un pod cu adevărat spectaculos.

Un palmares echilibrat și în vogă

„Anora” americanului Sean Baker (mai tandru, în independentul „Florida Project”) care și-a dedicat Palme d Or-ul celor care practică la propriu prostituția, sex-workers, este o peliculă extrem de intensă.

Un palmares echilibrat și în vogă

„Anora” americanului Sean Baker (mai tandru, în independentul „Florida Project”) care și-a dedicat Palme d Or-ul celor care practică la propriu prostituția, sex-workers, este o peliculă extrem de intensă.

Bibliotecara colecționară de costume populare și obiecte străvechi. A deschis un muzeu al satului

O bibliotecară dintr-o comună din județul Gorj este colecționară de costume populare și obiecte străvechi. Aceasta și deține o colecție impresionantă, o mare parte dintre veșmintele populare având o vechime de peste o sută de ani

Bibliotecara colecționară de costume populare și obiecte străvechi. A deschis un muzeu al satului

O bibliotecară dintr-o comună din județul Gorj este colecționară de costume populare și obiecte străvechi. Aceasta și deține o colecție impresionantă, o mare parte dintre veșmintele populare având o vechime de peste o sută de ani

Piața taximetriei ar trebui liberalizată. De ce nu protestează șoferii Uber și Bolt?

Consiliul Concurenţei doreşte o liberalizare a pieţei de taximetrie, soluţia fiind întărirea reglementării pe zona de transport alternativ simultan cu dereglementarea pe partea de taximetrie.

Piața taximetriei ar trebui liberalizată. De ce nu protestează șoferii Uber și Bolt?

Consiliul Concurenţei doreşte o liberalizare a pieţei de taximetrie, soluţia fiind întărirea reglementării pe zona de transport alternativ simultan cu dereglementarea pe partea de taximetrie.

40 de ani de la inaugurarea Magistralei Albastre. Povestea celei mai mari lucrări de infrastructură din România comunistă VIDEO

La 26 mai 2024 se împlinesc 40 de ani de când a fost inaugurată una dintre cele mai mari lucrări de infrastructură din România comunistă: Canalul Dunăre-Marea Neagră.

40 de ani de la inaugurarea Magistralei Albastre. Povestea celei mai mari lucrări de infrastructură din România comunistă VIDEO

La 26 mai 2024 se împlinesc 40 de ani de când a fost inaugurată una dintre cele mai mari lucrări de infrastructură din România comunistă: Canalul Dunăre-Marea Neagră.

Only $16 in bank account: Grab driver dies at home, widow gets letter demanding payment of over $1,800 in charges

A recently widowed woman is hoping that ride-hailing platform Grab would waive part of the outstanding fees incurred by her late husband, who died suddenly and had less than $20 in his bank account. Before his death on May 9, Su Zian (transliteration), 59,

Only $16 in bank account: Grab driver dies at home, widow gets letter demanding payment of over $1,800 in charges

A recently widowed woman is hoping that ride-hailing platform Grab would waive part of the outstanding fees incurred by her late husband, who died suddenly and had less than $20 in his bank account. Before his death on May 9, Su Zian (transliteration), 59, worked as a private-hire driver for almost 10 years and would typically drive from 3pm to 1am, reported Shin Min Daily News. In an interview with the Chinese newspaper, his widow, who is deaf, said that she had found Su, blood trickling out of his mouth, unconscious in the toilet at around 6am that day. He had been inside the toilet for at least an hour before he was found. He reportedly died of pneumonia and heart disease. Mrs Su said that insurance agents and lawyers visited her home later that day to assist with funeral arrangements and helped notify private ride-hailing platform Grab of Su's death. «Afterwards, I saw a message on his phone informing him to pay the car rental and return the vehicle. But as I can't hear or speak clearly, I couldn't handle it immediately,» she added.

SQ321 turbulence: Thai doctor says many injured passengers were seated at plane's rear end

One of the first medical responders to Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 after it landed at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport has revealed that the cabins towards the rear of the plane sustained the worst damage. It was also where there were the most number of i

SQ321 turbulence: Thai doctor says many injured passengers were seated at plane's rear end

One of the first medical responders to Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 after it landed at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport has revealed that the cabins towards the rear of the plane sustained the worst damage. It was also where there were the most number of injured passengers, added the doctor, identified as Dr Wichanya. SQ321, bound for Singapore from London's Heathrow Airport on May 21, had experienced extreme turbulence over the Irrawaddy Basin in Myanmar. The pilot then made an emergency landing at the Bangkok airport. One passenger died and 104 people were injured. There were 211 passengers and 18 crew members on board. In an interview with Thai PBS and translated by 8world, Dr Wichanya stated that as part of the medical team stationed at Suvarnabhumi Airport, she was given the information that the plane would be landing in 30 minutes and that there were many injured passengers on board.

SQ321 plane returns to Singapore 5 days after turbulence incident

SINGAPORE - The Singapore Airlines (SIA) plane which experienced severe air turbulence on May 21, resulting in one death and several injuries, returned to Singapore on May 26, after being cleared for departure. In response to queries from The Straits Times,

SQ321 plane returns to Singapore 5 days after turbulence incident

SINGAPORE - The Singapore Airlines (SIA) plane which experienced severe air turbulence on May 21, resulting in one death and several injuries, returned to Singapore on May 26, after being cleared for departure. In response to queries from The Straits Times, an SIA spokesperson said that the aircraft 9V-SWM, which is a Boeing 777-300ER, was flown back from Bangkok on May 26 and landed at 1.39pm. Said the spokesperson: “SIA obtained the necessary approvals from the relevant authorities in Singapore and Thailand, the investigators, and the aircraft manufacturer, and the aircraft was cleared by our Engineering and Flight Operations teams, before departure.” The spokesperson added that SIA is fully cooperating with the relevant authorities in the investigation into this incident. SQ321 had experienced turbulence on May 21 over the Irrawaddy Basin in Myanmar, about 10 hours after leaving London for Singpaore. The pilot diverted the plane carrying 211 passengers and 18 crew members to Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport after declaring a medical emergency, before making an emergency landing at 3.45pm (4.45pm Singapore time).

Recognise this familiar scowl? Television star pictured aged 16 in 1975 just weeks before leaving school - but can you guess who it is?

Taken in 1975 on the last day of term, the young star can be seen with long, side-swept hair almost covering his trademark frown as he poses for the picture at Dover College
News | Mail Online

Recognise this familiar scowl? Television star pictured aged 16 in 1975 just weeks before leaving school - but can you guess who it is?

Taken in 1975 on the last day of term, the young star can be seen with long, side-swept hair almost covering his trademark frown as he poses for the picture at Dover College

Prime Minister reveals radical plan to force 18-year-olds to serve in the military for 12 months - or give up weekends to carry out civil duties

According to plans unveiled by Rishi Sunak, school-leavers would be obliged to spend a year in a full-time Armed Forces role or volunteering with organisations such as the police or NHS.
News | Mail Online

Prime Minister reveals radical plan to force 18-year-olds to serve in the military for 12 months - or give up weekends to carry out civil duties

According to plans unveiled by Rishi Sunak, school-leavers would be obliged to spend a year in a full-time Armed Forces role or volunteering with organisations such as the police or NHS.

Clive Myrie reveals how he wouldn't report on the Notting Hill Carnival as he refused to be pigeonholed by the BBC

Myrie added that his parents, who are of the Windrush generation, did not forgive him for becoming a journalist until he was chosen as question master on Mastermind in 2021.
News | Mail Online

Clive Myrie reveals how he wouldn't report on the Notting Hill Carnival as he refused to be pigeonholed by the BBC

Myrie added that his parents, who are of the Windrush generation, did not forgive him for becoming a journalist until he was chosen as question master on Mastermind in 2021.

Pilot is killed in Spitfire crash: Tragedy as WW2 aircraft plunges into a field during Battle of Britain event at RAF Coningsby

The Royal Air Force has confirmed that a pilot has died in a crash during a Battle of Britain event at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire.
News | Mail Online

Pilot is killed in Spitfire crash: Tragedy as WW2 aircraft plunges into a field during Battle of Britain event at RAF Coningsby

The Royal Air Force has confirmed that a pilot has died in a crash during a Battle of Britain event at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire.

«OVAKO BI RUSI MOGLI DA SE PRIŠUNJAJU» Prvi čovek švedske vojske otkrio Putinov cilj, raste strah od rata: «Bacio je oko na ovu teritoriju, ako je osvoji NATO zemlje će biti UGROŽENE»

Napetosti u Baltičkom moru rastu godinama, a prvi čovek švedske vojske upozorava da bi Kremlj mogao da baci oko na jedno strateški važno ostrvo.
Blic online

«OVAKO BI RUSI MOGLI DA SE PRIŠUNJAJU» Prvi čovek švedske vojske otkrio Putinov cilj, raste strah od rata: «Bacio je oko na ovu teritoriju, ako je osvoji NATO zemlje će biti UGROŽENE»

Napetosti u Baltičkom moru rastu godinama, a prvi čovek švedske vojske upozorava da bi Kremlj mogao da baci oko na jedno strateški važno ostrvo.