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Indonezijski spasioci pronašli su tri tela, a evakuisali su oko 300 ljudi sa zapaljenog trajekta kod obala ostrva Java, rekli su danas zvaničnici.

Lietuvą užėmęs ciklonas vis dar rodo savo charakterį: sinoptikai įvardijo, kokių nemalonumų jis pažers

Ketvirtadienio dieną pietinis ciklonas, judėdamas į šiaurę, vis dar rodys savo charakterį.

Lietuvą užėmęs ciklonas vis dar rodo savo charakterį: sinoptikai įvardijo, kokių nemalonumų jis pažers

Ketvirtadienio dieną pietinis ciklonas, judėdamas į šiaurę, vis dar rodys savo charakterį.

Kaip Lietuvos kaimynė ruošiasi Trumpo pergalei: kalba neatsitiktinai pasisuko į branduolinių ginklų pusę

Mūsų šalis pasirengusi priimti branduolinius ginklus, jei sąjungininkai nuspręs juos perkelti į Lenkiją. Taip prabilęs šios šalies prezidentas Andrzejus Duda, regis, tik patvirtino kryptį, kurią pasirinko Varšuvą – dar labiau stiprinti savo gy

Kaip Lietuvos kaimynė ruošiasi Trumpo pergalei: kalba neatsitiktinai pasisuko į branduolinių ginklų pusę

Mūsų šalis pasirengusi priimti branduolinius ginklus, jei sąjungininkai nuspręs juos perkelti į Lenkiją. Taip prabilęs šios šalies prezidentas Andrzejus Duda, regis, tik patvirtino kryptį, kurią pasirinko Varšuvą – dar labiau stiprinti savo gynybą tolesnės Rusijos agresijos akivaizdoje. Vis dėlto kontekstas svarbus – kodėl ir kam iš tikrųjų taip kalbama dabar, ir ką iš tikrųjų sumanė Lietuvos kaimynė.

JFJ denounces handling of St James High schoolgirls’ kissing incident

Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) is condemning the response of the Ministry of Education and the administrators of St James High School following the expulsion of two female students who were allegedly captured on video kissing each other. In...

JFJ denounces handling of St James High schoolgirls’ kissing incident

Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) is condemning the response of the Ministry of Education and the administrators of St James High School following the expulsion of two female students who were allegedly captured on video kissing each other. In...

Portland police appeal for information on hit-and-run in which visually impaired man was killed

The Portland police are appealing for information that could assist them in finding the driver of a motor car which hit a man and failed to stop on Tuesday.  The victim, a man known only as Mikey, succumbed to his injuries at hospital. ...

Portland police appeal for information on hit-and-run in which visually impaired man was killed

The Portland police are appealing for information that could assist them in finding the driver of a motor car which hit a man and failed to stop on Tuesday.  The victim, a man known only as Mikey, succumbed to his injuries at hospital. ...

Agriculture sector records first quarter calendar year growth of over 10 per cent

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Floyd Green, says preliminary figures indicate that the agricultural sector grew by over 10 per cent during the first quarter of 2024. He made the disclosure during Wednesday's post-Cabinet press...

Agriculture sector records first quarter calendar year growth of over 10 per cent

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Floyd Green, says preliminary figures indicate that the agricultural sector grew by over 10 per cent during the first quarter of 2024. He made the disclosure during Wednesday's post-Cabinet press...

JAMBAR wants answers about basis of appointment of acting DPP

The Jamaican Bar Association (JAMBAR) is calling for the Public Service Commission (PSC) to clarify the basis on which an acting director of public prosections (DPP) has been appointed. Prosecutor Claudette Thompson was appointed to act in the...

JAMBAR wants answers about basis of appointment of acting DPP

The Jamaican Bar Association (JAMBAR) is calling for the Public Service Commission (PSC) to clarify the basis on which an acting director of public prosections (DPP) has been appointed. Prosecutor Claudette Thompson was appointed to act in the...

چند فرمانده ارشد ارتش اسراییل طی روزهای آتی استعفا می‌دهند

یک رسانه صهیونیستی از احتمال استعفای چند تن از فرماندهان ارشد و میدانی ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی طی روزهای آتی به دلیل شکست در مقابله با عملیات طوفا
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

چند فرمانده ارشد ارتش اسراییل طی روزهای آتی استعفا می‌دهند

یک رسانه صهیونیستی از احتمال استعفای چند تن از فرماندهان ارشد و میدانی ارتش رژیم صهیونیستی طی روزهای آتی به دلیل شکست در مقابله با عملیات طوفان الاقصی خبر داد.

خریداران مسکن این هشدار را جدی بگیرند؛ این‌جا قیمت مسکن کاذب است

یک کارشناس مسکن، گفت: عده‌ای دلالان و سودجویان در این پلتفرم‌ها اقدام به انتشار آگهی‌های جعلی مسکن می‌کردند که این روند به صورت گسترده و با ه
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

خریداران مسکن این هشدار را جدی بگیرند؛ این‌جا قیمت مسکن کاذب است

یک کارشناس مسکن، گفت: عده‌ای دلالان و سودجویان در این پلتفرم‌ها اقدام به انتشار آگهی‌های جعلی مسکن می‌کردند که این روند به صورت گسترده و با هماهنگی دلالان برای قیمت‌سازی انجام می‌شود.

نیروگاه ساخت ایران در سریلانکا چه خصوصیاتی دارد؟

رئیس جمهور قرار است در سفر به سریلانکا طرح عظیم و چندمنظوره «اومااویا» که ساخت ایران است را افتتاح کند.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

نیروگاه ساخت ایران در سریلانکا چه خصوصیاتی دارد؟

رئیس جمهور قرار است در سفر به سریلانکا طرح عظیم و چندمنظوره «اومااویا» که ساخت ایران است را افتتاح کند.

진성준 “尹, 언론탄압·방송장악도 사과해야”…영수회담 연일 압박

진성준 더불어민주당 정책위의장은 25일 윤석열 대통령이 이재명 대표와의 영수회담에서 언론 탄압에 대해 사과해야 한다고 강조했다. 진 정책위의장은 이날 오전 국회에서 열린 정책조정회의에
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

진성준 “尹, 언론탄압·방송장악도 사과해야”…영수회담 연일 압박

진성준 더불어민주당 정책위의장은 25일 윤석열 대통령이 이재명 대표와의 영수회담에서 언론 탄압에 대해 사과해야 한다고 강조했다. 진 정책위의장은 이날 오전 국회에서 열린 정책조정회의에서 “영수회담의 주요 의제로 다뤄져야 할 사안에 대해 말하겠다”며 “집권 이래 계속되고 있는 언론 탄압, 방송 장악에 대해 대통령의 분명한 사과와 재발 방지 약속이 있어야 한다”고 밝혔다. 진 의장은 “국민은 대통령실 시민사회 수석이 ‘MBC 잘 들어’ 하면서 회칼 테러를 언급한 것을 정확히 기억하고 있다”며 “‘바이든 날리면’으로 시작된 언론탄압과 방송장악이 최근 KBS 우파 장악 문건, YTN 사영화(로까지 번지고) 대파값 보도, 미세먼지 수치 보도도 트집 잡고 심지어 사실 보도한 것도 중징계하고 있다”고 비판했다. 이어 “망나니 칼춤 추듯 제재를 남발하며 언론 자유를 심각하게 위축시키고 사실상의 사전검열을 일삼는 류희림 방송통신심의위원장을 즉각 해촉해야 한다”고 촉구했다. 진 의장은 또한 “민주당은 윤 대통령이

10분만에 ‘만장일치’… 황운하 원내대표 선출한 조국당[청계천 옆 사진관]

조국혁신당이 25일 당사에서 당선인 총회를 열고 황운하 당선인을 신임 원내대표로 선출했다. 이날 원내대표 선출은 모든 투표권자가 모여 만장일치로 한 명이 선출될 때까지 투표를 이어가는 교
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

10분만에 ‘만장일치’… 황운하 원내대표 선출한 조국당[청계천 옆 사진관]

조국혁신당이 25일 당사에서 당선인 총회를 열고 황운하 당선인을 신임 원내대표로 선출했다. 이날 원내대표 선출은 모든 투표권자가 모여 만장일치로 한 명이 선출될 때까지 투표를 이어가는 교황 선출 방식 ‘콘클라베’를 빌려 진행됐다. 투표는 10분 만에 끝났고 황 당선인이 만장일치로 선출됐다.당선인들은 당사에 마련된 6개의 테이블에 앉아 총회를 기다렸다. 원내대표 선출 투표를 앞두고 12명의 당선인 모두 긴장한 모습이었다. 마지막으로 입장한 조국 대표가 자리에 앉자 화기애애한 분위기가 잠시 이어졌다. 곧바로 사회자의 투표 방식 설명이 이어지자 당선인들은 다시 진지한 표정으로 투표를 기다렸다.당사 한쪽에는 기표소와 당 로고가 새겨진 파란색 투표함이 마련돼 있었다. 조국 대표의 짧은 인사말이 끝나자 총회는 이내 언론 비공개로 전환됐다. 조국혁신당은 취재진 퇴장 후 30여분 뒤 황 당선인의 선출 소식을 알렸다. 황 원내대표는 곧바로 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을 열고

갑자기 미국 맹비난 나선 北…대미라인 표면화로 ‘협상 여지’ 주목

북한이 최근 미국을 향한 날 선 비난의 목소리를 내고 있다. 이틀 만에 대미 담화 4건을 발표하고 4년여 만에 외무성 미국 담당 부상이 등장하면서 역설적으로는 미국과의 협상을 담당하는 소위 ‘
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

갑자기 미국 맹비난 나선 北…대미라인 표면화로 ‘협상 여지’ 주목

북한이 최근 미국을 향한 날 선 비난의 목소리를 내고 있다. 이틀 만에 대미 담화 4건을 발표하고 4년여 만에 외무성 미국 담당 부상이 등장하면서 역설적으로는 미국과의 협상을 담당하는 소위 ‘대미라인’의 활동이 가시화된 측면이 있다. 김은철 외무성 미국 담당 부상은 25일 조선중앙통신을 통해 담화를 내고 미국이 유엔 안전보장이사회 대북제재위원회 산하 전문가패널의 임기 종료에 대한 대응 방안을 마련하는 것을 비난했다. 김 부상은 “새로운 제재판을 펼쳐놓는 경우 우리는 거기에서 미국이 가장 두려워하는 힘의 상향조정에 필요한 새로운 기회를 잡게 될 것”이라고 주장했다. 북한 외무성 미국 담당 부상의 담화는 지난 2019년 12월 3일이 마지막으로, 이번 담화는 약 4년 4개월 만에 나온 것이다. 비핵화 협상이 교착에 빠지고 북한이 미국에 ‘연말 시한’을 제시했던 당시 리태성 외무성 미국 담당 부상은 미국을 향해 “다가오는 크리스마스 선물을 무엇으로 선정하는가는 전적으로 미국의 결심에 달려 있다”라고 태도

«Манчестер Юнайтед» прервал безвыигрышную серию в АПЛ, вырвав победу у последней команды лиги

«Манчестер Юнайтед» на своем поле вырвал победу у «Шеффилда» (4:2) в перенесенном матче 29-го тура чемпионата Англии.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

«Манчестер Юнайтед» прервал безвыигрышную серию в АПЛ, вырвав победу у последней команды лиги

«Манчестер Юнайтед» на своем поле вырвал победу у «Шеффилда» (4:2) в перенесенном матче 29-го тура чемпионата Англии.

Килиан Мбаппе установил личный рекорд по голам за один сезон

Французский нападающий «ПСЖ» Килиан Мбаппе установил личный рекорд по голам за один сезон.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Килиан Мбаппе установил личный рекорд по голам за один сезон

Французский нападающий «ПСЖ» Килиан Мбаппе установил личный рекорд по голам за один сезон.

SPRM tambah lagi sehari reman anak MB Perlis

KANGAR: Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Putrajaya menyambung tempoh reman selama sehari lagi hingga esok terhadap anak Menteri Besar Perlis dan empat lagi suspek yang ditahan berhubung siasatan pemalsuan dokumen tuntutan palsu berjumlah RM600,00
BH Online - Terkini

SPRM tambah lagi sehari reman anak MB Perlis

KANGAR: Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Putrajaya menyambung tempoh reman selama sehari lagi hingga esok terhadap anak Menteri Besar Perlis dan empat lagi suspek yang ditahan berhubung siasatan pemalsuan dokumen tuntutan palsu berjumlah RM600,000.

'11 bulan tak jumpa anak, baju raya pun tak beli'

KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas isteri pelakon Hafidz Roshdi iaitu Nurul Shuhada Mat Shukri mendakwa bekas suaminya sudah 11 bulan tidak menjenguk anak, malah persiapan raya juga tidak disediakan.
BH Online - Terkini

'11 bulan tak jumpa anak, baju raya pun tak beli'

KUALA LUMPUR: Bekas isteri pelakon Hafidz Roshdi iaitu Nurul Shuhada Mat Shukri mendakwa bekas suaminya sudah 11 bulan tidak menjenguk anak, malah persiapan raya juga tidak disediakan.

JRG Minerals, Shandong Huaxin meterai MoU projek RM15 bilion

KUALA LUMPUR: JRG Minerals Sdn Bhd menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) dengan Shandong Huaxin Industry Co, Ltd, syarikat perdagangan dari China untuk melaksanakan pembangunan bercampur ke atas kawasan seluas 2,428 hektar iaitu Bandar Baru Bukit Goh d
BH Online - Terkini

JRG Minerals, Shandong Huaxin meterai MoU projek RM15 bilion

KUALA LUMPUR: JRG Minerals Sdn Bhd menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) dengan Shandong Huaxin Industry Co, Ltd, syarikat perdagangan dari China untuk melaksanakan pembangunan bercampur ke atas kawasan seluas 2,428 hektar iaitu Bandar Baru Bukit Goh di Kuantan, Pahang yang dianggarkan bernilai RM15 bilion.

Transfer of US ATACMS missiles to Ukraine cannot be justified — Russian ambassador

«Neither these missiles nor other weapons can help defeat the Russian Federation,» Anatoly Antonov said

Transfer of US ATACMS missiles to Ukraine cannot be justified — Russian ambassador

«Neither these missiles nor other weapons can help defeat the Russian Federation,» Anatoly Antonov said

Matomos ir girdimos, bet neįtakingos: Baltijos šalių 20-metis ES

Baltijos šalių prisijungimas prie Europos Sąjungos (ES) sutinkamas su baime buvo labiau Prancūzijoje, o ne Rusijoje, prisimena tuo metu Bendrijos institucijose dirbę pareigūnai. Nors pradžia buvo sudėtinga, dabar Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos pozicijo
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Matomos ir girdimos, bet neįtakingos: Baltijos šalių 20-metis ES

Baltijos šalių prisijungimas prie Europos Sąjungos (ES) sutinkamas su baime buvo labiau Prancūzijoje, o ne Rusijoje, prisimena tuo metu Bendrijos institucijose dirbę pareigūnai. Nors pradžia buvo sudėtinga, dabar Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos pozicijos yra sustiprėjusios, tačiau galios centras išliko Berlyne ir Paryžiuje. 

Šimonytės požiūris. Kinija negali nurodinėti Lietuvai, o NATO partnerių ryžtas – geležinis

Dar kartą į kovą dėl prezidento posto stojanti Ingrida Šimonytė sako vienareikšmiškai pasitikinti NATO partneriais ir jų įsipareigojimu ginti Lietuvą atakos atveju. Visgi, pasak jos, taip pat svarbu tinkamai finansuoti savo pačių gynybą, ypač a
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Šimonytės požiūris. Kinija negali nurodinėti Lietuvai, o NATO partnerių ryžtas – geležinis

Dar kartą į kovą dėl prezidento posto stojanti Ingrida Šimonytė sako vienareikšmiškai pasitikinti NATO partneriais ir jų įsipareigojimu ginti Lietuvą atakos atveju. Visgi, pasak jos, taip pat svarbu tinkamai finansuoti savo pačių gynybą, ypač augant Lietuvos gynybos stiprinimo ambicijoms.

Говорят на форуме почему современным бабушкам не нужны внуки?

Как правильно вести семейные расходы, как поступить, если свекровь — злыдня, что делать с неуправляемым подростком и когда рассказывать дет

Говорят на форуме почему современным бабушкам не нужны внуки?

Как правильно вести семейные расходы, как поступить, если свекровь — злыдня, что делать с неуправляемым подростком и когда рассказывать детям про секс — на форуме читатели обсуждают тысячи тем и, конечно, просят совета у других форумчан. В итоге обсуждение вырастает в большую дискуссию с неочевидными, но почти всегда полезными рекомендациями. Мы решили обобщить самые популярные вопросы и обсудить их вместе с вами. Помогать нам будут приглашенные эксперты.

شاهد بالفيديو.. إعلامية مصرية حسناء تشارك في حفل سوداني بالقاهرة وتردد مع الفنانة إيلاف عبد العزيز أغنيتها الترند “مقادير” بصوت عذب وجميل

تصدر مقطع فيديو متداول على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بالسودان “الترند” بعد أن حظي بمشاهدات ومشاركات عالية عبر السوشيال ميديا. فقد أظهر المقطع
شبكة سودافاكس

شاهد بالفيديو.. إعلامية مصرية حسناء تشارك في حفل سوداني بالقاهرة وتردد مع الفنانة إيلاف عبد العزيز أغنيتها الترند “مقادير” بصوت عذب وجميل

تصدر مقطع فيديو متداول على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بالسودان “الترند” بعد أن حظي بمشاهدات ومشاركات عالية عبر السوشيال ميديا. فقد أظهر المقطع إعلامية مصرية حسناء وهي تشارك في حفل سوداني أقيم بالعاصمة المصرية القاهرة. وفاجأت الإعلامية المصرية “خلود” الجمهور الحاضر بعد أن شاركت مطربة الحفل الفنانة إيلاف عبد العزيز ترديد أغنيتها “الترند” (مقادير). فقد حظيت … سودافاكس

Supreme Court mulls whether 9-Judge bench can put Article 31 validity to test

Supreme Court on Wednesday witnessed an engrossing debate over the existing architecture of Article 31C, added to the Constitution in 1971 to shield legislations furthering objectives of Article 39(b) & 39(c) in Directive Principles of State Policy from cour
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Supreme Court mulls whether 9-Judge bench can put Article 31 validity to test

Supreme Court on Wednesday witnessed an engrossing debate over the existing architecture of Article 31C, added to the Constitution in 1971 to shield legislations furthering objectives of Article 39(b) & 39(c) in Directive Principles of State Policy from court scrutiny for alleged violation of fundamental rights under Articles 14 (equality) and 19 (freedoms).

'High-energy finales' bring Phase-II campaign to an end

The curtains closed Wednesday on an intense campaign ahead of phase two of the seven-stage LS polls, scheduled for April 26 across 88 constituencies in 13 states. These include all 20 seats in Kerala, 14 in Karnataka, 13 in Rajasthan, and eight each in Mahara
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'High-energy finales' bring Phase-II campaign to an end

The curtains closed Wednesday on an intense campaign ahead of phase two of the seven-stage LS polls, scheduled for April 26 across 88 constituencies in 13 states. These include all 20 seats in Kerala, 14 in Karnataka, 13 in Rajasthan, and eight each in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.

30 India-based foreign journalists slam govt over reporter's claim

After senior ABC reporter Avani Dias claimed she was compelled to leave the country due to her refusal to align with the government's stance, 30 foreign journalists based in India criticized the government for expelling Dias at a time when it was boasting abo
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

30 India-based foreign journalists slam govt over reporter's claim

After senior ABC reporter Avani Dias claimed she was compelled to leave the country due to her refusal to align with the government's stance, 30 foreign journalists based in India criticized the government for expelling Dias at a time when it was boasting about conducting the largest democratic exercise in the world.

Won't go by 'Marxist interpretation' of wealth redistribution, says Supreme Court

Amidst the intensifying political battle over wealth redistribution, the Supreme Court declared on Wednesday that it will not uphold Justice V R Krishna Iyer's 1977 interpretation of Article 39(b) of the Constitution. This interpretation, which leaned toward
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Won't go by 'Marxist interpretation' of wealth redistribution, says Supreme Court

Amidst the intensifying political battle over wealth redistribution, the Supreme Court declared on Wednesday that it will not uphold Justice V R Krishna Iyer's 1977 interpretation of Article 39(b) of the Constitution. This interpretation, which leaned towards a Marxian perspective, suggested that a community's «material resources» encompassed private properties that could be reallocated for the greater common good.

Election Commission seeks mule exception for polls

The Election Commission appealed to the forest department for a «one-time exception,» requesting the allowance of mules within Singalila National Park. This measure aims to alleviate the arduous five-hour trek required by poll officials to reach S
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Election Commission seeks mule exception for polls

The Election Commission appealed to the forest department for a «one-time exception,» requesting the allowance of mules within Singalila National Park. This measure aims to alleviate the arduous five-hour trek required by poll officials to reach Srikhola village in Darjeeling. Situated at an altitude of 6,900 feet, Srikhola village hosts Bengal's most elevated and isolated polling booths.

'When there's a will, there's a way': Woman completes law degree while working as domestic helper in Singapore

SINGAPORE - Ms Jayanthi Gamage was at work in August 2023 when an e-mail arrived in her inbox. Included in that letter from the University of London were four letters - PASS - which marked the end of her seven-year journey to complete a law degree and a drea

'When there's a will, there's a way': Woman completes law degree while working as domestic helper in Singapore

SINGAPORE - Ms Jayanthi Gamage was at work in August 2023 when an e-mail arrived in her inbox. Included in that letter from the University of London were four letters - PASS - which marked the end of her seven-year journey to complete a law degree and a dream come true. Describing the 43-year-old Sri Lankan’s journey as a ‘long’ one makes light of it - it spanned two countries miles apart, and saw her juggling her studies while working as a domestic helper in Singapore. A job as a helper here earned her twice as much as her previous job as an audit assistant in Sri Lanka, Ms Gamage told The Straits Times. So three years after starting her law course, she decided to leave the comforts of home in 2019 to fund her degree. She quashed any qualms of venturing to a foreign country for the first time, as she was determined to make her childhood dream come true. Law is a calling, said Ms Gamage, who failed the entrance exam to Sri Lanka Law College 10 consecutive times from 2000.

Home-based business gets called out online for 'rude and degrading' signs towards food delivery riders

Long wait times are common in the F&B scene, and it's never a pleasant experience for everyone involved. But one home-based business in Singapore has recently come under fire for their signs which demanded food delivery riders to wait patiently or consider o

Home-based business gets called out online for 'rude and degrading' signs towards food delivery riders

Long wait times are common in the F&B scene, and it's never a pleasant experience for everyone involved. But one home-based business in Singapore has recently come under fire for their signs which demanded food delivery riders to wait patiently or consider other jobs «that require no waiting». A photo of the «rude and degrading» placards was posted by Instagram account SG Riders on Tuesday (April 23). The first sign included instructions on how delivery riders should collect orders, with a note informing riders that they «can sit down on bench FOC [free of charge]». Another sign below read: «If you arrive early… learn to wait!!! Orders take time to prepare… You can always cancel your order.» A third sign said: «If you cannot wait… maybe this job [is] not for you… Here are some jobs that require no waiting you can consider: Toilet cleaner, gravedigger, landscaping, eldercare.»

Tampines accident: Driver charged in court with 4 offences including dangerous driving causing death

A 42-year-old man was charged in court with four offences on Thursday morning (April 25) for his involvement in Monday's multi-vehicle accident in Tampines that killed two people. Muhammad Syafie Ismail, who appeared in court with his arm in a sling, was

Tampines accident: Driver charged in court with 4 offences including dangerous driving causing death

A 42-year-old man was charged in court with four offences on Thursday morning (April 25) for his involvement in Monday's multi-vehicle accident in Tampines that killed two people. Muhammad Syafie Ismail, who appeared in court with his arm in a sling, was charged with dangerous driving causing death; dangerous driving causing hurt; dangerous driving; and failing to stop after an accident. He was offered bail of $30,000 and must not have any contact with any of the prosecution witnesses, reported The Straits Times. The accident, which occurred at the junction of Tampines Avenue 1 and Tampines Avenue 4, involved four cars, a van and a minibus. According to the police, the speeding vehicle crashed into three cars, a van and a minibus, reported The Straits Times. Muhammad Syafie, who was taken to the hospital after the accident, was discharged on Wednesday and arrested.

Somalia's president calls for national unity amid constitutional disputes with Puntland

Mogadishu (HOL) — President Hassan Sheikh on Tuesday called on Somalia's regional governments to avoid politicizing key national issues such as unity, solidarity, and independence. His appeal comes amidst ongoing tensions with Puntland over constitutional
Hiiraan Online

Somalia's president calls for national unity amid constitutional disputes with Puntland

Mogadishu (HOL) — President Hassan Sheikh on Tuesday called on Somalia's regional governments to avoid politicizing key national issues such as unity, solidarity, and independence. His appeal comes amidst ongoing tensions with Puntland over constitutional amendments.