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Fifty-one (51) young men and women from across Dominica— 38 males and 13 females—   are the newest addition to the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF), the largest induction the police service has seen at any one time. Following six... The pos

Alberta's emissions down slightly but still make up lion's share of Canada's greenhouse gas

The oil-and-gas sector remains by far the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Alberta, which remains by far the largest emitter of all the provinces, but its share of Canada's total emissions has declined — slightly.
CBC | Canada News

Alberta's emissions down slightly but still make up lion's share of Canada's greenhouse gas

The oil-and-gas sector remains by far the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Alberta, which remains by far the largest emitter of all the provinces, but its share of Canada's total emissions has declined — slightly.

Mayor of Quesnel, B.C., stripped of duties, banned from First Nation land after residential school book controversy

Council voted unanimously to censure Quesnel Mayor Ron Paull and relieve him of duties at an emotional meeting.
CBC | Canada News

Mayor of Quesnel, B.C., stripped of duties, banned from First Nation land after residential school book controversy

Council voted unanimously to censure Quesnel Mayor Ron Paull and relieve him of duties at an emotional meeting.

On Day 6 of McGill encampment, pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters face off

Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters are facing off at McGill's downtown Montreal campus, with police officers in riot gear standing nearby to keep the two sides away from each other.
CBC | Canada News

On Day 6 of McGill encampment, pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters face off

Pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel protesters are facing off at McGill's downtown Montreal campus, with police officers in riot gear standing nearby to keep the two sides away from each other.

Rwanda: May 2, 1994 - Tutsi Massacre Plot At Hôtel Des Mille Collines Thwarted By French Intervention

[New Times] On May 2, 1994, amidst the ongoing Genocide against the Tutsi, the killers' government aimed to carry out a massacre of Tutsi sheltering at Hôtel des Mille Collines in Kigali.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Rwanda: May 2, 1994 - Tutsi Massacre Plot At Hôtel Des Mille Collines Thwarted By French Intervention

[New Times] On May 2, 1994, amidst the ongoing Genocide against the Tutsi, the killers' government aimed to carry out a massacre of Tutsi sheltering at Hôtel des Mille Collines in Kigali.

Kenya: Ruto Names Kenya's New Defence Chief

[New Times] Kenya's President William Ruto has promoted Lt Gen Charles Muriu Kahariri to the rank of General and appointed him Chief of Defence Forces (CDF),following the death of Gen Francis Ogolla in a helicopter crash, The East African reports.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Kenya: Ruto Names Kenya's New Defence Chief

[New Times] Kenya's President William Ruto has promoted Lt Gen Charles Muriu Kahariri to the rank of General and appointed him Chief of Defence Forces (CDF),following the death of Gen Francis Ogolla in a helicopter crash, The East African reports.

bhc서 해임당한 박현종 전 회장…“매드포갈릭 인수 추진”

매물로 나온 패밀리 레스토랑 매드포갈릭의 매각이 가시화되고 있다. 인수 대상자로는 bhc그룹의 지주사 글로벌고메이서비시스(GGS)에서 해임된 박현종 전 회장 측이 유력하게 거론된다.3일 업계
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

bhc서 해임당한 박현종 전 회장…“매드포갈릭 인수 추진”

매물로 나온 패밀리 레스토랑 매드포갈릭의 매각이 가시화되고 있다. 인수 대상자로는 bhc그룹의 지주사 글로벌고메이서비시스(GGS)에서 해임된 박현종 전 회장 측이 유력하게 거론된다.3일 업계에 따르면 박 전 회장과 측근은 지난달 매드포갈릭 임원들과 인수를 목적으로 미팅(면담)을 가진 것으로 알려졌다.복수의 관계자는 당시 박 전 회장 측이 이미 인수를 확정한 사람들처럼 행동해 당혹스러웠다고 전했다. 현장 관계자 다수는 불쾌한 감정을 받았으며 일부 인사는 퇴사를 고민하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다. 앞서 매드포갈릭의 운영사 MFG코리아의 대주주 어펄마캐피탈은 올해 초 원매자 2곳을 선정해 실사 자격을 부여해 매드포갈릭 매각을 본격화하고 있다. 거래 대상은 MFG코리아의 매드포갈릭 지분 100%다.어펄마캐피탈은 예상 매각가로 800억~900억 원 내외 수준을 요구하고 있지만, 박 전 회장 측은 500억~600억 원 대로 인수를 원하는 상황으로 알려졌다. 박 전 회장은 사모펀드인 캑터스프라이빗에

모던하우스, 2024 여름 테마로 ‘프랑스 니스 마켓’ 선택

국내 대표 리빙&라이프스타일 브랜드 ‘모던하우스’가 올해의 여름 테마로 ‘프랑스 니스 마켓’을 선택했다. ‘새로운 여름이 가장 먼저 오는 모던하우스’라는 슬로건을 선정한 모던하
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

모던하우스, 2024 여름 테마로 ‘프랑스 니스 마켓’ 선택

국내 대표 리빙&라이프스타일 브랜드 ‘모던하우스’가 올해의 여름 테마로 ‘프랑스 니스 마켓’을 선택했다. ‘새로운 여름이 가장 먼저 오는 모던하우스’라는 슬로건을 선정한 모던하우스는 올해 여름 프랑스 남부 휴양 도시 니스의 살레야 마켓을 모티브로 한 세 가지 콘셉트를 선보인다. 창 너머 불어오는 지중해 바람의 상쾌함을 담은 ‘지중해 썸머 호텔’, 바다를 닮은 시원한 컬러와 경쾌한 스트라이프 패턴이 돋보이는 ‘프라이빗 썸머 비치’, 여름 과일처럼 알록달록 싱그러움이 가득한 ‘썸머 가든 카페’로 구성됐다. 2024년 썸머 마켓은 4월 24일 강남점을 시작으로 강서점, 타임스퀘어점, AK플라자세종점까지 전국의 12개의 콘셉트 매장에서 전개된다. 또 5월부터는 박신혜 모델과 함께 TVC 광고와 공식몰, 인스타그램 등을 통해 여름 테마를 더욱 확장할 계획이다. 모던하우스는 매년 5월, 유럽 특정 지역의 썸머 마켓을 콘셉트로 선정해 다채로운 여름 테마를 전개할 예정이다. 이와 함께 모던하

야구장으로 변신한 편의점… GS25, 한화이글스 테마 매장 열었다

GS리테일이 운영하는 편의점 GS25가 업계 최초로 프로야구단 한화 이글스를 테마로 한 플래그십 스토어를 오픈했다고 3일 밝혔다. GS25는 한화 이글스의 연고지인 대전 서구 둔산동 소재의 타임월드
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

야구장으로 변신한 편의점… GS25, 한화이글스 테마 매장 열었다

GS리테일이 운영하는 편의점 GS25가 업계 최초로 프로야구단 한화 이글스를 테마로 한 플래그십 스토어를 오픈했다고 3일 밝혔다. GS25는 한화 이글스의 연고지인 대전 서구 둔산동 소재의 타임월드점을 한화이글스 플래그십 스토어로 꾸며 지난 2일 재개장 했다. 이번 특화 매장은 한화이글스의 상징 색상인 주황색과 마스코트 등 야구장의 핵심 요소를 매장 내‧외부에 반영했다 특히 매장 외부 중심부에는 주황색 배경의 대형 쇼윈도가 구성됐으며, 쇼윈도에는 높이 1m 20cm 규모로 특별 제작된 마스코트 ‘수리’ 조형물이 전시됐다. 야구장 현장 분위기를 살린 외부 테라스도 마련 됐다. 관중석을 본 뜬 12석 규모의 시식 테이블, 의자 등으로 구성됐다. 매장 내부는 야구장 그라운드를 콘셉트로 한다. 출입문 인근 홈플레이트를 중심으로 1루, 2루, 3루를 매장 바닥에 디자인했다. 1루~3루는 원두커피 카페25, 혜자로운집밥 도시락 등 GS25 차별화 상품 등으로 구성됐으며, 홈플레이트에는 한화이글스 굿즈 전용

Kenya names new defense chief after deadly helicopter crash

Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday named Charles Muriu Kahariri as defense chief after the death of his predecessor in a helicopter crash.
Hiiraan Online

Kenya names new defense chief after deadly helicopter crash

Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday named Charles Muriu Kahariri as defense chief after the death of his predecessor in a helicopter crash.

New EU visa restrictions impact Ethiopians, Somali community affected

London (HOL) — The European Union, citing Ethiopia's lack of cooperation in repatriating citizens residing illegally in EU countries, announced on Monday a tightening of visa requirements for Ethiopian nationals.
Hiiraan Online

New EU visa restrictions impact Ethiopians, Somali community affected

London (HOL) — The European Union, citing Ethiopia's lack of cooperation in repatriating citizens residing illegally in EU countries, announced on Monday a tightening of visa requirements for Ethiopian nationals.

How the Somali Community Reacted to Dr Abdirashiid (Jiley) coming to Minnesota

It is an honor and a great privilege to visit with the Minnesota Member of Parliament of Somalia and the Somali envoy for Health and Nutrition, Dr. Abdirashiid Jiley. We had a great panel discussion to discuss the current situation in Somalia and the dispute
Hiiraan Online

How the Somali Community Reacted to Dr Abdirashiid (Jiley) coming to Minnesota

It is an honor and a great privilege to visit with the Minnesota Member of Parliament of Somalia and the Somali envoy for Health and Nutrition, Dr. Abdirashiid Jiley. We had a great panel discussion to discuss the current situation in Somalia and the disputes over the constitutional amendment.

لحظة استهداف «حزب الله» مبنى لجنود الاحتلال في مستوطنة شتولا

عرضت المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان، يوم الخميس، مشاهد من عملية استهداف مجاهديها مبنى يستخدمه جنود جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في مستوطنة شتولا شما
قناة العالم الأخبارية

لحظة استهداف «حزب الله» مبنى لجنود الاحتلال في مستوطنة شتولا

عرضت المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان، يوم الخميس، مشاهد من عملية استهداف مجاهديها مبنى يستخدمه جنود جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في مستوطنة شتولا شمال فلسطين ...

جامعة الشارقة تستقطب 2500 طالب وطالبة في اليوم المفتوح

افتتح مدير جامعة الشارقة، الدكتور حميد مجول النعيمي، أمس، فعاليات اليوم المفتوح لطلبة الثانوية العامة من المدارس More...

جامعة الشارقة تستقطب 2500 طالب وطالبة في اليوم المفتوح

افتتح مدير جامعة الشارقة، الدكتور حميد مجول النعيمي، أمس، فعاليات اليوم المفتوح لطلبة الثانوية العامة من المدارس More...

بلدية الفجيرة تستجيب لبلاغات الأمطار الطارئة في وقت قياسي

أكد مدير بلدية الفجيرة، المهندس محمد الأفخم، جاهزية وقدرة فرق الطوارئ المتخصصة على الاستجابة الفورية للبلاغات في حالات More...

بلدية الفجيرة تستجيب لبلاغات الأمطار الطارئة في وقت قياسي

أكد مدير بلدية الفجيرة، المهندس محمد الأفخم، جاهزية وقدرة فرق الطوارئ المتخصصة على الاستجابة الفورية للبلاغات في حالات More...

دخول 12 شاحنة مساعدات إماراتية إلى غزة

دخلت قافلة مساعدات إماراتية إلى قطاع غزة، أول من أمس، عبر معبر رفح المصري، وذلك في إطار جهود الدولة لدعم وإغاثة الأشقاء More...

دخول 12 شاحنة مساعدات إماراتية إلى غزة

دخلت قافلة مساعدات إماراتية إلى قطاع غزة، أول من أمس، عبر معبر رفح المصري، وذلك في إطار جهود الدولة لدعم وإغاثة الأشقاء More...

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer take their wives on the local election trail - while other politicians turn up to vote with babies and pets - as Tory rebels wait to pounce if fears of council and mayoral bloodbath materialise

Rishi Sunak and Akshata posed for pictures out campaigning in Chelsea, while the Labour leader went to vote with wife Victoria.

Cuba sostiene su postura soberana ante la hostilidad de Estados Unidos (+ Videos)

El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, reafirmó hoy la voluntad de defender la independencia y soberanía frente a la creciente hostilidad de Estados Unidos ante más de mil 100 delegados al Encuentro Internacional en Solidaridad con Cuba y contra el Imp

Cuba sostiene su postura soberana ante la hostilidad de Estados Unidos (+ Videos)

El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, reafirmó hoy la voluntad de defender la independencia y soberanía frente a la creciente hostilidad de Estados Unidos ante más de mil 100 delegados al Encuentro Internacional en Solidaridad con Cuba y contra el Imperialismo, celebrado en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana. The post Cuba sostiene su postura soberana ante la hostilidad de Estados Unidos (+ Videos) first appeared on Cubadebate.

Loma de la Cruz: Centinela fiel de la ciudad de Holguín (+ Videos)

Además de sitio geográfico importante para Holguín y de ser el mirador natural por excelencia de esta parte de Cuba, la Loma de la Cruz tiene otros valores. Subirla es una de las más antiguas tradiciones del holguinero. Cuando se vaya a escribir la histor

Loma de la Cruz: Centinela fiel de la ciudad de Holguín (+ Videos)

Además de sitio geográfico importante para Holguín y de ser el mirador natural por excelencia de esta parte de Cuba, la Loma de la Cruz tiene otros valores. Subirla es una de las más antiguas tradiciones del holguinero. Cuando se vaya a escribir la historia del carnaval hay que comenzar por la fiesta del 3 de mayo a la que el holguinero llamaba, y llama, Romerías. The post Loma de la Cruz: Centinela fiel de la ciudad de Holguín (+ Videos) first appeared on Cubadebate.

Las 3 del día: Concluye el Encuentro Internacional en Solidaridad con Cuba y contra el Imperialismo (+ Podcast)

Bienvenidos al podcast Las 3 del día. Soy Juan Emilio Calvo Ochoa y les presento el resumen informativo del 2 de mayo. A continuación, les comparto las noticias más destacadas publicadas hoy en Cubadebate. Quédense con nosotros. The post Las 3 del día:

Las 3 del día: Concluye el Encuentro Internacional en Solidaridad con Cuba y contra el Imperialismo (+ Podcast)

Bienvenidos al podcast Las 3 del día. Soy Juan Emilio Calvo Ochoa y les presento el resumen informativo del 2 de mayo. A continuación, les comparto las noticias más destacadas publicadas hoy en Cubadebate. Quédense con nosotros. The post Las 3 del día: Concluye el Encuentro Internacional en Solidaridad con Cuba y contra el Imperialismo (+ Podcast) first appeared on Cubadebate.

Päivän horoskooppi perjantaina 3.5.

Ilmassa voi tänään olla jännitteitä tai draamaa, oinas. Me Naisten päivän horoskooppi kertoo, mitä tähdet lupaavat tälle päivälle kullekin horoskooppimerkille.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Päivän horoskooppi perjantaina 3.5.

Ilmassa voi tänään olla jännitteitä tai draamaa, oinas. Me Naisten päivän horoskooppi kertoo, mitä tähdet lupaavat tälle päivälle kullekin horoskooppimerkille.

Euroopan ihmisoikeus­tuomioistuin vaatii Yhdysvaltoja palauttamaan arvokkaan patsaan Italialle

Arvokas patsas tarttui italialaisten kalastajien verkkoon vuonna 1964 ja päätyi Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen mukaan laittomasti yhdysvaltalaiseen museoon.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Euroopan ihmisoikeus­tuomioistuin vaatii Yhdysvaltoja palauttamaan arvokkaan patsaan Italialle

Arvokas patsas tarttui italialaisten kalastajien verkkoon vuonna 1964 ja päätyi Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen mukaan laittomasti yhdysvaltalaiseen museoon.

'I have to have sex with you': Inside Vanuatu's disturbing world of unwanted children

Around the world, heated debates about abortion are taking place. But in the Pacific, the topic is so taboo, only a handful of people are willing to talk about it. You’re about to hear from some of them.
Papua New Guinea

'I have to have sex with you': Inside Vanuatu's disturbing world of unwanted children

Around the world, heated debates about abortion are taking place. But in the Pacific, the topic is so taboo, only a handful of people are willing to talk about it. You’re about to hear from some of them.

دبا الحصن يستضيف دبا الفجيرة في «قمة الهواة»

تنطلق في السادسة من مساء اليوم مباريات الجولة الـ30 من دوري الدرجة الأولى لكرة القدم، التي ستقام على مدار يومين، وتعد More...

دبا الحصن يستضيف دبا الفجيرة في «قمة الهواة»

تنطلق في السادسة من مساء اليوم مباريات الجولة الـ30 من دوري الدرجة الأولى لكرة القدم، التي ستقام على مدار يومين، وتعد More...

Three Chinese nationals jailed for selling fake Samsung, Apple phones in Singapore

SINGAPORE – After entering Singapore on social visit passes, three Chinese nationals hatched plans to sell knock-offs of branded phones bought in China to victims here. All three were sentenced to jail after pleading guilty to one count of cheating each o

Three Chinese nationals jailed for selling fake Samsung, Apple phones in Singapore

SINGAPORE – After entering Singapore on social visit passes, three Chinese nationals hatched plans to sell knock-offs of branded phones bought in China to victims here. All three were sentenced to jail after pleading guilty to one count of cheating each on May 2. Court documents did not say if the men knew one another or were working together. Li Jianxin, 41, arrived in Singapore on Feb 27. At around 6pm on March 20, he approached his victim near Liang Seah Street and offered to sell him an iPhone 15 Pro Max and a charging cable for $800. He also provided a forged receipt after he claimed that the phone was bought from an Apple store in Singapore for $1,600. After bargaining, the victim agreed to buy the phone from Li for $700. He later realised it was fake when comparing his phone with his colleague. Li was arrested on March 21 while trying to leave the country. Investigations revealed he had bought the knock-off phone for $200 in China, with the intention of selling it in Singapore. Li was sentenced to 10 weeks in jail. The prosecution said he had expressed an interest in making restitution to the victim.

Saudi women tackling, kicking their way into football

RIYADH: Women are finding new territories in various industries as the Kingdom sets diversity and inclusion goals, and football is no different.  There are currently 1,100 female football players registered with Saudi clubs through the leagues, three regio
Saudi Arabia

Saudi women tackling, kicking their way into football

RIYADH: Women are finding new territories in various industries as the Kingdom sets diversity and inclusion goals, and football is no different.  There are currently 1,100 female football players registered with Saudi clubs through the leagues, three regional training centers, and four active national teams.  Today, the Women’s Football Department focuses on various areas of grassroots development, like five upcoming local competitions including the Premier League. 

Cariola sobre el perro «Matapacos»: «Es muy importante que todos hagamos una reflexión»

«Los símbolos, sin duda, generan cuestionamientos», reconoció la titular de la Cámara Baja tras los dichos del Presidente Boric en entrevista con Archi. En la oposición valoraron que el Mandatario «reconozca sus errores», pero señ

Cariola sobre el perro «Matapacos»: «Es muy importante que todos hagamos una reflexión»

«Los símbolos, sin duda, generan cuestionamientos», reconoció la titular de la Cámara Baja tras los dichos del Presidente Boric en entrevista con Archi. En la oposición valoraron que el Mandatario «reconozca sus errores», pero señalaron que «las cosas tienen que hacerse en su debido momento».

Comisión mixta: Crítica transversal por demora de indicaciones del Gobierno a ley corta de isapres

La instancia se constituyó esta tarde y debe, contra reloj, establecer el monto de la deuda a los afiliados y su fórmula de pago, entre otros aspectos. El Ejecutivo dijo confiar en que habrá acuerdo, y evitó ponerse en el escenario de la necesidad de una

Comisión mixta: Crítica transversal por demora de indicaciones del Gobierno a ley corta de isapres

La instancia se constituyó esta tarde y debe, contra reloj, establecer el monto de la deuda a los afiliados y su fórmula de pago, entre otros aspectos. El Ejecutivo dijo confiar en que habrá acuerdo, y evitó ponerse en el escenario de la necesidad de una nueva prórroga para el cumplimiento del «supremazo».