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Оккупанты используют свое превосходство в соотношении сил и артиллерии, чтобы постепенно захватить территорию Луганской области.

23 neighbourhoods across Singapore to be upgraded under HDB's Neighbourhood Renewal Programme

SINGAPORE – More than $95 million has been set aside to upgrade and rejuvenate 23 neighbourhoods islandwide under the next edition of the Housing Board’s Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP), which is expected to benefit more than 15,600 homes. HDB bloc

23 neighbourhoods across Singapore to be upgraded under HDB's Neighbourhood Renewal Programme

SINGAPORE – More than $95 million has been set aside to upgrade and rejuvenate 23 neighbourhoods islandwide under the next edition of the Housing Board’s Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP), which is expected to benefit more than 15,600 homes. HDB blocks selected for the facelift include those in Hougang Central, Clementi and Pasir Ris. The amenities and upgrades will be based on residents’ feedback on the features they hope to see in their neighbourhoods. These could include residents’ corners and seating areas, fitness corners with jogging tracks, and covered linkways. The 15th round of the NRP was announced by National Development Minister Desmond Lee at a community event in Clementi Town Centre on June 1. The NRP was introduced in 2007 and as at April, a total of 120 projects – comprising about 172,000 flats – have been upgraded. More than $1.5 billion was allocated for the past 14 editions of the NRP. Mr Lee said: “As a society that is rapidly ageing, we are in fact making a bigger push and more concerted effort to address our seniors’ needs in the built environment.”

Wanita maut, 7 termasuk bayi cedera kemalangan

TANAH MERAH: Seorang wanita maut, manakala tujuh lagi termasuk seorang bayi cedera dalam kemalangan membabitkan tiga kenderaan di Jalan Tanah Merah-Pasir Mas dekat Kampung Belimbing, malam tadi.
BH Online - Terkini

Wanita maut, 7 termasuk bayi cedera kemalangan

TANAH MERAH: Seorang wanita maut, manakala tujuh lagi termasuk seorang bayi cedera dalam kemalangan membabitkan tiga kenderaan di Jalan Tanah Merah-Pasir Mas dekat Kampung Belimbing, malam tadi.

Mayat pendaki Malaysia maut di Gunung Denali, AS, dibawa turun

KUALA LUMPUR : Seorang pendaki rakyat Malaysia yang meninggal dunia selepas terkandas pada ketinggian 19,700 kaki di Gunung Denali di Alaska, Amerika Syarikat (AS) sudah dibawa turun dari lokasi kejadian pada jam 8.30 pagi hari ini waktu tempatan.
BH Online - Terkini

Mayat pendaki Malaysia maut di Gunung Denali, AS, dibawa turun

KUALA LUMPUR : Seorang pendaki rakyat Malaysia yang meninggal dunia selepas terkandas pada ketinggian 19,700 kaki di Gunung Denali di Alaska, Amerika Syarikat (AS) sudah dibawa turun dari lokasi kejadian pada jam 8.30 pagi hari ini waktu tempatan.

Wanita mampu cipta kelainan perkenal produk pelancongan, warisan dan budaya

KUALA LUMPUR: Peranan wanita dalam pengembangan produk pelancongan yang berkaitan dengan budaya dan warisan perlu diberikan perhatian kerana mereka berpotensi mencipta kelainan serta keunikan dalam bidang itu.
BH Online - Terkini

Wanita mampu cipta kelainan perkenal produk pelancongan, warisan dan budaya

KUALA LUMPUR: Peranan wanita dalam pengembangan produk pelancongan yang berkaitan dengan budaya dan warisan perlu diberikan perhatian kerana mereka berpotensi mencipta kelainan serta keunikan dalam bidang itu.

MiLB》台灣怪力男太狂!李灝宇炸出本季第7轟 敲4安4打點準完全打擊

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 打瘋了!效力老虎2A的「台灣怪力男」李灝宇今天敲出本季第7轟,單場猛敲4安「鐵支」、灌進4分打點。 今日對戰巨人2A,李灝宇打第3棒守二壘,首打席就...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MiLB》台灣怪力男太狂!李灝宇炸出本季第7轟 敲4安4打點準完全打擊

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 打瘋了!效力老虎2A的「台灣怪力男」李灝宇今天敲出本季第7轟,單場猛敲4安「鐵支」、灌進4分打點。 今日對戰巨人2A,李灝宇打第3棒守二壘,首打席就...…

MLB》道奇MVP三連星昨11支0! 主帥有意調整大谷與佛里曼棒次

廖志軒/核稿編輯 道奇昨天1:4不敵洛磯,三位MVP貝茲(Mookie Betts)、大谷翔平與佛里曼(Freedie Freeman)昨天11打數掛蛋,今根據《洛杉磯時報...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》道奇MVP三連星昨11支0! 主帥有意調整大谷與佛里曼棒次

廖志軒/核稿編輯 道奇昨天1:4不敵洛磯,三位MVP貝茲(Mookie Betts)、大谷翔平與佛里曼(Freedie Freeman)昨天11打數掛蛋,今根據《洛杉磯時報...…

MLB》「希望不用面對他太久!」首次對決山本由伸 洛磯主帥有策略

廖志軒/核稿編輯 道奇今天持續在主場迎戰洛磯,道奇派出日本強投山本由伸掛帥,他也將要挑戰本季第6勝。而這也是山本首次對決洛磯,對此洛磯主帥布雷克(Bud Black)也表示...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》「希望不用面對他太久!」首次對決山本由伸 洛磯主帥有策略

廖志軒/核稿編輯 道奇今天持續在主場迎戰洛磯,道奇派出日本強投山本由伸掛帥,他也將要挑戰本季第6勝。而這也是山本首次對決洛磯,對此洛磯主帥布雷克(Bud Black)也表示...…

UFC 302: Махачев против Порье, Стрикленд – Коста

В ночь на 2 июня в Ньюарке, штат Нью-Джерси, проходит турнир UFC 302.
Спорт -

UFC 302: Махачев против Порье, Стрикленд – Коста

В ночь на 2 июня в Ньюарке, штат Нью-Джерси, проходит турнир UFC 302.


廖志軒/核稿編輯 道奇日籍巨星大谷翔平打擊近況有所降溫,今天對上洛磯賽前,總教練羅伯斯(Dave Roberts)也做出解釋。 大谷在過去15場比賽中,60個打數僅敲出...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


廖志軒/核稿編輯 道奇日籍巨星大谷翔平打擊近況有所降溫,今天對上洛磯賽前,總教練羅伯斯(Dave Roberts)也做出解釋。 大谷在過去15場比賽中,60個打數僅敲出...…

玉山盃》天氣狀況不佳 今兩地預賽順延一日

體育新聞 - 自由時報

玉山盃》天氣狀況不佳 今兩地預賽順延一日


桃園男被騙成警示戶特地南下貸款 高雄女警揭真相還是詐騙

社會新聞 - 自由時報

桃園男被騙成警示戶特地南下貸款 高雄女警揭真相還是詐騙


市民停車超線被拖吊怨太over 新北議員黃心華盼警給彈性空間

社會新聞 - 自由時報

市民停車超線被拖吊怨太over 新北議員黃心華盼警給彈性空間


台8線噪音、改裝及無照駕駛車多 和平警2小時取締10件

社會新聞 - 自由時報

台8線噪音、改裝及無照駕駛車多 和平警2小時取締10件


Who’s Who: Feras Nasrallah, director-general at Saudi Export-Import Bank

Feras Nasrallah is director-general of business enablement and studies at Saudi Export-Import Bank. He began his tenure at Saudi Exim in January 2021 as a member of the founding team, contributing to the bank’s establishment and operational setup. As a
Saudi Arabia

Who’s Who: Feras Nasrallah, director-general at Saudi Export-Import Bank

Feras Nasrallah is director-general of business enablement and studies at Saudi Export-Import Bank. He began his tenure at Saudi Exim in January 2021 as a member of the founding team, contributing to the bank’s establishment and operational setup. As a senior executive adviser, he played a crucial part in forming strategic partnerships, developing governance frameworks, and launching financial products and services that aligned with market demands and the bank’s strategic goals.

Saudi ambassador receives UN’s terror prevention head in Vienna

Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Dr. Abdullah bin Khalid Tawlah received Roberto Arbitrio, chief of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s terrorism prevent
Saudi Arabia

Saudi ambassador receives UN’s terror prevention head in Vienna

Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization Dr. Abdullah bin Khalid Tawlah received Roberto Arbitrio, chief of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s terrorism prevention branch, in Vienna recently. During the meeting the two men discussed the possibilities of future cooperation between the Kingdom and the UNODC. Tawlah also met with Doaa Hassan Mirah, the general manager of training and tourism programs at the Saudi Ministry of Tourism, during her visit to Austria.

Ligue des Champions - Le Real Madrid décroche une 15e étoile

L'increvable Real Madrid a décroché samedi 1er juin une quinzième étoile européenne dans la nuit de Londres à l'issue d'une finale de Ligue des champions où l'outsider Borussia Dortmund a longtemps dominé, avant de craquer 2-0 sur la fin.

Ligue des Champions - Le Real Madrid décroche une 15e étoile

L'increvable Real Madrid a décroché samedi 1er juin une quinzième étoile européenne dans la nuit de Londres à l'issue d'une finale de Ligue des champions où l'outsider Borussia Dortmund a longtemps dominé, avant de craquer 2-0 sur la fin.

Franco Frías lideró con un triplete el ajustado triunfo de Unión Española sobre Deportes Iquique

La tardía reacción no le alcanzó a Deportes Iquique, que estuvo cerca de la igualdad pero finalmente perdió en una guerra de goles por 4-3 ante Unión Española, que aprovechó el resultado para sobrepasar a su rival en la tabla. Franco Frías con un trip

Franco Frías lideró con un triplete el ajustado triunfo de Unión Española sobre Deportes Iquique

La tardía reacción no le alcanzó a Deportes Iquique, que estuvo cerca de la igualdad pero finalmente perdió en una guerra de goles por 4-3 ante Unión Española, que aprovechó el resultado para sobrepasar a su rival en la tabla. Franco Frías con un triplete y el «Pulpo» González lideraron la victoria ante los tardíos descuentos de Hans Salinas, Edson Puch y Álvaro Ramos.

Cámara rechazó condenar atentados de Hamás: «DDHH sí, menos a los judíos», deploró embajador de Israel

Gil Artzyeli, en su polémico estilo confrontacional, insistió en que la guerra que mantiene el Estado hebreo en Gaza busca «defendernos para evitar una masacre mas». En la víspera, fracasó un proyecto de resolución que condenaba los ataques d

Cámara rechazó condenar atentados de Hamás: «DDHH sí, menos a los judíos», deploró embajador de Israel

Gil Artzyeli, en su polémico estilo confrontacional, insistió en que la guerra que mantiene el Estado hebreo en Gaza busca «defendernos para evitar una masacre mas». En la víspera, fracasó un proyecto de resolución que condenaba los ataques del 7 de octubre y solicitaba al Presidente Boric que, en nombre de Chile, se manifestara «enérgicamente» contra «los crímenes de lesa humanidad» del grupo terrorista.

Thomas Galdames y su futuro en Godoy Cruz: La idea mía y de ellos es que me vendan ahora

El zaguero nacional estuvo presente en el triunfo de Unión Española sobre Deportes Iquique.

Thomas Galdames y su futuro en Godoy Cruz: La idea mía y de ellos es que me vendan ahora

El zaguero nacional estuvo presente en el triunfo de Unión Española sobre Deportes Iquique.

МИД Турции осудил нападение на корреспондента CNN Türk в США

МИД Турции осудил произошедшее в США нападение на корреспондента турецкого телеканала CNN Türk Юнуса Паксоя во время его репортажа из штат
В мире - Рамблер

МИД Турции осудил нападение на корреспондента CNN Türk в США

МИД Турции осудил произошедшее в США нападение на корреспондента турецкого телеканала CNN Türk Юнуса Паксоя во время его репортажа из штата Пенсильвания. Паксой ранее подвергся нападению во время прямого эфира.

Британской разведке поручили искать российских шпионов

Британской службе контрразведки МИ-5 поручили сосредоточить внимание на шпионах из России, Китая и Ирана. Об этом сообщила газета The Daily Teleg
В мире - Рамблер

Британской разведке поручили искать российских шпионов

Британской службе контрразведки МИ-5 поручили сосредоточить внимание на шпионах из России, Китая и Ирана. Об этом сообщила газета The Daily Telegraph со ссылкой на источники в правительстве.

Зеленский высказал опасения насчет политики Трампа по Украине

Владимир Зеленский опасается, что кандидат в президенты Соединенных Штатов Дональд Трамп договорится о завершении военного конфликта за 
В мире - Рамблер

Зеленский высказал опасения насчет политики Трампа по Украине

Владимир Зеленский опасается, что кандидат в президенты Соединенных Штатов Дональд Трамп договорится о завершении военного конфликта за счет Украины. Свои опасения украинский глава высказал в интервью The Guardian.

Сенатор США Сандерс назвал Нетаньяху военным преступником

Американский сенатор Берни Сандерс поддержал запрос Международного уголовного суда в Гааге (МУС) на выдачу ордера для ареста премьер-минис
В мире - Рамблер

Сенатор США Сандерс назвал Нетаньяху военным преступником

Американский сенатор Берни Сандерс поддержал запрос Международного уголовного суда в Гааге (МУС) на выдачу ордера для ареста премьер-министра Израиля Биньямина Нетаньяху.

Сын Байдена оказался алиментщиком с долгами на 1,7 млн долларов

Сын американского президента Джо Байдена Хантер задолжал более 1,7 миллиона долларов алиментов бывшей жене, которая подала против него иск 
В мире - Рамблер

Сын Байдена оказался алиментщиком с долгами на 1,7 млн долларов

Сын американского президента Джо Байдена Хантер задолжал более 1,7 миллиона долларов алиментов бывшей жене, которая подала против него иск в суд. Об этом сообщил портал Axios.

مواعيد قطارات السكة الحديد على خط القاهرة - الإسكندرية والعكس

يقدم اليوم السابع قائمة بالقطارات المكيفة والقطارات الروسية العادية التى تعمل على خط (القاهرة - الإسكندرية، والعكس)، ومواعيد قيامها.. المصدر:
rss-أخبار عاجلة

مواعيد قطارات السكة الحديد على خط القاهرة - الإسكندرية والعكس

يقدم اليوم السابع قائمة بالقطارات المكيفة والقطارات الروسية العادية التى تعمل على خط (القاهرة - الإسكندرية، والعكس)، ومواعيد قيامها.. المصدر:اليوم السابعمواعيد قطارات السكة الحديد على خط القاهرة - الإسكندرية والعكس

All done: 62% turnout in Phase 7 against 65.3% in 2019

The final phase of the 2024 general election concluded with a 62% turnout across 57 parliamentary constituencies and 42 assembly seats in Odisha. The overall turnout for the first six phases was 66%, with the final nationwide percentage pending Form 17C data
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

All done: 62% turnout in Phase 7 against 65.3% in 2019

The final phase of the 2024 general election concluded with a 62% turnout across 57 parliamentary constituencies and 42 assembly seats in Odisha. The overall turnout for the first six phases was 66%, with the final nationwide percentage pending Form 17C data for Phase 7.

An election at world's highest polling station

Prem Lal and his team of booth-level officers faced challenges in Tashigang, the highest polling station in the world, serving 62 voters in Lahaul-Spiti district.
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

An election at world's highest polling station

Prem Lal and his team of booth-level officers faced challenges in Tashigang, the highest polling station in the world, serving 62 voters in Lahaul-Spiti district.

India rejected ‘casteist, communal and corrupt’ dynastic parties: PM Modi

PM Modi expressed gratitude to Election Commission, security forces, and voters for their role in upholding democracy and ensuring a smooth electoral process. PM Modi also took a dig at the “opportunistic” INDI Alliance and said the “casteist, communal
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

India rejected ‘casteist, communal and corrupt’ dynastic parties: PM Modi

PM Modi expressed gratitude to Election Commission, security forces, and voters for their role in upholding democracy and ensuring a smooth electoral process. PM Modi also took a dig at the “opportunistic” INDI Alliance and said the “casteist, communal and corrupt” combine of dynastic parties had been rejected by people, while thanking women and youth in particular for keeping faith in BJP.

Counting of votes to begin from 8 am on June 4; EC issues handbook to poll officials

The counting of votes for the General Election as well as the State Legislative Assembly of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh will start at 6 am on Sunday, it added. Chief Election Commission Rajiv Kumar along with Election Commissioners Gyanesh Kumar and Sukhbir
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Counting of votes to begin from 8 am on June 4; EC issues handbook to poll officials

The counting of votes for the General Election as well as the State Legislative Assembly of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh will start at 6 am on Sunday, it added. Chief Election Commission Rajiv Kumar along with Election Commissioners Gyanesh Kumar and Sukhbir Singh Sandhu had reviewed the counting day preparations with all Chief Electoral Officers (CEO) and Returning Officers (RO).

Bondelaget om streik: – Vil gå utover dyrevelferden

Når flere ansatte i Mattilsynet mandag går ut i streik, vil det stoppe slakting på sju slakterier. Dette vil raskt gå ut over dyrevelferden, mener Bondelaget.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Bondelaget om streik: – Vil gå utover dyrevelferden

Når flere ansatte i Mattilsynet mandag går ut i streik, vil det stoppe slakting på sju slakterier. Dette vil raskt gå ut over dyrevelferden, mener Bondelaget.