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«Индиана» выиграла у «Лейкерс».

Ukrainą ginantis amerikiečių snaiperis atskleidė: rusus naikina sovietiniais ginklais, kuriuos atima iš jų pačių

Ukrainoje kovojantis amerikiečių veteranas snaiperis sako, kad jo dalinio kariai mieliau naudoja sovietinių laikų šautuvus nei šiuolaikinius, nes jiems lengviau rasti šovinių, be to, juos taip pat galima atimti iš rusų, skelbia portalas „Business

Ukrainą ginantis amerikiečių snaiperis atskleidė: rusus naikina sovietiniais ginklais, kuriuos atima iš jų pačių

Ukrainoje kovojantis amerikiečių veteranas snaiperis sako, kad jo dalinio kariai mieliau naudoja sovietinių laikų šautuvus nei šiuolaikinius, nes jiems lengviau rasti šovinių, be to, juos taip pat galima atimti iš rusų, skelbia portalas „Business Insider“. Jonathanas Poquette‘as kovoja Ukrainoje ir sakė, kad jo dalinys pirmenybę teikia AK-74 šautuvams, kurie yra pritaikyti 5,45×39 mm kalibro šoviniams.

Tęsiasi protestai Tel Avive: „Visi Izraelio žmonės ir visas pasaulis nori, jog nustotų lietis kraujas“

„Hamas“ teroristai prieš kameras pasodino dar du nelaisvėje Gazoje laikomus įkaitus ir skelbia, kad svarsto naują susitarimą su Izraeliu. Visgi priešprieša tarp „Hamas“ ir Izraelio – sunkiai išsprendžiama. Teroristai reikalauja visiškų pa

Tęsiasi protestai Tel Avive: „Visi Izraelio žmonės ir visas pasaulis nori, jog nustotų lietis kraujas“

„Hamas“ teroristai prieš kameras pasodino dar du nelaisvėje Gazoje laikomus įkaitus ir skelbia, kad svarsto naują susitarimą su Izraeliu. Visgi priešprieša tarp „Hamas“ ir Izraelio – sunkiai išsprendžiama. Teroristai reikalauja visiškų paliaubų, žydai siūlo laikinas. O Tel Avivo gatvėse užvirė mūšiai – dalis žmonių keikia valdžią, kad jai įkaitų išlaisvinti nepvyksta daugiau nei 200 dienų. „Dėl oro smūgių mums nuolat gresia pavojus. Mums baisu.

Šis vaizdelis ištirpdys kiekvieno širdį: mažyliais rūpinasi ne tik žmonės

Jei iki šio manėte, kad mylėti gali tik žmonės, ši istorija įtikins, kad yra kitaip. Šiluma ir rūpestis, kuriuo tinginio patelė rūpinasi savo mažyliais, ištirpdys kiekvieno širdį. Dagiau apie tai – TV3 žiniose. Neįtikėtina, su kokia mei

Šis vaizdelis ištirpdys kiekvieno širdį: mažyliais rūpinasi ne tik žmonės

Jei iki šio manėte, kad mylėti gali tik žmonės, ši istorija įtikins, kad yra kitaip. Šiluma ir rūpestis, kuriuo tinginio patelė rūpinasi savo mažyliais, ištirpdys kiekvieno širdį. Dagiau apie tai – TV3 žiniose. Neįtikėtina, su kokia meile tinginė mama prausia savo mažylį. Ir jie yra du. Žavūs tinginiai dvynukai – patelė ir patinas – neseniai atšventė gimtadienį. Vos mėnesio.

Political analysts say Nankhumwa’s party is a move to weaken DPP in Lhomwe belt

Political analysts and commentators say the decision by Kondwani Nankhumwa, former vice president for the south for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to form his own political party is handing over victory to the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) on th
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Political analysts say Nankhumwa’s party is a move to weaken DPP in Lhomwe belt

Political analysts and commentators say the decision by Kondwani Nankhumwa, former vice president for the south for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to form his own political party is handing over victory to the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) on the silver platter during the 2025 election. Nankhumwa has founded People’s Development Party barely months […] The post Political analysts say Nankhumwa’s party is a move to weaken DPP in Lhomwe belt appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Mangochi Village Headman says his people regret voting for Chakwera

Village Headman M’baluku from Senior Chief Chowe in Mangochi says he and his subjects regret voting for the Tonse Alliance Government because what they were promised by the current administration has not been delivered. He said people in his area are st
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Mangochi Village Headman says his people regret voting for Chakwera

Village Headman M’baluku from Senior Chief Chowe in Mangochi says he and his subjects regret voting for the Tonse Alliance Government because what they were promised by the current administration has not been delivered. He said people in his area are struggling to get basic commodities. He said today at a rally organized by the […] The post Mangochi Village Headman says his people regret voting for Chakwera appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Opposition DPP challenges: “With APM on the ballot, we winning.”

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) says with it’s current leader, Peter Mutharika on the ballot in 2025 presidential elections, it is very certain that it is going back in government. The party’s Regional Governor for the East, Imran Mtenje, w
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Opposition DPP challenges: “With APM on the ballot, we winning.”

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) says with it’s current leader, Peter Mutharika on the ballot in 2025 presidential elections, it is very certain that it is going back in government. The party’s Regional Governor for the East, Imran Mtenje, who was speaking at M’baluku in Mangochi Sunday, says, people’s minds are fresh with what Mutharika […] The post Opposition DPP challenges: “With APM on the ballot, we winning.” appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

최상목 “남성 유급 출산휴가, 10일서 확대 검토”

정부가 현재 10일인 남성의 유급 출산휴가 기간을 늘리는 방안을 들여다보고 있다. 또 개인종합자산관리계좌(ISA)의 1인 1계좌 제한을 폐지하는 방안도 검토 중이다. 여성의 경제활동 참여를 늘리
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

최상목 “남성 유급 출산휴가, 10일서 확대 검토”

정부가 현재 10일인 남성의 유급 출산휴가 기간을 늘리는 방안을 들여다보고 있다. 또 개인종합자산관리계좌(ISA)의 1인 1계좌 제한을 폐지하는 방안도 검토 중이다. 여성의 경제활동 참여를 늘리고 개인의 자산 형성도 적극 지원해 사회 이동성을 높이려는 취지다. 최상목 부총리 겸 기획재정부 장관(사진)은 26일 열린 기재부 출입기자단 워크숍에서 “계층이동 사다리를 복원하기 위해 노력하려고 한다”며 이같이 밝혔다. 이날 정부가 구상 중인 ‘역동경제’의 방향성을 소개한 최 부총리는 여성의 경제활동 참여가 부진하다는 점을 한국 경제의 주요한 문제로 꼽았다. 그러면서 그는 “출산휴가의 경우 배우자, 남성은 10일밖에 안 된다”며 “이를 더 늘리는 방안과 경력단절 여성 채용에 대한 세제 지원 제약을 완화하는 방안을 고민 중”이라고 말했다. 여성이 경력 단절에 대한 걱정 없이 자유롭게 일할 수 있는 환경을 만들면 국가 생산성과 사회 이동성을 함께 높일 수 있다는 것이다. 현재 남녀고용평등법은 남

“1900조 대출 중 ‘취약기업’ 비중, 2008년 금융위기때 수준”

기업들이 금융기관에서 받은 대출액이 1900조 원에 달하는 가운데, 원금과 이자를 갚을 여력이 부족한 ‘취약 기업’의 차입금 비중이 2008년 글로벌 금융위기 당시 수준만큼 높아진 것으로 나타났
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

“1900조 대출 중 ‘취약기업’ 비중, 2008년 금융위기때 수준”

기업들이 금융기관에서 받은 대출액이 1900조 원에 달하는 가운데, 원금과 이자를 갚을 여력이 부족한 ‘취약 기업’의 차입금 비중이 2008년 글로벌 금융위기 당시 수준만큼 높아진 것으로 나타났다. 고금리 여파의 직격타를 맞은 건설업 등 기업대출 연체율도 1년 새 급등하면서 위기감이 고조되고 있다. 한국금융연구원이 27일 발간한 ‘위기별·산업별 비교 분석을 통한 국내 기업부채 현황과 시사점’에 따르면 지난해 말 기준 국내 금융기관의 기업대출 잔액은 1889조6000억 원으로 집계됐다. 기업대출은 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증(코로나19)이 확산된 2019년 말부터 작년 말까지 매 분기마다 평균 10.8%씩 불어났다. 이는 코로나19 이전(2010년 3월∼2019년 말·5.3%) 대비 약 2배 높은 수준이다. 금융연구원은 이자보상비율, 차입금상환배율, 부채·유동비율 등을 고려해 상환 능력이 떨어지는 취약 기업들을 추려냈다. 그 결과 이들의 차입금 비율은 1997년 외환위기보다는 낮지만

Man accused of defrauding overseas jobseekers granted bail

A man accused of defrauding almost US$7,000 from three women in an overseas job scheme was granted bail in the sum of $500,000 with surety in the St Catherine Parish Court on Friday. When Kirk Letford, 30, appeared before Senior Parish Court judge...

Man accused of defrauding overseas jobseekers granted bail

A man accused of defrauding almost US$7,000 from three women in an overseas job scheme was granted bail in the sum of $500,000 with surety in the St Catherine Parish Court on Friday. When Kirk Letford, 30, appeared before Senior Parish Court judge...

Gun seized, two arrested in Waterhouse

Two men were arrested in relation to the seizure of a firearm during a police operation along Henley Road, Waterhouse, Kingston 11, on Saturday. The nine millimetre pistol, with serial number erased, and a magazine containing six...

Gun seized, two arrested in Waterhouse

Two men were arrested in relation to the seizure of a firearm during a police operation along Henley Road, Waterhouse, Kingston 11, on Saturday. The nine millimetre pistol, with serial number erased, and a magazine containing six...

Two water trucks provided to aid farmers in St Elizabeth impacted by drought

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, through the National Irrigation Commission (NIC), has made a significant investment to support farmers in St Elizabeth with the commissioning of two new water trucks. The units, each with a...

Two water trucks provided to aid farmers in St Elizabeth impacted by drought

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, through the National Irrigation Commission (NIC), has made a significant investment to support farmers in St Elizabeth with the commissioning of two new water trucks. The units, each with a...

American man charged for ammunition allegedly found in luggage

The police at the Norman Manley International Airport have arrested and charged an American citizen who was allegedly held with ammunition in his luggage on Saturday night. Shane Samuels, 41-year-old welder, of Westerlage Street, Los Angeles, USA,...

American man charged for ammunition allegedly found in luggage

The police at the Norman Manley International Airport have arrested and charged an American citizen who was allegedly held with ammunition in his luggage on Saturday night. Shane Samuels, 41-year-old welder, of Westerlage Street, Los Angeles, USA,...

Businessman charged for allegedly raping his girlfriend 

A St Catherine businessman has been charged after he allegedly locked his girlfriend in his bedroom where he physically and sexually assaulted her. Twenty-seven-year-old Davian Smythe, of Myrtle Avenue, Phoenix Park Village, Portmore,...

Businessman charged for allegedly raping his girlfriend 

A St Catherine businessman has been charged after he allegedly locked his girlfriend in his bedroom where he physically and sexually assaulted her. Twenty-seven-year-old Davian Smythe, of Myrtle Avenue, Phoenix Park Village, Portmore,...

3 إجراءات تجنّب المساءلة عند تلقي مبالغ بـ «الخطأ» في الحساب المصرفي

حدّدت الخبيرة المصرفية، عواطف الهرمودي، ثلاثة إجراءات يجب على المتعاملين مع البنوك الالتزام بها، في حال تلقوا إيداعات More...

3 إجراءات تجنّب المساءلة عند تلقي مبالغ بـ «الخطأ» في الحساب المصرفي

حدّدت الخبيرة المصرفية، عواطف الهرمودي، ثلاثة إجراءات يجب على المتعاملين مع البنوك الالتزام بها، في حال تلقوا إيداعات More...

برنامج دبي للوسيط العقاري يستقطب 1000 مواطن

أعلنت دائرة الأراضي والأملاك في دبي، تلقيها أكثر من 1000 طلب انتساب لـ«برنامج دبي للوسيط العقاري»، أحد برامج «أجندة دبي More...

برنامج دبي للوسيط العقاري يستقطب 1000 مواطن

أعلنت دائرة الأراضي والأملاك في دبي، تلقيها أكثر من 1000 طلب انتساب لـ«برنامج دبي للوسيط العقاري»، أحد برامج «أجندة دبي More...

مستهلكون يطالبون وكالات السيارات بالتوسّع في العروض وتمديد فترتها

طالب مستهلكون، وكالات السيارات بالتوسّع في طرح عروضها، وتمديد فترة العروض الحالية، مع تسهيلات تدعم أصحاب المركبات الذين More...

مستهلكون يطالبون وكالات السيارات بالتوسّع في العروض وتمديد فترتها

طالب مستهلكون، وكالات السيارات بالتوسّع في طرح عروضها، وتمديد فترة العروض الحالية، مع تسهيلات تدعم أصحاب المركبات الذين More...

In middle of poll season, sleaze case on HD Deve Gowda son, grandson

A 47-year-old woman from Holenarsipura town in Karnataka lodged Sunday a police complaint against the son and grandson of ex-PM and JD(S) patriarch HD Deve Gowda — former minister HD Revanna and Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna respectively — accusing them of se
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

In middle of poll season, sleaze case on HD Deve Gowda son, grandson

A 47-year-old woman from Holenarsipura town in Karnataka lodged Sunday a police complaint against the son and grandson of ex-PM and JD(S) patriarch HD Deve Gowda — former minister HD Revanna and Hassan MP Prajwal Revanna respectively — accusing them of sexually harassing her and her daughter when they worked in the household between 2019 and 2022.

Mayawati’s nephew booked for poll code breach for ‘terrorist’ barb

Uttar Pradesh Police Sunday booked BSP chief Mayawati’s nephew Akash Anand on hate-speech charges after he allegedly branded the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Centre “a govt of terrorists” at a rally in Sitapur. Anand (28) was addressing the rally for BSP
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Mayawati’s nephew booked for poll code breach for ‘terrorist’ barb

Uttar Pradesh Police Sunday booked BSP chief Mayawati’s nephew Akash Anand on hate-speech charges after he allegedly branded the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Centre “a govt of terrorists” at a rally in Sitapur. Anand (28) was addressing the rally for BSP Sitapur Lok Sabha candidate Mahendra Yadav. The two are among 35 other unidentified people booked. Sitapur votes on May 13.

Rahul insulted rajas, mum on nawabs, it’s Congress’ appeasement politics: PM Modi

Seizing upon Congress MP Rahul Gandhi’s remark about “rajas and maharajas who would loot the poor” as an insult to the legacy of greats, PM Narendra Modi said on Sunday that the party’s “appeasement habit” prevents it from speaking in the same vei
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Rahul insulted rajas, mum on nawabs, it’s Congress’ appeasement politics: PM Modi

Seizing upon Congress MP Rahul Gandhi’s remark about “rajas and maharajas who would loot the poor” as an insult to the legacy of greats, PM Narendra Modi said on Sunday that the party’s “appeasement habit” prevents it from speaking in the same vein about “atrocities by nawabs, nizams, sultans and badshahs”.

Slovak PM says will always stand for peaceful settlement of conflict in Ukraine

Robert Fico voiced criticism about the initiative of Slovak civic activists who have raised some four million euro to provide military assistance to Kiev

Slovak PM says will always stand for peaceful settlement of conflict in Ukraine

Robert Fico voiced criticism about the initiative of Slovak civic activists who have raised some four million euro to provide military assistance to Kiev

Biden, Netanyahu discuss immediate ceasefire in Gaza — White House

Biden and Netanyahu also discussed increases in the delivery of humanitarian assistance into Gaza including through preparations to open new northern crossings starting this week

Biden, Netanyahu discuss immediate ceasefire in Gaza — White House

Biden and Netanyahu also discussed increases in the delivery of humanitarian assistance into Gaza including through preparations to open new northern crossings starting this week

French economy minister says still thinks ant-Russian sanctions are effective

According to Bruno Le Maire, Russia’s economy is growing only thanks to military spending while nothing is invested in innovation, research and artificial intelligence

French economy minister says still thinks ant-Russian sanctions are effective

According to Bruno Le Maire, Russia’s economy is growing only thanks to military spending while nothing is invested in innovation, research and artificial intelligence

Accident de deux-roues à Faa'a : trois personnes grièvement blessées

Un accident s'est produit hier soir samedi 27 avril, près du site Outuarea, aux alentours de 19h20. Une moto et un scooter se sont percutés dans le virage de l'ancien flamboyant à Faa'a. Les trois personnes impliquées sont grièvement blessées.

Accident de deux-roues à Faa'a : trois personnes grièvement blessées

Un accident s'est produit hier soir samedi 27 avril, près du site Outuarea, aux alentours de 19h20. Une moto et un scooter se sont percutés dans le virage de l'ancien flamboyant à Faa'a. Les trois personnes impliquées sont grièvement blessées.

البنك الإسلامي للتنمية يخصص نحو 418 مليون دولار لتمويل مشاريع تنموية جديدة في الدول الأعضاء

أعلن البنك الإسلامي للتنمية، موافقته على تخصيص نحو 418 مليون دولار أمريكي لتمويل مشاريع تنموية جديدة في الدول الأعضاء.وذكر البنك في بيان عقب اج
موقع الصحوة نت الاخباري

البنك الإسلامي للتنمية يخصص نحو 418 مليون دولار لتمويل مشاريع تنموية جديدة في الدول الأعضاء

أعلن البنك الإسلامي للتنمية، موافقته على تخصيص نحو 418 مليون دولار أمريكي لتمويل مشاريع تنموية جديدة في الدول الأعضاء.وذكر البنك في بيان عقب اجتماعات اليوم الأول لمجموعة البنك الإسلامي للتنمية للعام 2024 والاحتفال باليوبيل الذهبي بمناسبة مرور خمسين سنة على تأسيس البنك في الرياض، بان طاجيكستان حصلت ع

«Шока не избежать»: до чего доведет ЕС 14-й пакет антироссийских санкций

Страны ЕС намерены включить в 14-й пакет санкций запрет на поставки российского сжиженного природного газа. Как может измениться рынок СПГ? По
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

«Шока не избежать»: до чего доведет ЕС 14-й пакет антироссийских санкций

Страны ЕС намерены включить в 14-й пакет санкций запрет на поставки российского сжиженного природного газа. Как может измениться рынок СПГ? Получится ли у США задушить «Арктик СПГ-2»? Разбирались Финансы

Русский характер в Мадриде! Андреева вынесла именитую чешку, Рублев отыгрался в безнадежной ситуации

Наши теннисисты творят подвиги на «тысячнике» в столице Испании.