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В понедельник в Литве начинаются одни из крупнейших с момента восстановления Независимости национальных учений «Гром Перкунаса 2024», в

律師鄭鴻威涉詐爆錢藏法官辦公室 北檢:不排除傳喚石姓法官

社會新聞 - 自由時報

律師鄭鴻威涉詐爆錢藏法官辦公室 北檢:不排除傳喚石姓法官


蘇花大清水明隧道冒火!上方緩衝輪胎燃燒 暫停通行

首次上稿 12:07更新時間 12:17 蘇花公路大清水明隧道上方放置的緩衝輪胎,今天上午起火,黑煙沖天從海面上看的一清二楚,明隧道上方的鋼板上次遭落石擊穿。公路局指出,...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

蘇花大清水明隧道冒火!上方緩衝輪胎燃燒 暫停通行

首次上稿 12:07更新時間 12:17 蘇花公路大清水明隧道上方放置的緩衝輪胎,今天上午起火,黑煙沖天從海面上看的一清二楚,明隧道上方的鋼板上次遭落石擊穿。公路局指出,...…

機車卡電桿與護欄間 新北萬里騎士摔落3米深瑪鋉溪床不治

社會新聞 - 自由時報

機車卡電桿與護欄間 新北萬里騎士摔落3米深瑪鋉溪床不治


不要北士科硬被柯市府扯入 鍾小平:元大人壽高層很悶

政治新聞 - 自由時報

不要北士科硬被柯市府扯入 鍾小平:元大人壽高層很悶


國防外交專長被看中 何志偉接任府副秘書長

政治新聞 - 自由時報

國防外交專長被看中 何志偉接任府副秘書長


推國家安全戰略法卻要修反滲透法 綠批藍邏輯錯置

政治新聞 - 自由時報

推國家安全戰略法卻要修反滲透法 綠批藍邏輯錯置


Water in N.W.T.'s Great Slave Lake is now so low, some houseboats won't float

It's another year of extreme low water in many parts of the N.W.T. In Yellowknife, that's become an issue for some who live on houseboats in Yellowknife Bay.
CBC | Canada News

Water in N.W.T.'s Great Slave Lake is now so low, some houseboats won't float

It's another year of extreme low water in many parts of the N.W.T. In Yellowknife, that's become an issue for some who live on houseboats in Yellowknife Bay.

Seime numatoma teikti iniciatyvą įpareigoti bankus teikti paskolas ir su fiksuotomis palūkanomis

Antradienį Seime planuojama teikti Finansų ministerijos parengtą Su nekilnojamuoju turtu susijusio kredito įstatymo bei lydintį įstatymo projektą, kuriuo siūloma, kad kredito įstaigos kiekvienam nekilnojamojo turto (NT) kredito gavėjui privalėtų u

Seime numatoma teikti iniciatyvą įpareigoti bankus teikti paskolas ir su fiksuotomis palūkanomis

Antradienį Seime planuojama teikti Finansų ministerijos parengtą Su nekilnojamuoju turtu susijusio kredito įstatymo bei lydintį įstatymo projektą, kuriuo siūloma, kad kredito įstaigos kiekvienam nekilnojamojo turto (NT) kredito gavėjui privalėtų užtikrinti galimybę pasirinkti palūkanų normos rūšį. Lietuvos banko (LB) duomenimis, praėjusiais metais vidutiniškai tik 3 proc.

Kauno taryba spręs dėl sumažintos taršos zonos ir rinkliavos įvedimo senamiestyje

Kauno savivaldybės tarybai antradienio posėdyje bus teikiamas svarstyti sumažintos taršos zonos senamiestyje projektas, kuriuo siekiama mažinti tranzitinį eismą apmokestinant kai kuriomis gatvėmis važiuojančius automobilius. Pagal tarybos sprendim

Kauno taryba spręs dėl sumažintos taršos zonos ir rinkliavos įvedimo senamiestyje

Kauno savivaldybės tarybai antradienio posėdyje bus teikiamas svarstyti sumažintos taršos zonos senamiestyje projektas, kuriuo siekiama mažinti tranzitinį eismą apmokestinant kai kuriomis gatvėmis važiuojančius automobilius. Pagal tarybos sprendimo projektą, sumažintos taršos zona apima Kauno teritoriją prie Nemuno ir Neries santakos ir ribojasi su Šv. Gertrūdos, Gimnazijos, Birštono gatvėmis bei Karaliaus Mindaugo prospektu.

Logistikos parodoje Rusijoje „TransRussia 2024“ – įmonė iš Lietuvos

Maskvoje kovo 19–21 dienomis vykusioje logistikos parodoje „TransRussia 2024“ dalyvavo lietuviška pervežimų bendrovė „Tersis“, antradienį skelbia portalas „Delfi“. Vilniuje registruota įmonė portalui raštu teigė, kad su Rusija nedirba

Logistikos parodoje Rusijoje „TransRussia 2024“ – įmonė iš Lietuvos

Maskvoje kovo 19–21 dienomis vykusioje logistikos parodoje „TransRussia 2024“ dalyvavo lietuviška pervežimų bendrovė „Tersis“, antradienį skelbia portalas „Delfi“. Vilniuje registruota įmonė portalui raštu teigė, kad su Rusija nedirba, tačiau parodoje susitiko su klientais iš Kinijos, Baltarusijos, Kazachstano ir Kirgizijos. „Delfi“ pateiktais Registrų centro duomenimis, visas „Tersis“ akcijas pernai įsigijo Armenijos pilietis. Bendrovė turi 8 darbuotojus, veikia Vilniuje.

Kanaldeckel vu Bréck geheit: Déidlechen Tëschefall op der Autobunn tëscht Héron an Andenne bei Namur

Geschitt ass den Accident an der Nuecht vun e Freiden op e Samschden. E rumänesche Camionschauffer koum dobäi ëm d'Liewen.
RTL Headlines

Kanaldeckel vu Bréck geheit: Déidlechen Tëschefall op der Autobunn tëscht Héron an Andenne bei Namur

Geschitt ass den Accident an der Nuecht vun e Freiden op e Samschden. E rumänesche Camionschauffer koum dobäi ëm d'Liewen.

Invité vun der Redaktioun (14. Mee): Romain Schroeder, Coordinateur beim Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

En Dënschdeg de Moien ass d'Gefor vun der Desinformatioun Thema an der Emissioun «Invité vun der Redaktioun».
RTL Headlines

Invité vun der Redaktioun (14. Mee): Romain Schroeder, Coordinateur beim Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

En Dënschdeg de Moien ass d'Gefor vun der Desinformatioun Thema an der Emissioun «Invité vun der Redaktioun».

Кабмин подготовит закон о регулировании маркетплейсов

Правительство само сформирует отдельный закон, который будет регулировать маркетплейсы. Как сказано в итоговом докладе Федеральной антимон
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Кабмин подготовит закон о регулировании маркетплейсов

Правительство само сформирует отдельный закон, который будет регулировать маркетплейсы. Как сказано в итоговом докладе Федеральной антимонопольной службы (ФАС) о развитии конкуренции за 2023 год, служба займется разработкой такого проекта совместно с Минпромторгом, Роспотребнадзором, другими ведомствами и организациями. «Известия» ознакомились с документами ФАС.

Экс-жена Билла Гейтса покинет их совместный благотворительный фонд

Бывшая жена основателя Microsoft Билла Гейтса Мелинда Френч покинет их совместный благотворительный фонд. Об этом говорится на сайте организаци
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Экс-жена Билла Гейтса покинет их совместный благотворительный фонд

Бывшая жена основателя Microsoft Билла Гейтса Мелинда Френч покинет их совместный благотворительный фонд. Об этом говорится на сайте организации.

Курс доллара на Мосбирже вырос до 91,36 рубля

МОСКВА, 14 мая. /ТАСС/. Курс доллара к рублю на открытии торгов Московской биржи вырос на 1 копейку по сравнению с уровнем закрытия предыдущих то
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Курс доллара на Мосбирже вырос до 91,36 рубля

МОСКВА, 14 мая. /ТАСС/. Курс доллара к рублю на открытии торгов Московской биржи вырос на 1 копейку по сравнению с уровнем закрытия предыдущих торгов и составил 91,36 рубля.

Кому стоит опасаться проверок Росстата

Проверки Росстата могут создать сложности в том числе и для физических лиц. Рассказываем, кто чаще подвергается проверкам федеральной служб
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Кому стоит опасаться проверок Росстата

Проверки Росстата могут создать сложности в том числе и для физических лиц. Рассказываем, кто чаще подвергается проверкам федеральной службы государственной статистики и какие основные причины их проведения.

Épidémie de grippe : 7 décès enregistrés par l'ARASS

Une épidémie de grippe touche actuellement la Polynésie, après une première vague au début de l'année. Sept décès ont été enregistrés. Face à cette situation, les autorités rappellent l’importance des gestes barrières.

Épidémie de grippe : 7 décès enregistrés par l'ARASS

Une épidémie de grippe touche actuellement la Polynésie, après une première vague au début de l'année. Sept décès ont été enregistrés. Face à cette situation, les autorités rappellent l’importance des gestes barrières.

St Catherine senior citizen missing

Seventy-six-year-old Alvin Marshal of Daytona Avenue, Independence City, St Catherine, has been missing since Saturday. He is of dark complexion, slim build and about 5 feet 5 inches tall. The Caymanas police say Marshal was last...

St Catherine senior citizen missing

Seventy-six-year-old Alvin Marshal of Daytona Avenue, Independence City, St Catherine, has been missing since Saturday. He is of dark complexion, slim build and about 5 feet 5 inches tall. The Caymanas police say Marshal was last...

Met Office corrects 'misleading' social media posts on temperature increase

The Meteorological Service of Jamaica says temperatures this week are expected to be one to two degrees Celsius higher than normal for this time of year, not five degrees higher, as suggested on social media posts. However, it says high humidity,...

Met Office corrects 'misleading' social media posts on temperature increase

The Meteorological Service of Jamaica says temperatures this week are expected to be one to two degrees Celsius higher than normal for this time of year, not five degrees higher, as suggested on social media posts. However, it says high humidity,...

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Sarah Ferguson is in the pink with traditional German wedding frock

When Seamus Makim, aged five, stood beside Prince William as a pageboy at the wedding of his aunt, Sarah Ferguson, he wore a crisp, white sailor suit.
News | Mail Online

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Sarah Ferguson is in the pink with traditional German wedding frock

When Seamus Makim, aged five, stood beside Prince William as a pageboy at the wedding of his aunt, Sarah Ferguson, he wore a crisp, white sailor suit.

「姓名條例修正草案」三讀通過 原住民族可於身分證單列族名

立法院今日三讀通過「姓名條例部分條文修正草案」,條文明定「台灣原住民族依其文化慣俗登記傳統姓名者,得使用原住民族文字」,代表未來原住民可於身分證等文件上單列族名。 三讀條...
政治新聞 - 自由時報

「姓名條例修正草案」三讀通過 原住民族可於身分證單列族名

立法院今日三讀通過「姓名條例部分條文修正草案」,條文明定「台灣原住民族依其文化慣俗登記傳統姓名者,得使用原住民族文字」,代表未來原住民可於身分證等文件上單列族名。 三讀條...…

中國叫囂不准「台灣地區」參加世衛大會! 外交部回嗆:它國無權置喙

政治新聞 - 自由時報

中國叫囂不准「台灣地區」參加世衛大會! 外交部回嗆:它國無權置喙


'Simply unacceptable': India condemns dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza as Israel-Hamas war intensifies

Amid Israel's military action in Gaza against Hamas, India has strongly condemned the civilian deaths in the ongoing conflict and said that the resulting humanitarian crisis in the region is «simply unacceptable.»
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'Simply unacceptable': India condemns dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza as Israel-Hamas war intensifies

Amid Israel's military action in Gaza against Hamas, India has strongly condemned the civilian deaths in the ongoing conflict and said that the resulting humanitarian crisis in the region is «simply unacceptable.»

India vote resumes with Kashmir poised to oppose Modi

India's six-week election resumed Monday including in Kashmir, where voters appeared eager to express discontent with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's cancellation of their disputed territory's semi-autonomy and the security crackdown that followed. Modi remai
Seychelles News Agency

India vote resumes with Kashmir poised to oppose Modi

India's six-week election resumed Monday including in Kashmir, where voters appeared eager to express discontent with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's cancellation of their disputed territory's semi-autonomy and the security crackdown that followed. Modi remains popular across much of India and his Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is widely expected to win the poll when it concludes early next month. But his government's decision in 2019 to bring Kashmir under its direct rule -- and the subsequent clampdown -- have been deeply resented among the region's residents, who voted Monday for the first time since the move. «I voted for changing the current government. It must happen for our children to have a good future,» civil servant Habibullah Parray told AFP. «Everywhere you go in Kashmir today you find people from outside in charge. Everyone wants that to change.» Boycotts called by rebel groups left few Kashmiris willing to participate in past elections, with just over 14 percent of eligible voters in Srinagar casting a ballot during the last national poll in 2019. By the time polls closed on Monday, nearly 36 percent of eligible voters in the constituency had cast a ballot, well below India's average turnout but the highest figure in the constituency in nearly three decades. Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan since their independence in 1947. Both claim it in full and have fought two wars over control of the Himalayan region. Rebel groups opposed to Indian rule have waged an insurgency since 1989 on the side of the frontier controlled by New Delhi, demanding either independence or a merger with Pakistan. India accuses Pakistan of backing the insurgents, a charge that Islamabad denies. The conflict has killed tens of thousands of soldiers, rebels and civilians in the decades since, including a spate of firefights between suspected rebels and security forces in the past month. - 'Referendum' - Violence has dwindled since the Indian portion of the territory was brought under direct rule five years ago, a move that saw the mass arrest of local political leaders and a months-long telecommunications blackout to forestall expected protests. Modi's government says its cancelling of Kashmir's special status has brought «peace and development», and it has consistently claimed the move was supported by Kashmiris. But his party has not fielded any candidates in the Kashmir valley for the first time since 1996, and experts say the BJP would have been roundly defeated if it had. «They would lose, simple as that,» political analyst and historian Sidiq Wahid told AFP last week. For voters, the election was «a referendum in order to voice their disagreement» with the Modi government's actions in Kashmir, he added. The BJP has appealed to voters to instead support smaller and newly created parties that have publicly aligned with Modi's policies. But voters looked set to back one of two established Kashmiri political parties calling for the Modi government's changes to be reversed. Former chief minister Omar Abdullah, whose National Conference party is campaigning for the restoration of Kashmir's special status, said his allies had urged voters to make their feelings known. «The point of view that we want people to send out is that what happened... is not acceptable to them,» he told AFP. Before the changes in 2019, permanent residents in the Muslim-majority territory had enjoyed land and jobs protections. In rural districts outside Srinagar, the region's biggest city, army soldiers patrolled roads in convoys of bulletproof vehicles. Several polling booths around the constituency had more than two dozen paramilitary troops guarding voter queues. - Nearly one billion voters - India's election is conducted in seven phases over six weeks to ease the immense logistical burden of staging the democratic exercise in the world's most populous country. More than 968 million people are eligible to vote in India's election, with the final round of polling on June 1 and results expected three days later. Voter turnout elsewhere in India has so far declined significantly from 2019 to around 66 percent, according to election commission figures. Analysts have blamed widespread expectations that Modi will easily win a third term and hotter-than-average temperatures heading into the summer. India's weather bureau has forecast more hot spells in May and the election commission formed a taskforce last month to review the impact of heat and humidity before each round of voting. © Agence France-Presse

کرسی ریاست وهیات رئیسه مجلس دوازدهم به کدام اشخاص و گروه‌های سیاسی می‌رسد؟

با برگزاری دور دوم انتخابات مجلس دوازدهم جلسات کاندیداهای کرسی های ریاست و هیات رئیسه مجلس با منتخبان راه یافته به مجلس پررنگ تر شده است و گمان
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

کرسی ریاست وهیات رئیسه مجلس دوازدهم به کدام اشخاص و گروه‌های سیاسی می‌رسد؟

با برگزاری دور دوم انتخابات مجلس دوازدهم جلسات کاندیداهای کرسی های ریاست و هیات رئیسه مجلس با منتخبان راه یافته به مجلس پررنگ تر شده است و گمانه زنی ها در مورد اینکه کرسی ریاست به چه کسی می رسد ادامه دارد.

دعوای سرخابی‌ها بر سر تصمیم بنیادی‌فر بالا گرفت!

هواداران استقلال و پرسپولیس بر سر کرنر منجر به گل آبی‌ها به بحث و جدل پرداختند.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

دعوای سرخابی‌ها بر سر تصمیم بنیادی‌فر بالا گرفت!

هواداران استقلال و پرسپولیس بر سر کرنر منجر به گل آبی‌ها به بحث و جدل پرداختند.

این ایثارگران در این ماه افزایش حقوق خواهند داشت

محمود پاکدل معاون مددکاری و مشارکت‌های مردمی بنیاد شهید و امور ایثارگران در خصوص افزایش حقوق سه دسته از ایثارگران گفت: همانطور که در خبر‌ها ن
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

این ایثارگران در این ماه افزایش حقوق خواهند داشت

محمود پاکدل معاون مددکاری و مشارکت‌های مردمی بنیاد شهید و امور ایثارگران در خصوص افزایش حقوق سه دسته از ایثارگران گفت: همانطور که در خبر‌ها نیز اعلام شد: دریافت کنندگان حق پرستاری بنیاد شهید در سال ۱۴۰۳، حقوقشان را در فروردین با افزایش ۳۵ درصدی دریافت کردند.

Tanskan kuningasparin liitto sai syvän särön viime syksynä – julkisuuteen levisivät kuvat, jotka asettivat hovin kiusalliseen tilanteeseen

Kuningas Frederik X ja kuningatar Mary viettävät tiistaina 20-vuotishääpäiväänsä.

Putin toivoo uuden puolustus­ministerin hillitsevän kiusallista ilmiötä asevoimissa

Tähän Putin pyrkii nimittämällä Venäjän puolustusministeriksi miehen, joka ei ole sotilas.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Putin toivoo uuden puolustus­ministerin hillitsevän kiusallista ilmiötä asevoimissa

Tähän Putin pyrkii nimittämällä Venäjän puolustusministeriksi miehen, joka ei ole sotilas.

Linnea eli ilman rinta­liivejä viikon ajan ja pelkäsi muiden katseita – tällainen vaikutus sillä oli

Rintsikattomuus on nyt todella trendikästä. Kauneustoimittaja kokeili, miltä liivitön elämä tuntuu ja miten se vaikuttaa tyyliin ja kehosuhteeseen.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Linnea eli ilman rinta­liivejä viikon ajan ja pelkäsi muiden katseita – tällainen vaikutus sillä oli

Rintsikattomuus on nyt todella trendikästä. Kauneustoimittaja kokeili, miltä liivitön elämä tuntuu ja miten se vaikuttaa tyyliin ja kehosuhteeseen.