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 اسلام آباد: پاکستان تحریک انصاف (پی ٹی آئی) نے بانی چئیرمین عمران خان کی ہدایت پر9 مئی 2024 کو احتجاج کا پلان ترتیب دے دیا۔ سیکریٹری جنرل پی ٹی آئ

Päivän horoskooppi sunnuntaina 19.5.

Joku saa sinut nyt näkemään punaista, skorpioni. Me Naisten päivän horoskooppi kertoo, mitä tähdet lupaavat tälle päivälle kullekin horoskooppimerkille.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Päivän horoskooppi sunnuntaina 19.5.

Joku saa sinut nyt näkemään punaista, skorpioni. Me Naisten päivän horoskooppi kertoo, mitä tähdet lupaavat tälle päivälle kullekin horoskooppimerkille.

Taiwanin uusi presidentti toivoi «rationaalista» keskustelua parlamentin ajauduttua kaaokseen: mitä tekee Kiina?

Taiwanin ulkoministeri vertaa maataan jo Ukrainaan.

تظاهرة لعائلات الأسرى الإسرائيليين بغزة أمام مكتب نتنياهو في القدس المحتلة خلال اجتماع مجلس الحرب


Wildlife center to explore caves in Saudi Arabia’s north

RIYADH: Teams from Saudi Arabia’s National Center for Wildlife will begin examining various caves in the Northern Borders region as part of the Caves Exploration Program, which began in 2022. It comes as part of a larger program that monitors ecosystems a
Saudi Arabia

Wildlife center to explore caves in Saudi Arabia’s north

RIYADH: Teams from Saudi Arabia’s National Center for Wildlife will begin examining various caves in the Northern Borders region as part of the Caves Exploration Program, which began in 2022. It comes as part of a larger program that monitors ecosystems and biodiversity throughout the Kingdom. These sites will be added to an international map of biodiversity and natural heritage hotspots as historical ecosystems and natural biological museums.

Tears of joy as American reunites with Saudi family after 40 years

JEDDAH: A four-decade long search has finally led to the heartwarming reunion of an US citizen with his Saudi family, putting an end to a painful era full of longing and searches that had long promised to end in disappointment. Two-year-old Eid Alsumani, no
Saudi Arabia

Tears of joy as American reunites with Saudi family after 40 years

JEDDAH: A four-decade long search has finally led to the heartwarming reunion of an US citizen with his Saudi family, putting an end to a painful era full of longing and searches that had long promised to end in disappointment. Two-year-old Eid Alsumani, now 42, and his older brother’s American mother cut ties with the family for reasons that have not been revealed to the public. She had met Saud Alsumani when he was a student in the US, after which they married and had two sons.

Jeddah university opens maritime studies to women

RIYADH: Jeddah’s King Abdulaziz University will enroll women in its maritime studies programs for the first time, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday. The university will set up a dedicated agency for female students within the maritime studies fa
Saudi Arabia

Jeddah university opens maritime studies to women

RIYADH: Jeddah’s King Abdulaziz University will enroll women in its maritime studies programs for the first time, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday. The university will set up a dedicated agency for female students within the maritime studies faculty as part of an initiative that aligns with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which encourages Saudi women to enter new professions, and aims to expand research and study opportunities in this field.

Saudi environment and water minister heads Kingdom’s delegation at World Water Forum

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Abdulrahman Al-Fadhli, is heading the Kingdom’s delegation participating in the 10th World Water Forum in Bali and will attend the high-level session, on behalf of Crown Prince Mohamme
Saudi Arabia

Saudi environment and water minister heads Kingdom’s delegation at World Water Forum

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Abdulrahman Al-Fadhli, is heading the Kingdom’s delegation participating in the 10th World Water Forum in Bali and will attend the high-level session, on behalf of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The forum, inaugurated by Indonesian President Joko Widodo, kicked off Saturday and runs until May 25, with heads of state and government, ministers and officials from 180 countries, and 250 international organizations attending.

Greece’s prime minister receives MWL chief in Athens

RIYADH: Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis received the secretary-general of the Muslim World League on Tuesday in Athens, the Saudi Press Agency reported. During the meeting, Mitsotakis and Mohammed Al-Issa discussed a number of topics of common inter
Saudi Arabia

Greece’s prime minister receives MWL chief in Athens

RIYADH: Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis received the secretary-general of the Muslim World League on Tuesday in Athens, the Saudi Press Agency reported. During the meeting, Mitsotakis and Mohammed Al-Issa discussed a number of topics of common interest.

민주당 국회의장단 후보 선출 완료…국힘, 부의장 경쟁 불붙나

더불어민주당의 22대 국회 전반기 국회의장·부의장 후보로 우원식·이학영 의원이 선출되면서 국민의힘 몫의 국회부의장에도 관심이 쏠리고 있다.19일 국민의힘 안팎에 따르면 22대 전반기 국민의
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

민주당 국회의장단 후보 선출 완료…국힘, 부의장 경쟁 불붙나

더불어민주당의 22대 국회 전반기 국회의장·부의장 후보로 우원식·이학영 의원이 선출되면서 국민의힘 몫의 국회부의장에도 관심이 쏠리고 있다.19일 국민의힘 안팎에 따르면 22대 전반기 국민의힘 소속 국회부의장에 4~6선의 여러 의원이 거론되고 있다.통상적으로 국회의장과 부의장은 선수를 우선으로 해왔지만 22대 국회를 기점으로 이 같은 관행은 무너진 것으로 보인다. 국민의힘에선 복수의 후보가 출마하면 경선으로 선출하는 데 단독 후보일 경우 추대 형식으로 진행된다. 당내 최다선인 6선의 조경태 의원은 공개적으로 부의장직 도전 의사를 밝혔다. 같은 6선인 주호영 의원 역시 출마를 고려하고 있는 것으로 전해졌다.특히 민주당 국회의장 경선에서 6선의 추미애 당선인이 아닌 5선의 우 의원이 선출되고, 4선의 이학영 의원이 부의장 후보가 됨에 따라 국민의힘에서도 4선 부의장으로 급을 맞춰야 한다는 주장이 나오고 있다.국민의힘의 4선(김도읍·김상훈·김태호·박대출·박덕흠·안철수·윤영석·윤재옥·이종배·

누가 이준석 뒤 이을까…개혁신당 오늘 당대표 선출

개혁신당 차기 지도부가 19일 결정된다. 개혁신당은 이날 오후 2시 국회의원회관에서 전당대회를 열고 새 당대표와 최고위원을 선출한다.개혁신당 전당대회에는 전성균·천강정·이기인·허은아·
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

누가 이준석 뒤 이을까…개혁신당 오늘 당대표 선출

개혁신당 차기 지도부가 19일 결정된다. 개혁신당은 이날 오후 2시 국회의원회관에서 전당대회를 열고 새 당대표와 최고위원을 선출한다.개혁신당 전당대회에는 전성균·천강정·이기인·허은아·조대원(기호순) 후보가 출사표를 던진 가운데 이기인·허은아 양강 구도로 좁혀진 상황이다. 이 후보와 허 후보 모두 지난해 국민의힘 전당대회에 출마했던 천아용인(천하람·허은아·김용태·이기인) 멤버다.앞서 개혁신당은 충청권과 호남·제주권, 영남권 순회 경선에서 대학생과 기자단 투표 결과를 공개했다. 이 후보가 96표(대학생 82표, 기자단 14표), 허 후보가 90표(대학생 68표, 기자단 22표)를 얻어 1, 2위를 다투고 있다.이날 오전 서울·경기·인천·강원 권역별 토론회를 마지막으로 진행한 뒤 당원투표, 여론조사를 종합해 최종 결과를 발표한다.당원투표 50%·여론조사 25%·지역 대학생 투표 20%·언론인 투표 5%를 종합해 1위 후보가 당대표가 되고 2~4위 후보는 최고위원이 된다.대학생 지지도가 높

한동훈 “개인 직구시 KC인증 의무화, 과도한 규제…재고해야”

정부가 KC 인증(국가통합인증마크)이 없는 제품에 대한 해외 직접구매(직구) 금지 조치를 내린 데 대해 국민의힘 한동훈 전 비상대책위원장이 ‘과도한 규제’라고 지적했다. 한 전 위원장이 사회
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

한동훈 “개인 직구시 KC인증 의무화, 과도한 규제…재고해야”

정부가 KC 인증(국가통합인증마크)이 없는 제품에 대한 해외 직접구매(직구) 금지 조치를 내린 데 대해 국민의힘 한동훈 전 비상대책위원장이 ‘과도한 규제’라고 지적했다. 한 전 위원장이 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 공개 발언한 것은 지난달 11일 사퇴한 이후 두 번째다. 정부 정책 현안에 대한 언급은 이번이 처음이다. 한 전 위원장은 지난 18일 자신의 페이스북에 “해외직구는 이미 연간 6.7조 원을 넘을 정도로 국민들이 애용하고 있다”며 “개인 해외직구시 KC 인증 의무화 규제는 소비자의 선택권을 지나치게 제한하므로 재고돼야 한다”고 올렸다. 이어 “국내 소비자 보호를 위해 제품의 안전을 꼼꼼히 챙기는 것은 정부의 당연한 책무”라며 “그러나 5월 16일 (정부) 발표처럼 개인의 해외직구시 KC 인증을 의무화할 경우, 적용범위와 방식이 모호하고 지나치게 넓어져 과도한 규제가 될 것”이라고 우려했다. 그러면서 “우리 정부는 규제를 과감히 혁파하고, 공정한 경쟁과 선택권을 보장하는 정부”라고 했다. 최

محمد صلاح يكشف أسرارا عن علاقته بكلوب.. نهاية رحلة جميلة في ليفربول

ودع النجم المصري محمد صلاح بمدربه يورغن كلوب، بكلمات رائعة ومؤثرة وذلك رغم سوء التفاهم الذي جمع بين الطرفين منذ أيام More...

محمد صلاح يكشف أسرارا عن علاقته بكلوب.. نهاية رحلة جميلة في ليفربول

ودع النجم المصري محمد صلاح بمدربه يورغن كلوب، بكلمات رائعة ومؤثرة وذلك رغم سوء التفاهم الذي جمع بين الطرفين منذ أيام More...

نجمة «قفال» ثانية تلمع على شراع سفينة «حشيم 199»

عانق طاقم السفينة «حشيم 199» لمالكها سمو الشيخ زايد بن حمدان بن زايد آل نهيان، وبقيادة النوخذة حسن المرزوقي، لقب النسخة More...

نجمة «قفال» ثانية تلمع على شراع سفينة «حشيم 199»

عانق طاقم السفينة «حشيم 199» لمالكها سمو الشيخ زايد بن حمدان بن زايد آل نهيان، وبقيادة النوخذة حسن المرزوقي، لقب النسخة More...

نتيجة مباراة الأهلي المصري والترجي في نهائي دوري أبطال إفريقيا

انتهت مباراة الأهلي ضد الترجي التونسي في ذهاب الدور النهائي لبطولة دوري أبطال إفريقيا، والتي أقيمت على ملعب رادس More...

نتيجة مباراة الأهلي المصري والترجي في نهائي دوري أبطال إفريقيا

انتهت مباراة الأهلي ضد الترجي التونسي في ذهاب الدور النهائي لبطولة دوري أبطال إفريقيا، والتي أقيمت على ملعب رادس More...

有成精密董座 不倫事業夥伴妻 受害男:還捏造強索2億和解金

社會新聞 - 自由時報

有成精密董座 不倫事業夥伴妻 受害男:還捏造強索2億和解金


捲走鉅款潛逃中國 詐團幹部黑吃黑 妻疑遭小弟殺害

社會新聞 - 自由時報

捲走鉅款潛逃中國 詐團幹部黑吃黑 妻疑遭小弟殺害

〔記者劉慶侯/台北報導〕住在台北市吳興街的張姓婦人,本月三日被發現在住處遭棉被覆蓋臥床,但背部遭人亂刀砍殺死亡,警方原本鎖定是涉入詐欺案遭通緝逃逸的陳姓丈夫所為,但深入追查後,研判全案是一宗詐團黑吃黑衍生的冷血殘殺命案! 水房總務轉匯贓款 不知去向 陳男是詐團水房總務,疑捲走贓款潛逃中國…


社會新聞 - 自由時報


彰化縣日前傳出在公園有人用打火機燒小孩衣服,引起警方高度重視,經過追查後了解,原來是學生之間的惡作劇,但學生返家不敢說出實情,只好對家長說謊,未來和美警方也會加強公園巡邏。 ...…

«Порту» в матче за бронзовые медали чемпионата Португалии обыграл «Брагу»

«Порту» в последнем туре чемпионата Португалии в гостях обыграл «Брагу». Подробнее…
Спорт -

«Порту» в матче за бронзовые медали чемпионата Португалии обыграл «Брагу»

«Порту» в последнем туре чемпионата Португалии в гостях обыграл «Брагу». Подробнее…

Grève des contrôleurs aériens : des perturbations de vols attendues tout le week-end

La compagnie domestique Air Tahiti annonce que 1 800 passagers seront impactés par la grève des contrôleurs aériens le week-end de la Pentecôte.

Grève des contrôleurs aériens : des perturbations de vols attendues tout le week-end

La compagnie domestique Air Tahiti annonce que 1 800 passagers seront impactés par la grève des contrôleurs aériens le week-end de la Pentecôte.

Ministry defends excavator hire process amid Opposition’s conflict of interest claims

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU), through the Public Works Department (PWD), has made it clear that the hiring of a 30-tonne (T) excavator on the island of Pentecost has followed the procurement process to maintain roads in… - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Ministry defends excavator hire process amid Opposition’s conflict of interest claims

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU), through the Public Works Department (PWD), has made it clear that the hiring of a 30-tonne (T) excavator on the island of Pentecost has followed the procurement process to maintain roads in…

Chief Justice cracks down on last-minute lawyer delays

With the workload of the Court of Appeal (COA) on the rise, Chief Justice (CJ) Vincent Lunabek has stressed the need for parties and their lawyers to be ready to present their cases at the appointed times. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Chief Justice cracks down on last-minute lawyer delays

With the workload of the Court of Appeal (COA) on the rise, Chief Justice (CJ) Vincent Lunabek has stressed the need for parties and their lawyers to be ready to present their cases at the appointed times.

VT300 Million annual revenue expected from two new Tugboats

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU) has forecasted that the two tugboats, Capel and Kioloa, will generate approximately VT300 million annually starting from 2025. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

VT300 Million annual revenue expected from two new Tugboats

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities (MIPU) has forecasted that the two tugboats, Capel and Kioloa, will generate approximately VT300 million annually starting from 2025.

Air Vanuatu owes VNPF and BRED Bank close to VT2B

The Minister of Finance has confirmed that Air Vanuatu Operations Limited (AVOL) has a debt of VT1.1 billion from the Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) and around VT690 million from BRED Bank. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Air Vanuatu owes VNPF and BRED Bank close to VT2B

The Minister of Finance has confirmed that Air Vanuatu Operations Limited (AVOL) has a debt of VT1.1 billion from the Vanuatu National Provident Fund (VNPF) and around VT690 million from BRED Bank.

Air Vanuatu Owes VT2.4 Billion to Critical Creditors

A confidential document obtained by the Vanuatu Daily Post reveals that Air Vanuatu Operations Limited (AVOL) owes VT2,448,982,754 to critical creditors for shareholders to pay. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Air Vanuatu Owes VT2.4 Billion to Critical Creditors

A confidential document obtained by the Vanuatu Daily Post reveals that Air Vanuatu Operations Limited (AVOL) owes VT2,448,982,754 to critical creditors for shareholders to pay.

Lawyer preparation suggests Trump won’t testify in New York trial

Discussions that the judge had with lawyers in recent days indicate that Trump is not likely to be one of the witnesses called by the defense team.
Post Politics

Lawyer preparation suggests Trump won’t testify in New York trial

Discussions that the judge had with lawyers in recent days indicate that Trump is not likely to be one of the witnesses called by the defense team.

В «Бешикташе» сообщили о переговорах с Жозе Моуринью

Вице-президент стамбульского «Бешикташа» Хусейн Юсель рассказал о переговорах с португальским тренером Жозе Моуринью.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

В «Бешикташе» сообщили о переговорах с Жозе Моуринью

Вице-президент стамбульского «Бешикташа» Хусейн Юсель рассказал о переговорах с португальским тренером Жозе Моуринью.

Развязка десятилетия! Нас ждет золотой матч «Краснодар» — «Динамо»

Впервые за 10 лет календарь свел двух претендентов на золото в последнем туре.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Развязка десятилетия! Нас ждет золотой матч «Краснодар» — «Динамо»

Впервые за 10 лет календарь свел двух претендентов на золото в последнем туре.

Джей Опетая вернул пояс чемпиона мира по боксу в первом тяжелом весе

Австралийский боксер Джей Опетая победил латвийца Майриса Бриедиса в титульном поединке на турнире в Эр-Рияде (Саудовская Аравия), передает
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Джей Опетая вернул пояс чемпиона мира по боксу в первом тяжелом весе

Австралийский боксер Джей Опетая победил латвийца Майриса Бриедиса в титульном поединке на турнире в Эр-Рияде (Саудовская Аравия), передает корреспондент NUR.KZ.

Cobreloa igualó ante Deportes Iquique en un disputado encuentro

En el marco de la fecha 13 del Campeonato Nacional, Cobreloa rescató un empate 2-2 ante Deportes Iquique en un disputado encuentro en el Estadio Zorros del Desierto. Diego Fernández (8’) y Alvaro Ramos (43’) adelantaron a los “dragones” pero al 74

Cobreloa igualó ante Deportes Iquique en un disputado encuentro

En el marco de la fecha 13 del Campeonato Nacional, Cobreloa rescató un empate 2-2 ante Deportes Iquique en un disputado encuentro en el Estadio Zorros del Desierto. Diego Fernández (8’) y Alvaro Ramos (43’) adelantaron a los “dragones” pero al 74’ llegó un autogol de Daniel Sappa (74’) y Cristián Insaurralde de penal al 79’ puso la igualdad definitiva.

Tourist exchanges between Russia, North Korea gain traction — minister

Russian Natural Resources and Environment Minister Alexander Kozlov also said that the Moscow Zoo and ballet dancers recently paid a visit to North Korea

Tourist exchanges between Russia, North Korea gain traction — minister

Russian Natural Resources and Environment Minister Alexander Kozlov also said that the Moscow Zoo and ballet dancers recently paid a visit to North Korea

Preparations for Putin’s visit to DPRK ongoing — Kremlin spokesman

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un invited the Russian President to visit his country when he traveled to Russia in September

Preparations for Putin’s visit to DPRK ongoing — Kremlin spokesman

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un invited the Russian President to visit his country when he traveled to Russia in September

Russian forces cut off ammunition supplies to Ukrainian forces in Volchansk — lawmaker

Viktor Vodolatsky also said the liberation of Staritsa would make it possible to reduce to a minimum and later completely remove the threat of bombardments for the Belgorod Region

Russian forces cut off ammunition supplies to Ukrainian forces in Volchansk — lawmaker

Viktor Vodolatsky also said the liberation of Staritsa would make it possible to reduce to a minimum and later completely remove the threat of bombardments for the Belgorod Region