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陳麗珠/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕中國半導體受到美國聯手盟友圍堵,許多企業撐不住紛紛收攤,去年高達上萬家晶片公司關門大吉,平均每天倒 31 家。今年依舊慘不忍睹,中國IP設計新

Destacan a tres universidades chilenas entre las mejores del mundo

La Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile se posicionó por primera vez dentro de las 100 mejores universidades del mundo.

Destacan a tres universidades chilenas entre las mejores del mundo

La Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile se posicionó por primera vez dentro de las 100 mejores universidades del mundo.

Senapred no descartó afectación por lluvias derivadas de ciclón extratropical

La mezcla de precipitaciones y caída de nieve podría generar deslizamientos en las zonas afectadas. Sin embargo, desde la DGAC realizaron un llamado a la tranquilidad ante este fenómeno.

Senapred no descartó afectación por lluvias derivadas de ciclón extratropical

La mezcla de precipitaciones y caída de nieve podría generar deslizamientos en las zonas afectadas. Sin embargo, desde la DGAC realizaron un llamado a la tranquilidad ante este fenómeno.

«Quedan en ridículo ustedes»: Boric se rio de detractores que le gritaron «merluzo»

Hasta la ciudad de Arica viajó este martes el Presidente Gabriel Boric para inaugurar el primer centro comunitario de cuidados del país, en el marco del programa Chile Cuida. Durante la ceremonia, el Mandatario respondió a un grupo de personas que comenz

«Quedan en ridículo ustedes»: Boric se rio de detractores que le gritaron «merluzo»

Hasta la ciudad de Arica viajó este martes el Presidente Gabriel Boric para inaugurar el primer centro comunitario de cuidados del país, en el marco del programa Chile Cuida. Durante la ceremonia, el Mandatario respondió a un grupo de personas que comenzó a gritarle «merluzo», un apodo usado para denostarlo y que se ha propagado en redes sociales entre sus críticos. «Les cuento que me da mucha risa eso de 'merluzo', porque quedan mucho más en ridículo ustedes que yo cuando dicen ese nombre», aseguró. 

Milei quiere incorporar IA de Google a sus reformas para eficientar al Estado

El presidente argentino dijo que la semana pasada, en su viaje a EE.UU., conversó con la gigante tecnológica, que tiene un módulo de Inteligencia Artificial útil para ese fin.

Milei quiere incorporar IA de Google a sus reformas para eficientar al Estado

El presidente argentino dijo que la semana pasada, en su viaje a EE.UU., conversó con la gigante tecnológica, que tiene un módulo de Inteligencia Artificial útil para ese fin.

Центр кибербезопасности МТС прошел аттестацию ОАЦ

Центр кибербезопасности МТС стал частью Национальной системы обеспечения кибербезопасности в Республике Беларусь. Ее создание предусмотр

Центр кибербезопасности МТС прошел аттестацию ОАЦ

Центр кибербезопасности МТС стал частью Национальной системы обеспечения кибербезопасности в Республике Беларусь. Ее создание предусмотрено Указом №40 от 14 февраля 2023 г.

警抓「單手騎車」撞攤26歲男 單親媽翻出「逆轉證據」仍敗訴

社會新聞 - 自由時報

警抓「單手騎車」撞攤26歲男 單親媽翻出「逆轉證據」仍敗訴


情敵相約談判破裂 嫌雙手各持斧頭法器砍人判囚

情敵相約在海產店談判破裂,張姓男子雙手各持金屬製斧頭法器攻砍人,潘男則丟擲鐵椅反擊,雙雙掛彩互控傷害,高雄高分院判決張男徒刑1年6月,潘則為正當防衛,判決無罪定讞。  檢...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

情敵相約談判破裂 嫌雙手各持斧頭法器砍人判囚

情敵相約在海產店談判破裂,張姓男子雙手各持金屬製斧頭法器攻砍人,潘男則丟擲鐵椅反擊,雙雙掛彩互控傷害,高雄高分院判決張男徒刑1年6月,潘則為正當防衛,判決無罪定讞。  檢...…

和女友吵完架 醋男偷拍她裸照和哥們分享洩憤

社會新聞 - 自由時報

和女友吵完架 醋男偷拍她裸照和哥們分享洩憤


Grenadian government tables legislation increasing compulsory school age

ST GEORGE'S, Grenada, CMC – The Grenadian government has successfully tabled legislation amending the Education Act to increase to 17 years, the compulsory school age that had previously been from five to 16 years. The measure goes into...

Grenadian government tables legislation increasing compulsory school age

ST GEORGE'S, Grenada, CMC – The Grenadian government has successfully tabled legislation amending the Education Act to increase to 17 years, the compulsory school age that had previously been from five to 16 years. The measure goes into...

CXC reverses decision to cut some certifications

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has reversed its decision to discontinue certification of certain subjects after consultation with regional ministers of education.  Dr Wayne Wesley, Registrar and CEO of CXC told The Gleaner that the...

CXC reverses decision to cut some certifications

The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has reversed its decision to discontinue certification of certain subjects after consultation with regional ministers of education.  Dr Wayne Wesley, Registrar and CEO of CXC told The Gleaner that the...

Policeman charged with corruption to return to court November 21

A St Catherine-based policeman who allegedly corruptly solicited money from a motorist was granted $700,000 bail when he appeared in court on Tuesday. The accused is Constable Wayne Mathews of the Bog Walk Police Station in the St Catherine North...

Policeman charged with corruption to return to court November 21

A St Catherine-based policeman who allegedly corruptly solicited money from a motorist was granted $700,000 bail when he appeared in court on Tuesday. The accused is Constable Wayne Mathews of the Bog Walk Police Station in the St Catherine North...

JUTC to pay nearly $6 million to engineer injured in bus crash

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) is to pay $5.8 million to a motorcyclist who was hit and injured by one of its buses in 2018.

JUTC to pay nearly $6 million to engineer injured in bus crash

The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) is to pay $5.8 million to a motorcyclist who was hit and injured by one of its buses in 2018.

Flooding maroons students and teachers at Baxter's Mountain Primary in St Mary

Dozens of teachers and students are now marooned at the Baxter’s Mountain Primary School in Annotto Bay, St Mary, as torrential rainfall continues to impact several communities in the parish.

Flooding maroons students and teachers at Baxter's Mountain Primary in St Mary

Dozens of teachers and students are now marooned at the Baxter’s Mountain Primary School in Annotto Bay, St Mary, as torrential rainfall continues to impact several communities in the parish.

1분기 성장률 1.3%…수출·건설투자 회복

올해 1분기 우리나라 경제가 1.3% 성장했다. 2021년 4분기(1.4%) 이후 최고치로 8분기째 이어지던 분기 ‘0%대’ 성장률을 깼다. 수출 개선세가 이어지는 가운데 민간소비와 건설투자를 중심으로 내수
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

1분기 성장률 1.3%…수출·건설투자 회복

올해 1분기 우리나라 경제가 1.3% 성장했다. 2021년 4분기(1.4%) 이후 최고치로 8분기째 이어지던 분기 ‘0%대’ 성장률을 깼다. 수출 개선세가 이어지는 가운데 민간소비와 건설투자를 중심으로 내수도 반등했다. 전체 국민이 국내외에서 벌어들인 모든 소득을 합한 실질 국민총소득(GNI)는 2.4% 증가했다. 한국은행이 5일 발표한 ‘2024년 1분기 및 연간 국민소득(잠정)’에 따르면 우리나라의 올해 1분기 실질 GDP 잠정치는 1.3% 증가했다. 지난 4월 발표된 속보치와 동일하다. 전년 동기 대비 성장률은 5.8%로 나타났다. 속보치 추계시 반영하지 못한 통계를 추가한 결과 민간소비(-0.1%포인트), 설비투자(-1.2%포인트) 등은 낮아진 반면, 건설투자(+0.7%포인트), 수출(+0.9%포인트) 등은 상향됐다. GDP는 2022년 4분기 -0.4%를 기록해 2년 6개월 만에 마이너스를 기록했지만 지난해 1분기 0.3%로 반등했다. 이어 2분기와 3분기 각각 0.6%씩 성장한 바 있다

Palankiai vertinamas kandidatas į kariuomenės vadus Vaikšnoras – kas jis?

Prezidentas į kariuomenės vado postą, pasak jo patarėjų, siūlys brigados generolo Raimundo Vaikšnoro kandidatūrą. Ji šiuo metu derinama su Seimo frakcijomis ir tik po šių procedūrų bus teikiama oficialiai. Seimo frakcijos teigia su kandidatais d
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Palankiai vertinamas kandidatas į kariuomenės vadus Vaikšnoras – kas jis?

Prezidentas į kariuomenės vado postą, pasak jo patarėjų, siūlys brigados generolo Raimundo Vaikšnoro kandidatūrą. Ji šiuo metu derinama su Seimo frakcijomis ir tik po šių procedūrų bus teikiama oficialiai. Seimo frakcijos teigia su kandidatais dar nebuvo susitikusios, tačiau R. Vaikšnoro kandidatūra vertinama palankiai. Brigados generolas R. Vaikšnoras šiuo metu eina sąjungininkų pajėgų Europoje vyriausiosios vadavietės štabo viršininko pavaduotojo kariniam rengimui pareigas.

Brudd i forhandlingene mellom NHO Luftfart og IEFLT – partene må til Riksmekleren

IEamp;FLT har brutt forhandlingene med NHO Luftfart på trafikkavtalen for ansatte i offshore-helikopterbransjen, opplyser forbundet.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Brudd i forhandlingene mellom NHO Luftfart og IEFLT – partene må til Riksmekleren

IEamp;FLT har brutt forhandlingene med NHO Luftfart på trafikkavtalen for ansatte i offshore-helikopterbransjen, opplyser forbundet.

Paralysie des activités d’importation et exportation à la douane de Kasindi

Les activités d’importation et d’exportation ont été paralysées lundi 3 juin matin au poste frontalier de Kasindi-Lubiriha, dans le territoire de Beni. Des manutentionnaires ont manifesté en brûlant des pneus sur les grandes artères de la cité, po
Radio Okapi

Paralysie des activités d’importation et exportation à la douane de Kasindi

Les activités d’importation et d’exportation ont été paralysées lundi 3 juin matin au poste frontalier de Kasindi-Lubiriha, dans le territoire de Beni. Des manutentionnaires ont manifesté en brûlant des pneus sur les grandes artères de la cité, pour protester contre une éventuelle délocalisation d’un marché de poisson salé du poste frontalier de Kasindi vers l’Ouganda voisin.

Kasaï-Oriental : les activités paralysées à Kena Kuna lors des obsèques d’un homme tué par balle

Des habitants de Kena Kuna dans le territoire de Kabeya-Kamuanga ont paralysé mardi 3 juin les activités dans cette cité, pendant les obsèques d’un cadre de la sous-division de l’Enseignement primaire, secondaire et technique (EPST). Selon des source
Radio Okapi

Kasaï-Oriental : les activités paralysées à Kena Kuna lors des obsèques d’un homme tué par balle

Des habitants de Kena Kuna dans le territoire de Kabeya-Kamuanga ont paralysé mardi 3 juin les activités dans cette cité, pendant les obsèques d’un cadre de la sous-division de l’Enseignement primaire, secondaire et technique (EPST). Selon des sources locales, cet agent, âgé d’environ trente ans, a été tué par une balle perdue la nuit de lundi à ce mardi près du marché de Kena Kuna, lors d’une altercation entre des marchands.

Éliminatoires Mondial 2026: les Léopards de la RDC bien arrivés à Dakar

L'équipe nationale sénior masculine de la RDC est bien arrivée ce mardi 4 juin à Dakar, en prévision du match de la 3e journée des éliminatoires du Mondial 2026 contre le Sénégal. Le groupe de Sébastien Desabre est désormais constitué de 25 joueur
Radio Okapi

Éliminatoires Mondial 2026: les Léopards de la RDC bien arrivés à Dakar

L'équipe nationale sénior masculine de la RDC est bien arrivée ce mardi 4 juin à Dakar, en prévision du match de la 3e journée des éliminatoires du Mondial 2026 contre le Sénégal. Le groupe de Sébastien Desabre est désormais constitué de 25 joueurs, avec l'arrivée de Dylan Batubinsika peu avant le déjeuner. Les fauves congolais sont déterminés à faire mieux face aux Lions de la Terranga le jeudi 6 juin.

Украинцы с двойным гражданством больше не смогут выехать из Украины

Посольство США советует своим гражданам, которые также имеющим украинское гражданство, воздержаться от поездок в Украину.
Последние новости на сайте

Украинцы с двойным гражданством больше не смогут выехать из Украины

Посольство США советует своим гражданам, которые также имеющим украинское гражданство, воздержаться от поездок в Украину.

Djokovic 'amat sedih' tarik diri Terbuka Perancis

PARIS: Novak Djokovic menarik diri daripada Terbuka Perancis lewat malam tadi menjelang aksi suku akhir menentang Casper Ruud kerana kecederaan lutut dialaminya pada pusingan terdahulu.
BH Online - Terkini

Djokovic 'amat sedih' tarik diri Terbuka Perancis

PARIS: Novak Djokovic menarik diri daripada Terbuka Perancis lewat malam tadi menjelang aksi suku akhir menentang Casper Ruud kerana kecederaan lutut dialaminya pada pusingan terdahulu.

Mereka buat saya tidak gembira di PSG - Mbappe

METZ, Perancis: Penyerang Real Madrid, Kylian Mbappe berkata semalam «ada benda dan orang yang membuatkan saya tidak gembira» di Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) sebelum dia menandatangani kontrak lima tahun bersama kelab Sepanyol itu.
BH Online - Terkini

Mereka buat saya tidak gembira di PSG - Mbappe

METZ, Perancis: Penyerang Real Madrid, Kylian Mbappe berkata semalam «ada benda dan orang yang membuatkan saya tidak gembira» di Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) sebelum dia menandatangani kontrak lima tahun bersama kelab Sepanyol itu.

Hierro sertai Al-Nassr sebagai pengarah sukan

RIYADH: Bekas pemain Real Madrid dan Sepanyol, Fernando Hierro akan menjadi pengarah sukan baharu Al-Nassr, menurut kelab Liga Pro Saudi itu lewat malam tadi.
BH Online - Terkini

Hierro sertai Al-Nassr sebagai pengarah sukan

RIYADH: Bekas pemain Real Madrid dan Sepanyol, Fernando Hierro akan menjadi pengarah sukan baharu Al-Nassr, menurut kelab Liga Pro Saudi itu lewat malam tadi.

Saudi cabinet confirms completion of Hajj preparations

RIYADH: The Saudi cabinet on Tuesday reassured King Salman of the completion of preparations and arrangements for this year’s Hajj season, Saudi Press Agency reported.  The king was briefed on the efforts and projects of various government agencies to
Saudi Arabia

Saudi cabinet confirms completion of Hajj preparations

RIYADH: The Saudi cabinet on Tuesday reassured King Salman of the completion of preparations and arrangements for this year’s Hajj season, Saudi Press Agency reported.  The king was briefed on the efforts and projects of various government agencies to increase the comfort and well-being of pilgrims, as well as their capabilities. He expressed Saudi Arabia’s pride in serving the two holy mosques and their visitors, SPA said.

Riyadh conference to mark 3 decades of Saudi Conjoined Twins Separation Program

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center will host an international conference in Riyadh on Nov. 24-25 marking three decades of the Saudi Conjoined Twins Separation Program. The pioneering initiative, which has treated 135 con
Saudi Arabia

Riyadh conference to mark 3 decades of Saudi Conjoined Twins Separation Program

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center will host an international conference in Riyadh on Nov. 24-25 marking three decades of the Saudi Conjoined Twins Separation Program. The pioneering initiative, which has treated 135 conjoined twins from 25 countries since launching in 1990, demonstrates the Kingdom’s excellence in complex medical care.

Saudi FM receives telephone call from Azerbaijan counterpart

RIYADH: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan received a phone call from his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov on Tuesday, Saudi Press Agency reported.  During the call, the ministers reviewed bilateral relations and ways to enhance and de
Saudi Arabia

Saudi FM receives telephone call from Azerbaijan counterpart

RIYADH: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan received a phone call from his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov on Tuesday, Saudi Press Agency reported.  During the call, the ministers reviewed bilateral relations and ways to enhance and develop them. Developments and topics of common interest were also discussed. 

Saudi FM discusses US proposal for Gaza ceasefire with Blinken

RIYADH: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan discussed a US proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza with Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday. US President Joe Biden outlined a ceasefire proposal for the war in Gaza on Friday. The offer calls f
Saudi Arabia

Saudi FM discusses US proposal for Gaza ceasefire with Blinken

RIYADH: Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan discussed a US proposal for a ceasefire in Gaza with Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday. US President Joe Biden outlined a ceasefire proposal for the war in Gaza on Friday. The offer calls for a ceasefire, the release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and the reconstruction of Gaza. During a phone call, the two officials also discussed developments in Sudan, Saudi Press Agency reported. 

Hajj weather expected to be extremely hot this year

MAKKAH: The Saudi National Center for Meteorology announced on Tuesday that this year’s Hajj weather at the holy sites is expected to be extremely hot with strong surface winds during the day, which may cause dust and sandstorms at times, especially in ope
Saudi Arabia

Hajj weather expected to be extremely hot this year

MAKKAH: The Saudi National Center for Meteorology announced on Tuesday that this year’s Hajj weather at the holy sites is expected to be extremely hot with strong surface winds during the day, which may cause dust and sandstorms at times, especially in open areas and on the highways. Ayman bin Salem Ghulam,  the CEO of the NCM, told a press conference in Makkah that maximum temperatures at the holy sites were expected to reach between 45 C to 48 C in the afternoons.

결막염인줄 알았는데 오래가네…실명도 초래하는 ‘이병’

눈에 염증이 생기는 질환으로 결막염과 증상이 비슷한 포도막염은 합병증을 유발해 심할 경우 실명에 이를 수 있어 각별한 주의가 필요하다. 5일 의료계에 따르면 결막염과 포도막염은 염증이
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 IT/의학 뉴스

결막염인줄 알았는데 오래가네…실명도 초래하는 ‘이병’

눈에 염증이 생기는 질환으로 결막염과 증상이 비슷한 포도막염은 합병증을 유발해 심할 경우 실명에 이를 수 있어 각별한 주의가 필요하다. 5일 의료계에 따르면 결막염과 포도막염은 염증이 생기는 부위가 다르며, 결막염은 눈을 외부에서 감싸고 있는 조직인 투명한 결막에 생긴 염증성 질환이다. 결막에 염증이 생기게 되면 눈이 충혈되고 눈물 증가, 붓기 등의 증상이 나타난다. 우리 눈은 몇 겹의 막으로 둘러싸인 구조다. 포도막은 안구의 중간에 있는 막으로 홍채, 섬모체, 맥락막으로 구성돼 있다. 포도막염은 포도막에 발생한 염증을 의미하지만, 인접 조직인 망막, 유리체, 각막의 염증이 동반되고 2차적으로 염증이 퍼질 수 있어 일반적으로 안구내에 발생하는 염증을 포도막염이라고 부른다. 일반적인 유행성 결막염은 눈 이물감, 가려움증, 통증, 충혈 등이 발생한다. 포도막염에서도 통증, 충혈, 눈부심이 발생할 수 있지만 이물감과 가려움증은 거의 없다. 충혈 양상도 결막염에서는 흰자위 전반에 발생하지만, 포도막염

По питерскому счету: объем контрактов на ПМЭФ может достичь 5 трлн рублей

О чем будут дискутировать участники 27-го форума.
Бизнес - Mail.Ru