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La statua sarà sistemata tra la Porta di Damasco e la Porta Nuova appena finirà il conflitto israelo-palestinese

[속보]합참 “北, 어제부터 오물풍선 330여개 살포”

북한이 8일부터 9일 오전 10시까지 오물 풍선 330여 개를 남쪽으로 날려 보낸 것으로 파악됐다고 합동참모본부가 밝혔다.합참에 따르면 현재까지 식별된 오물 풍선 330여 개 중 우리 지역에 낙하된
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

[속보]합참 “北, 어제부터 오물풍선 330여개 살포”

북한이 8일부터 9일 오전 10시까지 오물 풍선 330여 개를 남쪽으로 날려 보낸 것으로 파악됐다고 합동참모본부가 밝혔다.합참에 따르면 현재까지 식별된 오물 풍선 330여 개 중 우리 지역에 낙하된 오물 풍선은 80여 개로 집계됐다. 풍선의 내용물은 폐지, 비닐 등의 쓰레기로 파악됐다. 안전에 위해되는 물질은 없었던 것으로 조사됐다.우리 군은 북한의 추가 오물풍선 부양에 대비하고 있다. 합참은 “우리 군은 행정안전부, 국토교통부, 경찰청 등 유관 기관과 정보를 공유하며 국민 안전을 최우선으로 고려해 조치 중”이라며 “국민께서는 적재물 낙하에 주의하시기 바라며 떨어진 풍선을 발견하시면 접촉하지 마시고 가까운 군부대나 경찰에 신고해주실 것을 다시한번 당부드린다”고 했다.

삼성, 유럽 스마트폰 시장 1위…‘AI폰’ 인기로 갤럭시S 출하량 58%↑

삼성전자가 지난 1분기 유럽 스마트폰 시장에서 점유율 1위를 차지했다는 조사 결과가 나왔다. 첫 온디바이스 인공지능(AI) 기능을 선보인 갤럭시 S24 시리즈와 갤럭시 A 시리즈 등 중저가 스마트폰
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

삼성, 유럽 스마트폰 시장 1위…‘AI폰’ 인기로 갤럭시S 출하량 58%↑

삼성전자가 지난 1분기 유럽 스마트폰 시장에서 점유율 1위를 차지했다는 조사 결과가 나왔다. 첫 온디바이스 인공지능(AI) 기능을 선보인 갤럭시 S24 시리즈와 갤럭시 A 시리즈 등 중저가 스마트폰이 인기를 끈 덕분이다.8일(현지시각) 글로벌 시장조사기관 카날리스에 따르면 삼성전자는 지난 1분기 유럽 스마트폰 시장에서 출하량 1210만대를 기록하며 37% 점유율로 1위에 올랐다. 출하량은 전년 동기 대비 2% 늘었다.이 기관은 삼성전자 1분기 성과에 대해 갤럭시 AI를 강조한 대규모 마케팅 투자 등의 영향이 컸다고 설명했다. 삼성전자는 갤럭시 S24 시리즈를 통해 인터넷 연결 없이도 통화 중 실시간으로 통역 기능을 제공하는 ‘라이브 통역 콜’과 화면 위에 간단한 동작만 하면 이미지 내 정보를 검색할 수 있는 ‘서클 투 서치’ 등을 공개하며 주목받았다.그 결과 1분기 갤럭시 S 시리즈 유럽 출하량은 전년 동기 대비 58% 증가한 430만대를 기록했다. 이 중 울트라 모델 출하량은 16

Bursa Malaysia dijangka didagang dalam jajaran 1,610 hingga 1,630 minggu depan

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 Jun (Bernama) – Indeks Komposit (CI) Bursa Malaysia dijangka berada dalam jajaran kecil dengan kecenderungan meningkat minggu depan, bergerak dalam julat 1,610 hingga 1,630 mata.
BH Online - Terkini

Bursa Malaysia dijangka didagang dalam jajaran 1,610 hingga 1,630 minggu depan

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 Jun (Bernama) – Indeks Komposit (CI) Bursa Malaysia dijangka berada dalam jajaran kecil dengan kecenderungan meningkat minggu depan, bergerak dalam julat 1,610 hingga 1,630 mata.

Bomba Selangor giat padam 8 lagi kontena masih terbakar

KLANG: Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Selangor giat meneruskan operasi memadam lapan daripada 14 kontena yang terbakar di Pelabuhan Barat, Pulau Indah di sini, semalam.
BH Online - Terkini

Bomba Selangor giat padam 8 lagi kontena masih terbakar

KLANG: Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia (JBPM) Selangor giat meneruskan operasi memadam lapan daripada 14 kontena yang terbakar di Pelabuhan Barat, Pulau Indah di sini, semalam.

Ukraine fully governed, sponsored by West — Russian security official

Dmitry Medvedev also said that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz should repent before Ukrainians for «for his lies about imminent victory,» for «devoting Ukrainians to destruction» and for «the revival of Nazism»

Ukraine fully governed, sponsored by West — Russian security official

Dmitry Medvedev also said that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz should repent before Ukrainians for «for his lies about imminent victory,» for «devoting Ukrainians to destruction» and for «the revival of Nazism»

Sandu’s government braces for war - Moldovan ex-president

Igor Dodon fears that Maia Sandu and her policies are similar to measures earlier taken by Ukraine, and this may result in a military conflict

Sandu’s government braces for war - Moldovan ex-president

Igor Dodon fears that Maia Sandu and her policies are similar to measures earlier taken by Ukraine, and this may result in a military conflict

شاهد بالفيديو.. الناشط صلاح سندالة لسكان ولاية الجزيرة: (لو جوكم “الدعامة” قولوا لهم جاهزية سرعة جغم ولو جوكم ناس الجيش قولوا لهم جيش واحد شعب واحد)

نشر الناشط السوداني الشهير صلاح سندالة, مقطع فيديو حديث عبر حسابه على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي فيسبوك. فقد طالب سندالة, خلال حديثه مواطني وسكان
شبكة سودافاكس

شاهد بالفيديو.. الناشط صلاح سندالة لسكان ولاية الجزيرة: (لو جوكم “الدعامة” قولوا لهم جاهزية سرعة جغم ولو جوكم ناس الجيش قولوا لهم جيش واحد شعب واحد)

نشر الناشط السوداني الشهير صلاح سندالة, مقطع فيديو حديث عبر حسابه على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي فيسبوك. فقد طالب سندالة, خلال حديثه مواطني وسكان قرى ولاية الجزيرة بالابتعاد عن الحرب الدائرة الآن بين الجيش والدعم السريع. وقال الناشط المثير للجدل لسكان الجزيرة: (لو جوكم “الدعامة” قولوا لهم جاهزية سرعة جغم ولو جوكم ناس الجيش قولوا لهم … سودافاكس

منتخب الشباب ينهي معسكره الداخلي ويعلن القائمة النهائية للمشاركة ببطولة غرب آسيا

أعلن الجهاز الفني والإداري للمنتخب الوطني للشباب، اختيار قائمة لاعبيه النهائية المشاركة في بطولة غرب آسيا الرابعة والتي ستقام في السعودية نه
موقع الصحوة نت الاخباري

منتخب الشباب ينهي معسكره الداخلي ويعلن القائمة النهائية للمشاركة ببطولة غرب آسيا

أعلن الجهاز الفني والإداري للمنتخب الوطني للشباب، اختيار قائمة لاعبيه النهائية المشاركة في بطولة غرب آسيا الرابعة والتي ستقام في السعودية نهاية يونيو المقبل. وجاء اختيار القائمة النهائية المكونة من 23 لاعبا، بعد اختتام المعسكر التدريبي الداخلي لمنتخب الشباب بمحافظة أبين جنوب اليمن. وخاض المنتخب ال

Tak perlu pecat Ten Hag - Van Gaal

MANCHESTER: Louis van Gaal menggesa Manchester United untuk mengekalkan Erik ten Hag - tetapi mengakui pengendali itu sendiri menjejaskan masa depannya di Old Trafford.
BH Online - Terkini

Tak perlu pecat Ten Hag - Van Gaal

MANCHESTER: Louis van Gaal menggesa Manchester United untuk mengekalkan Erik ten Hag - tetapi mengakui pengendali itu sendiri menjejaskan masa depannya di Old Trafford.

MAHB, Lapangan terbang Henan tingkat saling-hubungan kargo Malaysia-China

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) telah memeterai memorandum persefahaman (MOU) dengan China Henan Aviation Group Co Ltd (CHAGC) untuk meningkatkan ketersambungan kargo udara serta logistik antara Malaysia dan China.
BH Online - Terkini

MAHB, Lapangan terbang Henan tingkat saling-hubungan kargo Malaysia-China

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) telah memeterai memorandum persefahaman (MOU) dengan China Henan Aviation Group Co Ltd (CHAGC) untuk meningkatkan ketersambungan kargo udara serta logistik antara Malaysia dan China.

Dua maut, 37 cedera kemalangan babitkan bas persiaran, treler

ROMPIN: Dua maut manakala 37 lagi cedera dalam kemalangan membabitkan bas persiaran dan treler di Jalan Kuantan-Segamat berhampiran simpang tiga Bahau di sini, awal pagi tadi.
BH Online - Terkini

Dua maut, 37 cedera kemalangan babitkan bas persiaran, treler

ROMPIN: Dua maut manakala 37 lagi cedera dalam kemalangan membabitkan bas persiaran dan treler di Jalan Kuantan-Segamat berhampiran simpang tiga Bahau di sini, awal pagi tadi.

'Signalling fault': No train service at Punggol and Sengkang LRT on Sunday morning

SINGAPORE — A signalling fault has resulted in the unavailability of train services at the Punggol and Sengkang LRT stations since 5.45am on June 9, said train operator SBS Transit in an X post. «We are repairing it and will update when service resum

'Signalling fault': No train service at Punggol and Sengkang LRT on Sunday morning

SINGAPORE — A signalling fault has resulted in the unavailability of train services at the Punggol and Sengkang LRT stations since 5.45am on June 9, said train operator SBS Transit in an X post. «We are repairing it and will update when service resumes. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused,» SBS Transit said in a follow-up post at 6.15am. It added that free regular and bridging bus services available at designated bus stops near affected stations and at Sengkang Bus Interchange. Affected passengers can follow directional signs or approach station staff to find the boarding points for these bus services. No fares will be deducted if passengers exit from affected LRT stations, the train operator said. More information can also be found on the SBS Transit app under the Alternative Transport Option or the Land Transport Authority's My Transport app and under the Find My Way tab.

Singapore's greatest baby drought: Rising share of women staying single is a major reason

SINGAPORE — The growing share of women remaining single is one major reason for Singapore's longstanding baby drought, with the resident total fertility rate (TFR) falling to below one in 2023 for the first time in Singapore's history. A Department of Sta

Singapore's greatest baby drought: Rising share of women staying single is a major reason

SINGAPORE — The growing share of women remaining single is one major reason for Singapore's longstanding baby drought, with the resident total fertility rate (TFR) falling to below one in 2023 for the first time in Singapore's history. A Department of Statistics (DOS) analysis of the factors behind the falling TFR found that the drop in the TFR between 2005 and 2023 was due to a decline in the proportion of married women, which offset slight increases in the fertility rate of married women. The analysis, published in the DOS newsletter in May, comes after Singapore's resident TFR fell to 0.97 in 2023 — which is among the lowest in the world. The TFR refers to the average number of babies each woman would have during her reproductive years. If more Singaporeans remain unwed, what this means is that Singapore's TFR is likely to continue to fall, said the academics who study population issues.

5 مبادرات لدعم وتمويل المبدعين الإماراتيين

كشفت وزارة الثقافة عن أنها تعتزم دراسة تطوير بيئة الأعمال للأفراد العاملين في الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية، بما قد يشمل More...

5 مبادرات لدعم وتمويل المبدعين الإماراتيين

كشفت وزارة الثقافة عن أنها تعتزم دراسة تطوير بيئة الأعمال للأفراد العاملين في الصناعات الثقافية والإبداعية، بما قد يشمل More...

6 إجراءات لضمان سلامة الأطفال داخل السيارات

حددت هيئة الوقاية والسلامة في الشارقة، ستة إجراءات لسلامة الأطفال داخل السيارات، لاسيما مع ارتفاع درجات الحرارة خلال More...

6 إجراءات لضمان سلامة الأطفال داخل السيارات

حددت هيئة الوقاية والسلامة في الشارقة، ستة إجراءات لسلامة الأطفال داخل السيارات، لاسيما مع ارتفاع درجات الحرارة خلال More...

عبدالله بن زايد: تصنيف الجامعات مهم لتعزيز تنافسية الدولة

ترأس سمو الشيخ عبدالله بن زايد آل نهيان، وزير الخارجية، رئيس مجلس التعليم والموارد البشرية، الاجتماع الدوري للمجلس، More...

عبدالله بن زايد: تصنيف الجامعات مهم لتعزيز تنافسية الدولة

ترأس سمو الشيخ عبدالله بن زايد آل نهيان، وزير الخارجية، رئيس مجلس التعليم والموارد البشرية، الاجتماع الدوري للمجلس، More...

Melania Trump offers a rare smile in New York after a Facebook post rocked husband's 'hush money' conviction - as it's revealed the staggering figure Donald raised in one night in America's most liberal city

Former first lady Melania Trump left Trump Tower alone on Saturday morning and traveled to 15 Central Park West in Manhattan, staying about two-and-a-half hours.
News | Mail Online

Melania Trump offers a rare smile in New York after a Facebook post rocked husband's 'hush money' conviction - as it's revealed the staggering figure Donald raised in one night in America's most liberal city

Former first lady Melania Trump left Trump Tower alone on Saturday morning and traveled to 15 Central Park West in Manhattan, staying about two-and-a-half hours.

Charles Spencer reveals 'immensely sad' divorce from third wife who he met on blind date - amid strain of writing harrowing memoir

The couple announced their pending divorce to staff at Althorp, the Spencer family estate in Northamptonshire, in March.
News | Mail Online

Charles Spencer reveals 'immensely sad' divorce from third wife who he met on blind date - amid strain of writing harrowing memoir

The couple announced their pending divorce to staff at Althorp, the Spencer family estate in Northamptonshire, in March.

Evil mother who abused her baby son Tony Hudgell so horrifically he had to have both his legs amputated is back in jail after 'having a fling with a sex offender'

Tony Hudgell, now nine, suffered multiple injuries, organ failure and sepsis at the hands of his mother, Jody Simpson and her partner Anthony Smith when he was just six weeks old.
News | Mail Online

Evil mother who abused her baby son Tony Hudgell so horrifically he had to have both his legs amputated is back in jail after 'having a fling with a sex offender'

Tony Hudgell, now nine, suffered multiple injuries, organ failure and sepsis at the hands of his mother, Jody Simpson and her partner Anthony Smith when he was just six weeks old.

Horror as four people including girl, 11, are rushed to hospital after fairground ride 'fails' and sends people 'flying through the air' at Lambeth Country Show in London - with children 'crying' and one person left with their face 'covered in blood'

Four people have been rushed to hospital after a fairground ride 'failed' and sent people 'flying through the air' at Lambeth Country Show in London. 

Conservatives face election wipeout with Labour set to gain a 416 majority that could see Rishi Sunak LOSING his seat and the Tories being left with just 39 MPs, shock Mail on Sunday poll reveals

Labour is heading for a majority of 416 in an election result which would prove cataclysmic for the Tory Party, according to a new Mail on Sunday poll.
News | Mail Online

Conservatives face election wipeout with Labour set to gain a 416 majority that could see Rishi Sunak LOSING his seat and the Tories being left with just 39 MPs, shock Mail on Sunday poll reveals

Labour is heading for a majority of 416 in an election result which would prove cataclysmic for the Tory Party, according to a new Mail on Sunday poll.

대통령실, 北 오물풍선 살포에 9일 오전 NSC 개최

대통령실은 9일 오전 국가안전보장회의(NSC)를 개최하고 북한의 오물풍선 살포 대응에 나선다.대통령실은 이날 오전 NSC를 통해 전날 북한이 엿새 만에 오물풍선 살포를 감행한 것에 대한 대응 방
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

대통령실, 北 오물풍선 살포에 9일 오전 NSC 개최

대통령실은 9일 오전 국가안전보장회의(NSC)를 개최하고 북한의 오물풍선 살포 대응에 나선다.대통령실은 이날 오전 NSC를 통해 전날 북한이 엿새 만에 오물풍선 살포를 감행한 것에 대한 대응 방안 등을 논의한다.앞서 합동참모본부는 8일 오후 “북한이 대남 오물풍선(추정)을 다시 부양하고 있다”라며 “현재 풍향이 남서풍으로 경기북부에서 동쪽지역으로 이동 중에 있으며 야간 중 풍향이 북서풍 계열로 예보돼 있어 남쪽 방향으로 이동할 수 있다”라고 밝혔다북한은 지난 2일 국방성 담화를 통해 오물풍선 살포 중단을 선언하면서 남측에서 대북전단이 살포된다면 오물풍선 살포를 재개하겠다고 밝힌 바 있다. 지난 6일부터 남측 민간단체들은 대북전단, 남측 가수들의 노래 및 영상이 담긴 USB, 쌀 등을 북한으로 날려보냈다. 정부는 오물풍선을 비롯한 북한의 잇단 도발에 지난 3일 NSC 실무조정회의를 개최, 9·19 군사합의 전체 효력을 정지하기로 했다. 정부는 4일 국무회의에서 9·19 군사합의 전부

인천서 북한 오물풍선 관련 신고 5건…인명피해 없어

인천에서 북한이 날린 대남 풍선 관련 신고가 잇따랐다.9일 인천소방본부에 따르면 전날 밤부터 이날 새벽까지 대남 풍선 관련 신고는 모두 5건이 119에 접수됐다.전날 오후 10시 54분쯤 인천 서구
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

인천서 북한 오물풍선 관련 신고 5건…인명피해 없어

인천에서 북한이 날린 대남 풍선 관련 신고가 잇따랐다.9일 인천소방본부에 따르면 전날 밤부터 이날 새벽까지 대남 풍선 관련 신고는 모두 5건이 119에 접수됐다.전날 오후 10시 54분쯤 인천 서구 마전동 검단고등학교 인근에 대남 풍선이 떨어졌다는 신고를 소방 당국이 처음 접수했다.신고를 받고 출동한 소방대원들은 안전 조치를 한 뒤 경찰과 군 당국에 대남 풍선을 인계했다.9일 오전 4시 19분에는 중구 중산동 해안가에 대남 풍선이 떨어졌다. 오전 5시 32분에는 미추홀구 학익동 빌라 옥상에서도 유사한 대남 풍선이 발견됐다.이어 오전 7시 22분에는 강화군 삼산면 석모리에서, 7시 46분에는 서구 경서동에서 대남풍선이 발견됐다. 다행히 현재까지 인명 피해나 재산 피해는 없는 것으로 집계됐다.인천시는 전날 오후 11시 14분쯤 발송한 재난 문자를 통해 “북한이 대남 오물 풍선을 다시 부양하고 있으니 낙하물에 주의해야 한다”며 “오물 풍선을 발견하면 접근하지 말고 군부대나 경찰에 신고해

Israeli forces killed hundreds in hostage rescue operation – Gaza authorities

At least 210 Palestinians were killed as the IDF pounded central Gaza with airstrikes during a hostage rescue mission on Saturday Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Israeli forces killed hundreds in hostage rescue operation – Gaza authorities

At least 210 Palestinians were killed as the IDF pounded central Gaza with airstrikes during a hostage rescue mission on Saturday Read Full Article at

‘Stop playing with fire’ on Ukraine – German left-wing icon (VIDEO)

Germany is helping escalate the Ukraine conflict by allowing Kiev to strike deep into Russia, Sahra Wagenknecht has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

‘Stop playing with fire’ on Ukraine – German left-wing icon (VIDEO)

Germany is helping escalate the Ukraine conflict by allowing Kiev to strike deep into Russia, Sahra Wagenknecht has said Read Full Article at

West only cares about itself – Zakharova to RT

The West only cares about itself while ingoing the suffering it inflicts upon others, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

West only cares about itself – Zakharova to RT

The West only cares about itself while ingoing the suffering it inflicts upon others, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman has said Read Full Article at

Rescued Russian hostage hugs Israel’s Netanyahu (VIDEO)

Russian citizen Andrey Kozlov has thanked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his rescue from Hamas captivity Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Rescued Russian hostage hugs Israel’s Netanyahu (VIDEO)

Russian citizen Andrey Kozlov has thanked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his rescue from Hamas captivity Read Full Article at

Former leading voice for Malay/Muslim community in Singapore Majlis Pusat Singapura ordered to shut

SINGAPORE — Majlis Pusat Singapura, a society that was once a leading voice for the Malay/Muslim community here, has been ordered by the courts to shutter and have its assets liquidated after it failed to settle debts of close to $400,000. A notice gazette

Former leading voice for Malay/Muslim community in Singapore Majlis Pusat Singapura ordered to shut

SINGAPORE — Majlis Pusat Singapura, a society that was once a leading voice for the Malay/Muslim community here, has been ordered by the courts to shutter and have its assets liquidated after it failed to settle debts of close to $400,000. A notice gazetted on June 3 said RSM Corporate Advisory had been appointed as the liquidator, following an order by the High Court for the society to be wound up. The court issued the order on May 20 in favour of an application filed by Siti Hasmah Adam, the director of Three Aces — a company engaged by Majlis Pusat to operate a childcare centre between 2015 and 2020. According to court documents, Siti had claimed more than $228,000 for payments owed to her over the contractual period, as well as over $135,000 for fees for legal and arbitral proceedings, among other things. The dissolution of Majlis Pusat brings to an end a 55-year-old organisation that rallied the Malay/Muslim community in the uncertain years following independence. Formed in 1969, it was originally an umbrella organisation of more than 30 Malay/Muslim organisations, whose goal was to advocate for the Malay community here.