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Актер кино и телевидения, продюсер, режиссер и сценарист Гаэтано ди Вайо погиб в 56 лет. Он получил несовместимые с жизнью травмы, упав со скуте

MLB》用球數創旅美新高!今永昇太7局好投奪第7勝 重回防禦率榜第三

廖志軒/核稿編輯 小熊日籍強投今永昇太今天先發登板對戰同區勁敵紅雀,繳出7局6K失1分的優質先發,用球數103球創生涯單場新高,小熊終場以5:1大勝,今永也奪下本季第7勝。...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》用球數創旅美新高!今永昇太7局好投奪第7勝 重回防禦率榜第三

廖志軒/核稿編輯 小熊日籍強投今永昇太今天先發登板對戰同區勁敵紅雀,繳出7局6K失1分的優質先發,用球數103球創生涯單場新高,小熊終場以5:1大勝,今永也奪下本季第7勝。...…


廖志軒/核稿編輯 洋基塞揚王牌柯爾(Gerrit Cole)昨日在復健賽大展K功,先發4.1局飆10K失1分。柯爾賽後受訪坦言,感覺很棒,很期待能夠盡快歸隊。 柯爾在春...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


廖志軒/核稿編輯 洋基塞揚王牌柯爾(Gerrit Cole)昨日在復健賽大展K功,先發4.1局飆10K失1分。柯爾賽後受訪坦言,感覺很棒,很期待能夠盡快歸隊。 柯爾在春...…

MLB》打瘋了!前道奇36歲重砲猛夯雙響+5打席全上壘 率大都會4連勝

體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》打瘋了!前道奇36歲重砲猛夯雙響+5打席全上壘 率大都會4連勝


الرياضي اللبناني يُتوّج بلقب «أبطال آسيا للسلة» في دبي

تُوّج، يوم أمس، فريق الرياضي اللبناني، بطلاً للنسخة الأولى لدوري أبطال آسيا لكرة السلة، عقب فوزه على صاحب الضيافة شباب More...

الرياضي اللبناني يُتوّج بلقب «أبطال آسيا للسلة» في دبي

تُوّج، يوم أمس، فريق الرياضي اللبناني، بطلاً للنسخة الأولى لدوري أبطال آسيا لكرة السلة، عقب فوزه على صاحب الضيافة شباب More...

إنجلترا في امتحان أوروبي صعب أمام صربيا

يستهل المنتخب الإنجليزي مشواره بكأس أوروبا 2024 في كرة القدم في ألمانيا اليوم، برداء المرشّح لإحراز لقب قاري أوّل في More...

إنجلترا في امتحان أوروبي صعب أمام صربيا

يستهل المنتخب الإنجليزي مشواره بكأس أوروبا 2024 في كرة القدم في ألمانيا اليوم، برداء المرشّح لإحراز لقب قاري أوّل في More...

فريق البطائح للصالات يختار البوسنة لإقامة معسكر تدريبي

اختار نادي البطائح العاصمة البوسنية سراييفو مكاناً لإقامة المعسكر التدريبي الخاص بفريق الصالات، وذلك استعداداً لمنافسات More...

فريق البطائح للصالات يختار البوسنة لإقامة معسكر تدريبي

اختار نادي البطائح العاصمة البوسنية سراييفو مكاناً لإقامة المعسكر التدريبي الخاص بفريق الصالات، وذلك استعداداً لمنافسات More...

Mann i 40-årene til sykehus etter knivstikking i Oslo sentrum

En mann i 40-årene ble lørdag kveld sendt til sykehus etter å ha blitt knivstukket i Oslo sentrum. To menn i 20-årene er pågrepet av politiet.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Mann i 40-årene til sykehus etter knivstikking i Oslo sentrum

En mann i 40-årene ble lørdag kveld sendt til sykehus etter å ha blitt knivstukket i Oslo sentrum. To menn i 20-årene er pågrepet av politiet.

Bilfører til sykehus etter utforkjøring i Steigen

En mann i 30-årene er sendt med redningshelikopter til sykehus i Bodø etter en utforkjøring på fylkesvei 835 i Steigen i Salten i Nordland lørdag kveld.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Bilfører til sykehus etter utforkjøring i Steigen

En mann i 30-årene er sendt med redningshelikopter til sykehus i Bodø etter en utforkjøring på fylkesvei 835 i Steigen i Salten i Nordland lørdag kveld.

Mann i 20-årene drept på Karmøy – video spredt på Snapchat

En mann i midten av 20-årene er død etter en voldshendelse i Åkrehamn på Karmøy. En annen mann i 20-årene er pågrepet og siktet for drap.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Mann i 20-årene drept på Karmøy – video spredt på Snapchat

En mann i midten av 20-årene er død etter en voldshendelse i Åkrehamn på Karmøy. En annen mann i 20-årene er pågrepet og siktet for drap.

Hajj pilgrims arrive in Arafat, attend annual sermon

ARAFAT: Amid strict security and health measures, this year’s Hajj pilgrims arrived in Arafat early Saturday morning, the ninth day of Dul Hijjah, and attended the annual Hajj sermon at Namirah Mosque. As the sun rose, pilgrims camping in the tent city o
Saudi Arabia

Hajj pilgrims arrive in Arafat, attend annual sermon

ARAFAT: Amid strict security and health measures, this year’s Hajj pilgrims arrived in Arafat early Saturday morning, the ninth day of Dul Hijjah, and attended the annual Hajj sermon at Namirah Mosque. As the sun rose, pilgrims camping in the tent city of Mina performed dawn prayers, then began their journey to Arafat, where Prophet Muhammad gave his final sermon more than 144 decades ago. On Saturday, one could hear nothing louder than the crowd chanting supplications.

Arafat sermon translated into 37 international languages

ARAFAT: The General Authority for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque translated the Arafat Day sermon on Saturday into 37 international languages, including live translation into 20 and non-simultaneous translation into 17 further lang
Saudi Arabia

Arafat sermon translated into 37 international languages

ARAFAT: The General Authority for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque translated the Arafat Day sermon on Saturday into 37 international languages, including live translation into 20 and non-simultaneous translation into 17 further languages. This allowed Muslims to follow the sermon through the Al-Haramain platform, the authority’s YouTube channel, the Nusuk platform, and FM radio frequencies in the Arafat region.

King Salman, crown prince exchange Eid Al-Adha cables with leaders of Islamic countries

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday received cables of congratulations from leaders of Islamic countries on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, which begins on Monday, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The king and c
Saudi Arabia

King Salman, crown prince exchange Eid Al-Adha cables with leaders of Islamic countries

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Saturday received cables of congratulations from leaders of Islamic countries on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, which begins on Monday, the Saudi Press Agency reported. The king and crown prince sent messages of thanks to the leaders for their congratulatory cables. Hajj pilgrims arrived in Arafat early Saturday morning, the ninth day of Dul Hijjah, and attended the annual Hajj sermon at Namirah Mosque.

Ukraine peace process will need compromise, says Saudi foreign minister

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said on Saturday that any credible peace talks on the war in Ukraine will need Russia’s participation and that it would involve “difficult compromise.” Prince Faisal was speaking at a
Saudi Arabia

Ukraine peace process will need compromise, says Saudi foreign minister

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said on Saturday that any credible peace talks on the war in Ukraine will need Russia’s participation and that it would involve “difficult compromise.” Prince Faisal was speaking at a conference in Switzerland aimed at engineering a peace between Russia and Ukraine and he added that Saudi Arabia was committed to helping to bring an end to the conflict.

25 arrested for violating Hajj regulations

ARAFAT: The Saudi Ministry of Interior has said that Hajj security forces have apprehended 25 individuals at the entrances to Makkah for violating Hajj regulations and instructions, including performing rituals without a permit. The individuals include seven
Saudi Arabia

25 arrested for violating Hajj regulations

ARAFAT: The Saudi Ministry of Interior has said that Hajj security forces have apprehended 25 individuals at the entrances to Makkah for violating Hajj regulations and instructions, including performing rituals without a permit. The individuals include seven expatriates and 18 citizens, who were transporting 103 violators.

В Вильнюсе подорожало дизельное топливо, в Риге и Таллине цены на топливо снижаются


Vendedores ambulantes agredieron a dos carabineras en Providencia

Los sujetos propinaron golpes de puño a una, y provocaron una torcedura a la segunda, cuando intentaba detenerlos. Ambos comerciantes fueron arrestados y tienen antecedentes policiales.

Vendedores ambulantes agredieron a dos carabineras en Providencia

Los sujetos propinaron golpes de puño a una, y provocaron una torcedura a la segunda, cuando intentaba detenerlos. Ambos comerciantes fueron arrestados y tienen antecedentes policiales.

Пентагон не стал отрицать сообщение о дискредитации им китайских вакцин от COVID-19

Министерство обороны США не стало отрицать сообщение агентства Reuters о проведении американскими военными кампании по дискредитации китайс
В мире - Рамблер

Пентагон не стал отрицать сообщение о дискредитации им китайских вакцин от COVID-19

Министерство обороны США не стало отрицать сообщение агентства Reuters о проведении американскими военными кампании по дискредитации китайских вакцин от COVID-19 и заявило, что противодействует КНР в информационном пространстве.

1.5 تريليون درهم ودائع «فوق 20 مليوناً»

استحوذت الودائع ذات الحجم الكبير (أكثر من 20 مليون درهم) على النصيب الأكبر من إجمالي الودائع في القطاع المصرفي في More...

1.5 تريليون درهم ودائع «فوق 20 مليوناً»

استحوذت الودائع ذات الحجم الكبير (أكثر من 20 مليون درهم) على النصيب الأكبر من إجمالي الودائع في القطاع المصرفي في More...

الجهات التنظيمية الاتحادية تدعم «مجمع تنمية الغذاء ووفرة المياه»

أعلنت دائرة التنمية الاقتصادية - أبوظبي، ومكتب أبوظبي للاستثمار، توقيع اتفاقيات مع الجهات التنظيمية الاتحادية في الدولة More...

الجهات التنظيمية الاتحادية تدعم «مجمع تنمية الغذاء ووفرة المياه»

أعلنت دائرة التنمية الاقتصادية - أبوظبي، ومكتب أبوظبي للاستثمار، توقيع اتفاقيات مع الجهات التنظيمية الاتحادية في الدولة More...

NWC urges proper disposal of waste as influx of garbage affects Darling Street Wastewater Plant

The National Water Commission (NWC) says operations at the Darling Street Wastewater Plant in Kingston have been impacted by an influx of garbage which has damaged one of its pumps. The NWC says it's currently repairing the pump and work...

NWC urges proper disposal of waste as influx of garbage affects Darling Street Wastewater Plant

The National Water Commission (NWC) says operations at the Darling Street Wastewater Plant in Kingston have been impacted by an influx of garbage which has damaged one of its pumps. The NWC says it's currently repairing the pump and work...

Dancehall artiste, another man charged for alleged lottery scamming

The Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA) has arrested and charged 29-year-old dancehall artiste Tevin Parker, popularly known as Big$en, and 29-year-old Rajae Stewart for their alleged involvement in lottery scamming. MOCA...

Dancehall artiste, another man charged for alleged lottery scamming

The Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Agency (MOCA) has arrested and charged 29-year-old dancehall artiste Tevin Parker, popularly known as Big$en, and 29-year-old Rajae Stewart for their alleged involvement in lottery scamming. MOCA...

역전-역전-역전-역전-역전-역전…‘엘롯라시코’ 역대 최다 기록 경신! [데이터 비키니]

지금까지 이런 ‘엘롯라시코’는 없었습니다.LG와 롯데는 15일 프로야구 잠실 경기에서 역전에 역전에 역전에 역전에 역전에 역전을 거듭하며 4시간 55분 동안 대결을 벌였습니다.그리고 롯데가 1-
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

역전-역전-역전-역전-역전-역전…‘엘롯라시코’ 역대 최다 기록 경신! [데이터 비키니]

지금까지 이런 ‘엘롯라시코’는 없었습니다.LG와 롯데는 15일 프로야구 잠실 경기에서 역전에 역전에 역전에 역전에 역전에 역전을 거듭하며 4시간 55분 동안 대결을 벌였습니다.그리고 롯데가 1-0 → 1-2 → 3-2 → 3-4 → 5-4 → 6-7 → 8-7로 이어진 승부 끝에 9-8로 승리를 거뒀습니다.롯데는 이날 승리로 29승 2무 36패(승률 0.446)가 되면서 한화(29승 2무 37패·승률 0.439)를 밀어내고 7위로 순위를 한 계단 끌어올렸습니다.한국언론진흥재단에서 제공하는 기사 검색 서비스 ‘빅카인즈’