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民進黨宜蘭縣黨部第20屆主委改選3搶1,今天下午投票結果,由新潮流的前中央黨部社運部主任邱嘉進勝出。 民進黨宜蘭縣黨部現任主委陳俊宇2屆任期屆滿,下屆主委選舉有縣議員謝燦...…

«Зенит» представил четырех новичков

«Зенит» официально представил четырех новых игроков команды: защитников Сергея Волкова и Юрия Горшкова, вратаря Евгения Латышонка и полузащ
Спорт -

«Зенит» представил четырех новичков

«Зенит» официально представил четырех новых игроков команды: защитников Сергея Волкова и Юрия Горшкова, вратаря Евгения Латышонка и полузащитника Максима Глушенкова. Подробнее…

Air Seychelles partners with global FBO leader ExecuJet for new VIP services

Air Seychelles is partnering with ExecuJet, a leading global business aviation company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, to provide exclusive VIP fixed-base operator (FBO) services in Seychelles, the airline announced on Tuesday. According to SKYbrary
Seychelles News Agency

Air Seychelles partners with global FBO leader ExecuJet for new VIP services

Air Seychelles is partnering with ExecuJet, a leading global business aviation company headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, to provide exclusive VIP fixed-base operator (FBO) services in Seychelles, the airline announced on Tuesday. According to SKYbrary, the term FBO is given to a commercial enterprise that has been granted the right by an airport authority to operate in that airport and provide a variety of aviation services, such as fuel, parking, hangar space, passenger services and restaurant facilities, among others, to the general aviation community.  With the new Air Seychelles partnership, ExecuJet now operates in 34 airports worldwide, including Bali, Barcelona, Berlin, Cape Town, Dubai International, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur, Moscow, Munich, New Delhi, Perth, Riyadh, Singapore, Sydney, and Zurich. The Air Seychelles-owned FBO is the only full service one on the island and the strategic partnership is set to enhance the travel experience for VIP clients, ensuring a seamless and luxurious journey from arrival to departure, according to the airline. Operating under the name “Air Seychelles VIP”, the FBO at Seychelles International Airport offers a range of premium services. These include VIP passenger handling, luxurious lounge facilities, on site customs and immigration facilities for swift private processing. It will also offer ground transportation, ground equipment and concierge services tailored to meet individual requirements, from hotel bookings to special requests. The airline’s chief executive, Sandy Benoiton, said, “We are thrilled to partner with ExecuJet to bring world-class FBO services to our VIP clientele. This collaboration underscores our commitment to providing exceptional travel experiences and reinforces our position as a leading carrier in the region.« On his side, the vice president for Africa of ExecuJet, Gavin Kiggen, said, “Our partnership with Air Seychelles is a testament to our dedication to excellence in aviation services. We look forward to delivering unmatched FBO services that cater to the needs of high-profile travellers visiting Seychelles.» Since 2015, ExecuJet has been owned by the Luxaviation Group, based in Luxembourg. Luxaviation Group CEO, Patrick Hansen said, “We are extremely happy to have entered this partnership with Air Seychelles. I want to thank both teams for their continued efforts that led to this agreement, which will undoubtedly be a milestone for our development in the region and the expansion of our global FBO network.”

Курс доллара стабилизировался, евро - дешевеет

Средний курс продажи доллара в Украине остался на уровне 40,90 грн., а курс евро упал до 44,05 грн.
Бизнес -

Курс доллара стабилизировался, евро - дешевеет

Средний курс продажи доллара в Украине остался на уровне 40,90 грн., а курс евро упал до 44,05 грн.

Assange returns home (VIDEO)

Julian Assange has arrived back in his native Australia after formally agreeing to a plea deal with the US Department of Justice Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Assange returns home (VIDEO)

Julian Assange has arrived back in his native Australia after formally agreeing to a plea deal with the US Department of Justice Read Full Article at

استقلال با جانشین کاپیتانش به توافق رسید!

باشگاه استقلال با یک دروازه‌بان اهل یوگسلاوی سابق به توافقات نهایی رسید و به زودی قرارداد او را امضا خواهد کرد.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

استقلال با جانشین کاپیتانش به توافق رسید!

باشگاه استقلال با یک دروازه‌بان اهل یوگسلاوی سابق به توافقات نهایی رسید و به زودی قرارداد او را امضا خواهد کرد.

هشدار؛ باران سنگین این ۴ استان را غافلگیر می‌کند

در ۴ استان کشور شاهد بارش‌های سنگینی خواهند بود که در برخی نقاط قابل توجه بودن و احتمال آبگرفتگی معابر عمومی و سیلابی شدن مسیل‌ها را به همراه
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

هشدار؛ باران سنگین این ۴ استان را غافلگیر می‌کند

در ۴ استان کشور شاهد بارش‌های سنگینی خواهند بود که در برخی نقاط قابل توجه بودن و احتمال آبگرفتگی معابر عمومی و سیلابی شدن مسیل‌ها را به همراه خواهد داشت.

افشای حمایت منافقین از جیش الظلم

افشاگری یک عضو جداشده منافقین پیرامون «حمایت از جیش الظلم» در سیزدهمین دادگاه منافقین.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

افشای حمایت منافقین از جیش الظلم

افشاگری یک عضو جداشده منافقین پیرامون «حمایت از جیش الظلم» در سیزدهمین دادگاه منافقین.

Bekreftet: Karsten Warholm står over friidretts-NM i Sandnes

Hekkeløper Karsten Warholm stiller ikke til start i årets friidretts-NM i Sandnes, opplyser mor og manager Kristine Haddal til NTB.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Bekreftet: Karsten Warholm står over friidretts-NM i Sandnes

Hekkeløper Karsten Warholm stiller ikke til start i årets friidretts-NM i Sandnes, opplyser mor og manager Kristine Haddal til NTB.

Mann dømt til seks års fengsel for machete-angrep på politibetjent

En mann i 30-årene er dømt til seks års fengsel for drapsforsøk etter at han i fjor angrep en politibetjent med machete i Sveio i fjor.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Mann dømt til seks års fengsel for machete-angrep på politibetjent

En mann i 30-årene er dømt til seks års fengsel for drapsforsøk etter at han i fjor angrep en politibetjent med machete i Sveio i fjor.

Авиакомпании предлагают штрафовать за неинформирование пассажиров в аэропорту

Сегодня в Государственную Думу будет внесён законопроект, предусматривающий введение ответственности за недостаточное информирование о из
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Авиакомпании предлагают штрафовать за неинформирование пассажиров в аэропорту

Сегодня в Государственную Думу будет внесён законопроект, предусматривающий введение ответственности за недостаточное информирование о изменениях в расписании рейсов. Поправки предложено внести в Кодекс об административных правонарушениях.

Россиянам назвали способ получить дачу и не нарушить закон

По закону россияне могут возводить дом на дачном участке высотой не более трех надземных этажей. Об этом в разговоре с напомнил глава ком
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Россиянам назвали способ получить дачу и не нарушить закон

По закону россияне могут возводить дом на дачном участке высотой не более трех надземных этажей. Об этом в разговоре с напомнил глава комитета Госдумы по вопросам собственности, земельным и имущественным отношениям Сергей Гаврилов.

Dopo la morte di Satnam, la Cgil schiera le Brigate del Lavoro. I volantini: “Basta schiavi nell’agro pontino”

Volontari da tutta Italia a Latina per aiutare i braccianti e invitarli, se in difficoltà, a chiedere aiuto: “Questi sono i vostri diritti” > Cronaca

Dopo la morte di Satnam, la Cgil schiera le Brigate del Lavoro. I volantini: “Basta schiavi nell’agro pontino”

Volontari da tutta Italia a Latina per aiutare i braccianti e invitarli, se in difficoltà, a chiedere aiuto: “Questi sono i vostri diritti”

Donna di 39 anni in ospedale a Brindisi in condizioni gravissime: “Picchiata dal compagno, abbiamo sentito le urla”

L’aggressione in casa a Latiano, nel Brindisino: i carabinieri sono intervenuti su segnalazione dei vicini e l’hanno trovata gravemente ferita. L’uomo di 41 anni, che pratica arti marziali, è ascoltato dai militari come persona informata sui fatti ma > Cronaca

Donna di 39 anni in ospedale a Brindisi in condizioni gravissime: “Picchiata dal compagno, abbiamo sentito le urla”

L’aggressione in casa a Latiano, nel Brindisino: i carabinieri sono intervenuti su segnalazione dei vicini e l’hanno trovata gravemente ferita. L’uomo di 41 anni, che pratica arti marziali, è ascoltato dai militari come persona informata sui fatti ma a breve potrebbero scattare...

Trentino, la neve di quest’anno potrebbe soccorrere i ghiacciai: “Ma le condizioni rimangono critiche”

Le precipitazioni sono del periodo tardo-primaverile, ma sono paragonabili a quelli di buone annate, come quelle dell’inverno del 2001 > Cronaca

Trentino, la neve di quest’anno potrebbe soccorrere i ghiacciai: “Ma le condizioni rimangono critiche”

Le precipitazioni sono del periodo tardo-primaverile, ma sono paragonabili a quelli di buone annate, come quelle dell’inverno del 2001

Il selfie dopo il massacro e i ragazzi nel parco: ecco il film del delitto di Thomas a Pescara

Le ultime immagini raccolte dalla polizia che riprendono il 16enne ancora in vita e che ricostruiscono l’omicidio > Cronaca

Il selfie dopo il massacro e i ragazzi nel parco: ecco il film del delitto di Thomas a Pescara

Le ultime immagini raccolte dalla polizia che riprendono il 16enne ancora in vita e che ricostruiscono l’omicidio

VGT: Tauragės ir Šilalės rajonuose bus steigiami kariniai poligonai

Valstybės gynimo taryba (VGT) trečiadienį pritarė, kad būtų kuriami du nauji nedideli poligonai Tauragės ir Šilalės rajonuose.
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

VGT: Tauragės ir Šilalės rajonuose bus steigiami kariniai poligonai

Valstybės gynimo taryba (VGT) trečiadienį pritarė, kad būtų kuriami du nauji nedideli poligonai Tauragės ir Šilalės rajonuose.

VTEK nutarė susirinkti informaciją apie Navickienės ryšius, vėliau spręs dėl tyrimo

Vyriausioji tarnybinės etikos komisija (VTEK) pranešė trečiadienį nusprendusi surinkti daugiau informacijos apie buvusios socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministrės Monikos Navickienės veiksmus ir ryšius.
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

VTEK nutarė susirinkti informaciją apie Navickienės ryšius, vėliau spręs dėl tyrimo

Vyriausioji tarnybinės etikos komisija (VTEK) pranešė trečiadienį nusprendusi surinkti daugiau informacijos apie buvusios socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministrės Monikos Navickienės veiksmus ir ryšius.

Klaipėdoje ir vėl išniekintos vėliavos: bandyta padegti, galėjo veikti tas pats asmuo

Šiomis dienomis Klaipėdoje užfiksuoti dar du Lietuvos vėliavų išniekinimo atvejai – trispalvės buvo padegtos. Kol kas pareigūnams nepavyko nustatyti galimo įtariamojo, bet neatmetama, kad abi vėliavas padegti galėjo tas pats asmuo. Šiemet Klaip
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Klaipėdoje ir vėl išniekintos vėliavos: bandyta padegti, galėjo veikti tas pats asmuo

Šiomis dienomis Klaipėdoje užfiksuoti dar du Lietuvos vėliavų išniekinimo atvejai – trispalvės buvo padegtos. Kol kas pareigūnams nepavyko nustatyti galimo įtariamojo, bet neatmetama, kad abi vėliavas padegti galėjo tas pats asmuo. Šiemet Klaipėdoje tai jau ketvirtas toks nusikaltimas.

'We are confident you'll defend Constitution': Rahul Gandhi congratulates Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla

Rahul Gandhi, Congress MP from Rae Bareli, congratulated Om Birla on his appointment as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha on Tuesday after being named Leader of the Opposition. Gandhi expressed hope that the opposition would be permitted to express the people's vo
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'We are confident you'll defend Constitution': Rahul Gandhi congratulates Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla

Rahul Gandhi, Congress MP from Rae Bareli, congratulated Om Birla on his appointment as the Speaker of the Lok Sabha on Tuesday after being named Leader of the Opposition. Gandhi expressed hope that the opposition would be permitted to express the people's voice in the House. Congratulating Birla for being elected as the Speaker of the Lower House, Rahul Gandhi said he hoped that the Opposition would be allowed to raise ​​the voice of the people in the House.

'Black chapter in history': Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla invokes Emergency, opposition fumes

The Lok Sabha Speaker condemned the 1975 Emergency, highlighting the importance of democracy and freedom of expression. Despite opposition protests, the session adjourned until June 27, emphasizing the ongoing fight against dictatorship and the protection of
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'Black chapter in history': Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla invokes Emergency, opposition fumes

The Lok Sabha Speaker condemned the 1975 Emergency, highlighting the importance of democracy and freedom of expression. Despite opposition protests, the session adjourned until June 27, emphasizing the ongoing fight against dictatorship and the protection of democratic values.

Gunfight breaks out between terrorists, security forces in Jammu & Kashmir's Doda

Recent terror attacks in various regions caused casualties among pilgrims and security personnel, with nine pilgrims and a CRPF jawan losing their lives. The incidents highlight the ongoing security challenges in the affected areas. The gunfight started as th
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Gunfight breaks out between terrorists, security forces in Jammu & Kashmir's Doda

Recent terror attacks in various regions caused casualties among pilgrims and security personnel, with nine pilgrims and a CRPF jawan losing their lives. The incidents highlight the ongoing security challenges in the affected areas. The gunfight started as the police intensified their search and cordon operation following two terrorist attacks in the mountainous district on June 11 and 12.

Musang King for $5: Hougang durian stall offers discounts to elderly and low-income folks

A durian stall in Hougang is offering the popular Musang King variety at a heavily discounted price for seniors and lower-income customers. On Tuesday (June 25), Lexus Durian King announced on their Facebook page that it is selling Musang King durians at $

Musang King for $5: Hougang durian stall offers discounts to elderly and low-income folks

A durian stall in Hougang is offering the popular Musang King variety at a heavily discounted price for seniors and lower-income customers. On Tuesday (June 25), Lexus Durian King announced on their Facebook page that it is selling Musang King durians at $5 each to Pioneer Generation customers and CHAS (Community Health Assist Scheme) card holders. To redeem the deal, customers should flash the relevant cards at the flagship stall at 1001 Upper Serangoon Road. Each person can buy up to two durians. The promotion is valid while stocks last, the stall's co-director Stella Soh told AsiaOne on Wednesday.