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وافق وزراء البيئة الأوروبيون على قانون استعادة الطبيعة، بعد أن غيرت النمسا موقفها وضمنت الأغلبية المطلوبة. وقد تم تعطيل More...

나경원 “이재명 변호사비 걱정하는 개딸…아버지 아니라 교주”

국민의힘 당권주자인 나경원 의원이 26일 이재명 더불어민주당 대표의 강성 지지층인 ‘개딸’을 겨냥해 “이재명 대표 변호사비 걱정만큼 쓸데없는 게 세상천지에 없을 듯하다”고 밝혔다. 나
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

나경원 “이재명 변호사비 걱정하는 개딸…아버지 아니라 교주”

국민의힘 당권주자인 나경원 의원이 26일 이재명 더불어민주당 대표의 강성 지지층인 ‘개딸’을 겨냥해 “이재명 대표 변호사비 걱정만큼 쓸데없는 게 세상천지에 없을 듯하다”고 밝혔다. 나 의원은 이날 자신의 페이스북에 “개딸로 추정되는 이 대표 추종자들이 이 대표 변호사비가 만만치 않아 걱정된다며 책이라도 사주자고 했다고 한다”고 말했다. 그러면서 “이러다 아버지가 아니라 교주님 소리까지 나오는 거 아닌지 모르겠다”고 꼬집었다. 그는 “대한민국 제1 야당이 이재명 대표 개인 로펌으로 전락해 버렸다”고 주장했다. 이어 “지난 총선 공천마저도 대장동 변호인들한테 수임료처럼 나눠준 이 대표 아닌가”라며 “당 대표도 한 번 더 하겠다고 나오고 그것도 당헌·당규까지 바꿔치기해서 임기 제한까지 없앴다”고 비판했다. [서울=뉴시스]

한 총리 “금투세로 증시 패닉…1400만 투자자 힘들어져”

한덕수 국무총리는 2025년 시행을 앞둔 금융투자소득세(금투세)에 대해 “금투세를 통해 증시와 주식시장이 패닉 상태에 들어가면 1400만 (투자자) 전체가 힘들어진다”며 “폐지하는 게 맞다고 생
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

한 총리 “금투세로 증시 패닉…1400만 투자자 힘들어져”

한덕수 국무총리는 2025년 시행을 앞둔 금융투자소득세(금투세)에 대해 “금투세를 통해 증시와 주식시장이 패닉 상태에 들어가면 1400만 (투자자) 전체가 힘들어진다”며 “폐지하는 게 맞다고 생각한다”고 밝혔다.한 총리는 26일 정부서울청사에서 열린 기자단 백브리핑에서 정부의 금투세 폐지 방침을 재확인했다. 금투세란 주식·채권·펀드 등 금융투자로 연 5000만원 이상 소득을 얻은 경우 부과하는 세금으로, 2025년 1월1일부로 시행된다.한 총리는 “주식시장이나 증권시장에 참여하고 있는 분들을 한 1400만 명 정도로 본다면, (금투세 과세 대상은) 한 1% 정도일 것”이라며 15만 명으로 추산했다.그는 금투세를 폐지할 경우 고소득을 올리는 소수에게만 혜택이 집중된다는 비판에 대해 “세제라는 건 그렇게 되지 않고, 어디선가 임팩트가 오면 다 확산되게 돼 있다”고 반박했다.이어 “1%에 대해서 세금을 매기기 시작하면 주식시장 전체는 상당히 패닉 상태에 갈 수도 있다”며 “증권시장이 활발

野 “2000명 증원, 尹 지시 아니냐”…조규홍 “제가 결정”

정부의 의대 증원 결정의 타당성과 이에 따른 의료공백의 책임을 다룬 국회 청문회가 26일 열렸다. 야당 의원들은 ‘2000명 증원’이 윤석열 대통령의 지시로 결정된 것 아니냐는 의혹을 제기했지
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

野 “2000명 증원, 尹 지시 아니냐”…조규홍 “제가 결정”

정부의 의대 증원 결정의 타당성과 이에 따른 의료공백의 책임을 다룬 국회 청문회가 26일 열렸다. 야당 의원들은 ‘2000명 증원’이 윤석열 대통령의 지시로 결정된 것 아니냐는 의혹을 제기했지만 조규홍 보건복지부 장관은 “제가 결정한 사항”이라고 반박했다.이날 국회 보건복지위원회에서 열린 ‘의료계 비상상황 관련 청문회’에서 김선민 조국혁신당 의원은 “복지부가 400, 500명 수준에서 논의하다 용산 (대통령실과의) 협의 과정에서 2000명까지 확대됐다는 건 공공연한 비밀”이라며 “대통령의 격노 때문이란 소문도 파다하다”고 했다.

Three CARICOM countries in top tier of US trafficking in persons report

WASHINGTON, (CMC): Three Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries have been listed in the top tier of the 2024 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, released by the United States State Department on Monday. Washington said that the governments in...

Three CARICOM countries in top tier of US trafficking in persons report

WASHINGTON, (CMC): Three Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries have been listed in the top tier of the 2024 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report, released by the United States State Department on Monday. Washington said that the governments in...

Gov’t to purchase 33 water pumps to serve communities

The Government is to acquire 33 new water pumps, as part of plans to increase access to the commodity in communities across the island. Prime Minister Andrew Holness made the announcement, during a tour of work being done in Pimento Walk in Ocho...

Gov’t to purchase 33 water pumps to serve communities

The Government is to acquire 33 new water pumps, as part of plans to increase access to the commodity in communities across the island. Prime Minister Andrew Holness made the announcement, during a tour of work being done in Pimento Walk in Ocho...

UWI signs on for expanded partnership with UNCTAD

Students at The University of the West Indies (The UWI) Cave Hill Campus are set to benefit from expanded opportunities in international trade policy research and professional development following the signing of a memorandum of understanding...

UWI signs on for expanded partnership with UNCTAD

Students at The University of the West Indies (The UWI) Cave Hill Campus are set to benefit from expanded opportunities in international trade policy research and professional development following the signing of a memorandum of understanding...

EU-Jamaica Run raises $4.5m for literacy drive

The European Union (EU) has successfully raised $4.5 million to support three schools in improving literacy levels and lowering their vulnerability to crime and violence. This was made possible by the more than 3,500 people who registered for the...

EU-Jamaica Run raises $4.5m for literacy drive

The European Union (EU) has successfully raised $4.5 million to support three schools in improving literacy levels and lowering their vulnerability to crime and violence. This was made possible by the more than 3,500 people who registered for the...

Charles Town Maroon Festival explodes at 16

FOR FOUR days this past weekend, the Maroon community of Charles Town in Portland was a melting pot of cultural and academic activities as they held their 16th Annual International Charles Town Maroon Conference and Festival. Part of the activities...

Charles Town Maroon Festival explodes at 16

FOR FOUR days this past weekend, the Maroon community of Charles Town in Portland was a melting pot of cultural and academic activities as they held their 16th Annual International Charles Town Maroon Conference and Festival. Part of the activities...

Landsbergio kandidatūrai į EK paramą išreiškė EPP lyderis Manfredas Weberis

Užsienio reikalų ministro Gabrieliaus Landsbergio kandidatūrai į Europos Komisiją (EK) paramą išreiškė didžiausią frakciją Europos Parlamente (EP) turinčios Europos liaudies partijos (EPP) lyderis Manfredas Weberis.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Landsbergio kandidatūrai į EK paramą išreiškė EPP lyderis Manfredas Weberis

Užsienio reikalų ministro Gabrieliaus Landsbergio kandidatūrai į Europos Komisiją (EK) paramą išreiškė didžiausią frakciją Europos Parlamente (EP) turinčios Europos liaudies partijos (EPP) lyderis Manfredas Weberis.

„Dirbame gerai“: Ukrainos kariams šaudmenų pagaliau nebetrūksta

Rusijos karo prieš Ukrainą frontuose atokvėpio nėra, tačiau Ukrainos kariai sako bent jau dabar nejaučiantys šaudmenų stygiaus kaip anksčiau. Tačiau milžiniška problema išlieka personalo trūkumas.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

„Dirbame gerai“: Ukrainos kariams šaudmenų pagaliau nebetrūksta

Rusijos karo prieš Ukrainą frontuose atokvėpio nėra, tačiau Ukrainos kariai sako bent jau dabar nejaučiantys šaudmenų stygiaus kaip anksčiau. Tačiau milžiniška problema išlieka personalo trūkumas.

Per protestus Kenijoje žuvo mažiausiai 13 žmonių

Kenijoje per protestus prieš mokesčių didinimą, gydytojų sąjungos duomenimis, žuvo mažiausiai 13 žmonių. „Šiuo metu yra mažiausiai 13 žuvusiųjų, tačiau tai dar ne galutinis skaičius“, – trečiadienį agentūrai AFP sakė didžiausios gy
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Per protestus Kenijoje žuvo mažiausiai 13 žmonių

Kenijoje per protestus prieš mokesčių didinimą, gydytojų sąjungos duomenimis, žuvo mažiausiai 13 žmonių. „Šiuo metu yra mažiausiai 13 žuvusiųjų, tačiau tai dar ne galutinis skaičius“, – trečiadienį agentūrai AFP sakė didžiausios gydytojų sąjungos šioje Rytų Afrikos šalyje vadovas Simonas Kigondu.

Самые сексуальные болельщицы Евро-2024

Эти девушки не только обожают футбол, но и могут внести перчинку даже в самый скучный матч. Хотя этот чемпионат Европы и сам по себе весьма неп

Самые сексуальные болельщицы Евро-2024

Эти девушки не только обожают футбол, но и могут внести перчинку даже в самый скучный матч. Хотя этот чемпионат Европы и сам по себе весьма непредсказуем!

Без трусов и предрассудков: звезда «Содержанок» устроила обнаженную фотосессию с бойфрендом

Ольга Макеева удивила поклонников откровенными снимками. В день солнцестояния она вместе с Никитой Токаревым отправилась в горы.

Без трусов и предрассудков: звезда «Содержанок» устроила обнаженную фотосессию с бойфрендом

Ольга Макеева удивила поклонников откровенными снимками. В день солнцестояния она вместе с Никитой Токаревым отправилась в горы.

Собчак вспомнила, как Джей Ло обманом вынесла из московского бутика 6 пар туфель

Артистка всегда славилась своенравным характером, но эту постыдную историю о ней еще никто не слышал.

Собчак вспомнила, как Джей Ло обманом вынесла из московского бутика 6 пар туфель

Артистка всегда славилась своенравным характером, но эту постыдную историю о ней еще никто не слышал.

Russia's foreign policy supported by global majority — Lavrov

As the Russian foreign minister noted, this policy is based on respect for the rights of peoples to independently determine their own destiny

Russia's foreign policy supported by global majority — Lavrov

As the Russian foreign minister noted, this policy is based on respect for the rights of peoples to independently determine their own destiny

Matter of pride: Rajasthan CM and governor hails Om Birla's re-election

Rajasthan's CM Bhajan Lal Sharma and Governor Kalraj Mishra celebrated Om Birla's reelection as Lok Sabha Speaker, emphasizing pride for Rajasthan. Birla, a three-time Kota MP nominated by the NDA, secured his position after PM Narendra Modi's motion passed b
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Matter of pride: Rajasthan CM and governor hails Om Birla's re-election

Rajasthan's CM Bhajan Lal Sharma and Governor Kalraj Mishra celebrated Om Birla's reelection as Lok Sabha Speaker, emphasizing pride for Rajasthan. Birla, a three-time Kota MP nominated by the NDA, secured his position after PM Narendra Modi's motion passed by voice vote, ending contentious debates. Mishra highlighted Birla's role in strengthening democracy, while Sharma praised his dedication to public service and predicted enhanced parliamentary standards.

2 TMC MLAs protest after West Bengal governor declines to administer them oath in assembly

Awaiting oath, MLAs Bandyopadhyay, Sarkar face impasse as governor delays. Sit-in protest staged at assembly. Speaker Biman Banerjee expressed readiness to facilitate the ceremony within the Assembly if the governor consents. The governor had initially invite
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

2 TMC MLAs protest after West Bengal governor declines to administer them oath in assembly

Awaiting oath, MLAs Bandyopadhyay, Sarkar face impasse as governor delays. Sit-in protest staged at assembly. Speaker Biman Banerjee expressed readiness to facilitate the ceremony within the Assembly if the governor consents. The governor had initially invited both MLAs to attend the oath-taking ceremony at Raj Bhavan on June 26.

One terrorist killed in encounter in J-K's Doda

Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a high-level meeting attended by National Security Advisor Ajit Doval to discuss the security situation. Union Home Minister Amit Shah directed security agencies to work in a mission mode. Recent terror strikes in Reasi, K
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

One terrorist killed in encounter in J-K's Doda

Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired a high-level meeting attended by National Security Advisor Ajit Doval to discuss the security situation. Union Home Minister Amit Shah directed security agencies to work in a mission mode. Recent terror strikes in Reasi, Kathua, and Doda have resulted in casualties. One terrorist was gunned down in the Gandoh area of Doda.

„Това е кръвта на моя син“

Израелските сили нахлули в дома на семейство Микдад, търсейки екстремисти и пръскайки безразборно куршуми

„Това е кръвта на моя син“

Израелските сили нахлули в дома на семейство Микдад, търсейки екстремисти и пръскайки безразборно куршуми

"Ето, извиних се!": Ивелин Михайлов отговори на Николай Марков 

«Пробити» депутати се оказа изразът на раздора

"Ето, извиних се!": Ивелин Михайлов отговори на Николай Марков 

«Пробити» депутати се оказа изразът на раздора

САЩ обявиха награда в размер до $5 млн. за ареста на Ружа Игнатова

Тя бе добавена в списъка на ФБР с 10-те най-издирвани

САЩ обявиха награда в размер до $5 млн. за ареста на Ружа Игнатова

Тя бе добавена в списъка на ФБР с 10-те най-издирвани

«Величие»: Предложихме реализация на правителство с ясно програмно управление

Това заяви Николай Марков от партия «Величие» пред журналисти

«Величие»: Предложихме реализация на правителство с ясно програмно управление

Това заяви Николай Марков от партия «Величие» пред журналисти

Angola: Central Huíla Province Records Another Earthquake

[ANGOP] Caconda -- At least 21 schoolgirls were admitted to the hospital emergency room on Tuesday in Caconda municipality, central Huíla province, after an earthquake was registered at 7.40 a.m., which affected the 22 de Novembro School.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Angola: Central Huíla Province Records Another Earthquake

[ANGOP] Caconda -- At least 21 schoolgirls were admitted to the hospital emergency room on Tuesday in Caconda municipality, central Huíla province, after an earthquake was registered at 7.40 a.m., which affected the 22 de Novembro School.

Hajj preachers provided 1.4m religious services

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance provided more than 1.4 million religious services for over 2 million pilgrims and visitors during this year’s Hajj season. More than 600 male and female preachers provided guidance a
Saudi Arabia

Hajj preachers provided 1.4m religious services

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance provided more than 1.4 million religious services for over 2 million pilgrims and visitors during this year’s Hajj season. More than 600 male and female preachers provided guidance at the holy sites, in several languages, on Islam and the value of moderation, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday. There were also staff deployed to guide pilgrims during the days of Tashreeq in Makkah and at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah.

Russian diplomat warns Ukraine could suffer huge losses if it attempts another offensive

Maria Zakharova said the Ukrainian government has little concern that, if they go ahead with the plan, losses could be «even more terrible than the catastrophic losses that the Ukrainian armed forces suffered during the previous such reckless move in th

Russian diplomat warns Ukraine could suffer huge losses if it attempts another offensive

Maria Zakharova said the Ukrainian government has little concern that, if they go ahead with the plan, losses could be «even more terrible than the catastrophic losses that the Ukrainian armed forces suffered during the previous such reckless move in the summer of 2023»

Russia, Germany can restore relations, but Moscow will not run after anyone — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat noted that the current authorities in Kiev deserve the role of an instrument in the hands of the United States, but it is humiliating for Europe

Russia, Germany can restore relations, but Moscow will not run after anyone — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat noted that the current authorities in Kiev deserve the role of an instrument in the hands of the United States, but it is humiliating for Europe

US not implementing UN Security Council resolutions 'will haunt' them — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat also stressed that participants in future conferences on the Ukrainian issue should take full account of the UN Charter, including the part on respect for human rights

US not implementing UN Security Council resolutions 'will haunt' them — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat also stressed that participants in future conferences on the Ukrainian issue should take full account of the UN Charter, including the part on respect for human rights

Desire of several countries to ensure dominance in the past ended tragically — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat noted that each multipolar era has its own characteristics and is unique in its own way

Desire of several countries to ensure dominance in the past ended tragically — Lavrov

The top Russian diplomat noted that each multipolar era has its own characteristics and is unique in its own way

MAJKA MONSTRUM ZADAVILA TRI ĆERKE DOK SU SPAVALE Osuđena na 18 godina u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi, EVO KAKO SE BRANILA

Majka monstrum sa Novog Zelanda, koja je udavila svoje tri ćerke u snu, od koje su dve bile dvogodišnje bliznakinje, osuđena je na 18 godina boravka u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi pod strogim nadzorom.
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MAJKA MONSTRUM ZADAVILA TRI ĆERKE DOK SU SPAVALE Osuđena na 18 godina u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi, EVO KAKO SE BRANILA

Majka monstrum sa Novog Zelanda, koja je udavila svoje tri ćerke u snu, od koje su dve bile dvogodišnje bliznakinje, osuđena je na 18 godina boravka u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi pod strogim nadzorom.


«Hitno upozorenje, 12:20 sati - Upozorenje za područje Moravičkog i Rarškog okruga, Šumadije, Beograda, i južnog Banata», najnovije je upozorenje Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda (RHMZ).
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«Hitno upozorenje, 12:20 sati - Upozorenje za područje Moravičkog i Rarškog okruga, Šumadije, Beograda, i južnog Banata», najnovije je upozorenje Republičkog hidrometeorološkog zavoda (RHMZ).

(MAPA) «HAOS NA NIČIJOJ ZEMLJI» Šef špijuna tvrdi da Kijev može da «ODSEČE» KRIM, a evo i gde besne najžešće borbe

Besne borbe širom ukrajinskih frontova, a hrvatski vojni analitičar Igor Tabak objašnjava kakva je aktuelna situacija. Ovde prenosimo delove njegove analize.
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(MAPA) «HAOS NA NIČIJOJ ZEMLJI» Šef špijuna tvrdi da Kijev može da «ODSEČE» KRIM, a evo i gde besne najžešće borbe

Besne borbe širom ukrajinskih frontova, a hrvatski vojni analitičar Igor Tabak objašnjava kakva je aktuelna situacija. Ovde prenosimo delove njegove analize.