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Beledweyne (HOL) - At least two people, including a soldier, were killed in an explosion in the central Somali town of Beledweyne in the Hiiraan region on Sunday afternoon.

Ульяновские предприниматели расширили деловое партнерство с туркменскими коллегами

В ходе бизнес-миссии в Туркменистан, организованной по поручению губернатора Ульяновской области Алексея Русских, российские предпринимате
Лента событий

Ульяновские предприниматели расширили деловое партнерство с туркменскими коллегами

В ходе бизнес-миссии в Туркменистан, организованной по поручению губернатора Ульяновской области Алексея Русских, российские предприниматели заключили четыре новых договора. Контракты касаются поставки в Туркменистан комплектующих для грузовых автомобилей. На площадке Торгово-промышленной палаты Туркменистана делегация из Ульяновска провела серию бизнес-встреч, также состоялись переговоры о поставках с министерствами сельского хозяйства, строительства и архитектуры, логистическими компаниями, дистрибьюторами продуктов питания и строительных материалов зарубежной страны. В рамках российской бизнес-миссии были также обсуждены вопросы открытия дилерского центра товаров из Ульяновской области в Туркменистане.

Biden blasts landmark Supreme Court ruling on Trump immunity

President Joe Biden warned Monday that the US Supreme Court's landmark ruling on presidential immunity sets a «dangerous precedent» that Donald Trump would exploit if elected in November. The conservative-dominated high court ruled that Trump --
Seychelles News Agency

Biden blasts landmark Supreme Court ruling on Trump immunity

President Joe Biden warned Monday that the US Supreme Court's landmark ruling on presidential immunity sets a «dangerous precedent» that Donald Trump would exploit if elected in November. The conservative-dominated high court ruled that Trump -- and all presidents -- enjoy «absolute immunity» from criminal prosecution for «official acts» taken while in office, but can still face criminal penalties for «unofficial acts.» «For all practical purposes today's decision almost certainly means there are no limits to what a president can do. This is a fundamentally new principle, and it's a dangerous precedent,» Biden said in a speech at the White House. Trump is facing criminal charges over his attempts to overturn his 2020 election loss to Biden, but that trial had been put on hold while the Supreme Court considered his immunity claims. The 6-3 ruling on Monday, split along ideological lines, is set to further delay proceedings in that case, almost certainly to sometime after voters head to the polls in November. «The American people must decide if they want to entrust... once again, the presidency to Donald Trump, now knowing he'll be more emboldened to do whatever he pleases, whenever he wants to do it,» Biden said. Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts, in his majority opinion, said a president is «not above the law» but does have «absolute immunity» from criminal prosecution for official acts taken while in office. «The president therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers,» Roberts said. «As for a President's unofficial acts, there is no immunity,» the chief justice added, sending the case back to a lower court to determine which of the charges facing Trump involve official or unofficial conduct. Trump is charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States as well as obstruction of an official proceeding -- when a violent mob of his supporters tried to prevent the January 6, 2021, joint session of Congress held to certify Biden's victory. The 78-year-old former president is also charged with conspiracy to deny Americans the right to vote and to have their votes counted. «The public has a right to know the answer about what happened on January 6, before they're asked to vote again this year,» Biden said. «Now because of today's decision, that is highly, highly unlikely. It's a terrible disservice to the people of this nation.» - Organize a coup? 'Immune' - The three liberal justices dissented from Monday's ruling with Justice Sonia Sotomayor saying she was doing so «with fear for our democracy.» «Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law,» Sotomayor said. «In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.» «Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.» Trump, in posts on Truth Social, welcomed the decision calling it a «big win for our Constitution and democracy.» «Today's Historic Decision by the Supreme Court should end all of Crooked Joe Biden's Witch Hunts against me,» he said. - Election case will 'drag on' - Steven Schwinn, a law professor at the University of Illinois Chicago, said the ruling means the case «is going to drag on more and more, and longer and longer, and well beyond the election.» «To the extent that Trump was trying to drag his feet and extend this beyond the election, he has succeeded wildly,» Schwinn said. The opinion also provides a «roadmap» for a US leader to avoid prosecution for a particular action «simply by intertwining it with official government action,» he added. «That's going to seriously hamstring the prosecution of a former president because the president's official actions and unofficial actions are so often intertwined,» he said. Facing four criminal cases, Trump has been doing everything in his power to delay the trials until after the election. Trump was convicted in New York in May of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal in the final stages of the 2016 campaign, making him the first former US president ever convicted of a crime. His sentencing will take place on July 11, though his lawyers have sent a letter to the judge in that case seeking to set aside the verdict in light of the immunity ruling, US media reported. By filing a blizzard of pre-trial motions, Trump's lawyers have managed to put on hold the three other trials, which deal with his attempts to overturn the 2020 election and hoarding top-secret documents at his home in Florida. If reelected, Trump could, once sworn in as president in January 2025, order the federal cases against him closed. © Agence France-Presse

Dozens hurt as turbulence prompts flight diversion to Brazil

Dozens of passengers were injured Monday when an Air Europa flight from Madrid to Montevideo hit strong turbulence, prompting an emergency landing in Brazil, the airline and government officials said. The plane, a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner with 325 people on b
Seychelles News Agency

Dozens hurt as turbulence prompts flight diversion to Brazil

Dozens of passengers were injured Monday when an Air Europa flight from Madrid to Montevideo hit strong turbulence, prompting an emergency landing in Brazil, the airline and government officials said. The plane, a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner with 325 people on board, was diverted in the early morning hours to the airport of Natal in northeast Brazil, where more than a dozen ambulances waited. Forty passengers were taken to hospitals and clinics in Natal for treatment of «abrasions and minor traumas,» the health secretariat of Brazil's Rio Grande do Norte state told AFP. Eleven remained hospitalized at the Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel hospital by Monday afternoon. Among the injured were nationals of Spain, Argentina, Uruguay, Israel, Bolivia and Germany. Air Europa earlier said seven passengers had been treated for «various injuries» while an undisclosed number received medical attention for bruises. It added a plane was being sent from Madrid to collect the passengers while the stricken Boeing is examined for damage in Natal. They would first be taken to Recife elsewhere in Brazil, from where they will continue the journey to the Uruguayan capital, the company said. X user Mariela Jodal, who said she was among the passengers, wrote on the platform that several people were injured in «very strong turbulence,» but she was spared «thanks to the seat belt.» Images she posted showed broken ceiling panels, with pipes and wires visible, while one photo showed emergency vehicles with flashing lights waiting on the tarmac in Natal. In May, a 73-year-old British man died and several other passengers and crew suffered skull, brain and spine injuries when a Singapore Airlines-operated Boeing 777 hit severe turbulence on a flight from London and was forced to make an emergency landing in Bangkok. A week later, 12 people were injured during turbulence on a Qatar Airways Boeing 787-9 flight from Doha to Ireland. - Climate change - Air safety experts say passengers are often too casual about wearing seatbelts, leaving them at risk if the plane hits unexpected turbulence. Scientists also say that so-called clear air turbulence, which is invisible to radar, is getting worse because of climate change. A 2023 study found the annual duration of clear air turbulence increased by 17 percent from 1979 to 2020, with the most severe cases increasing by more than 50 percent. Monday's incident was the latest drama involving a Boeing plane, as the manufacturer faces intense scrutiny following a near-catastrophic event in January, when a fuselage panel blew out of an Alaska Airlines-operated 737 MAX. That renewed concerns over the company's safety and manufacturing standards which had been raised following two fatal MAX crashes in 2018 and 2019. In March, the US aviation giant announced the impending departure of CEO Dave Calhoun. © Agence France-Presse  

В США сказали, когда разрешат бить вглубь РФ

Основная стратегия помощи Киеву на 2025 год для США состоит в том, чтобы Украина победила в этой войне.
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В США сказали, когда разрешат бить вглубь РФ

Основная стратегия помощи Киеву на 2025 год для США состоит в том, чтобы Украина победила в этой войне.

Президент Финляндии сказал, кто может остановить войну одним звонком

Китай и Российская Федерация с начала российской военной агрессии усиливают военно-промышленное партнерство.
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Президент Финляндии сказал, кто может остановить войну одним звонком

Китай и Российская Федерация с начала российской военной агрессии усиливают военно-промышленное партнерство.

В Украине открют офис Всемирной продовольственной программы ООН

В Украине организация реализует несколько денежных программ для пострадавших из-за российского вторжения украинцев.
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В Украине открют офис Всемирной продовольственной программы ООН

В Украине организация реализует несколько денежных программ для пострадавших из-за российского вторжения украинцев.

ЕС призвал КНДР не отправлять оружие в Россию

В блоке серьезно озабочены углублением сотрудничества между КНДР и Россией, что является грубым нарушением многих резолюций Совета Безопас
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ЕС призвал КНДР не отправлять оружие в Россию

В блоке серьезно озабочены углублением сотрудничества между КНДР и Россией, что является грубым нарушением многих резолюций Совета Безопасности ООН.

Итоги 02.07: Визит Орбана и помощь США

Орбан приехал в Киев впервые с начала военных действий в Украине; Глава Пентагона анонсировал новый пакет помощи Киеву на $2,3 млрд. Корреспонд
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Итоги 02.07: Визит Орбана и помощь США

Орбан приехал в Киев впервые с начала военных действий в Украине; Глава Пентагона анонсировал новый пакет помощи Киеву на $2,3 млрд. Корреспондент.net выделяет главные события вчерашнего дня.

Доля БРИКС в мировом ВВП достигла рекордных показателей

МОСКВА, 3 июл — РИА Новости. Доля БРИКС в мировом ВВП по паритету покупательной способности по итогам 2023 года достигла рекордных 35,7 процента,
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Доля БРИКС в мировом ВВП достигла рекордных показателей

МОСКВА, 3 июл — РИА Новости. Доля БРИКС в мировом ВВП по паритету покупательной способности по итогам 2023 года достигла рекордных 35,7 процента, в то же время удельный вес экономик «Большой семерки» сократился до 29%, следует из расчетов РИА Новости по данным Всемирного банка.

Власти РФ хотят разрешить использовать стейблкоины для международных расчетов

Российские власти могут официально разрешить использовать стейблкоины для трансграничных расчетов. Сейчас такая возможность обсуждается,
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Власти РФ хотят разрешить использовать стейблкоины для международных расчетов

Российские власти могут официально разрешить использовать стейблкоины для трансграничных расчетов. Сейчас такая возможность обсуждается, предложения уже сформулированы, рассказал «Известиям» зампред Банка России Алексей Гузнов. Он пояснил: вопрос в том, чтобы урегулировать всю цепочку, которая позволяла бы лицам переводить эти активы на территорию РФ, накапливать их здесь и использовать для трансграничных платежей.

Հարութ Սասունյան. Հայերը ցանկանում են վայելել կյանքը, ոչ թե հավերժ պայքարել, ասել է Փաշինյանը


Julkisuudesta kadonneen Lenita Airiston tilanteesta uutta tietoa

Vielä kaksi vuotta sitten Lenita Airisto edusti julkisuudessa pirteänä kerta toisensa jälkeen. Nyt ystävät kertovat, miten vuoden hiljaiseloa eläneellä Airistolla menee.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Julkisuudesta kadonneen Lenita Airiston tilanteesta uutta tietoa

Vielä kaksi vuotta sitten Lenita Airisto edusti julkisuudessa pirteänä kerta toisensa jälkeen. Nyt ystävät kertovat, miten vuoden hiljaiseloa eläneellä Airistolla menee.

Lapsi loukkaantui vakavassa onnettomuudessa päivä­kodissa – nyt kaksi äitiä kertoo lastensa kokeneen lähes saman kohtalon

Puutteellisesti kiinnitetyt kaapit ja naulakot ovat aiheuttaneet tapaturmia useissa kouluissa ja päiväkodeissa.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Lapsi loukkaantui vakavassa onnettomuudessa päivä­kodissa – nyt kaksi äitiä kertoo lastensa kokeneen lähes saman kohtalon

Puutteellisesti kiinnitetyt kaapit ja naulakot ovat aiheuttaneet tapaturmia useissa kouluissa ja päiväkodeissa.

Perheenisä George pelkää Bidenin syöksevän Yhdysvallat rappioon: ”Ei henkistä tai fyysistä kykyä jatkaa”

Joe Bidenin valtava epäonnistuminen vaaliväittelyssä sinetöi Donald Trumpin kannattajien uskon voittoon marraskuisissa presidentinvaaleissa.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Perheenisä George pelkää Bidenin syöksevän Yhdysvallat rappioon: ”Ei henkistä tai fyysistä kykyä jatkaa”

Joe Bidenin valtava epäonnistuminen vaaliväittelyssä sinetöi Donald Trumpin kannattajien uskon voittoon marraskuisissa presidentinvaaleissa.

부상에서 돌아온 엘리아스, SSG의 믿음에 보답할까

프로야구 SSG 랜더스가 고민 끝에 시라카와 대신 기존 외국인선수 로네이스 엘리아스를 선택했다. 부상에서 돌아온 엘리아스는 구단의 선택이 옳았다는 것을 증명해야 한다. 엘리아스는 3일 창원
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

부상에서 돌아온 엘리아스, SSG의 믿음에 보답할까

프로야구 SSG 랜더스가 고민 끝에 시라카와 대신 기존 외국인선수 로네이스 엘리아스를 선택했다. 부상에서 돌아온 엘리아스는 구단의 선택이 옳았다는 것을 증명해야 한다. 엘리아스는 3일 창원 NC파크에서 열리는 2024 신한은행 SOL KBO리그 NC 다이노스와의 원정경기에 선발 등판한다. 엘리아스는 올해 부상으로 부침을 겪었다. 지난 5월 22일 왼쪽 내복사근 부상으로 한 달 넘게 이탈했다. 구단은 엘리아스가 빠진 사이 단기 목적으로 일본 독립 리그에서 뛰었던 시라카와와 계약했다. 시라카와가 예상 밖의 호투를 펼치며 엘리아스의 입지도 장담할 수 없는 처지가 됐다. 시라카와는 5경기에서 2승2패, 평균자책점 5.09를 기록했다. 150㎞에 육박하는 강속구와 변화구를 뿌리는 시라카와의 호투로 인해 SSG 구단은 고민에 빠졌다. 엘리아스 대신 시라카와와 동행할 수 있다는 가능성도 나왔다. 하지맛 구단의 최종 선택은 엘리아스였다. 2군 등 실전 피칭을 지켜봤던 SSG는 엘리아스의 경험과 구위 등을 높

60번 차야 한 골…호날두, 메이저 대회 프리킥 성공률 1%

포르투갈의 슈퍼스타 크리스티아누 호날두(알나스르)의 메이저 대회 프리킥 성공률이 1%에 그치고 있다. 호날두는 지난 2일(이하 한국시간) 독일 프랑크푸르트 발트슈타디온에서 열린 슬로베니아
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

60번 차야 한 골…호날두, 메이저 대회 프리킥 성공률 1%

포르투갈의 슈퍼스타 크리스티아누 호날두(알나스르)의 메이저 대회 프리킥 성공률이 1%에 그치고 있다. 호날두는 지난 2일(이하 한국시간) 독일 프랑크푸르트 발트슈타디온에서 열린 슬로베니아와의 유럽축구연맹(UEFA) 유럽축구선수권(유로) 2024 16강전에서 프리킥 4회 시도했지만 한 골도 넣지 못했다. 이날 호날두는 페널티킥까지 실축하는 등 부진했고 포르투갈은 승부차기 끝에 진땀승을 거두고 8강에 올랐다. 클럽에서는 멋진 프리킥 득점을 자주 올리는 호날두지만, 포르투갈 대표팀과 나서는 메이저 대회에서는 적중률이 저조하다. 영국 매체 ‘더 선’은 3일 “호날두는 이번 대회를 포함한 여섯 번의 유로 대회와 다섯 번의 월드컵에 나섰는데, 총 11번의 국가대항전 메이저 대회에서 60번의 프리킥을 차 단 한 번만 성공시켰다. 성공률 1%인 처참한 기록”이라고 소개했다. 호날두가 득점에 성공한 유일한 프리킥은 2018 러시아 월드컵 조별리그에서 스페인을 상대로 넣은 골이다. 호날두는 킥이 장점인 선수다.

양상문 전 롯데 감독 한화 코치로…역대 감독 출신 코치는?

양상문 전 한국 여자 야구 대표팀 감독(63)이 한화 코치로 ‘현장’에 돌아온다.프로야구 한 관계자는 “양 전 감독이 고려대 선배인 김경문 감독(65) 요청을 받아 후반기부터 한화 투수 코치를 맡
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

양상문 전 롯데 감독 한화 코치로…역대 감독 출신 코치는?

양상문 전 한국 여자 야구 대표팀 감독(63)이 한화 코치로 ‘현장’에 돌아온다.프로야구 한 관계자는 “양 전 감독이 고려대 선배인 김경문 감독(65) 요청을 받아 후반기부터 한화 투수 코치를 맡기로 했다”고 3일 전했다.양 코치는 △2004, 2005년 롯데 △2014~2017년 LG △2019년 롯데에서 프로야구 1군 감독을 지낸 적이 있다.양 코치 지도자 경력에 감독 다음에 코치 이력이 남는 건 이번이 처음은 아니다.양 코치는 롯데 감독 첫 임기를 마치고 2년 뒤인 2007년에도 LG 투수 코치를 맡은 적이 있다

嘉縣義竹鄉建設課長涉向綠能業者索賄 檢察官複訊聲請羈押

社會新聞 - 自由時報

嘉縣義竹鄉建設課長涉向綠能業者索賄 檢察官複訊聲請羈押


狂!越女騎機車國道逆向飆2公里 3車閃避不及連環撞

社會新聞 - 自由時報

狂!越女騎機車國道逆向飆2公里 3車閃避不及連環撞


女子列顏旭懋運毒共犯羈押451天判無罪定讞 獲180萬冤獄賠償

社會新聞 - 自由時報

女子列顏旭懋運毒共犯羈押451天判無罪定讞 獲180萬冤獄賠償


PRK DUN Nenggiri: Orang Asli Pos Gob harapkan wakil rakyat lebih cakna

GUA MUSANG: Menjelang Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Nenggiri, masyarakat Orang Asli di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) itu menaruh harapan tinggi supaya calon yang akan bertanding nanti mampu memberi jaminan lebih baik kepada masyarakat di pedalaman seperti me
BH Online - Terkini

PRK DUN Nenggiri: Orang Asli Pos Gob harapkan wakil rakyat lebih cakna

GUA MUSANG: Menjelang Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Nenggiri, masyarakat Orang Asli di kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) itu menaruh harapan tinggi supaya calon yang akan bertanding nanti mampu memberi jaminan lebih baik kepada masyarakat di pedalaman seperti mereka.

Tiada apa-apa boleh halang saya, Ruhainies berhubung - Aliff

KUALA LUMPUR: Pelakon kontroversi, Aliff Aziz lega apabila prosiding berkaitan kes khalwat pada 9 Mac lalu di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Wilayah Persekutuan, di sini, berjalan dengan lancar, pagi tadi.
BH Online - Terkini

Tiada apa-apa boleh halang saya, Ruhainies berhubung - Aliff

KUALA LUMPUR: Pelakon kontroversi, Aliff Aziz lega apabila prosiding berkaitan kes khalwat pada 9 Mac lalu di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Wilayah Persekutuan, di sini, berjalan dengan lancar, pagi tadi.

In Nederland gestrande SLM-passagiers aangekomen in Suriname

Waterkant Een deel van de in Nederland gestrande SLM-passagiers, is dinsdagavond rond 23.20 uur aangekomen in Suriname. Surinam Airways heeft een Airbus A330-202 (foto) van de Spaanse luchtvaartmaatschappij Plus Ultra gehuurd, om de vluchten tussen Paramarib

In Nederland gestrande SLM-passagiers aangekomen in Suriname

Waterkant Een deel van de in Nederland gestrande SLM-passagiers, is dinsdagavond rond 23.20 uur aangekomen in Suriname. Surinam Airways heeft een Airbus A330-202 (foto) van de Spaanse luchtvaartmaatschappij Plus Ultra gehuurd, om de vluchten tussen Paramaribo en Amsterdam in de komende dagen uit te voeren. Een deel van de in Suriname gestrande passagiers, zullen woensdagmiddag vertrekken […] Het bericht In Nederland gestrande SLM-passagiers aangekomen in Suriname verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Producción de alimentos, prioridad de la militancia partidista (+ Video)

Para todo el país y el Partido, la producción de alimentos es una prioridad. Este tema forma parte de la agenda que se debatirá en la próxima reunión plenaria del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) que tendrá lugar este fin de semana. Sobre las experiencia

Producción de alimentos, prioridad de la militancia partidista (+ Video)

Para todo el país y el Partido, la producción de alimentos es una prioridad. Este tema forma parte de la agenda que se debatirá en la próxima reunión plenaria del Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC) que tendrá lugar este fin de semana. Sobre las experiencias de varios militantes en diversas entidades productivas, dialogó el programa La Mesa Redonda de este martes. The post Producción de alimentos, prioridad de la militancia partidista (+ Video) first appeared on Cubadebate.

Nadadores Rodolfo Falcón Jr y Andrea Becali estarán en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024

World Aquatics confirmó este martes que los nadadores cubanos Rodolfo Falcón Jr. (1500 metros, estilo libre) y Andrea Becali (200 m metros, estilo libre) estarán en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024. De esta forma asciende a 53 el número de atletas en

Nadadores Rodolfo Falcón Jr y Andrea Becali estarán en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024

World Aquatics confirmó este martes que los nadadores cubanos Rodolfo Falcón Jr. (1500 metros, estilo libre) y Andrea Becali (200 m metros, estilo libre) estarán en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024. De esta forma asciende a 53 el número de atletas en la delegación de la Isla que participarán en la cita deportiva internacional. The post Nadadores Rodolfo Falcón Jr y Andrea Becali estarán en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024 first appeared on Cubadebate.

Celebran Taller nacional de género: Avances y desafíos de Cuba a 30 años de la Conferencia de Beijing

Con la participación de la miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido y del Consejo de Estado, secretaria general de la FMC, Teresa Amarelle Boué, y de la vicepresidenta del Parlamento cubano, Ana María Mari Machado, aconteció este marte

Celebran Taller nacional de género: Avances y desafíos de Cuba a 30 años de la Conferencia de Beijing

Con la participación de la miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido y del Consejo de Estado, secretaria general de la FMC, Teresa Amarelle Boué, y de la vicepresidenta del Parlamento cubano, Ana María Mari Machado, aconteció este martes el Taller Nacional previo a la presentación del Informe de Cuba ante el Comité de la Convención para la Eliminación de todas las formas de Discriminación contra la Mujer. The post Celebran Taller nacional de género: Avances y desafíos de Cuba a 30 años de la Conferencia de Beijing first appeared on Cubadebate.

Otra vez Biden contra el teleprónter: “Repite esto”

Otra vez Biden contra el teleprónter. El presidente estadounidense suma nuevos deslices al anunciar las medidas que su administración ha tomado con el objetivo de proteger a los ciudadanos del calor extremo que azota EE.UU, diciendo que se han invertido mil

Otra vez Biden contra el teleprónter: “Repite esto”

Otra vez Biden contra el teleprónter. El presidente estadounidense suma nuevos deslices al anunciar las medidas que su administración ha tomado con el objetivo de proteger a los ciudadanos del calor extremo que azota EE.UU, diciendo que se han invertido miles de millones en “aumentar los cortes de energía” a lo largo de todo el país. The post Otra vez Biden contra el teleprónter: “Repite esto” first appeared on Cubadebate.

5 случаев, когда Решетова говорила одно, а делала другое

После скандала с Алсу и ее супругом пользователи Сети еще раз внимательно изучили все интервью Анастасии. И выяснили, что девушка полна проти

5 случаев, когда Решетова говорила одно, а делала другое

После скандала с Алсу и ее супругом пользователи Сети еще раз внимательно изучили все интервью Анастасии. И выяснили, что девушка полна противоречий.