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Brazil is the only country in the world mandating Covid-19 vaccines for children aged 6 months to 5 years. In the end, the arguments of those who support this are similar to those of Islamic State members.

Industrigiganter forurenser mest – får titalls milliarder i utslippsstøtte

De ti største industrigigantene i Norge har de siste ti årene fått over 25 milliarder kroner i utslippsstøtte, men har kun klart å kutte i utslipp med 7 prosent.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Industrigiganter forurenser mest – får titalls milliarder i utslippsstøtte

De ti største industrigigantene i Norge har de siste ti årene fått over 25 milliarder kroner i utslippsstøtte, men har kun klart å kutte i utslipp med 7 prosent.

Kan Matapour straffes for 25. juni-skytingen? I dag får vi rettens svar

Oslo-skytingen ble framprovosert av norske myndigheter, mener forsvareren til Zaniar Matapour. Er retten enig, kan den terrortiltalte 45-åringen bli frifunnet.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Kan Matapour straffes for 25. juni-skytingen? I dag får vi rettens svar

Oslo-skytingen ble framprovosert av norske myndigheter, mener forsvareren til Zaniar Matapour. Er retten enig, kan den terrortiltalte 45-åringen bli frifunnet.

Маркетплейсы начнут передавать в ФНС данные о расчетах с продавцами

Маркетплейсы получат право передавать в ФНС данные об операциях со своими продавцами — такой опцией дополнят автоматизированную «упрощенк
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Маркетплейсы начнут передавать в ФНС данные о расчетах с продавцами

Маркетплейсы получат право передавать в ФНС данные об операциях со своими продавцами — такой опцией дополнят автоматизированную «упрощенку» для малого бизнеса. Это еще один шаг к обелению электронной торговли, говорят эксперты.

«Газета.Ru» перечислила все автомобильные новинки лета в России

Автокомпании, официально работающие на российском рынке, продолжают пополнять свои модельные ряды интересными новинками. Chery начала продаж
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

«Газета.Ru» перечислила все автомобильные новинки лета в России

Автокомпании, официально работающие на российском рынке, продолжают пополнять свои модельные ряды интересными новинками. Chery начала продажи кроссовера Tiggo 7 Pro Max, объявлены цены на премиальные Hongqi HS3 и HS5, марка Belgee вывела на российский рынок кроссовер X70. Об этих и других автомобилях, которые стали доступны россиянам, — в материале «Газеты.Ru».

Rwanda: Defence Attachés Accredited to Rwanda Updated On Country's Security Situation

[New Times] Defence attachés accredited to Rwanda were on July 3 hosted today to a security briefing at the Ministry of Defence and Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) Headquarters in Kigali where they received updates on Rwanda's internal and external security s
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Rwanda: Defence Attachés Accredited to Rwanda Updated On Country's Security Situation

[New Times] Defence attachés accredited to Rwanda were on July 3 hosted today to a security briefing at the Ministry of Defence and Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) Headquarters in Kigali where they received updates on Rwanda's internal and external security situation, as well as RDF's bilateral engagements in Mozambique and the Central African Republic.

Chad: France Launches Embezzlement Inquiry Into Chad's President Mahamat Idriss Déby

[RFI] French prosecutors have ordered an inquiry into allegations that Chad's president embezzled public funds for a shopping spree on luxury clothing from Paris.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Chad: France Launches Embezzlement Inquiry Into Chad's President Mahamat Idriss Déby

[RFI] French prosecutors have ordered an inquiry into allegations that Chad's president embezzled public funds for a shopping spree on luxury clothing from Paris.

Congo-Kinshasa: Fears of Escalation As M23 Seizes Key Towns

[DW] M23 rebels have captured the towns of Kanyabayonga and Kirumba in the eastern DRC. Lack of international pressure and the troubled state of the Congolese military facilitated their success, experts told DW.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Congo-Kinshasa: Fears of Escalation As M23 Seizes Key Towns

[DW] M23 rebels have captured the towns of Kanyabayonga and Kirumba in the eastern DRC. Lack of international pressure and the troubled state of the Congolese military facilitated their success, experts told DW.

Šiandien Jungtinėje Karalystėje vyksta visuotiniai rinkimai: istorinė pergalė prognozuojama leiboristams

Ketvirtadienį Didžiojoje Britanijoje vyksta visuotiniai rinkimai, per kuriuos tikimasi, kad į valdžią grįš opozicinė Leiboristų partija ir baigsis beveik pusantro dešimtmečio trukęs konservatorių valdymas. Visuotiniai rinkimai šalyje vyksta pir

Šiandien Jungtinėje Karalystėje vyksta visuotiniai rinkimai: istorinė pergalė prognozuojama leiboristams

Ketvirtadienį Didžiojoje Britanijoje vyksta visuotiniai rinkimai, per kuriuos tikimasi, kad į valdžią grįš opozicinė Leiboristų partija ir baigsis beveik pusantro dešimtmečio trukęs konservatorių valdymas. Visuotiniai rinkimai šalyje vyksta pirmą kartą po 2019 m., kai Borisas Johnsonas atvedė torius į pergalę, ir po ministro pirmininko Rishi Sunako netikėto sprendimo surengti juos pusmečiu anksčiau nei reikalaujama.

Dėl Kalifornijoje siautėjančių miškų gaisrų tūkstančiams žmonių liepta evakuotis

Tūkstančiams žmonių įsakyta evakuotis dėl nekontroliuojamų miškų gaisrų Kalifornijos šiaurėje, jie siaučia JAV tvyrant „rekordinei ir pavojingai“ karščio bangai, apsunkinančiai gaisrų gesinimo darbus. Nuo antradienio, kai gaisras kilo pr

Dėl Kalifornijoje siautėjančių miškų gaisrų tūkstančiams žmonių liepta evakuotis

Tūkstančiams žmonių įsakyta evakuotis dėl nekontroliuojamų miškų gaisrų Kalifornijos šiaurėje, jie siaučia JAV tvyrant „rekordinei ir pavojingai“ karščio bangai, apsunkinančiai gaisrų gesinimo darbus. Nuo antradienio, kai gaisras kilo prie pat Orovilio, liepsnos apėmė daugiau nei 1400 hektarų žolės ir miško.

Putinas liks vienas? Nuo diktatoriaus vis greičiau nusisuka svarbūs sąjungininkai

Rusija praranda įtaką Vidurio Azijos šalyse, kurios kadaise priklausė SSRS. Naujuoju hegemonu čia tampa Kinija, skelbia „The Wall Street Journal“ (WSJ). Leidinys atkreipia dėmesį į akivaizdžius šių šalių persiorientavimo iš šiaurės į ryt

Putinas liks vienas? Nuo diktatoriaus vis greičiau nusisuka svarbūs sąjungininkai

Rusija praranda įtaką Vidurio Azijos šalyse, kurios kadaise priklausė SSRS. Naujuoju hegemonu čia tampa Kinija, skelbia „The Wall Street Journal“ (WSJ). Leidinys atkreipia dėmesį į akivaizdžius šių šalių persiorientavimo iš šiaurės į rytus požymius: Uzbekistano gatvėmis važinėja vis daugiau kiniškų prekės ženklų, o rusiškų „Ladų“ skaičius mažėja. Nors Pekinas ir Maskva deklaruoja susivienijimą menamai Vakarų agresijai prieš jas, užkulisiuose įtampa tarp abiejų diktatūrų išlieka.

Services along East-West line resume after train faults on July 4 morning

[UPDATE: 8.27AM] Regular train services have progressively resumed and free regular and bridging bus services have ceased. SINGAPORE — Services have resumed along the East-West Line (EWL) after a three-hour delay caused by a track fault at Jurong East

Services along East-West line resume after train faults on July 4 morning

[UPDATE: 8.27AM] Regular train services have progressively resumed and free regular and bridging bus services have ceased. SINGAPORE — Services have resumed along the East-West Line (EWL) after a three-hour delay caused by a track fault at Jurong East station on July 4. The delays were a result of a faulty point machine, said train operator SMRT in a Facebook post at 8.18am. «A point machine controls train movements at rail junctions when trains switch tracks. It is crucial for the point machine to be fully functional for the safe operation of trains,» it added. Due to safety reasons, trains travelled at a speed of 5kmh after the fault was detected, said SMRT. «To rectify the fault, our staff went onto the track to investigate the issue.» Free regular bus and bridging bus services, which were available between Clementi and Boon Lay stations at designated bus stops, have now ceased. SMRT first announced the track fault, which occurred at the station at around 5am, at 7.25am.

Coming in August: Cash payouts of up to $850 to help Singaporeans defray GST and other living expenses

Singaporeans can look forward to cash payouts and Medisave top-ups in August. About 1.5 million citizens will receive up to $850 in cash as part of the enhanced GST Voucher (GSTV) scheme, said the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in a press release on Thursday (Jul

Coming in August: Cash payouts of up to $850 to help Singaporeans defray GST and other living expenses

Singaporeans can look forward to cash payouts and Medisave top-ups in August. About 1.5 million citizens will receive up to $850 in cash as part of the enhanced GST Voucher (GSTV) scheme, said the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in a press release on Thursday (July 4). Those living in homes with annual values of up to $21,000 will get $850, while residents of homes with annual values of more than $21,000, and up to $25,000, will receive $450. If you own more than one property, you are not eligible for the payout. About 650,000 Singaporeans aged 65 and above will also enjoy top-ups of up to $450 to their MediSave accounts. The 2024 GSTV disbursements were first announced by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong during Budget 2023 and will amount to $1.4 billion - around $200 million more than the sum paid out to Singaporeans in 2023, said MOF. You can check your eligibility for the GSTV benefits at by logging in with your Singpass. Those who have yet to sign up for the GSTV Scheme will be notified to do so by end-August via the Singpass app, SMS or hardcopy letters.

Woman uses herself as bait after 2 upskirt incidents on same day, man arrested at Cold Storage in Nex

One woman decided to take matters into her own hands after experiencing two incidents of voyeurism by two different men on the same day.  By using herself as a bait and secretly recording him, she managed to get one of the culprits nabbed. Sharing the Ju

Woman uses herself as bait after 2 upskirt incidents on same day, man arrested at Cold Storage in Nex

One woman decided to take matters into her own hands after experiencing two incidents of voyeurism by two different men on the same day.  By using herself as a bait and secretly recording him, she managed to get one of the culprits nabbed. Sharing the June 4 encounter in a TikTok video, the woman said she had first felt «violated» after a man allegedly took upskirt videos of her at Scarlett Supermarket in Nex. He had followed her from one store to another in the mall for half an hour. The woman said that she did not alert the police then due to the lack of evidence. Still, she was determined not to let him get away. At around 5.30pm, she went to the Cold Storage outlet in the same mall to look for him.  But she noticed that another man was allegedly filming her while she was browsing flowers. While she initially walked away, she said that she later «mustered the courage» and decided to use herself as bait to catch the culprit red-handed. In her 40-second clip, the man is seen squatted down and holding a phone with the rear camera facing up. She saw that the phone was in camera mode, she said.

Buruh dipenjara 30 tahun, 12 sebatan kerana edar dadah

KUALA TERENGGANU: Seorang buruh dijatuhi hukuman penjara 30 tahun dan 12 sebatan di Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini kerana mengedar dadah methamphetamine seberat 299.17 gram.
BH Online - Terkini

Buruh dipenjara 30 tahun, 12 sebatan kerana edar dadah

KUALA TERENGGANU: Seorang buruh dijatuhi hukuman penjara 30 tahun dan 12 sebatan di Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini kerana mengedar dadah methamphetamine seberat 299.17 gram.

MPN beroperasi guna pembiayaan sendiri selepas tidak terima dana kerajaan 2018-2022

KUALA LUMPUR: Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN) tidak menerima dana kerajaan sejak pembubarannya pada 2018, sebaliknya beroperasi dengan sumbangan dan pembiayaan sendiri serta bergerak sebagai entiti bebas sehingga Januari 2022.
BH Online - Terkini

MPN beroperasi guna pembiayaan sendiri selepas tidak terima dana kerajaan 2018-2022

KUALA LUMPUR: Majlis Profesor Negara (MPN) tidak menerima dana kerajaan sejak pembubarannya pada 2018, sebaliknya beroperasi dengan sumbangan dan pembiayaan sendiri serta bergerak sebagai entiti bebas sehingga Januari 2022.

김하성, 안타 생산 재개…시즌 16·17호 도루도 성공

김하성(29·샌디에이고 파드리스)이 안타 생산을 재개했다. 기록 정정으로 도루 1개를 잃었지만 이날 곧바로 도루 2개를 추가했다. 김하성은 4일(한국시각) 미국 텍사스주 알링턴의 글로브라이프
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

김하성, 안타 생산 재개…시즌 16·17호 도루도 성공

김하성(29·샌디에이고 파드리스)이 안타 생산을 재개했다. 기록 정정으로 도루 1개를 잃었지만 이날 곧바로 도루 2개를 추가했다. 김하성은 4일(한국시각) 미국 텍사스주 알링턴의 글로브라이프 필드에서 열린 2024 메이저리그(MLB) 텍사스 레인저스와의 경기에 8번 타자 유격수로 선발 출전해 3타수 1안타 1득점을 기록했다. 전날 텍사스전에서 3타수 무안타에 그쳐 9경기 연속 안타 행진을 마감했던 김하성은 하루 뒤 안타를 생산했다. 김하성의 시즌 타율은 0.226에서 0.227(295타수 67안타)로 소폭 올랐다. 첫 타석부타 안타를 때려냈다. 2회초 2사 1루 상황에 첫 타석을 맞은 김하성은 유격수 방면 내야안타를 날렸다. 계속된 2사 1, 3루 상황에서 김하성은 곧장 2루를 훔쳤다. 시즌 16호 도루다. 이날 경기를 앞두고 김하성은 도루 1개가 삭제됐다. 김하성은 지난 3일 텍사스전에서 팀이 0-7로 뒤진 8회초 1사 1루 상황에 선행주자를 아웃시키고 출루했고, 카일 히가시오카

십자인대 다쳤던 GK 김승규, 복귀 눈앞…SNS에 “마지막 단계 돌입”

지난 1월 아시아축구연맹(AFC) 아시안컵 도중 십자인대 부상을 당했던 김승규(33?알샤밥)가 복귀를 눈앞에 뒀다. 김승규는 3일(현지시간) 구단 알샤밥의 공식 소셜미디어(SNS)를 통해 “최근 공을 갖
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

십자인대 다쳤던 GK 김승규, 복귀 눈앞…SNS에 “마지막 단계 돌입”

지난 1월 아시아축구연맹(AFC) 아시안컵 도중 십자인대 부상을 당했던 김승규(33?알샤밥)가 복귀를 눈앞에 뒀다. 김승규는 3일(현지시간) 구단 알샤밥의 공식 소셜미디어(SNS)를 통해 “최근 공을 갖고 훈련하며 몸 상태를 끌어 올리고 있다”면서 “구단의 지원 스태프와 의료 스태프 도움 덕에 최대한 빠르게 회복하며 복귀를 준비하고 있다”고 밝혔다. 이어 “현재 나는 회복 훈련 막바지에 다다랐다. 곧 훈련 캠프에 합류할 것”이라면서 “다음 시즌 온전히 팀에 도움이 되기를 희망한다”고 덧붙였다. 김승규는 국가대표 주전 골키퍼로서, 지난 아시안컵에도 참가했다. 하지만 1차전이 끝난 뒤 훈련 도중 자체 게임을 하다가 오른쪽 전방 십자인대 파열 부상을 당해 대회 도중 한국행 비행기에 올랐다. 김승규는 지난달 모델 김진경(27)과 결혼식을 올렸다. (서울=뉴스1)

염경엽 감독보다도 말 더 많은 ‘핵인싸’ LG 오스틴

염경엽 LG 감독은 말이 많기로 유명하다. 경기 전 감독 브리핑 때면 앉은 자리에서 20분은 거뜬히 이야기 보따리를 푼다. 그런데 LG에 이런 염 감독의 발언권을 위협하는 선수가 있다. 외국인 타자
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

염경엽 감독보다도 말 더 많은 ‘핵인싸’ LG 오스틴

염경엽 LG 감독은 말이 많기로 유명하다. 경기 전 감독 브리핑 때면 앉은 자리에서 20분은 거뜬히 이야기 보따리를 푼다. 그런데 LG에 이런 염 감독의 발언권을 위협하는 선수가 있다. 외국인 타자 오스틴이다.LG 주전 1루수 오스틴은 2일 서울 고척스카이돔에서 열린 키움과의 방문경기를 앞두고 염 감독의 브리핑을 기다리던 취재진에게 말을 건넸다. 브리핑 시간에 맞춰 나오다 취재진과 이야기를 나누는 오스틴을 발견한 염 감독은 “오늘은 나 대신 네가 (브리핑)하라”며 웃었다. 오스틴은 이후 감독석에서 5분 넘게 질의응답을 한 뒤에야 염 감독에게 자리를 넘겼다.LG전에서 1루를 밟은 상대 선수는 모두 오스틴의 대화 상대가 된다. 오스틴은 “상대 선수가 안타를 치고 오면 ‘나이스 배팅’이라고 하거나 상대 선수들이 최대한 쉽게 이해할 수 있게 말하려 한다. 한국어는 내가 잘 모르니까 ‘맛있어’처럼 내가 아는 말을 아무거나 막 한다”면서 “야구가 재미있는 게 같은 말을 쓰지 않더랃 무슨 말을

Tokyo refrains from commenting on meeting of Russian, Chinese leaders

At the same time, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi emphasized that Japan will keep an eye on how the Russian-Chinese relations develop

Tokyo refrains from commenting on meeting of Russian, Chinese leaders

At the same time, Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi emphasized that Japan will keep an eye on how the Russian-Chinese relations develop

«Ժողովուրդ». Արցախցիների կուտակային կենսաթոշակների հարցը անորոշ է մնում և տարբեր պատճառաբանություններով ձգձգվում է


«Ժողովուրդ». Վարչապետի աշխատակազմի խմիչքի մատակարարի շահույթը գրեթե կրկնակի պակասել է


«Հրապարակ». Ավինյանի մերձավորների ձերբակալությունը վախը բռնելու և ցույց տալու համար էր, թե ով է երկրում «ասողը»


Malaysia masih buru Jho Low, tak ada kaitan dengan perjanjian DOJ

BANGI: Perjanjian penyelesaian di antara Jabatan Kehakiman (DOJ) Amerika Syarikat (AS) dengan Low Taek Jho atau Jho Low, adalah perkara berasingan dengan tindakan Kerajaan Malaysia yang masih memburu ahli perniagaan terbabit.
BH Online - Terkini

Malaysia masih buru Jho Low, tak ada kaitan dengan perjanjian DOJ

BANGI: Perjanjian penyelesaian di antara Jabatan Kehakiman (DOJ) Amerika Syarikat (AS) dengan Low Taek Jho atau Jho Low, adalah perkara berasingan dengan tindakan Kerajaan Malaysia yang masih memburu ahli perniagaan terbabit.

Saham Ocean Fresh melonjak hari pertama di Bursa Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Syarikat pengilang dan peniaga makanan laut beku, Ocean Fresh Bhd membuat penampilan sulung di Pasaran ACE Bursa Malaysia pada 86 sen, meningkat 58 sen atau premium 203.57 peratus berbanding harga tawaran awam permulaan (IPO) sebanyak 28 sen.
BH Online - Terkini

Saham Ocean Fresh melonjak hari pertama di Bursa Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Syarikat pengilang dan peniaga makanan laut beku, Ocean Fresh Bhd membuat penampilan sulung di Pasaran ACE Bursa Malaysia pada 86 sen, meningkat 58 sen atau premium 203.57 peratus berbanding harga tawaran awam permulaan (IPO) sebanyak 28 sen.