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На саммите в Астане Шанхайская организация сотрудничества станет вдвое больше, чем была изначально. Каких результатов глобальной встречи жд

Nigel Farage is ‘coming for Labour’ after ‘the end’ of the Tories

The Eurosceptic firebrand who leads the Reform UK party has beat his Conservative challenger for the Essex seat of Clacton Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Nigel Farage is ‘coming for Labour’ after ‘the end’ of the Tories

The Eurosceptic firebrand who leads the Reform UK party has beat his Conservative challenger for the Essex seat of Clacton Read Full Article at

First Indian in space calls Russian cosmonaut on ISS

Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko is interacting live with Indians, including Rakesh Sharma, as part of an RT initiative Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

First Indian in space calls Russian cosmonaut on ISS

Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko is interacting live with Indians, including Rakesh Sharma, as part of an RT initiative Read Full Article at

Child killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian town – governor

Five other people were injured in the UAV attack on Russia’s Krasnodar Region, local governor Veniamin Kondratyev has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Child killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian town – governor

Five other people were injured in the UAV attack on Russia’s Krasnodar Region, local governor Veniamin Kondratyev has said Read Full Article at

Cricket fans throw massive parade for India team after world cup win (VIDEO)

Hundreds of thousands lined the streets of Mumbai for a glimpse of the T20 World Cup  victors Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Cricket fans throw massive parade for India team after world cup win (VIDEO)

Hundreds of thousands lined the streets of Mumbai for a glimpse of the T20 World Cup  victors Read Full Article at

“게임이용장애, 질병코드 등록, 바람직하지 않다”…해외 심리학자들도 우려

정부가 한국표준질병사인분류(KCD)에 게임이용장애 질병코드를 등재할지 여부를 논의하는 가운데 해외 심리학자들이 성급한 결정을 피해야 한다며 우려하는 목소리를 냈다. 정부가 세계보건기구(
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

“게임이용장애, 질병코드 등록, 바람직하지 않다”…해외 심리학자들도 우려

정부가 한국표준질병사인분류(KCD)에 게임이용장애 질병코드를 등재할지 여부를 논의하는 가운데 해외 심리학자들이 성급한 결정을 피해야 한다며 우려하는 목소리를 냈다. 정부가 세계보건기구(WHO)가 공표한 국제질병분류(ICD-11)에 게임이용장애가 포함된 걸 두고 논의를 진행하고 있지만 학계에서는 게임이용장애와 관련된 합의된 정의와 명확한 기준이 없다는 걸 근거로 내세웠다. 마띠 부오레 네덜란드 튈뷔르흐대 사회심리학과 교수는 일 오후 서울 용산구 국립중앙박물관에서 열린 ‘게임이용장애 국제세미나’ 기자간담회에서 “질병코드를 부여하면 일상생활에서 매일 게임을 하는 아이들이나 사람들이 게임에 과몰입하는 데 장애가 있는 것처럼 낙인이 찍힐 수도 있다. 굉장히 복잡한 문제며 아직 합의가 이뤄지지 않은 상황”이라고 밝혔다. 부오레 교수는 “(등재되면) 게임과 관련된 여러 문제가 있는 사람들이 치료를 받을 기회를 얻을 수 있다”면서도 게임이 고관여적으로 정신 장애에 영향을 일으키는지는 연구자들 사이에서도 의견이 엇갈

오픈AI, 지난해 초 AI 기술 대화방 해킹 당하고도 ‘쉬쉬’

생성형 인공지능(AI) 챗GPT를 개발한 오픈AI가 지난해 해킹을 당하고도 이를 외부에 공개하지 않은 것으로 드러났다. 오픈AI는 ‘핵심 기술’이 유출된 것은 아니라고 해명했으나 최근 중국발 해커
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

오픈AI, 지난해 초 AI 기술 대화방 해킹 당하고도 ‘쉬쉬’

생성형 인공지능(AI) 챗GPT를 개발한 오픈AI가 지난해 해킹을 당하고도 이를 외부에 공개하지 않은 것으로 드러났다. 오픈AI는 ‘핵심 기술’이 유출된 것은 아니라고 해명했으나 최근 중국발 해커들의 AI 기술 탈취 시도가 잇따르고 있어 AI 기업들의 보안 위협 우려가 커지고 있다.4일(현지시간) 뉴욕타임스(NYT)에 따르면 지난해 초 오픈 AI의 내부 메시지 시스템이 해킹을 당하는 사고가 발생했다. 해당 해커는 오픈AI 직원들이 최신 기술에 대해 토론하는 온라인 포럼에 접속해 세부 정보를 빼낸 것으로 알려졌다. 다만 GPT를 구축하고 훈련하는 시스템에는 접속하지 못한 것으로 전해졌다. 오픈AI 경영진은 해당 사실을 인지하고도 외부에 알리지 않았다. 오픈AI는 해킹당한 이후인 지난해 4월 경영진 참석 내부 전체회의에서 이 사실을 공개했으나 대외적으로 밝히지는 않았다. 미 연방수사국(FBI), 중앙정보국(CIA) 등에도 신고하지 않았다. 고객이나 협력업체에 대한 정보를 도난당하지 않았

선가도 우상향하며 올해 실적 호황 전망

상반기(1~6월) 한국의 세계 선박 수주 점유율이 전년 동기 대비 3%포인트 증가한 25%를 나타내며 중국(65%)에 이어 2위에 올랐다. 선가(船價)도 우상향 추세를 이어가고 있어 올해 국내 조선 3사들의 실
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

선가도 우상향하며 올해 실적 호황 전망

상반기(1~6월) 한국의 세계 선박 수주 점유율이 전년 동기 대비 3%포인트 증가한 25%를 나타내며 중국(65%)에 이어 2위에 올랐다. 선가(船價)도 우상향 추세를 이어가고 있어 올해 국내 조선 3사들의 실적에 청신호가 켜졌다는 분석이 나온다.5일 영국의 조선‧해운시황 분석기관인 클라크슨리서치에 따르면 상반기 전 세계 누계 수주는 2401만CGT(표준화물선환산통수, 903척)로 지난해 같은 기간 2471만CGT(1120척) 대비 3% 감소했다. 약간 줄긴 했지만, 2021년부터 올해까지 4년 연속 상반기 수주량 240

В Эстонии зафиксирован наименьший за последние годы рост цен

По данным Департамента статистики, индекс потребительских цен в июне повысился по сравнению с маем на 0,4% и по сравнению с июнем 2023 года - на 2,5%
В мире - Postimees

В Эстонии зафиксирован наименьший за последние годы рост цен

По данным Департамента статистики, индекс потребительских цен в июне повысился по сравнению с маем на 0,4% и по сравнению с июнем 2023 года - на 2,5%. Товары были дороже по сравнению с июнем прошлого года на 1,7% и услуги - на 3,8%.

В Эстонии ежегодно у нескольких новорожденных подтверждается наследственное заболевание

Скрининговое исследование новорожденных помогает диагностировать наследственные заболевания у ребенка и своевременно начать лечение. В Эс
В мире - Postimees

В Эстонии ежегодно у нескольких новорожденных подтверждается наследственное заболевание

Скрининговое исследование новорожденных помогает диагностировать наследственные заболевания у ребенка и своевременно начать лечение. В Эстонии обследование позволяет выявить 22 заболевания, пишет Rus.ERR.

Возраст – это лишь цифры в паспорте: 58-летняя спортсменка, едва не попавшая на Олимпиаду, тому подтверждение

58-летняя спортсменка Мишель Рол из США была очень близка к квалификации на предстоящие Олимпийские игры в Париже, заняв на квалификации олим
В мире - Postimees

Возраст – это лишь цифры в паспорте: 58-летняя спортсменка, едва не попавшая на Олимпиаду, тому подтверждение

58-летняя спортсменка Мишель Рол из США была очень близка к квалификации на предстоящие Олимпийские игры в Париже, заняв на квалификации олимпийской сборной США третье место в ходьбе на 12,4 мили (20 000 м).

UŽAS NA PROSLAVI U NJUJORKU Kamionet se zakucao u grupu ljudi, ima poginulih

Dve osobe su poginule, a devet je povređeno kada je kamionet udario grupu ljudi koja je slavila Dan nezavisnosti u Njujorku, saopštile su lokalne vlasti.
Blic online

UŽAS NA PROSLAVI U NJUJORKU Kamionet se zakucao u grupu ljudi, ima poginulih

Dve osobe su poginule, a devet je povređeno kada je kamionet udario grupu ljudi koja je slavila Dan nezavisnosti u Njujorku, saopštile su lokalne vlasti.

CRNOGORAC (25) MEHANIČAR IZBO DEVOJKU U NEMAČKOJ Bila je duplo starija od njega, cimer sve otkrio: «Bio je nezgodan kad popije»

Adis L. (25), državljanin Crne Gore, uhapšen je zbog sumnje da je počinio ubistvo u Vajngertaunu u Nemačkoj kada je nožem izbo svoju devojku Oksanu (52).
Blic online

CRNOGORAC (25) MEHANIČAR IZBO DEVOJKU U NEMAČKOJ Bila je duplo starija od njega, cimer sve otkrio: «Bio je nezgodan kad popije»

Adis L. (25), državljanin Crne Gore, uhapšen je zbog sumnje da je počinio ubistvo u Vajngertaunu u Nemačkoj kada je nožem izbo svoju devojku Oksanu (52).

Ministar Marko Đurić u «Jutru na Blicu» o spoljnopolitičkim izazovima Srbije (UŽIVO, VIDEO)

O najvećim spoljnopolitičkim izazovima koji su pred Srbijom, o regionalnim i odnosima sa velikim silama, putu Srbije ka članstvu u Evropskoj uniji i očuvanju mira u regionu, za Jutro na Blic govori ministar spoljnih poslova Marko Đurić.
Blic online

Ministar Marko Đurić u «Jutru na Blicu» o spoljnopolitičkim izazovima Srbije (UŽIVO, VIDEO)

O najvećim spoljnopolitičkim izazovima koji su pred Srbijom, o regionalnim i odnosima sa velikim silama, putu Srbije ka članstvu u Evropskoj uniji i očuvanju mira u regionu, za Jutro na Blic govori ministar spoljnih poslova Marko Đurić.

«BATUT» IZDAO VAŽNO UPOZORENJE Vreme će biti OPASNO, alarmi upaljeni u nekoliko gradova, evo gde će biti najkritičnije

Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije «Dr Milan Jovanović Batut» upalio je narandžasti alarm za nekoliko gradova u Srbiji za ponedeljak, 8. jul, što znači da će tog dana vremenski uslovi biti u njima opasni po zdravlje. U jednom gradu ovaj alarm
Blic online

«BATUT» IZDAO VAŽNO UPOZORENJE Vreme će biti OPASNO, alarmi upaljeni u nekoliko gradova, evo gde će biti najkritičnije

Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije «Dr Milan Jovanović Batut» upalio je narandžasti alarm za nekoliko gradova u Srbiji za ponedeljak, 8. jul, što znači da će tog dana vremenski uslovi biti u njima opasni po zdravlje. U jednom gradu ovaj alarm će se upaliti i dan ranije, u nedelju, u Bečeju. Inače, već od danas visok je UV indeks.

VIDEO: NDP viert 37ste verjaardag met roadshow

Waterkant De Nationale Democratische Partij in Suriname (NDP) heeft woensdag haar 37e verjaardag gevierd met een levendige roadshow door de wijken van Paramaribo, Wanica en Commewijne. De NDP nodigde iedereen uit om deel te nemen aan de viering onder het mott

VIDEO: NDP viert 37ste verjaardag met roadshow

Waterkant De Nationale Democratische Partij in Suriname (NDP) heeft woensdag haar 37e verjaardag gevierd met een levendige roadshow door de wijken van Paramaribo, Wanica en Commewijne. De NDP nodigde iedereen uit om deel te nemen aan de viering onder het motto “Wi o seki Sranan gron”. De festiviteiten begonnen om 17.00 uur en werden gekenmerkt door […] Het bericht VIDEO: NDP viert 37ste verjaardag met roadshow verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Opschonen Saramaccakanaal vordert flink; oplevering eind deze maand

Waterkant Het opschonen van het Saramaccakanaal in Suriname verloopt voorspoedig volgens minister Riad Nurmohamed van Openbare Werken. Dit project, gefinancierd door een lening van 35 miljoen USD van de Wereldbank, heeft als doel de ontwateringsproblemen in G

Opschonen Saramaccakanaal vordert flink; oplevering eind deze maand

Waterkant Het opschonen van het Saramaccakanaal in Suriname verloopt voorspoedig volgens minister Riad Nurmohamed van Openbare Werken. Dit project, gefinancierd door een lening van 35 miljoen USD van de Wereldbank, heeft als doel de ontwateringsproblemen in Groot-Paramaribo op te lossen. Samen met aannemer Infra International N.V. en ingenieursbureau ILACO wordt gewerkt aan de oplevering eind deze […] Het bericht Opschonen Saramaccakanaal vordert flink; oplevering eind deze maand verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

50th anniversary: BADEA board of directors meeting opens in Seychelles 

The Arab Bank of Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) board members met in Seychelles on Thursday, as the bank celebrates its 50th anniversary, to discuss new projects and technical assistance for implementation. In his address at the meeting, Seychelles
Seychelles News Agency

50th anniversary: BADEA board of directors meeting opens in Seychelles 

The Arab Bank of Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) board members met in Seychelles on Thursday, as the bank celebrates its 50th anniversary, to discuss new projects and technical assistance for implementation. In his address at the meeting, Seychelles' Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, said the formal gathering is a powerful affirmation of the shared commitment to fostering sustainable development and economic growth. «In recent years, research has increasingly highlighted the indispensable role that financing institutions like BADEA play in the development agendas of nations such as Seychelles. These insights reinforce what we have always known: that strategic financial support is a cornerstone of national progress,» he added. Hassan said, «Over the years, BADEA's investment in key sectors such as infrastructure, education, and energy has significantly propelled our development agenda. These projects have not only improved the quality of life for our citizens but have also strengthened our economy and enhanced our capacity for sustainable growth. For this, we remain immensely grateful. These achievements stand as a testament to the lasting partnership between our country and your esteemed institution.» He spoke about BADEA's role as more than a financier but rather a partner in progress. «The Bank brings not just capital, but also expertise, confidence, and a steadfast commitment to sustainable development. Your support helps nations like Seychelles build a resilient economy, capable of withstanding global challenges and seizing opportunities for growth,» he added. BADEA has assisted Seychelles by financing many projects throughout the years, including the construction of the Seychelles Maritime Academy, a housing project and public utility infrastructures. «Our partnership with Seychelles has allowed the Bank to fund around 25 projects since establishing the partnership,» said the chairman of BADEA's board of directors, Dr Fahad Aldossari, in his address. In the last 50 years, BADEA has funded over $13 billion in projects across the African continent. During the Arab Africa summit in Riyadh last year, the Arab coordination group committed $50 million to developments in Africa, with BADEA leading the initiative with its different colleagues from different Arab funds. «In addition to funding lots of infrastructure projects, we started working more with private finance and small and medium enterprises to be impactful to the African continent,» said Aldossari. He explained that the Bank has been more active in recent years to be more impactful and more relevant to African countries with an increase in its authorised capital from $4.2 billion to $20 billion. Aldossari revealed that BADEA has also been rated recently by several rating agencies «for the quality of work it has been doing, but also to help the bank improve and increase the number of its activities in Africa.» He added that for the first time this year, the bank has been able to issue loans in euros. «The subscription within the first few hours went to €1.5 billion, which shows the trust from the investment community and also from everyone dealing and working with BADEA,» said Aldossari.


郭顏慧/核稿編輯 南韓反對黨共同民主黨(Democratic Party of Korea)前任黨魁李在明1月2日訪問南部城市釜山,突遭67歲金姓男子(下稱金某)刺傷頸部,險些喪...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


郭顏慧/核稿編輯 南韓反對黨共同民主黨(Democratic Party of Korea)前任黨魁李在明1月2日訪問南部城市釜山,突遭67歲金姓男子(下稱金某)刺傷頸部,險些喪...…

MoBay mayor: We were spared the worst

WESTERN BUREAU: Despite the loss of electricity and mobile-service connectivity in sections of St James following Hurricane Beryl as well as some roads being impassable due to downed trees, Montego Bay’s Mayor, Richard Vernon, is voicing gratitude...

MoBay mayor: We were spared the worst

WESTERN BUREAU: Despite the loss of electricity and mobile-service connectivity in sections of St James following Hurricane Beryl as well as some roads being impassable due to downed trees, Montego Bay’s Mayor, Richard Vernon, is voicing gratitude...

Centuries-old The Manning’s School battered

WESTERN BUREAU: Heavy rains and storm-force winds associated with the passage of Hurricane Beryl left a devastating impact on the 286-year-old The Manning’s School in Westmoreland. Administrators of the school on Thursday related major damage to...

Centuries-old The Manning’s School battered

WESTERN BUREAU: Heavy rains and storm-force winds associated with the passage of Hurricane Beryl left a devastating impact on the 286-year-old The Manning’s School in Westmoreland. Administrators of the school on Thursday related major damage to...

Beryl barrels through Hellshire Beach, destroying facilities

Hurricane Beryl left Portmore grappling with significant damage, particularly in Hellshire Beach and the surrounding areas. The Category 4 system left a trail of destruction on Wednesday, with two houses in Greater Portmore extensively damaged and...

Beryl barrels through Hellshire Beach, destroying facilities

Hurricane Beryl left Portmore grappling with significant damage, particularly in Hellshire Beach and the surrounding areas. The Category 4 system left a trail of destruction on Wednesday, with two houses in Greater Portmore extensively damaged and...

‘This was my bread and butter’

WESTERN BUREAU: Courtney Walcott’s four-acre farm in Zion, Trelawny, was once fruitful and promising. However, he lost everything during Wednesday’s passing of Hurricane Beryl. Walcott explained that his papaya, plantain, and banana plants were all...

‘This was my bread and butter’

WESTERN BUREAU: Courtney Walcott’s four-acre farm in Zion, Trelawny, was once fruitful and promising. However, he lost everything during Wednesday’s passing of Hurricane Beryl. Walcott explained that his papaya, plantain, and banana plants were all...

‘Nine hours of hell’

PORTLAND: “Nine hours of hell” is how one Portland resident described the ferocious onslaught during the passage of Hurricane Beryl on Wednesday. Cyrus Bell, a 69-year-old resident of Bryan’s Bay, referred to the gusty winds from Beryl as being...

‘Nine hours of hell’

PORTLAND: “Nine hours of hell” is how one Portland resident described the ferocious onslaught during the passage of Hurricane Beryl on Wednesday. Cyrus Bell, a 69-year-old resident of Bryan’s Bay, referred to the gusty winds from Beryl as being...

Euro 2024, în linie dreaptă. Două meciuri monumentale astăzi, care vor stabili primele semifinaliste

Careul de ași de la Campionatul European se decide în acest weekend.

Euro 2024, în linie dreaptă. Două meciuri monumentale astăzi, care vor stabili primele semifinaliste

Careul de ași de la Campionatul European se decide în acest weekend.

Avion întors din drum, după ce 70 de pasageri au prezentat simptome de intoxicare. Le-a fost servit pui stricat VIDEO

Panică într-un avion aparţinând companiei americane Delta Airlines, care efectua un zbor de la Detroit la Amsterdam. Aeronava a fost întoarsă din drum, după ce 70 de pasageri au prezentat simptome de intoxicare, potrivit Le Figaro.

Avion întors din drum, după ce 70 de pasageri au prezentat simptome de intoxicare. Le-a fost servit pui stricat VIDEO

Panică într-un avion aparţinând companiei americane Delta Airlines, care efectua un zbor de la Detroit la Amsterdam. Aeronava a fost întoarsă din drum, după ce 70 de pasageri au prezentat simptome de intoxicare, potrivit Le Figaro.

Un nou cutremur în zona Vrancei. Orașele în care s-a resimțit seismul

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 3,4 s-a produs puțin după miezul nopții în Vrancea, a transmis Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului (INCDFP).

Un nou cutremur în zona Vrancei. Orașele în care s-a resimțit seismul

Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 3,4 s-a produs puțin după miezul nopții în Vrancea, a transmis Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Pământului (INCDFP).

O nouă eră în politica britanică. Keir Starmer și Nigel Farage, figurile centrale ale schimbării

În Marea Britanie, o nouă eră politică este pe cale să înceapă, cu Keir Starmer, liderul Partidului Laburist, pregătit să preia funcția de prim-ministru. “Schimbarea începe acum”, a declarat Starmer, subliniind dorința de a reveni la politica

O nouă eră în politica britanică. Keir Starmer și Nigel Farage, figurile centrale ale schimbării

În Marea Britanie, o nouă eră politică este pe cale să înceapă, cu Keir Starmer, liderul Partidului Laburist, pregătit să preia funcția de prim-ministru. “Schimbarea începe acum”, a declarat Starmer, subliniind dorința de a reveni la politica precum „un serviciu făcut publicului”.

Cum va fi vremea în următoarele patru săptămâni: temperaturi caniculare până la începutul lunii august

Meteorologii au anunțat că temperaturile vor fi peste cele obişnuite în această perioadă, în toată ţara, cu temperaturi caniculare în sudul ţării, până la începutul lunii august.

Cum va fi vremea în următoarele patru săptămâni: temperaturi caniculare până la începutul lunii august

Meteorologii au anunțat că temperaturile vor fi peste cele obişnuite în această perioadă, în toată ţara, cu temperaturi caniculare în sudul ţării, până la începutul lunii august.

مشاهد للإعلام الحربي في المقاومة الاسلامية تعرض لأول مرة

أكد الضابط في وحدة سلاح المدفعية في حزب الله “الحاج محمد علي” ان جهد 17 عاماً لم يظهر منه الا اليسير اليسير، من ناحية الكمية ودقة الاصابة ومداي
قناة العالم الأخبارية

مشاهد للإعلام الحربي في المقاومة الاسلامية تعرض لأول مرة

أكد الضابط في وحدة سلاح المدفعية في حزب الله “الحاج محمد علي” ان جهد 17 عاماً لم يظهر منه الا اليسير اليسير، من ناحية الكمية ودقة الاصابة ومدايات الن...

شاهد.. رد حزب الله ومآلات المواجهة على جبهة لبنان

رد حزب الله على جريمة اغتيال الشهيد القائد أبو نعمة في جنوب لبنان بمهاجمة القواعد والمواقع الاسرائيلية في شمال فلسطين المحتلة جاء يالتوامن م
قناة العالم الأخبارية

شاهد.. رد حزب الله ومآلات المواجهة على جبهة لبنان

رد حزب الله على جريمة اغتيال الشهيد القائد أبو نعمة في جنوب لبنان بمهاجمة القواعد والمواقع الاسرائيلية في شمال فلسطين المحتلة جاء يالتوامن مع تهديدات...

Партия ERK набрала необходимое для регистрации число членов

В четверг партия «Эстонские националисты и консерваторы» (ERK) добилась соответствия требованию Закона о партиях, согласно которому для регис
В мире - МК-Эстония

Партия ERK набрала необходимое для регистрации число членов

В четверг партия «Эстонские националисты и консерваторы» (ERK) добилась соответствия требованию Закона о партиях, согласно которому для регистрации в партии должно быть не менее 500 членов.