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Просроченные препараты для вакцинации в поликлиниках Павлодарской области использовали в прошлом году. Стало известно, как наказали медико

KSrelief aids displaced families in Chad, Sudan, Yemen

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s aid agency KSrelief said on Sunday it provided support for displaced families in Chad, Sudan and Yemen over the past few days. In separate announcements reported by the Saudi Press Agency, the agency said it distributed 2,032 food b
Saudi Arabia

KSrelief aids displaced families in Chad, Sudan, Yemen

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s aid agency KSrelief said on Sunday it provided support for displaced families in Chad, Sudan and Yemen over the past few days. In separate announcements reported by the Saudi Press Agency, the agency said it distributed 2,032 food baskets and 1,175 shelter kits for 19,668 people in the three countries. In Chad, 1,400 food baskets were handed out in N’Djamena for 8,400 individuals, as a part of KSrelief’s food security project in the nation.

Saudi police arrest 3 for illegal hunting, arson

RIYADH: Three citizens have been arrested for violating the country’s environmental laws, with two held for illegal hunting of wildlife and one for arson, the Special Forces for Environmental Security announced on Sunday. In a statement carried by the Sau
Saudi Arabia

Saudi police arrest 3 for illegal hunting, arson

RIYADH: Three citizens have been arrested for violating the country’s environmental laws, with two held for illegal hunting of wildlife and one for arson, the Special Forces for Environmental Security announced on Sunday. In a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency, the SPES said its field patrols arrested Ahmed Suleiman Maqbool Al-Sharari and Zahir Dhaif Allah Muslim Al-Sharari for hunting without licenses inside the King Salman Royal Natural Reserve. They were caught in possession of a firearm, live ammunition and a rabbit, according to the SPES.

Saudi-Canadian Business Council resumes after 5-year hiatus

RIYADH: The Federation of Saudi Chambers has announced it will resume its business council with Canada following a five-year hiatus, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday. Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Duleim has been appointed chairman of the Saudi-Canadian B
Saudi Arabia

Saudi-Canadian Business Council resumes after 5-year hiatus

RIYADH: The Federation of Saudi Chambers has announced it will resume its business council with Canada following a five-year hiatus, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday. Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Duleim has been appointed chairman of the Saudi-Canadian Business Council, with Abdullah bin Salem Al-Yami and Abdullah bin Ahmed Al-Ahmed serving as his deputies. Al-Duleim said the council would rekindle economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

Saudi border guards seize 79,700 narcotic tablets in Jazan

RIYADH: Saudi Border Guards have thwarted an attempt to smuggle 79,700 narcotic tablets in the southern Jazan region. Land patrols in Al-Dair sector in the region intercepted the drugs and transferred them to the appropriate authorities, the Saudi Press Age
Saudi Arabia

Saudi border guards seize 79,700 narcotic tablets in Jazan

RIYADH: Saudi Border Guards have thwarted an attempt to smuggle 79,700 narcotic tablets in the southern Jazan region. Land patrols in Al-Dair sector in the region intercepted the drugs and transferred them to the appropriate authorities, the Saudi Press Agency reported. Saudi authorities urge members of the public to report any information connected to drug smuggling or related activities.

Saudi border guards seize over a ton of qat

The General Administration of the Mujahideen and Border Guard patrols successfully thwarted multiple smuggling attempts in Jazan and the Asir Region, seizing a total of 1,222 kg of qat. Patrols in Jazan thwarted the smuggling of 507 kg of qat, and the confi
Saudi Arabia

Saudi border guards seize over a ton of qat

The General Administration of the Mujahideen and Border Guard patrols successfully thwarted multiple smuggling attempts in Jazan and the Asir Region, seizing a total of 1,222 kg of qat. Patrols in Jazan thwarted the smuggling of 507 kg of qat, and the confiscated items were transferred to the appropriate authorities after initial regulatory procedures. Security regiments in the Asir Region also intercepted 240 kg of qat in the Al-Farsha Governorate.

HAOS KOD KRUŠEVCA Kolima sleteo sa puta direktno na groblje: Prevrnuo se na krov tik uz nadrgobni spomenik (FOTO)

Teška saobraćajna nesreća dogodila se u mestu Makrešane kod Kruševca kada je putnički automobil, pod nerazjašnjenim okolnostima, sleteo sa puta, uleteo na groblje i prevrnuo se na krov.
Blic online

HAOS KOD KRUŠEVCA Kolima sleteo sa puta direktno na groblje: Prevrnuo se na krov tik uz nadrgobni spomenik (FOTO)

Teška saobraćajna nesreća dogodila se u mestu Makrešane kod Kruševca kada je putnički automobil, pod nerazjašnjenim okolnostima, sleteo sa puta, uleteo na groblje i prevrnuo se na krov.

LJUDI POD RUŠEVINAMA, BOLESNA DECA NAPOLJU Stravične scene u Kijevu nakon napada na dečju bolnicu: «Jedan od najgorih napada od početka invazije» (FOTO, VIDEO)

U današnjim ruskim raketnim napadima na ciljeve u Ukrajini poginulo je 20 ljudi, a oko 50 ih je ranjeno, saopšteno je iz ukrajinskog Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova.
Blic online

LJUDI POD RUŠEVINAMA, BOLESNA DECA NAPOLJU Stravične scene u Kijevu nakon napada na dečju bolnicu: «Jedan od najgorih napada od početka invazije» (FOTO, VIDEO)

U današnjim ruskim raketnim napadima na ciljeve u Ukrajini poginulo je 20 ljudi, a oko 50 ih je ranjeno, saopšteno je iz ukrajinskog Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova.

PIJANA SRPKINJA PRAVILA HAOS U HRVATSKOJ Policajci je zaustavili kod tunela, a ono što su pronašli u kolima ostavilo ih je u ŠOKU

Hrvatski policajci u subotu su na auto-putu A1 zaustavili pijanu srpsku državljanku u autu nemačkih registracija.
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PIJANA SRPKINJA PRAVILA HAOS U HRVATSKOJ Policajci je zaustavili kod tunela, a ono što su pronašli u kolima ostavilo ih je u ŠOKU

Hrvatski policajci u subotu su na auto-putu A1 zaustavili pijanu srpsku državljanku u autu nemačkih registracija.

Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust premieres film about first ever global debt swap

The Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) premiered its documentary about the first-ever global debt swap recently highlighting its successes to better educate the public and international partners.  The Seychelles Debt-Swap, which
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust premieres film about first ever global debt swap

The Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) premiered its documentary about the first-ever global debt swap recently highlighting its successes to better educate the public and international partners.  The Seychelles Debt-Swap, which was finalised in 2015, began in 2008 when the government, under the leadership of the then President James Michel - who pushed forward the initiative - managed to restructure $21.6 million of its debt to Paris Club on the condition that it commits to protecting 30 percent of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by completing and implementing a Marine Spatial Plan. The debt swap mechanism is an innovative method of debt forgiveness in which a portion of a developing country's foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for a commitment to investments in domestic environmental conservation and sustainability projects. The buyback initiative was successfully concluded in March 2016 thanks to a concessionary loan from a US-based environmental debt swap NGO, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and generous grants from a group of international marine conservation foundations. The key players received a copy of the case study with the CEO of SeyCCAT, Marie-May Jeremie (4th from left) and Minister Joubert (2nd from right). (Seychelles Nation) Photo License: CC-BY As a result of the debt-swap initiative, SeyCCAT was also established to purchase and restructure the debt the country has accumulated. The non-profit trust fund was set up to oversee and manage this initiative, which ultimately led to investments in ocean stakeholders in Seychelles. Its main objectives encompass education, bold actions, and sustainable blue prosperity. The premiere was held at Eden Bleu Hotel on Friday with representatives from various non-governmental organisations and those involved in conservation in the country. In his address for the occasion, the Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Flavien Joubert, said that as Seychelles has been successful in implementing the debt swap, «it has now become a common occurrence for the Seychelles government and SeyCCAT to receive requests from other countries, governments, financial institutions and partners to share the Seychelles' experience, to understand, how they also could embark on such an important journey.» SeyCCAT produced and aired the documentary as it felt it necessary to raise awareness of the lesser-known but revolutionary undertaking achieved under the debt swap. Among those who took part in the documentary due to their involvement in the debt swap initiative were former Seychelles ambassador to the United Nations, Ronny Jumeau, and former ministers Jean-Paul Adam and Didier Dogley. A case study was also released together with the documentary with an in-depth written piece that can help replicate our efforts here in Seychelles and beyond. The documentary will be accessible for public viewing on Friday, July 19, on SeyCCAT's various platforms and will also be aired on the Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) television. 

Иран предложил соединить платежные системы стран БРИКС

Тегеран предложил соединить платежные системы стран БРИКС, Россия положительно оценила эту инициативу, заявил представитель иранского МИДа
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Иран предложил соединить платежные системы стран БРИКС

Тегеран предложил соединить платежные системы стран БРИКС, Россия положительно оценила эту инициативу, заявил представитель иранского МИДа. Ранее глава ЦБ республики сообщил о завершении интеграции «Мира» и Shetab.

Производители водки переходят на малую тару

Россияне стали больше интересоваться алкоголем в небольших бутылках. Производители охотно идут им навстречу и увеличивают производство в м
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Производители водки переходят на малую тару

Россияне стали больше интересоваться алкоголем в небольших бутылках. Производители охотно идут им навстречу и увеличивают производство в малой таре.

Экс-завод Bridgestone заработает под брендом Gislaved

Площадку в Ульяновске перезапустят в ноябре. Шинный завод в Ульяновске — бывший актив Bridgestone в РФ — возобновит работу в ноябре под брендом Gisl
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Экс-завод Bridgestone заработает под брендом Gislaved

Площадку в Ульяновске перезапустят в ноябре. Шинный завод в Ульяновске — бывший актив Bridgestone в РФ — возобновит работу в ноябре под брендом Gislaved. В 2023 году этот завод, а также российский бизнес Continental и отечественный Cordiant приобрел холдинг S8 Capital: активы вошли в шинный кластер под управлением «Кордианта». Компания стала вторым игроком шинного рынка по объемам мощностей после «Татнефти» с заводом Ikon Tyres. Под брендом Gislaved уже работает экс-завод Continental в Калуге. В Ульяновске предполагается выпускать шины массового и премиального сегментов.

鄭文燦交保撤銷發回更裁 桃院:漏夜分案確定法官、開庭時間

相關新聞請見︰ 鄭文燦交保檢抗告成功 高院撤銷發回桃院更裁 前海基會董事長鄭文燦被控於桃園市長任內涉貪收賄500萬元,法官裁定以500萬元交保,檢方不服提抗告,高院合議庭今...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

鄭文燦交保撤銷發回更裁 桃院:漏夜分案確定法官、開庭時間

相關新聞請見︰ 鄭文燦交保檢抗告成功 高院撤銷發回桃院更裁 前海基會董事長鄭文燦被控於桃園市長任內涉貪收賄500萬元,法官裁定以500萬元交保,檢方不服提抗告,高院合議庭今...…

高雄名醫許景華猝死家中 疑有三高病史

社會新聞 - 自由時報

高雄名醫許景華猝死家中 疑有三高病史

高雄邱外科醫院院長許景華今日因未按時出診,護理人員又聯絡不上,擔心出事,通知許妻趕到許院長前金區租屋處,叫門無人應答又失聯,許妻進屋驚見丈夫躺在床上,已無呼吸,立即報警處理。 ...…

台中燒肉店火災重傷昏迷中山醫大男大生 腦部、內臟功能輕微好轉

社會新聞 - 自由時報

台中燒肉店火災重傷昏迷中山醫大男大生 腦部、內臟功能輕微好轉


Sloane Avenue, Monsignor Pena Parra testimone al processo di Londra: “Attorno al Vaticano lupi travestiti da agnelli”

L’arcivescovo venezuelano è comparso come testimone nel processo civile intentato contro la Santa Sede dal finanziere Raffaele Mincione, uno dei condannati al processo vaticano per la compravendita-truffa di un palazzo al centro della Capitale inglese > Cronaca

Sloane Avenue, Monsignor Pena Parra testimone al processo di Londra: “Attorno al Vaticano lupi travestiti da agnelli”

L’arcivescovo venezuelano è comparso come testimone nel processo civile intentato contro la Santa Sede dal finanziere Raffaele Mincione, uno dei condannati al processo vaticano per la compravendita-truffa di un palazzo al centro della Capitale inglese

Lanusei, minacce social agli autori del video che mostra il lancio di un gattino da un ponte

La comunità sarda finita nel mirino di insulti. L’amministrazione: “Noi abbiamo condannato il gesto e non siamo come quei giovani” > Cronaca

Lanusei, minacce social agli autori del video che mostra il lancio di un gattino da un ponte

La comunità sarda finita nel mirino di insulti. L’amministrazione: “Noi abbiamo condannato il gesto e non siamo come quei giovani”

Delhi HC refuses to refer to medical board man's case for allowing passive euthanasia

Delhi HC refused passive euthanasia for a 30-year-old ex-Punjab University student in a vegetative state since 2013 due to diffuse axonal injury and 100% disability. Justice Subramonium Prasad noted he isn’t terminally ill or on life support. He suffers fro
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Delhi HC refuses to refer to medical board man's case for allowing passive euthanasia

Delhi HC refused passive euthanasia for a 30-year-old ex-Punjab University student in a vegetative state since 2013 due to diffuse axonal injury and 100% disability. Justice Subramonium Prasad noted he isn’t terminally ill or on life support. He suffers from infected bed sores. Aging parents sought a medical board. SC rulings against euthanasia cited; no recovery hope.

Ce este Noul Front Popular, alianţa dintre socialişti, ecologişti şi comunişti ce a câştigat alegerile din Franţa

Noul Front Popular este o alianţă formată din socialişti, ecologişti, comunişti şi Franţa Nesupusă (LFI), formată după ce preşedintele Macron a convocat alegeri parlamentare anticipate pe 9 iunie.

Ce este Noul Front Popular, alianţa dintre socialişti, ecologişti şi comunişti ce a câştigat alegerile din Franţa

Noul Front Popular este o alianţă formată din socialişti, ecologişti, comunişti şi Franţa Nesupusă (LFI), formată după ce preşedintele Macron a convocat alegeri parlamentare anticipate pe 9 iunie.

Margot Robbie va deveni mămică. Vedeta Barbie își dezvăluie burtica FOTO

Actrița nominalizată la Oscar Margot Robbie se pare că așteaptă primul ei copil cu soțul ei, producătorul de film Tom Ackerley.

Margot Robbie va deveni mămică. Vedeta Barbie își dezvăluie burtica FOTO

Actrița nominalizată la Oscar Margot Robbie se pare că așteaptă primul ei copil cu soțul ei, producătorul de film Tom Ackerley.

Ciolacu, despre Ordonanța Antidrog: Trebuie găsite soluţii ca să nu abandonăm lupta, dar nici să facem nedreptate

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a declarat, luni, că trebuie găsite soluţii ca să nu se abandoneze lupta împotriva drogurilor ca urmare a criticilor aduse ordonanței antidrog, și va purta discuții cu miniștriipe tema modificărilor legislate, iar o decizie

Ciolacu, despre Ordonanța Antidrog: Trebuie găsite soluţii ca să nu abandonăm lupta, dar nici să facem nedreptate

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a declarat, luni, că trebuie găsite soluţii ca să nu se abandoneze lupta împotriva drogurilor ca urmare a criticilor aduse ordonanței antidrog, și va purta discuții cu miniștriipe tema modificărilor legislate, iar o decizie va fi luată în şedinţa de Guvern de joi.

Rușii transformă vechile transportoare blindate ale infanteriei în tunuri de artilerie improvizate FOTO

Forțele ruse recreează tunuri de artilerie din principalul armament al vechilor vehicule blindate BMP-1.

Rușii transformă vechile transportoare blindate ale infanteriei în tunuri de artilerie improvizate FOTO

Forțele ruse recreează tunuri de artilerie din principalul armament al vechilor vehicule blindate BMP-1.

Ciolacu, despre lucrările de pe Valea Oltului: Analizăm, ca o parte să se facă pe timpul nopţii

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a declarat, luni, că va analiza, alături de ministrul Transporturilor, Sorin Grindeanu, posibilitatea ca o parte dintre lucrările de pe Valea Oltului să se realizeze pe timpul nopţii.

Ciolacu, despre lucrările de pe Valea Oltului: Analizăm, ca o parte să se facă pe timpul nopţii

Premierul Marcel Ciolacu a declarat, luni, că va analiza, alături de ministrul Transporturilor, Sorin Grindeanu, posibilitatea ca o parte dintre lucrările de pe Valea Oltului să se realizeze pe timpul nopţii.

„Hezbollah“ surengė didžiausią oro ataką prieš Izraelio karinę bazę Golano aukštumose

Libano judėjimas „Hezbollah“ sekmadienį paskelbė, kad pradėjo didžiausią iki šiol savo oro operaciją – į Izraelio karinės žvalgybos bazę aneksuotose Golano aukštumose pasiuntė sprogstamuosius dronus.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

„Hezbollah“ surengė didžiausią oro ataką prieš Izraelio karinę bazę Golano aukštumose

Libano judėjimas „Hezbollah“ sekmadienį paskelbė, kad pradėjo didžiausią iki šiol savo oro operaciją – į Izraelio karinės žvalgybos bazę aneksuotose Golano aukštumose pasiuntė sprogstamuosius dronus.

Indijos premjeras Modi atvyksta į Rusiją

Indijos ministras pirmininkas Narendra Modi (Narendra Modis) pirmadienį turi atvykti į Rusiją, jam stengiantis išlaikyti ilgamečius santykius su Maskva ir užmegzti glaudesnius saugumo ryšius su Vakarais.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Indijos premjeras Modi atvyksta į Rusiją

Indijos ministras pirmininkas Narendra Modi (Narendra Modis) pirmadienį turi atvykti į Rusiją, jam stengiantis išlaikyti ilgamečius santykius su Maskva ir užmegzti glaudesnius saugumo ryšius su Vakarais.

Kinija ir Baltarusija rengs bendras karines pratybas prie Lenkijos sienos

Kinija ir Baltarusija prie Lenkijos sienos rengs bendras karines pratybas, skirtas „kovos su terorizmu operacijoms“, sekmadienį savo tinklalapyje pranešė Kinijos ministerija ir pridūrė, jog mokymai vyks „pagal šių metų planą ir abipusį susitar
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Kinija ir Baltarusija rengs bendras karines pratybas prie Lenkijos sienos

Kinija ir Baltarusija prie Lenkijos sienos rengs bendras karines pratybas, skirtas „kovos su terorizmu operacijoms“, sekmadienį savo tinklalapyje pranešė Kinijos ministerija ir pridūrė, jog mokymai vyks „pagal šių metų planą ir abipusį susitarimą tarp dviejų šalių“.

Дорожные работы и санкции против РФ снизили интенсивность потока на шоссе Таллинн – Палдиски

Движение на эстонских дорогах с каждым годом становится все интенсивнее, следует из проведенного Департаментом транспорта анализа. В 2023 год
В мире - ERR

Дорожные работы и санкции против РФ снизили интенсивность потока на шоссе Таллинн – Палдиски

Движение на эстонских дорогах с каждым годом становится все интенсивнее, следует из проведенного Департаментом транспорта анализа. В 2023 году самый интенсивный поток был на шоссе Таллинн – Тарту. При этом на шоссе Таллинн – Палдиски интенсивность снизилась.