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Gli organizzatori del ritiro nell’abbazia di Vigor, nel Trevigiano, affermano che sono stati Jhonni Benavides e il suo compagno a seguire il giovane barista all’aperto. Ma gli altri partecipanti smentiscono. Caccia all’assassino

Sdp:n varapuheenjohtaja tylyttää ”kynnysmatoksi” suostunutta pääministeri Petteri Orpoa

Kolme johtavaa demaria ryöpyttävät Petteri Orpoa (kok) ja hallitusta ulko­politiikkaan liittyvästä kinastelusta.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Sdp:n varapuheenjohtaja tylyttää ”kynnysmatoksi” suostunutta pääministeri Petteri Orpoa

Kolme johtavaa demaria ryöpyttävät Petteri Orpoa (kok) ja hallitusta ulko­politiikkaan liittyvästä kinastelusta.

Male tourist, 26, found dead in Jalan Sultan hotel room

A 26-year-old man was found dead in a hotel room in the Bugis vicinity on Friday (Oct 4) at around 5.40pm, with police investigating the scene for close to five hours, Shin Min Daily News reported. An eyewitness had informed the Chinese evening daily abou

Male tourist, 26, found dead in Jalan Sultan hotel room

A 26-year-old man was found dead in a hotel room in the Bugis vicinity on Friday (Oct 4) at around 5.40pm, with police investigating the scene for close to five hours, Shin Min Daily News reported. An eyewitness had informed the Chinese evening daily about the incident which occurred at Hotel Boss, located at 500 Jalan Sultan Road.  The man, surnamed Yang, reported seeing a large number of police officers along with several police vehicles at the scene, and had described the atmosphere as being tense. When a Shin Min reporter went by the hotel on Friday night, there were our police cars and a crime scene investigation vehicle at the hotel's multi-storey car park. Hotel personnel were also seen taking police officers to the 19th-floor. A coroner's van arrived at about 9.30pm to remove the body and a blue luggage was also observed being transported to a police vehicle, Shin Min reported. It added that police investigations went on for close to five hours till about 10pm. The deceased was believed to be a foreigner and his body was found by hotel staff, reported the Chinese daily.

Why don't we learn about taxes in school? Minister of Education Chan Chun Sing asked burning audience questions by Joanne Peh

Do ministers use sunscreen and go for facials? The public had some burning questions for Minister of Education Chan Chun Sing and local actress Joanne Peh was there to ask them. «No, I use SAF camouflage paint,» Chan, 54, joked. «You ask a

Why don't we learn about taxes in school? Minister of Education Chan Chun Sing asked burning audience questions by Joanne Peh

Do ministers use sunscreen and go for facials? The public had some burning questions for Minister of Education Chan Chun Sing and local actress Joanne Peh was there to ask them. «No, I use SAF camouflage paint,» Chan, 54, joked. «You ask all the army guys, they all look very good.» Joanne, 41, laughed but was not convinced, as she reckoned the paint would block her pores. Another question Joanne received from her audience for Chan was whether he regretted becoming a minister, to which he said no. Joanne — who previously interviewed Chan on the Mediacorp series A Conversation With Minister and on her own podcast What Do I Know? — didn't miss a beat as she said: «Of course he has to say no, right?» Jokes aside, Chan also received some serious questions.

'Hard-earned savings': Man wills $100k to charity before dying from cancer

After learning of his cancer diagnosis, 59-year-old Wu Zhiquan (transliteration) decided to get his affairs in order. His first wish? To donate $100,000 to the Cheng Hong Welfare Service Society, so that it could continue its work in caring for the vulnerabl

'Hard-earned savings': Man wills $100k to charity before dying from cancer

After learning of his cancer diagnosis, 59-year-old Wu Zhiquan (transliteration) decided to get his affairs in order. His first wish? To donate $100,000 to the Cheng Hong Welfare Service Society, so that it could continue its work in caring for the vulnerable in society, reported Shin Min Daily News on Saturday (Oct 5). Wu, who worked in the insurance industry, had been an active volunteer there since 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic. His wife Huang Jinye (transliteration), 59, also followed in his footsteps, volunteering together at the society after the pandemic. In late July this year, Wu went for multiple doctors' visits and medical examinations for a pain in his lower back which even prescribed painkillers could not ease. In mid-August, the pain got so bad that Wu was rushed to the hospital emergency department, where he was eventually diagnosed with end-stage cancer. The cancer cells were suspected to have spread to other parts of his body. Wu died on Aug 24, a day before he was scheduled to undergo a biopsy so that doctors could formulate a treatment plan.

Костенко отметила юбилей победы, Караулова перепела Аллегрову: звезды на «Мисс Россия-2024»

Все течет, все изменяется, но каждый октябрь мы традиционно начинаем на конкурсе «Мисс Россия». Рассказываем, как он прошел в этот раз.

Костенко отметила юбилей победы, Караулова перепела Аллегрову: звезды на «Мисс Россия-2024»

Все течет, все изменяется, но каждый октябрь мы традиционно начинаем на конкурсе «Мисс Россия». Рассказываем, как он прошел в этот раз.


政治新聞 - 自由時報



趙少康諷「有誰把中華人民共和國當祖國?」 簡舒培舉4人打臉

政治新聞 - 自由時報

趙少康諷「有誰把中華人民共和國當祖國?」 簡舒培舉4人打臉


將中國對台政治修辭「除魅」 綠委:賴清德盼團結台灣最多數人

政治新聞 - 自由時報

將中國對台政治修辭「除魅」 綠委:賴清德盼團結台灣最多數人


Kazahstānā notiek referendums par atomelektrostacijas būvniecību

Kazahstānā svētdien notiek referendums, kurā pilsoņiem būs jāizlemj, vai valstī atļaut būvēt jaunu atomelektrostaciju (AES). Projekta oponenti bažījas ne tikai par tā iespējamo ietekmi uz vidi, bet arī par Centrālāzijas valsts nonākšanu li
В мире - LSM.LV

Kazahstānā notiek referendums par atomelektrostacijas būvniecību

Kazahstānā svētdien notiek referendums, kurā pilsoņiem būs jāizlemj, vai valstī atļaut būvēt jaunu atomelektrostaciju (AES). Projekta oponenti bažījas ne tikai par tā iespējamo ietekmi uz vidi, bet arī par Centrālāzijas valsts nonākšanu lielākā atkarībā no Krievijas un Ķīnas tehnoloģijām.

傳中國與歐盟10/7將就電動車課稅 展開新一輪談判

陳麗珠/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕歐盟執委會本月4日通過決議,未來5年對中國進口電動車課徵最高45%的關稅,以應對中國的不公平競爭。現有消息指出,中國與歐盟將於週一(7日)
財經新聞 - 自由時報

傳中國與歐盟10/7將就電動車課稅 展開新一輪談判

陳麗珠/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕歐盟執委會本月4日通過決議,未來5年對中國進口電動車課徵最高45%的關稅,以應對中國的不公平競爭。現有消息指出,中國與歐盟將於週一(7日)將對中國進口...…


陳麗珠/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美國勞工部日前公佈美國9月非農就業數據表現遠超預期,強勁新增25.4萬人。對此,美國前財政部長桑默斯 (Lawrence Summers)認為,9月優於預...…
財經新聞 - 自由時報


陳麗珠/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美國勞工部日前公佈美國9月非農就業數據表現遠超預期,強勁新增25.4萬人。對此,美國前財政部長桑默斯 (Lawrence Summers)認為,9月優於預...…

Си Цзиньпин: Китай готов укреплять стратегическую координацию с КНДР

Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин заявил, что Китай готов укреплять стратегическую координацию с КНДР. Об этом он написал в послании генераль
В мире - Рамблер

Си Цзиньпин: Китай готов укреплять стратегическую координацию с КНДР

Председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин заявил, что Китай готов укреплять стратегическую координацию с КНДР. Об этом он написал в послании генеральному секретарю Трудовой партии Кореи Ким Чен Ыну.

서울 아파트 청약당첨 합격선 60.4점…4인 가구, 강남은 ‘그림의 떡’

올해 하반기(7~12월) 서울에서 분양된 아파트의 당첨 가점 합격선은 60.4점으로 분석됐다. 4인 가족의 경우 무주택 11년 이상, 청약 통장 가입 15년 이상을 채워야 달성할 수 있는 점수다. 최근 청약 열
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

서울 아파트 청약당첨 합격선 60.4점…4인 가구, 강남은 ‘그림의 떡’

올해 하반기(7~12월) 서울에서 분양된 아파트의 당첨 가점 합격선은 60.4점으로 분석됐다. 4인 가족의 경우 무주택 11년 이상, 청약 통장 가입 15년 이상을 채워야 달성할 수 있는 점수다. 최근 청약 열풍에 최저 당첨 가점은 상승세를 탔다.6일 부동산 전문 리서치업체 리얼투데이가 올해 7월부터 이달 4일까지 청약 당첨 점수를 분석한 결과, 서울에서 분양된 아파트의 최저 당첨 가점은 평균 60.4점이었다. 서울 아파트 최저 당첨 가점은 지난해 하반기 55.3점에서 올해 상반기(1~6월) 58.2점으로 오른 뒤 하반기에도 증가세를 보이고 있다.청약 가점 만점은 84점으로 △무주택 기간(총 32점) △청약 통장 가입기간(총 17점) △부양가족 수(총 35점)로 산정된다. 60.4점은 자녀가 두 명인 4인 가구(부양가족 3명, 20점)가 청약 통장 가입 기간에서 만점을 받고, 무주택 기간 11년 이상(24점)을 채워야 받을 수 있다.분양가 상한제가

Tässä ovat ennakkosuosikit Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon voittajaksi

Rauhanpalkinto aiotaan jakaa maailmalla raivoavista sodista huolimatta. Nobel-viikko alkaa maanantaina lääketieteen palkinnolla.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Tässä ovat ennakkosuosikit Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon voittajaksi

Rauhanpalkinto aiotaan jakaa maailmalla raivoavista sodista huolimatta. Nobel-viikko alkaa maanantaina lääketieteen palkinnolla.

Kiinan Xi lähetti viestin Kim Jong-unille – tällainen oli vastaus

Kiinan ja Pohjois-Korean väliseen poliittiseen yhteistyöhön on tuonut mutkikkuutta Pohjois-Korean ajautuminen lähemmäs Venäjää.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Kiinan Xi lähetti viestin Kim Jong-unille – tällainen oli vastaus

Kiinan ja Pohjois-Korean väliseen poliittiseen yhteistyöhön on tuonut mutkikkuutta Pohjois-Korean ajautuminen lähemmäs Venäjää.

GISBH: Kanak-kanak diselamatkan perlu diberi pendidikan sempurna

KUALA LUMPUR: Kanak-kanak yang diselamatkan daripada rumah amal yang dikaitkan dengan GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) perlu diberi pendidikan yang sempurna agar tidak terus terjerumus kepada kesesatan seperti yang diisytiharkan.
BH Online - Terkini

GISBH: Kanak-kanak diselamatkan perlu diberi pendidikan sempurna

KUALA LUMPUR: Kanak-kanak yang diselamatkan daripada rumah amal yang dikaitkan dengan GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd (GISBH) perlu diberi pendidikan yang sempurna agar tidak terus terjerumus kepada kesesatan seperti yang diisytiharkan.

Satu lagi taufan menyusuli Taufan Helene di AS

MIAMI: Pakar kaji cuaca memberi amaran bahawa Florida yang berada di tenggara Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan masih terkesan akibat Taufan Helene, mungkin dilanda satu lagi taufan besar pada minggu depan.
BH Online - Terkini

Satu lagi taufan menyusuli Taufan Helene di AS

MIAMI: Pakar kaji cuaca memberi amaran bahawa Florida yang berada di tenggara Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan masih terkesan akibat Taufan Helene, mungkin dilanda satu lagi taufan besar pada minggu depan.

Buurtbewoner Onverdacht slaat alarm voor brand in verlaten woning

Waterkant Een alerte buurtbewoner in Onverdacht, Suriname, schakelde zaterdag de politie in vanwege een brand in een verlaten woning. De Surinaamse brandweer rukte na de melding met spoed uit en trof kleine vlammen aan bij de kapconstructie van de woning. He

Buurtbewoner Onverdacht slaat alarm voor brand in verlaten woning

Waterkant Een alerte buurtbewoner in Onverdacht, Suriname, schakelde zaterdag de politie in vanwege een brand in een verlaten woning. De Surinaamse brandweer rukte na de melding met spoed uit en trof kleine vlammen aan bij de kapconstructie van de woning. Het vuur werd door de brandweer snel geblust. Er werd niemand in de woning aangetroffen. Een […] Het bericht Buurtbewoner Onverdacht slaat alarm voor brand in verlaten woning verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

罷免高虹安民團公布10月連署場次地點 場次增加、收件時間拉長

政治新聞 - 自由時報

罷免高虹安民團公布10月連署場次地點 場次增加、收件時間拉長


Marriage and mental readiness

Hello, mi neighbour! So, this couple went to see the counsellor about 11 ½ months into their marriage and he advised them, among other things, to begin to see each other as the best thing to have happened to them, to save the marriage. He went...

Marriage and mental readiness

Hello, mi neighbour! So, this couple went to see the counsellor about 11 ½ months into their marriage and he advised them, among other things, to begin to see each other as the best thing to have happened to them, to save the marriage. He went...

Health + Tech | Career guidance apps expanding students’ horizons in science

Technology can play a transformative role in guiding students and ensuring that they have a broader understanding of the range of health technology and other science-related careers available. Many young people, particularly high school students,...

Health + Tech | Career guidance apps expanding students’ horizons in science

Technology can play a transformative role in guiding students and ensuring that they have a broader understanding of the range of health technology and other science-related careers available. Many young people, particularly high school students,...

Tunisia votes in third presidential election since the Arab Spring

TUNIS, Tunisia (AP): With his major opponents imprisoned or left off the ballot, Tunisian President Kais Saied faces few obstacles to winning reelection on Sunday, five years after riding anti-establishment backlash to a first term. The North...

Tunisia votes in third presidential election since the Arab Spring

TUNIS, Tunisia (AP): With his major opponents imprisoned or left off the ballot, Tunisian President Kais Saied faces few obstacles to winning reelection on Sunday, five years after riding anti-establishment backlash to a first term. The North...

Sheriff says rescuers ‘will not rest’ as search for Helene’s victims drags into second week

PENSACOLA, North Carolina (AP): The search for victims of Hurricane Helene dragged into its second week on Friday, as exhausted rescue crews and volunteers continued to work long days – navigating past washed out roads, downed power lines and...

Sheriff says rescuers ‘will not rest’ as search for Helene’s victims drags into second week

PENSACOLA, North Carolina (AP): The search for victims of Hurricane Helene dragged into its second week on Friday, as exhausted rescue crews and volunteers continued to work long days – navigating past washed out roads, downed power lines and...

Great Jamaican Stories | To preach or not to: The killing of James Knight

IN THE days of slavery, enslaved people were forbidden to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to one another. They were also taught to obey their masters, and the Bible was referenced by some Christian holders of enslaved people to support that...

Great Jamaican Stories | To preach or not to: The killing of James Knight

IN THE days of slavery, enslaved people were forbidden to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to one another. They were also taught to obey their masters, and the Bible was referenced by some Christian holders of enslaved people to support that...

Сырский поздравил воинов терробороны с праздником

День территориальной обороны Украины отмечается ежегодно первое воскресенье октября. В 2024 году праздник выпадает на 6 октября.
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Сырский поздравил воинов терробороны с праздником

День территориальной обороны Украины отмечается ежегодно первое воскресенье октября. В 2024 году праздник выпадает на 6 октября.

Trumpas grįžo į pasikėsinimo vietą ir surengė čia dar viena rinkimų kampanijos mitingą

Praėjus beveik trims mėnesiams po pasikėsinimo į jo gyvybę, respublikonų kandidatas į JAV prezidentus Donaldas Trumpas grįžo į įvykio vietą Pensilvanijos valstijoje ir surengė čia rinkimų kampanijos renginį. Batleryje kalbėdamas savo šalinin

Trumpas grįžo į pasikėsinimo vietą ir surengė čia dar viena rinkimų kampanijos mitingą

Praėjus beveik trims mėnesiams po pasikėsinimo į jo gyvybę, respublikonų kandidatas į JAV prezidentus Donaldas Trumpas grįžo į įvykio vietą Pensilvanijos valstijoje ir surengė čia rinkimų kampanijos renginį. Batleryje kalbėdamas savo šalininkams, jis pažadėjo laimėti lapkričio 5 d. vyksiančius prezidento rinkimus ir „niekada“ nepasiduoti. D. Trumpas mitinge paramos sulaukė ir iš technologijų milijardieriaus Elono Musko, kuris ragino minią balsuoti už D. Trumpą.