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Trump releases letter detailing medical care since assassination attempt

The letter, written by Ronny Jackson who is now a member of Congress, says Trump didn’t need stitches but “there is still intermittent bleeding requiring a dressing.”
Post Politics

Trump releases letter detailing medical care since assassination attempt

The letter, written by Ronny Jackson who is now a member of Congress, says Trump didn’t need stitches but “there is still intermittent bleeding requiring a dressing.”

Столичная мэрия в очередной раз одобрила спорный проект многоквартирного дома в Старом городе


Объявлен список 30 лучших ресторанов Литвы: в первую пятерку вошли только 2 ресторана Michelin


Breakthrough jab that makes painful eczema all but disappear gets green light from NHS

Approved by EU regulators last year, studies show lebrikizumab completely banishes eczema rashes in four out of five people given the drug.
News | Mail Online

Breakthrough jab that makes painful eczema all but disappear gets green light from NHS

Approved by EU regulators last year, studies show lebrikizumab completely banishes eczema rashes in four out of five people given the drug.

Now Claudia Winkleman is dragged into Strictly scandal as Giovanni 'is on verge of being cleared': Read the exclusive inside story

She stepped into the shoes of the late Sir Bruce Forsyth when he bowed out of hosting Strictly Come Dancing a decade ago.
News | Mail Online

Now Claudia Winkleman is dragged into Strictly scandal as Giovanni 'is on verge of being cleared': Read the exclusive inside story

She stepped into the shoes of the late Sir Bruce Forsyth when he bowed out of hosting Strictly Come Dancing a decade ago.

Sir Keir Starmer set to give teachers and nurses bumper above inflation rate 5.5% payrises after years of strikes with experts warning the extra money will have to come from taxes

It is understood that the Labour had only budgeted for a 3 per cent pay rise which has led experts to claim the extra cash needed will have to come from taxes or borrowing.
News | Mail Online

Sir Keir Starmer set to give teachers and nurses bumper above inflation rate 5.5% payrises after years of strikes with experts warning the extra money will have to come from taxes

It is understood that the Labour had only budgeted for a 3 per cent pay rise which has led experts to claim the extra cash needed will have to come from taxes or borrowing.

How YOU could buy and run a pub: Read our detailed guide to the finances of running a public house, and where you can snap one up for just £100k

JEREMY Clarkson has invested almost £1million into buying his own pub in the Cotswolds - but how easy is it to make a profit from ­running a pub?
News | Mail Online

How YOU could buy and run a pub: Read our detailed guide to the finances of running a public house, and where you can snap one up for just £100k

JEREMY Clarkson has invested almost £1million into buying his own pub in the Cotswolds - but how easy is it to make a profit from ­running a pub?

It's Jeremy Clarkson vs the Cotswolds Posh Set: As the former Top Gear presenter plans to convert a Cotswolds pub into an upmarket destination, CHARLOTTE GRIFFITHS says he will have his work cut out competing with the area's A-list rivals...

Following the success of his farming enterprise Diddly Squat, Jeremy Clarkson has bought a Cotswolds village pub, The Windmill in Asthall, for £1 million, but there's plenty of top competition nearby.
News | Mail Online

It's Jeremy Clarkson vs the Cotswolds Posh Set: As the former Top Gear presenter plans to convert a Cotswolds pub into an upmarket destination, CHARLOTTE GRIFFITHS says he will have his work cut out competing with the area's A-list rivals...

Following the success of his farming enterprise Diddly Squat, Jeremy Clarkson has bought a Cotswolds village pub, The Windmill in Asthall, for £1 million, but there's plenty of top competition nearby.

Ostavila nepokretnu majku samu i otišla na more: Žena preminula

Jedna Italijanka uhapšena je zbog ubistva nakon što je u junu otišla na odmor, ostavivši nepokretnu majku koja je za to vreme preminula.
Blic online

Ostavila nepokretnu majku samu i otišla na more: Žena preminula

Jedna Italijanka uhapšena je zbog ubistva nakon što je u junu otišla na odmor, ostavivši nepokretnu majku koja je za to vreme preminula.

«NEĆEMO BITI TAOCI UKRAJINE» Slovački premijer Robert Fico besan zbog ovog poteza Kijeva: Neće dobijati rusku naftu

Slovačka neće biti «talac» ukrajinsko-ruskih odnosa, rekao je u subotu slovački premijer Robert Fico svom ukrajinskom kolegi, nakon što je Kijev sankcionisao rusku grupaciju Lukoil, što je dovelo do prekida isporuke nafte.
Blic online

«NEĆEMO BITI TAOCI UKRAJINE» Slovački premijer Robert Fico besan zbog ovog poteza Kijeva: Neće dobijati rusku naftu

Slovačka neće biti «talac» ukrajinsko-ruskih odnosa, rekao je u subotu slovački premijer Robert Fico svom ukrajinskom kolegi, nakon što je Kijev sankcionisao rusku grupaciju Lukoil, što je dovelo do prekida isporuke nafte.

Brunswijk: “ABOP en PL niet samen op één lijst”

Waterkant Pertjajah Luhur (PL) en de Algemene Bevrijdings- en Ontwikkelingspartij (ABOP) zullen geen lijstverbinding meer aangaan bij de verkiezingen op 25 mei 2025 in Suriname. Dat heeft ABOP-leider Ronnie Brunswijk tijdens een partijactiviteit op Pontbuite

Brunswijk: “ABOP en PL niet samen op één lijst”

Waterkant Pertjajah Luhur (PL) en de Algemene Bevrijdings- en Ontwikkelingspartij (ABOP) zullen geen lijstverbinding meer aangaan bij de verkiezingen op 25 mei 2025 in Suriname. Dat heeft ABOP-leider Ronnie Brunswijk tijdens een partijactiviteit op Pontbuiten gemeld aan Culturu TV. “Tot nu toe hebben we gesprekken gevoerd met PL en PL zegt ze gaan alleen. Dus ABOP/PL […] Het bericht Brunswijk: “ABOP en PL niet samen op één lijst” verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Koedemoesoe: “Ik hoop niet dat Simons de NDP brengt op niveau van de NPS”

Waterkant ABOP-parlementariër Ramon Koedemoesoe wenst Jenny Simons veel succes toe met haar nieuwe functie als voorzitter van de Nationale Democratische Partij in Suriname (NDP). Hij hoopt alleen niet dat de NDP-leider en het bestuur de partij zullen brenge

Koedemoesoe: “Ik hoop niet dat Simons de NDP brengt op niveau van de NPS”

Waterkant ABOP-parlementariër Ramon Koedemoesoe wenst Jenny Simons veel succes toe met haar nieuwe functie als voorzitter van de Nationale Democratische Partij in Suriname (NDP). Hij hoopt alleen niet dat de NDP-leider en het bestuur de partij zullen brengen naar het niveau van de Nationale Partij Suriname (NPS) “Ik hoop niet dat ze partij brengen op het […] Het bericht Koedemoesoe: “Ik hoop niet dat Simons de NDP brengt op niveau van de NPS” verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Tiener (16) overleden nadat hij zichzelf met windbuks in hoofd schiet

Waterkant Een 16-jarige jongen in Suriname is overleden in het Academisch Ziekenhuis Paramaribo nadat hij zichzelf vrijdag met een windbuks in zijn hoofd schoot. Het incident vond plaats aan de Commissaris Roblesweg te Zoelen. Vernomen wordt dat de moeder va

Tiener (16) overleden nadat hij zichzelf met windbuks in hoofd schiet

Waterkant Een 16-jarige jongen in Suriname is overleden in het Academisch Ziekenhuis Paramaribo nadat hij zichzelf vrijdag met een windbuks in zijn hoofd schoot. Het incident vond plaats aan de Commissaris Roblesweg te Zoelen. Vernomen wordt dat de moeder van de jongen rond 17.30 uur thuis van haar werk kwam en haar zoon hoorde kreunen in […] Het bericht Tiener (16) overleden nadat hij zichzelf met windbuks in hoofd schiet verscheen eerst op Waterkant.


廖志軒/核稿編輯 大聯盟交易大限在美國時間7月30日截止,《ESPN》記者岡薩雷茲(Alden Gonzalez)撰文指出,美聯三振王、白襪左投克羅切(Garrett Cr...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


廖志軒/核稿編輯 大聯盟交易大限在美國時間7月30日截止,《ESPN》記者岡薩雷茲(Alden Gonzalez)撰文指出,美聯三振王、白襪左投克羅切(Garrett Cr...…

Президент Литвы на военных учениях: развертывание системы Patriot в стране вдохновляет


‘위기는 곧 기회’…대한민국 선수단 본진, 결전지 파리 입성

금메달 5개와 종합 15위를 목표로 하는 대한민국 선수단 본진이 결전지인 프랑스 파리에 입성했다. 역대 가장 어려운 올림픽이 될 수도 있다는 안팎의 우려가 나오지만, 선수들은 ‘위기는 곧 기회
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

‘위기는 곧 기회’…대한민국 선수단 본진, 결전지 파리 입성

금메달 5개와 종합 15위를 목표로 하는 대한민국 선수단 본진이 결전지인 프랑스 파리에 입성했다. 역대 가장 어려운 올림픽이 될 수도 있다는 안팎의 우려가 나오지만, 선수들은 ‘위기는 곧 기회’라는 각오로 기대 이상의 성과를 노린다. 대한체육회 본부 임원(18명)과 펜싱(20명), 탁구(10명) 등 총 48명의 선수단 본진은 현지시간으로 20일 오후 파리 샤를 드골 공항에 도착했다.긴 비행 여파에 지칠 법 했으나 본단 기수인 펜싱 남자 사브르 대표팀 구본길(국민체육진흥공단)을 필두로 선수들 모두 밝은 표정으로 파리에 들어섰다.한국은 이번 대회에서 총 21개 종목 260명(선수 143명, 경기 임원 90명, 본부 임원 27명)을 파견했다.배드민턴과 사격 등 선발대가 12일 출국한 것을 시작으로 종목별 일정에 맞춰 파리로 향하고 있다. 20일 본단 출국 이후로는 아티스틱 스위밍(22일), 경보(24일), 다이빙·태권도·승마(25일) 등이 파리에 합류할 예정이다.파리 현지 도착 후 본부

جيش الإحتلال: إصابة جنديين جراء سقوط مسيرة لـحزب الله

أعلن جيش الإحتلال الإسرائيلي مساء السبت، إصابة جنديين في صفوفه، جراء سقوط طائراة مسيرة أطلقها حزب الله باتجاه الجولان....
قناة العالم الأخبارية

جيش الإحتلال: إصابة جنديين جراء سقوط مسيرة لـحزب الله

أعلن جيش الإحتلال الإسرائيلي مساء السبت، إصابة جنديين في صفوفه، جراء سقوط طائراة مسيرة أطلقها حزب الله باتجاه الجولان....

Alcalde RN de Linares será formalizado por fraude al Fisco

Mario Meza es investigado por presuntamente favorecer a determinadas empresas en contratos con el municipio entre 2020 y 2021. El jefe comunal acusó una campaña «sucia» en su contra, aludiendo a una supuesta intencionalidad política dado que co

Alcalde RN de Linares será formalizado por fraude al Fisco

Mario Meza es investigado por presuntamente favorecer a determinadas empresas en contratos con el municipio entre 2020 y 2021. El jefe comunal acusó una campaña «sucia» en su contra, aludiendo a una supuesta intencionalidad política dado que competirá para mantener el cargo.

Un inspirado Zampedri comandó con doblete el triunfo de la UC ante La Calera en Santa Laura

Universidad Católica venció por 2-0 a Unión La Calera en el inicio de la segunda rueda del Campeonato Nacional durante la decimosexta fecha. Un inspirado Fernando Zampedri guio la victoria con un doblete en el Estadio Santa Laura.

Un inspirado Zampedri comandó con doblete el triunfo de la UC ante La Calera en Santa Laura

Universidad Católica venció por 2-0 a Unión La Calera en el inicio de la segunda rueda del Campeonato Nacional durante la decimosexta fecha. Un inspirado Fernando Zampedri guio la victoria con un doblete en el Estadio Santa Laura.

Quebec police seize dozens of stolen vehicles in series of raids

A regional joint police force on the North Shore conducted 11 searches on Thursday connected to vehicle theft in the Greater Montreal Area and seized 28 vehicles along with thousands of dollars in US and Canadian cash. - Canada - Public RSS

Quebec police seize dozens of stolen vehicles in series of raids

A regional joint police force on the North Shore conducted 11 searches on Thursday connected to vehicle theft in the Greater Montreal Area and seized 28 vehicles along with thousands of dollars in US and Canadian cash.

Motorcyclist dead after crash with fire truck that closed Lions Gate Bridge

A major thoroughfare in Vancouver was shut down Saturday afternoon after a fatal crash between a fire truck and a motorcycle, officials say. - Canada - Public RSS

Motorcyclist dead after crash with fire truck that closed Lions Gate Bridge

A major thoroughfare in Vancouver was shut down Saturday afternoon after a fatal crash between a fire truck and a motorcycle, officials say.

Baby dies after pregnant woman fatally struck by vehicle in downtown Toronto

A woman fatally struck by a sedan in downtown Toronto earlier this week was pregnant, and her baby has also died, police say. - Canada - Public RSS

Baby dies after pregnant woman fatally struck by vehicle in downtown Toronto

A woman fatally struck by a sedan in downtown Toronto earlier this week was pregnant, and her baby has also died, police say.

Sheikh Razali taruhan BERSATU di PRK Nenggiri?

GUA MUSANG: Sheikh Razali Hamad dikatakan calon yang menjadi pilihan BERSATU untuk bertanding pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Nenggiri, bulan depan.
BH Online - Terkini

Sheikh Razali taruhan BERSATU di PRK Nenggiri?

GUA MUSANG: Sheikh Razali Hamad dikatakan calon yang menjadi pilihan BERSATU untuk bertanding pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Nenggiri, bulan depan.