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About 20 heat warnings are still in effect for some parts of B.C. on Wednesday, including for the southern Interior, where high temperatures are expected to last into Thursday. 

금감원 “티메프 회생신청해도 정부 지원 그대로…구영배, 책임 보여야”

금융감독원은 29일 고객 결제에 대한 대규모 미정산 사태를 일으킨 티몬·위메프의 기업 회생절차 신청과 관련해 “(모회사 큐텐그룹의) 구영배 대표가 사태 해결을 위한 책임 있는 자세를 보여야
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

금감원 “티메프 회생신청해도 정부 지원 그대로…구영배, 책임 보여야”

금융감독원은 29일 고객 결제에 대한 대규모 미정산 사태를 일으킨 티몬·위메프의 기업 회생절차 신청과 관련해 “(모회사 큐텐그룹의) 구영배 대표가 사태 해결을 위한 책임 있는 자세를 보여야 하며, 내일(30일) 국회 출석 등을 통해 입장을 표명할 것으로 기대한다”고 밝혔다. 금감원은 이날 오후 위메프·티몬 회생신청에 대한 입장을 내고 “기업회생 여부 등 향후 절차는 법원에서 판단해 진행될 것”이라며 이같이 밝혔다. 금감원은 이어 “회생절차와는 별도로 판매업체 대금정산 지연에 따른 자금애로가 해소될 수 있도록 금일 발표한 정부합동 지원대책(유동성 지원)을 최대한 신속하게 집행하겠다”며 “정부는 위메프·티몬 사태의 신속한 해결을 위해 최대한 노력하고 필요시 추가적인 지원방안도 모색할 것”이라고 밝혔다. 앞서 이날 정부는 이번 사태로 피해를 입은 소상공인을 돕기 위해 긴급경영자금 대출 등 5600억 규모의 금융지원에 나서겠다고 발표했다. 금감원은 “회사 측의 판매대금 미정산으로 이미 피해가 현실화된

유도 허미미, 안다리걸기로 절반승…4강 진출

2024 파리 올림픽에서 메달 기대를 받는 유도의 허미미(22·경북체육회)가 4강에 안착했다. 세계랭킹 3위 허미미는 29일(한국시각) 프랑스 파리 샹드마르스 경기장에서 열린 대회 유도 여자 57㎏급 8
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

유도 허미미, 안다리걸기로 절반승…4강 진출

2024 파리 올림픽에서 메달 기대를 받는 유도의 허미미(22·경북체육회)가 4강에 안착했다. 세계랭킹 3위 허미미는 29일(한국시각) 프랑스 파리 샹드마르스 경기장에서 열린 대회 유도 여자 57㎏급 8강전에서 13위 르하그바토고 엔흐릴렌(몽골)에 절반승을 거뒀다. 르하그바토고는 허미미의 천적이었다. 허미미는 르하그바토고와의 세 차례 대결에서 모두 졌다. 하지만 이날 천적을 넘어서면서 4강 진출에 성공했다. 경기 시작부터 적극적인 공격을 펼친 허미미는 지도 2개를 받아내며 기선을 제압했다. 업어치기를 시도하는 등 유리하게 경기를 풀어가던 허미미는 경기 종료 8초를 남기고 안다리걸기로 절반을 얻어냈다. 르하그바토고가 남은 시간 반격을 시도했지만, 허미미는 쉽사리 공격에 당하지 않으며 승리를 확정했다. 4강 진출에 성공한 허미미는 라파엘라 실바(4위·브라질)와 결승 진출을 다툰다. 3년 전 2020 도쿄 올림픽에서 은메달 1개, 동메달 2개에 그쳐 ‘노골드’ 수모를 겪은 유도는

“北 주애 후계자 수업 진행… 김정은 140㎏, 고혈압 당뇨증세”

국가정보원이 29일 “북한이 김정은 북한 국무위원장의 딸 주애를 현 시점에서 유력한 후계자로 암시하며 후계자 수업을 진행하고 있다”고 국회 정보위원회에 보고했다.국정원은 이날 22대 국회
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

“北 주애 후계자 수업 진행… 김정은 140㎏, 고혈압 당뇨증세”

국가정보원이 29일 “북한이 김정은 북한 국무위원장의 딸 주애를 현 시점에서 유력한 후계자로 암시하며 후계자 수업을 진행하고 있다”고 국회 정보위원회에 보고했다.국정원은 이날 22대 국회 첫 정보위 업무보고에서 “북한이 주애에 대한 주민 반응을 의식해 선전 수위 및 대외 노출 빈도를 조절하면서도 비공개 활동을 병행하고 있다”고 밝혔다고 정보위 국민의힘 이성권 의원(여당 간사)과 더불어민주당 박선원 의원(야당 간사)이 전했다. 국정원은 후계자 수업 진행 근거로 둘째 딸 주애에게 붙는 ‘향도’라는 수식어를 들었다. 향도는 북한에서 ‘길을 인도하다’는 의미로 ‘향도자 김정은’ 등으로 쓰인다. 박 의원은 “(주애에게) 후계자나 수령에게만 쓰는 향도란 표현을 쓰는 것으로 볼 때 후계자 구도가 어느 정도 굳혀져 가는 것 아니냐는 전망이 있었다”고 설명했다. 다만 국정원은 다른 형제가 나설 가능성, 최종적으로 후계자가 결정되지 않았다는 점을 토대로 후계자가 바뀔 가능성도 배제하진 않았다.국정원은

Architect embroiled in bitter row with owner of £11million Grand Designs-style home over swimming pool with no sea view is suspended over 'unacceptable professional conduct'

Renowned Jamie Falla was hired in 2013 by a wealthy client to build a lavish coastal home in the Channel Islands, a tribunal heard.
News | Mail Online

Architect embroiled in bitter row with owner of £11million Grand Designs-style home over swimming pool with no sea view is suspended over 'unacceptable professional conduct'

Renowned Jamie Falla was hired in 2013 by a wealthy client to build a lavish coastal home in the Channel Islands, a tribunal heard.

SNP's controversial hate crime law sees 10K reports... but just 43 convictions so far

The SNP's controversial hate crime law has led to only 43 convictions so far - despite more than 10,000 complaints being made in under two months.
News | Mail Online

SNP's controversial hate crime law sees 10K reports... but just 43 convictions so far

The SNP's controversial hate crime law has led to only 43 convictions so far - despite more than 10,000 complaints being made in under two months.

Controversial TikTok lawyer quits representing man kicked by cop at Manchester airport - after footage revealed what happened BEFORE he was arrested

A controversial TikTok lawyer who charged himself with representing two brothers who were filmed being violently arrested at Manchester airport last week has dropped the case.
News | Mail Online

Controversial TikTok lawyer quits representing man kicked by cop at Manchester airport - after footage revealed what happened BEFORE he was arrested

A controversial TikTok lawyer who charged himself with representing two brothers who were filmed being violently arrested at Manchester airport last week has dropped the case.

Bidenas pristatė planus reformuoti JAV Aukščiausiąjį Teismą

JAV prezidentas Joe Bidenas pirmadienį paskelbė apie planus skubiai reformuoti konservatorių dominuojamą Aukščiausiąjį Teismą.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Bidenas pristatė planus reformuoti JAV Aukščiausiąjį Teismą

JAV prezidentas Joe Bidenas pirmadienį paskelbė apie planus skubiai reformuoti konservatorių dominuojamą Aukščiausiąjį Teismą.

Sikorskis sukritikavo Orbaną: neleistume Kinijos policininkams patruliuoti Varšuvoje

Vengrijos premjeras Viktoras Orbanas elgiasi savanaudiškai, todėl Vengrijos prašymai Europos Sąjungos šalių solidarumo lieka be atsako. „Jie solidarumo nesulaukia, nes sunku pelnyti draugus, jei spinduliuoji savanaudiškumu“, – interviu leidiniui
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Sikorskis sukritikavo Orbaną: neleistume Kinijos policininkams patruliuoti Varšuvoje

Vengrijos premjeras Viktoras Orbanas elgiasi savanaudiškai, todėl Vengrijos prašymai Europos Sąjungos šalių solidarumo lieka be atsako. „Jie solidarumo nesulaukia, nes sunku pelnyti draugus, jei spinduliuoji savanaudiškumu“, – interviu leidiniui „Visegrad Insight“ sakė Lenkijos užsienio reikalų ministras Radosławas Sikorskis.

Gazos Ruožo sveikatos apsaugos ministerija: karo metu žuvo 39 363 žmonės

Islamistų grupuotės „Hamas“ valdomo Gazos Ruožo sveikatos apsaugos ministerija pirmadienį pranešė, kad per beveik dešimt mėnesių trunkantį Izraelio ir „Hamas“ karą šioje palestiniečių teritorijoje žuvo mažiausiai 39 363 žmonės.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Gazos Ruožo sveikatos apsaugos ministerija: karo metu žuvo 39 363 žmonės

Islamistų grupuotės „Hamas“ valdomo Gazos Ruožo sveikatos apsaugos ministerija pirmadienį pranešė, kad per beveik dešimt mėnesių trunkantį Izraelio ir „Hamas“ karą šioje palestiniečių teritorijoje žuvo mažiausiai 39 363 žmonės.

Meteorologai apie tai, ko tikėtis iš audros: naktį orai visai pagerės

„Prilijo už visą liepos mėnesį“, – apie antrą dieną siaučiančią audrą sako Lietuvos hidrometeorologijos tarnybos (LHMT) sinoptikas Vytautas Sakalauskas. Pasak jo, per paskutinę parą Lietuvoje iškrito daugiau kritulių, nei įprastai iškren
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Meteorologai apie tai, ko tikėtis iš audros: naktį orai visai pagerės

„Prilijo už visą liepos mėnesį“, – apie antrą dieną siaučiančią audrą sako Lietuvos hidrometeorologijos tarnybos (LHMT) sinoptikas Vytautas Sakalauskas. Pasak jo, per paskutinę parą Lietuvoje iškrito daugiau kritulių, nei įprastai iškrenta per 31-ą liepos dieną.

Aplinkos ministerija svarsto atsisakyti tauriųjų elnių medžioklės limito

Padvigubėjus tauriųjų elnių populiacijai Aplinkos ministerija svarsto atsisakyti šių gyvūnų medžioklės limito.
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Aplinkos ministerija svarsto atsisakyti tauriųjų elnių medžioklės limito

Padvigubėjus tauriųjų elnių populiacijai Aplinkos ministerija svarsto atsisakyti šių gyvūnų medžioklės limito.

奧運羽球》中國隊首敗! 世界第二的中國混雙意外不敵大馬組合

張浩群/核稿編輯 2024巴黎奧運羽球混雙小組賽D組,世界混雙排名第二、大會第二種子的中國組合黃東萍/馮彥哲,今天以21:17、15:21、16:21敗給馬來西亞組合陳堂傑...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

奧運羽球》中國隊首敗! 世界第二的中國混雙意外不敵大馬組合

張浩群/核稿編輯 2024巴黎奧運羽球混雙小組賽D組,世界混雙排名第二、大會第二種子的中國組合黃東萍/馮彥哲,今天以21:17、15:21、16:21敗給馬來西亞組合陳堂傑...…


體育新聞 - 自由時報



奧運女足》神劇本!日本傷停補時上演驚天大逆轉 世界波絕殺巴西

李冠霖/核稿編輯 吞下1敗的日本女足今天在C組預賽對戰巴西背水一戰,上演超戲劇性的絕地大逆轉,巴西原本以1分領先到最後90分鐘,未料日本展開驚人反攻,在傷停補時階段連進2球...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

奧運女足》神劇本!日本傷停補時上演驚天大逆轉 世界波絕殺巴西

李冠霖/核稿編輯 吞下1敗的日本女足今天在C組預賽對戰巴西背水一戰,上演超戲劇性的絕地大逆轉,巴西原本以1分領先到最後90分鐘,未料日本展開驚人反攻,在傷停補時階段連進2球...…

Kremlin sure Russian military to study US decision on new military command in Japan

It is reported that the new structure will be transferred the functions of operational command of 55,000 US servicemen

Kremlin sure Russian military to study US decision on new military command in Japan

It is reported that the new structure will be transferred the functions of operational command of 55,000 US servicemen

Kremlin says attempts to blame Russia for infrastructure attacks in France are fake news

The Western media, Dmitry Peskov noted, «does not stop at anything to literally accuse Russia of everything that goes wrong»

Kremlin says attempts to blame Russia for infrastructure attacks in France are fake news

The Western media, Dmitry Peskov noted, «does not stop at anything to literally accuse Russia of everything that goes wrong»

Russia can implement projects to develop deposits of scarce raw materials abroad

The third group includes scarce types of minerals, domestic consumption of which is largely met by imports

Russia can implement projects to develop deposits of scarce raw materials abroad

The third group includes scarce types of minerals, domestic consumption of which is largely met by imports

At least 39 civilians killed, over 90 injured in Gaza Strip over past day

It is reported that some victims are still under the rubble and ambulances and civil defense teams cannot reach them

At least 39 civilians killed, over 90 injured in Gaza Strip over past day

It is reported that some victims are still under the rubble and ambulances and civil defense teams cannot reach them

BRICS countries account for 35% of global GDP — Russian MFA

«The share of trade inside countries of the South is larger than that of trade between countries of the South and the North, which »also disapproves the customary idea that the main trade partners are developing countries and Western counteragents

BRICS countries account for 35% of global GDP — Russian MFA

«The share of trade inside countries of the South is larger than that of trade between countries of the South and the North, which »also disapproves the customary idea that the main trade partners are developing countries and Western counteragents," Alexander Pankin said


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國際新聞 - 自由時報


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美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)7月29日宣布了一項旨在改革保守派主導的聯邦最高法院的大膽計畫。這一舉措雖然成功機會渺茫,但反映了拜登在任期最後6個月內力圖留下政績的決心,同...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)7月29日宣布了一項旨在改革保守派主導的聯邦最高法院的大膽計畫。這一舉措雖然成功機會渺茫,但反映了拜登在任期最後6個月內力圖留下政績的決心,同...…

鰻魚飯老店「日本橋伊勢定」爆147人食物中毒 已知1人死亡

祝蘭蕙/核稿編輯 日本知名鰻魚飯老店「日本橋伊勢定」,創業至今將近80年,然而其位京急百貨公司的分店,近日卻爆出嚴重的食安危機。日媒指出,有147人食用店家販售的「蒲燒鰻魚」與「...
國際新聞 - 自由時報

鰻魚飯老店「日本橋伊勢定」爆147人食物中毒 已知1人死亡

祝蘭蕙/核稿編輯 日本知名鰻魚飯老店「日本橋伊勢定」,創業至今將近80年,然而其位京急百貨公司的分店,近日卻爆出嚴重的食安危機。日媒指出,有147人食用店家販售的「蒲燒鰻魚」與「...…

Rare Ferrari once owned by Jamiroquai's Jay Kay goes up for sale for just £650k with just 3,000miles on the clock - but buyers are warned it would be Virtual Insanity to try driving it in the rain

Jay Kay (pictured left), whose disco-inspired band Jamiroquai had a number of chart topping hits in 1990s and 2000s, bought his 599 GTO (pictured right) a few years after its original owner.
News | Mail Online

Rare Ferrari once owned by Jamiroquai's Jay Kay goes up for sale for just £650k with just 3,000miles on the clock - but buyers are warned it would be Virtual Insanity to try driving it in the rain

Jay Kay (pictured left), whose disco-inspired band Jamiroquai had a number of chart topping hits in 1990s and 2000s, bought his 599 GTO (pictured right) a few years after its original owner.

Outrage as topless English-speaking tourist strips and swims around 'mother nature style' in Florence fountain before inviting pals to join her

The blonde woman was filmed swimming in the fountain at the Piazza Santo Spirito in Florence wearing nothing but black pants.
News | Mail Online

Outrage as topless English-speaking tourist strips and swims around 'mother nature style' in Florence fountain before inviting pals to join her

The blonde woman was filmed swimming in the fountain at the Piazza Santo Spirito in Florence wearing nothing but black pants.

Antiques dealer is left with £500,000 court bill after failing in bid to sue neighbours over security gates he rammed into with his van

Luciano Gulshan (pictured) and his father Janil were feuding with their neighbours in central London over a security gate. In October 2020, Luciano drove his van into the gate, destroying it.
News | Mail Online

Antiques dealer is left with £500,000 court bill after failing in bid to sue neighbours over security gates he rammed into with his van

Luciano Gulshan (pictured) and his father Janil were feuding with their neighbours in central London over a security gate. In October 2020, Luciano drove his van into the gate, destroying it.

The comeback kid! Tom Daley, 30, wins FIFTH Olympic medal as he clinches silver in 10m synchronised diving final after reversing his retirement - as his proud husband, mother and two children cheer him on

Tom Daley and Noah Williams secured Silver against a fierce Chinese team. Daley, 30, returned for his fifth Olympic Games in Paris, hoping to secure gold.
News | Mail Online

The comeback kid! Tom Daley, 30, wins FIFTH Olympic medal as he clinches silver in 10m synchronised diving final after reversing his retirement - as his proud husband, mother and two children cheer him on

Tom Daley and Noah Williams secured Silver against a fierce Chinese team. Daley, 30, returned for his fifth Olympic Games in Paris, hoping to secure gold.

German lingerie boss, 36, is fined after her hunting dog mauled 20 lambs to death costing a farmer £3,000 - four days after police had warned her to keep her pet under control

A German lingerie boss whose hunting dog mauled to death 20 lambs in savage attack has been fined, but the pet won't be destroyed.
News | Mail Online

German lingerie boss, 36, is fined after her hunting dog mauled 20 lambs to death costing a farmer £3,000 - four days after police had warned her to keep her pet under control

A German lingerie boss whose hunting dog mauled to death 20 lambs in savage attack has been fined, but the pet won't be destroyed.