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Kismayo (HOL) — Jubaland's First Deputy President, Mahamud Sayid Adan, has announced a ceasefire in the Luuq district after violent clashes between two clans resulted in over ten deaths. The ceasefire is unconditional, and both sides have agreed to negotiat

Sofofa: La mejor solución a los problemas de Chile es volver a crecer sobre el 4%

«Las empresas somos el motor del país, dando bienes y servicios a los ciudadanos», pero de la mano de una baja inversión, la actividad económica lleva estancada una década, lamentó Rosario Navarro en Cooperativa. Esta situación «tiene

Sofofa: La mejor solución a los problemas de Chile es volver a crecer sobre el 4%

«Las empresas somos el motor del país, dando bienes y servicios a los ciudadanos», pero de la mano de una baja inversión, la actividad económica lleva estancada una década, lamentó Rosario Navarro en Cooperativa. Esta situación «tiene efectos reales en las familias» debido al congelamiento de las remuneraciones y de la recaudación fiscal, enfatizó.

La última visita de La Roja a Argentina fue un empate con gol de Alexis Sánchez

En la previa del duelo de Chile y Argentina en Clasificatorias para el Mundial de 2026, recordamos la última visita de La Roja a la Albiceleste, en junio de 2021, un empate 1-1 en el proceso rumbo a Qatar 2022, con goles de Lionel Messi y Alexis Sánchez.

La última visita de La Roja a Argentina fue un empate con gol de Alexis Sánchez

En la previa del duelo de Chile y Argentina en Clasificatorias para el Mundial de 2026, recordamos la última visita de La Roja a la Albiceleste, en junio de 2021, un empate 1-1 en el proceso rumbo a Qatar 2022, con goles de Lionel Messi y Alexis Sánchez.

Interlopul care a nesocotit de aproape 1.700 de ori ordinul de protecție cerut de soție. În trecut a înjurat polițiști, procurori și judecători

Bărbatul a fost recent eliberat din puşcărie, unde a fost închis pentru tâlhărie, distrugere, infracţiuni rutiere, consum de substanţe interzis.

Interlopul care a nesocotit de aproape 1.700 de ori ordinul de protecție cerut de soție. În trecut a înjurat polițiști, procurori și judecători

Bărbatul a fost recent eliberat din puşcărie, unde a fost închis pentru tâlhărie, distrugere, infracţiuni rutiere, consum de substanţe interzis.

SUA și aliații pot să distrugă toate centrele de lansare nucleară ale Rusiei și Chinei cu arme convenționale

SUA și aliații lor sunt capabili să amenințe și să distrugă toate centrele de lansare nucleară ale Rusiei și Chinei cu arme convenționale, creând ceea ce doi experți descriu drept o situație geopolitică potențial instabilă, scrie The Guardian.

SUA și aliații pot să distrugă toate centrele de lansare nucleară ale Rusiei și Chinei cu arme convenționale

SUA și aliații lor sunt capabili să amenințe și să distrugă toate centrele de lansare nucleară ale Rusiei și Chinei cu arme convenționale, creând ceea ce doi experți descriu drept o situație geopolitică potențial instabilă, scrie The Guardian.

În California începe procesul în care Hunter Biden este acuzat de evaziune fiscală de 1,4 milioane de dolari

Hunter Biden, fiul preşedintelui american Joe Biden, urmează să fie judecat începând de joi de un tribunal federal din Los Angeles într-un proces penal în care este acuzat de evaziune fiscală prin neplata unor taxe de 1,4 milioane de dolari.

În California începe procesul în care Hunter Biden este acuzat de evaziune fiscală de 1,4 milioane de dolari

Hunter Biden, fiul preşedintelui american Joe Biden, urmează să fie judecat începând de joi de un tribunal federal din Los Angeles într-un proces penal în care este acuzat de evaziune fiscală prin neplata unor taxe de 1,4 milioane de dolari.

MAE, despre existența unui cetățean român printre victimele atacului armat din SUA: „Nu au fost primite solicitări de asistență consulară”

Reacția vine după ce în presă au apărut informații cu privire la faptul că printre victimele atacului armat de la un liceu din Georgia s-ar număra și un presupus cetățean român.

MAE, despre existența unui cetățean român printre victimele atacului armat din SUA: „Nu au fost primite solicitări de asistență consulară”

Reacția vine după ce în presă au apărut informații cu privire la faptul că printre victimele atacului armat de la un liceu din Georgia s-ar număra și un presupus cetățean român.

„Din plictiseală”. Explicația halucinantă dată de tânărul care a ucis o fată de 14 ani în Grădina Botanică din Craiova

Agresorul care a omorât o fată de 14 ani și a rănit grav un adolescent anul trecut în Grădina Botanică din Craiova a cerut schimbarea încadrării juridice.

„Din plictiseală”. Explicația halucinantă dată de tânărul care a ucis o fată de 14 ani în Grădina Botanică din Craiova

Agresorul care a omorât o fată de 14 ani și a rănit grav un adolescent anul trecut în Grădina Botanică din Craiova a cerut schimbarea încadrării juridice.

Airijos ekonomika antrąjį metų ketvirtį netikėtai susitraukė 1 proc.

Airija per antrąjį šių metų ketvirtį sukūrė 1,0 proc. kuklesnį nei per ankstesnius tris mėnesius bendrąjį vidaus produktą (BVP), ketvirtadienį skelbia nacionalinė statistikos tarnyba, remdamasi išankstiniais duomenimis. Tai tapo netikėtumu a

Airijos ekonomika antrąjį metų ketvirtį netikėtai susitraukė 1 proc.

Airija per antrąjį šių metų ketvirtį sukūrė 1,0 proc. kuklesnį nei per ankstesnius tris mėnesius bendrąjį vidaus produktą (BVP), ketvirtadienį skelbia nacionalinė statistikos tarnyba, remdamasi išankstiniais duomenimis. Tai tapo netikėtumu analitikimas, kurie pranašavo augimą, nurodo „Trading Economics“. Patikslintais duomenimis, per pirmąjį metų ketvirtį ekonomika paaugo 0,7 proc., po penkis metų ketvirčius trukusio nuosmukio laikotarpio.

Aušrinės Armonaitės Laisvės partija siūlo mažinti mokesčius turtuoliams

Dabartinei valdančiajai koalicijai priklausanti Laisvės partija, kuriai vadovauja ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministrė Aušrinė Armonaitė, mano, kad turtuoliai Lietuvoje skursta. Dėl to gyventojų pajamų mokesčio (GPM) tarifą jiems esą reikia mažinti

Aušrinės Armonaitės Laisvės partija siūlo mažinti mokesčius turtuoliams

Dabartinei valdančiajai koalicijai priklausanti Laisvės partija, kuriai vadovauja ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministrė Aušrinė Armonaitė, mano, kad turtuoliai Lietuvoje skursta. Dėl to gyventojų pajamų mokesčio (GPM) tarifą jiems esą reikia mažinti, kad, jį sumokėjus, pinigų liktų daugiau. Tai numatoma ketvirtadienį oficialiai paskelbtoje Laisvės partijos rinkimų programoje. Mažiau turėtų mokėti uždirbantys virš 9,5 tūkst. eurų? Primename, kad šiuo metu įprastinis GPM tarifas yra 20 proc.

Jungtinės Karalystės parduotuvėse – naujas ir kitose rinkose nematytas „Vičiūnų“ produktas

Surimio užkandis: Lietuvoje jį vadina „krabų lazdele“, Japonijoje – „krabų pyragėliu“, o Amerikoje „imitaciniu krabu“. Kai kuriose šalyse surimis verdamas, o kai kuriose kepamas ar net dedamas į dešreles. Prancūzijoje, Belgijoje ir Ital

Jungtinės Karalystės parduotuvėse – naujas ir kitose rinkose nematytas „Vičiūnų“ produktas

Surimio užkandis: Lietuvoje jį vadina „krabų lazdele“, Japonijoje – „krabų pyragėliu“, o Amerikoje „imitaciniu krabu“. Kai kuriose šalyse surimis verdamas, o kai kuriose kepamas ar net dedamas į dešreles. Prancūzijoje, Belgijoje ir Italijoje jis spalvinamas oranžine, o likęs pasaulis ir Lietuva labiau mėgsta raudoną spalvą. Japonijoje yra net 10 tipų surimio užkandžių, o vienodai atrodančios lazdelės skirtingose šalyse gali turėti skirtingus skonius.

German investors complain to Veep Usi over corruption at Blantyre City Council

Some German investors have formally complained to Vice President Dr Michael Usi that they are unable to roll out their investment projects in Blantyre because Blantyre City Council officials were demanding bribes. Usi has since promised action against the off
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

German investors complain to Veep Usi over corruption at Blantyre City Council

Some German investors have formally complained to Vice President Dr Michael Usi that they are unable to roll out their investment projects in Blantyre because Blantyre City Council officials were demanding bribes. Usi has since promised action against the officials who were demanding bribes and asked the investors to stay and roll out their projects. […] The post German investors complain to Veep Usi over corruption at Blantyre City Council appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Malawi enrolls 50 % in ODeL programmes in two years

Deputy Minister of Education, Nancy Chaola Mdooko, has disclosed that Malawi increased enrolment in Open Distance and e-Learning (ODeL) programmes by 50 per cent at her universities in the past two years, surpassing the 2025 target. Mdooko made the remarks du
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Malawi enrolls 50 % in ODeL programmes in two years

Deputy Minister of Education, Nancy Chaola Mdooko, has disclosed that Malawi increased enrolment in Open Distance and e-Learning (ODeL) programmes by 50 per cent at her universities in the past two years, surpassing the 2025 target. Mdooko made the remarks during the opening of a three-day 58th Distance Education Association for Southern Africa (DEASA) meeting, […] The post Malawi enrolls 50 % in ODeL programmes in two years appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Malawian journalists urged to report GBV with a human face

Journalists in the country have been called upon to wear a human face when reporting issues related to Gender Based Violence (GBV). Gender and GBV Specialist at UNFPA, Beatrice Kumwenda, made the call at Sunbird Mzuzu Hotel during a three-day training of jour
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Malawian journalists urged to report GBV with a human face

Journalists in the country have been called upon to wear a human face when reporting issues related to Gender Based Violence (GBV). Gender and GBV Specialist at UNFPA, Beatrice Kumwenda, made the call at Sunbird Mzuzu Hotel during a three-day training of journalists under Nyika Media Club and Association for Women in Media (AWOME) on […] The post Malawian journalists urged to report GBV with a human face appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

Chakwera, 45 other African Heads of States attends FOCAC opening

President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera on Thursday morning, attended the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit colourful official opening held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. With at least 45 heads of state and government in attendance, th
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

Chakwera, 45 other African Heads of States attends FOCAC opening

President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera on Thursday morning, attended the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit colourful official opening held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. With at least 45 heads of state and government in attendance, the summit has positioned itself as a critical platform for strengthening ties between China and African […] The post Chakwera, 45 other African Heads of States attends FOCAC opening appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

NRB PS speaks on ‘communication to the minister’: “Why would I use that channel to seek guidance from the minister?”

The National Registration Bureau (NRB) Principal Secretary Mphatso Sambo has described as fake a communication in which he is alleged to have sought ministerial guidance on how to handle Malawi Congress Party (MCP)-affiliated NRB staff, which is to be deploye
Malawi Nyasa Times – Malawi breaking news in Malawi

NRB PS speaks on ‘communication to the minister’: “Why would I use that channel to seek guidance from the minister?”

The National Registration Bureau (NRB) Principal Secretary Mphatso Sambo has described as fake a communication in which he is alleged to have sought ministerial guidance on how to handle Malawi Congress Party (MCP)-affiliated NRB staff, which is to be deployed to the Southern Region. In the alleged communication, which has been circulating on the social […] The post NRB PS speaks on ‘communication to the minister’: “Why would I use that channel to seek guidance from the minister?” appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi.

홍명보호, 첫 출항부터 삐거덕…팔레스타인과 0-0 충격 무승부

홍명보 감독 체제로 새롭게 출발한 축구 국가대표팀이 졸전 끝에 약체 팔레스타인과 비겼다. 반드시 잡아야했던 2026 국제축구연맹(FIFA) 북중미 월드컵 아시아지역 3차 예선 첫 경기 결과가 꼬이면
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

홍명보호, 첫 출항부터 삐거덕…팔레스타인과 0-0 충격 무승부

홍명보 감독 체제로 새롭게 출발한 축구 국가대표팀이 졸전 끝에 약체 팔레스타인과 비겼다. 반드시 잡아야했던 2026 국제축구연맹(FIFA) 북중미 월드컵 아시아지역 3차 예선 첫 경기 결과가 꼬이면서 더 강한 상대들을 만나야 하는 다음 일정에 대한 부담이 커졌다.FIFA 랭킹 23위 한국은 5일 서울월드컵경기장에서 열린 2026 북중미 월드컵 3차 예선 B조 조별리그 1차전에서 96위 팔레스타인과 0-0 무승부를 기록했다.객관적 전력이 떨어지는 데다 이스라엘과 전쟁으로 정세가 불안정한 팔레스타인을 상대로 대승을 기대했던 경기인데 내용과 결과 모두 실망스러웠다. 경기 템포는 느리고 상대 수비를 무너뜨릴 번뜩이는 공격이 없었다. 골 결정력까지 떨어져 몇 차례 얻은 찬스마저 놓쳤다.3차 예선은 월드컵 본선 진출권이 걸린 중요한 무대다. 한국이 이라크, 요르단, 오만, 팔레스타인, 쿠웨이트와 묶인 B조에서 홈 앤드 어웨이로 총 10경기를 치러 조 2위 안에 오르면 북중미행 티켓을 획득할 수

뉴스페이스 강조하던 정부…공동연구 계약 가이드 없어 혼란 초래

우주항공청이 2027년부터 공공위성 발사 서비스를 구매하는 사업을 추진해 본격적인 ‘뉴스페이스’ 시대를 열겠다고 공언했다. 재사용발사체, 궤도수송선 등 여러 우주 경제를 이끌 사업 계획을
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

뉴스페이스 강조하던 정부…공동연구 계약 가이드 없어 혼란 초래

우주항공청이 2027년부터 공공위성 발사 서비스를 구매하는 사업을 추진해 본격적인 ‘뉴스페이스’ 시대를 열겠다고 공언했다. 재사용발사체, 궤도수송선 등 여러 우주 경제를 이끌 사업 계획을 발표했지만 정작 뉴스페이스의 주역이 될 기업과의 공동 연구 계약에 대한 가이드라인조차 마련되지 않은 것으로 확인됐다.우주청은 5일 서울 중구 코리아나호텔에서 열린 개청 100일 기념 기자 간담회에서 재사용발사체를 기반으로 지구 저궤도까지 가는 수송비용을 1㎏당 1000달러 이하로 낮춰 2030년대에는 우주 경제를 실현하겠다고 밝혔다. 정부는 앞

Разворот событий: РФ собственноручно строит на Курщине ров с крокодилами

ВСУ в ближайшей обозримой перспективе вряд ли самостоятельно уйдут из захваченных районов Курской области. Каких целей достигла эта операци
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Разворот событий: РФ собственноручно строит на Курщине ров с крокодилами

ВСУ в ближайшей обозримой перспективе вряд ли самостоятельно уйдут из захваченных районов Курской области. Каких целей достигла эта операция Сил обороны? И почему оккупанты немного «успокоились» под Покровском?

Дюбуа предсказал победителя второго боя Усик - Фьюри

Британский боксер, ранее проигравший украинскому чемпиону мира, желает поэтому поражения в реванше.
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Дюбуа предсказал победителя второго боя Усик - Фьюри

Британский боксер, ранее проигравший украинскому чемпиону мира, желает поэтому поражения в реванше.

Киевские школьники установили рекорд из LEGO

Ученики киевского лицея составили самый большой рушник из LEGO, подчеркивая важность украинского языка и единства нации.
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Киевские школьники установили рекорд из LEGO

Ученики киевского лицея составили самый большой рушник из LEGO, подчеркивая важность украинского языка и единства нации.

Гринчук назначена главой Минэкологии

За назначение Светланы Гринчук министром защиты окружающей среды и природных ресурсов проголосовали 246 депутатов.
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Гринчук назначена главой Минэкологии

За назначение Светланы Гринчук министром защиты окружающей среды и природных ресурсов проголосовали 246 депутатов.

Трех чиновников Минобороны разоблачили на махинациях с выплатами военным

Чиновников поймали «на горячем». Фигурантам дела грозит до 10 лет лишения свободы с конфискацией имущества.
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Трех чиновников Минобороны разоблачили на махинациях с выплатами военным

Чиновников поймали «на горячем». Фигурантам дела грозит до 10 лет лишения свободы с конфискацией имущества.

Students say teachers hid them in closets as Georgia school shooting unfolded and claim school 'did not take threat seriously' as parents describe 'terrifying' wait for updates

Colt Gray, 14, opened fire at Apalachee High School on Wednesday, hitting at least 13 people and killing four in what became the deadliest incident of its kind in Georgia's history.
News | Mail Online

Students say teachers hid them in closets as Georgia school shooting unfolded and claim school 'did not take threat seriously' as parents describe 'terrifying' wait for updates

Colt Gray, 14, opened fire at Apalachee High School on Wednesday, hitting at least 13 people and killing four in what became the deadliest incident of its kind in Georgia's history.

How I was dragged into Taylor Swift's PR nightmare: Furious late night calls from team Travis Kelce as they fought internet firestorm over fake 'contract' claiming his love for megastar is a sham

It was a year ago this month that Taylor Swift confirmed her romance with American football superstar Travis Kelce as she sat alongside his beloved mother to cheer him on.
News | Mail Online

How I was dragged into Taylor Swift's PR nightmare: Furious late night calls from team Travis Kelce as they fought internet firestorm over fake 'contract' claiming his love for megastar is a sham

It was a year ago this month that Taylor Swift confirmed her romance with American football superstar Travis Kelce as she sat alongside his beloved mother to cheer him on.

Could dynamic ticket pricing fiasco spark yet another Oasis feud? Fears row could drive wedge between Gallagher brothers as Liam faces bulk of backlash

Oasis fans are facing new anxiety over whether the truce between Liam and Noel Gallagher will hold for next year's reunion gigs after a ticketing debacle backlash.
News | Mail Online

Could dynamic ticket pricing fiasco spark yet another Oasis feud? Fears row could drive wedge between Gallagher brothers as Liam faces bulk of backlash

Oasis fans are facing new anxiety over whether the truce between Liam and Noel Gallagher will hold for next year's reunion gigs after a ticketing debacle backlash.

Revealed: Kinky letters in Gillian Anderson's book Want fantasise 'passionate sex' with Harry Styles, religious romps and voyeurism

Gillian Anderson has revealed the intimate fantasies in her latest project Want - a volume of anonymous female correspondence about sexual desire.
News | Mail Online

Revealed: Kinky letters in Gillian Anderson's book Want fantasise 'passionate sex' with Harry Styles, religious romps and voyeurism

Gillian Anderson has revealed the intimate fantasies in her latest project Want - a volume of anonymous female correspondence about sexual desire.

How finding fame on a Yorkshire farm destroyed our marriage. In a soul-baring account, Amanda and Clive Owen break silence to tell what really happened...

For four years, Our ­Yorkshire Farm was one of the most popular fly-on-the-wall shows on TV. The ­extraordinary drama and beauty of life at Ravenseat, the remote farm high in the Dales.
News | Mail Online

How finding fame on a Yorkshire farm destroyed our marriage. In a soul-baring account, Amanda and Clive Owen break silence to tell what really happened...

For four years, Our ­Yorkshire Farm was one of the most popular fly-on-the-wall shows on TV. The ­extraordinary drama and beauty of life at Ravenseat, the remote farm high in the Dales.

Третьяк о Суперсерии-1972: «Уникальное событие – как полет Гагарина в космос. Самые выдающиеся матчи в истории хоккея, мы обязаны помнить спортивный подвиг, учить молодежь патриотизму»

Экс-вратарь сборной СССР встретился в онлайн‑формате с участниками Суперсерии‑1972 канадцами Питом Маховличем и Деннисом Халлом.
Спорт -

Третьяк о Суперсерии-1972: «Уникальное событие – как полет Гагарина в космос. Самые выдающиеся матчи в истории хоккея, мы обязаны помнить спортивный подвиг, учить молодежь патриотизму»

Экс-вратарь сборной СССР встретился в онлайн‑формате с участниками Суперсерии‑1972 канадцами Питом Маховличем и Деннисом Халлом.

«Спартак» предложил еще 500 тысяч евро за Мангаша в качестве бонусов. Сделку с «Виторией» закроют сегодня (O Jogo)

Ранее сообщалось, что красно-белые договорились о трансфере защитника «Витории Гимараэш» за 2 миллиона евро.
Спорт -

«Спартак» предложил еще 500 тысяч евро за Мангаша в качестве бонусов. Сделку с «Виторией» закроют сегодня (O Jogo)

Ранее сообщалось, что красно-белые договорились о трансфере защитника «Витории Гимараэш» за 2 миллиона евро.

Генсек РФС Митрофанов: «Россия – на 100% футбольная и спортивная держава. С учетом большой популярности футбол очень недофинансирован, в стране недостаточно полей»

– В 2016 году Леонид Слуцкий говорил, что «Россия – нефутбольная страна».

Спортс’’ ищет финансового менеджера, который будет управлять бюджетом так же эффективно, как и руководство «Реала»!


Товарищеский матч. Россия в гостях у Вьетнама. Лунев, Кузяев, Пиняев и Мусаев в старте. Онлайн-трансляция

Спортс” ведет текстовую онлайн-трансляцию игры.