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حركة حماس تنعى قائدها في لبنان

نعت حركة حماس قائدها في لبنان وعضو قيادتها في الخارج فتح شريف أبو الأمين الذي استشهد في غارة إسرائيلية استهدفته في مخيم البص جنوبي البلاد. Live News

حركة حماس تنعى قائدها في لبنان

نعت حركة حماس قائدها في لبنان وعضو قيادتها في الخارج فتح شريف أبو الأمين الذي استشهد في غارة إسرائيلية استهدفته في مخيم البص جنوبي البلاد.

الحشد الشعبي: استقبال قوافل المساعدات في بغداد لإغاثة غزة ولبنان

أعلنت هيئة الحشد الشعبي، عن تواصل جهود استقبال المساعدات الاغاثية في بغداد، من مختلف المحافظات استجابة لنداء المرجعية الدينية العليا لإغاثة
قناة العالم الأخبارية

الحشد الشعبي: استقبال قوافل المساعدات في بغداد لإغاثة غزة ولبنان

أعلنت هيئة الحشد الشعبي، عن تواصل جهود استقبال المساعدات الاغاثية في بغداد، من مختلف المحافظات استجابة لنداء المرجعية الدينية العليا لإغاثة غزة ولبنا...

Karas Ukrainoje. Ekspertai: Rusijoje kitąmet numatoma ženkliai didinti karines išlaidas

Rusijos valdžia planuoja ir toliau didinti karines išlaidas, nors viešai apie tai nebus pranešama, skelbiama naujausioje Karo tyrimų instituto ataskaitoje. 2025-ųjų karinis biudžetas bus didinamas dar trečdaliu, iki 13,2 trilijonų rublių, kai 2024-

Karas Ukrainoje. Ekspertai: Rusijoje kitąmet numatoma ženkliai didinti karines išlaidas

Rusijos valdžia planuoja ir toliau didinti karines išlaidas, nors viešai apie tai nebus pranešama, skelbiama naujausioje Karo tyrimų instituto ataskaitoje. 2025-ųjų karinis biudžetas bus didinamas dar trečdaliu, iki 13,2 trilijonų rublių, kai 2024-aisiais buvo suplanuoti 10,4 trilijono, rašoma „Bloomberg“. Svarbiausi įvykiai: 07:41 | Karas Ukrainoje.

Įslaptinti dokumentai rodo, kad Navalnas kalėjime galėjo būti nunuodytas, teigia žiniasklaida

Žurnalistai gavo prieigą prie „šimtų“ dokumentų, susijusių su Rusijos opozicijos lyderio Aleksejaus Navalno mirtimi. Daugybėje jų rasta informacijos, rodančios galimą jo nunuodijimą. Taip teigia „The Insider“. „The Insider“ gavo prieig

Įslaptinti dokumentai rodo, kad Navalnas kalėjime galėjo būti nunuodytas, teigia žiniasklaida

Žurnalistai gavo prieigą prie „šimtų“ dokumentų, susijusių su Rusijos opozicijos lyderio Aleksejaus Navalno mirtimi. Daugybėje jų rasta informacijos, rodančios galimą jo nunuodijimą. Taip teigia „The Insider“. „The Insider“ gavo prieigą prie šimtų oficialių dokumentų, susijusių su Aleksejaus Navalno mirtimi pataisos kolonijoje „Poliarinis vilkas“. Sprendžiant iš jų, valdžios institucijos iš visur sąmoningai pašalino nuorodas į simptomus, kurie nebuvo įtraukti į oficialią versiją.

Death toll soars in US from storm Helene, North Carolina reeling

The death toll from powerful storm Helene jumped to at least 93 on Sunday, with one county in North Carolina alone reporting 30 deaths, authorities said, as rescuers battled to reach people in need across the southeastern United States. The storm response to
Seychelles News Agency

Death toll soars in US from storm Helene, North Carolina reeling

The death toll from powerful storm Helene jumped to at least 93 on Sunday, with one county in North Carolina alone reporting 30 deaths, authorities said, as rescuers battled to reach people in need across the southeastern United States. The storm response took on a political tinge after President Joe Biden and the two candidates vying to replace him, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, announced plans to soon visit hard-hit areas, some of them in key battleground states in the November election. High winds and torrential rain pummeled towns and cities across Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Homes were destroyed, roads flooded out and power cut off to millions. «We're hearing (of) significant infrastructure damage to water systems, communication, roads, critical transportation routes, as well as several homes that have been just destroyed by this,» the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Deanne Criswell, said Sunday. At least 93 people were killed in the extreme weather -- 37 in North Carolina, 25 in South Carolina, 17 in Georgia, 11 in Florida, two in Tennessee and one in Virginia, according to tallies from local authorities compiled by AFP. That total was expected to rise. «We have another devastating update. We now have 30 confirmed losses due to the storm,» Quentin Miller, the sheriff in North Carolina's Buncombe County, which includes the tourist city of Asheville, told a briefing. Flood warnings remained in effect in parts of western North Carolina, amid fears of potential dam failures. Conditions were expected to improve in the affected areas by around Tuesday, National Weather Service director Ken Graham said. Nearly 2.2 million households remained without power on Sunday, according to tracker US Department of Energy official Matt Targuagno said that crews were working hard to restore electricity but warned it would be «a complex, multi-day response.» Thousands of people continued to seek assistance in shelters run by the American Red Cross, organization official Jennifer Pipa said. - Bridges washed away - Helene blew into Florida's northern Gulf shore as a huge Category Four hurricane with winds of 140 miles (225 kilometers) per hour. Even as it weakened, it wreaked havoc. North Carolina saw some of the worst of the flooding, with Governor Roy Cooper saying rescuers were being forced to airlift supplies in some areas due to damaged or flooded roads. «I don't know that anybody could be fully prepared for the amount of flooding and landslides that they are experiencing right now,» Criswell said on CBS, adding that more search and rescue teams were being deployed. William Ray, director of the state's emergency management department, warned that conditions were still extremely dangerous. Hundreds of roads across the region remained closed, with several bridges washed away by floodwaters. Four major interstate highways were closed across North Carolina and Tennessee, with «multiple» bridges still out, said Kristin White of the US Department of Transportation. Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina each had more than 100 road closures, she added. In the Georgia city of Valdosta, the storm ripped the roofs off buildings, and left road intersections a tangle of felled utility poles and trees. «The wind started really hitting, like, felt branches and pieces of the roof hitting the side of the building and hitting the windows,» said Valdosta resident Steven Mauro. «And then we were looking out and then literally this whole street, just everything went black.» Trump, the Republican former president seeking another term, will visit Valdosta on Monday for a briefing on the disaster, his campaign said. Biden, who has approved federal aid for several states in the wake of the disaster, intends to travel to hard-hit areas this week, «as soon as it will not disrupt emergency response operations,» the White House said Sunday, later adding that Harris would do the same. «We will stand with these communities for as long as it takes to make sure that they are able to recover and rebuild,» Harris said Sunday evening at a campaign rally in Las Vegas. Biden was scheduled to speak about the post-storm response from the White House on Monday. © Agence France-Presse

Israel hits apartment block in first strike on heart of Beirut

Israel carried out an air strike on a Beirut apartment block on Monday, a Lebanese security source said, killing four people in its first such raid on the heart of the city since the outbreak of the Gaza war last year. Israel has turned its focus from Gaza t
Seychelles News Agency

Israel hits apartment block in first strike on heart of Beirut

Israel carried out an air strike on a Beirut apartment block on Monday, a Lebanese security source said, killing four people in its first such raid on the heart of the city since the outbreak of the Gaza war last year. Israel has turned its focus from Gaza to Lebanon in recent days, carrying out attacks on Iran's regional allies. Strikes on Hezbollah targets killed the Iran-backed group's leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday. Monday's drone attack targeted a «flat belonging to Jamaa Islamiya», a Lebanese Islamist group, the security source said. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a secular left-wing group, said three of its members were killed in Monday's strike on Beirut's Kola district. The group said in a statement that its military security chief Mohammad Abdel-Aal, military commander Imad Odeh, and Abdelrahman Abdel-Aal were killed. The Israeli military said it had launched fresh strikes on dozens of Hezbollah targets in Lebanon's Bekaa region on Monday. Israel «will continue to attack powerfully, damage and degrade Hezbollah's military capabilities and infrastructure in Lebanon», the army said in a statement on Telegram. - 'Largest displacement' - Television footage showed the partially flattened floor of the building targeted by the strike, in the predominantly Sunni neighbourhood of Kola, near the road linking the capital to Beirut airport. AFP journalists reported drones flying over the Lebanese capital throughout Sunday. Israeli attacks have killed hundreds in Lebanon since last Monday, the deadliest day since the country's 1975-1990 civil war. Lebanon's health ministry reported at least 105 people killed in Israeli strikes on Sunday, with 359 people wounded. In the last week, Israeli bombardment has killed more than 700 people, including 14 paramedics over a two-day period, the ministry said. UN refugee chief Filippo Grandi said «well over 200,000 people are displaced inside Lebanon» and more than 50,000 have fled to neighbouring Syria. Prime Minister Mikati said up to one million people may have been uprooted, in potentially the «largest displacement movement» in Lebanon's history. - Yemen strikes - Israeli aggression on Lebanon has sparked fears of an all-out war in the Middle East. Israel said it also carried out strikes in Yemen on Sunday, targeting Iran-backed Huthi rebel positions. Huthi media reports said those strikes killed four people and wounded 33. The raids in Yemen came a day after the Huthis said they launched a missile at an Israeli airport, trying to hit it as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was returning from New York. The Israeli military has said its operations in Lebanon aim to eliminate Hezbollah's leadership and capacity to attack Israel. It said the air strike that killed Nasrallah on Friday also «eliminated» another 20 Hezbollah members, including senior leaders. Israel also said another strike on Saturday killed Nabil Qaouq, a member of Hezbollah's central council. Hezbollah has yet to officially announce his death, but a source close to the group said Qaouq had been killed. Analysts told AFP Nasrallah's death leaves a bruised Hezbollah under pressure to respond. - Calls for halt - World leaders have called for a de-escalation to avoid a wider regional conflict. French foreign minister Jean-Noel Barrot met with Prime Minister Najib Mikati in Lebanon on Sunday night -- the first high-level foreign diplomat to visit since the Israeli strikes intensified -- and said Paris sought «an immediate halt» to Israeli strikes. Saudi Arabia's foreign ministry issued a statement early Monday, calling for Lebanon's «sovereignty and territorial integrity» to be respected. US President Joe Biden -- whose government is Israel's top arms supplier -- said Sunday a wider war «really has to be avoided». Pope Francis, asked about Israeli air strikes on civilians, said a country «goes beyond morality» when defence is not proportional to the attack. In Gaza, the territory's civil defence agency said Israeli strikes Sunday killed several people. Hamas's unprecedented October 7 attack on Israel resulted in the deaths of 1,205 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures that include hostages killed in captivity. Of the 251 hostages seized by militants, 97 are still held in Gaza, including 33 the Israeli military says are dead. Israel's retaliatory military offensive has killed at least 41,595 people in Gaza, most of them civilians, according to figures provided by the Hamas-run territory's health ministry. The UN has described the figures as reliable. © Agence France-Presse

Bătălia invizibilă din Orientul Mijlociu, explicată de un analist român: „Deși lovită, Hezbollah câștigă în continuare războiul mediatic”

Analistul militar Hari Bucur-Marcu consideră că Hezbollah punctează în războiul mediatic, cu largul concurs al presei occidentale, care uită că, de fapt, Israel este victima și nu agresorul.

Bătălia invizibilă din Orientul Mijlociu, explicată de un analist român: „Deși lovită, Hezbollah câștigă în continuare războiul mediatic”

Analistul militar Hari Bucur-Marcu consideră că Hezbollah punctează în războiul mediatic, cu largul concurs al presei occidentale, care uită că, de fapt, Israel este victima și nu agresorul.

Ce caută Ungaria în Africa? (II) Cum se vede Ungaria pe sine. Are Viktor Orban o „Mare Strategie”?

Prima și cea mai importantă întrebare este aceasta: Are Ungaria o Mare Strategie? Iar de aici derivă o serie de alte întrebări subsecvente precum: dacă da, cum se manifestă acesta?

Ce caută Ungaria în Africa? (II) Cum se vede Ungaria pe sine. Are Viktor Orban o „Mare Strategie”?

Prima și cea mai importantă întrebare este aceasta: Are Ungaria o Mare Strategie? Iar de aici derivă o serie de alte întrebări subsecvente precum: dacă da, cum se manifestă acesta?

Ce ar însemna o victorie a lui Trump pentru Europa. Ascensiunea extremei drepte și slăbirea sprijinului pentru Ucraina

O victorie a fostului președinte ar dinamiza cu siguranță partidele populiste din blocul european și ar încuraja normalizarea acestora, la fel cum s-a întâmplat în SUA.

Ce ar însemna o victorie a lui Trump pentru Europa. Ascensiunea extremei drepte și slăbirea sprijinului pentru Ucraina

O victorie a fostului președinte ar dinamiza cu siguranță partidele populiste din blocul european și ar încuraja normalizarea acestora, la fel cum s-a întâmplat în SUA.

De ce nu poate fi demis Dan Petrescu, după parcursul dezastruos al CFR Cluj. Cum s-a „blindat” antrenorul

Fanii i-au cerut ”Bursucului” să plece, după înfrângerea acasă cu UTA.

De ce nu poate fi demis Dan Petrescu, după parcursul dezastruos al CFR Cluj. Cum s-a „blindat” antrenorul

Fanii i-au cerut ”Bursucului” să plece, după înfrângerea acasă cu UTA.

Resumen: La U tropezó y Colo Colo quedó con opción directa al título

El líder cayó ante Deportes Iquique y los «albos» tienen la primera chance al campeonato, si ganan todos sus partidos.

Resumen: La U tropezó y Colo Colo quedó con opción directa al título

El líder cayó ante Deportes Iquique y los «albos» tienen la primera chance al campeonato, si ganan todos sus partidos.

Nunes cuestionó el arbitraje de Fernando Véjar: Hay dudas de las expulsiones

El estratega brasileño se mostró con dudas respecto al juez tras la caída de la UC ante Unión Española.

Nunes cuestionó el arbitraje de Fernando Véjar: Hay dudas de las expulsiones

El estratega brasileño se mostró con dudas respecto al juez tras la caída de la UC ante Unión Española.

Las reacciones desde el Congreso al anunciado Presupuesto 2025

El integrante de la Comisión de Hacienda, senador Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI), criticó que «todos los años el Presidente ha dicho lo mismo», sobre invertir en seguridad y listas de espera. Mientras el miembro de la misma instancia, Ricardo Lagos

Las reacciones desde el Congreso al anunciado Presupuesto 2025

El integrante de la Comisión de Hacienda, senador Juan Antonio Coloma (UDI), criticó que «todos los años el Presidente ha dicho lo mismo», sobre invertir en seguridad y listas de espera. Mientras el miembro de la misma instancia, Ricardo Lagos Weber (PPD), valoró que delinearon «las prioridades y creo que están en la senda más que correcta».

Old Trafford 'pusara' pemain-pemain hebat - Redknapp

MANCHESTER: Jamie Redknapp menganggap Old Trafford adalah ‘pusara’ buat pemain-pemain hebat selepas Manchester United tewas 3-0 kepada Tottenham.
BH Online - Terkini

Old Trafford 'pusara' pemain-pemain hebat - Redknapp

MANCHESTER: Jamie Redknapp menganggap Old Trafford adalah ‘pusara’ buat pemain-pemain hebat selepas Manchester United tewas 3-0 kepada Tottenham.

Kerajaan Perpaduan catat kemajuan ketara kawal perbelanjaan tahun ini

KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan Perpaduan telah mencapai kemajuan yang ketara untuk mengawal perbelanjaan setakat ini pada 2024, demikian menurut BMI, sebuah unit di bawah Fitch Solutions.
BH Online - Terkini

Kerajaan Perpaduan catat kemajuan ketara kawal perbelanjaan tahun ini

KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan Perpaduan telah mencapai kemajuan yang ketara untuk mengawal perbelanjaan setakat ini pada 2024, demikian menurut BMI, sebuah unit di bawah Fitch Solutions.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi positif, nilai ringgit kukuh jadikan Malaysia di landasan tepat kendali ekonomi negara - Rafizi

PUTRAJAYA: Kerajaan komited untuk memperhebat usaha membasmi kemiskinan tegar selaras dengan prestasi ekonomi negara yang sihat, kata Menteri Ekonomi, Rafizi Ramli.
BH Online - Terkini

Pertumbuhan ekonomi positif, nilai ringgit kukuh jadikan Malaysia di landasan tepat kendali ekonomi negara - Rafizi

PUTRAJAYA: Kerajaan komited untuk memperhebat usaha membasmi kemiskinan tegar selaras dengan prestasi ekonomi negara yang sihat, kata Menteri Ekonomi, Rafizi Ramli.

50-jarige man met schotwonden SEH binnengebracht

Waterkant Een 50-jarige man in Suriname is afgelopen vrijdagochtend met verschillende schotwonden binnengebracht bij de Spoedeisende Hulp van het Academisch Ziekenhuis. Vernomen wordt dat hij zich kort daarvoor ergens in het ressort van politie Uitvlugt bevon

50-jarige man met schotwonden SEH binnengebracht

Waterkant Een 50-jarige man in Suriname is afgelopen vrijdagochtend met verschillende schotwonden binnengebracht bij de Spoedeisende Hulp van het Academisch Ziekenhuis. Vernomen wordt dat hij zich kort daarvoor ergens in het ressort van politie Uitvlugt bevond, waar hij met vrienden op een erf van een woning aan het borrelen was. Volgens het slachtoffer ging hij op […] Het bericht 50-jarige man met schotwonden SEH binnengebracht verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Vrouw (71) bruut mishandeld en beroofd in eigen woning

Waterkant Een 71-jarige vrouw in Suriname kreeg in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag de schrik van haar leven, toen zij plotseling door vier mannen werd overvallen in haar woning aan de Gongrijpstraat. Tijdens de gewelddadige overval werd de vrouw meerdere kere

Vrouw (71) bruut mishandeld en beroofd in eigen woning

Waterkant Een 71-jarige vrouw in Suriname kreeg in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag de schrik van haar leven, toen zij plotseling door vier mannen werd overvallen in haar woning aan de Gongrijpstraat. Tijdens de gewelddadige overval werd de vrouw meerdere keren geslagen. Volgens het slachtoffer, dat haar verhaal deed aan de redactie van Waterkant.Net, werd […] Het bericht Vrouw (71) bruut mishandeld en beroofd in eigen woning verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Kinderhuis Sukh-Dhaam ontvangt donatie van levensmiddelen en schoolpakketten

Waterkant Internist en nefroloog Subhash Goerdat heeft zondag levensmiddelen en schoolpakketten overhandigd aan kinderhuis Sukh-Dhaam in Commewijne. Deze donatie is mogelijk gemaakt door Goerdat en N.V. Devina’s Enterprises. Volgens de specialist zorge

Kinderhuis Sukh-Dhaam ontvangt donatie van levensmiddelen en schoolpakketten

Waterkant Internist en nefroloog Subhash Goerdat heeft zondag levensmiddelen en schoolpakketten overhandigd aan kinderhuis Sukh-Dhaam in Commewijne. Deze donatie is mogelijk gemaakt door Goerdat en N.V. Devina’s Enterprises. Volgens de specialist zorgen de levensmiddelen en schoolpakketten ervoor dat de kinderen niet alleen onderwijs kunnen volgen, maar ook de voeding krijgen die ze nodig hebben om zich […] Het bericht Kinderhuis Sukh-Dhaam ontvangt donatie van levensmiddelen en schoolpakketten verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

疑未注意車前狀況追尾 新北駕駛一度夾困腿部骨折送醫

社會新聞 - 自由時報

疑未注意車前狀況追尾 新北駕駛一度夾困腿部骨折送醫


新北校園割頸案一審宣判 受害學生父:司法向加害者傾斜!

首次上稿 11:45 更新時間 12:40 新北市去年底發生校園割頸案,楊姓學生傷重不治,乾兄妹郭姓少年、林姓少女被依殺人罪起訴,地方法院少年法庭今日分別判處兩人9年、8...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

新北校園割頸案一審宣判 受害學生父:司法向加害者傾斜!

首次上稿 11:45 更新時間 12:40 新北市去年底發生校園割頸案,楊姓學生傷重不治,乾兄妹郭姓少年、林姓少女被依殺人罪起訴,地方法院少年法庭今日分別判處兩人9年、8...…

防颱水溝清一半女兒牆突倒塌 基隆女工人遭壓傷

社會新聞 - 自由時報

防颱水溝清一半女兒牆突倒塌 基隆女工人遭壓傷


Karas Ukrainoje. Kyjive – masinė dronų ataka

950-oji Rusijos karo prieš Ukrainą diena. Pirmadienio naktį ir paryčais Ukrainos sostinę bei kitas vietoves dronais, taip pat raketomis atakavo Rusijos okupacinės pajėgos, skelbia „Unian“.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Karas Ukrainoje. Kyjive – masinė dronų ataka

950-oji Rusijos karo prieš Ukrainą diena. Pirmadienio naktį ir paryčais Ukrainos sostinę bei kitas vietoves dronais, taip pat raketomis atakavo Rusijos okupacinės pajėgos, skelbia „Unian“.

Izraelis pranešė smogęs dešimtims „Hezbollah“ taikinių Libane, taip pat ir sostinei

Izraelio kariuomenė pirmadienį pranešė, kad jos naikintuvai smogė dešimtims „Hezbollah“ taikinių Libano Bekaa slėnyje.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

Izraelis pranešė smogęs dešimtims „Hezbollah“ taikinių Libane, taip pat ir sostinei

Izraelio kariuomenė pirmadienį pranešė, kad jos naikintuvai smogė dešimtims „Hezbollah“ taikinių Libano Bekaa slėnyje.

„Nauja era“: Austrijos kraštutiniai dešinieji pasiekė istorinę rinkimų pergalę

Austrijos kraštutiniai dešinieji sekmadienį laimėjo visuotinius rinkimus, pasiekdami istorinę pergalę, tačiau manoma, kad ši partija sunkiai ras partnerių, su kuriais galėtų valdyti.
LRT naujienos pasaulyje

„Nauja era“: Austrijos kraštutiniai dešinieji pasiekė istorinę rinkimų pergalę

Austrijos kraštutiniai dešinieji sekmadienį laimėjo visuotinius rinkimus, pasiekdami istorinę pergalę, tačiau manoma, kad ši partija sunkiai ras partnerių, su kuriais galėtų valdyti.

Jamaicans urged to reduce salt intake

Jamaicans are being encouraged by the Ministry of Health and Wellness to reduce their salt consumption levels. This call, made through the Ministry's National Committee on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCNCDs), comes against the background of the...

Jamaicans urged to reduce salt intake

Jamaicans are being encouraged by the Ministry of Health and Wellness to reduce their salt consumption levels. This call, made through the Ministry's National Committee on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCNCDs), comes against the background of the...

Professor tror vi har nådd grensen for hva familiepolitikken kan utrette

Grensen kan være nådd for hva familiepolitikken kan oppnå når det gjelder likestilling mellom menn og kvinner, i alle fall på toppen av lønnsstigen.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Professor tror vi har nådd grensen for hva familiepolitikken kan utrette

Grensen kan være nådd for hva familiepolitikken kan oppnå når det gjelder likestilling mellom menn og kvinner, i alle fall på toppen av lønnsstigen.

Høstferieværet: Variert og skiftende – alt fra storm til sol og mildvær

Mens høstferierende i nord må forberede seg på full storm, kan deler av Sør-Norge få sol og temperaturer helt opp mot 14–15 grader.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Høstferieværet: Variert og skiftende – alt fra storm til sol og mildvær

Mens høstferierende i nord må forberede seg på full storm, kan deler av Sør-Norge få sol og temperaturer helt opp mot 14–15 grader.

– Pålegg om å ta imot kontanter er en gavepakke til kriminelle

Bransjeforeningen for statsautoriserte regnskapsførere, Regnskap Norge, er kritisk til påbudet om at bedrifter må ta imot kontanter.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

– Pålegg om å ta imot kontanter er en gavepakke til kriminelle

Bransjeforeningen for statsautoriserte regnskapsførere, Regnskap Norge, er kritisk til påbudet om at bedrifter må ta imot kontanter.

Flere unge legges inn for kokainavrusning ved OUS

I 2023 ble 41 pasienter mellom 18 og 26 år lagt inn ved OUS for kokainavrusning, opp fra 23 i 2019. Kokainbruken er mer utbredt enn tidligere, ifølge overlege.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Flere unge legges inn for kokainavrusning ved OUS

I 2023 ble 41 pasienter mellom 18 og 26 år lagt inn ved OUS for kokainavrusning, opp fra 23 i 2019. Kokainbruken er mer utbredt enn tidligere, ifølge overlege.