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Технология позволит делать ткань плотной или тонкой в зависимости от температуры тела человека. Причем материал легко интегрируется в уже с

VIDEO: Politieambtenaren uit Suriname lopen mee in parade in Nederland

Waterkant Opvallend beeld deze week in de Nederlandse straten: politieambtenaren uit Suriname lopen mee in een parade door de Nederlandse straten. Dit heeft allemaal te maken met ‘Korpsweek Nederland 2024’. Dit jaarlijkse evenement, dat plaatsvindt van 2

VIDEO: Politieambtenaren uit Suriname lopen mee in parade in Nederland

Waterkant Opvallend beeld deze week in de Nederlandse straten: politieambtenaren uit Suriname lopen mee in een parade door de Nederlandse straten. Dit heeft allemaal te maken met ‘Korpsweek Nederland 2024’. Dit jaarlijkse evenement, dat plaatsvindt van 28 september tot en met 7 oktober, brengt politie-eenheden uit het gehele Koninkrijk der Nederlanden samen om ervaringen uit te […] Het bericht VIDEO: Politieambtenaren uit Suriname lopen mee in parade in Nederland verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Man probeert machinegeweer in te ruilen voor auto bij autodealer

Waterkant Een autohandelszaak aan de Ringweg Noord in Suriname, werd deze week geconfronteerd met een wel heel ongebruikelijke ‘inruilactie’. Een man probeerde een machinegeweer in te ruilen voor een auto, wat leidde tot een chaotische situatie e

Man probeert machinegeweer in te ruilen voor auto bij autodealer

Waterkant Een autohandelszaak aan de Ringweg Noord in Suriname, werd deze week geconfronteerd met een wel heel ongebruikelijke ‘inruilactie’. Een man probeerde een machinegeweer in te ruilen voor een auto, wat leidde tot een chaotische situatie en een grootschalige politieoperatie. Volgens de cardealer arriveerden twee mannen woensdag in een zwart gelakte Toyota Ist bij de autohandel. […] Het bericht Man probeert machinegeweer in te ruilen voor auto bij autodealer verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Seychelles prepares agenda for COP 16 on Biological Diversity

A delegation from Seychelles will participate in the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity from October 21 to November 1, 2024, an event marking a crucial moment for global environmental policy. As part of the dele
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles prepares agenda for COP 16 on Biological Diversity

A delegation from Seychelles will participate in the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity from October 21 to November 1, 2024, an event marking a crucial moment for global environmental policy. As part of the delegation, there will be a senior project coordinator from the Biodiversity Conservation and Management Division, Indira Gamatis. She told SNA that preparation has already begun for the past several months with Seychelles weighing in on several points. These are the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) that provides the Conference of the Parties (COP) and its other subsidiary bodies with timely advice relating to the implementation of the Convention. She said Seychelles will focus on several agendas namely invasive alien species, nature-based solutions, conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity specifically island biodiversity as well as priority actions for coral reefs. “An agenda item that is very important to us, is the Biodiversity and Climate Change agenda item. To look much more at the synergies between biodiversity and climate change, which is very important for us in Seychelles considering our small island and of course all of the impacts climate change has on Seychelles and biodiversity. Similarly, it is also looking at how biodiversity can also aid in combatting the effects of climate change,” she added. In a recent virtual press conference, the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia and COP16 President-designate, Susana Muhamad, highlighted the conference's ambitious goals, including elevating the profile of biodiversity within the climate crisis and materialising the principle of whole-of-government and whole-of-society mobilisation. According to Astrid Schomaker, executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, a record-breaking 14,000 delegates are expected to attend. The conference will focus on key themes including peace with nature and the synergies between climate change and biodiversity loss. One of the most anticipated outcomes is the potential operationalisation of the multilateral mechanism for sharing benefits from digital sequencing information (DSI) on genetic resources. This complex issue involves how industries and companies that use DSI, often from resources in the Global South, can fairly compensate for its use. Resource mobilisation is another important topic that will be covered at the conference. The main topic of discussion will be how to get more funding for biodiversity protection and how to access it; new funding methods may be developed as well. The private sector's role in biodiversity conservation will be a key focus, with dedicated forums and discussions on how businesses can implement the Kunming-Montreal Agreement framework. Japanese companies, in particular, are expected to bring innovative approaches to the table.

Macron hosts Francophone leaders in bid to boost French clout

President Emmanuel Macron this week hosts dozens of leaders of French-speaking countries for a summit he hopes will help boost French influence in a world beset by crises, in particular Africa. The leaders will gather Friday and Saturday for the «Franc
Seychelles News Agency

Macron hosts Francophone leaders in bid to boost French clout

President Emmanuel Macron this week hosts dozens of leaders of French-speaking countries for a summit he hopes will help boost French influence in a world beset by crises, in particular Africa. The leaders will gather Friday and Saturday for the «Francophonie» summit, the first time the event has been held in France for 33 years. Macron is also holding bilateral talks with several top guests on Thursday. France's sway in Africa has been badly eroded by successive coups in Mali in 2021, Burkina Faso in 2022 and Niger in 2023 which saw Paris-friendly governments replaced by juntas who cosied up to Russia. Meanwhile the crisis besetting Lebanon, a former French colony targeted by daily Israeli bombardment and now a ground incursion as Israel attacks the Shiite militant group Hezbollah, has again shown up France's lack of influence in the Middle East. Centrist Macron is hosting the showpiece event at a time when his own domestic standing has been chipped by the outcome of this summer's legislative elections which forced him to nominate rightwinger Michel Barnier as head of a minority government in a potentially testy «cohabitation.» One of Macron's key guests at the summit will be Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is himself facing a political crisis after seeing off two no confidence votes in as many weeks. Macron kicked off a day of bilateral talks with a meeting at the Elysee palace in Paris with Georgia's President Salome Zurabishvili, herself a former French diplomat and dogged opponent of a new law in her country seen as anti-LGBT. The summit will use different venues on each day, with leaders gathering on Friday at a chateau in Villers-Cotterets northeast of Paris where Macron last year inaugurated a centre for the French language. On Saturday, proceedings will move to Paris. Louise Mushikiwabo, secretary general of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) that groups 88 member states, acknowledged that the body had a «modest» influence. - 'Space for dialogue' - The OIF is not able to «resolve the complicated crises of the world, but can make things move forward,» she told AFP in an interview. While key African leaders such as Democratic Republic of Congo President Felix Tshisekedi will be present, those of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have not been invited. One prominent guest will be Chad President Mahamat Idriss Deby, an ally of France and regular visitor to Paris, whose Sahel nation still hosts French troops even after their departure from Mali, Burkina and Niger. Guinea has been invited despite its junta under General Mamady Doumbouya taking power in a 2021 coup. A delegation from Lebanon is coming but not its prime minister. Macron told l'Union newspaper he sees the Francophonie as «a space for mediation», «a space for dialogue to resolve political differences», citing a territorial dispute between the DRC and Rwanda on which he hopes to make progress at the summit. The OIF, whose missions are to «promote the French language», «peace, democracy and human rights», «support education» and «develop economic cooperation», estimates the number of French speakers at 321 million across five continents, making it the 5th most spoken language in the world. © Agence France-Presse

Senegal looks to aquaculture as fish stocks dwindle

The Senegalese town of Kayar sits on the doorstep of the vast Atlantic Ocean, but it is a farm located further inland that provides part of its fish production. The farm's pioneering founder, Khadidiatou Sar Seck, began the project around 15 years ago in th
Seychelles News Agency

Senegal looks to aquaculture as fish stocks dwindle

The Senegalese town of Kayar sits on the doorstep of the vast Atlantic Ocean, but it is a farm located further inland that provides part of its fish production. The farm's pioneering founder, Khadidiatou Sar Seck, began the project around 15 years ago in the West African country, where fishing is a key part of the national identity. Fish accounts for over 70 percent of household protein intake, and the fishing industry provides around 600,000 direct and indirect jobs in a population of 18 million people. But a resource that once seemed inexhaustible is becoming increasingly scarce due to overfishing, illegal catches and global warming. The volume of catches by traditional wooden fishing canoes plunged by 58 percent between 2012 and 2019, according to the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). For Senegalese faced with a high cost of living and widespread unemployment, prices are rising and an essential foodstuff is becoming increasingly unaffordable. Hardly a day goes by without reports of a migrant boat leaving, being intercepted or capsizing on the perilous route between Senegal and Spain's Canary Islands. Many who board the boats are fishermen or those living along the Atlantic coast, which is heavily reliant on the industry. Like its predecessors, the new government has vowed to promote fish farming and attract industry investment. - Untapped potential - «Our objective is for aquaculture to make a major contribution to the country's marine production and to help achieve food sovereignty,» fisheries minister Fatou Diouf said at a conference on sustainable aquaculture in the capital Dakar in September. President Bassirou Diomaye Faye has made food sovereignty a policy priority since coming to power in March. Despite its immense potential, Africa accounts for only around 1.9 percent of global aquaculture production, according to a 2024 report by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Asia accounts for 91.4 percent. Aquaculture has long been practised in Senegal but has always struggled to take off. The country created a dedicated agency in 2006 but the practice still supplies barely one percent of the country's overall aquatic produce. For Seck, standing next to pools teeming with catfish and tilapia, the difficulty is that Senegalese people do not know the product, and finding quality varieties is difficult. Feed for farmed fish has to be imported and is expensive, access to land is challenging and marketing is complicated, she added. Seck sells her products directly to individuals, wholesalers and fishmongers. But the director of the national aquaculture agency, Samba Ka, has big ambitions for the industry. «Anything is possible if investment and partners follow suit,» he said. «We need everyone to get involved, to organise fairs and culinary workshops, to invite chefs, so that people know that this is something that can be eaten and that is good for health and nutrition.» - 'No more fish' – The national agency hopes to produce 65,000 tonnes of farmed fish in 2032 and create around 50,000 jobs. In a vast hangar around 100 kilometres (60 miles) southeast of Dakar, Demba Diop specialises in the production of young fish destined for farming. He had to «start from scratch» using his own funds to set up the farm, as banks knew little about the business, he said. Other barriers include the cost of feed and the availability of good quality young fish, both of which have to be imported from Europe. At Dakar's bustling Soumbedioune market, fishermen hauling their colourful wooden vessels onto shore had mixed reactions to the prospects for aquaculture. «We have enough fish in our seas, but unfortunately it's the foreign trawlers that deprive us of it,» said Olivier Gomes, 36, who ruled out turning to fish farming. Gomes said that he feared price competition from farmed fish. He was considering heading to Europe to make more money. But Alioune Badara, a 54-year-old former fisherman who lived in Europe for a few years before returning to Senegal, said he was tempted by the change. «Today, there are no more fish in the sea. If someone can help me financially with fish farming, I'm very interested,» he said. © Agence France-Presse

2nd cohort of Seychelles' government executive leadership programme launched with UAE

The second Seychelles executive leadership programme for 29 of the country's top government officials was launched on Thursday as part of a drive to modernise its civil service, in a ceremony held at the Savoy Resort and Spa. President Wavel Ramkalawan said
Seychelles News Agency

2nd cohort of Seychelles' government executive leadership programme launched with UAE

The second Seychelles executive leadership programme for 29 of the country's top government officials was launched on Thursday as part of a drive to modernise its civil service, in a ceremony held at the Savoy Resort and Spa. President Wavel Ramkalawan said his hope for this cohort is the same as for the last group, which to “ensure that we continue to build our people and ensure that we have Seychellois in all those positions guiding our nation, helping our people to not only discover their own talents, but also serving the people”. The programme is the result of Seychelles and the UAE signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to modernise and transform the island nation's public service, which took place in Dubai on March 29, 2022, on the sidelines of the World Government Summit. Since then, 27 chief executives and senior officials from Seychelles have graduated from the programme. Abdulla Nasser Lootah, the UAE's Deputy Minister for Cabinet Affairs for Competitiveness and Knowledge Exchange, said «This is a remarkable day for us as we launch the second cohort of the Seychelles executive leadership programme. This is a five-month programme with six modules...And we see that there will be greater programmes in the future; some of the programmes will be general in nature, and some of them will be focused on certain domains.» These include the finance, health and education sectors as well as logistics, urban planning, among others. Meanwhile the Minister for Finance, National Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan, told the press that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) - sponsored programme, focuses on elements of digital solutions, foresight thinking and other new approaches to ensure that "the leaders in the different organisations in Seychelles have the right skill sets for them to be able to lead these organisations to ensure that they achieve their mandate.” Hassan also said, “This is especially important for us as the modernisation of the public service is one of the main pillars of the National Development strategy, where we are looking at developing leaders in the civil service.” He also explained that this would include the right attributes of strategic thinking to lead the country into the future. The participants of the executive leadership programme have already completed two modules of their training. They will also have the chance to work on a project, aimed at further modernising their respective organisations, as well as spend five weeks in the UAE.

LIPFA vadovas: rinkimų metu nėra geras laikas diskutuoti apie pensijų sistemos pakeitimus

Vykstančios diskusijos dėl pensijų sistemos ir antrosios pakopos yra sveikintinas dalykas, bet tam pasirinktas laikas yra netinkamas, mano Lietuvos investicinių ir pensijų fondų asociacijos (LIPFA) vadovas Tadas Gudaitis. Jis tvirtina, kad rinkimų peri

LIPFA vadovas: rinkimų metu nėra geras laikas diskutuoti apie pensijų sistemos pakeitimus

Vykstančios diskusijos dėl pensijų sistemos ir antrosios pakopos yra sveikintinas dalykas, bet tam pasirinktas laikas yra netinkamas, mano Lietuvos investicinių ir pensijų fondų asociacijos (LIPFA) vadovas Tadas Gudaitis. Jis tvirtina, kad rinkimų periodu diskusijoje pasirodo daug populistinių ir kardinalių siūlymų keisti sistemą, bet ne visada prisimenamas tikslas – pasiekti 70-80 proc. atlyginimo pakeitimo ribą. „Diskusijos apie tai, kokia turėtų būti pensijų sistema yra sveikintinas dalykas.

Ekspertės: dėl įvykių Artimuosiuose Rytuose degalų, dujų kainos Lietuvoje neturėtų kilti

Neramumai Artimuosiuose Rytuose neturėtų reikšmingai paveikti gamtinių dujų ar naftos produktų kainų Lietuvoje, sako Energetikos agentūros (LEA) direktorė Agnė Bagočiutė. Šiaulių banko vyriausiosios ekonomistės Indrės Genytės-Pikčienės tei

Ekspertės: dėl įvykių Artimuosiuose Rytuose degalų, dujų kainos Lietuvoje neturėtų kilti

Neramumai Artimuosiuose Rytuose neturėtų reikšmingai paveikti gamtinių dujų ar naftos produktų kainų Lietuvoje, sako Energetikos agentūros (LEA) direktorė Agnė Bagočiutė. Šiaulių banko vyriausiosios ekonomistės Indrės Genytės-Pikčienės teigimu, naftos rinka kol kas į konfliktą reaguoja ramiai, o kainas žemyn spaudžia vangi paklausa, atsigaunanti gavyba. Tačiau degalų kainos ilgainiui galėtų reaguoti į pokyčius rinkoje.

Šiauliuose pradėta šildyti švietimo ir globos įstaigas, Klaipėda šildymo sezono pradžios dar neskelbia

Šiaulių miesto savivaldybė pradeda šildyti švietimo ir socialines įstaigas, tačiau, kaip nurodo savivaldybė, kitiems vartotojams šildymo sezono pradžia bus skelbiama atskirai. Tuo metu Klaipėdos savivaldybė informuoja dėl sezono pradžios sprendi

Šiauliuose pradėta šildyti švietimo ir globos įstaigas, Klaipėda šildymo sezono pradžios dar neskelbia

Šiaulių miesto savivaldybė pradeda šildyti švietimo ir socialines įstaigas, tačiau, kaip nurodo savivaldybė, kitiems vartotojams šildymo sezono pradžia bus skelbiama atskirai. Tuo metu Klaipėdos savivaldybė informuoja dėl sezono pradžios sprendimo dar nepriėmusi.

Չենք կարողանում քաղաքացիներին հորդորել, ասել՝ սա կերեք, սա մի կերեք. Բաբկեն Պիպոյան


Ալեքսանդր Պետրակովը հրապարակել է Հայաստանի ազգային հավաքական հրավիրված ֆուտբոլիստների ցանկը


Հայաստանում կայանալիք WCIT կոնգրեսի բացմանը տեսակապով ողջույնի խոսքով Իլոն Մասկը

Հոկտեմբերի 4-7-ը Հայաստանը կդառնա տեխնոլոգիական մտքի կենտրոն
Պանորամա | Հայաստանի նորություններ

Հայաստանում կայանալիք WCIT կոնգրեսի բացմանը տեսակապով ողջույնի խոսքով Իլոն Մասկը

Հոկտեմբերի 4-7-ը Հայաստանը կդառնա տեխնոլոգիական մտքի կենտրոն

В PERH запасы резус-отрицательных групп крови упали до критически низкой отметки

В Центре крови Северо-Эстонской региональной больницы (PERH) до критически низкой отметки упали запасы всех резус-отрицательных групп крови.
В мире - ERR

В PERH запасы резус-отрицательных групп крови упали до критически низкой отметки

В Центре крови Северо-Эстонской региональной больницы (PERH) до критически низкой отметки упали запасы всех резус-отрицательных групп крови.

Израиль вновь ударил по Бейруту

В четверг днем Израиль продолжил наносить удары по Бейруту. Посол Израиля в ООН заявил, что страна скоро ответит на ракетную атаку Ирана. США
В мире - ERR

Израиль вновь ударил по Бейруту

В четверг днем Израиль продолжил наносить удары по Бейруту. Посол Израиля в ООН заявил, что страна скоро ответит на ракетную атаку Ирана. США выступают против возможной атаки ЦАХАЛ на ядерные объекты Ирана.

С 8 по 10 октября Эстонию с государственным визитом посетит президент Португалии

Президент Португалии Марселу Ребелу де Соуза с 8 по 10 октября будет находиться с государственным визитом в Эстонии. Основные темы, которые бу
В мире - ERR

С 8 по 10 октября Эстонию с государственным визитом посетит президент Португалии

Президент Португалии Марселу Ребелу де Соуза с 8 по 10 октября будет находиться с государственным визитом в Эстонии. Основные темы, которые будут обсуждаться в ходе визита, - региональная безопасность, сотрудничество в сферах обороны, науки и образования.

Ukraina ar bažām gaida ASV prezidenta vēlēšanu iznākumu

ASV pilnā sparā rit priekšvēlēšanu kampaņa, jau novembra sākumā amerikāņi dosies pie vēlēšanu urnām un izraudzīsies jaunu valsts vadītāju. Vai pie varas grožiem atgriezīsies republikānis Donalds Tramps, vai arī pirmo reizi ASV vēsturē
В мире - LSM.LV

Ukraina ar bažām gaida ASV prezidenta vēlēšanu iznākumu

ASV pilnā sparā rit priekšvēlēšanu kampaņa, jau novembra sākumā amerikāņi dosies pie vēlēšanu urnām un izraudzīsies jaunu valsts vadītāju. Vai pie varas grožiem atgriezīsies republikānis Donalds Tramps, vai arī pirmo reizi ASV vēsturē par prezidenti kļūs sieviete, demokrātu kandidāte Kamala Harisa?

Lietuvas parlaments ratificē vienošanos par Vācijas karavīru uzturēšanās nosacījumiem

Lietuvas Seims ceturtdien ratificēja Lietuvas un Vācijas vienošanos par Vācijas brigādes karavīru, civilo darbinieku un ģimenes locekļu tiesībām laikā, kad viņi būs dislocēti Lietuvā.
В мире - LSM.LV

Lietuvas parlaments ratificē vienošanos par Vācijas karavīru uzturēšanās nosacījumiem

Lietuvas Seims ceturtdien ratificēja Lietuvas un Vācijas vienošanos par Vācijas brigādes karavīru, civilo darbinieku un ģimenes locekļu tiesībām laikā, kad viņi būs dislocēti Lietuvā.

Ušakovs Eiroparlamentā vadīs delegāciju attiecību veicināšanai starp ES un Kaukāza valstīm

Eiroparlamentārietis Nils Ušakovs («Saskaņa») ceturtdien Eiropas Parlamentā (EP) ievēlēts par Delegācijas Eiropas Savienības (ES) un Armēnijas parlamentārās partnerības komitejas, ES un Azerbaidžānas parlamentārās sadarbības komit
В мире - LSM.LV

Ušakovs Eiroparlamentā vadīs delegāciju attiecību veicināšanai starp ES un Kaukāza valstīm

Eiroparlamentārietis Nils Ušakovs («Saskaņa») ceturtdien Eiropas Parlamentā (EP) ievēlēts par Delegācijas Eiropas Savienības (ES) un Armēnijas parlamentārās partnerības komitejas, ES un Azerbaidžānas parlamentārās sadarbības komitejas un ES un Gruzijas parlamentārās asociācijas komitejas (DSCA) priekšsēdētāju, aģentūru LETA informēja politiķa birojā.

Центристы предлагают отменить в Таллинне плату за детский сад

По мнению Центристской партии, Таллинн должен продолжить процесс отмены платы за детский сад, начатый три года назад, когда Таллиннское горо
В мире - МК-Эстония

Центристы предлагают отменить в Таллинне плату за детский сад

По мнению Центристской партии, Таллинн должен продолжить процесс отмены платы за детский сад, начатый три года назад, когда Таллиннское городское собрание по инициативе Центристской партии отменило плату за детский сад,…

Врач признал вину в смерти актера Мэттью Перри, который умер от передозировки

Врач Марк Чавес признал себя виновным в смерти известного американского актера, звезды сериала «Друзья» Мэттью Перри, который умер в о
В мире - МК-Эстония

Врач признал вину в смерти актера Мэттью Перри, который умер от передозировки

Врач Марк Чавес признал себя виновным в смерти известного американского актера, звезды сериала «Друзья» Мэттью Перри, который умер в октябре 2023 года. Медик признался, что был участником заговора в распространении…

«С ранних лет окружен природой»: чему майор полиции из Алматинской области посвятил свою жизнь

Майор полиции Юрий Токтаров посвятил свою жизнь охране природы, активно предотвращая экологические нарушения и сохраняя уникальные природ
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

«С ранних лет окружен природой»: чему майор полиции из Алматинской области посвятил свою жизнь

Майор полиции Юрий Токтаров посвятил свою жизнь охране природы, активно предотвращая экологические нарушения и сохраняя уникальные природные ресурсы страны, передает NUR.KZ со ссылкой на  МВД.

Jay Blades was the star of The Repair Shop and being watched by seven million viewers... now he's DJing from his bedroom with a coercive control case hanging over his head

Blades, 54, is offering fans the chance to 'experience the ultimate weekend vibes' playing live DJ sets from his spare bedroom, MailOnline can reveal.
News | Mail Online

Jay Blades was the star of The Repair Shop and being watched by seven million viewers... now he's DJing from his bedroom with a coercive control case hanging over his head

Blades, 54, is offering fans the chance to 'experience the ultimate weekend vibes' playing live DJ sets from his spare bedroom, MailOnline can reveal.

Noul secretar general al NATO s-a întânit cu președintele Zelenski la Kiev: „Ucraina este mai aproape de NATO ca niciodată”

Mark Rutte, noul secretar general al NATO, se află joi, 3 octombrie, într-o vizită la Kiev, la două zile după ce a preluat funcţia. Acesta a dat asigurări că Ucraina are susținerea sa.

Noul secretar general al NATO s-a întânit cu președintele Zelenski la Kiev: „Ucraina este mai aproape de NATO ca niciodată”

Mark Rutte, noul secretar general al NATO, se află joi, 3 octombrie, într-o vizită la Kiev, la două zile după ce a preluat funcţia. Acesta a dat asigurări că Ucraina are susținerea sa.

Un tânăr din Dorohoi fugit în Danemarca a fost adus de Interpol pentru a-și executa pedeapsa în țară

Un tânăr din Dorohoi fugit în Danemarca a fost adus de Interpol pentru a-și executa pedeapsa

Un tânăr din Dorohoi fugit în Danemarca a fost adus de Interpol pentru a-și executa pedeapsa în țară

Un tânăr din Dorohoi fugit în Danemarca a fost adus de Interpol pentru a-și executa pedeapsa

Singurătatea și dependența de internet, provocările sănătății mintale ale secolului. Ce diagnostice noi au apărut

Psihiatra croată Marijana Bras avertizează că singurătatea și dependența de internet vor deveni probleme majore de sănătate mintală. La Congresul internațional de la Zagreb, specialiștii vor discuta impactul negativ al utilizării necontrolate a in

Singurătatea și dependența de internet, provocările sănătății mintale ale secolului. Ce diagnostice noi au apărut

Psihiatra croată Marijana Bras avertizează că singurătatea și dependența de internet vor deveni probleme majore de sănătate mintală. La Congresul internațional de la Zagreb, specialiștii vor discuta impactul negativ al utilizării necontrolate a internetului asupra tinerilor.

Calvar pentru o fetiță de 11 ani din Neamț: a fost exploatată sexual de trei persoane, după ce fost racolată prin metoda loverboy

Un adolescent, în vârstă de 16 ani, ar fi recrutat, prin metoda loverboy, o fată de 11 ani, pe care a determinat-o să se prostitueze. Victima a fost racolată în acelaşi scop și de o femeie, iar un alt bărbat a realizat materiale pornografice cu ea.

Calvar pentru o fetiță de 11 ani din Neamț: a fost exploatată sexual de trei persoane, după ce fost racolată prin metoda loverboy

Un adolescent, în vârstă de 16 ani, ar fi recrutat, prin metoda loverboy, o fată de 11 ani, pe care a determinat-o să se prostitueze. Victima a fost racolată în acelaşi scop și de o femeie, iar un alt bărbat a realizat materiale pornografice cu ea.

De ce a anulat BBC un interviu cu Boris Johnson. A fost o greşeală „jenantă și dezamăgitoare”

BBC a anulat un interviu în prime-time cu fostul prim-ministru britanic Boris Johnson, după ce una dintre cele mai cunoscute prezentatoare i-a trimis din greșeală acestuia notițele pregătite pentru întrebările ei.

De ce a anulat BBC un interviu cu Boris Johnson. A fost o greşeală „jenantă și dezamăgitoare”

BBC a anulat un interviu în prime-time cu fostul prim-ministru britanic Boris Johnson, după ce una dintre cele mai cunoscute prezentatoare i-a trimis din greșeală acestuia notițele pregătite pentru întrebările ei.

Внедрение инфраструктурного сбора в строительной отрасли обсуждает эконом-блок Казахстана


„Михаел не говори, а общува с очите си“: Нови подробности за състоянието на Шумахер

55-годишният Шумахер на практика липсва от обществения живот след инцидента със ски през 2013 г.

„Михаел не говори, а общува с очите си“: Нови подробности за състоянието на Шумахер

55-годишният Шумахер на практика липсва от обществения живот след инцидента със ски през 2013 г.