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Облаци, дъжд, мъгла: Какво време ни очаква в сряда

Максималните температури ще са предимно между 23° и 28°, в София – около 22°

Облаци, дъжд, мъгла: Какво време ни очаква в сряда

Максималните температури ще са предимно между 23° и 28°, в София – около 22°

То, что можно увидеть только раз в жизни. Астрономы готовятся к эпическому событию

Cамые мощные телескопы в мире приведены в боевую готовность — астрономы готовятся стать свидетелями и наблюдателями очень редкого события.
Бизнес - DELFI.LV

То, что можно увидеть только раз в жизни. Астрономы готовятся к эпическому событию

Cамые мощные телескопы в мире приведены в боевую готовность — астрономы готовятся стать свидетелями и наблюдателями очень редкого события. Такое буквально случается раз в жизни. В ночном небе засияет новая точка, которая на какое-то время будет ярче Полярной звезды. Это не новая звезда на небе, а давно известная астрономам повторная новая в созвездии Северной Короны, которая вновь «загорается» примерно раз в 80 лет.

«Не хочешь - не лети!» Люди жалуются на «старые развалюхи» и хамское отношение на рейсах airBaltic

«Когда мы поднялись на борт самолета и увидели ситуацию, мы сразу же спросили, почему поменяли самолет - несмотря на то, что он был не очень
Бизнес - DELFI.LV

«Не хочешь - не лети!» Люди жалуются на «старые развалюхи» и хамское отношение на рейсах airBaltic

«Когда мы поднялись на борт самолета и увидели ситуацию, мы сразу же спросили, почему поменяли самолет - несмотря на то, что он был не очень старый, он выглядел и звучал странно. Мы объяснили экипажу, что планировали лететь авиакомпанией airBaltic. Но они сказали: »Если не хотите лететь, просто скажите, что не полетите, и можете идти!", - рассказывает Олег, поделившийся своим опытом общения с airBaltic после прочтения статьи в Delfi. Люди, рассказывающие свои истории, недоумевают не столько из-за старых самолетов, сколько из-за отношения персонала. Почему так?

Lee Wei Ling, Lee Kuan Yew's daughter, dies aged 69

SINGAPORE — Dr Lee Wei Ling, the daughter of founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, has died at the age of 69, four years after she was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative brain disease. Her death was disclosed by her younger brother Lee Hsien Yang in a Fac

Lee Wei Ling, Lee Kuan Yew's daughter, dies aged 69

SINGAPORE — Dr Lee Wei Ling, the daughter of founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, has died at the age of 69, four years after she was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative brain disease. Her death was disclosed by her younger brother Lee Hsien Yang in a Facebook post at 5.50am on Oct 9. Dr Lee, the second of three children, is also the sister of Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Writing on Facebook, SM Lee said his sister was a fighter, and her character remained unchanged throughout her life. «She was fiercely loyal to friends, sympathised instinctively with the underdog, and would mobilise actively to do something when she saw unfairness, or suspected wrongdoing,» he added. Dr Lee, a neurologist who headed the National Neuroscience Institute as director from 2004 to 2014, was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy in 2020. The condition affects physical movements, walking, balance and eye movements, and eventually swallowing, and can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia and choking.

ChatGPT maker OpenAI to set up office in Singapore by end of 2024

SINGAPORE — ChatGPT-maker OpenAI, the San Francisco-based company synonymous with bringing generative artificial intelligence (AI) into the spotlight, will open its second office in Asia in Singapore later in 2024. The Singapore office — the company's

ChatGPT maker OpenAI to set up office in Singapore by end of 2024

SINGAPORE — ChatGPT-maker OpenAI, the San Francisco-based company synonymous with bringing generative artificial intelligence (AI) into the spotlight, will open its second office in Asia in Singapore later in 2024. The Singapore office — the company's fourth international branch — will focus on advancing regional collaboration, including work with national AI programme AI Singapore on generative AI models that are tuned to understand and reflect cultures and languages in Southeast Asia. OpenAI's expansion here signals the start-up's long-term plans to tap Singapore's growing pool of tech talent and deepen its roots in the region, acting as a hub for its Asia-Pacific (Apac) partners. CEO Sam Altman said in a statement on Tuesday (Oct 8): "Singapore, with its rich history of technology leadership, has emerged as a leader in AI, recognising its potential to solve some of society's hardest problems and advance economic prosperity.

Žmogus mirė ir TV nebežiūrės, bet reikalauja, kad toliau mokėtų: įspėja dėl šios klaidos

Gyventojai kiekviena mėnesį apmoka keletą sąskaitų – už komunalines, ryšio, televizijos ar kitas paslaugas. To nepadarius, paslaugų teikėjai siunčia priminimus, o nuo sąskaitų apmokėjimo kartais neatleidžia net mirtis. Portalo skaityto

Žmogus mirė ir TV nebežiūrės, bet reikalauja, kad toliau mokėtų: įspėja dėl šios klaidos

Gyventojai kiekviena mėnesį apmoka keletą sąskaitų – už komunalines, ryšio, televizijos ar kitas paslaugas. To nepadarius, paslaugų teikėjai siunčia priminimus, o nuo sąskaitų apmokėjimo kartais neatleidžia net mirtis. Portalo skaitytoja Ramunė piktinosi, kad, mirus mamai, interneto tiekėjas nesutiko nutraukti sutarties. „Po laidotuvių pradėjome tvarkyti palikimo reikalaus. Taip pat nutraukėme telefono, interneto ir kitų paslaugų sutartis. Juk mama jomis nebesinaudos.

Paskelbė kiek kainavo šiemet pradėti infrastruktūros projektai

Už valstybinės reikšmės kelių plėtrą ir priežiūrą atsakinga „Via Lietuva“ paskelbė, jog šiemet įmonei pavyko užtikrinti didesnę tiekėjų konkurenciją bei paspartinti kelių infrastruktūros projektų inicijavimo procesus. Be to, „Via Li

Paskelbė kiek kainavo šiemet pradėti infrastruktūros projektai

Už valstybinės reikšmės kelių plėtrą ir priežiūrą atsakinga „Via Lietuva“ paskelbė, jog šiemet įmonei pavyko užtikrinti didesnę tiekėjų konkurenciją bei paspartinti kelių infrastruktūros projektų inicijavimo procesus. Be to, „Via Lietuva“ paskelbė infrastruktūros projektų sąrašą, kurie pareikalavo didžiausių investicijų.

महासंघका पूर्वअध्यक्ष पाण्डेलाई पत्नीशोक

काठमाडौ । नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघका पूर्वअध्यक्ष प्रदीपजंग पाण्डेकी पत्नी उर्मिला पाण्डेक
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

महासंघका पूर्वअध्यक्ष पाण्डेलाई पत्नीशोक

काठमाडौ । नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघका पूर्वअध्यक्ष प्रदीपजंग पाण्डेकी पत्नी उर्मिला पाण्डेको निधन भएको छ । उर्मिलाको उपचारका क्रममा गएराति अस्पतालमा निधन भएको हो । उनी ७२ वर्षकी थिइन । दुई वर्ष अघि पनि उर्मिलाको मुटुमा समस्या आएको थियो । मुटुमा समस्या देखिएपछि गत बिहीबार उपचारका लागि ह्याम्स अस्पताल लगिएको थियो । पारिवारिक स्रोतका अनुसार […]

Beirut port’s administration tries to evacuate cargo amid looming Israeli strikes — head

«Commercial vessels are still arriving at the port, practically as usual,» Omar Itani said

Beirut port’s administration tries to evacuate cargo amid looming Israeli strikes — head

«Commercial vessels are still arriving at the port, practically as usual,» Omar Itani said

Coquimbo y U. de Chile quieren dar el primer golpe y acercarse a la final de la Copa Chile

El ida de la semifinal nacional se llevará a cabo en el Estadio «Francisco Sánchez Rumoroso».

Coquimbo y U. de Chile quieren dar el primer golpe y acercarse a la final de la Copa Chile

El ida de la semifinal nacional se llevará a cabo en el Estadio «Francisco Sánchez Rumoroso».

Vance calls $500 million federal grant for Michigan electric vehicle plant ‘table scraps’

The Harris campaign said Vance’s comments Tuesday about a project that would save 650 jobs and create another 50 shows the Republican ticket is “out of touch with Michigan.”
Post Politics

Vance calls $500 million federal grant for Michigan electric vehicle plant ‘table scraps’

The Harris campaign said Vance’s comments Tuesday about a project that would save 650 jobs and create another 50 shows the Republican ticket is “out of touch with Michigan.”

Šimonytė – apie užsiputojimą po „čekučių“, ar dirba už ministrus ir ką išduoda jos „žėkit“

Premjerė Ingrida Šimonytė vadovauja ministrų kabinetui jau beveik ketverius metus, bet norėtų pratęsti savo darbą, nes tuomet galėtų pamatyti pabaigtus kai kuriuos jai svarbius darbus. Tai tikriausiai suteiktų baigtumo jausmą. 
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Šimonytė – apie užsiputojimą po „čekučių“, ar dirba už ministrus ir ką išduoda jos „žėkit“

Premjerė Ingrida Šimonytė vadovauja ministrų kabinetui jau beveik ketverius metus, bet norėtų pratęsti savo darbą, nes tuomet galėtų pamatyti pabaigtus kai kuriuos jai svarbius darbus. Tai tikriausiai suteiktų baigtumo jausmą. 

Eni-Nigeria, pm condannati: la faida tra magistrati che ha mandato in soffitta la stagione del pool

La sentenza di Brescia dà un segnale netto alla procura di Milano: perché la giustizia non ammette personalismi, anche se si è alla guida di una inchiesta costata anni e milioni > Cronaca

Eni-Nigeria, pm condannati: la faida tra magistrati che ha mandato in soffitta la stagione del pool

La sentenza di Brescia dà un segnale netto alla procura di Milano: perché la giustizia non ammette personalismi, anche se si è alla guida di una inchiesta costata anni e milioni

L’omicidio del poliziotto Agostino e della moglie, il nipote Nino: “Continuo a cercare la verità nel nome di nonno Vincenzo”

Lunedì pomeriggio, l’ergastolo per il boss Gaetano Scotto. “Ora si indaghi sui mandanti esterni e su chi, all’interno delle istituzioni deviate, ha tradito mio zio” > Cronaca

L’omicidio del poliziotto Agostino e della moglie, il nipote Nino: “Continuo a cercare la verità nel nome di nonno Vincenzo”

Lunedì pomeriggio, l’ergastolo per il boss Gaetano Scotto. “Ora si indaghi sui mandanti esterni e su chi, all’interno delle istituzioni deviate, ha tradito mio zio”

Il ritorno del furbetto, nuovi guai per Ricucci: “Trucca i processi”

Cene organizzate per pilotare sentenze e testimonianze reticenti. In tribunale a Roma tre procedimenti in serie contro l’imprenditore > Cronaca

Il ritorno del furbetto, nuovi guai per Ricucci: “Trucca i processi”

Cene organizzate per pilotare sentenze e testimonianze reticenti. In tribunale a Roma tre procedimenti in serie contro l’imprenditore

Chancellor Rachel Reeves 'plots to slash the 25% tax-free lump sum pensioners can access from their pots when they retire' leaving millions of OAPs out of pocket in new Budget raid

Rachel Reeves could slash the the tax-free lump sum savers can currently take from their pension by almost two thirds, it emerged last night.
News | Mail Online

Chancellor Rachel Reeves 'plots to slash the 25% tax-free lump sum pensioners can access from their pots when they retire' leaving millions of OAPs out of pocket in new Budget raid

Rachel Reeves could slash the the tax-free lump sum savers can currently take from their pension by almost two thirds, it emerged last night.

Coleen Rooney inflicts ANOTHER court defeat on Rebekah Vardy as judge rules there is no need to reduce her £1.8million Wagatha Christie legal bill

Barristers for Mrs Rooney and Mrs Vardy returned to the High Court in a dispute over how much Mrs Vardy should pay in legal costs after she lost their libel battle in 2022.
News | Mail Online

Coleen Rooney inflicts ANOTHER court defeat on Rebekah Vardy as judge rules there is no need to reduce her £1.8million Wagatha Christie legal bill

Barristers for Mrs Rooney and Mrs Vardy returned to the High Court in a dispute over how much Mrs Vardy should pay in legal costs after she lost their libel battle in 2022.

Israel killed multiple Hezbollah leader’s ‘replacements’ – Netanyahu

Israel has killed Hezbollah’s chief Hassan Nasrallah and his replacements, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Israel killed multiple Hezbollah leader’s ‘replacements’ – Netanyahu

Israel has killed Hezbollah’s chief Hassan Nasrallah and his replacements, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Read Full Article at

Barneombudet ber Stortinget øke barnetrygden og sosialhjelpen

Forslaget til statsbudsjett 2025 skuffer barneombud Mina Gerhardsen. Hun ber Stortinget finne penger til økt barnetrygd og sosialhjelp.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Barneombudet ber Stortinget øke barnetrygden og sosialhjelpen

Forslaget til statsbudsjett 2025 skuffer barneombud Mina Gerhardsen. Hun ber Stortinget finne penger til økt barnetrygd og sosialhjelp.