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Ο ισραηλινός στρατός είναι έτοιμος για «μήνες» μαχών στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας και στον Λίβανο, είπε σήμερα μια πηγή ασφαλείας, κατά τη διάρκεια μι

우크라, 북한군에 “투항하면 하루 세끼 식사에 고기 식단”

우크라이나는 23일(현지시간) 러시아로 파병된 북한군을 대상으로 투항을 촉구했다.현지 매체 ‘키이우 포스트’에 따르면 이날 우크라이나 국방부 정보총국(HUR)은 러시아군을 상대로 운영 중인
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

우크라, 북한군에 “투항하면 하루 세끼 식사에 고기 식단”

우크라이나는 23일(현지시간) 러시아로 파병된 북한군을 대상으로 투항을 촉구했다.현지 매체 ‘키이우 포스트’에 따르면 이날 우크라이나 국방부 정보총국(HUR)은 러시아군을 상대로 운영 중인 ‘살고 싶다’라는 이름의 ‘투항 핫라인’을 활용해 북한군을 향한 성명을 발표했다.HUR은 “푸틴 (러시아) 정권을 돕기 위해 파견된 조선 인민군 병사들에게 호소한다”며 “이국 땅에서 무의미하게 죽지 말라”고 했다.이어 “집으로 돌아가지 못한 수십만 명의 러시아 군인들의 운명을 되풀이하지 말라”며 “투항하라. (그러면) 우크라이나는 여러분에게 쉼터와 식량, 따뜻함을 제공할 것”이라고 말했다.HUR은 앞서 항복을 택한 수천 명의 러시아 군인들은 하루 세끼 따뜻한 식사는 물론 의료 서비스까지 받으며 전쟁이 끝나기를 기다리고 있다고 덧붙였다.HUR은 “북한이 얼마나 많은 군인을 파견하든 어느 곳으로 보내든지간에 그것은 상관이 없다. 모두 받아들일 것”이라며 “우크라이나 포로수용소는 국적과 종교, 이념에

테슬라 순익 급증, 시간외거래서 10% 폭등

테슬라가 시장의 예상을 상회하는 실적을 발표함에 따라 시간외거래에서 10% 가까이 폭등하고 있다. 테슬라는 23일(현지시간) 뉴욕증시 마감 직후 실적을 발표했다.테슬라는 실적 발표에서 지난 분
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

테슬라 순익 급증, 시간외거래서 10% 폭등

테슬라가 시장의 예상을 상회하는 실적을 발표함에 따라 시간외거래에서 10% 가까이 폭등하고 있다. 테슬라는 23일(현지시간) 뉴욕증시 마감 직후 실적을 발표했다.테슬라는 실적 발표에서 지난 분기 매출이 251억8000만달러라고 밝혔다. 이는 시장의 예상치 253억7000만달러를 소폭 밑도는 것이지만 전년 대비로는 8% 증가한 것이다.특히 주당 순익은 72센트를 기록, 시장의 예상치 58센트를 크게 상회했다.이는 지난 분기 동안 7억3900만 달러의 자동차 크레딧 매출에 힘입어 순익이 급증했기 때문이다. 매출은 시장의 예상에 다소 못 미쳤으나 순익이 급증함에 따라 테슬라는 시간외거래에서 10% 가까이 폭등하고 있다.이 시각 현재 테슬라는 시간외거래에서 9.76% 폭등한 234.50달러를 기록하고 있다. 정규장은 1.98% 하락, 마감했었다.(서울=뉴스1)

«شاهین پلاس» گران‌ترین خودرو سایپا تحویل شد؛ رقیب تارا آمد

نکته مهم و اصلی شاهین پلاس اتوماتیک این است که از لحاظ فنی کاملاً با تارا اتوماتیک یکسان است، اما با قیمتی به مراتب بیشتر توسط سایپا به فروش می
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

«شاهین پلاس» گران‌ترین خودرو سایپا تحویل شد؛ رقیب تارا آمد

نکته مهم و اصلی شاهین پلاس اتوماتیک این است که از لحاظ فنی کاملاً با تارا اتوماتیک یکسان است، اما با قیمتی به مراتب بیشتر توسط سایپا به فروش می‌رسد.

روتین پوستی مهم تر از فیشیال پوست

یک متخصص پوست و مو گفت: فیشیال صورت اقدام درمانی نیست و تاثیر بلند مدت ندارد.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

روتین پوستی مهم تر از فیشیال پوست

یک متخصص پوست و مو گفت: فیشیال صورت اقدام درمانی نیست و تاثیر بلند مدت ندارد.

Recibió Raúl a alto dirigente partidista chino

El compañero Raúl trasladó un afectuoso saludo al secretario general del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República Popular China, Xi Jinping, a quien agradeció su manifiesta solidaridad hacia Cuba en estos complejos momentos que enfrenta nuestro pa

Recibió Raúl a alto dirigente partidista chino

El compañero Raúl trasladó un afectuoso saludo al secretario general del Partido Comunista y Presidente de la República Popular China, Xi Jinping, a quien agradeció su manifiesta solidaridad hacia Cuba en estos complejos momentos que enfrenta nuestro país, ante el recrudecimiento de la política de bloqueo de los Estados Unidos. The post Recibió Raúl a alto dirigente partidista chino first appeared on Cubadebate.

Tribunal estadounidense revoca demanda por viajes de cruceros a Cuba

La decisión anterior determinó que Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Group, MSC Cruises y Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings eran responsables de $439 millones en daños y perjuicios a Havana Docks Corporation por utilizar los muelles de La Habana, Cuba, qu

Tribunal estadounidense revoca demanda por viajes de cruceros a Cuba

La decisión anterior determinó que Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Group, MSC Cruises y Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings eran responsables de $439 millones en daños y perjuicios a Havana Docks Corporation por utilizar los muelles de La Habana, Cuba, que fueron confiscados por el gobierno de La Habana en 1960. The post Tribunal estadounidense revoca demanda por viajes de cruceros a Cuba first appeared on Cubadebate.

Juego perfecto para Cuba en Panamericano sub-12 de béisbol

A partir de ahora, luego de superar a los dos elencos más débiles del torneo, comienza la prueba de fuego para los muchachos dirigidos por el profesor Vladimir Vargas, cuando se enfrenten en esta misma jornada a su similar de Puerto Rico y mañana cierren l

Juego perfecto para Cuba en Panamericano sub-12 de béisbol

A partir de ahora, luego de superar a los dos elencos más débiles del torneo, comienza la prueba de fuego para los muchachos dirigidos por el profesor Vladimir Vargas, cuando se enfrenten en esta misma jornada a su similar de Puerto Rico y mañana cierren la fase de grupos contra Venezuela. The post Juego perfecto para Cuba en Panamericano sub-12 de béisbol first appeared on Cubadebate.

El rescate de Yodelmis

Hay miedos que se vencen con grandes proezas. La tripulación de la aeronave de la FAR y un equipo multidisciplinario de médicos de Santiago de Cuba aguardan indicaciones para su vuelo hacia el municipio de Baracoa, en la provincia de Guantánamo. La misió

El rescate de Yodelmis

Hay miedos que se vencen con grandes proezas. La tripulación de la aeronave de la FAR y un equipo multidisciplinario de médicos de Santiago de Cuba aguardan indicaciones para su vuelo hacia el municipio de Baracoa, en la provincia de Guantánamo. La misión definía la vitalidad y salud de un pequeño. The post El rescate de Yodelmis first appeared on Cubadebate.

Fútbol: Barcelona impone respeto y golea 4-1 al Bayern Múnich

El Barcelona le marcó un gol al Bayern Múnich antes de que se cumpliera el minuto uno, pero no llegó al partido hasta que no se superó el 20 y ya le habían empatado. Por primera vez, el equipo de Flick se vio superado no sólo en las transiciones, sino e

Fútbol: Barcelona impone respeto y golea 4-1 al Bayern Múnich

El Barcelona le marcó un gol al Bayern Múnich antes de que se cumpliera el minuto uno, pero no llegó al partido hasta que no se superó el 20 y ya le habían empatado. Por primera vez, el equipo de Flick se vio superado no sólo en las transiciones, sino en el control, en el dominio del rival, que le obligaba a estar metido en su campo sin poder salir. The post Fútbol: Barcelona impone respeto y golea 4-1 al Bayern Múnich first appeared on Cubadebate.

Two young Seychellois boxers compete at world championship in Montenegro

Seychellois Jade Micock and Wes Jean-Charles are participating in the International Boxing Association (IBA) Youth World Boxing Championships 2024 in Budva, Montenegro. The two young boxers are competing alongside some of the top young boxers in the world i
Seychelles News Agency

Two young Seychellois boxers compete at world championship in Montenegro

Seychellois Jade Micock and Wes Jean-Charles are participating in the International Boxing Association (IBA) Youth World Boxing Championships 2024 in Budva, Montenegro. The two young boxers are competing alongside some of the top young boxers in the world in the competition, which is taking place from October 22 to November 3. The boxers had intense preparation for the tournament and trained twice a day with breaks on Sundays only.   Micock, 17, has not lost in six bouts this season, and speaking to the media recently, he shared his desire to keep that streak going and look for a win in Montenegro.   He shared that in boxing, only winning matters, and that is what he will aim for. Meanwhile, Jean-Charles has fought three times this year and won only one. He shared that this will not be an easy competition, as boxers worldwide will be competing and will use this opportunity to do their very best.   The Seychellois boxers will be accompanied by coach Jerry Legras, who said that he expects them to do well even if it is the first time Seychelles takes such an elite level challenge. The competition is reserved for boxers under the age of 18 and brings together the best boxers from around the globe. In the last edition in 2022, over 600 boxers took their talents to the ring. In that tournament, held in La Nucia, Spain for both male and female boxers,  Uzbekistan dominated, winning five gold medals, three silver, and two bronze. They led the medals table, ahead of India and England. The tournament is one at which many people scout for the next generation of top boxers. When Budva, Montenegro, was announced as the host of the competition, IBA president Umar Kremlev mentioned that the event is crucial for the next generation of elite boxers. «The names we hear at the Budva event will soon become well-known in the world of elite boxing, as we already know some stories of success based on La Nucia 2022 and Kielce 2021 championships. I am extremely looking forward to the highest standard of event in Montenegro,» he added. 

Putin faces calls for peace at flagship BRICS summit

World leaders called for peace in the Middle East and Ukraine at the BRICS summit in Russia on Wednesday, as President Vladimir Putin told them he welcomed offers to mediate in the Ukraine conflict. The Russian leader is casting the gathering as a sign that
Seychelles News Agency

Putin faces calls for peace at flagship BRICS summit

World leaders called for peace in the Middle East and Ukraine at the BRICS summit in Russia on Wednesday, as President Vladimir Putin told them he welcomed offers to mediate in the Ukraine conflict. The Russian leader is casting the gathering as a sign that Western attempts to isolate Moscow have failed, but faced direct calls to end the Ukraine conflict from some of his closest and most important partners. The meeting of around 20 world leaders in the central city of Kazan is the largest diplomatic forum in Russia since Putin ordered troops into Ukraine in 2022. Starting in 2009 with four members -- Brazil, Russia, India and China -- BRICS has since expanded to include other emerging nations such as South Africa, Egypt and Iran. Chinese President Xi Jinping told the summit there must be «no escalation of fighting» in Ukraine. «We must adhere to the three principles of 'no spillover from the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no adding oil to the fire by relevant parties', so as to ease the situation as soon as possible,» Xi said. Russia and China signed a «no limits» strategic partnership days before Moscow ordered troops into Ukraine and Putin and Xi both hailed close ties in a bilateral meeting on Tuesday. Without referring to any specific conflict, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also issued a call for peace. «We support dialogue and diplomacy, not war,» he said. - Mediation offers - On the Middle East, Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian urged BRICS members to «use all their collective and individual capacities to end the war in Gaza and Lebanon». Xi repeated his call for a ceasefire, saying: «We need to... stop the killing and work tirelessly for a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue.» Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also called for escalation in both the Middle East and Ukraine to be avoided. «As we face two wars that have the potential to become global, it is essential to restore our ability to work together toward common goals,» he said in an address to the summit via video conference. In private talks, Putin welcomed offers by several of the BRICS leaders to mediate in Ukraine, even as he told them his forces were advancing, his spokesman said Wednesday. Many countries «expressed a desire to contribute more actively» to resolving the conflict, state media cited Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as telling reporters. Putin had also used the meetings to tout «the very positive dynamics on the front for the Russian armed forces,» Peskov said. Russia's troops have been slowly advancing in eastern Ukraine for much of 2024, though neither side has been able to make a decisive breakthrough and the conflict appears locked in an attritional phase. «Avoiding escalation and initiating peace negotiations is also crucial in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia,» Brazil's Lula said. - Multipolar order - Xi and Modi have previously touted their own peace initiatives for Ukraine, though there has appeared to be little progress. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, also at the summit, is another casting himself as a possible peacemaker. He will hold direct talks with Putin later on Wednesday. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was also at the summit, his first visit to Russia for more than two years. He will on Thursday hold talks with Putin over Ukraine. Moscow promotes the BRICS platform as an alternative to Western-led international organisations like the G7. «The process of forming a multipolar world order is underway, a dynamic and irreversible process,» Putin said at the official opening of the summit. He also blasted the West for hitting BRICS members, including Russia, with sanctions, saying they could trigger a global crisis. «Significant crisis potential also remains. And it is not only about the ever-increasing geopolitical tensions, but also ... the practice of unilateral sanctions, protectionism and unfair competition is expanding,» Putin said. Putin also called on the leaders of emerging economies to explore alternative payments and trading platforms to reduce their reliance on Western infrastructure. © Agence France-Presse

Chair of global plastics talks pledges deal next month

A global treaty to curb plastic pollution will be secured at a summit in South Korea next month, the chair of the talks pledged Wednesday, although he cautioned there were still complex disputes and the time frame was a «big challenge». Ecuador'
Seychelles News Agency

Chair of global plastics talks pledges deal next month

A global treaty to curb plastic pollution will be secured at a summit in South Korea next month, the chair of the talks pledged Wednesday, although he cautioned there were still complex disputes and the time frame was a «big challenge». Ecuador's Luis Vayas Valdivieso said the clock was ticking if nations are to seal a potentially groundbreaking agreement at final UN-convened talks in South Korea late November, adding that divergences remain between countries. Vayas Valdivieso said his mandate is «to achieve an effective treaty, an effective legally binding instrument» and «we're going to deliver on that mandate at the end of Busan». However, «I am in the hands of the members,» he told a lecture in Japan. «We do have divergences still in our negotiation, still some complex issues that still need to mature a bit more.» Negotiators have met several times to discuss a deal that could include production caps, rules on recyclability, and bans on certain plastics or chemical components. At previous talks, oil-producing nations such as Saudi Arabia objected to limiting plastic production, wanting to instead focus on recycling. Meanwhile, dozens of countries in a «high-ambition» coalition, including the majority of the European Union, are calling for tougher measures. Vayas Valdivieso said that with only seven days of negotiations in Busan, time will be a «big challenge». But he expressed hope for a deal «with credible rules to end plastic pollution». «We must succeed in Busan for the wellbeing of our planet, for the wellbeing of human health,» he said. Plastic production has doubled in 20 years and at current rates it could triple by 2060, according to the OECD. Yet over 90 percent of plastic is not recycled, with much of it dumped in nature or buried in landfills. In an attempt to whittle down the unwieldy draft document and speed up negotiations in Busan, Vayas Valdivieso has been producing so-called «non-papers» based on talks with countries. The papers have no legal basis as negotiating documents but could serve as a starting point for the last round of talks if the parties agree to accept them. Vayas Valdivieso said on Wednesday he hoped to publish a third non-paper in the coming days with «as much text as possible». But Busan does not mark the end of efforts to tackle plastic pollution, he added, as any treaty should be «a living convention that will get stronger and stronger in the future.» © Agence France-Presse

大型股承壓!道瓊跌409點 台積電ADR反漲收復200美元

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 華爾街股市週三收低,由於美國公債殖利率上升,打壓市場情緒,投資者對美國聯準會大幅降息的信心減弱,道瓊工業指數下跌409.94點、0.96%,創下一個多...…
財經新聞 - 自由時報

大型股承壓!道瓊跌409點 台積電ADR反漲收復200美元

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 華爾街股市週三收低,由於美國公債殖利率上升,打壓市場情緒,投資者對美國聯準會大幅降息的信心減弱,道瓊工業指數下跌409.94點、0.96%,創下一個多...…

«Эпицентр»: в гражданах России видят угрозу безопасности

В среду, 23 октября, в дискуссионной передаче «Эпицентр» речь пошла о том, насколько серьезную угрозу безопасности могут представлять жи
В мире - ERR

«Эпицентр»: в гражданах России видят угрозу безопасности

В среду, 23 октября, в дискуссионной передаче «Эпицентр» речь пошла о том, насколько серьезную угрозу безопасности могут представлять жители Эстонии с двойным гражданством.

Библиотека ТУ представила издания некогда запрещенных книг

По случаю Дня эстонской книги библиотека Тартуского университета представила несколько изданий, которые когда-то были запрещены по политич
В мире - ERR

Библиотека ТУ представила издания некогда запрещенных книг

По случаю Дня эстонской книги библиотека Тартуского университета представила несколько изданий, которые когда-то были запрещены по политическим или иным причинам.

В четверг воздух прогреется до 13 градусов

Ночью переменная облачность. Во многих местах пройдут дожди, на западе вероятность осадков будет меньше. Ветер юго-западный, западный 5-9, поры
В мире - ERR

В четверг воздух прогреется до 13 градусов

Ночью переменная облачность. Во многих местах пройдут дожди, на западе вероятность осадков будет меньше. Ветер юго-западный, западный 5-9, порывами до 13, на побережье до 20 м/с, к утру немного ослабеет. Температура воздуха от 6 до 12 градусов.

Učenici u toaletu škole pravili molotovljeve koktele, pa jedan EKSPLODIRALO! Najmanje 35 povređeno

Najmanje 35 učenika je povređeno od kojih nekoliko kritično danas u požaru izazvanom eksplozijom Molotovljevog koktela u prostorijama srednje škole u glavnom gradu Čilea Santijagu, saopšteno je iz lokalne vatrogasne službe.
Blic online

Učenici u toaletu škole pravili molotovljeve koktele, pa jedan EKSPLODIRALO! Najmanje 35 povređeno

Najmanje 35 učenika je povređeno od kojih nekoliko kritično danas u požaru izazvanom eksplozijom Molotovljevog koktela u prostorijama srednje škole u glavnom gradu Čilea Santijagu, saopšteno je iz lokalne vatrogasne službe.

HAOS U ŽELEZNIKU Muškarac napao vozača autobusa: Pokušao da mu prepreči put, pa počeo da ga psuje i udara (VIDEO)

Strašan incident dogodio se večeras u Železniku, kada je muškarac napao vozača autobusa nakon što je probao da skrene u desnu traku ispred njega.
Blic online

HAOS U ŽELEZNIKU Muškarac napao vozača autobusa: Pokušao da mu prepreči put, pa počeo da ga psuje i udara (VIDEO)

Strašan incident dogodio se večeras u Železniku, kada je muškarac napao vozača autobusa nakon što je probao da skrene u desnu traku ispred njega.

TRI OSOBE PRONAĐENE MRTVE U DOMU ZA STARE Žena osumnjičena za ubistvo iz nehata: Sumnjaju na TROVANJE ugljen-monoksidom

Žena (60) uhapšena je večeras zbog sumnje da je izvršila ubistvo iz nehata nakon što su tri osobe pronađene mrtve u domu za stare Gejnsboro, na jugu Engleske.
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TRI OSOBE PRONAĐENE MRTVE U DOMU ZA STARE Žena osumnjičena za ubistvo iz nehata: Sumnjaju na TROVANJE ugljen-monoksidom

Žena (60) uhapšena je večeras zbog sumnje da je izvršila ubistvo iz nehata nakon što su tri osobe pronađene mrtve u domu za stare Gejnsboro, na jugu Engleske.

KLJUČA NA BLISKOM ISTOKU Hezbolah potvrdio smrt Hašima Safija Al Dina, 19 ljudi poginulo kada su za vreme sahrane izraelski avioni gađali selo

Libanska militantna grupa Hezbolah potvrdila je da su izraelske snage likvidirale Hašima Safija Al Dina, navodnog naslednika ubijenog lidera te pro-iranske organizacije Hasana Nasralaha, ne navodeći kada ili gde se to dogodilo.
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KLJUČA NA BLISKOM ISTOKU Hezbolah potvrdio smrt Hašima Safija Al Dina, 19 ljudi poginulo kada su za vreme sahrane izraelski avioni gađali selo

Libanska militantna grupa Hezbolah potvrdila je da su izraelske snage likvidirale Hašima Safija Al Dina, navodnog naslednika ubijenog lidera te pro-iranske organizacije Hasana Nasralaha, ne navodeći kada ili gde se to dogodilo.

North Korean troops would be ‘legitimate target’ – US

Washington believes that 3,000 North Korean soldiers have traveled to Russia for training, spokesman John Kirby has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

North Korean troops would be ‘legitimate target’ – US

Washington believes that 3,000 North Korean soldiers have traveled to Russia for training, spokesman John Kirby has said Read Full Article at

一審辯結 12/31宣判 林姿妙涉貪 檢求刑20年

政治新聞 - 自由時報

一審辯結 12/31宣判 林姿妙涉貪 檢求刑20年


三大科學園區 將可防無人機蜂群攻擊

年底前啟用「無人機偵測及反制系統」 〔記者方瑋立/台北報導〕為防範中國等敵對勢力的無人機侵擾,新竹、台中、台南三大科學園區將於今年底前啟用「無人機偵測及反制系統」,可防範無
政治新聞 - 自由時報

三大科學園區 將可防無人機蜂群攻擊

年底前啟用「無人機偵測及反制系統」 〔記者方瑋立/台北報導〕為防範中國等敵對勢力的無人機侵擾,新竹、台中、台南三大科學園區將於今年底前啟用「無人機偵測及反制系統」,可防範無人機「蜂群攻擊」。中科院位於「航太暨無人機產業園區」旁的自用院區也預計二○二六年投產軍規無人機,國軍將依需求和預算量產騰雲、銳…

中共若鎖台 顧立雄:國際不可能不管

禁止他國機艦進入台灣就是戰爭行為 國軍將應急作戰 〔記者吳哲宇、方瑋立/台北報導〕中共十四日發動「聯合利劍─2024B」圍台軍演,引發國際關注,並對中國未來可能進行封鎖提高警覺;國
政治新聞 - 自由時報

中共若鎖台 顧立雄:國際不可能不管

禁止他國機艦進入台灣就是戰爭行為 國軍將應急作戰 〔記者吳哲宇、方瑋立/台北報導〕中共十四日發動「聯合利劍─2024B」圍台軍演,引發國際關注,並對中國未來可能進行封鎖提高警覺;國防部長顧立雄昨表示,聯合利劍是操演性質,若中共採國際法上的封鎖行為,禁止任何國家機艦進入台灣港口、機場,就是戰爭行…

Présidentielle américaine, en direct : Trump qualifié de «fasciste», une troisième candidate jette le trouble

L'élection américaine 2024 approche. En pleine campagne, l'ancien chef de cabinet de Trump à la Maison-Blanche a estimé que l'ex-président «répondait à la définition d'un fasciste». En parallèle, la candidate écologiste Jill Stein joue
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Présidentielle américaine, en direct : Trump qualifié de «fasciste», une troisième candidate jette le trouble

L'élection américaine 2024 approche. En pleine campagne, l'ancien chef de cabinet de Trump à la Maison-Blanche a estimé que l'ex-président «répondait à la définition d'un fasciste». En parallèle, la candidate écologiste Jill Stein joue les troubles-fête pour le camp Harris.

Dieudonné Loïc Ndinga Moudouma, acteur de la réalisation de la vision de la restauration du CTRI

Les résultats à mi parcours vont bon train pour Comité de la Transition pour la Restauration des Institutions (CTRI). C'est le temps du bilan pour évaluer les réalisations. Plusieurs ministères sous l'ère de la transition se battent pour marquer leur t

Dieudonné Loïc Ndinga Moudouma, acteur de la réalisation de la vision de la restauration du CTRI

Les résultats à mi parcours vont bon train pour Comité de la Transition pour la Restauration des Institutions (CTRI). C'est le temps du bilan pour évaluer les réalisations. Plusieurs ministères sous l'ère de la transition se battent pour marquer leur temps. C'est le cas par exemple du département des Transports de la Marine Marchande et de la Mer qui visiblement tient à ses promesses. A la tête de ce ministère, le stratège capitaine de vaisseau Dieudonné Loïc Ndinga Moudouma suit à la (...) - LIBRE PROPOS / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Segezha Group намерена выйти на рынок Южной Кореи

КИРОВ, 23 октября. /ТАСС/. Segezha Group планирует поставлять на рынок Южной Кореи танкерную фанеру и нарастить производство в Кирове на 25%. Об этом со
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Segezha Group намерена выйти на рынок Южной Кореи

КИРОВ, 23 октября. /ТАСС/. Segezha Group планирует поставлять на рынок Южной Кореи танкерную фанеру и нарастить производство в Кирове на 25%. Об этом сообщили в дирекции по стратегическим коммуникациям и бренду Segezha Group.

Белый дом прокомментировал переброску войск КНДР

США сейчас контактируют с партнерами, союзниками «по поводу последствий такого кардинального шага и нашей возможной реакции».
Последние новости на сайте

Белый дом прокомментировал переброску войск КНДР

США сейчас контактируют с партнерами, союзниками «по поводу последствий такого кардинального шага и нашей возможной реакции».

Украина до конца года получит $50 млрд от G7

Предоставленный Киеву кредит будет погашаться за счет будущих доходов от замороженных российских активов.
Последние новости на сайте

Украина до конца года получит $50 млрд от G7

Предоставленный Киеву кредит будет погашаться за счет будущих доходов от замороженных российских активов.