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Kopš aizvadītā vakara Ukraina ir pakļauta kārtējam masveida Krievijas trieciendronu uzbrukumam. Tika novērota šo bezpilota lidaparātu darbība vairākos Ukrainas ziemeļu un dienvidu apgabalos.

Орбан заявил о неспособности Европы финансировать конфликт на Украине

Европа не может финансировать конфликт на Украине в одиночку. Об этом заявил премьер-министр Венгрии Виктор Орбан перед неформальным самм
В мире - Рамблер

Орбан заявил о неспособности Европы финансировать конфликт на Украине

Европа не может финансировать конфликт на Украине в одиночку. Об этом заявил премьер-министр Венгрии Виктор Орбан перед неформальным саммитом лидеров Европейского союза (ЕС) в Будапеште, сообщает Reuters.

Чернокожие американцы массово получили угрозы об отправке в рабство на плантации

ФБР начало расследование после того, как в США по всей стране чернокожие начали получать текстовые угрозы, что их «как рабов отправят на 
В мире - Рамблер

Чернокожие американцы массово получили угрозы об отправке в рабство на плантации

ФБР начало расследование после того, как в США по всей стране чернокожие начали получать текстовые угрозы, что их «как рабов отправят на плантации собирать хлопок».

Fox News: врачи отметили выносливость и хорошее ментальное здоровье Трампа

Избранный президент США Дональд Трамп сохраняет высокий уровень энергии и выносливости спустя восемь лет после своего первого избрания. О
В мире - Рамблер

Fox News: врачи отметили выносливость и хорошее ментальное здоровье Трампа

Избранный президент США Дональд Трамп сохраняет высокий уровень энергии и выносливости спустя восемь лет после своего первого избрания. Об этом сообщил телеканал Fox News, который приводит оценки медиков. Туск отрекся от своих слов о зависимости Трампа от РФ

Премьер-министр Польши Дональд Туск отрекся от своего прежнего высказывания об избранном президенте США Дональде Трампе, в котором он обв
В мире - Рамблер Туск отрекся от своих слов о зависимости Трампа от РФ

Премьер-министр Польши Дональд Туск отрекся от своего прежнего высказывания об избранном президенте США Дональде Трампе, в котором он обвинял политика в сотрудничестве с российскими спецслужбами. Об этом сообщает интернет-портал WPolityce.

В офисе Зеленского перешли в «дипломатическое наступление» на Трампа

В офисе президента Украины захотели сближения позиций с избранным президентом США Дональдом Трампом до его инаугурации, сообщает El Pais со
В мире - Рамблер

В офисе Зеленского перешли в «дипломатическое наступление» на Трампа

В офисе президента Украины захотели сближения позиций с избранным президентом США Дональдом Трампом до его инаугурации, сообщает El Pais со ссылкой на источники.

Nyt tuli synkkä arvio: Ei ole merkkejä käänteestä parempaan

Kasvun odotetaan kuitenkin edelleen käynnistyvän ensi vuoden aikana, kun investoinnit alkavat alentuneen korkotason vuoksi vähitellen piristyä.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Nyt tuli synkkä arvio: Ei ole merkkejä käänteestä parempaan

Kasvun odotetaan kuitenkin edelleen käynnistyvän ensi vuoden aikana, kun investoinnit alkavat alentuneen korkotason vuoksi vähitellen piristyä.

Nämä julkkikset uhkasivat lähteä Yhdysvalloista, jos Trump voittaa

Yhdysvalloissa moni julkkis kertoi olevansa valmis isoon elämänmuutokseen, mikäli Kamala Harris ei voita presidentinvaalia.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Nämä julkkikset uhkasivat lähteä Yhdysvalloista, jos Trump voittaa

Yhdysvalloissa moni julkkis kertoi olevansa valmis isoon elämänmuutokseen, mikäli Kamala Harris ei voita presidentinvaalia.

Trump’s re-election spurs new fears for Somali immigrants on deportation frontline

Mogadishu (HOL) — Donald Trump’s re-election has sent ripples through immigrant communities across the United States, especially among Somali migrants who are facing renewed fears of deportation. His campaign centred on a tough stance against undocumente
Hiiraan Online

Trump’s re-election spurs new fears for Somali immigrants on deportation frontline

Mogadishu (HOL) — Donald Trump’s re-election has sent ripples through immigrant communities across the United States, especially among Somali migrants who are facing renewed fears of deportation. His campaign centred on a tough stance against undocumented immigration, promising to reinstate mass deportations on a historic scale.

COPAS mécht op Personal-Manktem opmierksam: Fleegeberuff misst nees méi attraktiv gemaach ginn

Et feelt Personal am Fleegesecteur. Mir hu vill ze mann Infirmieren an Aide-soignanten. D'COPAS ass beonrouegt. Haut scho wiere vill Plazen net besat.
RTL Headlines

COPAS mécht op Personal-Manktem opmierksam: Fleegeberuff misst nees méi attraktiv gemaach ginn

Et feelt Personal am Fleegesecteur. Mir hu vill ze mann Infirmieren an Aide-soignanten. D'COPAS ass beonrouegt. Haut scho wiere vill Plazen net besat.

한반도통일미래센터 개관 10주년…“VR·AR 접목한 통일 프로그램 개발”

통일부 국립통일교육원 한반도통일미래센터가 8일 창립 10주년을 맞아 가상현실(VR)·증강현실(AR)·인공지능(AI) 등 최신 기술을 접목해 통일 미래를 실감할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발·운영하겠다고
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

한반도통일미래센터 개관 10주년…“VR·AR 접목한 통일 프로그램 개발”

통일부 국립통일교육원 한반도통일미래센터가 8일 창립 10주년을 맞아 가상현실(VR)·증강현실(AR)·인공지능(AI) 등 최신 기술을 접목해 통일 미래를 실감할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발·운영하겠다고 밝혔다.고영환 국립통일교육원장은 이날 경기 연천군에서 개최된 센터 10주년 기념식 기념사에서 “앞으로 센터를 ‘첨단 현장형 통일교육’의 선도기관으로 발전시켜 나갈 것”이라며 이 같이 밝혔다. 이날 기념식은 고 원장을 비롯해 통일교육원 직원들과 김덕현 연천군수 등이 참석한 가운데 진행됐다. 통일체험연수 전문기관인 센터는 12개 통일 체험 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 10년 간 초중고 학생들을 중심으로 연 26만여 명이 연수에 참여해왔다.고 원장은 이어 “누구에게나 열린 센터로 연수 신청 절차를 간소화하고 원거리 지역 학생을 배려하며 다양한 대국민 개방행사를 개최하겠다”고 말했다. 또 안전한 센터를 위한 첨단 방재시스템 등을 가동하겠다고도 했다.

尹, ‘트럼프 2기’ 선제 대응한다…10일 긴급·경제 안보회의

윤석열 대통령이 이번 주말 트럼프 정부 출범에 따른 경제 및 안보정책 점검을 위한 긴급 경제‧안보회의를 주재한다. 8일 대통령실에 따르면 윤 대통령은 오는 10일 용산 대통령실에서 긴급 경제
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

尹, ‘트럼프 2기’ 선제 대응한다…10일 긴급·경제 안보회의

윤석열 대통령이 이번 주말 트럼프 정부 출범에 따른 경제 및 안보정책 점검을 위한 긴급 경제‧안보회의를 주재한다. 8일 대통령실에 따르면 윤 대통령은 오는 10일 용산 대통령실에서 긴급 경제·안보회의를 주재할 예정이다. 새롭게 출범할 트럼프 정부의 정책 변화에 예의주시하고, 적극적이고 선제적인 대응 방안을 마련하기 위한 자리다. 회의에는 정부에서는 최상목 경제부총리, 조태열 외교부 장관, 김영호 통일부 장관, 김용현 국방부 장관, 안덕근 산업통상자원부 장관이 참석한다. 대통령실에서는 정진석 비서실장, 신원식 국가안보실장, 성태윤 정책실장, 장호진 외교안보특보, 박춘섭 경제수석, 김태효 국가안보실 1차장, 인성환 국가안보실 2차장, 왕윤종 국가안보실 3차장, 이도운 홍보수석 등이 참석할 예정이다.(서울=뉴스1)

한미 연합연습, 우주 분야로 확대…내년 전반기 첫 실시

한국과 미국이 내년 전반기 ‘한미연합 우주위협 대응 연습(TTX)’을 처음 실시한다.8일 국방부에 따르면 7일(현지시각) 미국 워싱턴DC에서 ‘제23차 한미국방우주정책 실무협의회(SCWG)’를 열어 이
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

한미 연합연습, 우주 분야로 확대…내년 전반기 첫 실시

한국과 미국이 내년 전반기 ‘한미연합 우주위협 대응 연습(TTX)’을 처음 실시한다.8일 국방부에 따르면 7일(현지시각) 미국 워싱턴DC에서 ‘제23차 한미국방우주정책 실무협의회(SCWG)’를 열어 이같은 내용을 합의했다. 이번 회의는 박희정 전략사창설지원TF장(준장)과 데이비드 볼랜드 우주·미사일방어 부차관보를 양측 대표로 양국의 주요 관계관들이 참석했다. 양측은 점증하는 우주 위협에 대응하기 위해 한미연합 우주위협 대응 연습을 신설해 내년 전반기에 처음 실시하기로 했다. 연 1회 정례화가 목표다.한국군의 미 우주군 ‘민군합동작전 셀’(JCO Cell) 참여에도 합의했다. JCO 셀은 적 정찰위성 활동 감시 등의 업무를 수행하는 미 우주군 조직으로 현재 15개국이 참여하고 있다. 한국군은 운용요원 임무절차 숙달을 거쳐 내년 1월부터 정식 참여한다.양측은 또 북한 미사일 탐지·대응 능력 제고를 위해 내년부터 진행될 ‘미 조기경보위성 정보공유체계’(SEWS) 구축 노력을 가

Budget 2025: Seychelles plans economic diversification, says top official

Climate change mitigation, economic diversification, and a more productive public sector are among the areas this year's budget fiscal risk statement addresses to ensure Seychelles remains on track with its goal of paying 50 percent of its debts by 2030, sai
Seychelles News Agency

Budget 2025: Seychelles plans economic diversification, says top official

Climate change mitigation, economic diversification, and a more productive public sector are among the areas this year's budget fiscal risk statement addresses to ensure Seychelles remains on track with its goal of paying 50 percent of its debts by 2030, said a top government official. The Secretary of State for Finance, Patrick Payet, made the statement in a press conference on Thursday at the Ministry of Finance's headquarters at Liberty House. The press conference is part of his establishment's new drive to better explain the proposed budget of SCR 11.9 billion ($880 million) that the Finance Minister, Naadir Hassan, presented to the National Assembly last week. Payet said the proposed budget covers all the risks associated with it. «For example, if tomorrow we see that the tourism sector's growth falls, we assess what impact will this have on revenue collection and how we can mitigate these risks,» he explained. One of the risks that has been identified is that of climate change. Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, considers adaptation to climate change a high priority to reduce the country's vulnerability - embarking on a series of measures to tackle the issue. «Climate change is an area where we have put in place certain infrastructures, for example for adaptation and mitigation projects. [...] One thing that the government has also put in place is a financial scheme for solar panels so that we may reduce our dependency on conventional electrical components,» he explained. Payet also highlighted the need for Seychelles to «continue fiscal responsibility and discipline» and said that «it is something we need as although this is the largest budget we are proposing to the National Assembly, we need to ensure that the fiscal discipline so that we may attain our goal of paying off 50 percent of our debt by 2030.» Payet's caution comes despite previously revealing that Seychelles continues to have a strong performance against benchmarks of the International Monetary Fund's Extended Fund Facility (EFF) and Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) programmes. These collectively total $102 million, 4.7 percent of 2023 GDP, worth of funding over three years to 2026, of which 32 percent has already been disbursed. «We cannot simply spend as we are making a budgetary surplus, we should be able to put some money aside so that we may repay our debts,» he added. Transformation and diversification of the economy also feature among the risks in the fiscal risk statement, and Payet said, «We know that we are heavily reliant on the tourism sector, but we are looking at the other sectors that we have to develop like shown in our national development plans shows sectors that we believe have the potential.» He also explained that the country should be able to invest in those sectors to ensure that the necessary infrastructures are put in place for them to grow. Payet also said that the public sector should be more productive and «the more we can give the private sector a better service, we can see better growth in the future and this will help us reduce our debts faster.» He said, «If despite our projections we have a higher economic growth, this will help us collect more revenue in taxes.» 

Seychelles National Archives launch website on 60th anniversary

The Seychelles National Archives (SNA) has unveiled a new website through which the public will have easier access to its services in the coming years. The website was launched as part of celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the guardians of the history o
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles National Archives launch website on 60th anniversary

The Seychelles National Archives (SNA) has unveiled a new website through which the public will have easier access to its services in the coming years. The website was launched as part of celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the guardians of the history of Seychelles, with the SNA launched in 1964 along with an exhibition showcasing the 60 years’ existence of the Seychelles National Archives.  Speaking to Seychelles News Agency, during the ceremony to celebrate the anniversary, held at the National History Museum on Thursday, Veena Andimignon, an archive assistant, explained that the website, while launched, is still under construction, where more services will be added to it in the future. «The website for the moment, is a way for our clients to get better access to us, where they can see what services we offer, along with a price list and they can also contact us through the website itself,» explained Andimignon. She said that among the things that will be added to the website will be a database of the National Archives, which people will have access to for research purposes. The website launch comes as the institution is working to digitalise its services and records, to keep up with modern needs as well as become more accessible. Speaking at the ceremony to celebrate the Archives' 60 years of existence, the permanent secretary for the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts (SNICHA), Cecile Kalebi, said that the digitisation of the Archive's collection is one of its most significant development in recent years. «This initiative has allowed for the systematic digitisation of a vast array of documents, records, and photographs - preserving them for future generations while ensuring greater accessibility for the public,» said Kalebi. She shared that through this process, there will be online access to the wealth of historical records, making the country's shared history more easily accessible to the public and to researchers worldwide. One of the main services that the Seychelles National Archives offers to locals is genealogy research, where people can trace their ancestry through several generations. Through the digitisation programme this process will become an easier experience, and Kalebi said, «The Seychelles National Archives have successfully migrated from the manual methods of researching family trees to the use of specialised software, significantly reducing the time required for individuals to trace their genealogy.» One of the biggest issues the  Archives have faced in the past year is the preservation of paper-based records with documents in danger of being lost due to fungi. Kalebi shared that through the groundbreaking Archives' deacidification programme, these records will be better preserved. «This programme allows us to ensure that our records, some of which are centuries old, remain in good condition for future generations,» said Kalebi. She added: «It is a vital part of the Archives' efforts to preserve our heritage and provide a lasting resource for research, education, and cultural discovery.» The Seychelles National Archives are also working to build a distinctive and extensive collection of its own audiovisual archive materials. Beyond written records, this ambitious initiative will record and preserve Seychelles' sounds, sights, and stories. Kalebi gave a brief history of the Seychelles National Archives. She said that it was with the Instrument of Capitulation of Seychelles, signed on May 17, 1794, between the British Captain Henry Newcome of HMS Orpheus and the French Commandant Chevalier Quéau de Quincy, that Seychelles National Archives first appeared. The colonial administrative records of the island began with this historical document, laying the groundwork for the future creation of the Seychelles National Archives. However, with the passage of Seychelles National Archives Ordinance No. 27 of November 7, 1964, the present Seychelles National Archives began to take shape in the 1960s. The Archives were not immediately active despite the 1964 decree, and it took several more years before the institution was formally established. With such a long history, there has of course been a large number of people who has worked at the Seychelles National Archives, and during the ceremony, all staff members who are currently still working there were also rewarded, with Merna Crea, being the longest serving staff of them all, having spent over 30 years there.  

Drug trafficking: Brazilian and Ugandan men sentenced to prison terms in Seychelles 

The Seychelles Supreme Court has sentenced a Brazilian national to 26 years in prison for the importation of a controlled drug, the police said on Friday. According to the police, Tamires Souza Hurbath Dos Santos was intercepted at the Seychelles Internation
Seychelles News Agency

Drug trafficking: Brazilian and Ugandan men sentenced to prison terms in Seychelles 

The Seychelles Supreme Court has sentenced a Brazilian national to 26 years in prison for the importation of a controlled drug, the police said on Friday. According to the police, Tamires Souza Hurbath Dos Santos was intercepted at the Seychelles International Airport after his arrival on June 29. Following a search, the police seized in his possession 2,438.17 grammes of cocaine. The Supreme Court judge ordered that the convict does not get remission on his sentence because the nature of the offence is very serious. The Court said that is becoming more common in Seychelles for foreigners to try to import drugs into the island nation. «The judge reiterated that the fight against drugs remains a challenge and drugs are affecting the growing generation, creating health problems and social scourges in the community. Foreigners are using Seychelles as a kindergarten, for their personal benefit through illegal activities, and this must be stopped, and that this sentence will send a clear message to others, that Seychelles is not tolerating any such action in its jurisdiction,» the police said in its communique. The Supreme Court also sentenced a 44-year-old Ugandan national, Birungi Nanyondo, to eight years for the importation of a controlled drug. Nanyondo was arrested at the Seychelles International Airport after he arrive on an Ethiopian Airline flight on May 18. The police seized 63.09 gammes of cocaine. 

德國黑森林驚見無人居住的摩天大樓 真實用途曝光

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕在德國東南部中世紀風貌的小鎮羅特韋爾(Rottweil)郊區,一座807英尺(245.9公尺)高的摩天大樓,正聳立在德國黑森林的東部邊緣上,看起來非常突兀..
財經新聞 - 自由時報

德國黑森林驚見無人居住的摩天大樓 真實用途曝光

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕在德國東南部中世紀風貌的小鎮羅特韋爾(Rottweil)郊區,一座807英尺(245.9公尺)高的摩天大樓,正聳立在德國黑森林的東部邊緣上,看起來非常突兀...…


財經新聞 - 自由時報



華碩Q3每股盈餘16.8元 Q4旺季相對不旺

財經新聞 - 自由時報

華碩Q3每股盈餘16.8元 Q4旺季相對不旺


المؤسسة المحمدية لخدمة الجالية .. عناية ملكية لتعزيز الهوية المغربية

جاء خطاب الملك محمد السادس بمناسبة الذكرى الـ49 للمسيرة الخضراء بقرارات بارزة تروم إحداث تحول جديد في مجال تدبير شؤون الجالية المغربية بالخار
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المؤسسة المحمدية لخدمة الجالية .. عناية ملكية لتعزيز الهوية المغربية

جاء خطاب الملك محمد السادس بمناسبة الذكرى الـ49 للمسيرة الخضراء بقرارات بارزة تروم إحداث تحول جديد في مجال تدبير شؤون الجالية المغربية بالخارج، وإصلاح الهيئات المكلفة بها. وتطرق الملك في هذا الصدد إلى إحداث “المؤسسة المحمدية للمغاربة المقيمين بالخارج”، وهي وكالة عمومية جديدة سيتم إحداثها لتشكل “الذراع التنفيذية” للسياسة العمومية تجاه المغاربة المقيمين بالخارج. وستتمثل […] The post المؤسسة المحمدية لخدمة الجالية .. عناية ملكية لتعزيز الهوية المغربية appeared first on Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية.

تفاصيل عرض حكومي جديد يُنهي 11 شهرا من المقاطعة في كليات الطب

أعلنت اللجنة الوطنية لطلبة الطب والصيدلة توقيعها محضر تسوية الملف المطلبي لشعبة الطب مع وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي والابتكار، من خلا
Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية

تفاصيل عرض حكومي جديد يُنهي 11 شهرا من المقاطعة في كليات الطب

أعلنت اللجنة الوطنية لطلبة الطب والصيدلة توقيعها محضر تسوية الملف المطلبي لشعبة الطب مع وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي والابتكار، من خلال مؤسسة الوسيط، ما يضع نُقطة نهاية للأزمة التي شلّت كليات الطب والصيدلة بالمغرب لأزيد من أحد عشر شهراً. وأكد مصدر من اللجنة لجريدة هسبريس الإلكترونية أنه جرى التوقيع على محضر الاتفاق القاضي بتسوية […] The post تفاصيل عرض حكومي جديد يُنهي 11 شهرا من المقاطعة في كليات الطب appeared first on Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية.

مقترح يروم رفع الحد الأدنى للمعاشات

تفاعلا مع النقاش الجاري حاليا حول “إصلاح أنظمة التقاعد” في المغرب، بادر الفريق الحركي بمجلس النواب إلى تقديم “مقترح قانون يقضي بتغيي
Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية

مقترح يروم رفع الحد الأدنى للمعاشات

تفاعلا مع النقاش الجاري حاليا حول “إصلاح أنظمة التقاعد” في المغرب، بادر الفريق الحركي بمجلس النواب إلى تقديم “مقترح قانون يقضي بتغيير الفصلين 13 و21 من القانون رقم 011.71 بتاريخ (30 دجنبر 1971) يُحدث بموجبه نظام المعاشات المدنية”، مُطالبا بـ”الرفع من الحد الأدنى للمعاش من 1500 درهم إلى 2500 درهم، بغية إنصاف فئة المتقاعدين وتمكينها […] The post مقترح يروم رفع الحد الأدنى للمعاشات appeared first on Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية.

Директорът на Народния театър с позиция по повод протеста

«Днес ще има постановка, културата не е враг на обществото», заяви Васил Василев

Директорът на Народния театър с позиция по повод протеста

«Днес ще има постановка, културата не е враг на обществото», заяви Васил Василев

Ето коя е пиесата «Оръжията и човекът», предизвикала масови протести пред Народния театър

Часове след като стотици граждани окупираха входовете на Народния театър страстите не стихват

Ето коя е пиесата «Оръжията и човекът», предизвикала масови протести пред Народния театър

Часове след като стотици граждани окупираха входовете на Народния театър страстите не стихват

Планът на Тръмп за Украйна е изправен пред ключов тест

Планът на Доналд Тръмп за Украйна е изправен пред ключов тест

Планът на Тръмп за Украйна е изправен пред ключов тест

Планът на Доналд Тръмп за Украйна е изправен пред ключов тест

Новият собственик на дома на Матю Пери сподели подробности за имота

Анита Верма-Лалиан заяви, че ще запази някои от характеристиките на дома- включително известното лого на Батман в басейна

Новият собственик на дома на Матю Пери сподели подробности за имота

Анита Верма-Лалиан заяви, че ще запази някои от характеристиките на дома- включително известното лого на Батман в басейна

Interia Extra: Startuje nowa kampania wizerunkowa portalu

Interia Extra bez ograniczeń. Oferta premium osią nowej kampanii wizerunkowej portalu. Interia jest w niej prezentowana jako źródło jakościowego i nowoczesnego dziennikarstwa tworzonego przez topowych autorów w Polsce ( Piotra Witwickiego, Katarzy

Interia Extra: Startuje nowa kampania wizerunkowa portalu

Interia Extra bez ograniczeń. Oferta premium osią nowej kampanii wizerunkowej portalu. Interia jest w niej prezentowana jako źródło jakościowego i nowoczesnego dziennikarstwa tworzonego przez topowych autorów w Polsce ( Piotra Witwickiego, Katarzynę Zdanowicz i Przemysława Białkowskiego). Tylko ważne tematy, wciągające dyskusje i komentarze najbardziej opiniotwórczych redakcji na świecie. Kampania Interii wystartowała 7 listopada.

Polska w objęciach zgniłego wyżu. Pogoda zachęci do pozostania w domu

Tydzień nie skończy się przyjemnie. Aura się nie poprawi i cały czas będą nam towarzyszyć ciemne chmury, a miejscami mżawka. Taką aurę zapewni nam zgniły wyż Zayyan, który nie chce opuścić tej części Europy. Nie odpoczniemy też od gęstych

Polska w objęciach zgniłego wyżu. Pogoda zachęci do pozostania w domu

Tydzień nie skończy się przyjemnie. Aura się nie poprawi i cały czas będą nam towarzyszyć ciemne chmury, a miejscami mżawka. Taką aurę zapewni nam zgniły wyż Zayyan, który nie chce opuścić tej części Europy. Nie odpoczniemy też od gęstych mgieł, które zasnują dużą część kraju. Najpewniej wieczorem znowu się pojawią. Przedstawiamy prognozę pogody na piątek.

Tak Polska wróciła na mapę Europy. 11 listopada wypada jedno z najważniejszych świąt narodowych

11 listopada ma szczególne znaczenie w polskim kalendarzu świąt narodowych. Obchodzimy wtedy Narodowe Święto Niepodległości, które upamiętnia odzyskanie przez Polskę niepodległości po 123 latach zaborów. Po burzliwych wydarzeniach z XVIII i XIX w

Tak Polska wróciła na mapę Europy. 11 listopada wypada jedno z najważniejszych świąt narodowych

11 listopada ma szczególne znaczenie w polskim kalendarzu świąt narodowych. Obchodzimy wtedy Narodowe Święto Niepodległości, które upamiętnia odzyskanie przez Polskę niepodległości po 123 latach zaborów. Po burzliwych wydarzeniach z XVIII i XIX wieku, gdy Polska była podzielona między Rosję, Prusy i Austrię, w 1918 roku udało się odzyskać suwerenność. Dzień ten stał się symbolem odwagi i determinacji Polaków w walce o wolność oraz własną tożsamość narodową.

Śmierć trzylatki w szpitalu. Reaguje minister zdrowia

- Ściągamy nagrania, by wiedzieć, co się stało. Będziemy wiedzieli, kto zawinił. Będziemy wyciągać konsekwencje - powiedziała minister zdrowia Izabela Leszczyna, reagując na śmierć trzylatki w Nowym Tomyślu. Dziewczynkę z objawami zatrucia do

Śmierć trzylatki w szpitalu. Reaguje minister zdrowia

- Ściągamy nagrania, by wiedzieć, co się stało. Będziemy wiedzieli, kto zawinił. Będziemy wyciągać konsekwencje - powiedziała minister zdrowia Izabela Leszczyna, reagując na śmierć trzylatki w Nowym Tomyślu. Dziewczynkę z objawami zatrucia do szpitala przywiozła matka. Wcześniej dyspozytor odmówił wysłania do rodziny karetki. Szefowa resortu dodała, że jeszcze w piątek MZ będzie znał przebieg rozmów. - Pojawi się dokumentacja, którą przekażemy prokuraturze - zaznaczyła.

Inteligența artificială creează artă. Suma uriașă cu care s-a vândul primul tablou realizat de un „pictor” robot

Un portret al matematicianului englez Alan Turing a devenit prima operă de artă a unui robot umanoid. Tabloul a fost vândut la licitație cu 1,08 milioane de dolari.

Inteligența artificială creează artă. Suma uriașă cu care s-a vândul primul tablou realizat de un „pictor” robot

Un portret al matematicianului englez Alan Turing a devenit prima operă de artă a unui robot umanoid. Tabloul a fost vândut la licitație cu 1,08 milioane de dolari.

Polițist de 21 de ani, găsit mort în baia unei secții de poliție. Anchetă la IPJ Timiș

Un agent a fost găsit mort în baia unei secții de poliție din județul Timiș. El era în tură de noapte, iar la un moment dat a mers până la toaletă. Colegul său s-a îngrijorat când a văzut că nu se mai întoarce în birou.

Polițist de 21 de ani, găsit mort în baia unei secții de poliție. Anchetă la IPJ Timiș

Un agent a fost găsit mort în baia unei secții de poliție din județul Timiș. El era în tură de noapte, iar la un moment dat a mers până la toaletă. Colegul său s-a îngrijorat când a văzut că nu se mai întoarce în birou.