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По данным журналиста Кристиана Фалька, «Бавария» может предложить «Байеру» включить 18-летнего Ваннера в сделку по обмену на Флориана Вирт

Развитие ИИ-технологий замедляется: в чем дело

Качественные данные, энергоресурсы или бюджет — эксперты рассказали чего не хватает OpenAI и другим компаниям больше всего. Развитие технологи
Наука - Mail.Ru

Развитие ИИ-технологий замедляется: в чем дело

Качественные данные, энергоресурсы или бюджет — эксперты рассказали чего не хватает OpenAI и другим компаниям больше всего. Развитие технологий искусственного интеллекта вышло на плато, что стало неожиданной новостью для многих. Прорывные успехи GPT-4 и его предшественников могли бы дать основания для уверенности в дальнейших крупных достижениях, но, по данным отчета The Information, новая версия ChatGPT под кодовым именем Orion показала лишь незначительные улучшения по сравнению с прошлой моделью. Ожидаемый скачок в производительности не оказался впечатляющим, особенно в области программирования. Основной проблемой для OpenAI и других компаний, которые развивают ИИ, стало исчерпание качественных данных для обучения. Чтобы подготовить модели, как GPT, требуется огромный массив текстов и другой информации. За последние годы разработчики использовали доступные данные из соцсетей и интернет-ресурсов, таких как X (бывший Twitter) и YouTube. Однако как только эти источники были исчерпаны, обучать ИИ стало намного сложнее — получить доступ к данным, которые бы позволили значительно повысить качество работы, оказалось нелегко. Это создало «узкий проход», через который новые ИИ-модели вынуждены продвигаться медленнее, чем это было раньше.

Google разрабатывает новый жест для смартфонов: как это работает

Необычная фишка упростит использование смартфонов. Вот кому она подойдет. Компания Google создает новый жест, который позволит вызывать виртуа
Наука - Mail.Ru

Google разрабатывает новый жест для смартфонов: как это работает

Необычная фишка упростит использование смартфонов. Вот кому она подойдет. Компания Google создает новый жест, который позволит вызывать виртуального помощника с помощью трехкнопочной навигации. Это станет альтернативой недавнему обновлению Circle to Search, которое встало на старую команду «удержания кнопки домой». Новинка направлена на то, чтобы обеспечить более гибкий и интуитивный доступ к ассистенту в условиях ограниченного пространства экрана и при использовании традиционного управления с кнопками. Суть нового жеста заключается в том, что пользователи смогут активировать виртуального помощника простым свайпом вверх по диагонали из нижнего угла экрана, аналогично тому, как это работает в текущей версии жестового управления. Эта функция будет доступна на устройствах, использующих трехкнопочную навигацию, где команду удержания кнопки «Домой» заменили новой функцией. Идея состоит в том, чтобы предоставить привычный способ доступа к ассистенту для пользователей, предпочитающих альтернативное управление. При этом такой подход позволяет избежать ненужного перераспределения функций между кнопками. Технически функция нового жеста уже включена в Android 15 Beta 3, хотя пока она скрыта от пользователей. Специалисты сообщают, что жест полностью функционален и его легко освоить: чтобы активировать ассистента, достаточно провести пальцем по диагонали вверх из нижнего угла экрана. Как только эта функция станет доступна, на экране появится анимация, сигнализирующая об активации команды. Ожидается, что до официального релиза Google добавит в систему переключатель, который позволит включать и отключать жест по желанию пользователя.

Сборная Эстонии по биатлону завершает подготовку к новому сезону

Сборная Эстонии по биатлону завершает подготовку к новому сезону, который официально стартует через две недели. Свои заключительные сборы э
В мире - ERR

Сборная Эстонии по биатлону завершает подготовку к новому сезону

Сборная Эстонии по биатлону завершает подготовку к новому сезону, который официально стартует через две недели. Свои заключительные сборы эстонские биатлонисты проводят в Швеции, где лидер женской команды Туули Томингас показывает хорошие результаты.

«Зеркало»: житель многоквартирного дома три года не может связаться с квартирным товариществом

К передаче «Зеркало» обратился житель многоквартирного дома по адресу Вильде теэ, 105 Сергей, который переехал в этот дом три года назад
В мире - ERR

«Зеркало»: житель многоквартирного дома три года не может связаться с квартирным товариществом

К передаче «Зеркало» обратился житель многоквартирного дома по адресу Вильде теэ, 105 Сергей, который переехал в этот дом три года назад и все три года пытался связаться с правлением товарищества, но тщетно, даже на звонки на номер, который указан в счетах за квартплату, никто не отвечал.

В США планируют депортировать даже тех, у кого в семье дети-граждане Америки

Дональд Трамп вступит в должность президента США только в конце января, но уже сейчас называют первые имена тех, кто займет высокие посты в ег
В мире - ERR

В США планируют депортировать даже тех, у кого в семье дети-граждане Америки

Дональд Трамп вступит в должность президента США только в конце января, но уже сейчас называют первые имена тех, кто займет высокие посты в его администрации. Возможные назначения обещают более жесткую внешнюю политику, а также непримиримую линию в борьбе с нелегальной миграцией.

Tipu’s sword sells for Rs 3.4 crore at UK auction house

A sword believed to have belonged to Tipu Sultan, the Tiger of Mysore, fetched £317,900 at a Bonhams auction. The sword, with a provenance tracing back to the Battle of Seringapatam in 1799, was presented to Captain James Andrew Dick for his service in the b
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Tipu’s sword sells for Rs 3.4 crore at UK auction house

A sword believed to have belonged to Tipu Sultan, the Tiger of Mysore, fetched £317,900 at a Bonhams auction. The sword, with a provenance tracing back to the Battle of Seringapatam in 1799, was presented to Captain James Andrew Dick for his service in the battle and remained with his family until recently.

Terrorists attack search team in Kashmir, 8th gunfight in Nov

Suspected Pakistani terrorists exchanged fire with security forces in Bandipora district's Nagmarg area, marking the eighth gunfight in Kashmir this November. This encounter is the latest in a surge of violence since a new government took office in mid-Octob
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Terrorists attack search team in Kashmir, 8th gunfight in Nov

Suspected Pakistani terrorists exchanged fire with security forces in Bandipora district's Nagmarg area, marking the eighth gunfight in Kashmir this November. This encounter is the latest in a surge of violence since a new government took office in mid-October, including the deaths of soldiers, village defense guards, and civilians. Security forces have neutralized nine terrorists in Kashmir this month alone.

Woman hit in Srinagar market grenade attack dies

A 45-year-old woman, injured in a grenade attack at a Srinagar market on November 3, succumbed to her injuries on Tuesday. The attack, attributed to the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, left 11 others injured. The woman, a mother of three, was shopping for win
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Woman hit in Srinagar market grenade attack dies

A 45-year-old woman, injured in a grenade attack at a Srinagar market on November 3, succumbed to her injuries on Tuesday. The attack, attributed to the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, left 11 others injured. The woman, a mother of three, was shopping for winter clothes when the grenade exploded.

RT speaks with soldier who fought alone behind enemy lines for weeks

RT has spoken with Zakariya Aliev, who managed to survive behind enemy lines for three weeks despite being injured and low in supplies Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

RT speaks with soldier who fought alone behind enemy lines for weeks

RT has spoken with Zakariya Aliev, who managed to survive behind enemy lines for three weeks despite being injured and low in supplies Read Full Article at

England’s top Archbishop resigns over sex abuse scandal

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has stepped down following a damning report about the physical and sexual abuse of children Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

England’s top Archbishop resigns over sex abuse scandal

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has stepped down following a damning report about the physical and sexual abuse of children Read Full Article at

Kiev supports terrorist organizations – former SBU officer

Ukraine has been cooperating with terrorist groups in the Middle East to recruit fighters, a former security service (SBU) officer says Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Kiev supports terrorist organizations – former SBU officer

Ukraine has been cooperating with terrorist groups in the Middle East to recruit fighters, a former security service (SBU) officer says Read Full Article at

UK may have to provide troops to Kiev if US cuts aid – Boris Johnson

London could be forced to deploy troops to Ukraine if Moscow gets the upper hand in the ongoing conflict, Boris Johnson has claimed Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

UK may have to provide troops to Kiev if US cuts aid – Boris Johnson

London could be forced to deploy troops to Ukraine if Moscow gets the upper hand in the ongoing conflict, Boris Johnson has claimed Read Full Article at

German opposition leader wants Kiev to give Moscow an ultimatum

The head of Germany’s biggest opposition party has outlined conditions for long-range missile supplies to Ukraine Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

German opposition leader wants Kiev to give Moscow an ultimatum

The head of Germany’s biggest opposition party has outlined conditions for long-range missile supplies to Ukraine Read Full Article at

Brittihovilla on «salainen ase» – tällainen on harvoin julkisuudessa nähty Lady Louise

Edesmenneen kuningattaren lapsenlapsi Lady Louise täytti 21 vuotta 8. marraskuuta. Hän viettää vaatimatonta opiskelijaelämää.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Brittihovilla on «salainen ase» – tällainen on harvoin julkisuudessa nähty Lady Louise

Edesmenneen kuningattaren lapsenlapsi Lady Louise täytti 21 vuotta 8. marraskuuta. Hän viettää vaatimatonta opiskelijaelämää.

La présence des éleveurs Mbororo fait craindre la famine à Yakoma

La population du territoire de Yakoma (Nord-Ubangi) court le risque d’insécurité alimentaire, ont redouté lundi 11 novembre des sources locales contactées par Radio Okapi. Elles évoquent la présence accrue des éleveurs nomades Mbororo, provenant d
Radio Okapi

La présence des éleveurs Mbororo fait craindre la famine à Yakoma

La population du territoire de Yakoma (Nord-Ubangi) court le risque d’insécurité alimentaire, ont redouté lundi 11 novembre des sources locales contactées par Radio Okapi. Elles évoquent la présence accrue des éleveurs nomades Mbororo, provenant du Soudan du Sud, qui fait craindre la famine dans ce territoire. Ces éleveurs  arrivent par colonnes et envahissent les zones arables pour servir de pâturage à leurs troupeaux.

Redevelopment of Seychelles' landmark Pirates Arms starts, opening expected in Oct. 2026

The Seychelles Pension Fund (SPF) officially laid the first brick for the construction of the new Pirates Arms Complex in the centre of the capital of Victoria on Tuesday.  President Wavel Ramkalawan together with the chairperson of the SPF, Shella Mohidee
Seychelles News Agency

Redevelopment of Seychelles' landmark Pirates Arms starts, opening expected in Oct. 2026

The Seychelles Pension Fund (SPF) officially laid the first brick for the construction of the new Pirates Arms Complex in the centre of the capital of Victoria on Tuesday.  President Wavel Ramkalawan together with the chairperson of the SPF, Shella Mohideen, and the chief executive of the SPF, Nisreen Abdul Majid, each laid a brick in commemoration of the start of the construction, which is expected to be completed by October 2026. The high cost of maintenance of the old Pirate Arms building, which was a landmark in the centre of Victoria on Independence Avenue, resulted in it being torn down and will be replaced by the Pirates Arms complex. In his address, Ramkalawan said, «I want us to move forward, and after looking at the concept and plan on what we are building here, I hope it is a place that brings new hope where everyone can come together. Since Pirates Arms was demolished, there has not been anywhere in Victoria that has been the same, somewhere you could describe as the heart of Victoria. I hope the Pension Fund and the people working on this project can give Victoria its heart back.» President Wavel Ramkalawan laid a brick in commemoration of the start of the construction. (Seychelles News Agency) Photo License: CC-BY     Meanwhile, Majid, said, «According to the late historian Tony Mathiot, where we stand today was a reclaimed site of the Long Pier where the first modern tourist establishment which was, a large timber building was opened in 1928 named the Raffles Hotel. Consequently, the timber building was demolished and replaced by a new one. It opened on Saturday, January 12, 1938 under the name of Empire Hotel. In the early 1950's, Empire Hotel became the Pirates Arms. The building was renovated many times during the decades and was finally acquired by the Seychelles Pension Fund in 2006.» The Pirates Arms building was well known among locals and visitors for its restaurant serving popular Creole dishes with renowned local artists also entertaining them. It also had an array of shops and offices. For over 60 years the establishment was the rendezvous point for many and a place to hang out with friends in the heart of Victoria The old building was demolished in 2016 and now eight years later, reconstruction will start after a long journey that included re-drawing of plans and legal battles. To note work on the site had originally begun in late 2017 but stopped after the Planning Authority issued a stop notice in January 2018 because the heavy works were causing the annex building of the Central Bank of Seychelles to tilt. The head of projects at the SPF, Vincent Adam said, «Any issues and concerns that arose in the past have been resolved, and now we are moving forward. These include the piling issue that caused issues for a neighbouring building. The case has been sorted out.» According to the plans, the new complex will have five floors and a basement parking area. The development will include two signature restaurants, three additional food outlets, a food court, diverse retail spaces, conference facilities, a gym, a beauty salon, a barbershop, and a 47-room business hotel. The ground floor will retain the iconic Pirates Arms Restaurant, maintaining its original location and design as a tribute to its historic roots. Adam confirmed that the original tenants were given the right of first refusal and that most of them have indicated their wish to return. «The new building will provide opportunities for individuals and businesses to unlock their potential, for ideas to flourish, and for our community to strengthen and expand. This building will reflect our commitment to excellence, to inclusivity, and to creating opportunities for all who step inside. Hopefully, the new hotel that is planned on the 3rd and 4th floors of the new building will bring back some memories of its past glory,» said Majid. 

Navin Ramgoolam: Mauritius political veteran back in from the cold

Navin Ramgoolam, set for a third stint as prime minister of Mauritius after a landslide election victory, is a veteran politician who has been dogged by controversy in the past. The 77-year-old -- who boasts a political career spanning more than three decade
Seychelles News Agency

Navin Ramgoolam: Mauritius political veteran back in from the cold

Navin Ramgoolam, set for a third stint as prime minister of Mauritius after a landslide election victory, is a veteran politician who has been dogged by controversy in the past. The 77-year-old -- who boasts a political career spanning more than three decades -- is a member of one of the dynasties that have dominated the leadership of Mauritius since it gained independence from Britain in 1968. His father Seewoosagur Ramgoolam led Mauritius to independence and is regarded as the founding father of the Indian Ocean island nation, serving as the first head of government until 1982. Navin Ramgoolam is the longtime leader of the Labour Party and has served twice before as prime minister, between 1995 and 2000 and again from 2005 to 2014. The decisive legislative election win for the Labour-led Alliance of Change will put him back at the helm after 10 years out in the political wilderness. «Navin Ramgoolam's comeback is much more than a political victory: it is a lesson in perseverance and resilience,» said an editorial in L'Express, one of the main newspapers in Mauritius. «He returns to bring together, to mend a fractured country. On this island torn between economic crises and political divisions, he wants to be the unifier.» During the campaign, Ramgoolam charged that Mauritius, regarded as one of the most stable and wealthiest democracies in Africa, had been taken over by a group of «mafiosi». «They act as if Mauritius belonged to them and interfere in institutions,» he said. His promises of change resonated with an electorate concerned about political and economic stability, with many facing a cost-of-living crisis. «The priority of a possible Alliance of Change government is the restoration of democracy, the revival of the economy, the reduction in the cost of living, the fight against drugs,» he said during the campaign. Ramgoolam started out in medicine, qualifying as a doctor in the 1970s and working in Ireland and Britain as well as his home country. During that time, in 1978, he was arrested for drunk driving, pleaded guilty and was fined, according to UK Foreign Office documents cited by Mauritian media. In the 1990s Ramgoolam switched to law in the UK, and also embarked on his political career, becoming leader of the Labour Party in Mauritius. After his two tenures as premier, he suffered defeat at the ballot box in 2014 and again in 2019. He lost in 2019 to Pravind Jugnauth, the man he later vanquished in Sunday's poll. Two months after his December 2014 election loss to Jugnauth's father Anerood Jugnauth, Ramgoolam was arrested on charges including conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and money laundering, but has never been convicted. He has denounced the accusations against him as the «politics of revenge».  

UK to beef up its emissions cuts as it bids to be 'climate leader'

The UK will aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 81 percent on 1990 levels by 2035, Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced Tuesday, as his government ramps up its ambitions to help curb climate change. The new target is the latest policy change in this a
Seychelles News Agency

UK to beef up its emissions cuts as it bids to be 'climate leader'

The UK will aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 81 percent on 1990 levels by 2035, Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced Tuesday, as his government ramps up its ambitions to help curb climate change. The new target is the latest policy change in this area by Starmer's new Labour government, which took power in July. It follows criticism that the previous Conservative administration under Rishi Sunak was failing to deliver on the so-called green agenda. Ex-prime minister Boris Johnson had committed in 2021 to curb such emissions by 78 percent over the same period compared to 1990. Starmer unveiled the revised target at the start of the COP29 climate conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, where he is one of the only G20 leaders to show up. The summit has been overshadowed by the re-election in the United States of longtime climate change sceptic Donald Trump, as well as new warnings that 2024 is on track to break temperature records. Starmer said Britain was «building on our reputation as a climate leader» and that it has «a critical role to play». «I've had a series of meetings here at COP this week because this government recognises that the world stands at a critical juncture in the climate crisis,» he said. «There is no national security, there is no economic security, there is no global security without climate security.» - 'Feasible' - Sunak faced criticism for a series of moves during his 20-month tenure which were seen as backpedalling on the UK's climate commitments. They included delaying the shift to electric cars and granting a flurry of controversial new oil and gas licences. Labour won the July general election vowing to be more ambitious, promising among other things to decarbonise the UK's electricity grid by 2030. It has since ended an effective Tory ban on new onshore wind projects and ended new oil and gas exploration licences in the North Sea. The new government has also closed the UK's last coal power plant, prompting Starmer to proclaim Tuesday that Britain was the «first G7 economy to phase out coal power». The Climate Change Committee (CCC), the UK's top advisory body on the issue, warned shortly after Labour took power that it must act «fast» to put the country back on track to meet its climate goals. Piers Forster, its interim head, welcomed Tuesday's new «Nationally Determined Contribution», or NDC, target for 2035 as «showing climate leadership». «Our analysis shows that this is a feasible target that will support jobs and investment,» he said, adding it was «informed by the latest science, technological developments, and the UK’s national circumstances». - 'Ahead of the game' - Appearing mindful of accusations of being overly interventionist, Starmer insisted his ministers were not going to «start telling people how to live their lives» to meet the goal. «We're not going to start dictating to people what they do,» he added. However, the UK leader reiterated his view that «inaction and delay» on climate change were not an option. «Make no mistake, the race is on for the clean energy jobs of the future, the economy of tomorrow,» he said. «And I don't want to be in the middle of the pack. I want to get ahead of the game.» Various environmental groups cautiously welcomed the new 2035 target. Friends of the Earth's head of campaigns, Rosie Downes, called it «a step in the right direction but (that it) must be seen as a floor to the level of ambition not a ceiling». «Deeper, faster cuts are needed to help avert the climate collision course we are on,» she added. Meanwhile Forster noted a target was «only as meaningful as the delivery against it». «We need to see further urgent action to speed up deployment of low-carbon solutions such as electric vehicles, heat pumps and tree planting,» he added.

Pelnosi iš vairuotojų ar tik taip drausmina? „Auksiniai“ trikojai – brangesni ir už naują mašiną

Kartas nuo karto viešumoje pasigirsta istorijų, kai už apgadintus greičio matuoklius lietuvių reikalaujama sumokėti penkiaženklę sumą, viršijančią ir 46 tūkst. eurų. Po tokių pranešimų kyla ir nemažas pasipiktinimas – už ką reikia tiek m

Pelnosi iš vairuotojų ar tik taip drausmina? „Auksiniai“ trikojai – brangesni ir už naują mašiną

Kartas nuo karto viešumoje pasigirsta istorijų, kai už apgadintus greičio matuoklius lietuvių reikalaujama sumokėti penkiaženklę sumą, viršijančią ir 46 tūkst. eurų. Po tokių pranešimų kyla ir nemažas pasipiktinimas – už ką reikia tiek mokėti ir ar trikojų taisymas iš tiesų gali tiek atsieiti? Vis tik pasirodo, kad už seno matuoklio sutvarkymą mokama apie 50 proc. daugiau, negu policija sumokėjo už naują, kartu su jo integravimu ir darbuotojų mokymais.

Teheranas ir Maskva jungia bankų sistemas: iranietiškos kortelės jau veikia Rusijoje

Iranietiškomis bankų kortelėmis jau galima naudotis Rusijoje, mat abi šalys sujungė savo bankų sistemas, pirmadienį pranešė valstybinė televizija. Nuo 2018 metų Irano bankai pašalinti iš SWIFT – tarptautinio tarpbankinių atsiskaitymų tinklo

Teheranas ir Maskva jungia bankų sistemas: iranietiškos kortelės jau veikia Rusijoje

Iranietiškomis bankų kortelėmis jau galima naudotis Rusijoje, mat abi šalys sujungė savo bankų sistemas, pirmadienį pranešė valstybinė televizija. Nuo 2018 metų Irano bankai pašalinti iš SWIFT – tarptautinio tarpbankinių atsiskaitymų tinklo, leidžiančio greitai ir saugiai vykdyti tarptautines operacijas.

Защитник Манчестер Юнайтед сыграет в футбол впервые за 18 месяцев

Тайрелл Маласия попытается восстановить игровой тонус в матче за молодежку манкунианцев.
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Защитник Манчестер Юнайтед сыграет в футбол впервые за 18 месяцев

Тайрелл Маласия попытается восстановить игровой тонус в матче за молодежку манкунианцев.

В Кыргызстане заявили о предотвращении переворота

Задержан бывший заместитель генерального прокурора Адыла Кубана уула и еще шесть человек.
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В Кыргызстане заявили о предотвращении переворота

Задержан бывший заместитель генерального прокурора Адыла Кубана уула и еще шесть человек.

Afghanistan surpasses Bangladesh in ODI rankings after series victory

Amu: Afghanistan has moved ahead of Bangladesh in the latest ICC One Day International rankings following their recent three-match series, where Afghanistan claimed a 2-1 victory. Bangladesh now drops to ninth, while Afghanistan climbs to eighth. Both teams h
Afghan Online Press

Afghanistan surpasses Bangladesh in ODI rankings after series victory

Amu: Afghanistan has moved ahead of Bangladesh in the latest ICC One Day International rankings following their recent three-match series, where Afghanistan claimed a 2-1 victory. Bangladesh now drops to ninth, while Afghanistan climbs to eighth. Both teams have three more ODIs scheduled this year: Bangladesh will play the West Indies in the Caribbean inRead More...

WHO reports 23 Polio Cases in Afghanistan this year

Khaama: The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a report stating that 23 cases of polio in children have been recorded in Afghanistan since the beginning of this year. On Tuesday, November 12, WHO reported in its weekly update that three new polio ca
Afghan Online Press

WHO reports 23 Polio Cases in Afghanistan this year

Khaama: The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a report stating that 23 cases of polio in children have been recorded in Afghanistan since the beginning of this year. On Tuesday, November 12, WHO reported in its weekly update that three new polio cases were registered in October, two in the Maiwand and Ghorak districtsRead More...


A construção de uma unidade hospitalar com melhores serviços oncológicos e o surgimento de unidades fabris para a produção de medicamentos e vacinas preocupam (quem diria? o Presidente da República, general João Lourenço. Mas será que o Presidente d
Folha 8 Jornal Angolano Independente | Notícias de Angola


A construção de uma unidade hospitalar com melhores serviços oncológicos e o surgimento de unidades fabris para a produção de medicamentos e vacinas preocupam (quem diria? o Presidente da República, general João Lourenço. Mas será que o Presidente do MPLA e o Titular do Poder Executivo também estão preocupados? Chefe de Estado, após descerrar como é obrigatório a placa e visitar o Hospital Geral do Cuanza-Norte Mário Pinto de Andrade, esta terça-feira, 12 de Novembro, no município de Cazengo, disse ser também necessário a formação do pessoal que irá trabalhar… The post PRESIDENTE NÃO TEM MÃOS A MEDIR appeared first on Jornal Folha 8.

የትግራይ ክልል ጊዜያዊ አስተዳደር በእነ ዶ.ር. ደብረጽዮን የሚመራውን ቡድን በመፈንቅለ መንግሥት ከሰሰ

በህወሓት አመራሮች መካከል የተፈጠረው አለመግባባት በውይይት እንደሚቋጭ በመሪዎቹ መካከል ቃል መገባቱት በክልል ከሚገኙ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ከተነገረ ከዐሥር ቀና
የአሜሪካ ድምፅ

የትግራይ ክልል ጊዜያዊ አስተዳደር በእነ ዶ.ር. ደብረጽዮን የሚመራውን ቡድን በመፈንቅለ መንግሥት ከሰሰ

በህወሓት አመራሮች መካከል የተፈጠረው አለመግባባት በውይይት እንደሚቋጭ በመሪዎቹ መካከል ቃል መገባቱት በክልል ከሚገኙ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ከተነገረ ከዐሥር ቀናት በኋላ፣ ጊዜያዊ አስተዳደሩ በእነ ዶ.ር. ደብረጽዮን የሚመራውን ቡድን “ይፋዊ መፈንቅለ መንግሥት እያካሄደ ነው” ሲል ከሷል። አስተዳደሩ ትላንት ባወጣው መግለጫ፣ በአስተዳደሩ ሥር የሚገኙት የፓርቲው አመራሮች ያለ ቅድመ ኹኔታ ችግሮችን በሰላማዊ መንገድ ለመፍታት ለውይይት ዝግጁ መኾናቸውን ገልጿል። በመግለጫው ላይ በእነ ዶ.ር. ደብረ ጽዮን ብረሚካኤል ወገን በኩል ምላሽ ለማግኘት በስልክ እና በአካል ያደረግነው ሙከራ አልተሳካም። (ዝርዝሩን ከተያያዘው የድምፅ ፋይል ያገኛሉ)  

ቻይና ውስጥ የመኪና አሽከርካሪ 35 ሰዎች ገጭቶ ገደለ 

ዙሃይ በተባለች የደቡባዊ ቻይና ከተማ አንድ የመኪና አሽከርካሪ በስፖርት ማዕከል  ስፖርት ሲሰሩ የነበሩ ሰዎች መሃል መኪናውን እየነዳ ገብቶ 35 ሰዎችን ሲገድል
የአሜሪካ ድምፅ

ቻይና ውስጥ የመኪና አሽከርካሪ 35 ሰዎች ገጭቶ ገደለ 

ዙሃይ በተባለች የደቡባዊ ቻይና ከተማ አንድ የመኪና አሽከርካሪ በስፖርት ማዕከል  ስፖርት ሲሰሩ የነበሩ ሰዎች መሃል መኪናውን እየነዳ ገብቶ 35 ሰዎችን ሲገድል ሌሎች 43 ሰዎች ማቁሰሉን ፖሊስ አስታወቀ።  የስድሳ ሁለት ዓመቱ የመኪናው አሽከርካሪ በቁጥጥር ሥር መዋሉን ፖሊስ ትላንት  ሰኞ ማታ አስታውቋል።  ድርጊቱ ሆን ተብሎ የተፈጸመ ጥቃት ወይም አደጋ ይሁን ለጊዜው አለመታወቁን ፖሊስ አመልክቷል።  ድርጊቱ የተፈጸመው  ከተማዋ በየዓመቱ የቻይና ህዝባዊ ነጻ አውጪ ሠራዊት የአቪየሽን ትርዒት የምታስተናግድ ስትሆን  ትርዒቱ ዛሬ ማክሰኞ ተከፍቷል። 

រថយន្តបុកមនុស្សនៅចិន ស្លាប់ជាង៣០នាក់ ហើយរងរបួសជាង៤០នាក់

នៅភាគខាងជើងប្រទេសចិន យ៉ាងហោចណាស់ មនុស្ស ៣៥នាក់បានស្លាប់ ព្រមទាំង ៤៣នាក់ផ្សេងទៀតរងរបួស  នៅក

រថយន្តបុកមនុស្សនៅចិន ស្លាប់ជាង៣០នាក់ ហើយរងរបួសជាង៤០នាក់

នៅភាគខាងជើងប្រទេសចិន យ៉ាងហោចណាស់ មនុស្ស ៣៥នាក់បានស្លាប់ ព្រមទាំង ៤៣នាក់ផ្សេងទៀតរងរបួស  នៅក្នុងហេតុការណ៍រថយន្តបើក​បុកហ្វូងមនុស្ស កាលពីយប់ថ្ងៃចន្ទ។ នេះបើយោងតាមការបញ្ជាក់របស់អាជ្ញាធរមូលដ្ឋាន នៅខេត្តក្វាងទុង​ ។

Русия е била близо до ядрен удар в Украйна

"Изключителни“ разузнавателни данни, САЩ заключили, че има 50 процента възможност

Русия е била близо до ядрен удар в Украйна

"Изключителни“ разузнавателни данни, САЩ заключили, че има 50 процента възможност

Скандал - Дуда отказа да се снима с Лукашенко

Дуда присъства на официалното посрещане, но не се появи на снимка с останалите лидери

Скандал - Дуда отказа да се снима с Лукашенко

Дуда присъства на официалното посрещане, но не се появи на снимка с останалите лидери