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April trial date set for ex-Canadian world junior hockey players accused of sexual assault

Five players accused of sexually assaulting a woman after a London, Ont., gala celebrating their 2018 world junior hockey win will now stand trial beginning in April 2025, a judge ruled Tuesday.
CBC | Canada News

April trial date set for ex-Canadian world junior hockey players accused of sexual assault

Five players accused of sexually assaulting a woman after a London, Ont., gala celebrating their 2018 world junior hockey win will now stand trial beginning in April 2025, a judge ruled Tuesday.

Ontario school board spending over $41K on staff travel to Brazil, Italy, Germany and Dubai

A superintendent with the Halton Catholic District School Board travelled to conferences around the world to attract international students, but the board won't say how many were directly recruited.
CBC | Canada News

Ontario school board spending over $41K on staff travel to Brazil, Italy, Germany and Dubai

A superintendent with the Halton Catholic District School Board travelled to conferences around the world to attract international students, but the board won't say how many were directly recruited.

3 men arrested in B.C. have ties to Mexican drug cartels, RCMP say

Mounties say they've arrested three men in Surrey, B.C., believed to be tied to a transnational organized crime group connected to Mexican drug cartels, while four others suspected of trafficking large quantities of drugs were arrested in Burnaby, B.C. 
CBC | Canada News

3 men arrested in B.C. have ties to Mexican drug cartels, RCMP say

Mounties say they've arrested three men in Surrey, B.C., believed to be tied to a transnational organized crime group connected to Mexican drug cartels, while four others suspected of trafficking large quantities of drugs were arrested in Burnaby, B.C. 

N.S. Liberals allege voter bribery after PC candidate handed out Tim Hortons gift cards

The Liberals want Susan Corkum-Greek removed from the ballot in the upcoming provincial election, but the Nova Scotia Supreme Court confirmed Wednesday it will not hear the case until after voting day on Nov. 26.
CBC | Canada News

N.S. Liberals allege voter bribery after PC candidate handed out Tim Hortons gift cards

The Liberals want Susan Corkum-Greek removed from the ballot in the upcoming provincial election, but the Nova Scotia Supreme Court confirmed Wednesday it will not hear the case until after voting day on Nov. 26.

Biden și Xi Jinping se întâlnesc pentru prima dată anul acesta, în Peru. Despre ce vor discuta

Președintele SUA, Joe Biden se va întâlni sâmbără cu omologul său din China, Xi Jinping.

Biden și Xi Jinping se întâlnesc pentru prima dată anul acesta, în Peru. Despre ce vor discuta

Președintele SUA, Joe Biden se va întâlni sâmbără cu omologul său din China, Xi Jinping.

Horoscop joi, 14 noiembrie. Zodia care trebuie să fie atentă la sănătate. Cine îşi acuză pe nedrept partenerul

Lorina, astrologul Click!, ştie ce au pregătit astrele pentru ziua de joi, 14 noiembrie, şi a realizat predicţiile în ceea ce priveşte sănătatea, iubirea şi banii pentru toate cele 12 semne zodiacale.

Horoscop joi, 14 noiembrie. Zodia care trebuie să fie atentă la sănătate. Cine îşi acuză pe nedrept partenerul

Lorina, astrologul Click!, ştie ce au pregătit astrele pentru ziua de joi, 14 noiembrie, şi a realizat predicţiile în ceea ce priveşte sănătatea, iubirea şi banii pentru toate cele 12 semne zodiacale.

Polițistul care a condus pe trotuar, în Cluj-Napoca, deși nu se afla în misiune. Un coleg a folosit și el abuziv mijloacele sonore şi luminoase

Poliţia Judeţeană Cluj a sancționat agenți de poliție după ce au apărut filmări pe rețelele sociale în care foloseau abuziv mijloacele sonore şi luminoase.

Polițistul care a condus pe trotuar, în Cluj-Napoca, deși nu se afla în misiune. Un coleg a folosit și el abuziv mijloacele sonore şi luminoase

Poliţia Judeţeană Cluj a sancționat agenți de poliție după ce au apărut filmări pe rețelele sociale în care foloseau abuziv mijloacele sonore şi luminoase.

اجاره اسپیس با هزینه مناسب: از کجا اجاره کنیم؟

هزینه خرید یا اجاره اسپیس‌ یکی از فاکتورهای مهم هنگام تهیه این سازه می‌باشد که با توجه به ویژگی های محصول و نوع آن، متغیر است.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

اجاره اسپیس با هزینه مناسب: از کجا اجاره کنیم؟

هزینه خرید یا اجاره اسپیس‌ یکی از فاکتورهای مهم هنگام تهیه این سازه می‌باشد که با توجه به ویژگی های محصول و نوع آن، متغیر است.

بزرگترین و بهترین خریدار ضایعات آهن در کشور

امروزه شرکت‌های زیادی در زمینه خرید ضایعات آهن در کشور فعالیت دارند که به نوعی می‌توانند بر روی قیمت ضایعات آهن سنگین و دیگر انواع قراضه‌های
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

بزرگترین و بهترین خریدار ضایعات آهن در کشور

امروزه شرکت‌های زیادی در زمینه خرید ضایعات آهن در کشور فعالیت دارند که به نوعی می‌توانند بر روی قیمت ضایعات آهن سنگین و دیگر انواع قراضه‌های آهنی هم اثر بگذارند

طرز تهیه پیتزا خانگی در ماهیتابه (پیتزا تابه ای)

پیتزا یکی از محبوب‌ترین غذاهای جهان است که در انواع مختلف و با ترکیب مواد متنوعی تهیه می‌شود.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

طرز تهیه پیتزا خانگی در ماهیتابه (پیتزا تابه ای)

پیتزا یکی از محبوب‌ترین غذاهای جهان است که در انواع مختلف و با ترکیب مواد متنوعی تهیه می‌شود.

Ukraine could have nuclear weapon in months – report

A think tank in Kiev has claimed that the Ukrainian military could scavenge enough plutonium to build hundreds of warheads Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Ukraine could have nuclear weapon in months – report

A think tank in Kiev has claimed that the Ukrainian military could scavenge enough plutonium to build hundreds of warheads Read Full Article at

Ukraine demands that African bloc denounce official’s ‘genocide’ remarks

Kiev wants ECOWAS to disavow Commissioner Abdel-Fatau Musah for calling Ukraine’s actions in Donbass a genocide Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Ukraine demands that African bloc denounce official’s ‘genocide’ remarks

Kiev wants ECOWAS to disavow Commissioner Abdel-Fatau Musah for calling Ukraine’s actions in Donbass a genocide Read Full Article at

British officers in trouble for dressing up as Nazis

Two British military officers were booted from a Halloween party for performing Nazi salutes in SS costumes, the Daily Mail has reported Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

British officers in trouble for dressing up as Nazis

Two British military officers were booted from a Halloween party for performing Nazi salutes in SS costumes, the Daily Mail has reported Read Full Article at

113 German MPs call for ban on major opposition party

A faction in the Bundestag has accused Alternative for Germany (AfD) of violating democratic principles and has demanded its ban Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

113 German MPs call for ban on major opposition party

A faction in the Bundestag has accused Alternative for Germany (AfD) of violating democratic principles and has demanded its ban Read Full Article at

12強賽多明尼加最後3局攻6分 擊退古巴搶首勝

世界12強棒球賽多明尼加預賽首戰與古巴交手,多明尼加前6局1分未得,7到9局攻下6分,終場以6比1搶勝,明天將與台灣隊交手。 世界12強棒球賽B組預賽今天開打,多明尼加在天...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

12強賽多明尼加最後3局攻6分 擊退古巴搶首勝

世界12強棒球賽多明尼加預賽首戰與古巴交手,多明尼加前6局1分未得,7到9局攻下6分,終場以6比1搶勝,明天將與台灣隊交手。 世界12強棒球賽B組預賽今天開打,多明尼加在天...…

上屆12強王牌張奕直呼這次更震撼 被林昱(王民)圈粉

世界12強棒球賽台灣隊今天力抗韓國,5年前的「抗韓英雄」張奕今天也有登板,最後奪下勝投,他直呼,這次12強比上次還要震撼,也笑言被新一代抗韓英雄林昱(王民)「圈粉」。 張奕是...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

上屆12強王牌張奕直呼這次更震撼 被林昱(王民)圈粉

世界12強棒球賽台灣隊今天力抗韓國,5年前的「抗韓英雄」張奕今天也有登板,最後奪下勝投,他直呼,這次12強比上次還要震撼,也笑言被新一代抗韓英雄林昱(王民)「圈粉」。 張奕是...…

馬刺傳奇教頭波波維奇因病缺陣 球團證實輕度中風

美國職籃NBA聖安東尼奧馬刺隊球團今天表示,馬刺總教練波波維奇(Gregg Popovich)在本月初「輕度中風」,但預計他會完全康復。 法新社報導,現年75歲的波波維奇缺...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

馬刺傳奇教頭波波維奇因病缺陣 球團證實輕度中風

美國職籃NBA聖安東尼奧馬刺隊球團今天表示,馬刺總教練波波維奇(Gregg Popovich)在本月初「輕度中風」,但預計他會完全康復。 法新社報導,現年75歲的波波維奇缺...…

Милиционеры в Борисовском районе предотвратили незаконный вывоз более 11 тонн черного и цветного лома

Правоохранители установили, что мужчина незаконно заготавливал металлолом с января этого года для дальнейшей продажи за рубеж.
Беларусь - WWW.BELTA.BY

Милиционеры в Борисовском районе предотвратили незаконный вывоз более 11 тонн черного и цветного лома

Правоохранители установили, что мужчина незаконно заготавливал металлолом с января этого года для дальнейшей продажи за рубеж.

На съезде малых городов Гродненской и Нижегородской областей обсудят гражданские инициативы

Съезд состоится в 2025 году в Мостах, однако российских гостей по традиции примут все районы - участники Партнерского альянса, который выступа
Беларусь - WWW.BELTA.BY

На съезде малых городов Гродненской и Нижегородской областей обсудят гражданские инициативы

Съезд состоится в 2025 году в Мостах, однако российских гостей по традиции примут все районы - участники Партнерского альянса, который выступает соорганизатором съезда. Это Волковысский, Зельвенский, Мостовский, Свислочский, Слонимский и Щучинский районы.

Территория безопасности и памяти. В Минске открыли «Проезд спасателей»

На карте Минска около станции метро «Петровщина» теперь можно найти участок улично-дорожной сети с названием «Праезд ратавальнікаў
Беларусь - WWW.BELTA.BY

Территория безопасности и памяти. В Минске открыли «Проезд спасателей»

На карте Минска около станции метро «Петровщина» теперь можно найти участок улично-дорожной сети с названием «Праезд ратавальнікаў», который стал не только маршрутом для оперативных служб, но и символом уважения к труду спасателей.

Бесплатный аудиогид появился на пешеходной улице в историческом центре Гродно

Теперь туристы и гости областного центра могут не просто прогуляться по мощеной центральной улице Советской, но и прослушать десятиминутну
Беларусь - WWW.BELTA.BY

Бесплатный аудиогид появился на пешеходной улице в историческом центре Гродно

Теперь туристы и гости областного центра могут не просто прогуляться по мощеной центральной улице Советской, но и прослушать десятиминутную экскурсию, рассказывающую о богатом событиями прошлом этой части города, расположенных на улице исторических зданиях.

Мужчина угнал автомобиль знакомого и врезался в дорожное ограждение в Кобрине

Угон автомобиля - одно из самых распространенных преступлений против личного имущества, которое причиняет серьезные убытки автовладельцам
Беларусь - WWW.BELTA.BY

Мужчина угнал автомобиль знакомого и врезался в дорожное ограждение в Кобрине

Угон автомобиля - одно из самых распространенных преступлений против личного имущества, которое причиняет серьезные убытки автовладельцам и создает дополнительные риски для других участников дорожного движения, отметили в УВД.

Enfants tués à Taninges, en Haute-Savoie : le corps d'une femme découvert, la piste d'un assassinat et d'un suicide

Le procureur de la République de Bonneville a confirmé ce mercredi que le corps d'une femme découvert dans une voiture en Suisse se trouvait dans le véhicule utilisé par la mère des trois enfants retrouvés morts à leur domicile en Haute-Savoie, et pri
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Enfants tués à Taninges, en Haute-Savoie : le corps d'une femme découvert, la piste d'un assassinat et d'un suicide

Le procureur de la République de Bonneville a confirmé ce mercredi que le corps d'une femme découvert dans une voiture en Suisse se trouvait dans le véhicule utilisé par la mère des trois enfants retrouvés morts à leur domicile en Haute-Savoie, et principale suspecte.

Le match France - Israël perturbé ? Des mesures de sécurité drastiques et des craintes qui persistent

L'équipe de France va bien affronter celle d'Israël dans un match de football au Stade de France ce jeudi 14 novembre. Le spectateurs seront peu nombreux à la différence des forces de l'ordre, mais des débordements et des violences sont toujours redout
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Le match France - Israël perturbé ? Des mesures de sécurité drastiques et des craintes qui persistent

L'équipe de France va bien affronter celle d'Israël dans un match de football au Stade de France ce jeudi 14 novembre. Le spectateurs seront peu nombreux à la différence des forces de l'ordre, mais des débordements et des violences sont toujours redoutés.

La mission confiée à Musk par Trump fait pâlir d'envie la droite en France

Proche de Donald Trump, Elon Musk vient d'être nommé à la tête d'un ministère de l'Efficacité gouvernementale aux États-Unis dont l'objectif pourrait être de réaliser 2 000 milliards de dollars de coupes claires dans un budget du gouvernement féd
Actualité : Derniers contenus

La mission confiée à Musk par Trump fait pâlir d'envie la droite en France

Proche de Donald Trump, Elon Musk vient d'être nommé à la tête d'un ministère de l'Efficacité gouvernementale aux États-Unis dont l'objectif pourrait être de réaliser 2 000 milliards de dollars de coupes claires dans un budget du gouvernement fédéral de 6 500 à 7 000 milliards.

Marine Le Pen : le scénario d'une candidature impossible en 2027 se précise

Les réquisitions au procès des assistants parlementaires du RN sont tombées. Cinq ans de prison, dont trois ans avec sursis, et cinq ans d'inéligibilité ont été requis contre Marine Le Pen.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Marine Le Pen : le scénario d'une candidature impossible en 2027 se précise

Les réquisitions au procès des assistants parlementaires du RN sont tombées. Cinq ans de prison, dont trois ans avec sursis, et cinq ans d'inéligibilité ont été requis contre Marine Le Pen.

Somaliland goes to the polls amid Ethiopia-Somalia port deal row

Amid escalating regional tensions, voters in the self-declared state of Somaliland will vote on Wednesday in its fourth general election since its 1991 break from Somalia. While Somaliland now has its own government, parliament, currency, passports and other
Hiiraan Online

Somaliland goes to the polls amid Ethiopia-Somalia port deal row

Amid escalating regional tensions, voters in the self-declared state of Somaliland will vote on Wednesday in its fourth general election since its 1991 break from Somalia. While Somaliland now has its own government, parliament, currency, passports and other features of an independent country, however, its sovereignty remains unrecognised internationally as Somalia continues to view it as part of its territory.

Somaliland votes in pivotal presidential election, drawing strong turnout

Hargeisa (HOL) — Voters across Somaliland took to the polls early Tuesday morning in an election that could reshape the political structure of the self-declared republic. Seeking re-election, incumbent President Muse Bihi Abdi of the ruling Kulmiye Party fa
Hiiraan Online

Somaliland votes in pivotal presidential election, drawing strong turnout

Hargeisa (HOL) — Voters across Somaliland took to the polls early Tuesday morning in an election that could reshape the political structure of the self-declared republic. Seeking re-election, incumbent President Muse Bihi Abdi of the ruling Kulmiye Party faces opposition from Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro of Waddani and Faisal Ali Warabe from UCID.

In Africa, meager expectations and some hopes for a second Trump presidency

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — African leaders may have been quick to congratulate Donald Trump on his election, professing a desire for mutually beneficial partnerships, but there are meager expectations that his presidency will change things for this continent of
Hiiraan Online

In Africa, meager expectations and some hopes for a second Trump presidency

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — African leaders may have been quick to congratulate Donald Trump on his election, professing a desire for mutually beneficial partnerships, but there are meager expectations that his presidency will change things for this continent of over 1.4 billion people.

High price of butter has Canadians feeling spread thin, so why are costs up?

The cost of groceries remains high across the country – including the price of an item most people have in their homes, butter. - Canada - Public RSS

High price of butter has Canadians feeling spread thin, so why are costs up?

The cost of groceries remains high across the country – including the price of an item most people have in their homes, butter.

Boric confirmó reunión con Xi Jinping: «Estamos construyendo una relación duradera»

El Presidente visitó este miércoles la Feria Internacional del Libro de Santiago donde manifestó el interés de Chile por compartir la cultura entre ambos países.

Boric confirmó reunión con Xi Jinping: «Estamos construyendo una relación duradera»

El Presidente visitó este miércoles la Feria Internacional del Libro de Santiago donde manifestó el interés de Chile por compartir la cultura entre ambos países.